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a guest
May 22nd, 2017
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  1. t(0.5) GlowMesh(false,"Sphere",t,v3(14,1,14),'Navy blue',cn(orpos)*cn(0,0.5,0),0.1,1,0.02) until pla.Position~=orpos or (pla.Position-to.Position).magnitude>10
  2. to.Velocity=v3(0,0,0)
  3. end
  4. pl.Chatted:connect(function(ms) local m = ms:lower() if su.Parent == nil then return end
  5. if m=="tkon" then tk = true
  6. elseif m=="tkoff" then tk = false
  7. elseif m == "rake" and Anim=="None" then Anim = "Special"
  8. for i=1,8 do FistBoom(to.CFrame*ca(0,rd((360/8)*i),0)*cn(0,3,-6),1.5,rn(d[1]*2,d[2]*2),15) end wait(2) Anim="None"
  9. elseif m == "torn" and Anim=="None" then Anim = "Special"
  10. for i=1,10 do SpawnTornado(t.CFrame*cn(0,3,0)*ca(0,rd((360/10)*i),0)*cn(0,0,-2.5),1.5,1.5,8) end Anim = "None"
  11. elseif m == "blast" and Anim=="None" then Anim = "Special"
  12. for i=1,10 do MatterBall(to.CFrame*ca(0,rd((360/10)*i),0)*cn(0,1.5,-2.5),6,5,30,1.5) end Anim = "None"
  13. elseif m:sub(1,2) == "s/" then q(function() loadstring(ms:sub(3))() end)
  14. end end)
  15. bin = it("HopperBin",bp) --bin = it("Tool") it("Part",bin).Name = "Handle"
  16. bin.Name = sn
  17. ---- TUT03LOL
  18. bin.Selected:connect(function(mouse2) mouse = mouse2
  19. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(k) ky[k:lower()] = true
  20. Act(k:lower(),true) end)
  21. mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(k) ky[k:lower()] = false
  22. Act(k:lower(),false) end)
  23. mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() ButtonDown() end)
  24. end)
  25. ---- TUT04LOL
  26. bin.Deselected:connect(function()
  27. end)
  28. --bin.Parent = c
  29. fac = false local bgg = it('BodyGyro',to)
  30. ---- TUT05LOL
  31. q(function() while wait() do
  32. if caw then hu.WalkSpeed = wss else hu.WalkSpeed = 0 end
  33. if fac then bgg.maxTorque = v3(1/0,1/0,1/0) bgg.D = 50 bgg.cframe = cn(to.Position,v3(mouse.hit.p.x,to.Position.y,mouse.hit.p.z)) else bgg.maxTorque = v3(0,0,0) end
  34. end end)
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