
Just Political Violence

Nov 3rd, 2018
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  1. 14 Jun 2017 Alexandria, Virginia 1 5 TER-left shooting attack targeting Republican lawmakers at a baseball field; 5 injured including U.S. Representative Steve Scalise and 1 police officer; attacker was fatally shot
  2. Monfd
  3. drholiday: I have some questions for you.
  4. fierygt
  5. yep. so you have 1 shooting you can point to, to blame on a 'lefty'.
  6. drholiday
  7. so
  8. Monfd
  9. At which point is it justified to use violence against political leaders?
  10. drholiday
  11. you have one on a righyt
  12. drholiday
  13. there are only 5 or 6 terror attacks yearly
  14. Monfd
  15. drholiday: 71% of political violence in the last 15 years has been from the Right.
  16. Monfd
  17. 26% from Islamists.
  18. Monfd
  19. 3% from the Left.
  20. fierygt
  21. you can have that one. meanwhile, just last week, 2 black people were killed for being black and 11 jewish people were killed for being jewish and 11 pipebombs were sent for being 'enemies of trump'.
  22. drholiday
  24. Buzzard
  25. ~ Harrisburg, Pennsylvania was an Islamic Terrorist Attack - Live Trading News
  26. drholiday
  27. 11 pipebombs that didnt work
  28. drholiday
  29. confirmed by a bomb expert
  30. horncell has changed mode: +v Monfd
  31. fierygt
  32. that they didn't WORK is not relevant.
  33. Monfd
  34. drholiday: I have some questions for you.
  35. drholiday
  36. ofcourse it is
  37. drholiday
  38. nobody dies if you send fake bombs
  39. fierygt
  40. they were still SENT.
  41. Monfd
  42. At which point is it justified to use violence against political leaders?
  43. drholiday
  44. i could send you a bullet letter with a warning
  45. drholiday
  46. doesnt kill you
  47. drholiday
  48. never
  49. Monfd
  50. drholiday: 71% of political violence in the last 15 years has been from the Right.
  51. Monfd
  52. 26% from Islamists.
  53. Monfd
  54. 3% from the Left.
  55. drholiday
  56. lies
  57. drholiday
  58. 1/3 has been from the right
  59. fierygt
  60. chris wray said they were NOT hoax devices. meaning they could have caused damage at any point.
  61. Monfd
  63. Buzzard
  64. ~ The far-right was responsible for the majority of extremist killings in 2017 — Quartz
  65. Monfd
  66. You are incorrect @ 1/3.
  67. Monfd
  68. Citation requested for your 1/3 claim.
  69. Monfd
  70. drholiday: If you send a bullet with a warning, you will be charged with serious felonies.
  71. Monfd
  72. Depending on the message, one of those charges could be terrorism.
  73. drholiday
  74. Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists are the second deadliest group by ideology, as they account for 6.6% of all terrorist murders during this time. The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the second deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history, killed 168 people and accounted for 77% of all the murders committed by Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists. The chance of being murdered in a Nationalist or Right Wing terrorist attack was about 1 in
  75. drholiday
  76. 33 million per year.
  77. drholiday
  79. Buzzard
  80. ~ Which Ideology Has Inspired The Most Murders In Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Soil?
  81. drholiday
  82. i rather go with forbes
  83. fierygt
  84. Wray says each of the pipe bombs contained materials that could react and cause a potential explosion.
  85. drholiday
  86. than someone who uses a headlight right wingers didi it Monfd
  87. 19:36 drholiday
  88. 6.6 ^%
  89. drholiday
  90. Terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992. Terrorists with unknown or other motivations were the least deadly. Islamists swamped them all.
  91. drholiday
  92. ilsammers are number one
  93. drholiday
  94. Left Wing terrorists killed only 23 people in terrorist attacks during this time, about 0.7% of the total number of murders, but 13 since the beginning of 2016. Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists have only killed five since then, including Charlottesville. Regardless, the annual chance of being murdered by a Left Wing terrorist was about 1 in 330 million per year.
  95. drholiday
  96. left number 3
  97. Monfd
  98. drholiday: The numbers change over different time periods.
  99. drholiday
  100. 1 islamers 2 right winger 3 lefties
  101. drholiday
  102. so
  103. drholiday
  104. try again
  105. Monfd
  106. For example, Left violence has been increasing in the las few years.
  107. fierygt
  108. just because you fuck up, and get caught in the middle of robbing a bank, doesn't mean you ain't committing a crime. and just because you failed to murder people with pipebombs, don't mean you didn't TRY.
  109. Monfd
  110. Your time period, from the article, extends to 1992.
  111. drholiday
  112. i dont care for your wishy washy
  113. drholiday
  114. 77%
  115. Monfd
  116. drholiday: I put you on ignore.
  117. Monfd
  118. Reason: You announced you're not interested in debate.
  119. Monfd
  120. fierygt: The 12 target that were sent bombs last week would count for terrorism attacks, but not fatalities due to terrorism.
  121. Monfd
  122. This is how a serious person would nuance the facts, unlike drholiday.
  123. Monfd
  124. Who mentioned the possibility of doing a felony by sending a bullet.
  125. Monfd
  126. You'd want to keep track of terrorism events, and fatalities that derive from terrorist events.
  127. Monfd
  128. Terrorist events from the Right tend to be more fatal than those from the Left.
  129. fierygt
  130. you won't answer. you can't give a count or specifics on any 'leftwing' terrorist attacks IN america.
  131. Monfd
  132. From drholiday's own citation, in the 1992 period, the Right did 9.4x more terrorism than the Left.
  133. Monfd
  134. From 1974-Present, it's about 30 to 1.
  135. Monfd
  136. In recent years, it's been closing.
  137. Monfd
  138. Also, notably, the Left doing violence right now is more justified than the Right.
  139. Monfd
  140. Why?
  141. Monfd
  142. The SCOTUS is GOP.
  143. Monfd
  144. The POTUS is GOP.
  145. Monfd
  146. The Senate is GOP.
  147. Monfd
  148. The House is GOP.
  149. Monfd
  150. A majority of governorships are GOP.
  151. Monfd
  152. A majority of state legislatures are GOP.
  153. fierygt
  154. i already did answer that stupid shit. i don't want mobs. which is why i am voting against the 'lock her up' crowd.
  155. Monfd
  156. However, the GOP is a minority faction who got these wins through anti-democratic means, e.g. gerrymandering and voter suppression.
  157. Monfd
  158. Further, Trump is fascist and the Congress under the GOP is not holding him accountable.
  159. Monfd
  160. According to the Declaration of Independence, at some point, you can use violence against your leaders.
  161. Monfd
  162. (See 2nd paragraph)
  163. fierygt
  164. unemployment was under 5% when obama left. so i voted for jobs just fine.
  165. Monfd
  166. I haven't thought violence was justified yet, before the 2018 election, personally -- that is, I am against the shooting of the GOP members at the baseball field.
  167. Monfd
  168. I do, however, think violence is quickly becoming justified given the GOP's behavior.
  169. Monfd
  170. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transien
  171. Monfd
  172. t causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
  173. Monfd
  174. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The
  175. Monfd
  176. history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.
  177. Monfd
  178. The GOP is very close to this standard, in my view.
  179. Monfd
  180. One more stolen election will push them past the line, in my view.
  181. Monfd
  182. For some, that was after the 2016 stolen elections.
  183. Monfd
  184. And I can understand that.
  185. Monfd
  186. This is why it's important to have non-factional government.
  187. pyn has left IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
  188. Monfd
  189. When it is non-factional, we can condemn all acts of violence against our political leaders.
  190. Monfd
  191. When it is factional, different people will start to do violence against the government.
  192. Monfd
  193. One final point: The shooting of the GOP members is categorically different than other acts of terrorism, as those people were IN government.
  194. Monfd
  195. Going after people who you're annoyed with that aren't in government, such as the targets of the assassination attempts last week, will be much harder to justify.
  196. fierygt
  197. i seem to recall trump bragging about a 'job surplus'. meaning we actually need more qualified people to FILL jobs. but don't let that inconsistency get in the way of your dogma.
  198. Monfd
  199. You'll have to leverage their being criminals without a chance to get non-violent justice.
  200. Monfd
  201. (They're not criminals; they're just targets in GOP conspiracy theories)
  202. Monfd
  203. Again, to be CLEAR, the current GOP is traitorous.
  204. Monfd
  205. They've conspired with Russian enemies to attack the American democracy.
  206. Monfd
  207. This includes senior leadership of the GOP including Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and Donald Trump.
  208. fierygt
  209. there have been a couple of businesses that have actually closed around nashville. because they had demand...but no employees. it's counterintutive, but job surplus does not fix all.
  210. Monfd
  211. Shooting at some people is much, much easier to justify than sending a bomb to Hillary Clinton, who is not in power.
  212. Monfd
  213. Again, we are instructed to do violence against our leaders -- at some point -- by the American ideal of democracy.
  214. Monfd
  215. It is insufficient to show that a person intended violence against a political leader to show their actions wrong.
  216. Monfd
  217. For example, shooting at Nazis in 1943 at Birkenau is justified.
  218. Monfd
  219. It is not justified in 1946.
  220. Monfd
  221. In 1946, non-Nazis were in power and there was a mechanism in place to non-violently manage their crimes.
  222. Monfd
  223. In 1943, no such system is in place and so the power resorts back to the people as was the case pre-government.
  224. Monfd
  225. This is all consistent with the political ideology underpinning American democracy.
  226. Monfd
  227. Here's the real deal for people interested in philosophy, unless they're pacifists: You should do political violence sometimes.
  228. Monfd
  229. It's hard to know when that is, it's easy to get it wrong, and even doing it justly may induce mental states that cause future actions to be unjustified.
  230. Monfd
  231. Our civilization -- understandably -- wants to minimize political violence. And, so, when each of us were children in American schools we were taught to never do political violence.
  232. Monfd
  233. But that teaching was wrong.
  234. Monfd
  235. The actual teaching we should have received is 'Never do political violence when your government is just'.
  236. Monfd
  237. But our government is no longer just.
  238. Monfd
  239. Here's another real deal for philosophers: You can't write everything down.
  240. Monfd
  241. What's the point of guiding documents like constitutions? To be a roadmap for a broad range of game states the society can find itself in.
  242. Monfd
  243. But it's never going to be able to account for every situation with sufficient nuance.
  244. Monfd
  245. This is especially true if you subscribe to a fractal model of ethics and the law, which I personally find quite compelling.
  246. Monfd
  248. Buzzard
  249. ~ The Law is a Fractal: The Attempt to Anticipate Everything by Andrew Stumpff Morrison :: SSRN
  250. Monfd
  251. What does this mean?
  252. Monfd
  253. It means none of our guiding documents have accounted for every circumstances that comes up with our government.
  254. Monfd
  255. Should you ever kill the president? Generally, no.
  256. Monfd
  257. And what if the president conspires with Russians?
  258. Monfd
  259. Generally, no.
  260. Monfd
  261. What if there is no special counsel investigation, or the special counsel is bombed by Russians agents?
  262. Monfd
  263. It's hard to know, right.
  264. Monfd
  265. It depends on just how serious that president's crimes are, odds of future harm, etc.
  266. Monfd
  267. But here's the real deal: Of course you kill the president in some cases, right.
  268. Monfd
  269. For example, Adolf Hitler.
  270. Monfd
  271. You can certainly kill Adolf Hitler in 1943.
  272. Monfd
  273. And you can probably kill him 1935.
  274. Monfd
  275. But can you kill him in 1932?
  276. Monfd
  277. I don't know.
  278. Monfd
  279. I don't know the earliest you can kill Adolf Hitler, but it happens at some point.
  280. Monfd
  281. And if you have seriously thought about how to justly do political violence against your leaders, fascists, despots, etc., you're just gonna be shocked by it.
  282. Monfd
  283. But that doesn't mean you have the right view.
  284. Monfd
  285. if you haven't*
  286. Monfd
  287. The truth is that the average person is probably not smart enough to figure out when to justly do violence.
  288. Monfd
  289. The average human mind is way too factional to try and do meta-violence to sustain a republic, as opposed to partisan violence to empower their group.
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