
Boxbillion Maximus the Thrid

Mar 31st, 2016
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  1. [12:20] <Sylum> >"...Boxbillion Maximus the Thrid?"
  2. [12:20] <Sylum> ...
  3. [12:20] <Sylum> actuallt I might save that name
  4. [12:21] <Flamberge-> sounds like a nonsense name they'd give to an alien in an old cartoon
  5. [12:21] <Sylum> dude
  6. [12:22] <Sylum> you Just gave me a character idea
  7. [12:22] <Flamberge-> :D
  8. [12:26] <Flamberge-> cant wait to see what you come up with
  9. [12:28] <Sylum> silly Ayy
  10. [12:28] <Sylum> tries to take over the world but is too nice and gentlemen like
  11. [12:29] <Flamberge-> 10/10, would invite for tea
  12. [12:29] <Sylum> "Excuse me madam, if you have the time, please place all of the money into the bag" "No" "Drats! Beaten again!"
  13. [12:30] <Flamberge-> yeah, i think i'm gonna like this guy
  14. [12:30] <Sylum> gonna be a real Gentlemen, not like Purges douche mustache guy
  15. [12:32] <Flamberge-> i must shake this man's hand
  16. [12:32] <Sylum> he will gladly shake yours
  17. [12:32] <Sylum> no evil tricks
  18. [12:33] <Sylum> hes probably apart of a a War driven Race of Blood loving monsters
  19. [12:33] <Sylum> but instead of him being hated for being different
  20. [12:33] <Sylum> hes loved cause hes so nice to them
  21. [12:34] <Flamberge-> he sounds like an upstanding guy
  22. [12:35] <Sylum> probably the only character I will have that isn't serious
  23. [12:35] <Sylum> at all
  24. [12:35] <Sylum> just a fun nice guy
  25. [12:35] <Sylum> who wants to take over the planet
  26. [12:36] <Flamberge-> >it's a "boxbillion and magic man team up" thread
  27. [12:36] <Sylum> Magic Man?
  28. [12:36] <Sylum> isn't he insane?
  29. [12:36] <Sylum> or a theif?
  30. [12:37] <Flamberge-> insane, but harmless
  31. [12:37] <Sylum> he warps reality
  32. [12:37] <Flamberge-> no real malicious intent, just wants to be a fly ass wizard
  33. [12:38] <Flamberge-> yeah, but never reall does anything important with it
  34. [12:38] <Flamberge-> exibit a: the coke cake
  35. [12:38] <Sylum> eeh
  36. [12:39] <Sylum> He doesn't seem the type Boxbillion would 'hang' with
  37. [12:39] <Flamberge-> yeah, just thought it was a funny idea
  38. [12:39] <Flamberge-> wasn't actually suggesting it
  39. [12:40] <Sylum> oh
  40. [12:40] <Sylum> sorry
  41. [12:40] <Flamberge-> no worries, tone's kinda hard to convey via text
  42. [12:41] <Flamberge-> just figured we'd get a laugh out of the idea
  43. [12:42] <Sylum> Yeah, sorry again
  44. [12:42] <Sylum> >Boxbillion has a gun
  45. [12:42] <Sylum> >Literal tickle gun
  46. [12:43] <Flamberge-> oh boxbillion, you lovable scamp
  47. [12:44] <Flamberge-> >heroes invite boxbillion over to chat, not considering him to be a threat
  48. [12:45] <Sylum> Boxbillion would join, again no intent of Betrayal
  49. [12:45] <Flamberge-> >they become friends
  50. [12:46] <Flamberge-> >boxbillion is elected president, just due to being so likable
  51. [12:47] <Sylum> thats how he takes over planets
  52. [12:47] <Sylum> by being a nice guy
  53. [12:47] <Flamberge-> it's brilliant! nobody would ever suspect it!
  54. [12:47] <Flamberge-> or mind, really
  55. [12:48] <Sylum> >he makes America great again
  56. [12:48] <Sylum> >But in the good way people love
  57. [12:49] <Flamberge-> boxbillion a best
  58. [12:49] <Sylum> >His Space ship comes down
  59. [12:49] <Sylum> >He parks it in the proper parking space
  60. [12:50] <Flamberge-> i think everyone'll love this guy, sting
  61. [12:53] <Sylum> I'll just have to think of a design
  62. [12:53] <Sylum> A mustache is needed
  63. [12:55] <Flamberge-> well, you need something that either looks completely harmless, or absolutely fucking terrifying
  64. [12:55] <Flamberge-> bonus points for both
  65. [12:57] <Sylum> I was thinking Harmless
  66. [12:58] <Sylum> he'd have a giant monster of a Body Guard
  67. [12:58] <Sylum> that is a complete Puppy, Defence only
  68. [12:58] <Sylum> pretty much a giant shield that never fights back
  69. [12:58] <Flamberge-> aww
  70. [12:59] <Sylum> Boxbillion would care for his saftey
  71. [12:59] <Sylum> instead of his own
  72. [13:00] <Flamberge-> awwww
  73. [13:01] <Sylum> might make a female Ayy for his Secretary/driver, who he will /never/ try to hit on
  74. [13:03] <Flamberge-> of course, he's too polite
  75. [13:05] <Sylum> but he won't stop people from hitting on her, cause he knows she can probably kick their ass
  76. [13:05] <Sylum> Or, her hitting on other people. Girl wants someone she can have them
  77. [13:06] <Flamberge-> oh really~?
  78. [13:08] <Flamberge-> i look forward to a close encounter of the third kind~
  79. [13:10] <Flamberge-> iirc, a close encounter of the third kind is used to refer to extraterrestrial encounters
  80. [13:10] <Sylum> yeah
  81. [13:10] <Flamberge-> it sounded more clever in my head
  82. [13:11] <Sylum> it was
  83. [13:12] <Flamberge-> oh, thanks :D
  84. [13:13] <Flamberge-> y'know, if there in't anything going on with his secretary, i should try to set him up with a nice earth girl
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