monotonetimunarchive 2018-02-06 [03:57] - 5d63a9bb-aed3-49f7-96bd-5d0c559d0142.mpeg

Feb 6th, 2018
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  1. [03:57:30] haru_roizoku: sounds fine
  2. [03:57:50] mrzorage: Hi everyone ever
  3. [03:58:16] sungiant_: 299,755 views on this channel
  4. [03:58:23] sungiant_: when are you getting partnered 4 head
  5. [03:58:33] q1s2: ugh
  6. [03:58:58] rintezuka1: ello o/
  7. [03:59:33] mrzorage: Tim’s going to get cyber beat up
  8. [03:59:34] edthenerd: hey.
  9. [03:59:42] santanadvxfan: Tim, are you jealous of his road?
  10. [03:59:44] hackoon_: thats great
  11. [04:00:17] boredcyborg: god the train set looks so weird in 3d
  12. [04:00:31] bananaburger: oh man
  13. [04:00:38] mrzorage: Oh
  14. [04:00:46] stay_hydrated_bot: Welcome to SHBv4: Mod+ can now type !tinyhydrate to toggle smaller hydration reminders, !hydratefreq [1-5] to set the frequency of reminders (in hours), !hydratepause to toggle reminders, and !dehydrate to remove SHB from your channel completely.
  15. [04:00:50] bananaburger: damn it
  16. [04:00:52] bananaburger: go away hydrobot
  17. [04:01:10] mrzorage: Water bot thank you
  18. [04:01:11] ninjapikmin: thx hydrobot
  19. [04:01:21] kevin1760: Thanks hydrobot, i'm now very moist timClip
  20. [04:01:24] willster132: hi its me depression
  21. [04:01:43] gashapon: Good evening Tim
  22. [04:01:48] mrzorage: Hi depression
  23. [04:02:14] willster132: ha
  24. [04:02:15] 13thmarc: ew canadian
  25. [04:02:23] mrzorage: Sounds like me
  26. [04:02:26] cupcakesdotrar: sick burn
  27. [04:02:27] willster132: TWO?
  28. [04:02:43] 13thmarc: gee billy two tables?!
  29. [04:02:50] willster132: I do not know the way
  30. [04:03:21] cupcakesdotrar: yeah but birds bills don't lead them into crippling debt
  31. [04:03:25] 13thmarc: birds also have the brain size of some nuts
  32. [04:04:00] diggleshut: WOOOOOOOOOOO
  33. [04:04:01] bananaburger: timOh
  34. [04:04:02] 13thmarc: he had depression in his bio
  35. [04:04:07] bl0cks: i have a foul butt :(
  36. [04:04:12] diggleshut: into and out of the city in less than 4 hours
  37. [04:04:20] mrzorage: I butt is quite foul
  38. [04:04:28] diggleshut: eat it time
  39. [04:04:32] kevin1760: colon milk
  40. [04:04:36] 13thmarc: but your name is Jinkx
  41. [04:04:49] mrzorage: Colon milk is quite foul
  42. [04:04:59] variousweapon: Just watched your sims 2 vod from years ago where everybody died mysteriously
  43. [04:05:25] contradistinct: ooh
  44. [04:05:35] bl0cks: i heard that tim had like, an 8 pack
  45. [04:05:37] skygtr350: Sims Online Waifu Bartending Sim? timClip
  46. [04:05:37] contradistinct: back early
  47. [04:05:38] reallyreallybadman: that place looks high standard
  48. [04:05:40] willster132: but where is the crafting
  49. [04:05:47] diggleshut: it would have been even faster if they weren't doing repairs
  50. [04:05:49] 13thmarc: I would join in, but I'm sitting on my living room floor and having a hard time typing
  51. [04:05:53] diggleshut: I had to go a little out of my way
  52. [04:05:56] diggleshut: and I walked home the last leg
  53. [04:06:17] diggleshut: but
  54. [04:06:26] diggleshut: I couldn't resist a rich guy willing to pay me $100 for my legos
  55. [04:06:30] diggleshut: that's rare
  56. [04:06:38] diggleshut: I had people already trying to get them for $50
  57. [04:06:38] 13thmarc: sam I am
  58. [04:06:52] kevin1760: Ask for green eggs and ham
  59. [04:07:01] willster132: depends on lot type
  60. [04:07:13] literallytrash0: ^
  61. [04:07:14] mrzorage: Was that a dad joke ?
  62. [04:07:59] 13thmarc: that is a massive plate of food
  63. [04:08:23] bananaburger: oh man
  64. [04:08:25] bananaburger: edgy man
  65. [04:08:26] 13thmarc: you know what they say about sims with big hands
  66. [04:08:33] literallytrash0: just click red dots at random until you find a cool lot
  67. [04:08:34] bananaburger: KEEP THAT CRAP OUT
  68. [04:08:55] 13thmarc: go to lot. Hey what do you think about separation of state and church?
  69. [04:09:05] contradistinct: oh
  70. [04:09:14] contradistinct: i'll buy
  71. [04:09:20] contradistinct: on phone now
  72. [04:09:34] willster132: smi lee face
  73. [04:09:44] hackoon_: are they bots
  74. [04:09:51] contradistinct: listening to how dumb my aunt is
  75. [04:09:57] boredcyborg: multi-siming timMinus
  76. [04:09:57] contradistinct: and uncles
  77. [04:09:57] 13thmarc: muli siming
  78. [04:09:58] ipangrazio: Those damn multi simmers
  79. [04:10:15] 13thmarc: Rodrigo Turnpike
  80. [04:10:21] willster132: ok I need to wok on an application
  81. [04:10:21] 13thmarc: still the best name ever
  82. [04:11:00] willster132: hey hey
  83. [04:11:05] 13thmarc: It is kind of sad when people take stuff like this very seriously. Like WoW or 2nd life
  84. [04:11:05] cupcakesdotrar: sounds like avril lavigne
  85. [04:11:35] willster132: its no centrino but it will have to do
  86. [04:11:53] shimmerfairy: "Hey can you king this for me?"
  87. [04:11:53] alysbrangwin: I used to be in SL. I just wanted to try a bunch of fun stuff and meet some people and have a good time. It was fun while it lasted.
  88. [04:12:09] willster132: is there a second floor
  89. [04:12:14] willster132: if so store them all on the second floor
  90. [04:12:20] rintezuka1: oh
  91. [04:12:27] imanotary: tide pods cure suffering
  92. [04:12:29] cupcakesdotrar: do people have sims 2 online sex with their online spouses and partners
  93. [04:12:35] ipangrazio: very helpful
  94. [04:12:36] 13thmarc: oh wow
  95. [04:12:38] shimmerfairy: checker hiding stream Pog Champ !
  96. [04:12:41] diggleshut: lol ok
  97. [04:13:14] 13thmarc: they would get lost very quickly
  98. [04:13:22] 13thmarc: or be put into the centrino room
  99. [04:13:29] literallytrash0: riperino tim
  100. [04:13:35] kneefoil: oh
  101. [04:13:35] shimmerfairy: timOh
  102. [04:13:37] rintezuka1: RIP
  103. [04:13:38] willster132: I mean you did want to end it
  104. [04:13:39] ipangrazio: timMrBones
  105. [04:13:40] bananaburger: YOUR SIM HAS DIED WHAT
  106. [04:13:41] 13thmarc: wow
  107. [04:13:46] bananaburger: how did you do this
  108. [04:13:46] reallyreallybadman: danLUL
  109. [04:13:52] bananaburger: i walk away for 5 minutes
  110. [04:13:52] popcorncolonel: timOh
  111. [04:13:54] shimmerfairy: timMrBones timOh
  112. [04:13:57] 13thmarc: but now your grave isn't on your lot tim! wasted it!
  113. [04:14:04] bananaburger: lol
  114. [04:14:13] shimmerfairy: C E N T R I N O
  115. [04:14:22] 13thmarc: you can't do anything now tim
  116. [04:14:35] turnsie: is that littering
  117. [04:14:38] 13thmarc: but you can "examine" your death and guts
  118. [04:14:46] celtrance: how fitting i just watched the rest of the white day stream today LUL
  119. [04:14:47] shimmerfairy: can you paranormally move checker pieces?
  120. [04:15:19] popcorncolonel: being dead is hella rad, i just moved back in with my dad
  121. [04:15:47] reallyreallybadman: Tim is the worst ghost
  122. [04:15:57] contradistinct: grandma and aunt had separate 911 calls yeesterday
  123. [04:16:02] diggleshut: oh no why
  124. [04:16:03] 13thmarc: you really can't do anything
  125. [04:16:16] theaxel11: oh howd you die
  126. [04:16:18] contradistinct: cuz dumb
  127. [04:16:22] turnsie: fixing something
  128. [04:16:28] contradistinct: ill say after phone
  129. [04:16:34] diggleshut: ok
  130. [04:16:40] theaxel11: how long do you stay dead?
  131. [04:16:48] ipangrazio: I think 24 hours in game
  132. [04:16:50] 13thmarc: Tim died 2/5/18 trying to fix a stereo... monotonetim will never become stereo
  133. [04:16:52] banettes: hello
  134. [04:17:15] rintezuka1: boo
  135. [04:17:30] shimmerfairy: @StereotoneTim We need Judge Judy to adjudicate this assassination plot.
  136. [04:18:38] anonymousv8: eat food
  137. [04:18:43] banettes: how much time do u think it took for them to build this
  138. [04:18:48] contradistinct: OKAY
  139. [04:18:50] contradistinct: off the phone
  140. [04:18:53] banettes: the userbase baffles me
  141. [04:18:57] contradistinct: aunt cuz she couldn't breathe cuz flu
  142. [04:19:08] contradistinct: grandma cuz heart failure exacerbation cuz my other aunt is dumb
  143. [04:19:22] anonymousv8: banettes same
  144. [04:19:26] banettes: they really do look the same
  145. [04:19:28] banettes: clones?
  146. [04:19:36] originalrykz: thanks for recomending me celeste monotonetim good game
  147. [04:19:38] tankteemo: people probably use other lots as a guideline
  148. [04:19:39] contradistinct: what a coincidence though, my mom was telling me 2 days ago about her last episode 3 years ago about what led to it
  149. [04:19:44] 13thmarc: you can poses someone .. posess? .. whatever
  150. [04:19:46] originalrykz: recomending* not me
  151. [04:19:48] contradistinct: and then they do something just as dumb again
  152. [04:19:54] celtrance: gotta live that symmetrically shaped home lifestyle
  153. [04:19:54] 13thmarc: also haunt and scare people
  154. [04:20:09] smw23: !uptime
  155. [04:20:24] contradistinct: so yeah heart failure, told to limit fluid intake and sodium
  156. [04:20:41] contradistinct: they don't count soups and fruit as things that contain water
  157. [04:20:48] banettes: the lots are all way too big with too few rooms and generic nice theme
  158. [04:20:49] contradistinct: theythink 3 cups of water literally means water only
  159. [04:21:05] banettes: freeso userbase is creatively bankrupt
  160. [04:21:15] 13thmarc: hahhaha
  161. [04:21:19] contradistinct: my grandma was having low blood pressure, and they're like okay salt should increase it
  162. [04:21:26] contradistinct: they give her two spoonfuls of salt.
  163. [04:21:26] reallyreallybadman: how rare are necromancers?
  164. [04:21:33] contradistinct: she eats salted dry fish and watermelon
  165. [04:21:34] tankteemo: tim your 4th story hardly counts
  166. [04:21:39] contradistinct: the ends up in the hospital
  167. [04:21:41] literallytrash0: they're common
  168. [04:21:57] literallytrash0: only need 8 cooking and 8 charisma I think
  169. [04:22:03] contradistinct: this was 3 years ago,
  170. [04:22:10] arhowe: How do they even afford it without their own personal stream army
  171. [04:22:18] banettes: yeah exactly
  172. [04:22:29] contradistinct: so yesterday, they fed even saltier dried fish and kimchi,
  173. [04:22:29] banettes: tim is crowd funded
  174. [04:22:32] 13thmarc: I had shampoo that smelled like cupcakes
  175. [04:22:33] turnsie: wasn't this the one with all the fake accounts?
  176. [04:22:34] celtrance: extreme jamming??
  177. [04:22:47] contradistinct: my aunt tried to cover it up to my mom
  178. [04:22:49] bananaburger: dont you make a lot of money selling items somehow
  179. [04:22:57] disguised22: They sell their organs on the Sims market
  180. [04:22:58] haru_roizoku: is cheating possible? do they just cheat?
  181. [04:23:02] literallytrash0: yeah but that takes a lot to start
  182. [04:23:08] shimmerfairy: @StereotoneTim tbf you didn't play for a few months at least, who knows how much money you'd get playing every day for a year.
  183. [04:23:11] contradistinct: so now my grandma still unstable and her foot is black due to poor perfusion
  184. [04:23:15] literallytrash0: you used to start with $20k, so that helps
  185. [04:23:16] banettes: cheat engine can theoretically be used to do anything
  186. [04:23:27] banettes: when it comes to exes
  187. [04:23:39] popcorncolonel: i'm using crypto on the block chain and making all the prices go down
  188. [04:23:43] popcorncolonel: cheat engine that is
  189. [04:23:52] diggleshut: back was boiling water
  190. [04:24:09] contradistinct: oh well finished story
  191. [04:24:15] sungiant_: someone hacked the down jones
  192. [04:24:17] rintezuka1: are you permanently dead now?
  193. [04:24:24] diggleshut: just read it
  194. [04:24:27] 13thmarc: sims online Simoleans are worth more than bitcoin now
  195. [04:24:31] diggleshut: it's always interesting how peoples minds work
  196. [04:24:33] diggleshut: like
  197. [04:24:35] celtrance: from football game?
  198. [04:24:36] bananaburger: oh yeah didnt bitcoin crash super hard?
  199. [04:24:43] diggleshut: my dad has told me before with a straight face that he's been eating well
  200. [04:24:43] boredcyborg: everything crashed
  201. [04:24:46] sungiant_: ur mom crashed super hard
  202. [04:24:52] shimmerfairy: It went down to -1600 for a moment, that was really shocking.
  203. [04:24:52] 13thmarc: its the stock market.
  204. [04:24:53] diggleshut: when the day before he ate an entire bag of doritos
  205. [04:24:55] bananaburger: im surprised my dad didnt tell me about any of this
  206. [04:24:55] 13thmarc: who knows
  207. [04:24:56] turnsie: oh boy, will i finally be able to afford a new gpu soon?
  208. [04:24:57] volantarius: Did it get that low
  209. [04:25:01] diggleshut: but he thinks it's ok cause it's not sugar like white granular sugar
  210. [04:25:09] diggleshut: he's a diabetic
  211. [04:25:10] kevin1760: @Bananaburger Tim is your dad now
  212. [04:25:17] bananaburger: i'd be ok with that
  213. [04:25:23] banettes: same
  214. [04:25:24] literallytrash0: it got down to a little under 8k
  215. [04:25:24] 13thmarc: Daddy Tim
  216. [04:25:27] contradistinct: oh, yeah you told me
  217. [04:25:28] contradistinct: also.
  218. [04:25:29] diggleshut: I can't tell if it's selective thinking or if he really believes he's doing the right thing
  219. [04:25:29] celtrance: i love getting stock news from tim
  220. [04:25:30] banettes: feed us papa tim
  221. [04:25:34] kevin1760: Look at this graph~
  222. [04:25:37] bananaburger: well i guess i better check my own stocks
  223. [04:25:37] contradistinct: it's like how people say to help diarrhea, you don't drink water
  224. [04:25:39] bananaburger: and see how much i lost today
  225. [04:25:46] diggleshut: oh
  226. [04:25:48] banettes: oh no
  227. [04:25:49] contradistinct: cuz if no water, can't come out
  228. [04:25:50] johnnymaq: oh
  229. [04:25:52] boredcyborg: nice
  230. [04:25:53] 13thmarc: oh
  231. [04:25:53] popcorncolonel: and why
  232. [04:25:54] diggleshut: lol
  233. [04:25:55] volantarius: wtf how
  234. [04:25:56] rintezuka1: oh wow
  235. [04:25:56] sungiant_: its a currency though
  236. [04:25:58] popcorncolonel: is it china banning crypto
  237. [04:25:59] diggleshut: I actually never heard someone say that
  238. [04:26:01] diggleshut: but I bleiee it
  239. [04:26:04] diggleshut: *believe
  240. [04:26:04] johnnymaq: i was going to sell a bunch of things last week but i forgot
  241. [04:26:07] contradistinct: also they wouldn't give my grandpa ensure when he was alive when he wasn't eating much, cuz they're like he'll just pee it all out anyways
  242. [04:26:14] bananaburger: i was going to buy into like
  243. [04:26:16] 13thmarc: Well I am glad for a market crash,
  244. [04:26:20] diggleshut: wow
  245. [04:26:30] bananaburger: twitter and bank of america
  246. [04:26:30] diggleshut: it makes you wonder
  247. [04:26:31] gashapon: some of my stocks dropped :(
  248. [04:26:32] diggleshut: about education in the past
  249. [04:26:39] diggleshut: like the simple things we learned that we take for granted
  250. [04:26:43] reallyreallybadman: can we still blame Obama for the crash?
  251. [04:26:43] contradistinct: what i don't get is how they're keeping this from my cousin who is a nurse WHO LIVES WITH THEM
  252. [04:26:46] johnnymaq: i don't want to look
  253. [04:26:49] diggleshut: I wonder what in the future our kids will think we're idiots for believing
  254. [04:26:50] celtrance: time to sell??
  255. [04:26:54] diggleshut: that's weird
  256. [04:27:04] 13thmarc: I have stocks.. I have no idea how to sell them
  257. [04:27:07] contradistinct: like my mom knows it's stupid but all her siblings don't understand anything and won't listen to her
  258. [04:27:11] sungiant_: nah just a correction probably, shouldnt stabilize maybe idk
  259. [04:27:17] sungiant_: should8
  260. [04:27:19] contradistinct: and what I don't get is my uncle went to some like medical school thing in cambodia
  261. [04:27:20] diggleshut: really weird
  262. [04:27:21] bananaburger: i only lost like $150 not too bad
  263. [04:27:29] diggleshut: are they into like folk medicines and things or do they just not understand
  264. [04:27:30] contradistinct: and he was the one that told her to eat a spoonful of salt
  265. [04:27:36] contradistinct: they're just dumb
  266. [04:27:39] diggleshut: haha
  267. [04:27:48] diggleshut: I mean
  268. [04:27:58] diggleshut: for centuries doctors really believed the humors stuff
  269. [04:28:00] diggleshut: and like cures like
  270. [04:28:02] diggleshut: etc
  271. [04:28:03] 13thmarc: ghost chow, the food for the average ghost bro
  272. [04:28:15] diggleshut: so there are probably some strong ways of thinking that seem like common sense that people can't grasp
  273. [04:28:25] contradistinct: yeah
  274. [04:28:29] diggleshut: like the water/diarrhea thing
  275. [04:28:30] contradistinct: but I mean that's when nobody knew
  276. [04:28:35] diggleshut: true
  277. [04:28:39] diggleshut: gotta visit the ol google
  278. [04:28:41] diggleshut: at the very least
  279. [04:28:49] gashapon: BTC is really close to hitting 6k. Crazy how far it has fallen.
  280. [04:28:55] diggleshut: at least the first few links on google will probably give you decent advice
  281. [04:28:59] theaxel11: glad i sold at 19.3
  282. [04:29:04] sungiant_: i hope it doesnt stop crashing
  283. [04:29:06] diggleshut: or at least not make things worse
  284. [04:29:07] sungiant_: i want new gpus
  285. [04:29:10] bananaburger: ^
  286. [04:29:12] popcorncolonel: did you really axel
  287. [04:29:16] farjuan: how did the cat poop cafe come about
  288. [04:29:22] bananaburger: all hardware is expensive now though
  289. [04:29:25] theaxel11: ya popcorn
  290. [04:29:25] diggleshut: especially for obvious stuff
  291. [04:29:27] banettes: people kept peeing
  292. [04:29:28] contradistinct: yeah..
  293. [04:29:32] popcorncolonel: damn, the legend
  294. [04:29:48] contradistinct: like the doctor was like, I better not see her in here like this for that reason again
  295. [04:29:50] deadlyspaghettie: Man, your ghost really needs to use the bathroom
  296. [04:29:56] diggleshut: wow
  297. [04:29:57] mrzorage: This is FreeSO right ?
  298. [04:29:59] volantarius: I got my graphics card for $200 before crypto and now i can sell it for like $600 profit
  299. [04:30:01] bananaburger: i still feel like i need it explained to me
  300. [04:30:09] contradistinct: when they heard that
  301. [04:30:12] contradistinct: about the salt
  302. [04:30:12] shimmerfairy: What about that one furry pizza game? Ever want to go back to that?
  303. [04:30:15] contradistinct: they were like are you crazy?
  304. [04:30:16] anony54: BITCOIN IS DEAD
  305. [04:30:17] soviethulk: Yeah this is freeso
  306. [04:30:18] anony54: finally
  307. [04:30:19] farjuan: play snatcher
  308. [04:30:21] contradistinct: it is?
  309. [04:30:23] raynor_ex: there's 2064: Read Only Memories, which takes place in the same universe
  310. [04:30:24] diggleshut: oh did bitcoin keep going dow?
  311. [04:30:25] diggleshut: n
  312. [04:30:27] boredcyborg: ^
  313. [04:30:28] anony54: it's at almost 6000
  314. [04:30:29] diggleshut: wew it's close to 6k now
  315. [04:30:30] theaxel11: ive been playing celeste a lot lately. doing all the super hard levels
  316. [04:30:32] contradistinct: ooh
  317. [04:30:33] diggleshut: lol Contradistinct jeez
  318. [04:30:35] anony54: get ready
  319. [04:30:36] zelst: did you get everyone super drunk
  320. [04:30:38] anony54: FOR CHEAP GPUS
  321. [04:30:40] mrzorage: Snatcher yes snatcher
  322. [04:30:54] celtrance: pizza dude > pizza furry game
  323. [04:30:57] anony54: I kind of want a second 1080ti
  324. [04:31:17] farjuan: wtf is the furry pizza game
  325. [04:31:18] rintezuka1: You can play prologue and demo. It will give you 4 more game days
  326. [04:31:36] scoopshaagendazs: Tim I'm happy you're not dead
  327. [04:31:45] soviethulk: Isn't there a game where you manipulate people with drugs
  328. [04:31:53] bananaburger: of what i was able to read i couldnt really relate to any of them
  329. [04:31:54] turnsie: tim did you ever play yume nikki?
  330. [04:31:54] soviethulk: Or drinks
  331. [04:31:58] gashapon: Are you looking for a visual novel?
  332. [04:31:59] scoopshaagendazs: Despite all your rage
  333. [04:32:00] celtrance: @ farjuan it was a game w/ animal people in a pixely art style where you made pizzas
  334. [04:32:01] bananaburger: so i was indifferent
  335. [04:32:05] diggleshut: anony
  336. [04:32:05] anony54: and also so I can bench a threadripper + dual 1080ti on adobe after effects/premier pro
  337. [04:32:05] scoopshaagendazs: you are still just a mime in a cage
  338. [04:32:09] diggleshut: why didn't you sell your gpu then but it back
  339. [04:32:17] 9827497395783839275847389: You are very likeable.
  340. [04:32:17] diggleshut: buy
  341. [04:32:18] anony54: because I'm using it
  342. [04:32:20] 13thmarc: despite all my rage I'm still just a ghost in a cage
  343. [04:32:24] rintezuka1: Can you technically pee on a ghost?
  344. [04:32:29] diggleshut: o
  345. [04:32:35] bananaburger: @Turnsie idk but i want to see a stream of it
  346. [04:32:41] bananaburger: i just like weird
  347. [04:32:44] bananaburger: games
  348. [04:32:51] mrzorage: Oh I played Oxenfree yesterday that was cool
  349. [04:32:52] soviethulk: Have you played zero time dilemma ?
  350. [04:32:53] literallytrash0: danganronpa 3
  351. [04:32:57] boredcyborg: i think 2064 rom was out on the vita
  352. [04:33:00] scoopshaagendazs: Princess maker 5 got translated
  353. [04:33:02] maryv_001: you are about to pee on your ghosts pants
  354. [04:33:07] revolutionrespawn: wipeout is always fun
  355. [04:33:12] anony54: god I want crypto to die already
  356. [04:33:18] johnnymaq: valkyria chronicles 2 is on vita, but you should play the first
  357. [04:33:22] variousweapon: Trails of Cold Steel?
  358. [04:33:24] turnsie: @Bananaburger I guess it got a steam release? and there was a countdown to something but I never followed up with it
  359. [04:33:26] contradistinct: someone kept trying to get me to invest in it
  360. [04:33:31] bananaburger: it did
  361. [04:33:37] bananaburger: and theres also a new game or something
  362. [04:33:39] bananaburger: but it doesnt look good
  363. [04:33:41] mrzorage: Oxenfree
  364. [04:33:43] contradistinct: wonder how that's goin for him
  365. [04:33:44] rintezuka1: read only memories has the same artist and writer and they are in the same universe, if I am not mistaken
  366. [04:33:53] anony54: shopping list: rope
  367. [04:34:01] deepfreeze2k: Same universe, but I think the devs aren't the same?
  368. [04:34:01] scoopshaagendazs: Cold steel is decent and that's on vita
  369. [04:34:09] gashapon: OneShot is pretty good adventure game I played recently. Not on Vita though.
  370. [04:34:16] diggleshut: really someone irl?
  371. [04:34:24] anony54: down 25% in 24 hours is not good
  372. [04:34:30] diggleshut: I only heard some dude on his bluetooth headset trying to convince someone to buy bitcoins
  373. [04:34:31] anony54: 43% in one week
  374. [04:34:35] fenrax: If something is already in the news and you think "I wonder if i should invest in that?" The answer is pretty much always "No, you're too late"
  375. [04:34:38] anony54: 62% in one month
  376. [04:34:50] diggleshut: good thing your newfound love for investing didn't get you suckered in anony
  377. [04:34:56] rintezuka1: @Deepfreeze2k you are most likely right. Haven't played it yet
  378. [04:35:00] anony54: my investments are doing very bad right now
  379. [04:35:03] contradistinct:
  380. [04:35:03] anony54: I'm still in the black
  381. [04:35:06] diggleshut: well at least you're honest
  382. [04:35:06] anony54: but barely
  383. [04:35:07] contradistinct: not irl
  384. [04:35:10] contradistinct: but online friend
  385. [04:35:10] reallyreallybadman: The Red Strings Club is cyberpunk and bartending
  386. [04:35:13] celtrance: that basketball looks like apumpkin
  387. [04:35:14] diggleshut: lol Contradistinct nice
  388. [04:35:19] bananaburger: yee ha
  389. [04:35:30] deadlyspaghettie: Yeehaw
  390. [04:35:32] josuedv: yeeha
  391. [04:35:37] fenrax: dashlane pls stop crashing
  392. [04:35:39] deepfreeze2k: I havent played 2064 yet either
  393. [04:35:47] celtrance: *thud*
  394. [04:35:51] foreverska: it does look pretty flat
  395. [04:35:54] anony54: man, if I had sold yesterday
  396. [04:36:01] anony54: I could have bought back in for cheap
  397. [04:36:03] celtrance: YEE HA
  398. [04:36:05] 13thmarc: oh no
  399. [04:36:06] diggleshut: I never herad of dashlane
  400. [04:36:12] soviethulk: bored
  401. [04:36:13] fenrax: its a password manager
  402. [04:36:15] celtrance: lord
  403. [04:36:16] gashapon: Fjord
  404. [04:36:17] celtrance: snored
  405. [04:36:21] 9827497395783839275847389: fjord
  406. [04:36:23] celtrance: toured
  407. [04:36:33] diggleshut: oooo
  408. [04:36:34] fenrax: But it likes to crash if i don't use it for a while
  409. [04:36:42] anony54: I should hav esold AMD last week at 13.77
  410. [04:37:02] fenrax: I think it might have something to do with when it force logs me out and makes me re-enter my master pass
  411. [04:37:07] 13thmarc: its does now
  412. [04:37:28] earthmachine: soaking that ectoplasm
  413. [04:38:03] bananaburger: timOh
  414. [04:38:10] celtrance: the juxtaposition of tim pumping iron vs relaxing and bathing
  415. [04:38:20] maryv_001: this looks like a sense 8 scene
  416. [04:38:29] earthmachine: He can hold you in his ghostly mandibles
  417. [04:38:36] anony54: fedex sent me some 50 page book on their 401k program despite the fact I haven't worked there for over 4 months
  418. [04:38:42] fenrax: My 401k is -0.64% YTD right now
  419. [04:38:44] arhowe: his sweat powers the tub
  420. [04:38:49] earthmachine: haha
  421. [04:38:59] fenrax: But at the end of last year it was like 20% up
  422. [04:39:20] rintezuka1: Btw, did you like the bad ending?
  423. [04:39:53] basebalkid: hi Tim
  424. [04:39:58] reallyreallybadman: that bear is buff
  425. [04:40:09] celtrance: skill 12 dang
  426. [04:40:15] 13thmarc: he is a bear
  427. [04:40:50] rintezuka1: It was fast on PC version
  428. [04:40:53] rintezuka1: not sure
  429. [04:41:25] anony54: I had a guy complain to me that his 20 core monster workstation was too slow
  430. [04:42:30] anony54: the company won't shell out 10k for a render server with a million cores so there isn't much I can do
  431. [04:42:31] rintezuka1: They have a blog where they write about the progress behind the scenes during development
  432. [04:42:50] bananaburger: how much a month was it?
  433. [04:42:55] bananaburger: $5 or $10?
  434. [04:42:59] celtrance: like 12 i thought?
  435. [04:43:07] bananaburger: holy cow
  436. [04:43:09] bananaburger: just play runescape
  437. [04:43:10] bananaburger: or wow
  438. [04:43:23] literallytrash0: $10
  439. [04:43:27] anony54: I told him not to overclock a system being used for production stuff
  440. [04:43:31] soviethulk: Check them out
  441. [04:43:51] celtrance: does cortana have the answer
  442. [04:43:53] bananaburger: lol what
  443. [04:43:56] iamsotired: wow
  444. [04:44:00] kneefoil: Good advice, Google
  445. [04:44:01] kevin1760: Tim pls stop turning on my google home
  446. [04:44:02] maryv_001: wooow
  447. [04:44:08] skygtr350: timOh
  448. [04:44:10] bananaburger: what is that supposed to mean?
  449. [04:44:12] skygtr350: You're a ghost now
  450. [04:44:14] deadwaifus: Hey Tim, what game were you playing yesterday?
  451. [04:44:16] soviethulk: What if you say tanks
  452. [04:44:16] it_is_fanatic: banks, google.
  453. [04:44:23] turnsie: can you just like, leave it idling and exercising overnight?
  454. [04:44:23] reallyreallybadman: gotta take care of your $$ before you go
  455. [04:44:24] amadeus484: THANKS, Tim... You activated both of my Google voicensearches.
  456. [04:44:31] kevin1760: LUL
  457. [04:44:32] celtrance: CORTANA
  458. [04:44:35] bananaburger: feels bad man
  459. [04:44:51] anony54: then I get a call about why the system I built for him crashes repeatedly
  460. [04:44:52] theaxel11: lol
  461. [04:44:55] wind6: OH YEAH BROTHER PLAY ME THAT 98 DOPE JAM
  462. [04:44:56] bananaburger: hahahaha
  463. [04:44:58] hexxtwain: hahah
  464. [04:44:58] reallyreallybadman: so dope
  465. [04:45:00] kevin1760: SourPls
  466. [04:45:00] celtrance: LOL
  467. [04:45:00] rintezuka1: oh
  468. [04:45:01] amadeus484: ...and again.
  469. [04:45:03] iamsotired: extremely dope
  470. [04:45:04] 13thmarc: dope
  471. [04:45:05] soviethulk: SnowSing
  472. [04:45:06] bananaburger: AND DONT FORGET THE JOKER
  473. [04:45:06] arhowe: SourPls
  474. [04:45:11] q1s2: SourPls
  475. [04:45:12] maryv_001: its a DOPE jaaaam
  476. [04:45:14] flashingunderpixels: Tim asked and Google delivered :)
  477. [04:45:16] bananaburger: SourPls
  478. [04:45:21] celtrance: YYYYEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  479. [04:45:27] it_is_fanatic: the dopest
  480. [04:45:28] basssic: this really is dope
  481. [04:45:36] metaconstruct: i'll mcflurry you
  482. [04:45:58] arhowe: Innercity Pop
  483. [04:46:05] deepfreeze2k: So, why is Tim a ghost? Did he die?
  484. [04:46:08] flashingunderpixels: Hey Gootanalexa...
  485. [04:46:15] celtrance: electrocuted
  486. [04:46:28] it_is_fanatic: holla
  487. [04:46:39] mrzorage: You set off my google home you jerk
  488. [04:46:43] arhowe: SourPls
  489. [04:46:53] reallyreallybadman: ask Google to play anime trash
  490. [04:46:59] metaconstruct: google, play "personality" by najee
  491. [04:47:17] celtrance: oh my god there's too many voices
  492. [04:47:19] bananaburger: wat that a poem?
  493. [04:47:23] bananaburger: was*
  494. [04:47:58] bananaburger: amazing
  495. [04:48:03] xstone567: TIM you're setting my phone off when you say ok google
  496. [04:48:04] hexxtwain: the future is here
  497. [04:48:05] mrzorage: Don’t see you raping tim
  498. [04:48:06] bananaburger: we need a new twitch community
  499. [04:48:07] celtrance: accurate
  500. [04:48:12] josuedv: technology
  501. [04:48:18] metaconstruct: ok google, play "betcha don't know" by najee
  502. [04:48:19] zomgitsbacon: Not the great Bitcoin crash of 2018 D:
  503. [04:48:42] zomgitsbacon: "Okay Google, where's waldo?"
  504. [04:48:45] celtrance: 2018 what a year for technology
  505. [04:48:57] bananaburger: timOh
  506. [04:49:12] celtrance: how much is a single dow
  507. [04:49:15] mrzorage: Did you ban me
  508. [04:49:15] tidsu: hey tim, it's my birthday today.
  509. [04:49:24] metaconstruct: okay google, play "for the love of you" by najee
  510. [04:49:25] basssic: hbd
  511. [04:49:29] 13thmarc: can you get google into a paradox?
  512. [04:49:37] metaconstruct: oh
  513. [04:49:43] reallyreallybadman: how much is 1 suicide?
  514. [04:49:50] it_is_fanatic: 1 bitcoin
  515. [04:49:50] celtrance: happy party day tidsu
  516. [04:49:53] zomgitsbacon: lol
  517. [04:49:57] shimmerfairy: LUL
  518. [04:49:58] metaconstruct: hbd
  519. [04:50:06] celtrance: what are they
  520. [04:50:15] diggleshut: anony hwy isn't amd doing good
  521. [04:50:17] mrzorage: Happy birthday
  522. [04:50:19] diggleshut: graphics cards expensive
  523. [04:50:23] zomgitsbacon: Is there a "How To: Wikihow" ?
  524. [04:50:27] maryv_001: happy bday
  525. [04:50:28] diggleshut: that intel problem
  526. [04:50:33] 13thmarc: I didn't have to wait
  527. [04:50:38] ruby151chan: Tim talking about his experience calling the suicide hotline
  528. [04:50:38] metaconstruct: when did you get lizards
  529. [04:50:42] banettes: lizards are immune to ghosts
  530. [04:50:43] celtrance: yeah really
  531. [04:51:06] diggleshut: overclocking a corporate pc seems kinda dumb
  532. [04:51:10] psym0nkey: @StereotoneTim
  533. [04:51:17] diggleshut: void all sorts of retail warranties
  534. [04:51:19] zomgitsbacon: Amazing
  535. [04:51:24] anony54: the problem is, they overclock by default now
  536. [04:51:33] johnnymaq: that's one of the best
  537. [04:51:34] 5555555james: the basketball becomes a ghost while you're holding it
  538. [04:51:40] diggleshut: I mean if it's overclcoked by the manufacturer that's one thing
  539. [04:51:44] anony54: I keep having to disable XMP profiles because they turn them whenever the bios gets reset
  540. [04:51:44] deepfreeze2k: hahahaha
  541. [04:51:45] deepfreeze2k: it DOES
  542. [04:51:49] psym0nkey: Oh. Sorry :(
  543. [04:51:51] diggleshut: oo
  544. [04:52:09] celtrance: !categories
  545. [04:52:16] josuedv: literally who?
  546. [04:52:19] diggleshut: they turn them what
  547. [04:52:22] metaconstruct: wick-a-pedia
  548. [04:52:25] amadeus484: Dangit, Tim, you're constantly triggering my Google voice... :(
  549. [04:52:25] anony54: and for some reason a motherboard took a 5930k and stuck a 1.2 GHz overclock on it
  550. [04:52:28] murugo: Play the name game
  551. [04:52:29] bananaburger: more like warren g hardly know him
  552. [04:52:35] thatguydaniel: Ok Google... Shoot mirror
  553. [04:52:36] mrzorage: @amadeus484 same
  554. [04:52:39] anony54: it was pushing it to almost 5 GHz
  555. [04:52:49] metaconstruct: thanks for reminding us
  556. [04:52:50] psym0nkey: ow
  557. [04:52:51] diggleshut: what do they do
  558. [04:52:51] 13thmarc: T R I G G E R E D
  559. [04:52:52] psym0nkey: that hurt
  560. [04:52:52] soviethulk: oh
  561. [04:52:53] diggleshut: with all that
  562. [04:52:55] anony54: and it was spamming WHEA cache line corruption errors
  563. [04:52:56] diggleshut: graphics processing?
  564. [04:53:01] anony54: video rendering
  565. [04:53:02] rg802: Tim confirmed Donald J Trump...
  566. [04:53:05] anony54: like
  567. [04:53:08] celtrance: i forgot there was a J
  568. [04:53:09] tlink9: Donald Trump becomes king
  569. [04:53:11] anony54: seriously high bitrate video
  570. [04:53:12] rintezuka1: Ohh ball loses its corporal form when you throw it
  571. [04:53:12] diggleshut: do they render any video?
  572. [04:53:14] diggleshut: like
  573. [04:53:16] diggleshut: do they get contracts
  574. [04:53:18] reallyreallybadman: Trump confirmed next president
  575. [04:53:18] diggleshut: or what
  576. [04:53:27] anony54: their job is to do big contracts for gigs
  577. [04:53:32] rg802: @StereotoneTim Tell her to tell you a joke
  578. [04:53:37] diggleshut: ooo ok
  579. [04:53:38] metaconstruct: 5
  580. [04:53:41] metaconstruct: god damn it
  581. [04:53:41] celtrance: 8
  582. [04:53:45] josuedv: categories??
  583. [04:53:46] boredcyborg: e
  584. [04:53:46] fusxfaranto: "sexy pose"
  585. [04:53:47] diggleshut: so they're hired to do all video related stuff then
  586. [04:53:49] soviethulk: Thats a broad question
  587. [04:53:49] 13thmarc: categories
  588. [04:53:51] diggleshut: from recording to editing
  589. [04:53:57] anony54: they make the video, not record it
  590. [04:53:59] 13thmarc: okay google, sexy pose
  591. [04:54:00] celtrance: leave the room? ok
  592. [04:54:04] celtrance: 2
  593. [04:54:07] diggleshut: oo
  594. [04:54:14] anony54: background graphics
  595. [04:54:14] diggleshut: like cgi
  596. [04:54:17] diggleshut: got it
  597. [04:54:17] tlink9: Wan
  598. [04:54:21] maryv_001: resume
  599. [04:54:23] soviethulk: Shes like a magic 8 ball
  600. [04:54:37] 13thmarc: I really want to see tim finish that PS2 game
  601. [04:54:39] metaconstruct: won
  602. [04:54:43] 5555555james: wan
  603. [04:54:45] anony54: these videos are basically uncompressed and push bitrates upwards of 1 gigabit per second
  604. [04:54:46] celtrance: LUL
  605. [04:54:50] moduspwnensgg: He ruins it by saying one twice XD
  606. [04:54:52] shimmerfairy: A MAGICAL BAT CAME AND GAVE HIM A JEWEL
  607. [04:54:58] zelst: some wan wan
  608. [04:54:58] arhowe: no singles policy :(
  609. [04:55:04] iamsotired: lol
  610. [04:55:06] soviethulk: hm
  611. [04:55:06] anony54: SSDs are a hard requirement for these systems
  612. [04:55:07] maryv_001: hahahahahaha
  613. [04:55:07] kneefoil: uh
  614. [04:55:08] metaconstruct: belle's castle adventure!
  615. [04:55:08] murugo: Ooh la la
  616. [04:55:10] literallytrash0: nice
  617. [04:55:10] celtrance: BELLE
  618. [04:55:11] rintezuka1: oh
  619. [04:55:11] ruby151chan: uh
  620. [04:55:11] bestcoachkorea: ....
  621. [04:55:12] zelst: ???
  622. [04:55:13] mrzorage: Looool
  623. [04:55:13] metaconstruct: ? ? ? ? ?
  624. [04:55:14] tlink9: timClip
  625. [04:55:14] josuedv: ???
  626. [04:55:14] volantarius: What the
  627. [04:55:15] reallyreallybadman: bon jour
  628. [04:55:15] diggleshut: O
  629. [04:55:17] rg802: Disney?
  630. [04:55:19] arhowe: LUL
  631. [04:55:20] celtrance: WOW
  632. [04:55:20] diggleshut: what I dont get is
  633. [04:55:22] moduspwnensgg: WHAT
  634. [04:55:23] raynor_ex: alright, switch to this
  635. [04:55:23] mariobromario2: Lmao
  636. [04:55:23] metaconstruct: timGuest420
  637. [04:55:24] soviethulk: ayy
  638. [04:55:24] 13thmarc: I'm scared
  639. [04:55:25] bananaburger: timGuest420
  640. [04:55:25] raynor_ex: we need to see this
  641. [04:55:26] maryv_001: beellle
  642. [04:55:27] psym0nkey: BLAze it
  643. [04:55:33] diggleshut: so what resolution is the end user watching this stuff in
  644. [04:55:34] zelst: stream this on the main channel
  645. [04:55:34] celtrance: mysterious clues???
  646. [04:55:35] bananaburger: you see a clue? where?
  647. [04:55:37] metaconstruct: maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaail tiiiiiiiiime
  648. [04:55:40] mrzorage: unsSmile
  649. [04:55:41] diggleshut: like these aren't 4k movies or imax movies right?
  650. [04:55:44] anony54: it's being played on projectors or LED tiles
  651. [04:55:49] diggleshut: oh
  652. [04:55:49] raynor_ex: you have a hotline to belle?
  653. [04:55:51] seraphim_z: time for another Android stream
  654. [04:55:51] shimmerfairy: voice-only text game?
  655. [04:55:53] anony54: meaning they are blown up huge
  656. [04:55:58] anony54: like building sized at times
  657. [04:56:05] stay_hydrated_bot: ACTION @stereotonetim You've been live for just over 1 hour. By this point in your broadcast you should have consumed at least 4oz (120mL) of water to maintain optimum hydration.
  658. [04:56:06] turnsie: timClip
  659. [04:56:07] metaconstruct: it probably charged your card for this
  660. [04:56:10] metaconstruct: haha
  661. [04:56:10] bananaburger: tim play the humongous entertainment blues clues game
  662. [04:56:13] theprixie: The Guillotine
  663. [04:56:13] iamsotired: STABLE
  664. [04:56:17] bananaburger: fables
  665. [04:56:20] diggleshut: when something is that big though can't the resolution be kinda low
  666. [04:56:21] soviethulk: Clark gables
  667. [04:56:22] diggleshut: like
  668. [04:56:23] celtrance: maple (trees)
  669. [04:56:23] zelst: anne of green gables
  670. [04:56:25] thatguydaniel: Race track
  671. [04:56:26] 13thmarc: glue factory
  672. [04:56:30] foreverska: stables
  673. [04:56:30] diggleshut: sort of how when you get close to a stadium display
  674. [04:56:33] skygtr350: CATEGORIES
  675. [04:56:34] anony54: the people are usually pretty damn far away
  676. [04:56:35] psym0nkey: The dispensery
  677. [04:56:38] reallyreallybadman: jail time favors
  678. [04:56:38] diggleshut: you can literally see the RGB lights
  679. [04:56:43] shimmerfairy: LUL
  680. [04:56:44] iamsotired: omg i got it
  681. [04:56:46] bananaburger: you know what isnt stable?
  682. [04:56:47] deepfreeze2k: Oh. Oh god.
  683. [04:56:47] diggleshut: but far away it looks high res
  684. [04:56:48] bananaburger: THE STOCK MARKET
  685. [04:56:48] zelst: i hate when the man gives us these labels
  686. [04:56:52] rintezuka1: timMrBones
  687. [04:56:55] raynor_ex: beast is destroying another bedroom in a fit of rage
  688. [04:56:56] anony54: a 4k raster is good enough to project an ice hockey arena
  689. [04:56:59] arhowe: CoolStoryBob
  690. [04:57:09] theprixie: HE KIDNAPPED YOU
  691. [04:57:18] hunniepun: siiims timPlus
  692. [04:57:18] bananaburger: aww man
  693. [04:57:21] bananaburger: time to learn
  694. [04:57:24] anony54: but it takes 6 projectors
  695. [04:57:24] psym0nkey: Has anyone told Disney about this shit? UNLEASH THE LAWYERS
  696. [04:57:31] diggleshut: OO
  697. [04:57:36] celtrance: speedrun
  698. [04:57:38] diggleshut: since when are stadium displays projected
  699. [04:57:43] murugo: Tim's having so much fun
  700. [04:57:45] diggleshut: wouldn't all the ambient light screw that up
  701. [04:57:47] moduspwnensgg: speed run! Go for the WR
  702. [04:57:49] bananaburger: LuL
  703. [04:57:50] tlink9: @psym0nkey Disney MADE this
  704. [04:57:52] anony54: hockey arenas are indoors
  705. [04:57:54] theprixie: Should we walk the 9 miles to the stables or ride the golf cart
  706. [04:57:57] psym0nkey: @TLink9 ohgodwhy
  707. [04:57:59] anony54: they just turn the lights off
  708. [04:58:01] diggleshut: oh
  709. [04:58:02] 13thmarc: sure dawg, I've got you
  710. [04:58:09] diggleshut: well that's cool
  711. [04:58:15] diggleshut: you probably got good job security for the future
  712. [04:58:20] diggleshut: seems like digital video stuff isn't going anywhere
  713. [04:58:23] anony54: probably
  714. [04:58:35] diggleshut: you just gotta not get bored
  715. [04:58:36] 5555555james: hello
  716. [04:58:39] tlink9: hell timOh
  717. [04:58:39] celtrance: oh we're on the oregon trail
  718. [04:58:46] anony54: I'm trying to convince my boss to spend $30k on an oscilloscope
  719. [04:58:53] diggleshut: to play quake on?
  720. [04:58:55] theprixie: The dysentery will start soon.
  721. [04:58:57] anony54: going out on shows is fun as hell
  722. [04:59:00] bestcoachkorea: loool
  723. [04:59:01] reallyreallybadman: is this Belle escaping from capture?
  724. [04:59:15] bl0cks: what is happening
  725. [04:59:32] theprixie: Didn't they make a Guilver's movie with Jack Black
  726. [04:59:33] 13thmarc: disney does everything tim
  727. [04:59:36] celtrance: WRITE IT DOWN
  728. [04:59:36] shimmerfairy: I II II L
  729. [04:59:40] 13thmarc: Disney did STAR WARS
  730. [04:59:41] rg802: A CLUE A CLUE
  731. [04:59:45] diggleshut: oh
  732. [04:59:51] diggleshut: just for hockey so far?
  733. [04:59:57] celtrance: sink?
  734. [04:59:58] bananaburger: excuse me?
  735. [05:00:03] kneefoil: bitchin'
  736. [05:00:04] bl0cks: dennys
  737. [05:00:14] mrzorage: Dumpster
  738. [05:00:20] exiledcat: you're good at this
  739. [05:00:21] mountainhaze64: wth is this?
  740. [05:00:24] celtrance: witchin?
  741. [05:00:25] bananaburger: the waffle house is where you go at 3 am when you're hung over
  742. [05:00:25] rintezuka1: really?
  743. [05:00:27] bestcoachkorea: oh goodness
  744. [05:00:30] zelst: i better not catch you snitchin
  745. [05:00:30] rg802: Which end? LEWD
  746. [05:00:35] theprixie: The Waffle House where I used to live had an UNLIMITED menu, meaning you pay 7.99 and can order as much as you like
  747. [05:00:39] theprixie: it was pretty much the best.
  748. [05:00:39] 5555555james: no tim your speedrun time
  749. [05:00:43] mrzorage: Shooooortcut
  750. [05:00:47] moduspwnensgg: RIP WR
  751. [05:00:47] anony54: local gigs
  752. [05:00:49] moduspwnensgg: reset speedrun
  753. [05:00:52] anony54: they also pay well
  754. [05:00:54] psym0nkey: @ThePrixie I'm pretty sure that qualifies as assisted suicided
  755. [05:00:56] bananaburger: Resident Sleeper
  756. [05:00:57] psym0nkey: suicide
  757. [05:01:00] 13thmarc: its speed run stats, this way is actually shorter
  758. [05:01:04] anony54: I made $2k over 3 days during new years
  759. [05:01:08] theprixie: Wow, she's describing these things so well I feel like I'm there
  760. [05:01:12] wingsofjanitor: but we won't play that song here, because that would cost too much
  761. [05:01:23] rg802: The "grey" stuff ....
  762. [05:01:25] 13thmarc: pills?
  763. [05:01:26] celtrance: lewd (?)
  764. [05:01:29] wingsofjanitor: enjoy this generic, jaunty fantasy tune instead
  765. [05:01:32] moduspwnensgg: RIP, GG
  766. [05:01:36] bestcoachkorea: loooooooooooooool
  767. [05:01:38] 13thmarc: tide pods?
  768. [05:01:48] diggleshut: ooo
  769. [05:01:48] bananaburger: no with tide pods its the other way around
  770. [05:01:51] diggleshut: so
  771. [05:01:52] shimmerfairy: what pet dog
  772. [05:01:53] zelst: rururu
  773. [05:01:56] diggleshut: you go and like
  774. [05:01:57] diggleshut: project shit?
  775. [05:02:02] 13thmarc: are dogs good to eat?
  776. [05:02:07] bananaburger: ello pup
  777. [05:02:09] wingsofjanitor: got 'em
  778. [05:02:10] bestcoachkorea: gottem
  779. [05:02:14] thatguydaniel: piss off woofer
  780. [05:02:15] theprixie: Wait so the furniture is still furniture and not people?
  781. [05:02:17] anony54: I'm training to be the video engineer for the gigs
  782. [05:02:18] 5555555james: technology is so advanced
  783. [05:02:22] diggleshut: oooo
  784. [05:02:24] bananaburger: spank?
  785. [05:02:24] theprixie: Im' so confused about the timeline of this story
  786. [05:02:24] psym0nkey: Get the pup drunk?
  787. [05:02:26] hexxtwain: stink
  788. [05:02:31] anony54: meaning I make sure the cameras look right
  789. [05:02:31] rg802: LUL
  790. [05:02:32] bananaburger: ♂
  791. [05:02:35] raynor_ex: there's a timeskip in the middle of the film, so they can put whatever they want in there
  792. [05:02:36] 5555555james: you did it
  793. [05:02:37] anony54: and also direct setup
  794. [05:02:41] rg802: A magical bat came and gave him a jewel
  795. [05:02:52] moduspwnensgg: speek
  796. [05:03:01] originalrykz: I tought the m "a magical bat.." was banned
  797. [05:03:02] simulatedgreg: A magical bat came and gave him a jewel
  798. [05:03:07] theprixie: She must be smart and deep because she knows Shakespeare
  799. [05:03:08] celtrance: did you know disney created shakespeare
  800. [05:03:09] bananaburger: thats terrifying
  801. [05:03:13] anony54: usually, you have an LD, a director, a playback op, an engineer, and sometimes a TD
  802. [05:03:14] diggleshut: ooo
  803. [05:03:19] it_is_fanatic: BR?
  804. [05:03:21] zelst: algum br
  805. [05:03:23] diggleshut: what about the guys who operate those big cameras that broadcast sports on tv
  806. [05:03:24] celtrance: brazil!
  807. [05:03:26] diggleshut: are you related to them
  808. [05:03:29] bananaburger: timOh
  809. [05:03:30] theaxel11: jaja
  810. [05:03:32] foreverska: Already there man
  811. [05:03:34] anony54: I know how to use those
  812. [05:03:38] theprixie: Mower
  813. [05:03:38] bananaburger: my life
  814. [05:03:38] diggleshut: o
  815. [05:03:42] bananaburger: is a tragedy
  816. [05:03:44] bestcoachkorea: power
  817. [05:03:52] thatguydaniel: North Korea
  818. [05:03:54] anony54: the camera guy there controls what the camera is looking at, the zoom and focus
  819. [05:03:56] shimmerfairy: LI BR (I'm guessing library)
  820. [05:03:57] celtrance: flower
  821. [05:04:10] anony54: the engineer sits back and remotely controls the white balance and iris
  822. [05:04:12] murugo: Devour, as in eat my sadness away
  823. [05:04:17] raynor_ex: beauty and the beast / space jam crossover when?
  824. [05:04:17] diggleshut: ahhh
  825. [05:04:18] theprixie: I'm sorry you're a ghost Tim.
  826. [05:04:24] diggleshut: was it a big deal at your job with the thing at the superbowl
  827. [05:04:24] theprixie: I would've been here sooner but I just heard.
  828. [05:04:28] diggleshut: where they broadcast nothing for like 30 seconds
  829. [05:04:30] mariobromario2: What is life
  830. [05:04:31] diggleshut: someone fucked up
  831. [05:04:34] rintezuka1: night everyone o/
  832. [05:04:41] turnsie: night rin
  833. [05:04:43] anony54: we didn't do anything for the superb owl
  834. [05:04:43] bestcoachkorea: loooooooooooool
  835. [05:04:46] diggleshut: o
  836. [05:04:47] originalrykz: we all are dying tim
  837. [05:04:48] diggleshut: but I mean like
  838. [05:04:50] diggleshut: watercooler gossip
  839. [05:04:52] diggleshut: INDUSTRY TALK
  840. [05:04:57] anony54: it happens more than you think
  841. [05:04:58] celtrance: choices matter
  842. [05:05:04] diggleshut: o
  843. [05:05:07] anony54: and yes, someone fucked up good
  844. [05:05:10] wingsofjanitor: She's tired of your crap too, Tim. So she's takin the shortcut to end it faster
  845. [05:05:13] wingsofjanitor: P
  846. [05:05:17] shimmerfairy: what
  847. [05:05:25] tlink9: !Beast will remember that
  848. [05:05:35] celtrance: i can't see you freezing tim
  849. [05:05:45] lvl100weeb: How did you die?
  850. [05:05:48] foreverska: If I don't love myself why should anyone else?
  851. [05:05:58] celtrance: no the ghost will come
  852. [05:05:58] diggleshut: lol
  853. [05:06:02] diggleshut:
  854. [05:06:05] diggleshut: you might like this
  855. [05:06:07] diggleshut: I've seen this a couple times
  856. [05:06:10] anony54: also could have been a hardware failure and they had to switch over to backup
  857. [05:06:14] originalrykz: girlfriend (boy)?
  858. [05:06:15] diggleshut: the video director or whatever
  859. [05:06:19] diggleshut: he's like an artist
  860. [05:06:21] diggleshut: it's crazy
  861. [05:06:22] raynor_ex: why aren't we reading the tempest
  862. [05:06:23] anony54: we always take extra redundancy on stuff
  863. [05:06:45] celtrance: i don't know romeo but i do no oreo's
  864. [05:06:46] shimmerfairy: LI BR ARY
  865. [05:06:51] josuedv: enemies with benefits
  866. [05:06:58] not123username: Itinerary?
  867. [05:06:58] zelst: libertarian
  868. [05:07:04] thatguydaniel: The Beast wants an alibi
  869. [05:07:11] exiledcat: romeo paints juliet as one of his french girls
  870. [05:07:14] theprixie: The next place we need to go is a big place that smells real good and if you were a cop rodent you'd be a lawful mouse.
  871. [05:07:19] theprixie: WAFFLE HOUSE
  872. [05:07:24] bananaburger: there was room on that plank for romeo!
  873. [05:07:33] celtrance: belle comes in for the clutch
  874. [05:07:54] murugo: Why can't she just say "No you moron"
  875. [05:07:54] originalrykz: lol
  876. [05:08:16] zomgitsbacon: Thanks for hand holding us all the way through, Belle.
  877. [05:08:16] celtrance: science, hey you know that one tim
  878. [05:08:19] theprixie: This whole time, Beast has been plowing the maid in the library
  879. [05:08:21] renderedsoul: Are we going to find Rantaro in the library?
  880. [05:08:22] theprixie: he just needed some time
  881. [05:08:24] reallyreallybadman: but can she play basketball?
  882. [05:08:26] lambo: Maths
  883. [05:08:36] bananaburger: HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  884. [05:08:36] hexxtwain: yaaa
  885. [05:08:42] volantarius: OOoohh MYYY
  886. [05:08:49] bananaburger: the teacup
  887. [05:08:50] theprixie: Chip is the cup
  888. [05:08:51] deepfreeze2k: ^
  889. [05:08:53] bananaburger: he lost a tooth
  890. [05:08:53] theprixie: with a chip in it
  891. [05:08:53] celtrance: who's birthday was it again? there you go
  892. [05:08:54] basssic: it's just a single pringle
  893. [05:09:00] deepfreeze2k: Chip was my favorite as a kid for some reason
  894. [05:09:03] zomgitsbacon: Its the Teacup @StereotoneTim
  895. [05:09:03] bananaburger: and it turned into a chip in the cup
  896. [05:09:04] sonickitsune_: RAGING CLUES
  897. [05:09:15] earthmachine: It's weird that I haven't seen the movie in a decade but still remember that.
  898. [05:09:18] lambo: Is this tiring into the French Revolution?
  899. [05:09:19] anony54: also, directors on these live shows are nuts
  900. [05:09:23] theprixie: But she's dead
  901. [05:09:31] shimmerfairy: That wasn't trivia tim
  902. [05:09:31] murugo: The kid who shouts the loudest wins
  903. [05:09:34] theprixie: She was DEAD the whole TIME
  904. [05:09:34] celtrance: 2 (small children)
  905. [05:09:35] banettes: that was hellish
  906. [05:09:36] theprixie: better ending
  907. [05:09:46] diggleshut: yeah
  908. [05:09:51] diggleshut: I did a mini version of this for high school
  909. [05:09:58] diggleshut: I directed the senior show
  910. [05:10:01] diggleshut: it was fun
  911. [05:10:10] diggleshut: coordinating timing and mics and stuff
  912. [05:10:11] sonickitsune_: Is this the hot new HQ Trivia mode
  913. [05:10:19] celtrance: i have a feeling tim is a mars
  914. [05:10:20] diggleshut: exactly like the oscars
  915. [05:10:25] zelst: i want a giant pimple
  916. [05:10:26] sonickitsune_: Do you want a freckle or lungs
  917. [05:10:30] volantarius: wow what a bit
  918. [05:10:31] bananaburger: what
  919. [05:10:34] anony54: the director is watching a multiview of all of the cameras and he has to tell the camera ops where to shoot when they aren't running on cues
  920. [05:10:37] theprixie: Would you rather have people make jokes about you till the end of time or not be a planet anymore.
  921. [05:10:39] bananaburger: timOh
  922. [05:10:48] sonickitsune_: GET IT PLANETS ARE FARTS
  923. [05:10:48] diggleshut: it's probably a million times more complex now
  924. [05:10:50] kneefoil: Mean Beans, and Puyo beans
  925. [05:10:51] diggleshut: that video is super old
  926. [05:10:52] reallyreallybadman: answer is Jupiter
  927. [05:10:53] not123username: A monkey
  928. [05:10:54] stupiddumbmoron: a dog?
  929. [05:10:54] celtrance: beans-> soy->soylent
  930. [05:11:02] anony54: not really
  931. [05:11:03] zelst: is hot chocolate a dessert
  932. [05:11:05] theprixie: Hot chocolate
  933. [05:11:06] not123username: Sahara of course
  934. [05:11:08] celtrance: is that even a question
  935. [05:11:11] bananaburger: it really isnt
  936. [05:11:13] boredcyborg: hot chocolate is not a dessert
  937. [05:11:19] theprixie: I know it's your birthday so I made you a birthday hot chocolat
  938. [05:11:23] theprixie: blow out the candle
  939. [05:11:27] celtrance: SEE THE LIGHT THAT'S RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES, TIM
  940. [05:11:29] celtrance: GOD
  941. [05:11:32] elagabaluscaesar: The questions are real. The answers are real. And the quiz does not skip.
  942. [05:11:32] ipangrazio: resume
  943. [05:11:38] bananaburger: this isnt a real quiz
  944. [05:11:41] not123username: Quiz Judy
  945. [05:11:43] boredcyborg: wow
  946. [05:11:43] bananaburger: you're a what
  947. [05:11:45] josuedv: stellar
  948. [05:11:45] bananaburger: WHAT
  949. [05:11:47] zelst: urf
  950. [05:11:49] theprixie: This fits Tim 100%
  951. [05:11:49] celtrance: lame
  952. [05:11:50] zomgitsbacon: >.>
  953. [05:11:55] anony54: it's about the same as what you see there just with more integrated electronics and larger displays
  954. [05:12:04] reallyreallybadman: if you answer the same, will the answer change?
  955. [05:12:06] lambo: Welcome to Erf
  956. [05:12:07] 13thmarc: puyo?
  957. [05:12:11] bananaburger: its the same thing
  958. [05:12:16] theprixie: Millions of people love Tim
  959. [05:12:16] exiledcat: so many beans, you fart out life
  960. [05:12:17] volantarius: lol
  961. [05:12:17] bananaburger: any new food uses?
  962. [05:12:20] theprixie: he's teaming with life
  963. [05:12:39] banettes: i'm surprised she let you leave
  964. [05:12:40] it_is_fanatic: are you SURE you're done?
  965. [05:12:56] anony54: some of the comm systems we use are almost 25 years old because they haven't changed
  966. [05:12:57] bananaburger: it started saying that even before you were done
  967. [05:13:16] it_is_fanatic: free
  968. [05:13:16] not123username: At this point you should boot up Lifeline and try to win
  969. [05:13:20] 5555555james: try again later
  970. [05:13:21] theprixie: Is this the start of the quiz
  971. [05:13:23] kneefoil: Google can't count
  972. [05:13:23] theprixie: I don't know the answer
  973. [05:13:26] shimmerfairy: A MAGICAL BAT CAME AND GAVE HIM A JEWEL
  974. [05:13:36] it_is_fanatic: Wowee
  975. [05:13:41] celtrance: isnt that racist
  976. [05:13:42] tankteemo: inb4 tim is a human
  977. [05:13:47] bananaburger: there quizzes are all bad
  978. [05:13:50] josuedv: what is your inner furry
  979. [05:13:51] bananaburger: like buzzfeed tier
  980. [05:13:52] sonickitsune_: Can't you just find these on like the 6th page of Google results
  981. [05:13:53] tlink9: Tim is a sloth
  982. [05:13:55] theprixie: U r the hippopotamus, the happiest animal on earth.
  983. [05:13:56] it_is_fanatic: Tim is the powerhouse of the cell
  984. [05:13:57] elagabaluscaesar: timMan
  985. [05:13:59] iamsotired: If you could only meow or bark, which would you prefer?
  986. [05:14:11] zelst: i want to play baseball, but only with people who are worse than me
  987. [05:14:13] bananaburger: a celebrity alien
  988. [05:14:21] not123username: Leet?
  989. [05:14:21] killerkrill: basketball memes let's go
  990. [05:14:23] gashapon: Illegal alien?
  991. [05:14:25] bananaburger: you'd be ringo starr
  992. [05:14:26] sonickitsune_: The drummer: that means dragon, right?
  993. [05:14:27] theprixie: Welcome to the animal personality quiz. Find out what animal you are!
  994. [05:14:28] killerkrill: what
  995. [05:14:32] killerkrill: is memeball banned?
  996. [05:14:35] theprixie: If you could be any animal what would it be?
  997. [05:14:37] it_is_fanatic: haHAA
  998. [05:14:40] bananaburger: lol
  999. [05:14:43] boredcyborg: meem is banned
  1000. [05:14:43] bananaburger: that was a joke
  1001. [05:14:49] banettes: nya
  1002. [05:14:52] it_is_fanatic: Cool Cat
  1003. [05:14:53] celtrance: wow
  1004. [05:14:53] boredcyborg: nya~
  1005. [05:14:54] bananaburger: hahahaha
  1006. [05:14:54] exiledcat: timCat
  1007. [05:14:56] rg802: SnowLUL
  1008. [05:14:57] xstone567: LUL
  1009. [05:14:58] killerkrill: tim's a cool cat
  1010. [05:14:58] josuedv: meow
  1011. [05:14:59] reallyreallybadman: MonocatTim
  1012. [05:15:00] not123username: Nyan~derful
  1013. [05:15:04] sinjongy: Cats like friends now?
  1014. [05:15:05] theprixie: TWO things have talked about Tim being popular
  1015. [05:15:05] celtrance: tim mew
  1016. [05:15:05] boredcyborg: dig the cat's shades
  1017. [05:15:07] 5555555james: ok google shut up
  1018. [05:15:07] basssic: galaxy meow
  1019. [05:15:15] gashapon: Tim loves hanging out with chat
  1020. [05:15:26] bananaburger: timOh
  1021. [05:15:29] it_is_fanatic: timClip
  1022. [05:15:32] theprixie: Tim doesn't have enough body hair to be a cat
  1023. [05:15:51] bananaburger: a hippo would probably kill you
  1024. [05:15:56] it_is_fanatic: donut
  1025. [05:15:57] bananaburger: excuse me
  1026. [05:16:07] murugo: I would rather buy an iphone
  1027. [05:16:12] diggleshut: OOOO
  1028. [05:16:12] zelst: can you repeat that
  1029. [05:16:15] diggleshut: that's interesting
  1030. [05:16:19] theprixie: Cherry Pie hat? ugh
  1031. [05:16:21] killerkrill: LUL
  1032. [05:16:21] bananaburger: oh my god
  1033. [05:16:24] diggleshut: you need to find your quentin tarantino
  1034. [05:16:24] bananaburger: oh my GOD
  1035. [05:16:25] it_is_fanatic: rob awt
  1036. [05:16:27] iamsotired: rahbot
  1037. [05:16:27] diggleshut: and make a pulp fiction
  1038. [05:16:30] boredcyborg: robot
  1039. [05:16:30] reallyreallybadman: rabot
  1040. [05:16:32] anony54: the headsets are all analog all the way out
  1041. [05:16:36] zomgitsbacon: Raw Butt?
  1042. [05:16:37] bananaburger: WOW
  1043. [05:16:39] boredcyborg: oh
  1044. [05:16:43] willster132: categories
  1045. [05:16:44] celtrance: quality game
  1046. [05:16:45] bananaburger: that was not neat
  1047. [05:16:46] lambo: Be part rabbi
  1048. [05:16:47] bananaburger: that was LAME
  1049. [05:16:52] theprixie: Is there a Yo Mamma game?
  1050. [05:16:58] diggleshut: bitcoin is now sub 6k
  1051. [05:17:15] rg802: Oh my...
  1052. [05:17:25] bananaburger: (
  1053. [05:17:26] it_is_fanatic: SourPls
  1054. [05:17:31] smw23: SourPls
  1055. [05:17:32] bananaburger: hahahaha
  1056. [05:17:33] thatguydaniel: SourPls
  1057. [05:17:33] josuedv: SourPls
  1058. [05:17:37] willster132: ?????????????????????????????
  1059. [05:17:40] anony54: your data is delayed
  1060. [05:17:41] celtrance: family edition LUL
  1061. [05:17:42] bananaburger: would you play jackbox with viewers?
  1062. [05:17:49] willster132: "one"
  1063. [05:17:51] theprixie: Maybe at the end you win a family
  1064. [05:17:56] anony54: it briefly dropped under 5k
  1065. [05:17:59] anony54: 6
  1066. [05:18:06] anony54: I see it at 6280 and falling
  1067. [05:18:08] robertthedude: Tim when is the Bot Colony stream ruyuX
  1068. [05:18:17] bananaburger: was that the wheel of fortune sound?
  1069. [05:18:29] bananaburger: hahha
  1070. [05:18:34] celtrance: SCIENCE
  1071. [05:18:36] celtrance: YOU CAN DO IT
  1072. [05:18:37] volantarius: wow really
  1073. [05:18:39] rg802: Tim IS SCIENCE
  1074. [05:18:39] bananaburger: fasle
  1075. [05:18:44] diggleshut: anony
  1076. [05:18:46] bestcoachkorea: lool
  1077. [05:18:46] diggleshut: that's what I just said
  1078. [05:18:48] diggleshut: sub 6k
  1079. [05:18:49] 5555555james: nearly got it
  1080. [05:18:50] bananaburger: timMrBones //
  1081. [05:18:51] willster132: LUL
  1082. [05:18:53] volantarius: LOL
  1083. [05:18:53] theprixie: You were really close
  1084. [05:18:54] diggleshut: I'm not saying it just happened
  1085. [05:18:54] josuedv: nearly got it
  1086. [05:18:56] iamsotired: lmfao what
  1087. [05:18:56] diggleshut: just that it is now
  1088. [05:18:59] bestcoachkorea: looooooooooooool
  1089. [05:19:01] anony54: it isn't at sub 6k, it was
  1090. [05:19:03] anony54: learn english
  1091. [05:19:04] it_is_fanatic: 69
  1092. [05:19:09] diggleshut: pls
  1093. [05:19:10] anony54: verb tenses aren't hard
  1094. [05:19:12] robertthedude: CiGrip
  1095. [05:19:13] diggleshut: what
  1096. [05:19:16] diggleshut: it depends on your source
  1097. [05:19:23] anony54: 1080ti's are already going for only 900 on ebay
  1098. [05:19:25] zelst: wow you're a genius
  1099. [05:19:26] diggleshut: coinbase is considered the real place I think
  1100. [05:19:27] not123username: It's actually 810 though
  1101. [05:19:28] bananaburger: man phone games have
  1102. [05:19:28] diggleshut: *price
  1103. [05:19:32] bananaburger: taken a turn for the worse
  1104. [05:19:34] exiledcat: that's why they call you smartypants
  1105. [05:19:36] willster132: 2
  1106. [05:19:43] volantarius: cant concat string and number
  1107. [05:19:46] theprixie: Everyone is JELLY
  1108. [05:19:54] stupiddumbmoron: you can't do better after 3 correct
  1109. [05:20:07] willster132: ?
  1110. [05:20:07] smw23: ?????
  1111. [05:20:07] bananaburger: ready or not here i come
  1112. [05:20:11] willster132: ????????
  1113. [05:20:12] tlink9: This is what Google makes their interns do.
  1114. [05:20:12] josuedv: Uh?
  1115. [05:20:18] murugo: timOh
  1116. [05:20:19] bananaburger: timOh
  1117. [05:20:19] diggleshut: posts on /biz/ are pretty funn right now
  1118. [05:20:20] robertthedude: Tim is worse at free throws than Shaq LUL
  1119. [05:20:22] rg802: lul
  1120. [05:20:22] stupiddumbmoron: timOh
  1121. [05:20:23] volantarius: oh wow
  1122. [05:20:26] zelst: oh
  1123. [05:20:26] 5555555james: nice
  1124. [05:20:27] docthemagicllama: timOh
  1125. [05:20:28] theaxel11: timOh
  1126. [05:20:29] celtrance: 1 2 skip a few 99 100
  1127. [05:20:30] theprixie: Is someone double checking this
  1128. [05:20:35] anony54: the titan V is almost down to retail price
  1129. [05:20:36] rg802: That's actually impressive
  1130. [05:20:46] willster132: 1 2 oatmeal
  1131. [05:20:51] willster132: kirby is a pink guy
  1132. [05:20:52] volantarius: its going quick
  1133. [05:20:53] tlink9: What are the first 1000 digits of pi
  1134. [05:20:55] bananaburger: half way there
  1135. [05:21:01] gashapon: Not bad
  1136. [05:21:05] kneefoil: Go back to 11
  1137. [05:21:07] bananaburger: timClip
  1138. [05:21:07] anony54: there's a lot of pressure in the bitcoin market right now
  1139. [05:21:12] josuedv: nice
  1140. [05:21:20] volantarius: do it anyway
  1141. [05:21:24] theprixie: 999999
  1142. [05:21:28] bananaburger: count from 1 to 100 backwards in spanish skipping every 7th number
  1143. [05:21:30] celtrance: 900,000 to 1 million
  1144. [05:21:32] xstone567: 100 is max
  1145. [05:21:37] diggleshut: nice
  1146. [05:22:00] anony54: and by pressure, I mean people who want to buy cheap versus people selling to cut their losses
  1147. [05:22:07] bananaburger: gonna do this next time i get pulled over for a DUI
  1148. [05:22:13] tifakitteh: Oh no, Tim died
  1149. [05:22:14] willster132: but does it know all the elements on the periodic table
  1150. [05:22:30] celtrance: can it name every country
  1151. [05:22:39] rg802: JOKES
  1152. [05:22:49] theprixie: spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
  1153. [05:22:55] diggleshut: it's a funny coincidence that I've been watching all new listings on craigslist for like the past 4 weeks
  1154. [05:22:59] smw23: spell icup
  1155. [05:23:00] diggleshut: seeing first hand the bitcoin second hand stuff
  1156. [05:23:03] theprixie: hah
  1157. [05:23:04] shimmerfairy: play categories, Tim.
  1158. [05:23:21] theprixie: awww
  1159. [05:23:22] tifakitteh: YOu're good enough, Tim
  1160. [05:23:22] dehumanization: fun is the opposite of anger
  1161. [05:23:26] tachadapter: one fun please
  1162. [05:23:26] bananaburger: wow racist
  1163. [05:23:33] theprixie: You're just good enough
  1164. [05:23:47] bananaburger: timClip
  1165. [05:23:52] celtrance: i hear and appreciate you tim
  1166. [05:23:52] volantarius: wut
  1167. [05:23:55] dehumanization: she told you
  1168. [05:24:30] tifakitteh: Baaaa
  1169. [05:24:38] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: if I host an openrct2 server for the discord will people play with me
  1170. [05:24:40] volantarius: counting sheep makes you stay awake
  1171. [05:24:45] zelst: maybe
  1172. [05:24:46] theprixie: this is too spooky
  1173. [05:24:48] theprixie: please stop
  1174. [05:24:57] shimmerfairy: timMrBones
  1175. [05:24:58] bananaburger: D:
  1176. [05:25:09] bananaburger: ok google to a cortana impression
  1177. [05:25:30] theprixie: No please, I can't watch the stream if it is too spooky.
  1178. [05:25:35] bananaburger: hahahahahaha
  1179. [05:25:35] theprixie: My mom doesn't let me
  1180. [05:25:38] celtrance: WHAT MADNESS IS THIS
  1181. [05:25:41] tifakitteh: Okay google please stop being spooky
  1182. [05:25:42] 7locrian7: monkaS
  1183. [05:25:43] 5555555james: no google spook
  1184. [05:25:43] shimmerfairy: timMrBones timMrBones timOh
  1185. [05:25:44] deepfreeze2k: SPOOOOOPY
  1186. [05:25:51] bananaburger: i am kristoff
  1187. [05:26:00] theprixie: (
  1188. [05:26:03] mrzorage: Random fun
  1189. [05:26:07] sonickitsune_: This sounds like that screensaver
  1190. [05:26:11] gashapon: did you boot your VM timClip
  1191. [05:26:13] celtrance: oh hey it's the beginning of get me power, a great initial d song
  1192. [05:26:25] dehumanization: tell google to be sexy
  1193. [05:26:28] basssic: sure
  1194. [05:26:31] anicecupofcoffee: Sure
  1195. [05:26:31] sonickitsune_: Great now it's actually haunted
  1196. [05:26:32] tifakitteh: 2spokky4ever
  1197. [05:26:32] shimmerfairy: The spooks never end timMrBones
  1198. [05:26:32] zelst: don't forget you're here forever
  1199. [05:26:34] theprixie: Tim... it wasn't the program... it's COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE
  1200. [05:26:37] dehumanization: haunted forever
  1201. [05:26:39] 13thmarc: creepy pasta
  1202. [05:26:50] tlink9: god damnit Tim you just triggered my google home mini
  1203. [05:26:55] it_is_fanatic: corporate festivities
  1204. [05:27:00] bananaburger: timMinus
  1205. [05:27:07] zelst: why doesn't santa give me any presents
  1206. [05:27:11] contradistinct: which one is your second hand
  1207. [05:27:12] bananaburger: are my hopes and dreams real?
  1208. [05:27:28] diggleshut: pls
  1209. [05:27:32] theprixie: Ask it where babies come from
  1210. [05:27:34] deepfreeze2k: I too have a tooth jar thingy.
  1211. [05:27:35] celtrance: the tooth chest!
  1212. [05:27:37] theprixie: I'm curious
  1213. [05:27:37] tifakitteh: I have mine too somewhere... why am I keeping those teeth it's weird
  1214. [05:27:43] gashapon: Google is slowly killing Tim
  1215. [05:27:44] contradistinct: 0 sleeep and I put off cleaning my apartment
  1216. [05:27:47] contradistinct: and I have people coming over
  1217. [05:27:50] diggleshut: (
  1218. [05:27:51] deepfreeze2k: Except they're not my baby teeth. D:
  1219. [05:27:52] diggleshut: why coming over
  1220. [05:27:54] shimmerfairy: why do you have your baby teeth, Tim?
  1221. [05:28:00] contradistinct: cuz my friend hates my other friend
  1222. [05:28:03] contradistinct: (they're roommates)
  1223. [05:28:04] diggleshut: wat
  1224. [05:28:05] celtrance: babies come from your stomach
  1225. [05:28:07] diggleshut: oh no
  1226. [05:28:08] raine173: his mom is a dentist
  1227. [05:28:12] diggleshut: I overheard this girl talking at starbucks
  1228. [05:28:13] kneefoil: I think Google is lying to you
  1229. [05:28:15] bananaburger: ok google do girls pee from their butts?
  1230. [05:28:16] contradistinct: my friend's bf is living with my other friend and her bf
  1231. [05:28:20] mountainhaze64: wow 420 bucks
  1232. [05:28:26] diggleshut: talking about how she lost her best friend by becoming roommates
  1233. [05:28:35] bananaburger: lol
  1234. [05:28:40] volantarius: d d dating>?
  1235. [05:28:47] celtrance: ask her if she has a girlfriend
  1236. [05:28:49] deepfreeze2k: FORBIDDEN LOVE
  1237. [05:28:52] gashapon: lewd
  1238. [05:28:57] theprixie: do i like boys or girls
  1239. [05:28:59] callmeemo: does it do the lifeline games?
  1240. [05:29:14] rg802: Wow
  1241. [05:29:15] bananaburger: hey google are you actually post malone?
  1242. [05:29:16] tifakitteh: Google will you go out with me
  1243. [05:29:16] josuedv: oh
  1244. [05:29:23] bananaburger: it SUCKED
  1245. [05:29:23] th3third: Clap
  1246. [05:29:24] rg802: LUL
  1247. [05:29:27] docthemagicllama: haHAA
  1248. [05:29:28] celtrance: ha
  1249. [05:29:28] rg802: That was good Tim
  1250. [05:29:29] volantarius: woooow
  1251. [05:29:33] rg802: And relevant
  1252. [05:29:36] mountainhaze64: I hate this thing so much
  1253. [05:29:39] contradistinct: I haven't had too many issues with my roommates
  1254. [05:29:45] zelst: hahaha
  1255. [05:29:48] bananaburger: hahaha
  1256. [05:29:49] deepfreeze2k: LOL
  1257. [05:29:52] deepfreeze2k: wow
  1258. [05:29:55] contradistinct: but yeah so we're having dinner at my place but I never fully unpacked
  1259. [05:29:55] rg802: Google knows you
  1260. [05:29:56] jon_sklx: LUL
  1261. [05:30:06] mountainhaze64: LMAO
  1262. [05:30:11] gashapon: it’s learning!
  1263. [05:30:15] contradistinct: oh wait I forgot my friend took all of my stuff
  1264. [05:30:15] ruby151chan: you just have to specify youre not joking
  1265. [05:30:20] volantarius: oh thats depressing
  1266. [05:30:29] contradistinct: utensils I mean
  1267. [05:30:32] tev216: oh right i almost forgot
  1268. [05:30:39] tifakitteh: Have google read them out loud
  1269. [05:30:41] diggleshut: oooo
  1270. [05:30:42] tev216: i have twitch prime student now so i have a year of free subs to blow on tim
  1271. [05:30:50] diggleshut: woooo
  1272. [05:30:52] diggleshut: free sub party
  1273. [05:30:53] tev216: there we go
  1274. [05:30:54] bananaburger: same
  1275. [05:30:57] sonickitsune_: Something about a Sloop John B
  1276. [05:30:58] tev216: timDinero
  1277. [05:30:58] celtrance: i want to get off of mr.bones wild ride
  1278. [05:31:02] diggleshut: nice
  1279. [05:31:05] basssic: same for the cat thing
  1280. [05:31:12] thatguydaniel: Pass the Tide Pods
  1281. [05:31:14] tifakitteh: oh
  1282. [05:31:23] bananaburger: "Do you think my family would be happier if i didnt exist?"
  1283. [05:31:25] contradistinct: she also stole my pot
  1284. [05:31:28] diggleshut: wow jerk
  1285. [05:31:33] tev216: wow
  1286. [05:31:38] tev216: thats pretty lame
  1287. [05:31:43] contradistinct: not the timGuest420 kind
  1288. [05:31:44] shimmerfairy: find a hotel timClip
  1289. [05:31:50] tifakitteh: Love hotels make people happy?
  1290. [05:31:57] gashapon: get a room you two
  1291. [05:32:00] bananaburger: sounds about right
  1292. [05:32:04] diggleshut: lol
  1293. [05:32:14] celtrance: are you still in the dog section
  1294. [05:32:19] shimmerfairy: timFace
  1295. [05:32:29] haru_roizoku: how can you have a terrible selfie if you have no face?
  1296. [05:32:40] contradistinct: I'm gonna put off cleaning again
  1297. [05:32:47] contradistinct: already cleaned the bathroom and kitchen
  1298. [05:32:49] bananaburger: hahahaha
  1299. [05:32:51] bananaburger: i did too
  1300. [05:32:57] rg802: LUL
  1301. [05:33:00] rg802: My aplogies
  1302. [05:33:01] zelst: google is very blunt
  1303. [05:33:04] rg802: apologies
  1304. [05:33:13] bananaburger: ok google why did girls bully me when i was a child?
  1305. [05:33:16] roymahboy: google assistant timMinus
  1306. [05:33:33] contradistinct: @Bananaburger you know why
  1307. [05:33:37] bananaburger: (
  1308. [05:33:54] lokiry: diggle did you died for your legos
  1309. [05:33:55] bananaburger: hahahaha
  1310. [05:33:57] zelst: ???
  1311. [05:33:59] contradistinct: he did
  1312. [05:34:08] contradistinct: it was worth it though
  1313. [05:34:09] odehs: lol
  1314. [05:34:10] itsallgooddog: is this funny or a cry for help
  1315. [05:34:17] volantarius: idk
  1316. [05:34:18] bananaburger: is this madlibs?
  1317. [05:34:25] celtrance: broken/10
  1318. [05:34:27] dehumanization: depression is the answer for all
  1319. [05:34:30] bl0cks: no this is sadlibs
  1320. [05:34:36] drdickbutt: do you need help tim
  1321. [05:34:46] zelst: clever
  1322. [05:34:47] itsallgooddog: blink twice if you're vbeing held hostage
  1323. [05:34:48] bananaburger: hahaha
  1324. [05:34:57] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: way to go!
  1325. [05:34:57] bananaburger: gotta change it up on the last one
  1326. [05:35:09] dehumanization: you are a natural
  1327. [05:35:15] gimpityslap: tppowerSquatt
  1328. [05:35:18] bananaburger: "very original!"
  1329. [05:35:20] celtrance: is tim getting quieter with every depression
  1330. [05:35:28] deathsheeps: clever
  1331. [05:35:29] deathsheeps: hahaha
  1332. [05:35:32] zelst: how long is this going to go for
  1333. [05:35:35] 5555555james: depression
  1334. [05:35:44] bananaburger: timOh
  1335. [05:35:45] it_is_fanatic: LUL
  1336. [05:35:48] haru_roizoku: mature
  1337. [05:35:48] itsallgooddog: clever
  1338. [05:35:50] bl0cks: *dongpression
  1339. [05:35:52] banettes: dongus
  1340. [05:35:52] josuedv: LUL
  1341. [05:35:56] dart133: is this depressing mad libs?
  1342. [05:36:01] kneefoil: cool, I love depression
  1343. [05:36:02] ohnoesfroz: oh thank god diggle's finally ded
  1344. [05:36:06] bananaburger: i cant wait
  1345. [05:36:13] diggleshut: YEAH RIGHT
  1346. [05:36:19] ohnoesfroz: o-oh
  1347. [05:36:22] bananaburger: LUL
  1348. [05:36:22] zelst: hahah
  1349. [05:36:22] lokiry: ghost of diggle :O
  1350. [05:36:25] reallyreallybadman: wow
  1351. [05:36:26] diggleshut: low bitcoin prices only raise my power
  1352. [05:36:27] deathsheeps: Hahaha
  1353. [05:36:30] deepfreeze2k: hahahaha
  1354. [05:36:30] volantarius: LOL
  1355. [05:36:31] bl0cks: oh fucking same
  1356. [05:36:34] 5555555james: awesome
  1357. [05:36:34] tifakitteh: Help I cant breathe
  1358. [05:36:35] willster132: The depression barn LUL
  1359. [05:36:35] jtbman: LUL
  1360. [05:36:37] celtrance: FRESHLY LAID FROM THE DEPRESSION
  1361. [05:36:37] deathsheeps: The depression barn
  1362. [05:36:37] diggleshut: that guy is playing with my legos now
  1363. [05:36:38] iamsotired: loll
  1364. [05:36:40] jon_sklx: LUL YES
  1365. [05:36:41] diggleshut: that sounds kinda lewd
  1366. [05:36:49] murugo: LUL
  1367. [05:36:50] lokiry: what was your profit on the legos
  1368. [05:36:50] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: me
  1369. [05:36:50] iamsotired: lmfaoooo
  1370. [05:36:50] bananaburger: HAHAHA
  1371. [05:36:51] it_is_fanatic: ROFLLLL
  1372. [05:36:53] docthemagicllama: I wish someone would clean my depression stall
  1373. [05:36:53] tev216: i forget if chatty supports sub emotes
  1374. [05:36:53] willster132: OF ALL THE ONES TO BE DONGUS
  1375. [05:36:54] rg802: Depression Stool
  1376. [05:36:54] deepfreeze2k: LOL
  1377. [05:36:54] tev216: timOh
  1378. [05:36:55] diggleshut: I took a los
  1379. [05:36:57] tev216: oh sweet it does
  1380. [05:36:58] diggleshut: $20 loss
  1381. [05:36:59] bananaburger: someone please clip this i cant
  1382. [05:37:00] hexxtwain: lol clip this
  1383. [05:37:01] josuedv: i'm crying
  1384. [05:37:01] fusxfaranto: hahahaha holy shit
  1385. [05:37:02] mountainhaze64: LMAO
  1386. [05:37:03] diggleshut: but I thought I'd get way less
  1387. [05:37:04] rg802: That actually was really good
  1388. [05:37:04] 5555555james: just another depression day down at the farm
  1389. [05:37:09] diggleshut: I bought them new in plastic
  1390. [05:37:12] seraphim_z: yes!
  1391. [05:37:12] diggleshut: and sold them used
  1392. [05:37:12] rg802: Depression farm
  1393. [05:37:14] raine173: depression the cow
  1394. [05:37:15] rg802: YES
  1395. [05:37:19] gashapon: depression the cow :D
  1396. [05:37:20] banettes: depression ft dongus
  1397. [05:37:20] theaxel11: amazing
  1398. [05:37:21] killerz118: YES
  1399. [05:37:23] rg802: Milked Depression the cow
  1400. [05:37:23] bananaburger: the first fun game
  1401. [05:37:30] lokiry: was the trip worth it then
  1402. [05:37:30] zelst: milk the depression from the cow
  1403. [05:37:31] willster132:
  1404. [05:37:36] itsallgooddog: Farmer Tim on Depression Farm, Beneath the Cow Dongus
  1405. [05:37:38] anony54: oh, pug'b banned a million cheaters in january
  1406. [05:37:38] wisbiscuit: that was way better than it shouldve been
  1407. [05:37:43] diggleshut: yes cause I dont know when I'd get someone willing to pay $100 again
  1408. [05:37:44] bananaburger: thank you willster you are the real mvp
  1409. [05:37:45] diggleshut: nice anony
  1410. [05:37:54] fusxfaranto: something about the text to speech makes that so goddamn funny
  1411. [05:38:07] anony54: a million copies banned in one month
  1412. [05:38:23] bananaburger: that wasnt milk
  1413. [05:38:31] itsallgooddog: it was a type of milk
  1414. [05:38:31] sonickitsune_: I'm surprised it recognized "dongus" and accepted words that didn't fit
  1415. [05:38:31] ozzd: Just another day in Depression Farm
  1416. [05:38:31] tifakitteh: I did not expect it to turn out so good
  1417. [05:38:46] bananaburger: its gonna jumpscare u
  1418. [05:38:51] volantarius: LOL
  1419. [05:39:01] tifakitteh: Will I die today
  1420. [05:39:09] bananaburger: what
  1421. [05:39:16] reallyreallybadman: Tim is immortal
  1422. [05:39:17] diggleshut: how many from china
  1423. [05:39:18] shimmerfairy:
  1424. [05:39:23] anony54: all of them
  1425. [05:39:26] killerz118: Immortal Tim
  1426. [05:39:27] anony54: (not really)
  1427. [05:39:31] diggleshut: lol
  1428. [05:39:33] docthemagicllama: LUL
  1429. [05:39:35] josuedv: same
  1430. [05:39:35] bananaburger: timOh
  1431. [05:39:37] kneefoil: lol
  1432. [05:39:38] zelst: oh
  1433. [05:39:38] deepfreeze2k: Oh.
  1434. [05:39:40] foreverska: timOh
  1435. [05:39:40] celtrance: WOW
  1436. [05:39:40] kneefoil: That's harsh
  1437. [05:39:41] ozzd: Oh
  1438. [05:39:41] odehs: but whatever
  1439. [05:39:41] theaxel11: oh
  1440. [05:39:43] apathei: timOh
  1441. [05:39:43] bananaburger: FeelsBadMan
  1442. [05:39:44] killerz118: Oh
  1443. [05:39:47] murphylawson: timOh
  1444. [05:39:47] volantarius: "totally"
  1445. [05:39:49] willster132: too late shimmer
  1446. [05:39:52] willster132: I already clipped it
  1447. [05:39:53] willster132: I get the fame now
  1448. [05:39:56] tifakitteh: It's over
  1449. [05:39:59] rg802: Will you milk depression under the cow's Dongus?
  1450. [05:40:05] bananaburger: life on antidepressants
  1451. [05:40:08] itsallgooddog: i don't want to see a news report about a murder suicide tomorrow
  1452. [05:40:10] bananaburger: will i ever be happy? not exactly
  1453. [05:40:14] kneefoil: play Pet Sounds
  1454. [05:40:17] anony54: it seems like online gamers are racist against chinese people
  1455. [05:40:19] killerz118: LOL
  1456. [05:40:30] rg802: LOL Why does is sound like the manatee exploded?
  1457. [05:40:32] ohnoesfroz: i thought it was brazilians that everyone hated
  1458. [05:40:37] anony54: it's like we've gone back to the 80's
  1459. [05:40:39] anony54: the 1880's
  1460. [05:40:50] bananaburger: is this minecraft music?
  1461. [05:40:52] tifakitteh: Okay google, play sounds of explosions
  1462. [05:41:03] reallyreallybadman: can it play white noise?
  1463. [05:41:11] docthemagicllama: It sounds like the music it plays in steamvr home
  1464. [05:41:15] shimmerfairy: can it play white day? timBBQQT
  1465. [05:41:29] sonickitsune_: DROP IT
  1466. [05:41:30] celtrance: paws here
  1467. [05:41:31] it_is_fanatic: "You are now manually breathing. Haha." -Google
  1468. [05:41:46] reallyreallybadman: smell that depression
  1469. [05:41:48] josuedv: i have ascended
  1470. [05:41:55] tifakitteh: I'm levitating
  1471. [05:41:58] mountainhaze64: Is this robot actually a licenced mindfulness teacher? I wouldn't want to harm my psyche
  1472. [05:42:08] miracleflare: i thought of butts, i can't let that pass
  1473. [05:42:35] killerz118: It actually kinda worked for me
  1474. [05:42:38] tifakitteh: I wanna set things on fire today
  1475. [05:42:39] sonickitsune_: So this one time I tried this "sleep aid" app during a pretty restless night, it really just made it harder to sleep because it generated some weird alien soundtrack that sounded like a horror movie
  1476. [05:43:12] bananaburger: i just feel kind of sad now
  1477. [05:43:27] tsarce: criss angel
  1478. [05:43:31] tifakitteh: Is normal people actually get any effects from that
  1479. [05:43:32] bananaburger: lol
  1480. [05:43:46] tifakitteh: I am so relaxed right now
  1481. [05:43:49] killerz118: I enjoyed the breathing
  1482. [05:43:51] hunniepun: timMinus
  1483. [05:43:53] 5555555james: this white noise relaxes me
  1484. [05:43:54] iamsotired: The soothing sounds of a broken television
  1485. [05:43:57] mountainhaze64: Tim, is your character a ghost?
  1486. [05:43:57] firedude847: why do i hear demons??
  1487. [05:43:58] q1s2: static noises
  1488. [05:44:00] killerz118: Static?
  1489. [05:44:01] bananaburger: what
  1490. [05:44:05] tankteemo: *plays footage from a hurricane*
  1491. [05:44:10] contradistinct: thought people hated filipinos
  1492. [05:44:16] ohnoesfroz: (
  1493. [05:44:17] diggleshut: br?
  1494. [05:44:20] anony54: huehue
  1495. [05:44:31] roymahboy: static = white noise = relaxing
  1496. [05:44:38] roymahboy: clearly
  1497. [05:44:44] it_is_fanatic: so TTS can say Dre but not "lame"?
  1498. [05:44:50] firedude847: ever since i played smt 4 static noise scares me
  1499. [05:44:50] tifakitteh: You mean some days aren't weird?
  1500. [05:44:57] plcx: Not really
  1501. [05:44:58] celtrance: football aftermath
  1502. [05:44:58] josuedv: everyday
  1503. [05:44:59] bananaburger: idk
  1504. [05:45:03] shimmerfairy: the stocks?
  1505. [05:45:04] bananaburger: every day is the same for me
  1506. [05:45:19] reallyreallybadman: didn't even have to use your ak
  1507. [05:45:20] foreverska: I took a real big poop. Does that count?
  1508. [05:45:33] shimmerfairy: @StereotoneTim could it feel that way because of your new sad pills?
  1509. [05:45:45] shimmerfairy: as in, the fact that you have them
  1510. [05:46:15] raine173: I consider getting out of bed everyday an accomplishment
  1511. [05:46:17] bananaburger: you cant back out now
  1512. [05:46:25] bananaburger: you worked so hard for them
  1513. [05:46:42] foreverska: They gave me sad pills for anxiety. They just made me manic.
  1514. [05:46:53] theprixie: What happens if a ghost pees in a hot tub with normal people in it
  1515. [05:46:59] volantarius: wow she had to check
  1516. [05:47:04] shimmerfairy: Come on Tim, try the pills! It's what peer pressure would do!
  1517. [05:47:19] bananaburger: ok google what would happen if i never turned you back on?
  1518. [05:47:30] tifakitteh: When you switch sadpills, do you just immediately stop the old one, and take the same quantity of the new ones?
  1519. [05:47:33] killerz118: Ouch
  1520. [05:47:37] volantarius: call obama
  1521. [05:47:51] motrin25: Oof
  1522. [05:48:06] killerz118: You normally ween yourself off pills
  1523. [05:48:16] willster132: being dead is my favorite sport
  1524. [05:48:18] shimmerfairy: Your doctor would give you a game plan.
  1525. [05:48:28] tifakitteh: Hm, gotcha
  1526. [05:48:41] deepfreeze2k: Yeah, Im not sure how well my fluoxetine's working. Doc's upping my dose and we'll see how that goes.
  1527. [05:48:49] contradistinct: in the hospital they sometimes give different ones than you normally take depending if it is on formulary
  1528. [05:49:10] willster132: ok can we all agree the best sport is curling
  1529. [05:49:11] kneefoil: Is your refrigerator running?
  1530. [05:49:15] shimmerfairy: Okay Google, do you know why we stopped the car?
  1531. [05:49:20] bananaburger: ^
  1532. [05:49:21] 5555555james: how does google know whether your kitchen lights are on
  1533. [05:49:22] bananaburger: HAHAHA
  1534. [05:49:25] deepfreeze2k: LOL
  1535. [05:49:25] it_is_fanatic: RIP hot dog bike
  1536. [05:49:25] reallyreallybadman: my bike now
  1537. [05:49:31] sonickitsune_: That's the same number I have on my luggage
  1538. [05:49:36] tev216: im philipino
  1539. [05:49:38] rg802: Public knowledge now
  1540. [05:49:41] tev216: well, half philipino
  1541. [05:49:44] tev216: on my moms side
  1542. [05:49:55] turnsie: now i can steal your bike tim
  1543. [05:50:22] lokiry: dota its peruvians that ruin the game
  1544. [05:50:24] tsarce: or weiner
  1545. [05:50:26] willster132: when do I put the hotdog in the bike
  1546. [05:50:29] reallyreallybadman: how many calories in a dongus?
  1547. [05:50:32] shimmerfairy: How many hot dogs can you put in a bike?
  1548. [05:50:33] iamsotired: Nice
  1549. [05:50:33] bananaburger: please dont talk about my wiener like this
  1550. [05:50:34] lokiry: us east is basically only spanish people
  1551. [05:51:03] tifakitteh: "you like having fun" oh
  1552. [05:51:11] ohnoesfroz: its cuz dota sux and only sux people play sux game
  1553. [05:51:12] ohnoesfroz: like u
  1554. [05:51:28] tifakitteh: How do I achieve death
  1555. [05:51:39] killerz118: Just wait 60 years when you'll have an android Google home
  1556. [05:51:41] anicecupofcoffee: It's the power house of the cell
  1557. [05:51:43] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: hey google how do i die
  1558. [05:51:59] 5555555james: about steamed hams
  1559. [05:52:05] reallyreallybadman: hey google how do I rob a bank?
  1560. [05:52:39] bananaburger: good
  1561. [05:52:45] sungiant_: hey google how many hotdogs until my my bloodstream clugs
  1562. [05:52:47] diggleshut:
  1563. [05:52:51] diggleshut: creepy
  1564. [05:52:51] firedude847: hey tim you seen DK steamed hams?
  1565. [05:52:53] diggleshut: the woman on the left
  1566. [05:52:55] diggleshut: looks like my mom
  1567. [05:53:13] bananaburger: boooo
  1568. [05:53:26] tifakitteh: Well Seymour, it seems I've made it, despite your instructions
  1569. [05:53:59] ohnoesfroz: your mom's a bitcoin girl
  1570. [05:54:00] tifakitteh: Damnit, I will go commit seppukku to save my honour
  1571. [05:54:01] ohnoesfroz: i understand
  1572. [05:54:03] diggleshut: ;-;
  1573. [05:54:04] bananaburger: ah superintendent chalmers welcome
  1574. [05:54:14] bananaburger: i hope you're ready for an unforgettable luncheon
  1575. [05:54:14] tlink9: did you see this version yet?
  1576. [05:54:22] bananaburger: i posted that one earlier but idk if he saw
  1577. [05:54:47] bananaburger: gotta get to the krusty burger before chalmers!
  1578. [05:55:11] hexxtwain: is there any live action steamed ham videos?
  1579. [05:55:16] bananaburger: why DO you have to get to the party before charlie?
  1580. [05:55:26] theaxel11: my new fav steamed hams is Steamed Hams but Chalmers is Everywhere
  1581. [05:55:27] willster132: oh no
  1582. [05:55:30] willster132: tim that song hurts me
  1583. [05:55:33] firedude847: tim i need that song]
  1584. [05:55:47] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: god i hate this
  1585. [05:56:03] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: hey google, play anxiety
  1586. [05:56:04] stay_hydrated_bot: ACTION @stereotonetim You've been live for just over 2 hours. By this point in your broadcast you should have consumed at least 8oz (240mL) of water to maintain optimum hydration.
  1587. [05:56:14] bananaburger: good
  1588. [05:56:16] theaxel11: heyyy is the bot!
  1589. [05:56:20] johnnymaq: i love you stay hydrated bot
  1590. [05:56:22] theaxel11: good bot
  1591. [05:56:28] volantarius: thats alot of water
  1592. [05:56:28] tsarce: what happened to the mii shop
  1593. [05:56:42] celtrance: aww thanks hydrated bot
  1594. [05:56:44] deepfreeze2k: wat
  1595. [05:56:48] tlink9: @stay_hydrated_bot don't worry I'm a soyboy
  1596. [05:56:54] bananaburger: what is happening
  1597. [05:56:55] sonickitsune_: Okay but why didn't they call it WaterBot or Botter or WaterBotter
  1598. [05:56:56] volantarius: So if i sleep for 8 hours im fucked?
  1599. [05:57:04] bananaburger: me irl
  1600. [05:57:20] deepfreeze2k: I get dehydrated every time I sleep for 8 hours. :<
  1601. [05:57:22] deepfreeze2k: it sucks
  1602. [05:57:24] q1s2: i'm scared
  1603. [05:57:24] tlink9: @bananaburger mii irl
  1604. [05:57:26] willster132: this survey is asking for a favorite movie and I need to answer apparently but I havent seen a movie in like 2 years what do I do
  1605. [05:57:29] celtrance: that mii is shaped like an acorn
  1606. [05:57:32] bananaburger: there ya go
  1607. [05:57:51] volantarius: what is that
  1608. [05:57:52] bananaburger: this is what you would hear in a fever dream
  1609. [05:57:59] miracleflare: always answer "the room"
  1610. [05:58:24] celtrance: Forrest Gump is a solid answer
  1611. [05:58:48] tifakitteh: Those are too generic answers tho
  1612. [05:58:49] willster132: but I have seen those and I dont like them
  1613. [05:58:52] docthemagicllama: SourPls
  1614. [05:58:53] perciacalos: Manos: The Hands Of Fate is another good option
  1615. [05:59:04] celtrance: jurassic park 1 is unironically my favorite movie
  1616. [05:59:08] sharrakor: why must you frighten me
  1617. [05:59:12] willster132: I dont actually watch movies I just read film synopises
  1618. [05:59:20] bananaburger: i forgot about otamatones
  1619. [05:59:27] tifakitteh: I need to play it soon, I saw a damn spoiler for it earlier
  1620. [05:59:30] growlkore: what was the name of that? I wish to know for research reasons
  1621. [05:59:34] tifakitteh: Thanks Twitch with your preview images
  1622. [05:59:35] willster132: Ill just say cars 2
  1623. [05:59:35] reallyreallybadman: still waiting on Nekopara
  1624. [05:59:36] celtrance: you could pick a documentary if you wanna sound smart and thoughtful
  1625. [05:59:55] willster132: oh wait
  1626. [05:59:59] willster132: National Treasure
  1627. [06:00:02] willster132: BOOM
  1628. [06:00:08] bananaburger: i'd probably unironically pick the room
  1629. [06:00:13] celtrance: tim that sounds like you put a documentary for something and they yelled at you
  1630. [06:00:17] tifakitteh: Catgirls yay SnowWut
  1631. [06:00:21] it_is_fanatic: or you could just play Nier...
  1632. [06:00:25] bananaburger: dont sink to that level tim
  1633. [06:00:40] zage_the_mage: i mean, would sinking to that level be that bad
  1634. [06:01:01] sorayarlarwin: Or you could just wait for Maidens of Michael to release
  1635. [06:01:29] reallyreallybadman: 2Booty
  1636. [06:01:36] it_is_fanatic: I don't sit with the ethereal.
  1637. [06:01:49] bananaburger: aww man
  1638. [06:01:55] tippidink: gnomes are real
  1639. [06:02:23] reallyreallybadman: build a ghost wall
  1640. [06:02:35] it_is_fanatic: wall of the damned
  1641. [06:02:43] tifakitteh: Make Ghosterica Ethereal Again
  1642. [06:02:46] greasydratini: tim what are you doing ?
  1643. [06:03:08] it_is_fanatic: FeelsBadMan
  1644. [06:03:22] it_is_fanatic: RIP SALAD
  1645. [06:03:34] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: jesus live-s there
  1646. [06:03:42] greasydratini: Right in front of my salad?!
  1647. [06:04:00] reallyreallybadman: salad thief
  1648. [06:04:01] it_is_fanatic: heheheheh-
  1649. [06:04:13] volantarius: lol
  1650. [06:04:17] tifakitteh: NYEH HEH HEH HEH
  1651. [06:04:19] greasydratini: im not playing your games
  1652. [06:04:24] it_is_fanatic: his now.
  1653. [06:04:56] greasydratini: let's do that now!
  1654. [06:05:00] bananaburger: hahahaha
  1655. [06:05:04] sungiant_: oh yes
  1656. [06:05:06] bananaburger: the dsp method
  1657. [06:05:06] it_is_fanatic: p-phone
  1658. [06:05:09] docthemagicllama: that man is a real hero
  1659. [06:05:11] deepfreeze2k: hahahaa
  1660. [06:05:14] greasydratini: link it
  1661. [06:05:20] zage_the_mage: wow tim, internet video shaming
  1662. [06:05:29] raynor_ex: retsuprae with tim
  1663. [06:05:35] bananaburger: amazing
  1664. [06:05:39] greasydratini: Send a link
  1665. [06:05:40] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: how did you find my lets play?
  1666. [06:05:46] zelst: it wasnt good, thats why its good
  1667. [06:06:07] greasydratini: damn
  1668. [06:06:18] fusxfaranto: check recently watched videos?
  1669. [06:06:48] it_is_fanatic: bananaburger littering for payback
  1670. [06:06:56] bananaburger: maybe i did
  1671. [06:06:58] greasydratini: oh
  1672. [06:06:58] sungiant_: hullo
  1673. [06:07:01] greasydratini: timOh
  1674. [06:07:02] bananaburger: hahahah
  1675. [06:07:06] bananaburger: amazing
  1676. [06:07:11] it_is_fanatic: me_irl
  1677. [06:07:11] docthemagicllama: 4:3 hell yea
  1678. [06:07:17] kneefoil: Hot quality
  1679. [06:07:32] zage_the_mage: but you cant hear him...
  1680. [06:07:33] greasydratini: Hot trash quality
  1681. [06:07:43] danbfx: Did Tim ever finish that project of turning the vice city radio into midis and text to speech?
  1682. [06:07:47] sonickitsune_: This is the 360 version? Or original Xbox?
  1683. [06:08:24] greasydratini: TIM NO!
  1684. [06:08:24] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: tim LMAO
  1685. [06:08:45] greasydratini: is this tres bien?
  1686. [06:08:54] greasydratini: but with cats?
  1687. [06:08:57] miracleflare: that's not how you make a hot tub
  1688. [06:09:05] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: counter owned
  1689. [06:09:47] jencis0: I watched the freeso monotonetim stream. how dare you steal that man's laptops
  1690. [06:09:52] greasydratini: kick em to the curb
  1691. [06:10:08] greasydratini: take that laptop
  1692. [06:10:30] bananaburger: jnco jeans
  1693. [06:10:37] bananaburger: girls with big boobies
  1694. [06:10:43] bananaburger: who are slots
  1695. [06:10:48] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: im22 years old and i jujst learned last week wnhat JNCOs are
  1696. [06:10:56] sungiant_: big tiddy goth gfs
  1697. [06:10:59] greasydratini: slots
  1698. [06:11:07] itsallgooddog: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 How about JTRHNBR
  1699. [06:11:10] bananaburger: i had to get around the censor somehow
  1700. [06:11:12] sungiant_: you were a little too young for them, i had to look up what they are too
  1701. [06:11:17] bananaburger: @ItsAllGoodDog oh no
  1702. [06:11:21] diggleshut: lol
  1703. [06:11:25] zage_the_mage: JNCOs were the shit in the late 90's early 2000's
  1704. [06:11:33] zage_the_mage: 60" openings
  1705. [06:11:34] diggleshut: nvm this link
  1706. [06:11:38] greasydratini: your a ghost, you have no rights
  1707. [06:12:06] growlkore: uhm.... thats a creepy workout room
  1708. [06:12:08] jencis0: wear my big ankle-length jeans shorts crew at?
  1709. [06:12:13] tifakitteh: Ghosts have all the rights, there's no legislation for ghosts
  1710. [06:12:14] greasydratini: spook him
  1711. [06:12:46] contradistinct: what am I watching...
  1712. [06:12:47] zage_the_mage: i wanna be dead too FeelsBadMan
  1713. [06:12:53] theeyesofsyn92: Tim's back!
  1714. [06:12:56] theeyesofsyn92: eogHey
  1715. [06:12:57] diggleshut: it's the buffalo bill murderer from silence of the lambs
  1716. [06:12:59] bananaburger: you're back too
  1717. [06:13:02] contradistinct: oh
  1718. [06:13:02] diggleshut: with a home shopping network overlay
  1719. [06:13:02] theeyesofsyn92: Hey Tim and Chat
  1720. [06:13:04] diggleshut: lol
  1721. [06:13:04] bananaburger: tim has been back
  1722. [06:13:06] bananaburger: hello
  1723. [06:13:06] simguy764: if this was what death was like i think i'd enjoy it
  1724. [06:13:11] contradistinct: haven't seen that movie in a while
  1725. [06:13:17] sungiant_: god i wish that were me
  1726. [06:13:19] contradistinct: watched it in high school
  1727. [06:13:21] theeyesofsyn92: How are you feeling?
  1728. [06:13:26] contradistinct: in class
  1729. [06:13:34] sonickitsune_: Oh yeah the sweet jump zone
  1730. [06:13:36] diggleshut: I like it
  1731. [06:13:39] diggleshut: I think it's pretty solid
  1732. [06:13:43] shimmerfairy: @TheEyesofSyn92 you've missed the last couple of streams, I think.
  1733. [06:13:44] tifakitteh: Quick, steal their laptops
  1734. [06:13:44] banettes: everywhere really does look the same
  1735. [06:14:03] jencis0: "Uh" - monotonetim 2018
  1736. [06:14:10] reallyreallybadman: where is a cow dongus when you need one
  1737. [06:14:20] sungiant_: hot
  1738. [06:14:25] sorayarlarwin: Next to the depression stool
  1739. [06:14:47] bananaburger: they all kind of look the same
  1740. [06:14:55] reallyreallybadman: that is a lot of chairs
  1741. [06:14:56] bananaburger: lol
  1742. [06:15:43] sonickitsune_: They get the items bulk on these type of lots or something
  1743. [06:16:23] banettes: haha
  1744. [06:16:35] greasydratini: cheedle doot the third?
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