
High Rock metaphysics ideas and ramblement

Apr 11th, 2016
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  1. Day changed to 10 Apr 2016
  2. 00:20:56 -!- zinitrad [] has joined #memospore
  3. 00:21:07 < zinitrad> so like idea
  4. 00:21:56 < zinitrad> late first era (between hestrans and remans) crusades
  5. between the northern and southern bretons
  6. 00:22:02 < zinitrad> er
  7. 00:22:12 < zinitrad> when I say betweem
  8. 00:22:21 < zinitrad> I mean timeperiod wise
  9. 00:22:47 < zinitrad> crusades being over the role and importance of sheor
  10. 00:24:03 < Pink> Like, between different denominations/heresies?
  11. 00:24:54 < zinitrad> yeh
  12. 00:25:08 < zinitrad> badman is inherently illiac belief
  13. 00:25:53 < Pink> So more like an Albigensian Crusade
  14. 00:26:07 < Pink> Rather than a First Crusade
  15. 00:26:31 < zinitrad> northerners used to place sheor at the head of the divine
  16. court, or place him as having himself stepped down in
  17. shame regarding his trickery and being forgiven by the
  18. other courtiers
  19. 00:26:56 < zinitrad> the crusades stamped most out of that
  20. 00:28:40 < zinitrad> and while the latter versions still persist in some
  21. baronies most northerners now either dwpict sheor as full
  22. on the traitorous bad man, or as a tragic figure obsessed
  23. with his visions and ideas to the point of tricking and
  24. betraying his courtiers in creation
  25. 00:29:22 < Pink> I forget
  26. 00:29:29 < Pink> How do Dunmer regard Lorkhan
  27. 00:30:00 < zinitrad> which, upon the realization of how he had hurt his beloved
  28. court, was the final breaking strawthat turned him from
  29. Shal the bad man to Shalgor themad man
  30. 00:30:44 < Pink> Wait are you trying to connotate Shor to Sheogorath
  31. 00:30:52 < Pink> Cuz that's fuckin weird
  32. 00:31:09 < zinitrad> more like sheor to sheogorath
  33. 00:32:25 < zinitrad> which comes down to what I imagineis a very altmeri
  34. connotation of madness, the wild introduction and
  35. spontaneation of new ideas
  36. 00:32:31 < Pink> I dunno, i never dug the whole idea that Lorkhan is Daedric in
  37. nature
  38. 00:32:53 < zinitrad> never said he was
  39. 00:33:31 < zinitrad> just because there is a misconstrued belief about an
  40. entity doesnt mean its accurate
  41. 00:34:17 < Pink> Well i mean
  42. 00:34:20 < Pink> Its tes
  43. 00:34:26 < Pink> So sometimes it kinda does
  44. 00:35:28 < zinitrad> anyways I imagine Sheogorath is a 'silent blessing' god
  45. with bretons. You don't pray to him, or purposefully try
  46. to seek him out, because that's a good way to get
  47. brainfucked
  48. 00:35:43 < zinitrad> more like an artistic muse
  49. 00:36:02 < zinitrad> the muse of deviation from the norm
  50. 00:36:38 < zinitrad> inspiration behind artists who innovate the field in
  51. wholly new directions
  52. 00:36:57 < zinitrad> pablo picasso, dali, etc.
  53. 00:37:44 < Pink> Thinking about it that way sounds more like a Dagon thing
  54. 00:37:56 < Pink> Deviation to bring about great change
  55. 00:38:09 < Pink> There's a lot of crossover in Daedric spheres
  56. 00:38:30 < zinitrad> the greatest of artists, in paint, sculpture, culination,
  57. music are always a little bit mad, such is the cost of
  58. sheo's muse
  59. 00:39:25 < zinitrad> dagon would be more 'have a new idea and just completely
  60. destroy the old stuff, don't let it weigh you down, free
  61. yourself from it'
  62. 00:42:05 < zinitrad> sheo would turn art on its head and open the school of new
  63. art, dagon would turn it on its head and purge the old
  64. ideas in fire, and then purge that one too when the next
  65. more interesting innovation comes along
  66. 00:47:35 < zinitrad> also meridia a crusading knight errant
  67. 00:48:07 < zinitrad> detached from the courts Etherial and courts Divine
  68. 00:48:51 < zinitrad> in her rainbow fortress built amongst the territories of
  69. the Wild Kings
  70. 00:51:39 < zinitrad> taught of to the northerners by the heartland elves
  71. granted their shortlived domains and safe havens by the
  72. direnni
  73. 00:52:15 < zinitrad> and given a new importancw and meaning as the crusader
  74. against the witch kings
  75. 00:54:09 < zinitrad> her blade dually blessed by her father Magnon and holy
  76. Archei
  77. 00:55:05 < zinitrad> leading the Archeia and the crusaders in their charge
  78. against the monstrosities of those damned kings
  79. 01:00:26 < zinitrad> Pink: also duh there's crosspver, that they're wholly
  80. singular entities is one of many elven lies
  81. 01:01:20 < zinitrad> just like the lie that the distinction between the aedroth
  82. and daedroth is as simple as 'our ancestors'
  83. 01:02:16 < zinitrad> or that they are always distinct from the daedra
  84. 01:04:39 < Pink> I always had this idea that the number of Daedra and Aedra is
  85. essentially infinite
  86. 01:04:46 < Pink> But that messes up the numerology
  87. 01:07:12 < zinitrad> also etherial court= the court behind sheor's tricksome
  88. firmament , the entities who chose to stay behind/left the
  89. new space back to the old space to govern the courts and
  90. lands of all colors and creation under king Magnus, the
  91. foreign ally and governor over afterlife
  92. 01:10:05 < zinitrad> divine court=the court of mundus, the entities who are our
  93. lords, who left the lands of colors and creations for the
  94. doomed-place/were trapped in the doomed place/stayed
  95. behind in the new place while the etherial left fpr the
  96. old place. Our good and noble lords, to whom our highest
  97. nobility are less than barons and who'm we serve loyal'y
  98. and in bliss, and
  99. 01:10:59 < zinitrad> who care for us and love us, ruled by the king
  100. Oriel/Aquetoche and his Queen Kynaree
  101. 01:12:45 -!- Acer [Acer@ihw-996.cn2.41.177.IP] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  102. 01:14:14 < zinitrad> and finally in the vast wastes and waters between here in
  103. the aetherial reside the wildkings and their kingdoms as
  104. well as those not kings at all, those who were trapped in
  105. the doom place but refused the court of Oriel, or who left
  106. the Etherial in banishment, or who on their own accord
  107. left the divine or the etherial to create their own
  108. kingdoms
  109. 01:17:03 < zinitrad> many are foul and hateful towards the divine and etherial,
  110. some are merely non-compliant with the courts but still
  111. noble or amiable, and others are simply too wild for the
  112. courtly laws
  113. 01:19:17 < zinitrad> it is the duties of the goodly covens and wild abbeys to
  114. commune with and speak to the too-wild and the amiable, a
  115. task not the place for the civilized, who our firmly
  116. rooted in oriel's kingdom
  117. 01:19:33 < zinitrad> are firmly rooted
  118. 01:21:15 < zinitrad> the fault of the reachfolk is the delusional faith in the
  119. ways of the too-wild and foul
  120. 01:24:12 < zinitrad> a delusion held by many across the rock before the mer
  121. brought the kingdom of (our) god(s) to us and reminded us
  122. of the long forgotten betrayal and sacrifice
  123. 01:25:04 < zinitrad> Pink: thoughts
  124. 01:25:55 < zinitrad> also the numerology is important but its also all mythic
  125. bullshit generated by cultural beliefs rather than
  126. inherent truth
  127. 01:26:18 < zinitrad> which is equally as valid as inherent truth but still
  128. 01:33:11 -!- Pink [attentiongr@ihw-ua4.vei.162.75.IP] has quit [Connection
  129. closed]
  130. 02:20:13 -!- zinitrad [] has quit [Quit:
  131. 23:46:31 -!- zinitrad [] has joined #memospore
  132. 23:47:13 < zinitrad> who here saw my ramblings about highrock metaphysics
  133. structure
  134. 23:51:17 < zinitrad> dwith the ethereal court, the court divine, and the
  135. domains of the wildkings and the lordless
  136. 23:57:27 -!- Anon133_AFK [Anon133@ihw-88g.rdg.157.178.IP] has quit [Connection
  137. closed]
  138. Day changed to 11 Apr 2016
  139. 00:43:23 < zinitrad> no one?
  140. 00:43:44 < zinitrad> demmit I put thought into the aesthetic of it
  141. 02:13:08 < Acer> Hmmm, I don't think I did
  142. 02:13:10 < Acer> When was it?
  143. 02:16:08 < zinitrad> yesterday
  144. 02:24:53 < Acer> oh, then no. I was out for most of the day :/
  145. 02:30:40 < zinitrad> fak
  146. 02:31:56 < zinitrad> tl;dr nearly everyone's a lord or nobility
  147. 02:32:59 < zinitrad> divine right is almost literally that the kings and
  148. emperors of the mundus are almost as baronies to the lords
  149. of the divine court
  150. 02:34:09 < zinitrad> altmeri 'they're the ancestors of our betters' translated
  151. through direnni slave/feudalism as 'they're our lords'
  152. 02:37:06 < zinitrad> anyways
  153. 02:38:12 < zinitrad> there's two courts/kingdoms accompanied by many wild
  154. kingdoms and non-lords
  155. 02:40:09 -!- coldacid [] has joined #memospore
  156. 02:40:17 < zinitrad> originally there was just one court of the land of colors
  157. and creation, ruled by the three kings Magnon,
  158. Oriel/Aquetoche, and Sheor
  159. 02:42:58 < zinitrad> Sheor had a big idea etc. etc., depending on who you ask
  160. its either a tragic tale of a festering idea that consumed
  161. the noble king until he misled his fellow kings and lords
  162. under him in pursuit of it and went mad, or a malevolent
  163. treachery entirely for his own gain
  164. 02:43:16 < zinitrad> first is more northern and is sympathetic
  165. 02:43:35 < zinitrad> second is southern and portrays him as the outright
  166. antagonist
  167. 02:44:10 < zinitrad> both end with him as the bad man and/or the mad man
  168. 02:46:00 < zinitrad> either way he tricks Magnon into devising the schema of
  169. the plan and a significant number of lords to sacrifice
  170. for the plan (nature of the sacrifice is often vague
  171. except thatit bound them and their subjects to the new
  172. world
  173. 02:46:10 < zinitrad> creation occurs
  174. 02:47:45 < zinitrad> the land of colors and creation becomes divided into
  175. etheria which ia like the colors and creation, and into
  176. aurbis which is not
  177. 02:48:45 < zinitrad> sheor is mad or going mad and other lords are realizing
  178. the treachery
  179. 02:51:25 < zinitrad> some stand by sheor for false promises or misplaced
  180. loyalty, some stand righteously with Oriel who is either
  181. trapped with sheor or who descended from etheria to fight
  182. alongside trapped lords, a few leave for the outer wastes
  183. and oceans of aurbis, out of disinterest or cowardice
  184. 02:51:51 < zinitrad> ori and sheor fite
  185. 02:52:08 < zinitrad> sheor loses and gets deaded
  186. 02:53:49 < zinitrad> and his lieutenants and lesser lords either just get
  187. killed, flee to the outer wastes and oceans, or come
  188. pleadingly to Oriel for redemption, which at the behest of
  189. stenne they are given
  190. 02:55:08 < zinitrad> one of whom was Kynaree, Sheor's commander,misled queen,
  191. and the final individual he betrayed, who is remarried by
  192. Oriel
  193. 02:56:18 < zinitrad> on either side the lesser subjects find themselves as
  194. mortals, hit hardest by the treachery
  195. 02:56:49 < zinitrad> Oriel organizes the loyal tricked lords into the divine
  196. court
  197. 02:57:24 < zinitrad> Magnon forms the etherial court out of those untricked
  198. 02:57:48 < zinitrad> and those in the outer wastes and oceans form their wild
  199. kingdoms or remain lordless
  200. 02:59:01 < zinitrad> many of the more undesirable within the etheria leave to
  201. take advantage of the sacrifice without sacrificing
  202. anything, building kingdoms in the wildlands in spite of
  203. the mortals, divine,and etheria
  204. 03:00:27 < zinitrad> it is worth noting that meredie, though once a member of
  205. the etherial and a lord in the wildlands, is not a
  206. wildking, and rather a lordly and virtuous knight errant
  207. 03:02:46 < zinitrad> many of the wild kingdoms are anathema to the divine and
  208. etherial courts and act directly in spite of them
  209. 03:03:20 < zinitrad> others are simply too wild for them, or just don't belong
  210. in those courts
  211. 03:04:26 < zinitrad> the communion with this latter group is the duty of the
  212. good covens and the wild abbeys
  213. 03:04:55 < zinitrad> Acer so whatdo you think
  214. 03:05:37 < zinitrad> also the etherial includes theafterlife, to which Archei
  215. is the psychopomp who guides safely through the wildlands
  216. 03:05:46 < zinitrad> also the realm pf dreams
  217. 04:20:43 -!- Acer [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  218. 04:30:59 -!- Mdnthrvst [] has joined
  219. #memospore
  220. 04:31:02 -!- mode/#memospore [+v Mdnthrvst] by Arena
  221. 04:46:05 -!- coldacid [chris@lich.shoujo.tragical.faustus] has quit [Quit: too
  222. much internet]
  223. 06:27:15 -!- Neradac [] has joined
  224. #memospore
  225. 07:02:26 -!- zinitrad [] has quit [Quit:
  226. ajax IRC Client]
  227. 07:45:40 -!- Mdnthrvst [] has quit
  228. [Connection closed]
  229. 11:49:25 -!- Neradac [] has quit [Quit:
  230. Goodnight, ambiguously-mannered spirits]
  231. 16:33:56 -!- Anon133_AFK [Anon133@ihw-88g.rdg.157.178.IP] has joined #memospore
  232. 17:12:16 -!- zinitrad [] has joined #memospore
  233. 17:12:51 < zinitrad> Dovahkiin: Mojo: Sefiriot: Volkow: do any of you have
  234. logs of me rambling about breton metaphysics yesterday
  235. 17:13:16 < zinitrad> with the etherial court and the divine court and the
  236. wildkings and lordless
  237. 17:46:22 -!- zinitrad [] has quit [Quit:
  238. ajax IRC Client]
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