
Sam Venom Fapfic (Bad End) By M19

Aug 13th, 2014
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  1. BAD END. By M19.
  3. Sam watched him lying on his back breathing hard, he looked finished but she wasn’t done with him yet. In a display of superhuman agility she hopped around so she was once again straddling his waist. She positioned herself so the lips of her pussy pressed against the stem of his still hard cock, forcing them to part slightly before sliding greasily back and forth along the length of his shaft. Matt quickly perked up at this new stimulation and the sight of her perfect breasts, abdomen and groin undulating back and forth on top of him. She made sure to lean back slightly as she slid towards the base, so that his balls lightly brushed against her ass, drawing out a grunt of pleasure.
  4. The moment he was hard enough again, she leaned forward on both hands and bucked her hips forcing the full length of his manhood between the smooth lips of her hungry slit. This time she took control, not allowing him to thrust into her at his own pace, pinning him to the floor with her powerful thighs and forcing him deeper inside her each time she rocked back and forth.
  5. Feeling as though he deserved a reward, she closed her mouth and concentrated, there was a strange sensation as if a balloon were being inflated inside her head. Then suddenly she could feel her human face again, like she was pulling it out of warm, wet clay. The monstrous alien face split open like a grotesque meaty flower, revealing Sam’s delicate features, wet with slime and sprouting thin fleshy tendrils joined to the interior of the alien’s mouth. Matt’s eyes widened in shock but before he had a chance to say anything she kissed him deeply. After what seemed like an eternity she pulled away and licked her lips.
  7. “Sam…..” Matt began
  9. She silenced him by riding him harder
  11. “Shhhhh….” She whispered before being silenced by the alien jaws enveloping her once again.
  13. There were a few moments of darkness and the surreal sensation of her face collapsing within the creature’s mouth before she began to see through her new eyes again and felt the reassuring strength of her huge jaws. Odd how she’d become accustomed to it so quickly and missed it even when she was human for such a short time. Her mouth opened wide in an inarticulate squeal of delight and she noticed Matt looking up at her with a horrified expression on his face. She surmised it was due to watching the girl he knew disappear without a trace into her mouth in the space of a few seconds. She didn’t care, he couldn’t possibly understand what she’d become.
  15. Despite whatever his mind was telling him, Matt’s cock was responding just fine. She felt it throbbing inside her, matching her own growing pleasure. He wouldn’t be long now. She picked up the pace, riding him harder and faster, clenching with her impossibly tight pussy. As she did she leaned forward panting harder each time she slid up and down. Leaning closer to Matt’s face each time, her mouth opening a little wider until he was staring into the deep oesophagus that had seemingly replaced her human face.
  17. With a sudden, reverberating jolt of pleasure she came, her whole body shuddered and tiny black tentacles grew from her skin and writhed in the air. At the same time she clenched down hard on Matts cock within her and forced it in as deep as it could possibly go, with a gasp he came with her shooting his seed deep inside her. A primal alien instinct took hold of Sam and still shivering with orgasmic pleasure she bit down hard on Matts head, her sharp teeth and powerful jaws piercing skin and crunching through bone. With a single bite she took off everything between his upper lip and the crown of his head. As the cerebrospinal fluid splashed into the back of her throat and the fragments of his skull crunched between her teeth she went into an ecstatic feeding frenzy, quickly snapping and worrying at what was left of his cranium and devouring the rest of his soft brain tissue.
  19. She tilted back her head and savoured the feel of the quivering meat sliding down her gullet whilst his manhood was still spurting the last of his semen into her. She rose to her feet, the softening member easily sliding out of her, the slit between her legs sealing shut after it, leaving her crotch flat and smooth again. For a moment she just stood swaying on her feet, overcome by the combined pleasure of a fresh meal and post coital bliss. When the sensation passed, the beast turned its gore-caked head to the open bathroom window before leaping through it into the night. Sam’s no longer human mind now so twisted by alien thoughts, instincts and memories that she couldn’t even recall Matt’s name.
  21. End.
  23. Yes I am a terrible person. I hope you enjoyed.
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