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Jan 28th, 2020
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  1. It has come to my attention people outside of Discord last night are curious on what happened so I’m going to do my best to explain it here, but if questions remain please reach out. Gemma and Moley were removed from the guild by me. I’m sure a lot of you don’t know about the drama that goes on behind the scenes outside of raiding with them, but I will do my best to shed some light.
  3. A few weeks ago, I asked Gemma to step down from being an officer for a few reasons:
  5. 1. After wiping several times on Ony a few weeks ago she whispered that she was tired of spending her gold on pots to get other people loot and that she didn’t need anything from Ony.
  7. 2. While trying to figure out a way to raise money for the guild I suggested that we start auctioning off the Ony bags and cap them at 150g. Again, Gemma was totally against this because the only thing she needed was the bags and she mentioned pugging Ony instead of showing up so she would have a chance at the bag. Keep in mind this is coming from your officer who is supposed to be helping us all.
  9. 3. Grudges… As you know since I took over from Sat I have reached out to a number of people that left the guild that were our friends. Borgs, SoFancy, and McDanky. All of which she didn’t want to see back because they left the guild and we didn’t need them back. In Officer chat there was even a vote to allow Borgs back in the guild and after she was the only one that voted “No”, I had to have a long drawn out conversation with her because she felt like her vote didn’t count and that she wasn’t sure why she was an officer, etc.
  10. This sort of behavior is not something that I want in an officer of the guild as they should be wanting to help the guild and figure out why wipes are happening. Instead it was selfishness after being completely looted before any other priests.
  12. Fast forward to before our raid last Friday. I hear from two separate people that Gem and Moley are done with the game and are stepping away and will not be raiding with us, so I demote both out of leadership after trying to confirm this and not hearing from either. Then, Friday they both show up to the raid and I bump them both to class leaders as I was fine having them continue being class leads just not in the officer role. Fast forward to the Domo fight, I ping Moley as he has done every week about sheep assignments. He says, “No, have Relive do it”. In fairness, Relive is also a class leader, but I was still under the assumption that Moley was a class leader and would continue to contribute.
  14. Fast forward to last night 1/27, Allister reaches out to me and this is the point where I’ve finally had enough of the months and months of drama, but he says that Gem/Moley want to stick around and raid, but be super casual and likely only be online for raids. They want to ensure there is no retribution for “raid logging”, and that they will still be considered for loot. This ask comes on the heels of them constantly back channeling through other guildies instead of just pinging me even after I had reached out, so I removed them. If you think back to every piece of drama we have had in this guild Gemma has been at the center of it and myself and a handful of other people in the guild have had to talk her down from what always feels like an impending meltdown. I can’t count how many times she mentioned to me quitting the guild or stepping down from her officer role because she wasn’t getting her way and it just all came to a head. The decision did not come lightly having constantly thought about it for several weeks and I believe this is the right thing to do as a guild and separate from them. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out as I was trying to summarize, but there is plenty more examples of this type of behavior. I also should mention that if Moley wants to stay without Gemma that is 100% fine, the issue isn’t with Moley, but he was removed along with Gemma because I know husband/wife they aren’t going to play without each other and removing one was just going to cause the other to quit regardless.
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