
Fight #2

Jun 8th, 2020
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  1. Seto- \\ Well, Ragna engaged the other fella and it seems they'd be fighting again to break the others out. He wasn't completely sure who he should be targeting; however, it was between one of the two that wanted to stop their actions. He'd crack his knuckles and prepared to rush one of them in the fight, most likely the purpled haired guy. From the looks of it Ragna could use the assistance. He assumed this was the best course of action against them yet everything seemed to be going well thus far. Suddenly his hands burst into raging flames and he slid into his stance. Seto was prepared to knock a few skulls in the process and if everything went as planned they'd come out on top. He glanced at Peppers for a brief moment, curious as to who he might target. This could change his actions in battle.
  2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. *Loretta barely comes back for just a moment to realize that- There's people here. Actively trying to break into her church and cause harm. Is people assaulting the church the local pass time now? She's done these Saiyans a service out of kindness and this is how they repair her? By trying to slash her friends, beat up the few people inside and brute force their way into the basement?
  5. "... this is becoming a REALLY bothersome past time. I'm... going to now just drop the formalities."
  7. And just as the child began to walk forward into her holy sanctum into the midst of the forming melee, she began to openly recite prayer and verse from her holy scriptures.
  9. "And as man walked through the throes of blood and sacrifice against their foes, their spirit stood mighty. And as man faced off against the taint of the dark, they proved steadfast. Suffer not the ignorant, the vainglorious, the heretic."
  11. ... the Child was ready to charge in and intercept this nearby Tanuki that looked like they wanted a piece of Pom. She gave the spirit boy a very peculiar look as she prepared to intercept them and join the fray.*
  12. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. *Loretta intercepted the nearby Tanuki almost immdiately. She knows how they function, knows how strong they are. The Tanuki may have expected to fight a child, but- Loretta wasn't just empowered by her darkened heritage. She was empowered by blessings of the divine and the moment they dashed forward?
  15. It was all over. A snap of the fingers and the minefield was deployed. It immediately took over and blew up the poor Tanuiki. Quick. Efficient. Immediate.
  17. "So... you're going to execute a child after we helped Celleros with his posession? You're not the only one with a Hostage."
  19. The child began to walk back all while dragging the Tanuki by the tail and barely scoffed by the fracas. Scuffed by her own force no less...
  21. "You don't even have the key to the basement or know where it is located."*
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