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May 22nd, 2018
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  1. {
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  6. "": "Defend Your Fort!",
  7. "": "Use your account balance to pay {0}?",
  8. "epic.ue.marketplace.categories.archvis": "Architectural Visualization",
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  36. "epic.common.activity": "News & Community",
  37. "": "July 25",
  38. "epic.code.redemption.activate_code": "Activate Code",
  39. "": "Looks like you have everything you need to build your first fort!",
  40. "": "Epic Games' Fortnite",
  41. "": "Sorry, the username you chose is already in use.",
  42. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.error400.title": "Error",
  43. "": "Bricks are great for making husk-resistant walls.",
  44. "": "Those are wooden planks, they’re needed to create mostly everything.",
  45. "": "Oh nice! Nuts & bolts are used to create guns and traps.",
  46. "": "You found metal! With that you can make some really strong structures.",
  47. "": "Gallery",
  48. "": "For PC:",
  49. "": "Have a look around, we’re gonna need some materials",
  50. "epic.fortnite.pistol.copy": "As an exclusive Founder’s benefit, you’ll receive the Revolt pistol schematic. It’s able to fire very rapidly with a large magazine and decent accuracy thanks to a laser sight. Everyone needs a trusty sidearm. ",
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  53. "": "Español (LA)",
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  55. "": "No More Posts",
  56. "": "<span>i</span>OS Invite Event",
  57. "": "Sale Price:",
  58. "": "You Save:",
  59. "": "PC/Mac",
  60. "": "Do you already play fortnite?",
  61. "epic.fortnite.xp.forYou.copy": "Build up your arsenal of powerful Heroes faster with these XP boosts.",
  62. "": "Rating Failed",
  63. "": "Sorry, the password length is invalid.",
  64. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.noTwitchPrimeOffer": "Your Twitch Prime account does not have the Fortnite offer. Click <a href=\"{0}\">here</a> for details on how to claim it.",
  65. "": "Payment",
  66. "epic.newsletter.save_failed": "Save failed, please refresh page and try again.",
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  69. "epic.footer.terms_of_use": "Terms of Service",
  70. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.unknownError": "We encountered a problem trying to get your loot. Please <a href=\"{0}\">try again</a> later or contact support if you continue to experience issues.",
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  73. "epic.code.invite.send.title": "Send an invite to a friend.",
  74. "epic.ue.marketplace.categories.communitySamples": "Community Samples",
  75. "": "Wood has all sorts of uses in the world of Fortnite. From building forts to making traps and weapons. It’s almost as good as duct tape. Almost.",
  76. "epic.common.signin_xbox": "XBOX™",
  77. "": "Nuts & bolts are the key components for most guns and traps in the world of Fortnite. You can find them in old appliances, cars, and just about anything that used to run.",
  78. "": "Stone is a little less plentiful here, but you’ll want to look behind all the houses you can, because it’s real great for husk-resistant walls.",
  79. "epic.common.login": "Login",
  80. "": "Metal is the strongest building material in Fortnite. There are plenty of cars to smash here for the largest and most stout structures. ",
  81. "": "There was an error logging you in, please try again later or contact support.",
  82. "epic.fortnite.meta.keywords": "Epic Games' Fortnite, Fortnite Official Website, Fornite, Fortnite Mobile, Fortntie Battle Royale, Fortnite Game",
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  87. "": "Recent Posts",
  88. "": "We were unable to get the zipcode from your PayPal account, please enter it on PayPal website.",
  89. "epic.fortnite.sfs.commander.confirmCopy": "Are you sure? You will not be able to change your selection.",
  90. "": "Sorry, your account was not found.",
  91. "": "Your account is pending approval, submitted comments will not be shown to other users until approved.",
  92. "": "Sorry, your account is inactive and may not login.",
  93. "": "Add to Cart",
  94. "": "Sorry, this login related action cannot be completed because it matches a ban.",
  95. "epic.fortnite.xp.toShare.copy": "Share the love with your friends with these giftable XP boosts.",
  96. "": "Newest",
  97. "": "",
  98. "": "Team Up",
  99. "": "Payment Methods",
  100. "": "This blog content is only available for members of the Fortnite alpha.",
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  103. "": "If so, then we can find your progress and purchases.",
  104. "": "There was an error while deleting your billing account.",
  105. "": "Error",
  106. "": "You are already part of the beta, download the launcher to begin playing Fortnite.",
  107. "": "We were unable to charge your account - transaction failed. Please try again or contact customer service.",
  108. "net.sf.oval.constraint.MinSize": "Field cannot have less than {min} elements.",
  109. "epic.paginate.first": "First",
  110. "": "Your shopping cart is empty.",
  111. "": "Sorry, you are not currently part of the Fortnite early access program... yet! Check back at a later time.",
  112. "epic.fortnite.comments.delete": "Delete",
  113. "epic.fortnite.friendInvite.titleTwo": "for A Friend!",
  114. "": "Target",
  115. "": "Filter Category",
  116. "epic.fortnite.survey.disqualified": "Sorry, you do not qualify!",
  117. "epic.fortnite.founder.foundersWeapon": "Exclusive Founders Pistol",
  118. "epic.fortnite.terms.main_title": "약관 / 정책",
  119. "epic.common.beta_sign": "BETA SIGN UP",
  120. "epic.fortnite.popdown.title": "Battle Royale",
  121. "": "Report",
  122. "epic.fortnite.common.alpha": "JOIN ALPHA",
  123. "": "Xbox",
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  126. "": "Next Article",
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  131. "": "What Do you play Fortnite On?",
  132. "": "Heroes",
  133. "": "Sorry, an error occurred and we were unable to resolve it.",
  134. "": "Now Reading",
  135. "epic.fortnite.common.all": "All",
  136. "": "You must sign in before using shopping cart.",
  137. "": "Sorry, the operation you are performing cannot be performed as requested.",
  138. "": "Sorry, Fortnite is not currently available for purchase in your country",
  139. "": "Fortnite can only be downloaded on the Windows platform",
  140. "": "In Cart",
  141. "epic.fortnite.heroExclusive.title": "Exclusive Legendary Hero Pack",
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  143. "": "Oldest",
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  151. "epic.fortnite.banners.title.10": "10 In-Game Banner Icons",
  152. "": "Your request is invalid or cannot be handled. Please check your request body and headers.",
  153. "epic.fortnite.404.body": "Please verify the link/URL or try starting back at our home page.",
  154. "": "Please reset your password to proceed with login.",
  155. "": "Sorry, downloads are not available on mobile devices. Please try using Windows or Mac.",
  156. "": "Sorry, the password you entered is not complex enough.",
  157. "": "Select Category",
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  159. "epic.common.mac": "Mac",
  160. "": "Sorry, your Epic Games account is already associated with another {0} account.",
  161. "default.created.message": "{0} {1} created",
  162. "": "The code belongs to other account, redemption is not allowed.",
  163. "": "Next",
  164. "": "Sorry, the item you were trying to edit was changed before your edit could be completed. Please retry your edit.",
  165. "": "Sorry, we were unable to retrieve the permissions for your account. Please try again.",
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  167. "": "Other Link",
  168. "": "We were unable to find your billing email, please check your billing account.",
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  171. "": "Please enter a display name with {maxChars} characters or less.",
  172. "": "Support Email",
  173. "epic.fortnite.register.title": "Thank you",
  174. "": "Sorry, your payment credit card is invalid.",
  175. "epic.fortnite.sfs.step.two.title": "Pick A Commander",
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  183. "": "Compare Editions",
  184. "": "Questions & Support",
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  187. "net.sf.oval.constraint.MemberOf": "Field must be one of these values: {members}.",
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  189. "epic.common.signin_epic": "EPIC GAMES",
  190. "": "Sorry, this field may not contain ISO control characters.",
  191. "": "Payment refused by PayPal, please use a different funding source.",
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  193. "epic.fortnite.subscribe.agree": "I agree to the Epic Games {0}",
  194. "": "Sorry, an error occurred in converting your inputs.",
  195. "epic.fortnite.seo.founders.title": "Get Fortnite",
  196. "": "Coupon codes can only be redeemed during a purchase checkout.",
  197. "": "Sorry, the code is expired or invalid.",
  198. "": "Title(Z-A)",
  199. "epic.launcher.public.return_site": "Return to Fortnite",
  200. "epic.ue.marketplace.categories.eventSale": "Event Sale",
  201. "epic.common.confirm": "Confirm",
  202. "": "Category",
  203. "epic.code.redemption.validate.title": "Join the Search!",
  204. "": "We were unable to process your credit card payment at the moment. Please try again later or try PayPal payment.",
  205. "epic.forumDev.more": "More Forum Discussions",
  206. "": "Edit",
  207. "": "Español (Spain)",
  208. "": "We were unable to charge your account - transaction failed. Please try again or contact customer service.",
  209. "net.sf.oval.constraint.MaxLength": "Field cannot be longer than {max} characters.",
  210. "epic.fortnite.common.privacy_notice": "Privacy Policy",
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  212. "epic.fortnite.founder.giftXpBoost": "{0} Giftable XP Boosts For Friends",
  213. "": "Cancel",
  214. "": "View item in your <a href=\"/marketplace/vault\">Vault</a> or download the item by running the <a href=\"/dashboard\">Launcher</a>. <br>If your launcher is currently open, you may see the item you purchased indicating to BUY. Restarting your launcher will allow you to download.",
  215. "": "Sorry, the display name you chose contains disallowed words.",
  216. "": "Store",
  217. "epic.fortnite.comments.delete_this_comment": "Delete this comment",
  218. "epic.fortnite.stat.minutesplayed": "Minutes Played",
  219. "epic.code.invite.friend_message_pre": "You can invite",
  220. "": "Sorry, downloads are not available on this device. Please try again on a supported platform.",
  221. "epic.forumDev.replies": "Replies",
  222. "epic.fortnite.buyNow.copy.founder": "Four-day head start, begins July 21.",
  223. "epic.fortnite.comments.reply_placeholder": "Reply...",
  224. "": "Sorry, that code has already been redeemed.",
  225. "": "Sorry, your payment has failed. Please check your account, or try again later.",
  226. "": "Billing account has been disabled or deleted, Please check your billing account or contact customer service.",
  227. "": "The code has expired.",
  228. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.played.redeemAccount": "Redeem on This Account",
  229. "epic.fortnite.common.back": "Back",
  230. "": "Add a comment...",
  231. "epic.code.redemption.success.subtitle": "New to Fortnite? Download and Play",
  232. "epic.fortnite.common.home": "Home",
  233. "": "Code redemption failed. Please contact customer service with the code you entered.",
  234. "": "Sorry, this payment method might have an invalid zip-code. You can not purchase with it.",
  235. "": "Load More",
  236. "": "That player is already in your Clan",
  237. "": "Shack",
  238. "": "You already have an account, please sign in.",
  239. "": "List Price:",
  240. "net.sf.oval.constraint.MinLength": "Field cannot be smaller than {min} characters.",
  241. "net.sf.oval.constraint.Size": "Field does not have between {min} and {max} elements.",
  242. "": "It’s Go Time!",
  243. "epic.fortnite.weaponPack.Breacher": "Breacher \r\nSchematic",
  244. "epic.fortnite.eula.fn-ps4-CUSA07022_00": "PS4 Americas",
  245. "": "There was an error processing the credentials from the external login system. Please contact support.",
  246. "": "Please select a payment method. We will charge this account for {0}.",
  247. "epic.fortnite.xp.toShare.40": "40 Xp Boosts \r\nTo Share",
  248. "": "Shares",
  249. "": "Password cannot contain non-printable characters.",
  250. "": "Buy Now",
  251. "": "Your order is paid successfully, however our fulfillment system is busy, we will complete your order as soon as the system is back to normal. Please don't retry the purchase.",
  252. "": "Continue Shopping",
  253. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.played.title": "Before we link your account…Have you played Fortnite before?",
  254. "": "Remove",
  255. "net.sf.oval.constraint.EqualToField": "Field is not equal to field {fieldName}.",
  256. "": "On {0}",
  257. "net.sf.oval.constraint.ValidateWithMethod": "Field indicated to be invalid by method {methodName}({parameterType}).",
  258. "": "Come join Fortnite’s Search For Survivors by signing up for Epic Games’ Action Building game where you team up with other players to build massive forts and battle against hordes of monsters, all while crafting and looting in giant worlds where no two games are ever the same.",
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  263. "": "Sorry, your account is temporarily locked. Please try again later.",
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  265. "": "Cannot redeem the same code more than once.",
  266. "epic.common.invite": "Invite",
  267. "": "Sorry, your account has too many active logins. Please log out of one of the places you are using your account and try again.",
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  269. "default.button.delete.label": "Delete",
  270. "": "Supported Platforms",
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  274. "": "Comment must be at least {0} characters long.",
  275. "epic.code.invite.validate.title": "Come back and try again later.",
  276. "": "on",
  277. "epic.fortnite.founder.dialog.retailer.eb": "EB Games",
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  282. "epic.fortnite.founder.dialog.territory.aus": "Australia/NZ",
  283. "": "This redemption code has already been used.",
  284. "": "Floor spikes are great for Husk crowd control at choke points you’ve built throughout your fort.",
  285. "": "When you’re ready for action, the Breacher is what you need to lay down suppressive fire and keep those waves off your fort or friends.",
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  292. "epic.fortnite.sso.500.title": "Temporarily Unavailable",
  293. "epic.fortnite.subscribe.thanks.subtitle": "Keep an eye on your inbox as we announce more exciting news about Fortnite",
  294. "": "Shopping Cart",
  295. "": "No account was found to log you in, please check your credentials or contact support.",
  296. "net.sf.oval.constraint.DateRange": "Field is not in the range {min} through {max}.",
  297. "net.sf.oval.constraint.NotEmpty": "Field cannot be empty.",
  298. "": "Dashboard",
  299. "": "Author",
  300. "": "Link your Playstation™ Network account",
  301. "epic.fortnite.home.title": "Epic Games’ Fortnite",
  302. "": "Featured Article",
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  304. "": "SORTED BY",
  305. "epic.fortnite.common.loading": "Loading",
  306. "": "",
  307. "": "Download Epic Games",
  308. "epic.common.activating": "Activating",
  309. "": "Select",
  310. "": "Recommended For You",
  311. "": "close",
  312. "": "Is the storm causing you problems? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you with an answer to your question.",
  313. "": "Sorry your display name may not contain {invalidChar}.",
  314. "net.sf.oval.constraint.Min": "Field cannot be smaller than {min}.",
  315. "": "@Fortnite",
  316. "": "Feedback",
  317. "": "Next",
  318. "epic.fortnite.common.account": "Account",
  319. "epic.fortnite.register.return": "Return Home",
  320. "epic.common.back": "Back",
  321. "": "New!",
  322. "epic.fortnite.small.foundersPacks": "Exclusive Founders Loot Pinata Packs",
  323. "": "Ninja",
  324. "epic.code.invite.sending_invite": "Sending Invite",
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  329. "epic.code.redemption.confirm.intro": "You are redeeming:",
  330. "epic.fortnite.subscribe.thanks.body": "Also, registration to become an official tester for our Alpha release of Fortnite is now available. Sign up below for exclusive early access.",
  331. "epic.fortnite.comments.permalink": "Permalink",
  332. "": "Coming Soon",
  333. "": "DoSLJzgDk14",
  334. "": "You do not meet the prerequisite to redeem this code.",
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  339. "epic.fortnite.survey.sorry": "Sorry, there was an error signing you up.",
  340. "": "There are currently no comments for this content.",
  341. "": "Update",
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  343. "epic.common.home": "HOME",
  344. "epic.fortnite.founder.foundersPacks": "{0} Exclusive Founder’s Packs",
  345. "": "Global",
  346. "": "<span>IMPORTANT:</span> Select the platform you've played Fortnite on before to retain your account details, such as your progression level, name and any purchases.",
  347. "epic.fortnite.meta.twitter": "@FortniteGame",
  348. "": "Payment failed.",
  349. "epic.code.redemption.login.subtitle": "Sign in to Continue",
  350. "epic.common.forums": "Forums",
  351. "": "{0} Off",
  352. "": "Invite A Friend",
  353. "default.not.deleted.message": "{0} {1} could not be deleted",
  354. "": "العربية",
  355. "": "Sorry, this field may not contain reserved space characters.",
  356. "": "Sorry, the entered range of dates is invalid.",
  357. "": "An unknown error has occurred, please try again later!",
  358. "epic.fortnite.home.featured.more_news": "More Fortnite News",
  359. "": "We use cookies to ensure the best experience on all Epic Games websites. To learn more, please see our {0}.",
  360. "": "- UE4 Marketplace",
  361. "epic.fortnite.xp.boosts": "Boosts",
  362. "": "Sorry, the ability to manage payments is not supported in your country. please <a href=\"{0}\"> click here </a> to go back.",
  363. "": "Your code length is incorrect. Please check your code and try again.",
  364. "": "Sorry, you do not have access to this functionality.",
  365. "epic.fortnite.survey.thank_you": "Thank you!",
  366. "epic.fortnite.common.email_address": "E-mail Address",
  367. "": "Remove this Comment",
  368. "": "Sorry, you are not currently part of the fortnite early access program... yet! Check back at a later time.",
  369. "": "Compatible with your default Unreal Engine version",
  370. "": "pm",
  371. "": "",
  372. "epic.fortnite.comments.sort.createdat.asc": "Oldest",
  373. "epic.code.redemption.success.download_windows": "Download for Windows",
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  376. "": "You Save:",
  377. "epic.fortnite.accountportal.default.upgrade_headless": "Upgrade Account",
  378. "": "Payment refused by PayPal, please contact PayPal customer service.",
  379. "": "Sorry, but your account is blocked from making purchases. Please contact customer service.",
  380. "": "Sorry, the oauth grant you are trying to perform is invalid. Please check your request body and headers.",
  381. "epic.fortnite.founder.dialog.step3.alt": "Step 2: Select A Platform",
  382. "": "Read More",
  383. "net.sf.oval.constraint.Range": "Field is not in the range {min} through {max}.",
  384. "": "Sorry, we couldn't find the item or page you requested.",
  385. "default.add.label": "Add {0}",
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  387. "": "Sorry, please use the issued new card.",
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  389. "": "Technical Details",
  390. "": "Play Free",
  391. "": "Sorry, this field contains disallowed substrings.",
  392. "": "The code is not allowed to redeem by this client.",
  393. "": "Your payment was declined due to your Epic account country not matching your Paypal billing address. Please update your billing information to ensure they match and try again.",
  394. "epic.fortnite.leaderboard.pc": "PC",
  395. "": "You already own one or more of the items you are trying to purchase.",
  396. "epic.fortnite.subscribe.title": "Subscribe to Fortnite news",
  397. "epic.fortnite.sfs.rewards.title": "Thanks for selecting {0} As Your Commander.",
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  399. "epic.fortnite.stat.kills": "Kills",
  400. "": "Categories",
  401. "": "Sorry, create payment method failed. Please contact customer service.",
  402. "epic.fortnite.banners.copy.4": "Personalize your account with 4 exclusive banners to show off on your profile.",
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  404. "epic.fortnite.weaponPack.Crusader": "Crusader \r\nSchematic",
  405. "": "You need to enter at least {0} characters.",
  406. "": "Code redemption failed, please log out and log back in to try again.",
  407. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.played.nobtn": "No, create a new account",
  408. "": "Reserve your Fortnite username and get the exclusive in-game banner and the Bullseye rifle.",
  409. "epic.fortnite.eula.fn-ps4-CUSA07669_00": "PS4 Europe",
  410. "": "Fortnite's Search For Survivors",
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  414. "epic.code.invite.error.invalid_email": "The provided email address is invalid",
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  416. "net.sf.oval.constraint.NotMemberOf": "Field must not be one of these values: {pattern}.",
  417. "": "You must specify an email or username when a password is specified.",
  418. "epic.fortnite.buyNow.copy": "Jump into the Early Access season today!",
  419. "": "Soldier",
  420. "": "",
  421. "": "Your account creation has been blocked as a result of a match against the Specially Designated Nationals list maintained by the United States of America's Office of Foreign Assets Control. If you have questions, please contact Customer Service at",
  422. "epic.common.back_to_home": "Back to Home",
  423. "epic.fortnite.friendInvite.copy": "Build friendships and a lethal squad with a digital Standard Edition Founder's Pack to give to your friend.",
  424. "": "Português (Brasil)",
  425. "epic.common.learnMore": "Learn More",
  426. "net.sf.oval.constraint.Future": "Field must be in the future.",
  427. "epic.fortnite.button.owned": "Owned",
  428. "": "Password must contain at least one letter and one digit.",
  429. "": "Code redemption failed. Please contact customer service with the code you entered.",
  430. "": "Sorry, server connection timeout, please try again later.",
  431. "": "Code redemption failed. Please contact customer service with the code you entered.",
  432. "": "All News",
  433. "": "Enter",
  434. "": "Don’t take shelter.",
  435. "": "This code can only be used for the specified country. Please make sure you are not using any applications that would alter your location information. If you continue to have issues, please contact our customer support.",
  436. "": "Sorry, the oauth token you are using is invalid. Please obtain a new token.",
  437. "": "The product you are redeeming is not released yet. Please try again later.",
  438. "": "Permission denied.",
  439. "epic.fortnite.404.return": "Return To Base",
  440. "epic.fortnite.comments.email_error": "ERROR: Please enter a valid email address",
  441. "": "Filter",
  442. "": "Download",
  443. "": "Sorry, the HTTP method you are using cannot be used for this request.",
  444. "": "We were unable to charge your PayPal account. Please contact PayPal customer service. Error details: {0}",
  445. "": "Get Started",
  446. "epic.fortnite.founder.dialog.retailer.cdon": "CDON",
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  453. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.badOauthCode": "The code provided is invalid. Please <a href=\"{0}\">try again</a>.",
  454. "": "Explore Plankerton",
  455. "": "Sorry, the media type you are using is not supported.",
  456. "": "Exclusive",
  457. "": "Begin Mission",
  458. "": "Next Article",
  459. "": "Or",
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  463. "": "Breacher",
  464. "": "한국어",
  465. "": "Sorry, we encountered a timeout while connecting to the XMPP sever. Please try again later.",
  466. "": "Watch Now",
  467. "": "on",
  468. "epic.fortnite.friendInvite.titleTwoPlural": "for Friends!",
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  476. "": "Redemption code is invalid.",
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  478. "": "Sorry, the email address you entered does not appear to be valid.",
  479. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.fulfilledOnDifferentAccount": "Your Twitch Prime offer has already been redeemed on a different Epic Games account.",
  480. "default.paginate.prev": "Prev",
  481. "": "Italiano",
  482. "epic.fortnite.sitemap.title": "Website Sitemap",
  483. "": "日本語",
  484. "": "Sorry, this field may not contain whitespace.",
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  487. "": "You must provide a valid birthdate of 'YYYY-MM-dd' format",
  488. "": "Highest Rated",
  489. "": "Sorry, this display name is already in use.",
  490. "": "Lead the world's remaining Heroes in the fight to save humanity and take back the world.",
  491. "": "then came the monsters.",
  492. "": "98% of the world’s population vanished...",
  493. "": "Play Video",
  494. "": "The Storm came without warning.",
  495. "": "Sorry, the code you entered is invalid.",
  496. "epic.fortnite.inventory.extra.200": "200 Extra \r\nVault Inventory Slots",
  497. "epic.fortnite.leaderboard.value": "Score",
  498. "": "Payment was declined. Please contact your financial institute.",
  499. "epic.fortnite.comments.twitter.share": "Share on Twitter",
  500. "epic.common.custSupport": "Player Support",
  501. "": "Show Replies",
  502. "epic.paginate.prev": "Prev",
  503. "": "Price",
  504. "epic.fortnite.common.twitter": "Twitter",
  505. "": "Sorry, you have provided an invalid answer to the security question.",
  506. "epic.category.all": "All",
  507. "default.button.edit.label": "Edit",
  508. "epic.fortnite.defenders.title": "Two Exclusive In-Game Defenders",
  509. "": "Details And Technical Information",
  510. "": "Sorry, the client you are using is not in a service that is allowed to perform this action.",
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  512. "": "Ninja",
  513. "": "You cannot rate this content before you own it.",
  514. "": "Sorry, this field may not be blank or null.",
  515. "epic.fortnite.banners.copy.20": "Personalize your account with 20 exclusive banners to show off on your profile.",
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  519. "epic.common.share": "Share",
  520. "epic.footer.sonyCopyright": "© The “PS” Family logo is a registered trademark and “PS4” is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.",
  521. "": "Sorry, the password cannot contain whitespace characters.",
  522. "epic.fortnite.leaderboard.placement": "Top {0}",
  523. "": "Redemption code is required.",
  524. "epic.fortnite.headerDetail.exclusiveWeapon": "1 Exclusive Legendary Weapon",
  525. "": "[Deleted User]",
  526. "": "By {0}",
  527. "": "Update",
  528. "epic.fortnite.headerDetail.WeaponStartPack": "Rare Starter Weapon Pack (4 Weapons/1 Trap)",
  529. "": "Please enter a display name that is at least {minChars} characters.",
  530. "": "The code you are using for login has expired, please try again.",
  531. "epic.fortnite.sfs.step.three.title": "Get That Loot",
  532. "epic.fortnite.common.bug_report": "Bug Report",
  533. "": "Next",
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  535. "": "You have entered {0} characters.",
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  541. "epic.fortnite.500.copy": "Our Bad, One Got Past us.",
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  550. "epic.fortnite.accountportal.unlock.sign_in": "Sign up or login to get updates and receive this exclusive in-game banner",
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  552. "epic.paginate.last": "Last",
  553. "epic.fortnite.sfs.commander.confirmTitle": "Thanks for selecting {0}.",
  554. "": "Newest First",
  555. "epic.fortnite.comments.remove_your_comment": "Remove your comment",
  556. "": "Sorry, a ban is preventing authentication of the created account.",
  557. "epic.common.fight": "FIGHT",
  558. "": "When a Smasher is closing in, you’ll want the Crusader at your side to make short work of it at close range.",
  559. "epic.fortnite.comments.reply_to_this_comment": "Reply to this comment",
  560. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.linkNotMatch": "Your Epic Games account is already linked to another account. Click <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">here</a> to manage your account connections and <a href=\"{1}\">try again</a>.",
  561. "": "Fortress",
  562. "epic.fortnite.founder.epicWeapon": "1 Exclusive Legendary Weapon",
  563. "": "No Compatible Engine Installed",
  564. "": "Ninja Sword",
  565. "": "More...",
  566. "": "Sorry, the oauth request you made is not valid. Please check your request body and headers.",
  567. "epic.fortnite.dashboard.invite_friends": "Invite Friends",
  568. "default.boolean.false": "False",
  569. "epic.ue.marketplace.categories.weaponsAndProps": "Weapons & Props",
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  571. "": "You already have this product, so we can not redeem this code.",
  572. "": "简体中文",
  573. "epic.footer.newsletter.error.invalid": "Please enter a valid E-mail.",
  574. "": "Fort Level",
  575. "epic.fortnite.banners.copy.10": "Personalize your account with 10 exclusive banners to show off on your profile.",
  576. "epic.fortnite.small.giftXpBoost": "Giftable XP Boosts For Friends",
  577. "epic.fortnite.sfs.commander.selected": "Selected",
  578. "": "Share Fortnite On:",
  579. "epic.fortnite.banners.copy.15": "Personalize your account with 15 exclusive banners to show off on your profile.",
  580. "": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z",
  581. "epic.code.invite.success.title": "Success!",
  582. "epic.footer.newsletter.error.subscribed": "This Email is already subscribed.",
  583. "": "Rate it!",
  584. "": "Xbox",
  585. "epic.fortnite.comments.reply": "Reply",
  586. "": "Sorry, we were unable to parse the JSON you sent. Please ensure that you sent valid JSON.",
  587. "epic.common.redeem": "Redeem",
  588. "": "Sorry, this field may not contain breaking whitespace characters.",
  589. "": "Name of Weapon/Trap",
  590. "": "This code is invalid",
  591. "": "Build Fort",
  592. "": "Your request was received and is being processed.",
  593. "": "5DrRQ4wD_K0",
  594. "": "Previous Article",
  595. "epic.common.unlock": "UNLOCK",
  596. "epic.teams.TeamList.title": "Clans",
  597. "": "United Kingdom",
  598. "epic.fortnite.friendInvite.copyPlural": "Build friendships and a lethal squad with two digital Standard Edition Founder's Packs to give to your friends.",
  599. "epic.fortnite.founder.starterWeaponBlueprints": "Rare Starter Weapon Pack (4 Weapons/1 Trap)",
  600. "": "正體字",
  601. "epic.fortnite.sfs.header.copy": "Select a Commander as you both Search For Survivors in the world of Fortnite. The more survivors you rescue and recruit, the more loot you’ll earn. ",
  602. "": "United States",
  603. "": "Discounted",
  604. "epic.code.redemption.confirm.msg": "Please confirm that you would like to activate this code on your account.",
  605. "": "Show {0}",
  606. "": "Sorry, you've reached the purchase limit. It's either because you have purchased it already or it's being processed. Please check back later.",
  607. "": "You currently don\\u2019t have any more invites. Check back at a later time and you may be able to invite more friends.",
  608. "epic.fortnite.xp.xpBoosts": "{0} Xp Boosts",
  609. "": "News",
  610. "": "Submit Content",
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  613. "": "Field cannot be longer than {max} characters.",
  614. "": "The Husk and other monsters that emerged from the Storm are more than mindless zombies. They’ll go over, around, and through the defenses you’ve built. You need to be smart and adaptable to stop them.",
  615. "default.create.label": "Create {0}",
  616. "epic.fortnite.comments.add.message": "Add a comment...",
  617. "": "Your friend is already part of the alpha, invite them to be your friend in Fortnite.",
  618. "epic.fortnite.sfs.rewards.note": "Some participants in the Search For Survivors program have been compensated by Epic Games. Help us support content creators by going to their channels, subscribing and even ordering via their affiliate link.",
  619. "": "Marketplace",
  620. "": "INVITE EVENT ON iOS",
  621. "": "No Tax",
  622. "": "Code redemption failed. Please contact customer service with the code you entered.",
  623. "": "Sorry, you must be using oauth authentication to perform this action.",
  624. "": "There are currently no comments for this blog post.",
  625. "": "Русский",
  626. "epic.code.redemption.success.msg": "Begin playing by clicking the download button below. Your download should start within seconds. If it doesn’t refresh this page or check out the Fortnite FAQ to resolve the problem.",
  627. "net.sf.oval.constraint.MaxSize": "Field cannot have more than {max} elements.",
  628. "": "View Items in Vault",
  629. "": "Compatible with a version of Unreal Engine you have installed",
  630. "": "Home",
  631. "epic.common.twitter": "Twitter",
  632. "": "Show uninstalled versions",
  633. "epic.fortnite.comments.report_this_comment": "Report this comment",
  634. "epic.fortnite.founder.dialog.cta": "Buy Now",
  635. "": "Return to Fortnite",
  636. "": "Sorry, your account is locked for an update operation. Please try again.",
  637. "": "Title(A-Z)",
  638. "": "New {0}",
  639. "": "The Ninja is fleet of foot, slices through any combat situation, and is the only one who played enough video games to master the double jump.",
  640. "": "Top Free",
  641. "epic.fortnite.trailer": "Watch Trailer",
  642. "": "Sorry, your credit card already expired.",
  643. "": "The Outlander is the best at finding all the ingredients you need to craft your towering forts and things that go boom.",
  644. "": "The Constructor specializes in building forts that are Husk-resistant and easy on the eye. Constructors can buff structures and repair them more quickly than other heroes",
  645. "epic.forumDev.top_posts": "Top epic posts",
  646. "": "Sorry, The Storm seems to be causing us problems communicating with our servers. Come back and try again later.",
  647. "": "You can download Fortnite through the Epic Games Launcher",
  648. "": "Items",
  649. "": "Join the <a href=\"{0}\" target=\"_blank\">conversation</a> and tap into the creative power of our active Marketplace community. Inspire others with your ideas or find new uses for already existing content!",
  650. "": "The Soldier is your first line of defense. Pass out bullet snacks and send the Husks to nap time.",
  651. "": "Fortnite can only be downloaded on the Windows platform",
  652. "": "Polski",
  653. "epic.fortnite.leaderboard.duo": "Duo",
  654. "epic.fortnite.dashboard.download_mac": "MAC",
  655. "": "Sorry your display name may not start with {invalidStartChar}.",
  656. "": "Craft A Weapon",
  657. "": "Back",
  658. "": "We were unable to charge the amount from your account balance. Please try again or contact customer service.",
  659. "epic.fortnite.register.subtitle": "For Pre-Registering",
  660. "": "Download",
  661. "": "This type of code cannot be redeemed on this website. Please visit {0}.",
  662. "epic.fortnite.dashboard.redeem_code": "Redeem Code",
  663. "epic.common.buyInGame": "Buy In-Game",
  664. "epic.fortnite.founders.fourDay": "Includes four-day head start!",
  665. "epic.teams.createTeam": "Create New Clan",
  666. "epic.code.invite.failure.msg": "We couldn’t send the invite, come back and try again later.",
  667. "": "Sign in to Buy",
  668. "": "Code redemption failed. Please contact customer service with the code you entered.",
  669. "epic.fortnite.xp.forYou.10": "10 Xp Boosts \r\nFor You",
  670. "epic.fortnite.weaponPack.RetractableFloorSpikes": "Retractable Floor Spikes \r\nSchematic",
  671. "epic.fortnite.comments.unknown-error": "An unknown error has occurred, please try again later!",
  672. "": "View All News",
  673. "": "Sorry, one of the items you were trying to create or modify already exists in the database.",
  674. "": "Content is not available in the requested language and is being displayed in its original language.",
  675. "": "Sorry, the account is not found.",
  676. "epic.fortnite.sfs.step.two.copy": "Choose your Commander to receive their exclusive in-game icon along with the Bullseye rifle schematic.",
  677. "": "We were unable to find your default billing address, please update your profile.",
  678. "default.edit.label": "Edit {0}",
  679. "": "The code is not activated yet (means the code redemption start date is in the future).",
  680. "epic.fortnite.patchNotes.jump": "Jump To",
  681. "": "LEGAL",
  682. "": "New Content",
  683. "epic.fortnite.comments.have_entered": "You have entered {0} characters.",
  684. "": "Buy Now",
  685. "epic.fortnite.founder.backpackInventory": "{0} Inventory - Backpack",
  686. "epic.fortnite.home.featured.latest": "LATEST FROM THE BLOG",
  687. "epic.fortnite.founder.seeAll": "See All Items",
  688. "": "Usage of this item is governed by the terms of the Unreal Engine <a href=\"/eula\">EULA</a>.",
  689. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.unableToContactTwitch": "We were unable to retrieve your offers. Please <a href=\"{0}\">try again</a> later.",
  690. "epic.common.privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
  691. "": "You do not have permission for this action.",
  692. "": "Please go back where you started and try again.",
  693. "": "The single sign-on code you are using is invalid or expired, please try again or contact support.",
  694. "epic.fortnite.weaponPack.NinjaSword": "Ninja Sword \r\nSchematic",
  695. "epic.fortnite.heroPack.outlander": "Outlander",
  696. "epic.fortnite.common.sorry": "Sorry",
  697. "": "We were unable to find your default zip code, please update your profile.",
  698. "epic.common.retry": "Retry",
  699. "": "An error occurred during activation. Please try again later.",
  700. "": "Game",
  701. "": "This password is invalid.",
  702. "": "Yes",
  703. "": "Show Replies",
  704. "": "Average Rating:",
  705. "": "The Action Building game where you team up with other players to build massive forts and battle against hordes of monsters, all while crafting and looting in giant worlds where no two games are ever the same.",
  706. "": "Your payment method doesn't support the currency of the transaction. Please check your billing account or contact customer service.",
  707. "epic.fortnite.founder.items": "More Items!",
  708. "epic.code.invite.sent": "Invite sent to {0}.",
  709. "epic.fortnite.friendInvite.titleOne": "{0} digital Standard Edition for a friend!",
  710. "": "Supported Engine Versions",
  711. "": "UPGRADE",
  712. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.primaryAccount": "Choose your primary Fortnite platform.",
  713. "": "Sort By",
  714. "": "Sorry, the oauth grant type you are using is not supported.",
  715. "": "Sorry your credit card being used for the transaction has been rejected by the bank with \"credit floor\" error message, this may be related to the amount of credit available in your account. Please contact the company/bank that issued the card you are using for information about your available funds. Alternatively please use a different card or payment method.",
  716. "": "Sorry, the display name you chose contains disallowed words.",
  717. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.played.signedIn.noProgress": "{0}, looks like you haven't played Fortnite before.",
  718. "": "Russia/CIS",
  719. "": "Authentication has been disabled, please try again later or contact support.",
  720. "": "Sorry, we cannot store data in this field because of your age.",
  721. "epic.ue.marketplace.categories.twoDimensional": "2D Assets",
  722. "epic.fortnite.buyNow.title": "Take Back The World!",
  723. "": "Sorry the credentials you are using are invalid.",
  724. "": "Facebook",
  725. "": "Let’s Get Out There!",
  726. "": "Sorry, your payment credit card is invalid.",
  727. "": "Sweden",
  728. "": "Please select a payment method to pay another {0}.",
  729. "epic.fortnite.xp.forYou.20": "20 Xp Boosts \r\nFor You",
  730. "": "Property {0} must be a valid URL",
  731. "": "Report",
  732. "net.sf.oval.constraint.HasSubstring": "Field must contain the substring \"{substring}\".",
  733. "": "Türkçe",
  734. "epic.code.redemption.validate.input_placeholder": "Enter Access Code",
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  736. "epic.fortnite.comments.sort.createdat.desc": "Newest",
  737. "epic.fortnite.comments.limit.max": "You can only enter {0} characters.",
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  739. "epic.fortnite.headerDetail.backPacks": "Extra Backpack Inventory Slots",
  740. "": "Your request was sent, you will receive a reply shortly.",
  741. "": "Profile",
  742. "epic.fortnite.chitchat.filter_by": "Filter By",
  743. "epic.fortnite.seo.h2": "Fortnite Offical Website",
  744. "epic.fortnite.seo.h1": "Fortnite",
  745. "": "Enemies",
  746. "": "Your input must be between 15 and 600 characters.",
  747. "": "Featured",
  748. "epic.fortnite.sfs.getStarted": "Get Started",
  749. "": "We were unable to find the country from your billing account. Please check your billing account or contact customer service.",
  750. "": "Sorry, you can only change your display name once every 6 months",
  751. "": "Check back here for future events!",
  752. "epic.fortnite.comments.facebook.share": "Share on Facebook",
  753. "epic.fortnite.small.friendInvite": "{0} Digital Standard Edition For A Friend",
  754. "": "Content Search",
  755. "": "Request sent successfully, we\\u2019ll get back to you as soon as we can.",
  756. "epic.fortnite.eula.fn-xb1-267695549": "XBox One",
  757. "epic.newsletter.login_required": "You need login to subscribe newsletter.",
  758. "": "Sorry, you are not allowed to access the requested resource.",
  759. "epic.fortnite.headerDetail.extraEditions": "{0} Digital Standard Editions For Friends",
  760. "net.sf.oval.constraint.MatchPattern": "Field does not match the pattern {pattern}.",
  761. "": "Buy {0}",
  762. "": "Amazon",
  763. "epic.fortnite.dashboard.account_settings": "Account Settings",
  764. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.played.logout": "No, Switch Accounts",
  765. "epic.fortnite.exclusive.alpha.header": "Exclusive alpha content",
  766. "": "Report this Comment",
  767. "default.not.found.message": "{0} not found with id {1}",
  768. "epic.fortnite.founder.piniataPacks": "{0} Daily Loot Pinata Packs",
  769. "": "Sorry, we were unable to refresh your login session. Please login again.",
  770. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.signup": "Haven't played Fortnite before? <a id=\"twitch-signup\" href=\"\">Sign up for a new account.</a>",
  771. "epic.fortnite.sfs.commander.body": "Select your Commander to unlock their exclusive in-game icon along with the Bullseye rifle.",
  772. "": "No More",
  773. "": "There are something wrong with your payment method, please contact customer service.",
  774. "epic.utils.subscription.payment.coming_soon": "(COMING SOON)",
  775. "": "Your code was not redeemed because you already have this product.",
  776. "": "Please install and run the Epic Games Launcher for PC or Mac to download your content",
  777. "epic.fortnite.xp.forYou.40": "40 Xp Boosts \r\nFor You",
  778. "epic.fortnite.founder.title4": "Limited",
  779. "epic.fortnite.founder.title3": "Super",
  780. "epic.fortnite.common.share": "Share",
  781. "epic.fortnite.founder.title2": "Deluxe",
  782. "epic.fortnite.founder.title1": "Standard",
  783. "": "view more",
  784. "": "Sorry, the oauth grant you are performing cannot be performed by your client.",
  785. "": "Sorry, the language you chose is not supported.",
  786. "": "简体字",
  787. "": "Sorry, we were unable to authenticate your account with the external authentication method you are using.",
  788. "net.sf.oval.constraint.NoSelfReference": "Field illegal self reference.",
  789. "": "Crusader",
  790. "": "Code does not exist.",
  791. "": "Featured",
  792. "epic.fortnite.common.connect_with_us": "CONNECT WITH US",
  793. "": "Metal",
  794. "epic.fortnite.sitemap.chit-chat": "Chit-Chat",
  795. "": "Related Content",
  796. "com.epicgames.account.display_name_was_used": "Sorry, this display name was already used by you before reset",
  797. "epic.fortnite.comments.edit": "Edit",
  798. "epic.fortnite.buyNow.subTitle": "Sign up or login to get updates and receive this exclusive in-game banner.",
  799. "epic.common.founders": "Founders Pack",
  800. "epic.fortnite.404": "404",
  801. "epic.common.finish": "FINISH",
  802. "": "You have one or more items for this code, so you can not redeem. If you feel like this is a mistake, please contact Customer Support.",
  803. "": "Sorry, you are visiting our service too frequent, please try again later.",
  804. "": "The currency of the transaction doesn't match your billing account. Please check your billing account or contact customer service.",
  805. "": "Brick",
  806. "epic.fortnite.popdown.subtitle": "The PVP Update Is Coming Sept. 26",
  807. "": "This code can only be used for accounts in the specified country. Please use another code, or contact our customer support.",
  808. "": "Nuts n’ Bolts",
  809. "": "Featured",
  810. "": "Wood Planks",
  811. "epic.fortnite.backpack.copy": "Take your backpack into the heat of battle knowing that you have 10 extra slots for guns or swords or traps or life-giving bacons.",
  812. "epic.fortnite.meta.description": "The living, action building game from Epic Games. Build forts, co-op, kill monsters, find loot, save the day!",
  813. "": "Content Detail",
  814. "": "Watch",
  815. "": "Alpha Users Only",
  816. "": "A payment method with this nickname already exists.",
  817. "epic.fortnite.founder.defenders": "{0} Exclusive In-Game Defenders",
  818. "epic.fortnite.leaderboard.alltime": "All Time",
  819. "epic.fortnite.message.minLength": "Message must be at least {0} characters.",
  820. "epic.fortnite.inventory.copy": "You may need to store Survivors, event tickets, and schematics between missions. Extra vault inventory slots will help you build up your arsenal faster.",
  821. "": "OFF",
  822. "": "Share This Article",
  823. "": "Range",
  824. "": "The code you are using for login has expired, please try again.",
  825. "": "Download Content",
  826. "": "Sorry, you may not use a disallowed word in this field.",
  827. "": "Norway",
  828. "epic.fortnite.dashboard.survey": "SURVEY",
  829. "epic.code.invite.success.msg": "Invite sent successfully, your friend should receive an email with a code shortly.",
  830. "epic.fortnite.pinata.title.7": "<h1>7<span class=\"sub\">Pinata Packs</span></h1>",
  831. "net.sf.oval.constraint.Past": "Field must be in the past.",
  832. "epic.fortnite.sso.500.body": "This resource is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.",
  833. "": "Italy",
  834. "": "Not For Sale",
  835. "": "Retractable Floor Spikes",
  836. "epic.fortnite.heroPack.constructor": "Constructor",
  837. "epic.fortnite.common.subscribe": "Subscribe",
  838. "": "am",
  839. "": "Free",
  840. "epic.fortnite.inventory.extra.50": "50 Extra \r\nVault Inventory Slots",
  841. "epic.fortnite.sfs.commander.change": "Change Commander?",
  842. "": "at",
  843. "epic.fortnite.leaderboard.weekly": "Weekly",
  844. "": "Ireland",
  845. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.killswitch.title": "We've encountered a problem.",
  846. "": "Sorry the external authentication method {0} doesn't allow you to login.",
  847. "epic.ue.marketplace.categories.onSale": "On Sale",
  848. "": "You can only enter {0} characters.",
  849. "epic.fortnite.leaderboard.accountId": "Player",
  850. "epic.code.redemption.success.msg.other": "Your code has been successfully redeemed, however Fortnite requires Windows or Mac. You’ll be able to join the fight on a Windows or Mac operating system.",
  851. "epic.fortnite.pinata.foundersLoot": "Exclusive Founder’s Loot Pinata Packs",
  852. "": "Outlander",
  853. "epic.fortnite.founder.dialog.step4.placeholder": "Select Retailer",
  854. "": "Sorry, the currency is invalid.",
  855. "": "Describe the issue",
  856. "": "You cannot reuse one of your last 5 passwords.",
  857. "epic.fortnite.founder.additionalXpBoost": "Additional Friend XP Boost Bonus",
  858. "epic.fortnite.comments.reply.hide": "Hide Replies",
  859. "": "Sorry, your payment has failed. Please check your account, or try again later.",
  860. "epic.fortnite.comments.add_new_comment": "Add a New Comment",
  861. "epic.fortnite.sfs.howItWorks": "How It Works",
  862. "epic.fortnite.founder.dialog.step4": "Step 4: Select A Retailer",
  863. "epic.fortnite.founder.dialog.step3": "Step 3: Select A Platform",
  864. "": "Marketplace",
  865. "epic.fortnite.founder.dialog.step2": "Step 2: Select A Country/Territory",
  866. "epic.fortnite.founder.dialog.step1": "Step 1: Select A Version",
  867. "": "No results for this category",
  868. "": "Sorry, this field may not contain reserved unicode characters.",
  869. "": "English",
  870. "epic.fortnite.comments.load_more": "load more",
  871. "epic.fortnite.founders.value": "A {0} value!",
  872. "epic.newsletter.title": "What communications would you like to receive from us?",
  873. "": "Sorry your credit card being used for the transaction has been rejected by the bank with \"do not honor\" error message. The bank will not validate the transaction and provide an authorization code. Please contact the company/bank that issued the card you are using for assistance. Alternatively please use a different card or payment method.",
  874. "epic.fortnite.founder.dialog.territory.ko": "South Korea",
  875. "epic.fortnite.comments.limit.min": "You need to enter at least {0} characters.",
  876. "": "New Content",
  877. "": "Windows",
  878. "epic.fortnite.accountportal.unlock.register": "Sign up or login to get updates and receive this exclusive in-game banner",
  879. "epic.fortnite.chatChannel.copy": "Plan your next mission or just chat about the weather with other Founders in this exclusive chat channel.",
  880. "": "Now we’re talking!",
  881. "": "Sorry, this field cannot be an IP address.",
  882. "": "You’ll need to craft more things like this to push back the Storm.",
  883. "": "Order Preview",
  884. "": "SubTotal",
  885. "epic.code.invite.intro_paragraph": "Sorry, The Storm seems to be causing us problems communicating with our servers. Come back and try again later.",
  886. "": "Share",
  887. "epic.fortnite.comments.comments": "Comments",
  888. "": "Sturdy walls aren’t enough to keep the monster hordes out.",
  889. "epic.fortnite.small.foundersPack": "Exclusive Founders Loot Pinata Pack",
  890. "": "Search failed, please try again later!",
  891. "": "Coming Soon",
  892. "": "You need some serious firepower.",
  893. "": "Sorry, we couldn't find a security question for the account.",
  894. "": "Thank you for downloading",
  895. "": "Please log into your account in order to access this article.",
  896. "": "Vault",
  897. "": "We were unable to process your payment, please check your details.",
  898. "": "Treehouse",
  899. "epic.fortnite.founder.friendInvite": "Friend Invites",
  900. "": "Your Rating:",
  901. "": "Sorry, you are not logged in. Please login first.",
  902. "epic.common.linkXbox": "LINK XBOX",
  903. "": "You must specify a display name.",
  904. "epic.fortnite.comments.sort": "SORTED BY",
  905. "": "We cannot process your request, please contact our customer service.",
  906. "": "Get Fortnite",
  907. "": "",
  908. "": "Search",
  909. "": "Payment amount cannot be zero.",
  910. "epic.fortnite.comments.update": "Update",
  911. "epic.fortnite.message.sorry": "Sorry, we could not process your request.",
  912. "": "Featured Stream",
  913. "": "Submitting",
  914. "": "Contents by",
  915. "": "Edit this Comment",
  916. "": "Support Website",
  917. "epic.fortnite.common.home_page": "Home Page",
  918. "": "Sorry, the oauth single use code you are using is not valid for the operation you are attempting. Please try again with a new code.",
  919. "": "Sorry, the billing email is invalid.",
  920. "net.sf.oval.constraint.Assert": "Field does not satisfy condition: {expression}.",
  921. "net.sf.oval.constraint.NotBlank": "Field cannot be blank.",
  922. "": "Sorry, your payment credit card is invalid.",
  923. "": "Current Balance:",
  924. "": "BestBuy",
  925. "": "Sorry, you don't have the entitlement needed to perform this action.",
  926. "": "No More Posts",
  927. "": "Sorry, that code has already been redeemed. Sign up to join the waitlist for the Invite Event on iOS!",
  928. "": "Text Formatting Notation Help \r\n\r\n\r\nYou can use markdown syntax to format your comment. The guide below explains the supported markdown and formatting.\r\n\r\n\r\nEmphasis\r\n\r\n*emphasized*\r\n\r\n**strong emphasis**\r\n\r\n\r\nUnordered list\r\n\r\n* A list item.\r\n\r\nWith multiple paragraphs.\r\n\r\n* Another item in the list.\r\n\r\n\r\nOrdered list\r\n\r\n1. Red\r\n2. Green\r\n3. Blue\r\n\r\n\r\nLinks\r\n\r\n[link text]( \"Link Title\")\r\n",
  929. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.playFortniteOn": "What Do you play Fortnite On?",
  930. "": "REVIEW YOUR ORDER",
  931. "epic.fortnite.message.maxLength": "Message must be shorter than {0} characters.",
  932. "": "Not Yet Rated",
  933. "": "Sorry, we could not deliver the invite.",
  934. "default.button.create.label": "Create",
  935. "": "Gameplay Trailer",
  936. "": "Spain",
  937. "": "Europe",
  938. "": "Sorry, we were unable to validate your login token. Please try again.",
  939. "": "Report this Comment",
  940. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.played.yesbtn": "Yes, find my account",
  941. "epic.fortnite.common.accept": "Accept",
  942. "epic.fortnite.inventory.extraBackpack": "10 Extra Backpack \r\nInventory Slots",
  943. "": "Payment was declined. Please contact your financial institute.",
  944. "": "Save {0}",
  945. "": "We were unable to get the billing address from your PayPal account, please enter it on PayPal website.",
  946. "": "Sorry your name may not contain {invalidChar}.",
  947. "epic.fortnite.eula.subtitle": "This is your agreement, please read it carefully.",
  948. "": "Sorry, this credit card already expired.",
  949. "": "Comments",
  950. "epic.fortnite.small.starterHeroes": "Rare Starter Hero Pack ({0} Heroes)",
  951. "": "Denmark",
  952. "epic.fortnite.leaderboard.solo": "Solo",
  953. "epic.common.filter": "Filter",
  954. "epic.fortnite.sfs.thirdStep": "3",
  955. "": "Select Your Payment Option",
  956. "epic.fortnite.founder.dialog.platform.ps4": "Playstation 4",
  957. "": "Price",
  958. "": "Sorry, the OAuth exchange or authorization code you are using is not valid. Please try again with a new code.",
  959. "": "Please input a valid price range",
  960. "": "Time To Build!",
  961. "epic.fortnite.founder.hbBanners": "Exclusive In-Game Banner Icons",
  962. "": "Sending For Help",
  963. "": "Audio",
  964. "": "Sorry, an error occurred and we were unable to log you in.",
  965. "epic.fortnite.sso.500": "500",
  966. "epic.fortnite.founder.dialog.platform.pc": "PC/Mac",
  967. "epic.header.cookie_compliance.accept": "Close",
  968. "epic.survey.completed": "You have already filled out this survey, thanks for your participation!",
  969. "": "You have varied and upgraded building materials as well as a ton of traps and sniper perches. ",
  970. "": "Scoped Bullseye",
  971. "": "Those extra traps will be a big help too… but you can do better.",
  972. "": "Sorry, data is not accepted by payment service.",
  973. "": "This code is expired",
  974. "": "Now that’s a fort!",
  975. "": "You’re getting there!",
  976. "": "Content Search",
  977. "": "I see you have some metal and stone in there now.",
  978. "": "It’s time to explore the world, gather some supplies and start that whole \"world saving\" thing.",
  979. "epic.common.choose": "CHOOSE",
  980. "epic.fortnite.eula": "End User License Agreement",
  981. "": "You’ve got a few basic traps and a wood structure.",
  982. "epic.common.reset": "Reset",
  983. "epic.survey.invalid_link": "Sorry, that survey link is not valid.",
  984. "": "This will stop some small waves of Husks, but not the the big stuff.",
  985. "epic.fortnite.small.pinataCardpacks": "Immediate Loot Pinata Packs",
  986. "": "That’s a decent first fort.",
  987. "": "Sorry, address is not found.",
  988. "": "Reply",
  989. "": "Germany",
  990. "epic.fortnite.comments.dialog.edit": "Edit this Comment",
  991. "": "Previous",
  992. "epic.fortnite.founder.xpBoost": "{0} XP Boosts",
  993. "epic.survey.disqualified": "Thank you for completing the survey!",
  994. "": "Cinematic Trailer",
  995. "epic.fortnite.battleRoyale.playFreeNow": "Play Free Now",
  996. "epic.fortnite.chitchat.scroll_down": "Scroll down to view the latest social content and discussions from fans around the world.",
  997. "net.sf.oval.constraint.AssertFalse": "Field is not false.",
  998. "": "We were unable to find the billing agreement for your PayPal account. Please delete the PayPal account from Epic accounts, then add it back.",
  999. "": "Help",
  1000. "": "For Mac:",
  1001. "epic.common.activate": "Activate",
  1002. "epic.fortnite.weaponPack.title": "Rare Starter Weapon Pack",
  1003. "": "We were unable to process your PayPal payment at the moment. Please try again later or try CreditCard payment.",
  1004. "": "Price Low to High",
  1005. "": "Server error.",
  1006. "": "Constructor",
  1007. "": "Sorry, we were unable to process the JSON you sent.",
  1008. "epic.footer.copyright": "© {0}, Epic Games, Inc. Epic Games, Paragon, Unreal, Unreal Engine 4, UE4, and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. All rights reserved.",
  1009. "": "Max Price",
  1010. "epic.ue.marketplace.categories.recent": "New Content",
  1011. "epic.fortnite.founder.starterHeroes": "Rare Starter Hero Pack ({0} Heroes)",
  1012. "": "Select Category",
  1013. "default.button.delete.confirm.message": "Are you sure?",
  1014. "": "Share on Facebook",
  1015. "": "Sorry the value you entered does not appear to be a valid ISO country code.",
  1016. "": "Featured Videos",
  1017. "": "pm",
  1018. "epic.fortnite.common.signout": "Sign Out",
  1019. "epic.common.accountportal.default.register": "Register",
  1020. "": "Finland",
  1021. "epic.fortnite.common.processing": "Processing",
  1022. "": "The code is not a redemption code.",
  1023. "": "Your payment was not processed. Please contact customer service.",
  1024. "": "Quantity",
  1025. "": "Search",
  1026. "": "Make It.",
  1027. "epic.fortnite.sfs.rewards.body": "Recruit more friends to join the Search For Survivors.",
  1028. "epic.fortnite.common.signin": "Sign in",
  1029. "": "The OAuth base URL must start with HTTPS.",
  1030. "epic.fortnite.common.terms_of_use": "Terms of Service",
  1031. "": "Sorry, the service is temporarily unavailable. Please try back later.",
  1032. "epic.fortnite.comments.comment-error": "Something went wrong while fetching comments for this post",
  1033. "": "Sorry, the payment amount is invalid.",
  1034. "epic.fortnite.popdown.includes": "includes",
  1035. "": "Property {0} must be a valid Date",
  1036. "epic.fortnite.inventory.inventorySlots": "Inventory Slots",
  1037. "epic.fortnite.dashboard.enter_code": "Invalid code",
  1038. "epic.fortnite.heroPack.title": "Starter Hero Pack",
  1039. "": "Sorry, we were unable to authenticate you. Please verify your credentials.",
  1040. "": "The Action Building game where you team up with other players to build massive forts and battle against hordes of monsters, all while crafting and looting in giant worlds where no two games are ever the same.",
  1041. "": "Price High to Low",
  1042. "epic.fortnite.stat.matchesplayed": "Matches Played",
  1043. "": "Login to comment",
  1044. "": "You currently don\\u2019t have any more invites. Check back at a later time and you may be able to invite more friends.",
  1045. "net.sf.oval.constraint.InstanceOfAny": "Field must be an instance of {types}.",
  1046. "epic.code.redemption.login.title": "Sign In Required",
  1047. "": "Code redemption failed. Please contact customer service with the code you entered.",
  1048. "epic.common.play_now": "Play Free",
  1049. "epic.fortnite.founder.percentOff": "{0}% Off",
  1050. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.killswitch.comeback": "Please check back later!",
  1051. "epic.fortnite.comments.must_agree": "ERROR: You must agree with privacy notice",
  1052. "": "Unsupported country",
  1053. "": "We were unable to charge your account as the amount exceeds your billing account limit. Please contact your financial institute.",
  1054. "": "Please enter the CVV.",
  1055. "": "Ratings Unavailable",
  1056. "epic.fortnite.subscribe.thanks.title": "Thanks for subscribing",
  1057. "": "Sorry, the code is not found or email does not match.",
  1058. "": "Search Results",
  1059. "epic.fortnite.founder.dialog.step3.placeholder": "Select Platform",
  1060. "epic.code.invite.success.sendMore": "Send More",
  1061. "epic.common.heroes": "Heroes",
  1062. "": "The single sign-on code you are using is invalid or expired, please try again or contact support.",
  1063. "": "Sorry your last name may not contain {invalidChar}.",
  1064. "epic.fortnite.founder.translation": "English translation only. Available in Japanese late 2018.",
  1065. "epic.fortnite.sfs.header.title": "Search For",
  1066. "epic.survey.thank_you": "Thank you for completing the survey!",
  1067. "": "Live Streams",
  1068. "": "Sorry, the item you are trying to create already exists.",
  1069. "epic.common.faq": "FAQ",
  1070. "": "Sorry, to preview the order failed. Please check your account, or try again later.",
  1071. "": "Twitter",
  1072. "": "Your account has been silenced, please contact us for further information.",
  1073. "epic.fortnite.founder.PvP": "PvP",
  1074. "": "Please make purchase in your own country, if this is wrong for you, please contact admin for help.",
  1075. "epic.fortnite.headerDetail.moreDetails": "More Details Below",
  1076. "": "The code you are using for login has expired, please try again.",
  1077. "": "Switzerland",
  1078. "epic.common.signin_psn": "PLAYSTATION™",
  1079. "epic.fortnite.defenders.copy": "When you’re light a friend or two, summon one or both of your exclusive in-game Defenders to lend a helping hand in combat.",
  1080. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.signIn.pc": "PC",
  1081. "epic.fortnite.small.xpBoost": "XP Boosts",
  1082. "default.list.label": "{0} List",
  1083. "epic.code.invite.friend_message_last": "of your friends. Enter their email in the box below and click invite. An email will be sent to them with their Fortnite access code.",
  1084. "": "Mobile",
  1085. "": "Sorry, this payment method is invalid. You can not purchase with it.",
  1086. "": "Download for:",
  1087. "": "Most Recent Activity",
  1088. "": "That sniper tower you built isn’t just for looking pretty. Get out there and pick off those Husks from long range with the Bullseye.",
  1089. "": "Game",
  1090. "": "The e-mail address provided has been blacklisted in our system. If you believe this is in error, please contact customer service.",
  1091. "": "Canada",
  1092. "": "Last",
  1093. "": "Sometimes you just need a trusty piece of steel at your side to slice through all the Storm’s most persistent enemies.",
  1094. "": "Sorry, your oauth request is invalid. Please check your request body and headers.",
  1095. "": "We were unable to process your order, the zipcode associated with your account is not supported. Please choose a different payment method or update your account profile.",
  1096. "": "Forum",
  1097. "": "INVITE EVENT ON iOS ",
  1098. "": "First",
  1099. "epic.common.about": "About",
  1100. "": "Share on Twitter",
  1101. "epic.fortnite.common.signup_now": "SIGN UP / REDEEM CODE",
  1102. "": "Austria",
  1103. "epic.code.redemption.login.msg": "An Epic Games account is required to play Fortnite. Sign in or Create an Account to join the fight.",
  1104. "net.sf.oval.constraint.InstanceOf": "Field must be an instance of {types}.",
  1105. "": "That GitHub account is already associated with another account.",
  1106. "epic.fortnite.founder.dialog.retailer.gamestop": "GameStop",
  1107. "": "Sorry, the email address you provided is invalid.",
  1108. "epic.fortnite.pinata.title.99": "<h1>99<span class=\"sub\">Pinata Packs</span></h1>",
  1109. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.signIn.or": "Or",
  1110. "epic.fortnite.error.share": "Sorry, this content can’t be shared.",
  1111. "epic.fortnite.comments.delete_confirm": "Are you sure?",
  1112. "epic.fortnite.heroExclusive.copy": "Pick your favorite class to receive a pack of two powerful Legendary Heroes and a Legendary weapon for that class.",
  1113. "": "Featured Content",
  1114. "": "Xbox One",
  1115. "": "previous",
  1116. "epic.fortnite.founder.legendaryHeroes": "{0} Exclusive Legendary Heroes",
  1117. "": "Please login to continue",
  1118. "": "here",
  1119. "": "There was an error logging you in, please try again later or contact support.",
  1120. "": "Load More",
  1121. "": "An Epic Games account is required but your login method is not linked to an existing account. Please try a different login method or create an Epic Games account.",
  1122. "": "{0} ({1}%)",
  1123. "epic.fortnite.small.pinataPacks": "Daily Loot Pinata Packs",
  1124. "": "Order: {0}",
  1125. "": "Fortnite requires Windows to play, but you can download the launcher to play other Epic Games",
  1126. "": "Sorry, the code you are using couldn't be found.",
  1127. "": "Last",
  1128. "": "Rate it Now!",
  1129. "": "Text Formatting Notation Help \r\n\r\n\r\nIn the comments section, you can use markdown syntax to format text. The guide below shows the supported markdown and formatting.\r\n\r\n\r\nHeading 1 .. 6\r\n\r\n# level 1 heading\r\n\r\n## level 2 heading\r\n\r\n### level 3 heading\r\n\r\n\r\nBlockquoted text\r\n\r\n> This is a blockquote.\r\n> \r\n> This is the second paragraph in the blockquote.\r\n> \r\n> ## This is an H2 in a blockquote\r\n\r\n\r\nEmphasis\r\n\r\n*emphasized*\r\n\r\n**strong emphasis**\r\n\r\n\r\nUnordered list\r\n\r\n* A list item.\r\n\r\nWith multiple paragraphs.\r\n\r\n* Another item in the list.\r\n\r\n\r\nOrdered list\r\n\r\n1. Red\r\n2. Green\r\n3. Blue\r\n\r\n\r\nLinks\r\n\r\n[link text]( \"Link Title\")\r\n\r\nReference-style links\r\n\r\ndefine reference, not case sensitive, just before or after used.\r\n\r\n[1]: \"Google\"\r\n[Yahoo Search]: \"Yahoo Search\"\r\n\r\nHere is links [Google][1], [Yahoo][yahoo search].\r\n\r\n\r\nImage\r\n\r\n![alt text](/path/to/img.jpg \"Title\")\r\n\r\n\r\nReference-style Image\r\n\r\n![alt text][id]\r\n\r\n[id]: /path/to/img.jpg \"Title\"\r\n\r\n",
  1130. "epic.fortnite.500.oops": "Oops",
  1131. "": "Looks like those people out there need some help!",
  1132. "": "Sorry, we were unable to kill your session, it appears to belong to someone else.",
  1133. "epic.common.signout": "Sign Out",
  1134. "": "We cannot process your request, please contact our customer service.",
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  1147. "": "No",
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  1150. "epic.code.redemption.success.msg.mac": "We’ve noticed you are running a Mac operating system. Fortnite requires Windows to play, but you can download the launcher to play other Epic Games.",
  1151. "": "That’s great!",
  1152. "": "Oh! So you’re the new Commander?",
  1153. "": "Owned",
  1154. "": "Something went wrong while fetching comments for this content",
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  1157. "epic.fortnite.comments.edit_your_comment": "Edit your comment",
  1158. "": "Blog",
  1159. "": "Select Category",
  1160. "epic.fortnite.heroPack.copy": "Start off with eight powerful Heroes, two from each class to show the Husk that you mean business.",
  1161. "": "Sorry, your payment has failed. Please check your account, or try again later.",
  1162. "epic.common.download_now": "Download Now",
  1163. "epic.common.accountportal.default.sign_in": "Sign In",
  1164. "epic.fortnite.weaponPack.copy": "Whether you’re fond of mowing down Husks at range or getting up close and personal, this pack has all the weapon schematics you’ll need to succeed.",
  1165. "": "Please enter a username and password.",
  1166. "epic.ue.marketplace.categories.environments": "Environments",
  1167. "": "Sorry, validation code not found.",
  1168. "epic.fortnite.headerDetail.tier-3": "{0} Digital Standard Edition For A Friend",
  1169. "epic.fortnite.headerDetail.tier-4": "{0} Exclusive Legendary Heroes",
  1170. "epic.fortnite.headerDetail.tier-1": "Exclusive Founder’s Loot Pinata Packs",
  1171. "epic.fortnite.headerDetail.tier-2": "Rare Starter Hero Pack ({0} Heroes)",
  1172. "epic.fortnite.inventory.vaultSlots": "Vault Inventory Slots",
  1173. "epic.fortnite.friendInvite.titleOnePlural": "{0} digital Standard Editions for friends!",
  1174. "": "Discount High to Low",
  1175. "": "Add New Payment Method",
  1176. "epic.fortnite.faq.jump": "Jump To Section",
  1177. "epic.fortnite.pinata.title.47": "<h1>47<span class=\"sub\">Pinata Packs</span></h1>",
  1178. "epic.fortnite.founder.accountInventory": "Extra Account Inventory Slots",
  1179. "": "{0} by {1} in {2}",
  1180. "": "Categories",
  1181. "": "Describe the issue",
  1182. "net.sf.oval.constraint.NotNegative": "Field cannot be negative.",
  1183. "epic.footer.newsletter.error.unknown": "An error occurred while saving your information. Please try again.",
  1184. "": "Sorry, a ban is preventing authentication of the updated account.",
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  1186. "epic.fortnite.founder.transformKeys": "{0} Transform Keys",
  1187. "epic.fortnite.founder.Campaign": "PvE Campaign",
  1188. "": "Lowest Rated",
  1189. "epic.common.learnMoreEarlyAccess": "Learn More About Early Access",
  1190. "epic.fortnite.weaponPack.ScopedBullseye": "Scoped Bullseye \r\nSchematic",
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  1192. "": "Publisher",
  1193. "epic.fortnite.survey.completed": "You have already filled out this survey, thanks for your participation!",
  1194. "epic.code.redemption.confirm.code_intro": "Your code:",
  1195. "translate": "Translate this: {0}",
  1196. "epic.fortnite.survey.invalid_link": "Sorry, that survey link is not valid.",
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  1204. "": "There was an error processing your request, Please refresh the page and try again.",
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  1206. "epic.fortnite.common.comment": "Comment",
  1207. "default.home.label": "Home",
  1208. "epic.fortnite.dashboard.download_launcher": "Download",
  1209. "epic.code.redemption.confirm.title": "Join the Search!",
  1210. "epic.fortnite.eula.FortniteMobileIOS": "iOS",
  1211. "default.updated.message": "{0} {1} updated",
  1212. "": "Select Device",
  1213. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.btns.newPc": "PC/Mac",
  1214. "epic.code.invite.you_have": "You have",
  1215. "epic.fortnite.founder.campaignPacks": "PvE Campaign Packs",
  1216. "": "Walmart",
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  1220. "epic.newsletter.save_success": "Your changes have been saved.",
  1221. "": "next",
  1222. "epic.fortnite.pistol.title": "Exclusive Founder’s Pistol",
  1223. "": "Sorry, we can't find this comment.",
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  1226. "": "Comment",
  1227. "epic.fortnite.sfs.step.three.copy": "Recruit friends to unlock even more in-game rewards.",
  1228. "epic.fortnite.button.founder": "Upgrade In Game",
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  1230. "epic.fortnite.sfs.commander.title": "Pick A Commander",
  1231. "": "Top Paid",
  1232. "": "Preview",
  1233. "epic.survey.not_login": "You must be logged in to fill out this survey.",
  1234. "": "Check Out",
  1235. "": "Free",
  1236. "": "Sorry, validation failed.",
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  1238. "epic.fortnite.404.subtitle": "These are not the llamas you’re looking for",
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  1240. "": "You must provide a password when an email or username is specified.",
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  1243. "": "Skip",
  1244. "": "Sorry, this seller is no longer selling content on the marketplace and their profile has been discontinued. Please contact <a href=\"\"></a> with any questions or concerns",
  1245. "": "Sorry, we could not deliver the help message as requested.",
  1246. "": "Sorry, account creation is disabled at this time, please come back later.",
  1247. "epic.fortnite.pinata.dailyLoot": "Daily Loot Pinata Packs",
  1248. "epic.fortnite.leaderboard.ps4": "Playstation 4",
  1249. "epic.fortnite.sitemap.fortnite_url": "",
  1250. "epic.fortnite.dashboard.download_pc": "PC",
  1251. "epic.fortnite.leaderboard.rank": "Rank",
  1252. "": "No results",
  1253. "": "We cannot process your request, please contact our customer service.",
  1254. "": "Not compatible with Unreal Engine",
  1255. "epic.fortnite.twitchPrime.overlay.text": "<span>Important:</span> Select the platform you've played Fortnite on before to retain your account details, such as your progression level, name and any purchases.",
  1256. "": "Sorry, you can only change your display name once every 14 days.",
  1257. "": "Sorry you may not repeat the character {repeatChar}.",
  1258. "epic.fortnite.comments.remove": "Remove",
  1259. "": "The product you are redeeming is no longer available or has expired.",
  1260. "epic.fortnite.common.close": "Close",
  1261. "": "Back to All News",
  1262. "epic.fortnite.500.title": "Site Maintenance",
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  1265. "": "Blog",
  1266. "": "Sorry, we were unable to connect to the XMPP server.",
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  1270. "net.sf.oval.constraint.NotEqual": "Field must not equal {testString}."
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  1332. "mainTitle": "FAQ",
  1333. "_title": "Frequently Asked Questions",
  1334. "subSection": {
  1335. "_type": "faqSectionList",
  1336. "sectionList": [{
  1337. "sectTitle": "Battle Royale",
  1338. "_type": "faqList",
  1339. "faqList": [{
  1340. "question": "Where can I download Battle Royale?",
  1341. "answer": "<p dir=\"ltr\">You can download in the following places:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>PC/Mac - <a href=\"\"></a></li>\n\t<li>Xbox - <a href=\"\">Xbox Marketplace</a></li>\n\t<li>PlayStation - <a href=\"!/en-gb/games/fortnite/cid=EP1464-CUSA07669_00-FORTNITETESTING1?smcid=pdc:us-en:pdc-games-detail-fortnite-ps4:leadproductinfo-buy-download:fortnite:up1477-cusa07022_00-fortnitetesting1%203aadd-ons:emcid_null\">PlayStation Store</a></li>\n\t<li>iOS - <a href=\"\">Sign up for the Invite Event on iOS</a></li>\n</ul>\n",
  1342. "_type": "faqCard"
  1343. }, {
  1344. "question": "Do I need Xbox Live Gold to play Fortnite Battle Royale?",
  1345. "answer": "Yes. You do need Xbox Live Gold in order to play Fortnite Battle Royale on Xbox.",
  1346. "_type": "faqCard"
  1347. }, {
  1348. "question": "Do I need PlayStation Plus to play Fortnite Battle Royale?",
  1349. "answer": "No. You do not need PS Plus in order to play Fortnite Battle Royale on PlayStation.",
  1350. "_type": "faqCard"
  1351. }, {
  1352. "question": "How do you handle teamers in solo play?",
  1353. "answer": "We’ve built a system to automatically ban teamers in solo play.<br />\n<br />\nIf you ever encounter a player teaming be sure to also report them using the in-game feature. To find this you need to navigate to the settings menu and then click the “Feedback” button. You will then be given an option to report a player.",
  1354. "_type": "faqCard"
  1355. }, {
  1356. "question": "How are you handling cheaters (aimbots, overlays, etc)?",
  1357. "answer": "<p dir=\"ltr\">We take cheating very seriously on both a legal and game development front. We don’t want to tip our hand by talking in-depth about how we combat cheating.<br />\n<br />\nCheaters are permanently banned across all Epic products.</p>\n",
  1358. "_type": "faqCard"
  1359. }, {
  1360. "question": "I would like to report a player, where can I do so?",
  1361. "answer": "<p dir=\"ltr\">Please send all player reports to our <a href=\"\">Player Support team</a>.<br />\n<br />\nYou can use the in-game feedback tool located in the Main Menu. There is also an option to report a player in-game when spectating them.</p>\n",
  1362. "_type": "faqCard"
  1363. }, {
  1364. "question": "I’m having a technical game issue, what should I do?",
  1365. "answer": "Check out the Technical Issues forums section <a href=\"\">here</a>. If you are experiencing issues with the Epic Games Launcher, check out the articles <a href=\"\">here</a>.",
  1366. "_type": "faqCard"
  1367. }, {
  1368. "question": "Will you add a first-person option?",
  1369. "answer": "No. We’re not planning to add a first-person option. We don’t feel it fits with the design style of Fortnite. We may revisit in the future.",
  1370. "_type": "faqCard"
  1371. }, {
  1372. "question": "I want to drive around. Where are the vehicles?",
  1373. "answer": "Right now we do not have any immediate plans to add vehicles. We’ve done some very early prototypes internally, but have concerns with how they’ll affect the flow of Battle Royale. We’ll let you know our plans when we have a better understanding of their impact.",
  1374. "_type": "faqCard"
  1375. }, {
  1376. "question": "Will you add more maps?",
  1377. "answer": "Yes, but not right away. We’ll also be looking into improving our current map, including adding more points of interest. The latest point of interest is Lucky Landing.",
  1378. "_type": "faqCard"
  1379. }, {
  1380. "question": "What is the Battle Pass?",
  1381. "answer": "The Battle Pass rewards players with cosmetic items by playing the game and completing daily challenges. As soon as you buy the Battle Pass, you’ll instantly unlock a batch of great in-game rewards. The more you play, the more rewards you unlock. Level up even faster by knocking out those daily challenges.<br />\n<br />\nNeed more info? Head <a href=\"\">here</a>.",
  1382. "_type": "faqCard"
  1383. }, {
  1384. "question": "Will I keep everything I earned with Battle Pass after it expires?",
  1385. "answer": "Yes, you will! Every item earned through the Battle Pass will remain in your inventory permanently.",
  1386. "_type": "faqCard"
  1387. }, {
  1388. "question": "When does Battle Pass Season 3 end?",
  1389. "answer": "Battle Pass Season 3 began Feb. 21 and ends on April 30. Future Seasons will be announced at a later time.",
  1390. "_type": "faqCard"
  1391. }, {
  1392. "question": "Will there be custom matchmaking? ",
  1393. "answer": "Yes! We are currently testing private matches internally and plan to release this feature to everyone in the near future.",
  1394. "_type": "faqCard"
  1395. }, {
  1396. "question": "When will a Public Test Realm begin?",
  1397. "answer": "Currently, Limited Time Modes have become our testing grounds for implementing new features.",
  1398. "_type": "faqCard"
  1399. }, {
  1400. "question": "Why did Epic make only Battle Royale free? When will the whole game be free?",
  1401. "answer": "We still have a lot of features to add before the PvE campaign is complete. We will launch the Save the World PvE campaign for free in 2018.",
  1402. "_type": "faqCard"
  1403. }, {
  1404. "question": "Will my progress in Fortnite PvE campaign transfer over into Battle Royale?",
  1405. "answer": "For now, PvE and PvP are not connected and we don’t know if Battle Royale will eventually connect to the Fortnite campaign. We are considering cosmetic connections between PvE and PvP and compendium-like content, but we’re still figuring it out. Let us know what you think would be cool.<br />\n<br />\nV-bucks and profile banners are shared between PVE and PVP game modes.",
  1406. "_type": "faqCard"
  1407. }, {
  1408. "question": "Will Fortnite Battle Royale be pay-to-win?",
  1409. "answer": "No. We will not sell items that give a competitive advantage.",
  1410. "_type": "faqCard"
  1411. }]
  1412. }, {
  1413. "sectTitle": "Mobile",
  1414. "_type": "faqList",
  1415. "faqList": [{
  1416. "question": "How can I play Fortnite on my iOS device?",
  1417. "answer": "Head <a href=\"\">here</a> to download + play now.<br />\n<br />\nFortnite on mobile works with:<br />\niPhone SE, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X; iPad Mini 4, Air 2, 2017, Pro.",
  1418. "_type": "faqCard"
  1419. }, {
  1420. "question": "Where can I find more information about Fortnite on mobile?",
  1421. "answer": "You can read more at <a href=\"\"></a>.",
  1422. "_type": "faqCard"
  1423. }, {
  1424. "question": "Is Fortnite on mobile coming to Android?",
  1425. "answer": "Yes. Android will be supported in the next few months.",
  1426. "_type": "faqCard"
  1427. }, {
  1428. "question": "What iOS devices are compatible with Fortnite on mobile?",
  1429. "answer": "To play, you’ll need an internet connection and iOS 11 on at least an iPhone 6S/SE, iPad Mini 4, iPad Pro, iPad Air 2, iPad 2017 devices or later.",
  1430. "_type": "faqCard"
  1431. }, {
  1432. "question": "Will mobile players be forced to play with other platforms?",
  1433. "answer": "No. By default, mobile players are matched against mobile players only. When a mobile player joins a squad with friends on other platforms, then that squad is matchmade against a multiplatform population. Thus, cross platform play is opt in.",
  1434. "_type": "faqCard"
  1435. }, {
  1436. "question": "Will Bluetooth controllers work?",
  1437. "answer": "Not initially. Bluetooth controller support is coming later.",
  1438. "_type": "faqCard"
  1439. }, {
  1440. "question": "Is Save the World coming to mobile? ",
  1441. "answer": "No. Save the World uses way more memory and CPU resources than Battle Royale and would be very difficult to bring to mobile devices.",
  1442. "_type": "faqCard"
  1443. }, {
  1444. "question": "Will there be voice chat?",
  1445. "answer": "Not initially. Later, we plan to support voice chat.<br />\n ",
  1446. "_type": "faqCard"
  1447. }, {
  1448. "question": "Do you support jailbroken devices?",
  1449. "answer": "No, we do not support jailbroken devices.",
  1450. "_type": "faqCard"
  1451. }]
  1452. }, {
  1453. "sectTitle": "Save the World",
  1454. "_type": "faqList",
  1455. "faqList": [{
  1456. "question": "How do I obtain my Founder’s Pack rewards?",
  1457. "answer": "For instructions on how to receive your Founder’s Pack rewards, please head <a href=\"\">here</a>.",
  1458. "_type": "faqCard"
  1459. }, {
  1460. "question": "I’m having some trouble with my Founder’s Pack purchase. What do I do?",
  1461. "answer": "Please email our Support team at <a data-saferedirecturl=\";q=;source=gmail&amp;ust=1500658520439000&amp;usg=AFQjCNE6VQwZgbew8VXhwB6U_-FvwXh8Sg\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> for assistance regarding PC Founder’s Pack purchases. For Founder’s Packs purchased on PS4 or Xbox One, please reach out to the support team of your specific platform.",
  1462. "_type": "faqCard"
  1463. }, {
  1464. "question": "How long will Founder’s Packs be available?",
  1465. "answer": "A date hasn’t been announced for when the current versions of Founder’s Packs will be retired. If anything is to be changed, we promise to give a heads up.",
  1466. "_type": "faqCard"
  1467. }, {
  1468. "question": "When will Save the World be free-to-play?",
  1469. "answer": "Save the World will be free-to-play at some point in 2018.",
  1470. "_type": "faqCard"
  1471. }, {
  1472. "question": "Which platform(s) can I play Fortnite on?",
  1473. "answer": "PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro, Xbox One, Xbox One X, PC and Mac.",
  1474. "_type": "faqCard"
  1475. }, {
  1476. "question": "Where can I learn more about Fortnite?",
  1477. "answer": "You can check out our <a href=\"\">news</a> page here!",
  1478. "_type": "faqCard"
  1479. }, {
  1480. "question": "If I purchase a Founder's Pack on your website, can I play on PlayStation 4?",
  1481. "answer": "<p>In order to gain access on PlayStation 4, players must link their Epic + PlayStation Network accounts. Link your accounts <a href=\"\">here</a>.<br />\n<br />\n<strong>Important:</strong> If you have progress or skins unlocked on your PlayStation Network account and later attempt to link it with a new PC account, your PlayStation Network account will be overwritten. To keep your progress, you need to follow the steps listed <a href=\"\">here</a>.</p>\n",
  1482. "_type": "faqCard"
  1483. }, {
  1484. "question": "Can I play Fortnite on PC with a controller?",
  1485. "answer": "Yes! We support controller compatibility on PC.",
  1486. "_type": "faqCard"
  1487. }, {
  1488. "question": "Is an Xbox Live Gold membership required to play Fortnite?",
  1489. "answer": "Yes, an Xbox Live Gold membership is required to play Fortnite.",
  1490. "_type": "faqCard"
  1491. }, {
  1492. "question": "When will I be able to send my Friend Invites?",
  1493. "answer": "<meta charset=\"utf-8\" />Friend Invites will be available to be sent in-game after you complete the 2nd quest, “Loot Llama”. ",
  1494. "_type": "faqCard"
  1495. }, {
  1496. "question": "Our recommended PC specs for Fortnite Early Access are below. As we go through Early Access, these minimum requirements will change to include more hardware options. If your system does not meet these requirements, be sure to check back as we improve our optimization.",
  1497. "answer": "<p><strong>Recommended System Requirements:</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Nvidia GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870 equivalent DX11 GPU</li>\n\t<li>2 GByte VRAM</li>\n\t<li>Core i5 2.8 Ghz</li>\n\t<li>8 GByte RAM</li>\n\t<li>Windows 7/8/10 64-bit + Mac OSX Sierra (10.13.3+)</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><strong>Minimum System Requirements:</strong></p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Intel HD 4000</li>\n\t<li>Core i3 2.4 Ghz</li>\n\t<li>4 GByte RAM</li>\n\t<li>Windows 7/8/10 64-bit + Mac OSX Sierra (10.12.6+)</li>\n\t<li>Mac computers must support Metal API. Check if your Mac supports Metal <a href=\"\">here</a>.</li>\n</ul>\n",
  1498. "_type": "faqCard"
  1499. }, {
  1500. "question": "Can you share V-Bucks between Save the World and Battle Royale?",
  1501. "answer": "Yes, you can! Any V-Bucks earned/bought in Save the World or Battle Royale can be spent in the other game modes.",
  1502. "_type": "faqCard"
  1503. }, {
  1504. "question": "When can I start earning V-bucks in Save the World, and how? ",
  1505. "answer": "You can start earning V-bucks in Save the World right now! You can do this by completing Stormshields by yourself or with a friend, and by successfully completing Daily Missions.",
  1506. "_type": "faqCard"
  1507. }]
  1508. }, {
  1509. "sectTitle": "General Cross-Platform Functionality",
  1510. "_type": "faqList",
  1511. "faqList": [{
  1512. "question": "I’m on PC, when do I play against cross-platform players?",
  1513. "answer": "<p>Mobile, PS4, or Xbox players who are in a cross-platform party may appear as enemies in your match.<br />\n<br />\n“Fill” parties are same platform as you.<br />\n<br />\nYou will only play against PC players if you are playing Solo on PC.</p>\n",
  1514. "_type": "faqCard"
  1515. }, {
  1516. "question": "What if I don’t want to cross-platform play?",
  1517. "answer": "<p>Mobile, PS4, and Xbox players will only matchmake with cross-platform players if they are in a cross-platform party.<br />\n<br />\n<em>For Xbox players only:</em> You can block your PC or Mobile friends from joining your party by disabling cross-play in the Settings menu.</p>\n",
  1518. "_type": "faqCard"
  1519. }, {
  1520. "question": "Why is ‘Fill’ disabled when i’m in a cross-platform party?",
  1521. "answer": "<p>This is done in order to not pull PC-players into your cross-platform party who do not want a cross-platform party.</p>\n",
  1522. "_type": "faqCard"
  1523. }, {
  1524. "question": "Are stats shared across platforms?",
  1525. "answer": "No, stats and leaderboards are per platform.",
  1526. "_type": "faqCard"
  1527. }]
  1528. }, {
  1529. "sectTitle": "PS4 Cross-Platform Functionality",
  1530. "_type": "faqList",
  1531. "faqList": [{
  1532. "question": "If I play Fortnite Battle Royale on PS4, can I squad up with friends on PC, Mac, and Mobile? ",
  1533. "answer": "<p>Yes, as long as you’ve linked your PlayStation Network account to your Epic Games account, you can crossplay with PC, Mac, and Mobile players.</p>\n",
  1534. "_type": "faqCard"
  1535. }, {
  1536. "question": "If I play Fortnite Battle Royale on PS4, do I still have access to all my items and will my progress count across PC, Mac, and Mobile? ",
  1537. "answer": "<p>Yes. As long as you’ve linked your PlayStation Network account to your Epic Games account, all purchased content is present and all progress is recorded across PS4, PC, Mac, and Mobile.</p>\n",
  1538. "_type": "faqCard"
  1539. }, {
  1540. "question": "I’m on PlayStation 4 - How do I squad-up with a friend on PC, Mac or iOS?",
  1541. "answer": "<ul>\n\t<li>Link your PlayStation Network account to an Epic Games account.</li>\n\t<li>Download the Epic Games Launcher on PC or Mac, or if you have an invite, download the game on iOS.</li>\n\t<li>Add your friend from within the Epic Games Launcher, the game on PC or Mac, or the game on iOS.</li>\n\t<li>When you return to the game on PS4, set your Fortnite in-game “Game Privacy” setting to either “Public” or “Friends.”</li>\n\t<li>Select Duos or Squad mode.</li>\n\t<li>Tell your friend to join your party.</li>\n</ul>\n",
  1542. "_type": "faqCard"
  1543. }, {
  1544. "question": "I’m on mobile, PC or Mac - How do I party up with a friend on PlayStation 4?",
  1545. "answer": "<ul>\n\t<li>You will have to become friends on PC or mobile first.</li>\n\t<li>The PlayStation 4 player then needs to be in a non-solo queue and have the game privacy setting set to either “public” or “friends”.</li>\n\t<li>This will allow you to join your PlayStation 4 friend’s lobby to squad up.</li>\n</ul>\n",
  1546. "_type": "faqCard"
  1547. }]
  1548. }, {
  1549. "sectTitle": "Xbox One Cross-Platform Functionality",
  1550. "_type": "faqList",
  1551. "faqList": [{
  1552. "question": "If I play Fortnite Battle Royale on Xbox One, can I squad up with friends on PC, Mac, and Mobile? ",
  1553. "answer": "Yes, as long as you’ve linked your Xbox One account to your Epic Games account, you can crossplay with PC, Mac, and Mobile players. ",
  1554. "_type": "faqCard"
  1555. }, {
  1556. "question": "If I play Fortnite Battle Royale on Xbox One, do I still have access to all my items and will my progress count across PC, Mac, and Mobile? ",
  1557. "answer": "Yes. As long as you’ve linked your Xbox One account to your Epic Games account, all purchased content is present and all progress is recorded across Xbox, PC, Mac, and Mobile.",
  1558. "_type": "faqCard"
  1559. }, {
  1560. "question": "If I buy a Fortnite Founder’s Pack on Xbox One, can I play Save the World on PC/Mac? Are my items and progression cross-platform?",
  1561. "answer": "<p>Yes. As long as you’ve linked your Xbox One account to your Epic Games account, all purchased content is present and all progress is recorded across Xbox, PC, Mac, and Mobile.</p>\n",
  1562. "_type": "faqCard"
  1563. }, {
  1564. "question": "I already bought a Fortnite Founder’s Pack or redeemed a friend code on PC. Why can’t I play Save the World on Xbox One?",
  1565. "answer": "<p>Starting in the next couple of weeks, you will be able to play Save the World on Xbox One if you purchased it on PC or Mac.<br />\n<br />\nIn the meantime, please do not repurchase.</p>\n",
  1566. "_type": "faqCard"
  1567. }, {
  1568. "question": "I’m on Xbox One - How do I squad-up with a friend on PC, Mac or iOS?",
  1569. "answer": "<ul>\n\t<li>Link your Xbox Live account to an Epic Games account.</li>\n\t<li>Download the Epic Games launcher on PC or Mac, or if you have an invite, download the game on iOS.</li>\n\t<li>Add your friend from within the Epic Games Launcher, the game on PC or Mac, or the game on iOS.</li>\n\t<li>When you return to the game on Xbox One, set your Fortnite in-game “Game Privacy” setting to either “Public” or “Friends.”</li>\n\t<li>Select Duos or Squad mode.</li>\n\t<li>Tell your friend to join your party.</li>\n</ul>\n",
  1570. "_type": "faqCard"
  1571. }, {
  1572. "question": "I’m on mobile, PC or Mac - How do I party up with a friend on Xbox Live?",
  1573. "answer": "<ul>\n\t<li>You will have to become friends on PC or mobile first.</li>\n\t<li>The Xbox One player then needs to be in a non-solo queue and have the game privacy setting set to either “public” or “friends”.</li>\n\t<li>This will allow you to join your Xbox One friend’s lobby to squad up.</li>\n</ul>\n",
  1574. "_type": "faqCard"
  1575. }, {
  1576. "question": "When does the cross-play notification appear on Xbox One?",
  1577. "answer": "<p><em> NOTE: This notification only appears on Xbox One.</em></p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>The notification only appears when you load into Save the World for the first time or a PC or Mobile friend has joined your party.</li>\n\t<li>After it appears the first time, you can change this in the Settings > Game menu.</li>\n</ol>\n",
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  1581. "sectTitle": "Community",
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  1583. "faqList": [{
  1584. "question": "Can players in Early Access stream Fortnite or post other Fortnite content online?",
  1585. "answer": "Players have free access to stream and/or post content. GLHF!",
  1586. "_type": "faqCard"
  1587. }, {
  1588. "question": "Great! So where can I post this content I create so the team will see it?",
  1589. "answer": "Feel free to post any Fortnite content you make on our <a href=\"\">Official Forums</a>, or by sending it to us via <a href=\"\">Twitter</a>, <a href=\"\">Facebook</a>, or any of our other social channels!",
  1590. "_type": "faqCard"
  1591. }, {
  1592. "question": "Where can I submit feedback and/or bugs about the game?",
  1593. "answer": "The best way to submit feedback is via the feedback tool in-game. Using the in-game feedback tool enables it to get sorted and processed more quickly.<br />\nYou can also submit a ticket to <a href=\"\">player support</a>, post feedback, bug reports, or any general Fortnite discussion on our <a href=\"\">Official Forums</a>.",
  1594. "_type": "faqCard"
  1595. }, {
  1596. "question": "I play on console, how can I post on the Official Forums?",
  1597. "answer": "To post on the <a href=\"\">Official Forums</a> as a console player, please make sure to link your Epic + Xbox or PS4 accounts <a href=\"\">here</a>. Once your accounts are linked, you will have full access to the <a href=\"\">Official Forums</a>.",
  1598. "_type": "faqCard"
  1599. }]
  1600. }, {
  1601. "sectTitle": "Billing",
  1602. "_type": "faqList",
  1603. "faqList": [{
  1604. "question": "What payment methods do you accept?",
  1605. "answer": "We accept all major payment methods, including but not limited to Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Yandex.Money, QIWI and more.",
  1606. "_type": "faqCard"
  1607. }, {
  1608. "question": "If I purchase a lower-tier Founder’s Pack, can I upgrade to a higher tier later?",
  1609. "answer": "Yes, Founder’s Pack upgrades will be available at an adjusted price for players who have already purchased a lower tier. Upgrade options will only be available through the in-game store.",
  1610. "_type": "faqCard"
  1611. }, {
  1612. "question": "What if I have problems purchasing V-bucks?",
  1613. "answer": "Please email our Support team at <a data-saferedirecturl=\";q=;source=gmail&amp;ust=1500658520439000&amp;usg=AFQjCNE6VQwZgbew8VXhwB6U_-FvwXh8Sg\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">fortnitehelp.epicgames.<wbr />com</a> for assistance regarding purchases.",
  1614. "_type": "faqCard"
  1615. }, {
  1616. "question": "Are my V-bucks bound to the platform I purchase them on?",
  1617. "answer": "Purchased V-Bucks are shared between Xbox One, PC, and Mobile. If you have linked your account with your Epic ID, any content you buy with V-Bucks will be available on any linked Fortnite accounts (including PS4).<br />\n<br />\nYou can link your Epic account <a href=\"\">here</a>. ",
  1618. "_type": "faqCard"
  1619. }]
  1620. }, {
  1621. "sectTitle": "Player and Technical Support",
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  1623. "faqList": [{
  1624. "question": "I see an error when I attempt to install the Epic Games launcher. It says “the installation package is not supported by this processor type”.",
  1625. "answer": "A 64-bit OS is required to install the Epic Games launcher and to run Fortnite.",
  1626. "_type": "faqCard"
  1627. }, {
  1628. "question": "I’m having trouble installing the game. What should I do?",
  1629. "answer": "Please contact our Support team by emailing them at <a data-saferedirecturl=\";q=;source=gmail&amp;ust=1500658520439000&amp;usg=AFQjCNE6VQwZgbew8VXhwB6U_-FvwXh8Sg\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">fortnitehelp.epicgames.<wbr />com</a> for assistance.",
  1630. "_type": "faqCard"
  1631. }, {
  1632. "question": "I’m stuck in the game and need support ASAP! Where can I receive help?",
  1633. "answer": "If you’re experiencing issues with the game and need technical support, reach out to us at <a data-saferedirecturl=\";q=;source=gmail&amp;ust=1500658520439000&amp;usg=AFQjCNE6VQwZgbew8VXhwB6U_-FvwXh8Sg\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">fortnitehelp.epicgames.<wbr />com</a> and we’ll make sure to get you back into the action.",
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  2535. }, {
  2536. "_type": "Fortnite - Mobile Confirm Box",
  2537. "title": "Android devices are not yet supported. When they are, we’ll email you."
  2538. }, {
  2539. "_type": "Fortnite - Mobile Confirm Box",
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  2541. "title": "We're sorry. Fortnite requires a device with 2GB of memory to run: iPhone SE, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X; iPad Mini 4, Air 2, 2017, Pro"
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  2561. },
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  2790. "title": "Epic Games Will Provide $100,000,000 for Fortnite Esports Tournament Prize Pools in the First Year of Competitive Play",
  2791. "content": "<p>Fortnite Competitors!</p>\n\n<p>Grab your gear, drop in and start training. Since the launch of Fortnite Battle Royale we’ve watched the passion for community competition grow and can’t wait to empower you to battle with the best.</p>\n\n<p>In the 2018 - 2019 season, Epic Games will provide $100,000,000 to fund prize pools for Fortnite competitions. We’re getting behind competitive play in a big way, but our approach will be different - we plan to be more inclusive, and focused on the joy of playing and watching the game.</p>\n\n<p>Stay tuned for more details about competitive structures and eligible platforms in the weeks ahead!</p>\n",
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  2818. "title": "State of Mobile",
  2819. "content": "<p>Hi all,</p>\n\n<p>Since launch, we’ve been working to make the experience better, including a number of quality of life and performance improvements.</p>\n\n<h2>CUSTOMIZABLE HUD</h2>\n\n<p>We’ve heard your requests for the ability to customize the HUD and, earlier this week, we added this feature to the game. Try it out and let us know what you think. We’re excited to get this into your hands!</p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><strong>Customizable HUD In-game </strong></p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img alt=\"Hud.PNG\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><br />\n<strong>Customizable HUD Blueprint</strong></p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img alt=\"BP.PNG\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></p>\n\n<h2>VOICE CHAT</h2>\n\n<p>We know that communication is key when you’re squadding up for that Victory Royale, so we’re working to bring voice chat to mobile. On top of that, you’ll be able to chat with your teammates regardless of platform!</p>\n\n<p>We’re also looking to make it really easy to mute yourself, other players, or open up all communications with a simple tap. There will be a button on the screen that lets you mute yourself, mute everyone in your party, or go back to open-microphone.</p>\n\n<h2>GAMEPLAY AND CONTROLS</h2>\n\n<p>We’re continuing to work on improvements. Some upcoming examples include improving Autorun and adding better ways to fire. Once we roll out these changes, we’ll add options to the settings so you can try them out and see what works best for you!</p>\n\n<h2>INSTALLATION SIZE AND UPDATE EXPERIENCE</h2>\n\n<p>We are aware of the large installation size of Fortnite on mobile and are working to reduce that size. Over the next few updates we’ll be compressing the size down while maintaining performance. We’ll be making overall patch sizes smaller and adding the ability to download the content in the background!</p>\n\n<h2>ANDROID</h2>\n\n<p>Fortnite is coming to Android!</p>\n\n<p>We are targeting this summer for the release. We know many of you are excited for this release, and we promise that when we have more information to share, you’ll hear it from us first.</p>\n\n<h2>GAME PERFORMANCE</h2>\n\n<p>We see some areas where game performance can can be improved. We’re fixing code to optimize the experience (e.g. increase graphic quality), as well as adding a Battery-Saver mode which will allow you increased performance if you choose to lower the graphic quality. It’s our first implementation of this option and we’ll continue to improve upon it.</p>\n\n<h2>STATS</h2>\n\n<p>Many of you have asked for stat tracking on mobile. We are working to improve our stats servers so we can handle many more players, including those on mobile. We’re looking to enable this sometime this summer, once we are confident the improvements are performing up to our expectations. </p>\n\n<h2>STABILITY</h2>\n\n<p>Finally, stability is still one of our chief concerns. With every update we’re working to fix crashes and other issues as you report them. If you’re regularly running into stability issues, please let us know using the “Feedback” button in-game.</p>\n\n<p>Thank you for all of your support and feedback!</p>\n\n<p><br />\nThanks,<br />\nThe Fortnite Team</p>\n",
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  2823. "short": "Dive into the updates we’ve recently made on Mobile as well as some future facing improvements!",
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  2835. "nextSlug": "epic-games-will-provide-100-000-000-for-fortnite-esports-tournament",
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  2837. }, {
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  2845. "title": "Solo Showdown Limited Time Mode",
  2846. "content": "<p>Hey everyone,</p>\n\n<p>Today we’re revealing our new Limited Time Mode: <strong>Solo Showdown</strong>.</p>\n\n<p>Trying to prove yourself on the battlefield? Queue up for the Solo Showdown mode for a hotly contested Battle Royale experience. Unlike other LTMs, Solo Showdown will not change core gameplay of the current Solo mode. Instead, you will be placed against other self-selected competitors making this the ultimate test of survival.</p>\n\n<p>The Fortnite team will frequently update this blog with the Solo Showdown standings. Top performers will be rewarded at the conclusion of this competition.*</p>\n\n<h2>AWARDS:</h2>\n\n<p>1<sup>st</sup> Place: 50,000 V-Bucks</p>\n\n<p>2<sup>nd</sup> - 4<sup>th</sup> Place: 25,000 V-Bucks</p>\n\n<p>5<sup>th</sup> – 50<sup>th</sup> Place: 13,500 V-Bucks</p>\n\n<p>51<sup>st</sup> – 100<sup>th</sup> Place: 7,500 V-Bucks</p>\n\n<p>Your first 50 matches in the Solo Showdown LTM will be counted towards your Score. You can see the full rules <a href=\"\">here</a>.</p>\n\n<p>We’ll be using the Solo Showdown as a one-off stepping stone to learn how to build great events for all types of players. If you crave testing and improving your own skills, give it a try and let us know what you think. To thank you for participating, play 50 games and get a unique spray.</p>\n\n<p>Stay tuned. We have a major announcement about competitive play next week!<br />\n </p>\n\n<p>*Solo Showdown ends on 05/21 at 10:00am ET<br />\n </p>\n\n<h2>Current Solo Showdown Standings (<em>Last updated: 05/20 at 7:30 PM ET</em>):</h2>\n<style type=\"text/css\">#contest-list {display:block; overflow-y: scroll; height: 600px; padding-left: 2em;}\n\n\t#contest-list li {margin-left: 1em}\n\n\t#contest-list li span {font-weight: bold; padding-left: 1em;}\n\n\t#contest-list li:nth-child(odd){background: #e2e3e4;}\n</style>\n<ol id=\"contest-list\">\n\t<li><span>vRxthless</span> - 4881, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch 嬌兔</span> - 4852, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>sugar.amatou</span> - 4837, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>KamoLRF</span> - 4781, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>purplehaze070</span> - 4763, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Vodois</span> - 4760, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Morrissh24</span> - 4756, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>IKmKzSmocKTryHI</span> - 4752, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>RyanMatthew-x</span> - 4750, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>twitch pumpf1</span> - 4744, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>iTzRob-</span> - 4742, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>A&ecirc;r&oslash;eu</span> - 4742, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>kidlover12</span> - 4729, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Just Just</span> - 4727, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>NightMareDay_</span> - 4711, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>PierXBL</span> - 4703, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>madeofham</span> - 4700, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Noacc_</span> - 4698, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>jopdirven_076</span> - 4696, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>RoppeDeNiro</span> - 4691, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>yungdeaglegod</span> - 4690, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Method jetpacks</span> - 4690, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ZeusK1ng</span> - 4688, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DESTROY.Hoopek</span> - 4677, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>l Frosty I</span> - 4671, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>JayJwally</span> - 4669, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>RitzAmelia</span> - 4663, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Pshycotik</span> - 4662, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Erouce</span> - 4658, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>gamer_NL776</span> - 4644, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Gameovr</span> - 4643, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>PryftanAW</span> - 4643, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SaitouSyuka</span> - 4642, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Rush12004</span> - 4639, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>yhankh-19</span> - 4631, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ItsDcw</span> - 4628, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>vBrandon3</span> - 4625, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>x_KOBUSHIDE_x</span> - 4619, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ExiledMystic1</span> - 4619, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Epsilon Zyppaan</span> - 4618, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MLC Hotantik</span> - 4618, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MaRkSmEn_1999</span> - 4617, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>dashJinxNC</span> - 4616, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Activazed</span> - 4614, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Eragonist</span> - 4614, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>&Alpha;CEㅤㅤ</span> - 4612, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Furаcity</span> - 4609, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Dominator_H3</span> - 4608, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>GronKy12</span> - 4604, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Harleytee7</span> - 4594, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DuduFilm</span> - 4593, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>drbullit_alt</span> - 4579, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>XxSAUNA-POJUxX69</span> - 4575, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>RehzQ</span> - 4575, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>twitchtvSlixFPS</span> - 4575, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Hidnami</span> - 4568, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Co0diy</span> - 4567, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>LincolnElectricD</span> - 4561, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ive gtg</span> - 4560, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>yTube TheMarvini</span> - 4559, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Coachyyy</span> - 4557, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>IVMIVI</span> - 4554, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Abdul_Keceli58</span> - 4554, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ThirstKing69</span> - 4551, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Pasjidadi</span> - 4547, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>peltmoney</span> - 4543, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DrogbaAcademy1</span> - 4541, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sk8erBoiTub</span> - 4530, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch Nomxs</span> - 4529, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Jamaring</span> - 4528, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Vexeify</span> - 4528, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Mujjed</span> - 4524, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>EasyTryHardzz</span> - 4522, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>hh_lorenzo_12</span> - 4520, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TRR Nootellaa</span> - 4511, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Jonapolojarvi</span> - 4510, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>AEOTYAN</span> - 4510, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>joethebroo</span> - 4510, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sethxr</span> - 4508, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch_Svennoss</span> - 4508, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Pecharp</span> - 4505, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MIKEYxISTHEBEST</span> - 4501, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Kiirby Exg</span> - 4496, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Blackmaw_VnTR</span> - 4495, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TheCrumbOfLife</span> - 4494, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Black_l3oard</span> - 4494, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>dr&sigma;вв&alpha;n</span> - 4493, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>zViolencee</span> - 4491, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>twitchPapaHunt38</span> - 4491, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Brandono.o</span> - 4491, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SurelySpurge</span> - 4489, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>fnSlackey</span> - 4489, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>KittyCyan</span> - 4486, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SpowNgA</span> - 4485, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>RipCityLegacy</span> - 4483, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>WBG Chap</span> - 4482, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xSpyro-</span> - 4481, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Ali3n_Madn3ss_</span> - 4481, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Alqeu</span> - 4479, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Santtuq</span> - 4479, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>yoyokeepitup .tv</span> - 4478, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>AzisXBL</span> - 4477, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Myress</span> - 4476, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>GoJuiced</span> - 4475, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>JelaaL_HD</span> - 4475, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>fonsnite</span> - 4475, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>L Woz L</span> - 4474, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Apfelzweig</span> - 4473, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>RARA783</span> - 4473, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>wundik</span> - 4473, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>GIJS_</span> - 4471, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Destrоyed</span> - 4469, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Danilubin</span> - 4469, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch_Minkin</span> - 4468, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Nuka Ice</span> - 4468, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Lj Lifts</span> - 4468, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>iTerenk_</span> - 4464, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>KreckyN</span> - 4462, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>chi_ha_db</span> - 4462, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Exuhz</span> - 4461, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Chaaad-</span> - 4459, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>isak.17</span> - 4458, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ZTAIN</span> - 4456, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>diegogb1999</span> - 4455, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch_NateeHill</span> - 4451, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Reveal The Pain</span> - 4451, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Brutxliized</span> - 4451, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ToxicxDD</span> - 4450, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>rJook</span> - 4448, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Vain_Merx</span> - 4445, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>alexkn0t</span> - 4444, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Scythe Ember</span> - 4443, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch FastyHDx</span> - 4441, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Zekeyyy</span> - 4440, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>UniTy-BigCat</span> - 4439, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>CurseEchoz</span> - 4435, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>julianpro1300</span> - 4435, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>FNBR_Aydan</span> - 4434, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Croy_</span> - 4434, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Dgeenyouz</span> - 4433, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch.Photocopi</span> - 4432, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch Sincere_</span> - 4431, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TheExcalibur7</span> - 4430, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>kronen14</span> - 4429, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Nicania</span> - 4426, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>raspberryp1</span> - 4425, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ksa_Owner</span> - 4424, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>blockachock</span> - 4422, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Riishede</span> - 4422, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>zBeastMexicanz</span> - 4419, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>L9A1_Prime</span> - 4418, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>XGodzYouTube</span> - 4418, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>&Sigma;Gᵍᵒᵈ</span> - 4417, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Ruben.-</span> - 4415, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TwitchTV.lavak3_</span> - 4415, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>oxM3RC3RL3SSxo</span> - 4414, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>RealPLAYER49</span> - 4410, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>t-m507</span> - 4409, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sp3cialForce21</span> - 4408, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Jalalz.</span> - 4407, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Dman12345</span> - 4407, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ENJXYS</span> - 4404, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Angelo-The_Wiz</span> - 4404, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Blincrisas</span> - 4401, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>u kids suck xDDD</span> - 4398, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Well Rested</span> - 4398, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Rev Eclipse</span> - 4398, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>&Kappa;enith</span> - 4396, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>EmptyPeace</span> - 4391, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>JurassicBane</span> - 4390, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ilovealex</span> - 4390, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>GoSxEtErNiiTY</span> - 4390, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sparkix_Off</span> - 4389, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch.YinLeeW</span> - 4389, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xoHypetv</span> - 4388, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>YolkedPenguin</span> - 4388, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>FantasticMan760</span> - 4387, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>AuqW</span> - 4386, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SuperLennyy</span> - 4385, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch.Pharohic</span> - 4385, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>NycJoker</span> - 4383, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch_PuZiiyo</span> - 4382, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>HZRRIFYING</span> - 4380, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Latifgod</span> - 4379, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Yurlie</span> - 4377, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>beastofthenorth1</span> - 4376, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Irooveth</span> - 4376, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xTheDuke_</span> - 4376, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>JunKi_i</span> - 4373, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Nr1Berat</span> - 4373, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>CertifiedCoon</span> - 4372, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DGX-seb14</span> - 4371, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Byzic</span> - 4371, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>KaoX-_-Blaze</span> - 4370, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MisterFister</span> - 4369, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>twitch.Nillas85</span> - 4368, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>PapaKoils</span> - 4368, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Tuiala26</span> - 4368, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TB-FuZioN3</span> - 4368, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Citydriver</span> - 4366, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>EragonPlays</span> - 4366, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Bxrn</span> - 4365, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Hi Im Revize</span> - 4363, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Nerdykiid-</span> - 4363, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TeddyDoes</span> - 4360, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MarbleFoxes</span> - 4358, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>east ツ</span> - 4357, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BoredUp</span> - 4353, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Rayze_TTV</span> - 4351, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TheHDCrAZy4</span> - 4349, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Teee_Jayy_</span> - 4346, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ZxN3XXUZxZ</span> - 4345, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>crazykasuga</span> - 4345, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>bdmurray407</span> - 4342, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>derekg8881</span> - 4340, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Monkeeyz</span> - 4339, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>WhiiiTeStaR</span> - 4338, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ll Youngun</span> - 4338, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>NinjasHyperAZ</span> - 4336, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>JoeMcHale</span> - 4335, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SiLLiMuNaVoe</span> - 4335, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>JPR650</span> - 4334, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch BerksMyth</span> - 4333, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>YABOITM</span> - 4333, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Killcontrol</span> - 4332, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>dontputitinyet</span> - 4331, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>morganAYC1</span> - 4329, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>к&iota;&epsilon;</span> - 4329, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Itzs-Cloudy</span> - 4327, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>zDeluxeee</span> - 4327, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xxRuddy</span> - 4326, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TxnicBrah</span> - 4326, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Larry Lootiano</span> - 4325, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>polanski 666</span> - 4324, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SinnersDemise</span> - 4324, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sirben_</span> - 4322, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>itsLynxxz</span> - 4322, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BaldyKun</span> - 4321, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Wen1x</span> - 4319, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MiLLik 360</span> - 4317, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Khraun</span> - 4317, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Tomthefatman</span> - 4316, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>XulT_TeMPeRr</span> - 4315, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sheeno281</span> - 4315, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>iiTheSilentii</span> - 4313, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>A5ukq-iz</span> - 4313, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>d1-Ru</span> - 4311, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SuperCakexD</span> - 4310, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>LeftNut-69</span> - 4309, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>crazy_iceman</span> - 4309, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>iLoveHardpoint</span> - 4307, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twiztd_TTV</span> - 4305, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>stiglk</span> - 4305, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Ⓣⓦⓘⓝⓔ</span> - 4304, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Casphur</span> - 4304, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>hooter_w_pooter</span> - 4304, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Austin Souva</span> - 4303, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>CT Zoning-M.K</span> - 4303, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Facerolllol</span> - 4302, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sith_Raider</span> - 4302, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Optimize_Ibo</span> - 4302, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>saxo007g</span> - 4301, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ZG Viallinen TV</span> - 4300, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Bosanko17</span> - 4300, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Destiny-titan</span> - 4298, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>YungBenjiii</span> - 4298, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Double 2Phone</span> - 4298, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Keulogy</span> - 4298, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>iKroin</span> - 4297, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DEMEM TEG</span> - 4294, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>LPdaking</span> - 4294, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>LeLamaCoureur</span> - 4293, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>EliMo</span> - 4293, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>LordZnake</span> - 4293, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TayyzR</span> - 4292, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>CurryCantMiss</span> - 4290, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Cr4zYPr0JekT</span> - 4290, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>AspAspAsp</span> - 4289, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Bugssondj</span> - 4288, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>No llmlt soulja</span> - 4286, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BlueTheKu</span> - 4285, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Tokela0</span> - 4285, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>h3now</span> - 4284, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>akaTommyz</span> - 4283, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Brananad0n</span> - 4283, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SkmaxOwnz</span> - 4280, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Xerso-san</span> - 4280, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>cmdRua</span> - 4279, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>dofkop710</span> - 4277, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>HunterXxZ</span> - 4277, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Hakaɨ</span> - 4277, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TCG Velorces</span> - 4274, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DanielTeez</span> - 4274, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TwitchToM_tvv</span> - 4273, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ひろもす</span> - 4273, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SlopyD</span> - 4273, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Aussie iDentity</span> - 4270, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TwitchReddyHD_</span> - 4270, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>AMAZING_YT</span> - 4270, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>l3aYi</span> - 4269, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>HydricM8-</span> - 4269, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Budogz</span> - 4269, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Abw_Noel</span> - 4267, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>McMuffin047</span> - 4266, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch_Jaspaay</span> - 4266, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SnoopFoxxyFoxx</span> - 4265, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch_GoRoujp</span> - 4264, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>vFrostyyv</span> - 4264, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>j1nys</span> - 4262, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Supr_emacy_</span> - 4261, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Almosetoft</span> - 4261, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Calizu</span> - 4260, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Nnvme x</span> - 4260, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Vikram523</span> - 4260, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Lloydeee</span> - 4258, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Behold Void</span> - 4258, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>miikataina74</span> - 4258, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>i c k</span> - 4258, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Future Yonko</span> - 4257, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Laggy Land</span> - 4256, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>B站 Xiao_512</span> - 4256, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Jumpmanjam</span> - 4256, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ImSharkXp</span> - 4256, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BryanTheKitchen</span> - 4256, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Thorbenke</span> - 4256, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>juampifdsa</span> - 4255, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>NovatoKing</span> - 4255, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xApolloEU-</span> - 4255, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>PaxEU</span> - 4255, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Kiquetendency</span> - 4253, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>LewisR-1999</span> - 4253, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Acceives</span> - 4252, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Rtzyh</span> - 4252, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Getboxy</span> - 4251, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Grimsy_</span> - 4250, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>cmpunk2804</span> - 4249, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>rfs.</span> - 4249, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>RTN_MWACKS</span> - 4249, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>K7D7</span> - 4248, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>OfficialBurgi</span> - 4247, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xiTRIUMPHANTx</span> - 4247, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DontBeFurious</span> - 4247, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Scott 杰</span> - 4247, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>iAxpecT</span> - 4246, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>AsiateS&uuml;&szlig;Sauer</span> - 4246, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Ihypnotiize</span> - 4240, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Philchil23</span> - 4239, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Muttsulini69</span> - 4239, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Crisu Kit</span> - 4239, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Aluzai</span> - 4239, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TwtchNox_The_Fox</span> - 4238, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>taru-kko</span> - 4238, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Carmy_the_boss</span> - 4237, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BudzyTV</span> - 4235, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TestManFrame_</span> - 4234, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Walk-off</span> - 4234, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>nV_Ksav</span> - 4234, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>N E A C E</span> - 4233, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SneakyDC</span> - 4232, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Ettard_</span> - 4231, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>VvV GreenPump</span> - 4231, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>JustDontTryIt_YT</span> - 4231, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>HBO2K</span> - 4229, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Brionskie</span> - 4228, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DroseLife</span> - 4227, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>NinjaSemFama_</span> - 4227, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>YT VazzyCow</span> - 4226, 45 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>V1nceee2000</span> - 4226, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Krix ium</span> - 4223, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DeaconLaw7</span> - 4223, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>NAVY.GG ins</span> - 4223, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>GoFrogGo</span> - 4223, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>boyerxd</span> - 4222, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DullXBL</span> - 4221, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>iiExxE</span> - 4221, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>PRIM Battlelapin</span> - 4220, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>K95s</span> - 4220, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>PeterSWAG.GG</span> - 4219, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BRT Puulgaa</span> - 4219, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Davoo 2002</span> - 4219, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>dwatts4</span> - 4219, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TheCasualGamer24</span> - 4219, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Laightning</span> - 4219, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>agent_8800</span> - 4218, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Хэйз</span> - 4218, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Rush Paradise</span> - 4215, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Srta_Jennifer123</span> - 4214, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ExoticChaotic</span> - 4214, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>madeofshutouts</span> - 4214, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch Astral_FN</span> - 4214, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DaleStateGoon</span> - 4213, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>imKane</span> - 4213, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sei_Hair_is_Bad</span> - 4212, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xPerma</span> - 4212, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch_Mendase</span> - 4212, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Seeexy</span> - 4212, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Otsuchi_</span> - 4212, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch OBalazio</span> - 4211, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Mr-WhiteAndBlack</span> - 4211, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Volks_Volky</span> - 4211, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>VortexDeJesterTV</span> - 4211, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>twitch bumpaah</span> - 4210, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>langxitrum</span> - 4209, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SZMACIURAXDD</span> - 4209, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>POW3R92</span> - 4208, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>8XF34RX8</span> - 4208, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ItsKaitlynn-</span> - 4208, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DivineEncounter</span> - 4207, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>imilzZz</span> - 4206, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>FenrirNC</span> - 4206, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Mxi87</span> - 4205, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>zISyneeX</span> - 4204, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ambroswa</span> - 4204, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>FORTNIGEontheGO</span> - 4204, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Shesho7MS</span> - 4204, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>meyRina BABY</span> - 4204, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Chipaloop</span> - 4203, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ZxiLe HeaDshoTz</span> - 4203, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>troyk84</span> - 4203, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>goWhebz</span> - 4203, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ILeejay</span> - 4202, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TwitchTV Aortex</span> - 4202, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SwaggyFuje</span> - 4202, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Skullz E</span> - 4201, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>alemFUT</span> - 4201, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MyDixieeNormuss</span> - 4200, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Umfredo</span> - 4200, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>II-R0N1N-II</span> - 4199, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TommydeAngel0</span> - 4199, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>K&Oslash;UDY</span> - 4198, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>CS 9oh4 Killa</span> - 4197, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>simonemil</span> - 4196, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MulxR</span> - 4196, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Jugzuki</span> - 4196, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Brain vF</span> - 4195, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ss-JPK</span> - 4195, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>NathanDrakes</span> - 4193, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Kirooxs</span> - 4193, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>HwKxshoT</span> - 4193, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Pupatu</span> - 4193, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>kotaro14</span> - 4192, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MrArmanii</span> - 4192, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Bxgzy-</span> - 4191, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>I-Vux-I</span> - 4190, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ItaliaChick11</span> - 4190, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ProdXBL</span> - 4189, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Delthane</span> - 4188, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>uzreh</span> - 4186, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>LivreMeteore185</span> - 4186, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Jay-Kealz</span> - 4186, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>KingRymoh</span> - 4186, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TTV_iGo_BarDown</span> - 4185, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>wK ReFax23</span> - 4184, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Slowyd</span> - 4184, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Dealers</span> - 4184, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xRunningAwayx</span> - 4183, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>LUCiZZURP</span> - 4183, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>FlameBolt-X_O</span> - 4182, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Ohh Maser</span> - 4182, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>AthleticTheory</span> - 4180, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xInfiniteDropzz</span> - 4180, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Bat9 Ana7olich</span> - 4180, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Retronab</span> - 4179, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TL Kaze</span> - 4177, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TommyGaze</span> - 4177, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>KaiiraLAN</span> - 4177, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch.FlyingMat</span> - 4176, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Jake-Star69</span> - 4176, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>liamhoaree</span> - 4175, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch-Thomas420</span> - 4175, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>UshiWabi</span> - 4175, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Utilitycar25930</span> - 4174, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>JJJAvex</span> - 4174, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>oTumez</span> - 4174, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>buildthenshotgun</span> - 4173, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BlazedOutBagel</span> - 4172, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BasedGodGeigarov</span> - 4172, 45 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ObeY_StuP3uR</span> - 4172, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Giracello22</span> - 4171, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TFGsean 2nd acc</span> - 4171, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>XxTheGoldxX</span> - 4171, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Disaly_</span> - 4171, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ejmolot</span> - 4170, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Longood135</span> - 4170, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BloodlessRed</span> - 4169, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ChaddieWagon5968</span> - 4169, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Trunks-TFS</span> - 4169, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Kaizer Edwyn</span> - 4169, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>A20EP</span> - 4169, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Ashflash.</span> - 4168, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Marcusmulletman</span> - 4167, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Im Swarly</span> - 4167, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Rxdish</span> - 4167, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Adrealiine</span> - 4166, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Legendary_HydrO</span> - 4166, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ANDYURBANIA</span> - 4166, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Martinengdahl</span> - 4166, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>vUpset</span> - 4165, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Pyjama_atHome</span> - 4164, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>dayledarren05</span> - 4163, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Tygulbrandsen</span> - 4163, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Spunke Monkey6</span> - 4163, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Disposings</span> - 4163, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>kzy-25</span> - 4162, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch Zrool</span> - 4162, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ZzZ-HYDRA-ZzZ</span> - 4162, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>lmTOKYO</span> - 4162, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twainz</span> - 4161, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Ƀ&Lambda;ɌC&Theta;Ɖ&Sigma;</span> - 4161, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Lmeiho</span> - 4161, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Wtxnz</span> - 4161, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Olfar</span> - 4161, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>The Cheeky Chung</span> - 4161, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Kexxon</span> - 4161, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Houssko75</span> - 4160, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xDadE29_</span> - 4159, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>KingIceeTV</span> - 4159, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ZAYAD97</span> - 4157, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>jonasb909</span> - 4156, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Guy Dijkhuis</span> - 4155, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>imBesteey</span> - 4155, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TheRainbowZboub</span> - 4155, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Glydeor</span> - 4155, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Nuko_teto</span> - 4155, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Fei_HKG</span> - 4154, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>kludklud</span> - 4154, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ChrissyHawk</span> - 4154, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Gbroughman</span> - 4153, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Kaniki2oo1</span> - 4153, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>CanadianTucan</span> - 4152, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ViE CookiEazy</span> - 4152, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>AiphaTV</span> - 4151, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MarcAndy_</span> - 4151, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>JimmyBo-Jangles</span> - 4151, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Metricate</span> - 4151, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>gogofrgl1234</span> - 4151, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TheNastyGoG</span> - 4151, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>yodeling kiddo</span> - 4151, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>EXOTIC_HAWKZz</span> - 4150, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sili_</span> - 4150, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>blakeeeps</span> - 4150, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>snifflingtable</span> - 4149, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Dokoso</span> - 4148, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Kiyo-1224_</span> - 4148, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SpectXz</span> - 4148, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MonsieurManu</span> - 4147, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TheExotiicz</span> - 4147, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>AlexOC-</span> - 4147, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BkGGRandy</span> - 4147, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>lurvig00</span> - 4146, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>iZeRoNuk3z_</span> - 4146, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Itsmyrevive</span> - 4145, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Joshy_snoop</span> - 4145, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Headshotskill13</span> - 4144, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>OryxWillGunYou</span> - 4143, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Ujeban&yacute; Samo</span> - 4143, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>GRANNYxPANTIEZ21</span> - 4143, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>сoby</span> - 4142, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Wisdom-YT-</span> - 4142, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Waldben</span> - 4141, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Returals</span> - 4141, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BBreezyy</span> - 4140, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>LightPlanet6274</span> - 4139, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Hashi1990sChild</span> - 4139, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch FulmerLoL</span> - 4138, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>RowdyGanggg</span> - 4137, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>desopnu</span> - 4136, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TeamPutzfee</span> - 4134, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>zSomalian</span> - 4134, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>vE Raiqu</span> - 4134, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>maddux44</span> - 4133, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>kennethkhto</span> - 4133, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sphynx180</span> - 4133, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Cpt Jack.</span> - 4131, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TrekONE995</span> - 4131, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>101.Rafa</span> - 4130, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xBy_Scuff</span> - 4130, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xXGreemongXx</span> - 4129, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>IDoogle</span> - 4128, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Method Rasmusenn</span> - 4128, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>boesey</span> - 4128, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>gomiza</span> - 4127, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xMiLToNiC-</span> - 4127, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Skayic</span> - 4127, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>kG_Loqo</span> - 4126, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>cloakzy.</span> - 4126, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Xiao come back</span> - 4126, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>AcedPk</span> - 4126, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>yukitoJP</span> - 4126, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>STR1KE PANIK</span> - 4125, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Uvess Tunchi</span> - 4125, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>AttackingSalmon</span> - 4125, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Kazamble</span> - 4123, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>felibeli</span> - 4123, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>raerae2204</span> - 4122, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>KingVaran</span> - 4121, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>GodXuon</span> - 4121, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TsunamiX95</span> - 4121, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>CroSg</span> - 4121, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Nandezzzzz</span> - 4120, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>allstar1992</span> - 4119, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TTV MichanS</span> - 4119, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Lion_Avenger</span> - 4119, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Double0Robert</span> - 4119, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>IloveMessi</span> - 4119, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xTheLegxndZ</span> - 4118, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ItsMeLMW123</span> - 4118, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>LargeFemale</span> - 4118, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>GGXGANGTRIHARDCX</span> - 4117, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ToolBoxKiller</span> - 4117, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Zhalocity_</span> - 4116, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Kazn0dzieja</span> - 4116, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Alastick</span> - 4116, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>gustavo_yakz4</span> - 4116, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Nerf-me</span> - 4115, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Caproic</span> - 4114, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Fureimi</span> - 4114, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Yakatzu</span> - 4113, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Tpain19989</span> - 4113, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MouZ-94</span> - 4113, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Jasercion</span> - 4112, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Smart_Parrot</span> - 4112, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>l kraz l</span> - 4111, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>JRoviraa</span> - 4110, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MisterDhalgren</span> - 4110, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>thebuzzyb</span> - 4110, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Nemsaa</span> - 4110, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sakura Kasugano</span> - 4110, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TuG.Kiryache32</span> - 4109, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Wwerner</span> - 4109, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>t11022002</span> - 4109, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>monitor_TV</span> - 4108, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>157u158719059017</span> - 4108, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DDBKILLEDYA</span> - 4108, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>COBRA_STRIKE255</span> - 4108, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>bcmcafee</span> - 4108, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Youtube jeneves_</span> - 4108, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>PyKo</span> - 4107, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>KSiiteri</span> - 4106, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>dielk</span> - 4106, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Superius.Neko</span> - 4106, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Jayvz1</span> - 4106, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Tio Sampaio</span> - 4105, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>toshi_samurai</span> - 4105, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Dr_med_Goodman</span> - 4105, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Outboxxes</span> - 4104, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>XxNoVaTeRRorxX</span> - 4104, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>eVe Spirit</span> - 4104, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Arsiii</span> - 4104, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Thebourbonboy1</span> - 4103, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TB Shadow</span> - 4103, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SxleymanYT</span> - 4102, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TenSeDamage</span> - 4102, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>oRSAo</span> - 4102, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>gr6ff</span> - 4101, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>novahtv</span> - 4101, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>vTegusaaa</span> - 4100, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>NotTactician</span> - 4100, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch_Asttie</span> - 4100, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Bуe</span> - 4100, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Elephant001</span> - 4099, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TwinsPT2000-</span> - 4099, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Roncrete_00</span> - 4099, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>PasDerCal</span> - 4099, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Vel-Morova</span> - 4098, 43 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>HVERRE</span> - 4097, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Contestㅤ</span> - 4097, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>jack0834</span> - 4097, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Swxfts</span> - 4097, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Scarecrowe689</span> - 4097, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ProBroNo1987</span> - 4096, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>jcxvii_</span> - 4096, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Johnny_Assis_</span> - 4096, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>&beta;&alpha;ȡ ℋ&epsilon;&alpha;&nu;&epsilon;N</span> - 4095, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Slushi-HD</span> - 4095, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Richardicus55</span> - 4095, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ReeCtNtiOn_Dome</span> - 4094, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>NeWDeadman</span> - 4094, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>S O I R E H</span> - 4094, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>kjkamikaze</span> - 4093, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BaldyC</span> - 4091, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>robf44</span> - 4091, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Dronnzzy</span> - 4090, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>LavaHedgehog</span> - 4089, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>m0rm0r</span> - 4089, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>KaninoNero</span> - 4089, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TwitchVnixCheese</span> - 4088, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>LejonHane</span> - 4087, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>VuKuH</span> - 4087, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Yossy_38</span> - 4087, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>William351</span> - 4086, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DEGI123456</span> - 4086, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MOBpost</span> - 4085, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>GlitchGang-Harry</span> - 4085, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>twitch_bogdanakh</span> - 4085, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TX2II2Y</span> - 4085, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>G.O.D lolb0om</span> - 4085, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>LergeNY</span> - 4085, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>NikeBoii-420</span> - 4084, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Galaxy_striker77</span> - 4084, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>miiya7938</span> - 4083, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Kallilraide-</span> - 4083, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>PvPLogger4077</span> - 4083, 45 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Kiggeh</span> - 4082, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>HeroesPlayers</span> - 4081, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Dark_AngeI98-_</span> - 4081, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xMIOJINHOx</span> - 4081, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Asap_fite</span> - 4080, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>moonz.</span> - 4079, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ShankYa</span> - 4079, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Lukebrazill</span> - 4079, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Croeder</span> - 4079, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>StormTester</span> - 4078, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>l-_-Bhastian-_-l</span> - 4077, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Xx_ActiveKing_xX</span> - 4077, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>CptEise</span> - 4077, 43 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>D2Papiii</span> - 4077, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>byArteer</span> - 4077, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MFFneerkkMFF</span> - 4077, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Davіd</span> - 4076, 45 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>FI.M3ivi</span> - 4076, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Oo Sutton10 oO</span> - 4076, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch_DeNiisS</span> - 4076, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SniperNautOP</span> - 4075, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Xp Zachy</span> - 4075, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Fordyce11x</span> - 4074, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>XxMock1ngJxX</span> - 4074, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Pacemak3r</span> - 4073, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>scopocrew</span> - 4073, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>justowned_you</span> - 4073, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ZittGott</span> - 4073, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Zebrusky87</span> - 4072, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>FrAspen</span> - 4072, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SuIfia</span> - 4072, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch.SStatic_</span> - 4071, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>catamarca-27_</span> - 4071, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Takaskilink</span> - 4070, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>CheddarBob522</span> - 4070, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>twitch.drkiray</span> - 4070, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Keimo</span> - 4069, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MVP Paradox</span> - 4068, 45 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Earsea</span> - 4068, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>twitchtv_eXzacT7</span> - 4068, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BillyMan2021</span> - 4067, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MdntTkr420</span> - 4067, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sebas8477</span> - 4067, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>iTzKB11</span> - 4066, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>PapaSplash</span> - 4065, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Etrnl Alpha</span> - 4065, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>otokohatorasan</span> - 4064, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Wolfstark13</span> - 4064, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>PRO9456</span> - 4064, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>GameHer Onokill</span> - 4063, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sir4Second1</span> - 4063, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>irish pride49</span> - 4063, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>iDroPz_BoDiEs</span> - 4062, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch_azhTV</span> - 4062, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch Flossen</span> - 4061, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>qspy</span> - 4061, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>hyu1</span> - 4061, 45 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DRAGONFIRE1304</span> - 4060, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TheDarkMessiiah-</span> - 4059, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Frihzy</span> - 4058, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Night_Crawler_Jr</span> - 4058, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>McSpoish</span> - 4058, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Impassive33</span> - 4057, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Legacus</span> - 4057, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>WhaiiThaiij</span> - 4057, 45 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>cazzaroooo</span> - 4057, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Pakuflo</span> - 4056, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Nephrite2</span> - 4056, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>JouTyy</span> - 4056, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>twitch.csea</span> - 4056, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Salmon Poo</span> - 4055, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Booby_2345</span> - 4055, 45 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Allanx</span> - 4055, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>christion88</span> - 4054, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TALPERRY</span> - 4054, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SloSlayer69</span> - 4054, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MIB_Joanna</span> - 4053, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>LaughLatias</span> - 4053, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch.aLIEz3331</span> - 4053, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>roryyz</span> - 4053, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>appy0000</span> - 4053, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Lars-assassin</span> - 4053, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Im Rinny</span> - 4052, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Xb0xController</span> - 4051, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Posiden21</span> - 4051, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>by_XeXu</span> - 4051, 45 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Nemmousek</span> - 4051, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Daron1993</span> - 4051, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Ayato087</span> - 4051, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BarEnZaa</span> - 4050, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>azoo987</span> - 4050, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>PePe_Spy</span> - 4050, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>bassemand74</span> - 4049, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>虎牙101DJG_咖神</span> - 4049, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch_bitflox1</span> - 4049, 44 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sivic_</span> - 4049, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>kmkz98</span> - 4048, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xNewmy</span> - 4048, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Guten-sama</span> - 4048, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Starzismik</span> - 4048, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Tywoooooooo</span> - 4048, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Greg_dgt</span> - 4045, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TwitchEL_Spectro</span> - 4045, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TheWay_Tv</span> - 4045, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>thedbabs</span> - 4044, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Miquatos</span> - 4044, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>timeranger1121</span> - 4044, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>YGFB Vedran</span> - 4044, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>NAO1</span> - 4044, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ComradeDurachek</span> - 4043, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>STuNeFy</span> - 4043, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ozsco</span> - 4042, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TommyB1996</span> - 4042, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>NoLimitMekhi2002</span> - 4041, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Jesusaydin</span> - 4040, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Hearted-sniper15</span> - 4040, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>CasualxCam</span> - 4040, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>iiiMxnu</span> - 4040, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>KavukTR02</span> - 4039, 45 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch.TV Nvy8</span> - 4038, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>amesuke</span> - 4038, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Ighase</span> - 4038, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BR Boot2thehead</span> - 4038, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>G i x</span> - 4037, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Derozin</span> - 4037, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>HugeSlugger</span> - 4037, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Mikami_77</span> - 4036, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Ⱥstro</span> - 4036, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Mister_McLovin45</span> - 4036, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Mad Seb 68</span> - 4036, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>AnteeDote.TV</span> - 4036, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Billy Darkcrash</span> - 4036, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>AtmozDead</span> - 4035, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>WnaSmkaDubi</span> - 4035, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>I_Breadstick</span> - 4035, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>IMSDAL0723</span> - 4035, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>H8ters512</span> - 4034, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>GloatingArc7165</span> - 4034, 43 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Weskerr99</span> - 4033, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>soloQclauseWitz</span> - 4033, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TheMikeGloria</span> - 4033, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SCCP_TERROR_1910</span> - 4033, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Kaporal-F</span> - 4032, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Koxh</span> - 4032, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>RozexMA</span> - 4031, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Macosch</span> - 4031, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Nerf Grim</span> - 4031, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Hadalifee</span> - 4030, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DMaahny_</span> - 4030, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>JteRushEnY</span> - 4029, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>twocrazyfrogs</span> - 4028, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>thwifo</span> - 4028, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Wispaah</span> - 4028, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>CrazyPlayHD_99</span> - 4028, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>CRankin_19951</span> - 4027, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MohawkWolf21</span> - 4027, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>iCrAzE-DON</span> - 4027, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sicophoenix</span> - 4026, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TMooM-vX</span> - 4026, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MasonMA</span> - 4025, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Zaccubus</span> - 4025, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>mittun5656117</span> - 4025, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch AnteeDote</span> - 4025, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Mizusuki</span> - 4024, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Fusions32</span> - 4024, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>CrazySteve2004</span> - 4024, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>hotpotato382</span> - 4024, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Purgings</span> - 4023, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>DaiQry</span> - 4023, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>AmarCoD</span> - 4022, 45 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>consul27</span> - 4022, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>unchainedbeastv</span> - 4022, 45 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>iPutZz</span> - 4022, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>M&aacute;y&aacute;r</span> - 4021, 45 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>GoatSupreme69</span> - 4021, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Wheat96</span> - 4021, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Bl&aring;Tand_Cloadz</span> - 4021, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SoraIey</span> - 4020, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SkyLine_Shark</span> - 4019, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>epiX-jumpZ</span> - 4019, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>manbou11</span> - 4019, 44 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Hyo_Ren</span> - 4019, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SwiftySlides</span> - 4019, 42 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Xreyse</span> - 4019, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>NotClumsyThief</span> - 4019, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Kulees</span> - 4018, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Billybobbjoe</span> - 4018, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>zeusy009</span> - 4018, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Terry 5L</span> - 4018, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>w-i-l-l29</span> - 4017, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Dop&ecirc;y</span> - 4017, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Liberty_</span> - 4017, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>joakim_bekken</span> - 4017, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ProfessorMalone</span> - 4016, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>YiaaZo</span> - 4016, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>woodzie183</span> - 4015, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>imP ZEEEEEEEEZ</span> - 4014, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>iiUniit</span> - 4014, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>vincybacco</span> - 4014, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>tibone101</span> - 4014, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TheDerpyTroll.TV</span> - 4014, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Katskuh</span> - 4014, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Noquochoke</span> - 4014, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Ninho1990</span> - 4014, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Im_The_Finest</span> - 4014, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ArrowBJL</span> - 4013, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MADMAXFURY</span> - 4012, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TMT_Ketya</span> - 4012, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Bliitzray</span> - 4011, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Ihsane920_</span> - 4010, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>brandinorules</span> - 4010, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BoxersBro</span> - 4009, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>skillz9r</span> - 4009, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>elmonovcf</span> - 4008, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TaNxTrumS</span> - 4008, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>drrizy</span> - 4008, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Daburndo</span> - 4006, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>jr11splash3</span> - 4006, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>JamesKG</span> - 4006, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Xydoo</span> - 4006, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ESCG_Gucci</span> - 4006, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>GoDHawK08</span> - 4005, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>B4con_-</span> - 4005, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Dallaswhh</span> - 4004, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch_dennytv</span> - 4004, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>zDaaaash</span> - 4004, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TheRealMxgli</span> - 4004, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>King_Frogster</span> - 4003, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch.Typpz</span> - 4003, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ELITE_AW360</span> - 4003, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>CallMe OgiN</span> - 4003, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ywjxing</span> - 4002, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Twitch eSuspect</span> - 4002, 45 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>zAverageInstinc</span> - 4000, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Why83</span> - 4000, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sᴇɴsᴇi</span> - 4000, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>sooona300</span> - 3999, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>QGG_Maverick</span> - 3999, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>D0UnoWHTimSayin</span> - 3998, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Lo-Shish</span> - 3998, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>RaymarkPH</span> - 3998, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>t0m b0mbadiL</span> - 3998, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Cody78192</span> - 3997, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Tyler99ross</span> - 3997, 47 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>crasherbee</span> - 3996, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>RavensNation5257</span> - 3996, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>SkrydiS_</span> - 3995, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>wiz-virthday</span> - 3995, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>mistasulu1</span> - 3995, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Mira13</span> - 3995, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Bretsen</span> - 3995, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Sh4d0W0Kill3R</span> - 3995, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>OGKush1313</span> - 3994, 49 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ziDyLaNiz</span> - 3993, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MillionGarlic0</span> - 3993, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Kolis94</span> - 3993, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Ṡnort</span> - 3992, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Hastek</span> - 3992, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Gooning</span> - 3991, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>ricansniper43</span> - 3991, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Tr6uble</span> - 3991, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>conrado333</span> - 3991, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Squid-_-man</span> - 3990, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>shinyq_zZ</span> - 3990, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>demolilire</span> - 3990, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>PuRe_Shadlok</span> - 3989, 44 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>MatthewStocks</span> - 3988, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>The PaInZzZ</span> - 3988, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>eXecratiion</span> - 3988, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>McDonkle</span> - 3987, 45 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>G2tB_Semmbros</span> - 3987, 44 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>BeauKnows47</span> - 3987, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>twizzerfps</span> - 3987, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Faze_CIKO</span> - 3987, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Phoenix_Soldier</span> - 3986, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Spillyy</span> - 3986, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Mexzicans</span> - 3985, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>WorldsNicestGuy</span> - 3985, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>twitch_zGokuTV</span> - 3984, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Tunjo0172</span> - 3984, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xRABBIT KINGx</span> - 3984, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>G1 Kroatomist</span> - 3983, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>iSpriTeHD</span> - 3983, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Kadenwes</span> - 3983, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Devised</span> - 3982, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Adriffted</span> - 3982, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TwitchOJisdabest</span> - 3982, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Jayman118</span> - 3981, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>nbatotal_23</span> - 3981, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Mr_sultan_9x</span> - 3981, 48 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Gravedank</span> - 3980, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>Colt0n</span> - 3980, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>IFreeMzz</span> - 3980, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>LitYampa</span> - 3980, 46 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>TheWozman</span> - 3980, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>xKinema</span> - 3980, 50 Matches Played</li>\n\t<li><span>lasagna za</span> - 3980, 50 Matches Played</li>\n</ol>\n",
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  2850. "short": "Test your skills in the the Solo Showdown LTM to see where you stand against Fortnite&#39;s best.",
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  2873. "title": "v4.2 Patch Notes",
  2874. "content": "<p>Find health restoring apples scattered around the map… or recombobulate your gear in Save the World.</p>\n",
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  2905. "short": "<p>We’ve revamped our perk system and implemented a new way to change up your weapons!</p>\n",
  2906. "title": "Item Perk Recombobulator",
  2907. "content": "<p>Since Fortnite: Save the World’s launch, we have envisioned a way for players to take steps to customize their items to suit their playstyle. It’s here and we can’t wait to share it with you!</p>\n\n<h2>Introducing the Perk Recombobulator!</h2>\n\n<p>In patch v4.2, we’re introducing a way for <em>you</em> to choose and upgrade the perk loadout for your favorite weapons and traps!</p>\n\n<p><strong>Unlocking the Perk Recombobulator</strong><br />\nThe Perk Recombobulator is unlocked when you complete Plankerton Storm Shield Defense 2. At that point, a sequence of two side-quests will become available that, upon completion, reward you with a large number of brand new resources to use in the Perk Recombobulator. Be sure to complete these quests to get a head-start with your item customization!</p>\n\n<p>To access the Perk Recombobulator, visit the item upgrade screen, and navigate to the new ‘Modify Perks’ option.</p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img alt=\"002Recombobulator_Location2.png\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></p>\n\n<p><strong>RE-PERK! and PERK-UP!</strong><br />\nReplacing or Upgrading perks costs two new resources: RE-PERK! and PERK-UP!, respectively.</p>\n\n<p>RE-PERK! is available throughout all mission difficulty levels from Low Threat Plankerton missions and beyond. PERK-UP! begins appearing at the same time as RE-PERK, but also has different rarity levels; the rarer versions become available as players progress through higher and higher mission difficulties. These will appear in mission rewards, mission alert rewards, repeatable quests, and the event store for the duration of the Blockbuster Event.</p>\n\n<p>In addition, you’ll be able to choose which element you want on your weapon. This modification requires elemental resources named FIRE-UP!, AMP-UP!, and FROST-UP! You can find these resources in mission alert rewards and repeatable quests.</p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img alt=\"003Recombobulator_Before.png\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></p>\n\n<h2>New Items vs Legacy Items</h2>\n\n<p>The Perk Recombobulator is a big change from the previously existing perk system. It allows players to acquire more powerful perks than ever before, replace perks that they don’t want with ones that are more desirable, and invest in those perks over time to develop the perfect item.</p>\n\n<p>With these benefits come one big restriction: each perk slot on an item is limited in which perks it can actually contain. Newly acquired items are automatically set up to adhere to these new restrictions and players can begin upgrading and replacing perks on them immediately. However, Legacy items (items acquired before Patch 4.2) <em>do not</em> automatically fit into the new structure. Such items must be <em>converted</em> before they’re allowed to be upgraded and respecced via the Perk Recombobulator.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Converting Legacy Items</strong><br />\nWhen players attempt to modify the perks of a Legacy Item, they will first be prompted to opt-into converting the Legacy item into the new system. Before opting to convert the item, the system presents you with a before-and-after preview of any changes that may occur to the item. In some cases, there will be no change, and in others the perk loadout may be altered. Sometimes, a ‘Free’ slot may appear. Free slots allow players to choose what goes into that slot for free <em>after</em> the conversion is accepted.</p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img alt=\"003Recombobulator_After.png\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></p>\n\n<p>In all cases, the Conversion process is free, and on a per-item basis. This means that each Legacy item must be converted to work with the Perk Recombobulator, one-at-a-time. Once the process is performed on an item, you’re free to begin customizing that item’s perks!</p>\n\n<h2>Perk Slots</h2>\n\n<p>Every new item acquired or Legacy item converted rolls perks a little differently than before:</p>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li>Elemental items now have a dedicated perk slot that determines what type of elemental damage that weapon deals, rather than adding elemental damage on top of affliction damage, snares, or other effects.</li>\n\t<li>Each perk now has <em>five</em> levels of power, up from three. Players can now <em>upgrade</em> individual perks to reach these higher power levels. This means that if you want your Legacy item to reach its full potential, you’ll want to convert it to work with the Perk Recombobulator!</li>\n\t<li>Each perk slot has a range of possible perk types that it can contain. Players can choose to replace a perk in a given slot, but the list of perks that a slot can be changed <em>to</em> is limited in scope, and varies from slot to slot. Some perks cannot be changed at all!</li>\n</ol>\n\n<h2>Conclusion</h2>\n\n<p>The Perk Recombobulator is our next step towards creating a thriving item economy where YOU decide how to best create the items you want. We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback on this feature as we adjust and tune it going into the future.</p>\n\n<p>Thank you, and happy Recombobulating!</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n",
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  2961. "title": "infinity gauntlet",
  2962. "content": "<p dir=\"ltr\">Wield true power… the Infinity Gauntlet. Starting now, you can become Thanos in the Infinity Gauntlet Limited Time Mashup.</p>\n\n<div class=\"embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9\"><iframe allowfullscreen=\"true\" class=\"embed-responsive-item\" frameborder=\"0\" src=\"\" width=\"100%\"></iframe></div>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Drop in Solo as you hunt for and fight over the Infinity Gauntlet. The first to equip the Gauntlet will transform into the mighty Thanos and wield the Gauntlet’s power!<br />\n<br />\nYou will need some serious firepower to take down Thanos. Only Rare, Epic and Legendary weapons appear in this Limited Time Mashup.<br />\n<br />\nTake down Thanos, equip the Gauntlet and claim Victory!</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><img alt=\"EN_BR04_Social_InfinityGauntletLTM.jpg\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">This collaboration started as a simple phone conversation between Epic and Marvel over a mutual appreciation for Fortnite and Avengers. We worked closely over the following weeks to bring these two worlds together and landed on the Limited Time Mashup, Infinity Gauntlet. When we saw the movie last weekend, which was incredible, we were even more excited.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">This is a collaborative experiment between friends from start to finish. Jump in tomorrow, play and experience Fortnite x Avengers. It’s unlike anything we’ve done before and we want to know what you think!</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"> - The Fortnite Team</p>\n",
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  2992. "short": "Curious on how to redeem Twitch Prime Pack #2? Look no further! ",
  2993. "title": "Twitch Prime FAQ #2",
  2994. "content": "<strong>Do I need a Twitch Prime membership to redeem the Twitch Prime Pack within Fortnite?</strong><br />\nYes.<br />\n <br />\n<strong>What exactly will I receive when I redeem the Twitch Prime Pack #2?</strong><br />\nThis pack includes 4 distinct items, all of which are exclusively available to Twitch Prime members:\n<ul>\n\t<li>Battle Royale Trailblazer Outfit: On the forefront of victory.</li>\n\t<li>Battle Royale True North Back Bling: Find your way.</li>\n\t<li>Battle Royale Tenderizer Pickaxe: Leave a good first impression.</li>\n\t<li>Battle Royale Freestylin’ Emote: Tear up the dance floor.</li>\n</ul>\n<br />\nNote: All items are cosmetic only and provide no competitive advantage. All items for Twitch Prime Pack #2 are for Battle Royale only.<br />\n <br />\n<strong>How do I get my Twitch Prime content for Fortnite?</strong><br />\nIf you already have an active Twitch Prime membership (either paid or free trial), log in on Twitch to begin the claim process for this content. <br />\n <br />\nI already linked my Twitch and Epic account when I claimed the first Twitch Prime Pack. Do I need to claim again to get the current Twitch Prime content? <br />\nYES. You must claim each Twitch Prime Pack individually. If you already linked your Twitch and Epic accounts for the previous Twitch Prime loot in Fortnite, log in on Twitch to begin the claim process for this content. <br />\n<strong> <br />\nHow do I become a Twitch Prime member?</strong><br />\nTwitch Prime is included with Amazon Prime in the US, Mexico, Canada, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Japan, Singapore, Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Twitch Prime is included with Prime Video in over 200 other countries and territories. If you are already an Amazon Prime member, you get Twitch Prime at no additional cost by connecting your Amazon account to your Twitch account at<br />\n <br />\nIf you are not already an Amazon Prime member, you may start your free trial (if available) above. Follow all of the steps and the content that is currently available will be sent directly to your game account.<br />\n <br />\n<strong>When will I get my Twitch Prime content for Fortnite?</strong><br />\nIf you&#39;ve followed all of the steps in the claim process for this offer, your content will be waiting for you in your locker the next time you log in to Fortnite Battle Royale!<br />\n <br />\n<strong>I received an error that my Twitch or Amazon account has already claimed this content. What do I do?</strong><br />\nThis happens when a different Twitch account was linked to your Amazon account (or vice versa) and claimed the current Twitch Prime Pack. Please check that the same Twitch account is linked to the Amazon account that was originally used to claim this Twitch Prime Pack.<br />\n <br />\n<strong>I play Fortnite on my PS4/Xbox One/PC primarily, but also play on mobile. Will I be able to access the Twitch Prime content everywhere that I play?</strong><br />\nAs long as you use the same Epic account to play on each platform, you will be able to access your Twitch Prime content across PC/console and mobile. Content is not shared between Xbox One and PS4, however.<br />\n <br />\n<strong>Can I link multiple Twitch Prime accounts to my Epic account and get additional content?</strong><br />\nNo. Each offer can only be applied once to a single Epic account.<br />\n <br />\n<strong>Can I still get previous Twitch Prime content for Fortnite?</strong><br />\nYou will only receive content that is currently available. However, if you have successfully claimed the first Twitch Prime pack but not completed the account linking flow prior to May 9, 2018 at 9 AM PST, you will receive that content after completing the current offer claim flow above.<br />\n <br />\n<strong>Do I continue to receive content if my free trial expires? What happens to my content if I no longer have a Prime membership or my free trial expires?</strong><br />\nYou need to have an active Twitch Prime membership to receive content that is currently available. Once you claim your Fortnite content, all content that is delivered to your game is yours to keep, subject to any Epic Games rules or policies that apply to the content. However, you will not receive future content without an active Twitch Prime membership.<br />\n <br />\n<strong>Where can I get Fortnite?</strong><br />\nFortnite: Battle Royale is free! Visit to find out how to start playing on PC, Xbox One, PS4, and iOS.",
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  3047. "title": "Solo Showdown Contest Rules",
  3048. "content": "<h2 dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: center;\">FORTNITE – SOLO SHOWDOWN</h2>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><u>Official Contest Rules</u></p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">By participating in the Fortnite – Solo Showdown Limited Time Mode (the “Contest”), Contestants agree to be bound by these Fortnite - Solo Showdown Official Contest Rules (the “Rules”), which are binding and final on matters relating to this Contest.</p>\n\n<h3 dir=\"ltr\"><strong>SUMMARY:</strong></h3>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">In the Solo Showdown LTM you will be placed against other self-selected competitors making this the ultimate test of survival. Placements in this limited time mode will be specially tracked and determine rewards you receive at the end of the event. The top 100 players will be awarded.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Your first 50 matches in the Solo Showdown LTM will be counted towards your Score. You must play 50 Solo Showdown LTM matches to be eligible for a prize.</p>\n\n<h3 dir=\"ltr\"><strong>AWARDS:</strong></h3>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">1st Place: 50,000 V-bucks</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">2nd - 4th Place: 25,000 V-Bucks</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">5th – 50th Place: 13,500 V-bucks</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">51st – 100th Place: 7,500 V-bucks</p>\n\n<h3 dir=\"ltr\"><strong>HOW TO ENTER:</strong></h3>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Play at least 50 matches in the Solo Showdown LTM.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>CONTEST PERIOD:</strong></p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">The Contest is open, and the Solo Showdown LTM will be available, from May 17th, 2018 at 10:00AM EST to May 21st, 2018 10:00AM EST.</p>\n\n<h3 dir=\"ltr\"><strong>ELIGIBILITY:</strong></h3>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">No purchase necessary.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">To be eligible for the Contest, you (“Contestant”) must:</p>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>be 16 or older;</li>\n\t<li>be a valid Fortnite licensee under the Fortnite End User License Agreement (;</li>\n\t<li>have a Fortnite account registered on or before May 15, 2018;</li>\n\t<li>play at least 50 Solo Showdown LTM matches.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">The Contest is open to participants worldwide, but is void wherever restricted or prohibited by law.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Employees, officers, directors, agents, representatives of Epic Games, Inc. (“Epic”) (including the legal, promotion, and advertising agencies of Epic) and their immediate family members (defined as spouse, mother, father, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, grandparents and in-laws, regardless of where they live) and those living in their household (whether or not related), and each person or entity connected with the production or administration of the Contest, and each parent company, affiliate, subsidiary, agent and representative of Epic are not eligible.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Epic reserves the right to disqualify any Contestant in its sole discretion for any reason, including without limitation if Epic determines Contestant is cheating, hacking, harassing, using abusive or offensive language, account sharing, sabotaging, spamming, engaging in social engineering, scamming, or violating the Fortnite EULA.</p>\n\n<h3 dir=\"ltr\"><strong>SCORING:</strong></h3>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">The following scoring structure shall apply solely to this Contest.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Each win awards a Score based on final placement. Cumulative Score across the contestants 50 matches will determine winners.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">For example, finishing first place within a match will award you 100 points while finishing 20th place within a match will award you 50 points. Exact placement Scores below:</p>\n\n<div style=\"text-align: center;\">\n<table align=\"center\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" style=\"height:500px;width:500px;\">\n\t<tbody>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>Placement</td>\n\t\t\t<td>Points</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>1</td>\n\t\t\t<td>100</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>2</td>\n\t\t\t<td>94</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>3</td>\n\t\t\t<td>91</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>4</td>\n\t\t\t<td>88</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>5</td>\n\t\t\t<td>85</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>6</td>\n\t\t\t<td>80</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>7</td>\n\t\t\t<td>75</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>8</td>\n\t\t\t<td>70</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>9</td>\n\t\t\t<td>65</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</tbody>\n</table>\n \n\n<div style=\"text-align: left;\">\n<table align=\"center\" border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" style=\"height:500px;width:500px;\">\n\t<tbody>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">Placement</td>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">Points</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">10</td>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">60</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">11 - 15</td>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">55</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">16 - 20</td>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">50</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">21 - 30</td>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">45</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">31- 40</td>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">40</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">41 - 50</td>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">35</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">51 - 75</td>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">30</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">76 - 100</td>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"text-align: center;\">25</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t</tbody>\n</table>\n</div>\n</div>\n\n<div><br />\nIn the event of a tie, the following statistics, in the order presented here, will be used as tiebreakers: total wins, total eliminations, and average placement during the Solo Showdown LTM.</div>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">The top 100 Contestants at the end of the Contest Period will receive prizes. </p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Only the first 50 matches in Solo Showdown LTM will count towards a Contestant’s Score. </p>\n\n<h3 dir=\"ltr\"><strong>PRIZES:</strong></h3>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">The Contestant with the highest score will have 50,000 V-bucks added to their Fortnite account.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Contestants who place 2nd – 4th will have 25,000 V-bucks added to their Fortnite accounts.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Contestants who place 5th – 50th will have 13,500 V-bucks added to their Fortnite accounts.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Contestants who place 51st – 100th will have 7,500 V-bucks added to their Fortnite accounts. </p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Selected Contestants will be notified on or about Friday, May 25, 2018 and may be required to respond (as directed) to the notification within seventy-two (72) hours of attempted notification. The failure to respond timely to the notification may result in forfeiture of the Prizes; and, in such case, Epic may choose the next highest scoring Contestant. The Selected Contestant may be sent a declaration of eligibility / liability / publicity release (“Release”). Unless restricted by law, Selected Contestant will be required to complete and return the Release within seventy-two (72) hours of the date Release is sent.</p>\n\n<h3 dir=\"ltr\"><strong>CONDITIONS: </strong></h3>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Contest is subject to these Rules. By participating, Contestants agree: (i) to be bound by these complete Rules and the decisions of Epic which shall be final and binding; and (ii) to waive any right to claim ambiguity in the Contest or these Rules, except where prohibited by law. By accepting a prize, selected Contestant agrees to release Epic from any and all liability, loss or damage arising from or in connection with awarding, receipt and/or use or misuse of prize or participation in any prize-related activities. Epic shall not be liable for: (i) telephone system, telephone, or computer hardware, software, or other technical or computer malfunctions, lost connections, disconnections, delays or transmission errors; (ii) data corruption, theft, destruction, unauthorized access to or alteration of entry or other materials; (iii) any injuries, losses or damages of any kind, including death caused by the prize or resulting from acceptance, possession, or use of a prize, or from participation in the Contest; or (iv) any printing, typographical, administrative, or technological errors in any materials associated with the Contest. Epic reserves the right to cancel or suspend the Contest in its sole discretion or due to circumstances beyond its control, including natural disasters. Epic may disqualify any Contestant from participating in the Contest or winning a prize if, in its sole discretion, it determines such Entrant is attempting to undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest by cheating, hacking, deception, or any other unfair playing practices intending to annoy, abuse, threaten, undermine, or harass any other players or Epic’s representatives. The internal laws of the State of North Carolina will govern disputes regarding these Rules and/or this Contest. Epic reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, modify, or suspend the Contest should a virus, bug, computer problem, unauthorized intervention, or other causes beyond Epic’s control, corrupt the administration, security or proper play of the Contest. Any attempt to deliberately damage or undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest may be in violation of criminal and civil laws and will result in disqualification from participation in the Contest. Should such an attempt be made, Epic reserves the right to seek remedies and damages (including attorneys’ fees) to the fullest extent of the law, including criminal prosecution. Epic reserves the right to disqualify any Contestant it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Contest or violating these Rules. Epic is not responsible for any problems, bugs, or malfunctions Contestants may encounter. This Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws.</p>\n\n<h3 dir=\"ltr\"><strong>PUBLICITY: </strong></h3>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Epic reserves the right to use the name, likeness, and/or Epic account ID of any Contestant, for publicity purposes prior to, during, or after the Contest end date, in any media, throughout the world, in perpetuity, but only in connection with publicizing the Contest, without any compensation or prior review unless specifically prohibited by law.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">At any time before, during or after the Contest Period, Epic may, in its discretion, choose to post Contestants’ name and profile information online (including Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, YouTube channels, and third-party websites) for promotional and entertainment purposes only. Posting of this content will not mean that said Contestants are eligible to win or have been selected as winners. Contestants understand that users of these sites may share, comment on (including negatively), and re-post such content. Any requests by Contestants to be removed from consideration will be accommodated to the extent practically possible.</p>\n\n<h3 dir=\"ltr\"><strong>WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL: </strong></h3>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Except as prohibited by applicable law and as a condition of participating in this Contest, each Contestant hereby irrevocably and perpetually waives any right s/he may have to a trial by jury in respect of any litigation directly or indirectly arising out of, under or in connection with this Contest, any document or agreement entered into in connection herewith, any prize available in connection herewith, and any of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.</p>\n\n<h3 dir=\"ltr\"><strong>PRIVACY:</strong> <strong> </strong></h3>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Please refer to Epic’s privacy policy located at for important information regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by Epic.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">© 2018 Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.</p>\n",
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  3077. "short": "A postmortem of the service outage over 4/11 - 4/12",
  3078. "title": "POSTMORTEM OF SERVICE OUTAGE 4/11/2018 - 4/12/2018",
  3079. "content": "<p dir=\"ltr\">On April 11th, 2018, we experienced an extended outage coinciding with the release of Fortnite 3.5. The outage blocked all logins for all players to our platform. We know many millions of you were excited about dropping from the Battle Bus with your friends, and it was a long time to wait to check out our 3.5 release. We sincerely apologize for the downtime.<br />\n<br />\nWe’re sharing more technical details in this post to give you a better understanding about what went wrong, what we did to fix it, and how we can prevent future issues like this from happening again.<br />\n<br />\n<strong>Overview</strong><br />\nAt a high level, the Mongo database that backs our account service experienced severe performance degradation, which in turn caused our account service to be unavailable from April 11th 20:44 UTC to April 12th 14:30 UTC. This means all login requests, account creations, and queries for account information failed. With no way to query account information, there was no way to validate logins and accounts or process login requests. <br />\n<br />\nAt the first sign of major impact (20:44 UTC), multiple engineers began to investigate the issue. Over the course of the next 22 hours, we attempted to bring services back online 7 different times. This outage left a deep scar on service availability:<br />\n<br />\n <img alt=\"1.png\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /><br />\n<br />\nOver the course of the incident we found that call patterns caused cache pressure, connection storms knocked database members offline, node performance issues made things worse, and certain calls reading from primary were all contributing factors leading up to and extending our outage period. We made many different changes to try and restore the account service and this covers the main issues and changes we made.<br />\n<br />\n<strong>Call Pattern Changes in Fortnite 3.5 Causing DB Cache Pressure</strong><br />\nWe had several call pattern changes in Fortnite 3.5 that slowly, over time, impacted database cache utilization. Deep investigation into Mongo logs and support from the Mongo database teams helped us uncover this. However, it took us many hours to reach this conclusion. A specific change in a call pattern caused us to reach new cache limits and cache evictions, which resulted in increased I/O to the point of performance degradation. This also uncovered a misreporting of I/O metrics in our database monitoring. We are correcting this and it is covered in the “What’s Next” section below.<br />\n<br />\n<img alt=\"2.png\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><em> Figure 1. Unexpected excessive http calls to an API in question after client release. This aligns with the pattern in the graph in Figure 2 below.</em></p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"><br />\nWe didn’t detect this immediately after release due to it being a slow multi-hour increase on a less-trafficked API. With so much going on in our databases, such as members going offline as noted below, identifying this as a culprit took a significant amount of investigation.<br />\n<br />\nOver the span of several hours, we experienced an increase in cache reads from disk into memory. This indicated the dataset was larger than what fit into RAM and required having to move data in and out, as indicated by the below chart for a replset (<a href=\"\">MongoDB replica set</a>) secondary (following the leftmost brown line).</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><br />\n<img alt=\"3.png\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"> </p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><em>Figure 2: The above chart shows cache pressure on the cluster primary following deployment of v3.5, and also going into service instability. Vertical lines represent instance restarts and leadership changes. The blue line trends up as cache read pressure increases, until the instance can no longer keep up with both request and replication load. The green line shows writes to disk, which also contributed to I/O issues.</em></p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"><br />\nUpon taking a closer look at cache behavior, we saw a sudden steep increase in the rate at which dirty cache was being accumulated (as seen in Figure 2). This was caused by heavy mutations and reads to the dataset, and, at our tipping point, I/O increased to a point of saturation.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: center;\"> <img alt=\"4.png\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><em>Figure 3: The above chart (times in PST) shows steady dirty cache (data written to RAM yet to be written to disk) on the cluster primary during the initial event. This is a clear indicator that DB mutations were occuring at such a rate that exceeded server capacity. At approximately 29GB of unsaved data, the mongod begins to have communication issues with the rest of the cluster.</em></p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"><br />\nWe found that this cache pressure was sufficient to overload the current standing primary of our replica set, triggering leader elections. <br />\n<br />\nWe gathered logs and metrics and provided them to MongoDB Support for analysis. Their investigation started with what occurred in the hours leading up to our main availability issues. They were able to confirm that our last Fortnite release dramatically changed the cache behavior, with page eviction occuring much more frequently due to increased reads into cache. This continued to progress until the cluster could no longer support the load, at which time it started to take longer to process queries, causing the client application to surge in creating TCP connections.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: center;\"> <img alt=\"5.png\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><em>Figure 4: MongoDB’s Professional Services team provided the above chart of our cluster’s issues between application deployment (A), and the DB beginning to have availability issues (B). This chart also shows the increase in cache pressure, in particular the number of evicted pages on the primary server increases to 4.5x baseline before issues start.</em></p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"><br />\nFrom this point onward, our efforts turned to applying our lessons learned from partnering with several groups within MongoDB, primarily the Professional Services and Technical Services teams. Since the launch of Fortnite we have learned and applied many best practices and performance improvements in order to get the best scaling and availability characteristics out of MongoDB; our growth required it! <br />\n<br />\n<strong>Connection Storms</strong><br />\nOur short connection timeouts to Mongo resulted in rapid connection churn and when the database performance became degraded, the number of connections to the database from the application spiked rapidly. These spikes caused us to hit maximum configured connection limits. When maximum connections were reached, even intra-replset communication failed causing nodes to drop in and out of a healthy state. These connection storms caused a cascading failure across our Mongo replica set.<br />\n<br />\nWe bumped socketTimeoutMS up to 30 sec from 200 ms to help mitigate connection thrashing on the DB side during issues. Previously, it was used as a primary timeout setting to mitigate slow query hiccups. On average majority of our lookup queries are handled under 10ms.<br />\n<br />\nWe also started passing ‘maxTimeMS = 500ms’ with queries as a new query timeout setting. Rather than preemptively closing the connection after 200 ms, the database will terminate the operation after the maxTimeMS interval, keeping the connection open helping to mitigate connection storms during performance issues such as these.<br />\n<br />\nWe also moved to use <a href=\"\">mongos</a> (MongoDB Shard Router), which has more connection controls for accessing to the <a href=\"\">mongod</a> (primary daemon process for the MongoDB system) than the DB driver, to try and improve our Mongo connection handling. </p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><img alt=\"6.png\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"> </p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><em>Figure 5: One of the replset member’s connection count and document movement rate during the event. Vertical lines represent instance restarts and leadership changes. At 02:48 UTC we switched to using mongos instead of talking directly to mongod, causing a much lower connection count load on individual replset members. While this didn’t immediately clear impact, it did protect us from intra-replset communication disruption. As a result, this protected us at least from further DB member disruption by leadership thrashing.</em></p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"><br />\nOne of those key recommendations was to test and deploy an additional setting to our mongos fleet: ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting. This acts as a throttle on opening new TCP connections between mongos and mongod, moderating connection storms. This feature, backported from MongoDB v3.6 to v3.4, changes mongos socket creation speed from completely unbounded to approximately 50 connections established at a time - possibly lower in the future. This means that when a client application talks to the MongoDB driver, requesting a new connection (from mongos to mongod, not client to mongos), that the mongos will hold onto that request and possibly stall for a time, waiting for the mongos to open a new TCP connection to a mongod. As soon as a TCP connection moves out of the “connecting” lifecycle phase (a few milliseconds usually), more space is made for further connections. <br />\n<br />\n<strong>Replica Set Degradation</strong><br />\nOur accounts replica set reached a severely unhealthy state. Due to the size of the database, syncing additional members, and creating additional backups, it took a significant amount of time which also delayed recovery. Hitting the connection limits caused node after node to drop offline, each of which had to be brought back to a healthy state. Each attempt to recover would cause multiple members of the replica set to go offline. We removed traffic in these cases to allow for recovery and incrementally added clients back to full operation to restore the service.<br />\n<br />\n<strong>Performance Issues on a Subset of DB Nodes</strong><br />\nWe had 2 specific members of our replica set that seemed to experience more severe performance degradation than others. In several cases CPU on these nodes instantly hit 100% utilization with 99% spent in system/kernel time. When this occurred, logging stopped, and the Mongo process itself appeared completely hung. With no logging or ability to debug the system, we were left with an unknown root cause.<br />\n<br />\nRemoving the two problematic members from the replica set did not resolve the issue, but these two nodes’ performance issues resulted in considerably lower capacity for our database. We have since isolated these nodes, replacing them with new members in the replica set.<br />\n<br />\nWe also moved to MongoDB v3.4 for our accounts database to try and take advantage of many of its performance improvements. While this wasn’t specific to the two nodes mentioned here, performance and resiliency improvements in v3.4 enabled us to use several new tuning parameters such as ShardingTaskExecutorPoolMaxConnecting mentioned above.<br />\n<br />\n<strong>Specific API Calls Reading From Primary</strong><br />\nWe discovered a code path that had not been changed for some time that was pinning specific queries to the primary node. This put more pressure on the primary than was needed and didn’t allow these specific calls to scale out with our replica set members. We made code changes during the outage to have these reads come from secondary members allowing us to share the workload across the replica set.<br />\n<br />\nAll of the above changes, along with other specific tunings, allowed us to increase performance to the point of recovery and mitigate the circumstances that had resulted in cascading failures with our data store. We used several techniques to reduce call counts in our account service over this period and incrementally added traffic back to the service from a “cold start”.<br />\n<br />\n<strong>Improvements implemented since outage</strong><br />\nDB performance issues helped us discover a number of inefficiencies in data access patterns and updates. Over the last couple of weeks we’ve implemented a number of additional stability and resiliency improvements.<br />\n<br />\nThe Friend Suggestions feature on consoles had some scalability issues introduced in Fortnite 3.5:</p>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Requerying the list of suggested friends whenever a friends list refresh was triggered. The original intent was for this to only happen once on login.\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>This was causing too many requests to the Account Service which increased API load by 300x on a specific API call.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>Normally we are able to dynamically adjust features via hotfixes, but in this case our tunables for this were broken.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Fortnite 3.5.1 introduced a fix to make sure the hotfix values were respected again and also made sure that we only refresh the list on login.<br />\n<br />\nWe’ve significantly reduced the amount of DB update calls by moving ephemeral data (like short-living single-use OAuth 2.0 authorization codes) out of MongoDB to ephemeral storage, Redis in our case. This let us noticeably reduce I/O load and reduce transaction log growth rates.<br />\n<br />\nWe’ve also improved caching of account data in a way that lets us reduce the amount of DB lookup queries at least by factor of 2x. Our longer-term goal though is to put the entire set of active users into a cache, so that even with DB in a degraded state actual impact would be much lower.<br />\n<br />\nYet another significant change we made was around the Fortnite client login sequence. Before our improvements, Fortnite would reset the login sequence even if it failed well beyond the sign-in step. Now it tries its best to resume where possible, saving work.<br />\n<br />\n<strong>What’s Next?</strong><br />\n<br />\n<strong>Correct our I/O monitoring</strong><br />\nWhile we did have I/O monitoring enabling, it turned out that our metrics were not an accurate measure of IOPS. We are in the process of increasing resolution on I/O reporting and monitoring from 5 minute to 10 second metrics. This will allow us to characterize disk problems in our fleet better and faster.<br />\n<br />\n<strong>Put in alarming on early indicators of DB cache exhaustion</strong><br />\nWith the data from this event we are investigating appropriate early warning signs to alarm on cache pressure. This is not simple to get right with our existing tooling and we’re discussing internally and with MongoDB on best practices to alert us when we reach dangerous thresholds. Given different workloads and node types further analysis and load testing is required.<br />\n<br />\n<strong>Improve the speed of adding and replacing replica sets nodes</strong><br />\nOne of the reasons recovery took longer than it might have was considerable amount of time it took to introduce new replica set nodes to replace unhealthy ones. We’re planning to evaluate options to improve this.<br />\n<br />\n<strong>Continue with optimizing DB access patterns</strong><br />\nWe’ve identified a number of other improvements that would let us reduce load on the DB even further. One idea we are exploring is changing how we sync 3rd party information which typically doesn’t change at each login interval. When you login to our Epic platform using 3rd party information we update our DB and we sync your display name you use in the game so that we can show it to other players. Finding a balance on the optimal syncing strategy, along with other opportunities to optimize DB access patterns is something we will continue to explore.<br />\n<br />\n<strong>Data set sharding</strong><br />\nSharding data is a natural way of increasing overall service capacity by splitting data into well-isolated pieces and assigning tasks to dedicated processing resources hosting those pieces. Sharding is most effective if you know in advance the shard to route your request to. Otherwise request needs to be handled by all shards in a cluster before you can get result. This is still better though than being capped with a single replica set.<br />\n<br />\nMongoDB uses <a href=\"\">shard keys</a> to distribute data across shards. Every account document has a natural primary key, which would be an ideal candidate for the role of sharding key. But we need to stay effective in looking account entries up by secondary keys, such as display name or email address. We’re working with the MongoDB team on defining an optimal data sharding strategy for our case.<br />\n<br />\n<strong>Document a cold start process for account service</strong><br />\nWe successfully completed a cold start process for accounts, but there are a few items we learned along the way. Developing a runbook to test our cold start process during high traffic periods can improve our recovery time.<br />\n<br />\n<strong>Improve our analysis of API calls per release</strong><br />\nWhile this has been an ongoing effort here at Epic, we need to continue to improve our call pattern analysis testing and its impact on performance.<br />\n<br />\n<strong>Continue working with the MongoDB team on database performance and reliability</strong><br />\nWe have implemented our best practices learned here and from previous events with support from the MongoDB team(s). We will continue to investigate performance and resiliency tunings for our databases. Our work does not stop here with this event.<br />\n<br />\nWe hope this postmortem has provided transparency into the issues that lead to our extended outage and recovery. While our constant goal is to avoid these scenarios, our learnings from this incident has lead to a considerable amount of changes and improvements across Fortnite and its services. <br />\n<br />\nInterested in these sort of problems or think you can help us build the most reliable game services on the planet? Passionate about gaming and game services? Join Epic in Seattle, North Carolina, Shanghai, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, UK, Stockholm, Seoul, or elsewhere! Please shoot us an email at <a href=\"\"></a>.</p>\n",
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  3101. "title": "v3.6 Patch Notes",
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"content": "<div>\n<style type=\"text/css\">#navBox.fixBox { padding: 0 !important; margin: 0; list-style: none; } #navBox.fixBox li { display: inline-block; width: 33%; text-align: center; padding: 0em; } #navBox.fixBox li span { color: white !important; } #navBox.fixBox li h2 { margin: 0; cursor: pointer; } #navBox.fixBox li h2 span { font-family: BurbankBigCondensed-Black, sans-serif; font-size: 1em; margin: 0; padding: 0.3em 0; display: block; } .fixBox .overview { background-color: black; transition: background-color 0.2s ease-in-out; } .no-touch .fixBox .overview:hover { background-color: #2e2e2e; } .fixBox .br { background-color: #efbf2f; transition: background-color 0.2s ease-in-out; } .no-touch .fixBox .br:hover { background-color: #F6D275; } .fixBox .stw { background-color: #b042ef; transition: background-color 0.2s ease-in-out; } .no-touch .fixBox .stw:hover { background-color: #D98BF7; } #cmsSection .backTop { text-align: center; margin: 2em 0; } #cmsSection .backTop span { color: #dd55dc; font-family: BurbankBigCondensed-Black, sans-serif; cursor: pointer; font-size: 1.2em; } #cmsSection .backTop i { display: inline-block; transform: rotate(180deg); -ms-transform: rotate(180deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); vertical-align: text-top; } #battleRoyale-section, #saveTheWorld-section { margin-top: 5em; } hr.sectionBreak, #overview-section hr, #battleRoyale-section hr, #saveTheWorld-section hr { border-color: #e2e3e4 !important } #battleRoyale-section .br-header { background: url('') no-repeat center; background-size: contain; width: 100%; height: 12em; padding: 4.5em 0; margin-bottom: 2em; } #battleRoyale-section .br-header h1 { margin: 0; text-align: center; color: white; } #battleRoyale-section h2 { color: #efbf2f; } #battleRoyale-section h3 { font-weight: bold; } #saveTheWorld-section .stw-header { background: url('') no-repeat center; background-size: contain; width: 100%; height: 12em; padding: 5em 0; margin-bottom: 2em; } #saveTheWorld-section .stw-header h1 { margin: 0; text-align: center; color: white; } #saveTheWorld-section h2 { color: #b042ef; } #saveTheWorld-section h3 { font-weight: bold; } @media screen and (max-width: 991px) { #navBox.fixBox li { display: block; width: 100%; margin: 1em 0; } #battleRoyale-section, #saveTheWorld-section { margin-top: 0; } #battleRoyale-section .br-header, #saveTheWorld-section .stw-header { margin-bottom: 0; } }\n</style>\n</div>\n\n<ul class=\"fixBox\" id=\"navBox\">\n\t<li class=\"overview\">\n\t<h2><span class=\"anchor\" data-id=\"#overview-section\">Overview</span></h2>\n\t</li>\n\t<li class=\"br\">\n\t<h2><span class=\"anchor\" data-id=\"#battleRoyale-section\">Battle Royale</span></h2>\n\t</li>\n\t<li class=\"stw\">\n\t<h2><span class=\"anchor\" data-id=\"#saveTheWorld-section\">Save The World</span></h2>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n\n<div id=\"overview-section\">\n<div>\n<p><br />\nWelcome!</p>\n\n<p>V3.6 introduces quality-of-life improvements to Battle Royale, adjustments to the Minigun and the debut of the latest gameplay item… <strong>Clinger</strong>! You can be sure it’ll get you out of almost any <em>sticky</em> situation. How will you use it?</p>\n\n<p>Wield the power of the storm with the <strong>Noble Launcher</strong>! Give your enemies a sizzling shock.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Clinger (Battle Royale + Save the World)</strong><br />\nStick it to your enemies and score the Victory Royale. Find this new grenade in Floor Loot, Supply Drops, Supply Llamas, and Treasure Chests.</p>\n\n<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><img alt=\"Clinger.jpg\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></div>\n\n<p><strong>Noble Launcher (Save the World)</strong><br />\nCharge-up this launcher and leave monsters in shock! Increase the charge for a more intense attack.</p>\n\n<div style=\"text-align: center;\"><img alt=\"NobleLauncher.jpg\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></div>\n\n<h2 class=\"CxSpMiddle\">General</h2>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Twitch account linking has been removed from the game client due to scalability issues.\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Twitch Prime account linking can still be done through the Epic Games website.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n<strong>Bug Fixes</strong>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue with metal doors not making a sound when closed.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>Known Issues</h2>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Wanting to track the top community issues? Head over to our snazzy new <em>Fortnite | Community Issues</em> Trello board <a href=\"\">here</a>.</li>\n</ul>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"backTop\">\n<p><span class=\"anchor\" data-id=\"#navBox\">Back To Top</span></p>\n</div>\n\n<div id=\"battleRoyale-section\">\n<div class=\"br-header\">\n<h1>Battle Royale</h1>\n</div>\n\n<ul>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>Weapons + Items</h2>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li class=\"CxSpFirst\">Clinger added.\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Stats:\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t<li><span style=\"color:null;\"><u>Rarity:</u> Uncommon</span></li>\n\t\t\t<li><span style=\"color:null;\"><u>Location:</u> Floor Loot, Supply Drops, Supply Llamas, Treasure Chests</span></li>\n\t\t\t<li><span style=\"color:null;\"><u>Explosion Delay (once attached to target):</u> 2.5 seconds</span></li>\n\t\t\t<li><span style=\"color:null;\"><u>Player Damage:</u> 100</span></li>\n\t\t\t<li><span style=\"color:null;\"><u>Structure Damage:</u> 200</span></li>\n\t\t\t<li><u>Radius:</u> 1 Tile</li>\n\t\t\t<li><u>Max Stack Size:</u> 10</li>\n\t\t\t<li><u>Pickup Stack Size:</u> 3</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\t</li>\n\t\t<li>Stick this grenade to an enemy and wait for it to explode after a short duration!\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t<li>Cannot explode in the air.</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\t</li>\n\t\t<li>Will cling to any surface or player hit.</li>\n\t\t<li>Will detonate early if a structure it is attached to is destroyed.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>Reduced chances of finding Remote Explosives in Treasure Chests by ~40%.</li>\n\t<li>Minigun adjustments:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Increased accuracy by 10%.</li>\n\t\t<li>Decreased recoil by 10%.</li>\n\t\t<li>Increased damage from 16/17 (Epic/Legendary) to 18/19.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>Greatly improved hit registration of long range Sniper Rifle and Crossbow projectiles.</li>\n\t<li>Port-a-Fort improvements:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Port-a-Fort tires no longer grant falling damage immunity after players bounce off them.</li>\n\t\t<li>Port-a-Fort trajectory preview now indicates if it will build with stilts and a ramp.</li>\n\t\t<li>Port-a-Fort trajectory now turns red if aimed too high.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n<strong>Bug Fixes</strong>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Fixed a collision issue with the Port-a-Fort tires that allowed downed players to hide in them.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue where Submachine Guns intermittently failed to reload.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue where Cozy Campfire healed for one more second than intended.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue where red hitmarkers wouldn’t show when the Rocket Launcher dealt damage.</li>\n\t<li>The red light on Remote Explosives can no longer be seen through doors.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue causing consumables from Loot Llamas and Supply Drops to exceed the maximum stack size in a player’s inventory.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>Gameplay</h2>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Short fences will no longer block you from building structures.</li>\n\t<li>The Duo playlist can be set to \"No Fill\".</li>\n\t<li>First shot accuracy is now reset when you crouch, uncrouch, or switch weapons.</li>\n\t<li>Players now spawn closer to their squadmates on the starting island.</li>\n\t<li>Moved the groups of spawn points on the starting island to be closer to one another.</li>\n\t<li>Supply Drop balloon health has been adjusted based on playlist:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li><u>Solo:</u> 500</li>\n\t\t<li><u>Duo:</u> 750</li>\n\t\t<li><u>Squad:</u> 1250</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>Supply Drops now spawn twice as high and fall twice as fast.</li>\n</ul>\n<strong>Bug Fixes</strong>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Builder Pro\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Fixed an issue where primary fire could be interrupted when releasing aim down sights.</li>\n\t\t<li>Fixed an issue where sprinting could stop if you switched to build mode and attempted to quickly build a ramp.</li>\n\t\t<li>Fixed an issue causing player’s weapons to automatically fire after placing a structure and switching to the weapon.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>Fixed multiple issues with Supply Drops:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Balloon collision no longer remains after the crate is opened.</li>\n\t\t<li>Supply Drops no longer get stuck on structures, trees, or in the air.</li>\n\t\t<li>Fixed Port-a-Fort tires floating in the air when Port-a-Fort is thrown at a Supply Drop.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>Players no longer take falling damage when landing on top of tires.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue that caused doors to recoil after quickly spamming the interact input when approaching the door.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue that switched the wrong building piece to edit mode when attempting to edit a different piece.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<div>\n<h2>UI</h2>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Self-Service Cosmetic Returns featured has been added.\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li><em>Will allow you to return <strong>up to 3 cosmetic purchases for V-Bucks (lifetime)</strong>.</em> <em> </em>\n\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t<li>Only eligible purchases made within the past 30 days are able to be returned.</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\t</li>\n\t\t<li>What <em>can</em> be returned?\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t<li>Emotes</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Gliders</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Harvesting Tools</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Back Bling</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Outfits</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\t</li>\n\t\t<li>What <em>cannot</em> be returned?\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t<li>Battle Pass</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Battle Pass Tiers</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Starter Pack</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Founder’s Pack</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Founder’s Pack Upgrades</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Loot Llamas (Save the World)</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Event and Weekly Items (Save the World)</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\t</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>Added lighting effects for Razer Chroma enabled devices including Philips Hue.</li>\n</ul>\n<strong>Bug Fixes</strong>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>The Shadowplay Highlights button is visible on the victory screen again.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue that prevented the Shadowplay Highlights button to function on the Lobby tab after switching to another tab.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue that removed the “Remove Marker” icon from the map.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue causing teammates map icons to render under the Battle Bus on the map.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue preventing certain inputs from closing the Squad Comms wheel.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>Audio</h2>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Improved the sound for multiple Supply Drops spawning together, indicating how many spawned and where they spawned from.</li>\n</ul>\n<strong>Bug Fixes</strong>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Fixed the Supply Drop opening sound not being audible from a distance.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue causing chest audio to not play in some cases.</li>\n\t<li>Sound effects for metal doors now play when closing the doors.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>Art + Animation</h2>\n<strong>Bug Fixes</strong>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Fixed an issue causing parts of Raven’s clothing to stretch across the screen in the Locker.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue with the Bitemark pickaxe that prevented the biting physics from working properly.</li>\n</ul>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"CxSpMiddle\">\n<h2>Performance</h2>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Improved hitching that occurs on player elimination (more improvements coming in v4.0).</li>\n\t<li>Resolved hitching that occurred when rendering foliage.</li>\n\t<li>Reduced hitches on Mac by including precompiled shaders so they no longer need to compile in-game.</li>\n</ul>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"CxSpMiddle\">\n<h2>Mobile</h2>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Added an option to enable a Fire button (right side of screen), which can be enabled via the setting ‘Use Tap to Fire’.</li>\n</ul>\n<strong>Bug Fixes</strong>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Fixed interactions where players failed to revive teammates and open chests.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue where resources being gathered were displayed in the wrong location.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue in which characters would occasionally move when the map was opened.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue that prevented friendly structures from being edited.</li>\n</ul>\n</div>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"backTop\">\n<p><span class=\"anchor\" data-id=\"#navBox\">Back To Top</span></p>\n</div>\n\n<div id=\"saveTheWorld-section\">\n<div class=\"stw-header\">\n<h1>Save the World</h1>\n</div>\n\n<h2>Weapons + Items</h2>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Clinger added.\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>This grenade sticks to targets and explodes a short time later.</li>\n\t\t<li>Grenade does not damage player built structures.</li>\n\t\t<li>Can be found in drops in the world, and expires at the end of the mission.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>Noble Launcher added.<br />\n\t<em>NOTE: This will be available on April 25 at 8pm ET.</em>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Heavy weapon that fires a wave of piercing energy.</li>\n\t\t<li>Has three charge states:\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t<li>Uncharged (0.5 tile wide)</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Moderate Charge (1 tile wide)</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Max Charge (1.5 tiles wide)</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\t</li>\n\t\t<li>Deals energy damage, which is fairly effective against all types of elemental enemies.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>Bacon may now be found in greater quantity…. wherever bacon may be found 🤔🥓</li>\n\t<li>Adjusted Energy Ammo Costs:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Amount of Energy Ammo per craft increased from 80 to 100.</li>\n\t\t<li>Drops of Energy Ammo in the world increased by 20%.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>Missions + Systems</h2>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Salvage the Drone mission adjustments:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>The Drone will now crash less frequently.</li>\n\t\t<li>The Drone should no longer crash next to a primary mission defense location.</li>\n\t\t<li>Completion rewards have been improved to drop a wider variety of items.</li>\n\t\t<li>Salvage resources have been tripled.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>In Thunder Route 99, destroying mine support structures now grants the correct wood resource.\n\t<ul>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>Difficulty pylon cost has been returned to a flat cost of 2 BluGlo per difficulty increase.</li>\n\t<li><em>[Rework]</em> Anomaly\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>The anomaly can be destroyed by anything doing world damage, including abilities and shooting.</li>\n\t\t<li>Once the anomaly has been destroyed, you must now retrieve the shards by interacting with them.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n<strong>Bug Fixes</strong>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Concrete corner walls in cities and industrial zones no longer block player built structures.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>Gameplay</h2>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Reduced the resurrect time on Defenders from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.</li>\n</ul>\n<strong>Bug Fixes</strong>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Rifts and Encampments should no longer block projectiles.</li>\n\t<li>Traps no longer ‘float’ when the wall they are on has been destroyed.</li>\n\t<li>Corrected an issue where Remote Explosives could not be thrown while sprinting.</li>\n\t<li>Removed predictive stair rotation that would frequently guess wrong.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>UI</h2>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Controllers can now zoom on the Mission Select screen by holding the triggers.</li>\n\t<li>Missions can now be selected by double clicking them on the map screen.</li>\n\t<li>Removed ammo visualization from the HUD due to instances causing it to not reliably fit on screen.</li>\n</ul>\n<strong>Bug Fixes</strong>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Fixed an issue that prevented scrolling through the quest description for the quest, ‘Reunion Tour’.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue where quest updates would pop up behind the build option HUD.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue where rewards appeared offscreen on the Mission Select screen.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed a delay that occurred when leaving a mission after pressing the ‘Return to Homebase’ button.</li>\n\t<li>Significantly reduced hitching in the Transform menu.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue where high level players could only hit Power Level 124. They can now get up to Power Level 125.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n</ul>\n\n<h2>Heroes</h2>\n<strong>Bug Fixes</strong>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Fixed an issue that caused Bullet Storm Jonsey’s ‘Start Up’ and ‘Start Faster’ perk to not grant the correct amount of bonus rate of fire.</li>\n\t<li>Fixed an issue where players could shoot during Constructor’s Bull Rush animation.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>Enemies</h2>\n<strong>Bug Fixes</strong>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Fixed an issue where certain enemies were showing up too often within the world.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>Audio</h2>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>‘Feel the Base’ shockwave sounds redesigned to be more impactful and have more… bass 🔊!</li>\n</ul>\n\n<hr class=\"sectionBreak\" /><em>Experiencing issues updating, logging in or crashing in Fortnite? Reach out to player support <a href=\"\">here</a>.</em></div>\n\n<div class=\"backTop\">\n<p><span class=\"anchor\" data-id=\"#navBox\">Back To Top</span></p>\n</div>\n</div>\n",
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  3105. "sticky": false,
  3106. "short": "<div>\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Throw ‘em, stick ‘em, win ‘em. Battle Royale’s latest grenade is a bit clingy. Save the World’s newest weapon will leave you shocked!</p>\n</div>\n",
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  3118. "nextSlug": "postmortem-of-service-outage-4-12",
  3119. "prevSlug": "v3-5-content-update"
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  3128. "title": "v3.5 Content Update | Light Machine Gun",
  3129. 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Two teams, two buses, one Victory Royale. PLAY NOW!</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>50v50 V2 (Battle Royale)</strong><br />\nTwo teams will clash in the updated 50v50 Limited Time Mode. The battle begins on Thursday, April 19. Be the first to the frontline!</p>\n\n<div class=\"embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9\"><iframe allowfullscreen=\"true\" class=\"embed-responsive-item\" frameborder=\"0\" src=\"\" width=\"100%\"></iframe></div>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>Light Machine Gun (Battle Royale)</strong><br />\nLock and load! This weapon’s fast rate of fire and 100 round magazine keeps squads pinned down from a distance.</p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img alt=\"LMG.jpg\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></p>\n\n<p><strong>Into the Storm: Encore (Save the World)</strong><br />\nVenture into the storm with Lars, great treasures and dangers await. Overcome these challenges and unlock your choice of one of the new Cyberpunk Heroes.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><img alt=\"IntoTheStormEncore.jpg\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></p>\n\n<p><strong>Neon Weapons - Mercury LMG (Save the World)</strong><br />\nThis energy machinegun has a massive magazine containing enough firepower to annihilate an entire wave of Husks! Find it in the Event Store.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: center;\"><img alt=\"MercuryLMG.jpg\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /></p>\n\n<hr />\n<h2 dir=\"ltr\">v3.5.2 Update</h2>\n\n<h2 dir=\"ltr\">General</h2>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>From Thursday, April 19 until Sunday, April 22 players will receive the following:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>2x experience when playing Battle Royale.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>An Into the Storm Llama each day in Save the World.\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Remember to log in to claim your Llama on each of these days to collect all four.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>Resiliency improvements to help prevent extended downtime.</li>\n\t<li>Fix for a high-frequency crash on Xbox One</li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2 dir=\"ltr\">Battle Royale</h2>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Peeking is being reverted back to how it functioned prior to v3.5.\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>This should solve the issue causing players to accidentally shoot their own structures while trying to peek. More info <a href=\"\">here.</a></li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n\n<hr />\n<h2 dir=\"ltr\">General</h2>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Gifts of appreciation to our community for your patience during our unexpected downtime on 4/12 - Part 2:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Battle Royale - 20 Battle Pass Stars</li>\n\t\t<li>Save the World - 1600 Seasonal Gold</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2 dir=\"ltr\">Known Issues</h2>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Wanting to track the top community issues? Head over to our snazzy <em>Fortnite | Community Issues</em> Trello board <a href=\"\">here</a>.</li>\n</ul>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"backTop\">\n<p><span class=\"anchor\" data-id=\"#navBox\">Back To Top</span></p>\n</div>\n\n<div id=\"battleRoyale-section\">\n<div class=\"br-header\">\n<h1>Battle Royale</h1>\n</div>\n\n<ul>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>Gameplay</h2>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Limited Time Mode: <strong>50V50 v2</strong>\n\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Two teams of 50 fight to the finish!\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t<li>Due to this being a “large squad” mode, Profile Stats will not be tracked. Daily & Weekly challenges will still work, with the exception of the Squad-based challenges (‘Place Top 6 in Squads’, etc.).</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\t</li>\n\t\t<li>Storm & Map\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t<li>Each team has a bus, approaching the island from opposite directions. On the map, the friendly bus has a blue outline, enemy has red.</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Final storm circle visible on minimap at start.</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Players have 10 minutes to loot the map as the storm closes in on the circle, then 5 minutes to fight, and another 5 minutes as the storm shrinks to the end.</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Supply drops come in batches of 3-6, fall every two minutes, and only land in the final storm circle.</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Added dotted line to map, which indicates the \"battle lines\" between the two teams. Crossing the line will make running into enemies more likely.</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\t</li>\n\t\t<li>Loot\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t<li>Farming resources increased 75% over default.</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Increased floor loot spawn likelihood by 15%.</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Floor Loot spawns double ammo.</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Ammo boxes spawn triple ammo.</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Chests spawn double ammo & consumables.</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Supply drops spawn double ammo, and an extra consumable, resource drop and trap.</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\t</li>\n\t\t<li>Bug Fixes + Mode Improvements\n\t\t<ul>\n\t\t\t<li>Fixed a bug that created uneven teams where one side could have more than 50 players.</li>\n\t\t\t<li>Downed players lose health more quickly than normal (10 health per tick).</li>\n\t\t</ul>\n\t\t</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>Weapons + Items</h2>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li class=\"CxSpFirst\" style=\"border:none\">Light Machine Gun added.\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li class=\"CxSpMiddle\" style=\"border:none\">Rare and Epic rarities.</li>\n\t\t<li class=\"CxSpMiddle\" style=\"border:none\">Can be found in Floor Loot, Treasure Chests, and Vending Machines.</li>\n\t\t<li class=\"CxSpMiddle\" style=\"border:none\">25 / 26 damage (Rare / Epic).</li>\n\t\t<li class=\"CxSpMiddle\" style=\"border:none\">100 round magazine, fires Medium ammo.</li>\n\t\t<li class=\"CxSpMiddle\" style=\"border:none\">5 second reload time.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"backTop\">\n<p><span class=\"anchor\" data-id=\"#navBox\">Back To Top</span></p>\n</div>\n\n<div id=\"saveTheWorld-section\">\n<div class=\"stw-header\">\n<h1>Save the World</h1>\n</div>\n\n<h2><br />\nMissions + Systems</h2>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Into the Storm: Encore\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Crank up the Steel Wool and get ready to fight as Lars continues his journey into the storm.</li>\n\t\t<li>Complete this new questline to unlock one of the four new Cyberpunk Heroes.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>Weapons + Items</h2>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Mercury LMG\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Energy assault weapon with a moderate rate of fire and large magazine size.</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n\n<hr class=\"sectionBreak\" />\n<p><em>Experiencing issues updating, logging in or crashing in Fortnite? Reach out to player support <a href=\"\">here</a>.</em></p>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"backTop\">\n<p><span class=\"anchor\" data-id=\"#navBox\">Back To Top</span></p>\n</div>\n</div>\n",
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  3133. "short": "Conquer the competition with the new high capacity LMG. Venture further into the Storm to discover new treasure and great dangers.",
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  3155. "title": "Replay Royale Contest",
  3156. "content": "<p>Fortnite Fans,</p>\n\n<p>Fortnite’s replay system is now live and we couldn’t be more thrilled to finally put it into your hands. We’re issuing an all-hands-on-deck situation: We want to see what you can do with this nifty new system, creating your best Fortnite Battle Royale highlights video!</p>\n\n<p>For more details on the new replay system, head <a href=\"\">here</a>.</p>\n\n<div class=\"embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9\"><iframe allowfullscreen=\"true\" class=\"embed-responsive-item\" frameborder=\"0\" src=\"\" width=\"100%\"></iframe></div>\n\n<h2>What’s in it for you?</h2>\n\n<p>Glad you asked! Submit a highlights video of your own gameplay using the new Replay system tools for a chance to win a high-end Alienware Aurora PC package, Atomos Ninja Flame high-resolution monitor-recorder, exclusive Fortnite swag, and more!<br />\n<em>NOTE: Your submission must be original and can only include personal gameplay.</em></p>\n\n<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img alt=\"ReplayRoyaleGrandPrize.jpg\" height=\"auto\" src=\"\" width=\"auto\" /><em> </em></p>\n\n<p>The contest begins today, April 13 and runs until April 26. Send us your best by April 26 at 11:59 ET to be eligible. <em>For the full rules + requirements, head over to <a href=\"\">this blog</a>!</em></p>\n\n<p>Once the contest ends, we will review and announce the winners on April 30. Selected winners will win the following:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li><strong>Grand Prize Winner:</strong>\n\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Alienware Aurora w/ Tobii Eye Tracker 4C + Atomos Ninja Flame + G-Technology Atomos Master Caddy HD (1TB)</li>\n\t\t<li>30-min Conference Call w/ Epic Video Team</li>\n\t\t<li>Fortnite Swag Bag</li>\n\t\t<li>Alienware Swag Bag</li>\n\t\t<li>10,000 V-Bucks</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li><strong>Finalists (5):</strong>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Atomos Ninja Flame + G-Technology Atomos Master Caddy HD (1TB)</li>\n\t\t<li>Alienware Advanced Gaming Keyboard and Mouse + Tobii Eye Tracker 4C</li>\n\t\t<li>Alienware Swag Bag</li>\n\t\t<li>Fortnite Swag Bag</li>\n\t\t<li>5,000 V-Bucks</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li><strong>Honorable Mentions (10): </strong>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>5,000 V-Bucks</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li><strong>Runner-ups (74):</strong>\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>2,500 V-Bucks</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n\n<h2>Winners</h2>\n\n<p>We will now begin reaching out to winners and granting prizes! Please check your YouTube messages or email if you&#39;re a winner. You will be contacted by the official Fortnite YouTube account or an official Epic Games representative. Congratulations winners and a big thanks to everyone who participated!</p>\n\n<div style=\"text-align: center;\">\n<div class=\"embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9\"><iframe allowfullscreen=\"true\" class=\"embed-responsive-item\" frameborder=\"0\" src=\"\" width=\"100%\"></iframe></div>\n</div>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li><a href=\"\">Enzait</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\">LaffenGas</a> </li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\">maro2k8</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\">CubitFox</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\";\">Aylit</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\">Fuze</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\">Nuage</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\">PenaPro</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\"\">Rushed</a></li>\n\t<li><a href=\";\">Obey Divinity</a></li>\n\t<li>Fly Mutilate</li>\n\t<li>DNKu LIVE</li>\n\t<li>The Zamorai</li>\n\t<li>Ascend KiLLer</li>\n\t<li>Jackace</li>\n\t<li>Mike Tivikoff</li>\n\t<li>solus</li>\n\t<li>Endjui</li>\n\t<li>Click Hit !</li>\n\t<li>5hy</li>\n\t<li>Skrubski</li>\n\t<li>Lord Haris</li>\n\t<li>diyyo</li>\n\t<li>Johnnyflaco</li>\n\t<li>DuelMotions</li>\n\t<li>Wailander</li>\n\t<li>FaZe Unchained</li>\n\t<li>revisn.</li>\n\t<li>Ascend WariSe</li>\n\t<li>W200ME</li>\n\t<li>eKronicStyle</li>\n\t<li>RememberTheBeat</li>\n\t<li>PULSE</li>\n\t<li>Tecu</li>\n\t<li>NextGenEntertainer</li>\n\t<li>Apollo M1K3</li>\n\t<li>Holy Krab Gang</li>\n\t<li>JsQuad Family</li>\n\t<li>NovatoKing</li>\n\t<li>Riousx</li>\n\t<li>DukeStyle</li>\n\t<li>Home Of Fortnite</li>\n\t<li>Baboon & Fox</li>\n\t<li>SXVXN</li>\n\t<li>Catsage</li>\n\t<li>K Army Gaming</li>\n\t<li>HardBlazer Edits</li>\n\t<li>EzToss</li>\n\t<li>Virre Cinematics</li>\n\t<li>Finalight - Fortnite</li>\n\t<li>Native Noob</li>\n\t<li>SB4D</li>\n\t<li>Comikazie</li>\n\t<li>Rawjent Productions</li>\n\t<li>Luddecmc</li>\n\t<li>GF LaserBolt</li>\n\t<li>Generzon - Minecraft</li>\n\t<li>Dude</li>\n\t<li>Juvex</li>\n\t<li>Max Max Maxxx Reddit</li>\n\t<li>Robbor Gaming</li>\n\t<li>Grimly Plays</li>\n\t<li>iQiz Vezy</li>\n\t<li>Exion</li>\n\t<li>DEFI BRILATOR</li>\n\t<li>Godspeed</li>\n\t<li>SYou</li>\n\t<li>Blade</li>\n\t<li>DerTob</li>\n\t<li>Smurfson</li>\n\t<li>Deer Edits</li>\n\t<li>Couiche</li>\n\t<li>Simplyapril</li>\n\t<li>Vicious Phil</li>\n\t<li>Aiden</li>\n\t<li>patu</li>\n\t<li>Andrew Arcade</li>\n\t<li>EKEZ</li>\n\t<li>Toasted Toast Gaming</li>\n\t<li>gubstav</li>\n\t<li>Lego Bawse</li>\n\t<li>BeardedMurloc</li>\n\t<li>RothYs</li>\n\t<li>Coldbruv</li>\n\t<li>ItsLynnx</li>\n\t<li>Soviet Doge</li>\n\t<li>ody mono</li>\n\t<li>Lians</li>\n\t<li>Byzuh</li>\n\t<li>Fuze It</li>\n\t<li>Sparkix</li>\n\t<li>Supaga</li>\n\t<li>SB4D</li>\n\t<li>Schro</li>\n\t<li>B3 TV</li>\n\t<li>ImJustLucky</li>\n\t<li>Nathan Bacon</li>\n\t<li>Skrubzi</li>\n\t<li>Walt White</li>\n\t<li>DiegoAPJ</li>\n</ol>\n\n<h2>Judgement Criteria</h2>\n\n<p>We will be judging based on three different criteria:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li class=\"CxSpMiddle\">Mastery\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li class=\"CxSpMiddle\">Did the video display a mastery of the Replay system?</li>\n\t\t<li class=\"CxSpMiddle\">Did you utilize the tools of the Replay system (i.e. - exposure, aperture, etc.)?</li>\n\t\t<li class=\"CxSpMiddle\">Was your video primarily composed using the Replay system?</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li class=\"CxSpMiddle\">Creativity\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li class=\"CxSpMiddle\">Did your highlights manage to represent the game in a creative or innovative manner?</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li class=\"CxSpMiddle\">Fortnite-ness\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li class=\"CxSpMiddle\">How well did you capture the tone of Fortnite Battle Royale through your highlights video?</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p><em>Submissions must be of a video that is at least 60 seconds in length, but no longer than 90 seconds.</em><br />\n<em>In order to submit your highlights video, you must add <strong>#ReplayRoyale</strong> to the metadata + description of your YouTube video. </em></p>\n",
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  3160. "short": "Bring your Fortnite highlights to life using the new Replay system!",
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  3170. "category": ["announcements"],
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  3172. "nextSlug": "v3-5-content-update",
  3173. "prevSlug": "replay-royale-contest-rules"
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  3183. "sticky": false,
  3184. "short": "Take a look at the rules + requirements for Replay Royale.",
  3185. "title": "Replay Royale Contest Rules",
  3186. "content": "<h2 dir=\"ltr\" style=\"text-align: center;\">Replay Royale Contest Rules</h2>\n\n<ol>\n\t<li dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>ELIGIBILITY:</strong> The Replay Royale (“Contest”) is open to individuals aged 16 and older who are Fortnite Licensees throughout the Contest Period (“Contestants”). Contest is open to participants worldwide, but is void wherever restricted or prohibited by law. The Contest is sponsored by Epic Games, Inc., located at 620 Crossroads Blvd, Cary, NC 27518 (“Sponsor”). Employees, officers, directors, agents, representatives of Sponsor, the legal, promotion and advertising agencies of any aforementioned entity, and their immediate family members (defined as spouse, mother, father, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, grandparents and in-laws, regardless of where they live) and those living in their household (whether or not related), and each person or entity connected with the production or administration of the Contest, and each parent company, affiliate, subsidiary, agent and representative of any aforementioned entity are not eligible. This Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws.</p>\n\t</li>\n\t<li dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>CONTEST PERIOD:</strong> The Contest Period begins on April 13, 2018, at 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time (“EST”), and ends on April 26, 2018 at 11:59 PM EST (the “Contest Period”). <strong>ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED DURING THE CONTEST PERIOD.</strong> By participating, Contestants agree to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of the judges and/or Sponsor, which are binding and final on matters relating to this Contest.</p>\n\t</li>\n\t<li dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>HOW TO ENTER:</strong> Post your Submission to YouTube, with #ReplayRoyale in the description/metadata tags or title.</p>\n\t</li>\n</ol>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>Create your Submission: Using Fortnite’s new Replay system, create a highlights video of your original gameplay.</strong></p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>One (1) Submission per individual. Any attempted submission after the first shall be disregarded. All submissions must be created on or after the start date of the contest (April 13, 2018 10:00 am EST).</strong></p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">All contact information provided must be current, accurate, and valid. Submissions must be received during the Contest Period. No other methods of delivery will be accepted. Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify any Contestant it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Contest or violating these Official Rules. Submissions will not be returned. Sponsor is not responsible for incomplete, late, lost, delayed, damaged, misdirected, incomplete, void, corrupted, garbled, illegible, or unintelligible submissions and those Submissions are void and will not be accepted; nor is Sponsor responsible for any problems, bugs, or malfunctions Contestants may encounter when seeking to enter their Submissions. </p>\n\n<ol start=\"4\">\n\t<li dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>SUBMISSION GUIDELINES:</strong> There are some limits on what you can do:</p>\n\t</li>\n</ol>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Submissions must be from an individual (i.e., you cannot submit as a team) and must feature your own gameplay.</li>\n\t<li>Submissions must be of a video that is at least 60 seconds in length, but no longer than 90 seconds.</li>\n\t<li>Submissions must be primarily made in Fortnite’s new Replay system.</li>\n\t<li>Submissions must be directly accessible by Sponsor and any other person from the link you provide.</li>\n\t<li>Submissions must be in one of the following formats: YouTube link that includes the #ReplayRoyale hashtag in the description/metadata tags or title.</li>\n\t<li>Submissions should not require any additional software to run.</li>\n\t<li>Submissions may not contain personal attacks on anyone or any discernible product, including competitor products.</li>\n\t<li>Submissions may not depict nudity, animal cruelty, or illegal activity or substance, or offensive or obscene subject matter as determined in Sponsor’s sole discretion.</li>\n\t<li>Submissions shall not portray Sponsor in a negative light.</li>\n\t<li>Submissions must be appropriate for a broad audience.</li>\n\t<li>Submissions may not feature any trademarks (including logos) other than those owned by Sponsor.</li>\n\t<li>Submissions must be original plays, achieved/created by the person who submits the entry. Contestants may not copy or otherwise plagiarize Submissions from any source, nor may Submissions include third-party copyrighted material or artwork without the copyright holder’s permission. By entering, you warrant that your Submission does not infringe any third party’s rights, and that you have obtained any necessary permissions from all relevant third parties to submit the Submission.</li>\n\t<li>You hereby agree to indemnify Sponsor against any and all claims from any third party for any use by Sponsor of the Submission.</li>\n\t<li>Although Sponsor is not reviewing Submissions for copyright violations, if, in the sole discretion of Sponsor, it is believed your Submission constitutes or may constitute copyright infringement, the Submission will be disqualified.</li>\n\t<li>Sponsor reserves the right to exclude any Submission that it believes, in its sole discretion, doesn&#39;t meet this criteria, and to delete any such Submission from any and all location(s) under Sponsor’s control.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<ol start=\"5\">\n\t<li dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>JUDGING:</strong> All entries will be prescreened to insure the entries have correctly met the Submission Guidelines and meet with Sponsor’s general standards and practices prior to any judging (“Qualified Submissions”).</p>\n\t</li>\n</ol>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Qualified Submissions will be reviewed and scored by a panel of qualified judges, according to the following criteria:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Up to 50 points for <strong>Mastery</strong>:\n\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Did the video display a mastery of the Replay system?</li>\n\t\t<li>Did you utilize the tools of the Replay system (i.e. - exposure, aperture, etc.)?</li>\n\t\t<li>Was your video primarily composed using the Replay system?</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>Up to 25 points for <strong>Creativity</strong>:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>Did your highlights manage to represent the game in a creative or innovative manner?</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n\t<li>Up to 25 points for <strong>Fortnite-ness</strong>:\n\t<ul>\n\t\t<li>How well did you capture the tone of Fortnite Battle Royale through your highlights video?</li>\n\t</ul>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">The highest scoring Qualified Submission will be deemed the Grand Prize winner, the five (5) next highest scoring Qualified Submissions will be deemed Finalists, the ten (10) next highest scoring Qualified Submissions will be deemed Honorable Mentions, and the seventy four (74) next highest scoring Qualified Submissions will be deemed Runner-ups (collectively, “Selected Contestants”).</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">In case of a tie, the tying Qualified Submissions will be rescored with the judging criteria described above (i.e., creativity, quality, and Fortnite-ness), using a scale of up to 60 points for each criteria, with the highest scoring Qualified Submission as the chosen winner. </p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">At any time before, during or after the Contest Period, Sponsor may, in its discretion, choose to post or distribute one or more Submissions, the creator’s name and profile information online (including Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, YouTube channels, and third-party websites) for promotional and entertainment purposes only. Posting of this/these Submission(s) will not mean that said Submissions are eligible to win or are a Selected Contestant. Contestants understand that users of these sites may share, comment on (including negatively), and re-post their Submissions. Any requests by Contestants to have a Submission removed from consideration will be accommodated to the extent practically possible. Sponsor is not responsible for third party re-posting of Submissions.</p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Selected Contestants will be notified via YouTube direct message on or about April 30, 2018 and will be required to respond (as directed) to the notification within seventy-two (72) hours of attempted notification. The failure to respond timely to the notification may result in forfeiture of the Prizes; and, in such case, Sponsor may choose the next highest scoring entry from among the remaining eligible entries. The Selected Contestants may be sent a declaration of eligibility / liability / publicity release (“Release”). Unless restricted by law, Selected Contestants will be required to complete and return the Release within seventy-two (72) hours of the date Release is sent. </p>\n\n<ol start=\"6\">\n\t<li dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>LICENSE:</strong> As a condition of entry, Contestants hereby grants to Sponsor a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, transferable, sublicensable, and royalty free license to use, modify, reproduce, prepare derivative works of, distribute, perform, and display the Submission in any and all media throughout the world and for whatever purpose Sponsor deems. If Contestant is a Selected Contestant (i.e., Grand Prize Winner, Honorable Mention, or Runner-up), instead of the license described above, Contest grants to Sponsor an exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, transferable, sublicensable, and royalty free license to Sponsor to use, modify, reproduce, prepare derivative works of, distribute, perform, and display the Submission in any and all media throughout the world and for whatever purpose Sponsor deems. Should any Contestant be unwilling or otherwise unable to enter into this license, or provide permissions and or releases, or otherwise cannot accept or receive the prize for any reason, Contestant with the next highest score will be chosen from the remaining entries until one who is able to meet all requirements can be selected. Potential prize winner must provide Sponsor with all signatures on required paperwork and return all documents in a timely manner as required pursuant to these Official Rules in order to be eligible to receive the prize. Contestants may not sell, assign or transfer any of their rights in their Submissions under these Official Rules.</p>\n\t</li>\n</ol>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>CONTESTANTS WILL NOT BE SPECIFICALLY PAID FOR THEIR SUBMISSIONS</strong> or for granting Sponsor any of these rights. </p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">While Sponsor will seek to post the Submission in the form as provided at the time of entry, all Contestants agree that due to technical limitations and internal standards, Submissions may be altered from their original form and that Sponsor reserves the right to modify the Submission in its sole discretion, including adding its logo or other trademarks. Sponsor may post Submissions in any order or sequence, with or without commentary, and may select an image to serve as a thumbnail in its sole discretion.</p>\n\n<ol start=\"7\">\n\t<li dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>PRIZE:</strong></p>\n\t</li>\n</ol>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>One (1) Grand Prize:</strong> If eligible under these Official Rules, prize includes:</p>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Alienware Aurora with Tobii Eye Tracker 4C (ARV $4,399)</li>\n\t<li>Atomos Ninja Flame (ARV $800)</li>\n\t<li>G-Technology Atomos Master Caddy HD (1TB) (ARV $84)</li>\n\t<li>30-min Conference Call w/ Epic Video Team</li>\n\t<li>Fortnite Swag Bag (ARV $120)</li>\n\t<li>Alienware Swag Bag (ARV $40)</li>\n\t<li>10,000 V-Bucks (ARV $100)</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>Five (5) Finalist Prizes:</strong> If eligible under these Official Rules, prize includes:</p>\n\n<ul dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<li>Atomos Ninja Flame (ARV $800)</li>\n\t<li>Tobii Eye Tracker 4C (ARV $150)</li>\n\t<li>G-Technology Atomos Master Caddy HD (1TB) (ARV $84)</li>\n\t<li>Alienware Advanced Gaming Keyboard and Mouse (ARV $115)</li>\n\t<li>Fortnite Swag Bag (ARV $120)</li>\n\t<li>Alienware Swag Bag (ARV $40)</li>\n\t<li>5,000 V-Bucks (ARV $50)</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>Ten (10) Honorable Mentions Prizes:</strong> If eligible under these Official Rules, prize includes:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<p dir=\"ltr\">5,000 V-Bucks (ARV $50)</p>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>Seventy Four (74) Runner Up Prizes: </strong> If eligible under these Official Rules, prize includes:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<p dir=\"ltr\">2,500 V-Bucks (ARV $25)</p>\n\t</li>\n</ul>\n\n<ol start=\"8\">\n\t<li dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>CONDITIONS:</strong> Contest is subject to these Official Rules. By participating, Contestants agree: (i) to be bound by these complete Official Rules and the decisions of Sponsor which shall be final and binding; and (ii) to waive any right to claim ambiguity in the Contest or these Official Rules, except where prohibited by law. By accepting a prize, Selected Contestant agrees to release Sponsor from any and all liability, loss or damage arising from or in connection with awarding, receipt and/or use or misuse of prize or participation in any prize-related activities. Sponsor shall not be liable for: (i) telephone system, telephone, or computer hardware, software, or other technical or computer malfunctions, lost connections, disconnections, delays or transmission errors; (ii) data corruption, theft, destruction, unauthorized access to or alteration of entry or other materials; (iii) any injuries, losses or damages of any kind, including death caused by the prize or resulting from acceptance, possession, or use of a prize, or from participation in the Contest; or (iv) any printing, typographical, administrative, or technological errors in any materials associated with the Contest. Sponsor disclaims any liability for damage to any computer system resulting from participating in, or accessing or downloading information in connection with this Contest. Sponsor reserves the right to cancel or suspend the Contest, in its sole discretion, should it receive fewer than 40 entries or receive no entries that have a judged score above 60 points, or due to circumstances beyond its control, including natural disasters. Submissions will not be returned and may be destroyed, but are still subject to the license contained herein by Sponsor. Sponsor may prohibit an Entrant from participating in the Contest or winning a prize if, in its sole discretion, it determines such Entrant is attempting to undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest by cheating, hacking, deception, or any other unfair playing practices intending to annoy, abuse, threaten, undermine, or harass any other players or Sponsor representatives. The internal laws of the State of North Carolina will govern disputes regarding these Official Rules and/or this Contest.</p>\n\t</li>\n</ol>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Sponsor is not responsible and shall not be held liable, and your entry may be disqualified and may not be considered for any Prize, should your Submission be removed from any third-party photo hosting site for any reason (including without limitation DMCA take-down). </p>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, modify, or suspend the Contest should a virus, bug, computer problem, unauthorized intervention, or other causes beyond Sponsor’s control, corrupt the administration, security or proper play of the Contest. Use of automated entry devices or programs is prohibited. Any attempts to access the site, enter the Contest or via a bot script, device, or brute-force attack will result in disqualification, including that IP address becoming ineligible for the entire Contest. Caution: any attempt to deliberately damage or undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest may be in violation of criminal and civil laws and will result in disqualification from participation in the Contest. Should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek remedies and damages (including attorneys’ fees) to the fullest extent of the law, including criminal prosecution.</p>\n\n<ol start=\"9\">\n\t<li dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>PUBLICITY:</strong> Sponsor reserves the right to use the name, likeness, and/or hometown name of any Contestant, including his/her photo, for publicity purposes prior to, during, or after the Contest end date, in any media, throughout the world, in perpetuity, but only in connection with publicizing the Contest, without any compensation or prior review unless specifically prohibited by law.</p>\n\t</li>\n\t<li dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL:</strong> Except as prohibited by applicable law and as a condition of participating in this Contest, each Contestant hereby irrevocably and perpetually waives any right s/he may have to a trial by jury in respect of any litigation directly or indirectly arising out of, under or in connection with this contest, any document or agreement entered into in connection herewith, any prize available in connection herewith, and any of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.</p>\n\t</li>\n\t<li dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>PRIVACY:</strong> All personal information collected by Sponsor will be used for administration of the Contest. In addition, Contestants may receive email correspondence from, or on behalf of Sponsor subject to Sponsor’s privacy policy. Sponsor uses reasonable commercial efforts to comply with Federal CAN-SPAM guidelines, and Contestants may subsequently opt-out of receiving further emails by following the opt-out instructions contained in the email. Any questions regarding privacy matters should be directed to the address set out below. Please refer to Sponsor’s privacy policy located at for important information regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by Sponsor.</p>\n\t</li>\n\t<li dir=\"ltr\">\n\t<p dir=\"ltr\"><strong>OFFICIAL RULES and WINNERS LIST:</strong> The winners list can be obtained through the mail by sending the request and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Replay Royale - Winners List, Epic Games, Inc., 620 Crossroads Blvd, Cary, NC 27518. Requests must be received no more than 90 days after the end of Contest.</p>\n\t</li>\n</ol>\n\n<p dir=\"ltr\">© 2018 Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved. </p>\n<br />\n ",
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