
FoE RPG G0 - #041 Salvage Farm: Invasion

Dec 28th, 2013
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  1. [20:38]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #41 starts now
  2. [20:38]<SpiritOfFate> =========================================
  3. [20:46]<SpiritOfFate> The rain falls over the zebra village. The morning hours approach. Tamara goes over her grouup,checking their weapons. A grumpy group of griffin prepares to lose their job in the most drastic way. And in the center of it all, a group who changed so much in so little
  4. [20:46]? FireFly snoozes. Fillies need their sleep, and she doesn't have much to do in the mean time.
  5. [20:47]? Royal_Lace looks over her spell book, the rest of be belongings packed.
  6. [20:48]? Sotho finds a rag and polishes his Ceastus, a gift from the zebras that he wants to take care of
  7. [20:48]? Hawkeye hangs grenades on the front of her armor, loads her magazines, and waits for the others. The sniper has a grin on her face, as if anticipating, and enjoying, the upcoming explosive violence.
  8. [20:49]? Wintergreen has been awake for a while now, but doesn't have the heart to disturb Firefly. Instead, she watches the rainfall, waiting for the filly to wake.
  9. [20:50]? Sotho moves after putting on his weapon, looking to Hawkeye. "You seem rather excited." He mentions, waiting the rest of the group to ready up before leaving.
  10. [20:51]? Royal_Lace Closes her book and slides into her bags with a sigh before looking to Hawkeye, "So, do you have enough explosives? I think im ready"
  11. [20:51]? Ignis is sorta complacent towards the moonsoon, it was late or early yet?
  12. [20:52]<SpiritOfFate> Buck watches the rain fall with a smile.
  13. [20:52]? Hawkeye nods to the zebra, prancing in place. "Are y'all kidding? A chance to get some good ol' fashioned violence done against folks what deserve it?" she says. "Ah only wish Ah had more bombs. But gotta make do with what we got."
  14. [20:53]? Sotho smiles. "So then, we should go over the plan with everypony one last time." He says to the group. "We don't want any mistakes that we could have prevented."
  15. [20:53]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack is sewing some assorted pieces of hide.
  16. [20:55]? Royal_Lace Lace dosent look to thrilled but nods, "Yes, one more time. To be sure we know our parts"
  17. [20:55]? Ignis holds his paw by the wall, eyeing out the storm develop throught the window. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but...isn't that a bit...brazen?" He says in a serious tone. "If you'll excuse the unintended pun."
  18. [20:57]? Royal_Lace shrugs, "Who knows, but there have been enough delays as it is. Fireflys parents cant wait much longer so we move now. SO, the plan"
  19. [20:58]? Sotho nods, not exactly knowing the full details, he would admit if asked, but he didn't want to be the one to start to try and explain the plan
  20. [20:58]? Royal_Lace "As I remember I will be teleporting a transformed me and Hawkeye into the compound to search out the control center for the machines, place some of her explosives and then blow it, signaling the attack"
  21. [20:58]<Hawkeye> "It's just crazy enough that they ain't gonna expect it, Ignis," Hawkeye says. "And we ain't got a pile of time. Firefly's folks is in danger, and that pushes our timetable up to NOW. We ready?" She turns to Royal_Lace. "You an' me goin' in first to cause some havoc, then the others leadin' the assault, right?"
  22. [20:59]? Royal_Lace nods, "As I summized, yes"
  23. [20:59]? FireFly murmurs as she hears her name repeated, slowly waking up.
  24. [21:00]? Wintergreen pets Firefly's mane, smiling lightly. "Time to go soon, Firefly."
  25. [21:00]? Ignis deadpans at Hawkeye. "Crazy or not...lets hope it does work..." He draws a heavily sigh. "I can't trust those things if they aren't fundamented in solid forethought...anyways, tell us about it..."
  26. [21:01]? FireFly yawns and stretches, slowly climbing to her hooves. "Ok." The filly starts do a few small exercises, warming up.
  27. [21:01]<Sotho> "So then, at the explosion, we rush in and try to take as many guards as we can? Freeing slaves along the way."
  28. [21:01]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara approaches the group. "We have few hours until the sunrise."
  29. [21:02]? Royal_Lace nods, "Yes, I belive that is the jist of the plan"
  30. [21:02]? Hawkeye nods to Tamara. "Then we'd better get going," she says. "You ready to take the next step in savin' yer folks, FireFly?"
  31. [21:03]? Sotho smiles happily and nods. "I am ready to leave now then."
  32. [21:03]? Royal_Lace stands and dusts off her travling cloke, "Ready as I will ever be"
  33. [21:03]? Wintergreen nods. "I'm ready as well."
  34. [21:04]? FireFly nods to Hawkeye as she does wing-ups. "Yup! Gonna beat up the bad griffins and free everyone!"
  35. [21:11]? Hawkeye nods and stands next to Tamara. "Then let's get."
  36. [21:12]? Sotho nods, moving behind the Donkey
  37. [21:13]? Royal_Lace falls in line, troding along with the group of freedom fighters.
  38. [21:13]? Wintergreen quickly gathers up her supplies and begins to follow.
  39. [21:13]? FireFly gently lands on Wintergreen's back and puts on the wingblades before taking to the air, slipping on her boxing socks and brass shoes.
  40. [21:14]? Ignis blinks and follows them. "I hope all your excitement doesn't detract you all from noticing that its raining..."
  41. [21:15]? Royal_Lace magics her cloaks hood up
  42. [21:15]? Sotho blinks, confused. "what's wrong with the rain?" He asks
  43. [21:17]? Hawkeye looks up and the rain trickles down her face. "Muh pap always used to say that th'rain was angels cryin'," she says quietly. "Hopin' they ain't cryin fer us today..."
  44. [21:17]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara calls to the troops. "It's time to bring down the meatgrinder that takes all that is good from so many of us. Resistance, let's get us a victory today!" She marches into the forest, and the others move along with her
  45. [21:17]<Ignis> "It will be all muddy, and...much against their namesake, the mudponies probably aren't all that proficient on treading with such an unreliable climate...of course it could do hamper eletronic signatures of all the machinery on the landfill...well, anyways, its something to keep in mind."
  46. [21:18]? Sotho nods a bit as he trots. "Let us hope the terrian isn't muddy. Sometimes the ground can be too tough to become deep mud."
  47. [21:19]? FireFly giggles at Ignis. "Mhm. Its raining... and you know what that means... cloud cannons!"
  48. [21:19]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack gallops after the group when she sees it moving. She trots to Royal_Lace's side, but stays silent.
  49. [21:20]? Hawkeye trudges along with the mudponies, her earlier grin replaced by a look of determination. At least Royal Lace wasn't going to stop her this time. The sniper owed it to her friends to use her talents properly, for once. And to keep Knack's dad safe, until it was decided what to do with him... her thoughts are less than chipper as she treads her way toward possible violent dismemberment.
  50. [21:20]? Royal_Lace glances at Knick Nack, glad to see she is willing to stand this close by her again after there last talk she gives the mare a soft smile.
  51. [21:20]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara grins at Sotho. "Mud is our friend."
  52. [21:21]? Ignis nods. "If you can keep up there with all this wind, maybe..." The dragon clamped his piehole and walked along...the dragon would stand once again upon that ground, it was a shot at payback, and he just had his mind on getting some...
  53. [21:21]? Sotho gives a small grin and looks to Ignis. "Mud is our friend." He repeats.
  54. [21:21]<SpiritOfFate> Buck trots among the front lines, vengeance glowing in his eyes.
  55. [21:22]? Ignis pffts. "Is it there something that you zebras DON'T befriend with?" He chuckles
  56. [21:22]? Sotho smirks. "I am a special zebra, most zebras won't give ponies the time of day... if we knew it."
  57. [21:23]? Wintergreen sighs, trudging along. Though the others seem in high spirits, hers are rather low... Thinking about the potential death and those that she'll need to patch up does get tiring, after all.
  58. [21:23]? Royal_Lace face also looks dour.
  59. [21:26]? Royal_Lace looks up to Hawkeye, "So... which would you prefer being. Mouse, Squirel, or Weasle? I think I could manage something ells if you can think of anything ells you would prefere"
  60. [21:27]? Hawkeye looks at Royal_Lace like she has grown another head. Or worse, as that actually sometimes actually happens. "Say what?" the sniper says. "Ah don't wanna be no small animal of any kind!"
  61. [21:28]? Royal_Lace snickers, "Oh, becouse we will be so much more inconspiculous trying to do this in our normal form. THink about it, two small creatures can move through walls and past defenses without raising a single alarm. Its how I moved about so freely before in my earlier... escipades"
  62. [21:29]? Hawkeye frowns. "Then how the hay am Ah supposed t'carry all these explosives if Ah ain't hardly bigger than one of 'em?" she asks. "Ah know that works fer you, sweetheart, but Ah'm used to gettin' about unseen too, y'know..."
  63. [21:29]<Hawkeye> "WITHOUT magic," she adds pointedly.
  64. [21:31]? Royal_Lace frowns, "Well pardon me for offering my experaince. I have crawled about that place like it was my personal playground more than anypony. Also Magic is the answer of course to your silly question, I turn the explosives into pebbles, once we find what we are looking for we change back and get this over with"
  65. [21:31]? FireFly nods to Hawkeye and Royal_Lace. "Well... what if they had a distraction? Say, Lightning hitting somewhere and starting a fire?"
  66. [21:32]? Ignis widens his eyes. " expect her to swallow a load of C4 for a while...and be alright with it?"
  67. [21:32]? Royal_Lace frowns, "I dont like that idea so much"
  68. [21:32]? Royal_Lace frowns more at Ignis, "Fine fine, we go in and just hope everypony is on a smoke break". She humps indignantly
  69. [21:33]? Ignis nods sheepishly. "Too much potential for collateral damage, we're trying to not harm the others"
  70. [21:33]? Hawkeye snorts. "All right, all right, don't get yer knickers in a knot," the sniper says. "Ah ain't knockin' the practicality of the plan or your skills, Lace. Ah know y'all have done a world of good this way already. Just... won't they be expectin' that now?" she says. "If y'all pulled Knick Knack out that way, they're gonna be looking fer critters... and Ignis is right, ah ain't too keen on...
  71. [21:33]? Hawkeye ...holdin' explosives in muh mouth." She looks back at FireFly . "But Ah will if Ah have to..."
  72. [21:34]? Royal_Lace looks downcast, "That would be reasonable if they had ever seen me demonstarte my abilities, at most I beilve they know of my teleportation"
  73. [21:35]? Ignis raises his claw. "Don't they have a train they use to bring in stuff and personel? we could use it to gain access somehow..."
  74. [21:36]? Hawkeye pats Royal_Lace on the shoulder. "Plus, we might need y'all to magic us out if somethin' goes wrong," she adds. "Don't get me wrong, Ah do appreciate havin' magical friends, but the less conspicuous we are, the better chance we have of gettin' caught. Ah'll be a chimpunk if Ah have to, but don't expect me t'like it."
  75. [21:36]? Royal_Lace offers a small smile of appreciation.
  76. [21:37]? Sotho thinks for a moment and then looks to Hawkeye. "This was what the plan was built around on Lace's part. I suggest we go with it, she's probably thought of many issues with other plans.
  77. [21:37]? Ignis shrugs. "Go in as a package of scrap or something subtle of the such..."
  78. [21:38]? FireFly nods. "And, if that plan fails, we can always make a big explosion. The furnace might work... what do you think, Ignis?"
  79. [21:38]? Hawkeye takes a deep breath, and lets it out in a looooong drawn-out sigh. "Yeah, she's got more experience breakin' out of places like this. Me, Ah just hurt ponies an' break things." She shoulders her weaponry. "Let's do it your way, Lace. Y'all just owe me a drink afterward."
  80. [21:38]? Royal_Lace nods, "I find that agreeable, also I should tell you its actually not at all unpleasant being transformed"
  81. [21:39]? Ignis shrugs. "I thought about that...but...if my thoughts are correct, the scrapyard might just be the core of their forces...with all that scrap lying around and the obsessed griffin into the landfill overseeing it..."
  82. [21:39]? Hawkeye whickers. "Brahmin piles. Ah'll believe it when Ah feel it," she grumps.
  83. [21:39]<Ignis> "MY scrap...on that crafty, evil claws..."
  84. [21:41]<SpiritOfFate> ---
  85. [21:49]<SpiritOfFate> The last hour of darkness hides the group behind trees and leaves. Spotlights illuminate the shape of strange spritebots circling the walls, while the griffin patrol from above. Some of them just relax during the dark hours. Others are more worried about movement within the walls. Tamara holds her autoaxe, looking at the group
  86. [21:53]? Royal_Lace brushies a bit of her still long mane out of her chipmonk face as she glances as Chipmonk Hawkeye with a small critter giggle.
  87. [21:53]? FireFly holds back the urge to squeal in delight at the cuteness of the chipmunks. Its soooo hard!
  88. [21:54]? Sotho gives a small smiles to the chipmonk companions, and normally he'd tease Hawkeye by calling her adorable, but right now we need to be serious
  89. [21:54]<Royal_Lace> back
  90. [21:54]<Royal_Lace> what did I miss?
  91. [21:55]? Hawkeye is the grumpiest-possible-looking chipmunk in the history of chipmunks, and chitters at Sotho angrily before pointing toward the compound and scampering that direction.
  92. [21:55]? Ignis stifles himself from laughing and dennouncing their position.
  93. [21:56]? Royal_Lace had planned on teleporting but honestly this saves her strain and follows close behind.
  94. [21:56]? Sotho does pretty much the same as Ignis.
  95. [21:56]? Wintergreen smiles. She'll need to tease Hawkeye about this later...
  96. [22:03]? Royal_Lace skitters ahead and leads the way into the Scrapyard, returning one last time to where all of this started.
  97. [22:04]? Hawkeye follows along, keeping her one little beady black eye looking out for trouble. But they scamper past the spritebots with no trouble... maybe despite the fuzz, this is a good plan after all!
  98. [22:05]? Royal_Lace climbs up and through the furnaces she scoped out just a week ago as a possible escape rout, how ironic it is now her method back inside.
  99. [22:10]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye takes her first close glimpse from within the landfill. Her hollow eye sees countless wandering souls. Slaves, bound to their work even after death, trying to cut metal and disassemble scrap they can't touch anymore.
  100. [22:11]? Hawkeye sniffs and wiggles her tiny nose. That's... wow, that's very sad, but there's nothing she can do about it, and begins looking around for the turrets and what they might be connected to instead.
  101. [22:13]<SpiritOfFate> She sees the brick walls of the scrapyard, a single turret standing from the western side of it. The cable seems to run down the wall on the other side.
  102. [22:14]<SpiritOfFate> Royal Lace sees the faint ghost moving through the scrapyard, which is much emptier than the last time she has been here
  103. [22:14]? Hawkeye taps Royal_Lace on the shoulder and points a tiny paw at the turret. She looks at the paw and winces, then scampers off that direction. Perhaps paws will improve her climbing skill, as that cable looks fairly climbable...
  104. [22:15]? Royal_Lace follows Hawkeye
  105. [22:18]<SpiritOfFate> From above you get full view of the wall and their 5 turrets. Their cables actually split, part of them going to the factory, and another to the garage
  106. [22:19]? Royal_Lace points at both paths then shrugs dramatically to Hawkeye to indicate she dosent know which to follow.
  107. [22:20]? Hawkeye frowns a furry frown as she sits on the base of the turret, one paw on her chin. After a moment, she points at the garage. That's probably where the cyber griffon is, controlling everything like an evil mastermind. Hawkeye-chipmunk scampers down the cable, toward the garage.
  108. [22:20]? Royal_Lace follows after Hawkeye, glancing over her shoulder at the other location wondering if they made the right choice.
  109. [22:24]<SpiritOfFate> Along the way, Hawkeye notices the larges red eye of an animal hiding underneath piles of garbage.
  110. [22:24]? Hawkeye nudges Royal_Lace and points again, then takes off at double pace. She does NOT want to be a snack before she gets to blow anything up!
  111. [22:25]? Royal_Lace Flees with haste!
  112. [22:28]<SpiritOfFate> The cable goes into the garage, which is now outfitted with a number of screens and a maneframe. You see the griffon. Half of his skull, one eye and a claw are completely metallic. He mumbles calculations , leaning over a set of blueprints.
  113. [22:30]? Royal_Lace blinks as she enteres teh garage and points to the screens.
  114. [22:30]? Hawkeye nods vigorously, and mimes pulling the pin of a grenade and tossing it at the computer. Then she stops and nudges Lace again. Not being able to communicated is a bummer.
  115. [22:31]? Royal_Lace nods, time to get big fast. She just hoped they could manage this quick enough. Leaning forward she focuses her will and lets the magic dispitate in a flash, reverting them back into there natural form.
  116. [22:33]<SpiritOfFate> The screens cycle between the view of the turrets outside, one inside the main house, and data about deactivated devices
  117. [22:38]? Royal_Lace watches the being she had seen once before from the shadows.
  118. [22:44]<SpiritOfFate> His plumage is white and pale blue. He seems to be around his forties. He draws over the schematics of another griffbot.
  119. [22:45]? Royal_Lace pouts at the high probablility of such knowelge that could help being lost in short notice. Of course the griff had made his decision long ago for how he would put his talents to use, so there was that... but still, what a waste.
  120. [22:46]? Hawkeye crouches down behind the griffon, nodding softly. "Mhmmm," she barely breathes. Fortunately, that ocular hardware the griffon is wearing isn't on his torso. And a torso is a good spot for grenades... Hawkeye retrieves some of her explosive arsenal, specifically a pair of Plasma grenades and the shiny blue antimatrix grenade. The griffon is so absorbed in his work, she can get away with...
  121. [22:46]? Hawkeye ...murder. And will. The demo-pony sneaks up behind the griffon...
  122. [22:47]<SpiritOfFate> The griffon yawns.
  123. [22:48]? Hawkeye quickly drops the pair of plasma grenades, sans pins, into the griffon's outfit, and stuffs the antimatrix grenade in his open beak. "Howdy," she says as she pulls the pin and whips around to make a dash for cover.
  124. [22:49]? Royal_Lace takes cover and closes her eyes
  125. [22:49]? Royal_Lace "Eeep!"
  126. [22:49]<SpiritOfFate> The griffon squawks and-
  127. [22:56]<SpiritOfFate> THE GRIFFON'S COAT AND PLUMAGE IS SHREDDED BY BURNING PLASMA. Exposing metal within his upper torso, but burning deep into his hindpaws and wings. The arcane energy blasts over his face, knocking him out.
  128. [22:57]? Royal_Lace cowers under her hooves at the rattling of such deadly force!
  129. [22:57]<SpiritOfFate> The griffon bleeds over the charred blueprits, maimed but still having a shallow breath.
  130. [22:58]? Hawkeye rolls up from her cover, digging out the brick of C4. "WhooooEEEE!" she crows, her hat a little singed from the plasma. "Now let's blow this sucker up and git before them griffons come after us," she says, then looks at the griffon. "Oh, and git me his eye, would y'all please?"
  131. [22:59]? Royal_Lace stands and rushes over, checking the Griff for a pulse and looking to see if the terminals are still functioning. "Not sure how easy it will be, he still seems alive even after that. What is he made out of? Im supprised you didnt bring the garage down on top of us!"
  132. [22:59]? Royal_Lace Slides the blueprints out from under the bleeding griff, waste not want not
  133. [23:00]? Hawkeye rolls her eye. "Just pull it out," she says. "He'll be dead in a minute anyway one Ah set this C4." She places the plasique putty on the backside of the terminal bank and inserts the radio detonator.
  134. [23:02]? Royal_Lace frowns, "So much good he could have done with that mind of his. I mean just look at this, he must have been a genious. Shame really". Lace tears up a bit as she inspects the eye socket.
  135. [23:03]<SpiritOfFate> All screens are still functioning perfectly. In fact, they seem to be working better than before for some reason. Strange anti matrix effects
  136. [23:04]<Hawkeye> "Yep. And this here's what y'all get in the end for bein' bad folk," Hawkeye says, holding the detonator in her tail. "C'mon, Lace. Hurry up. We don't got all day and Ah want that eye. Actually, fergit it. You see if y'cain't mess with the turrets, AH'll get the eye." She rolls the griffon over and gets out her knife.
  137. [23:05]? Royal_Lace blinks as she looks at the screen, "Hold up, they are still functioning. Give me a second". Lace starts to pound away at the keyboard with her tk.
  138. [23:05]<SpiritOfFate> The eye is unlit now, deactivated.
  139. [23:06]? Royal_Lace sweats as she works to gain access, "I think... I can... with a little luck..."
  140. [23:07]<SpiritOfFate> One screen shows movement within the landfill. Two griffin guards are moving to you.
  141. [23:08]? Royal_Lace blinks, "We have company"
  142. [23:08]<SpiritOfFate> Royal Lace gains acess to the turret system. She can deactivate them or reconfigure the targeting system,but it seems it would take time.
  143. [23:09]<SpiritOfFate> There are other system options she still didn't explore as well
  144. [23:09]<Hawkeye> "Well, gimme a sec," Hawkeye says, brutally stabbing the knife into the griffon's eye socket, right above the cybernetics. "Can y'all lock the door and keep the maniacs at bay?"
  145. [23:10]? Royal_Lace Grins as she leans over the Keyboard, cracking her neck. "Ok, im in. can you buy me some time? Maybe put your firecrack to use outside? we still need to signle the others. But if I can get this working I can bring the whole thing under our controle"
  146. [23:10]? Royal_Lace types in a few more keys, "Now what about those robots?"
  147. [23:10]? Hawkeye grits her teeth as blood spatters her. "Uh. Got it loose. We can just pick it up on the way out." She moves over to the door and attempts to lock and/or jam it closed.
  148. [23:13]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye can lock the door, there is a workbench close as well
  149. [23:14]? Royal_Lace groans as she works, "whe should have grabbed a radio, or a flare gun".
  150. [23:15]<SpiritOfFate> The door handle moves. The griffin knock on the door. "What is happening there?!"
  151. [23:16]? Hawkeye chuckles. "No worries. Ah brought more explosions for signals an' mayhem," she says. She opens the door to the griffon. "Howdy," she says again, dropping a frag grenade, sans pin, and slamming the door closed and locked again.
  152. [23:16]<SpiritOfFate> Lace gets the options to activate and deactivate the spritebots and the griffbots. There is another kind of robot she can't access
  153. [23:16]? Royal_Lace blinks, "Whats this?"
  154. [23:16]? Royal_Lace shakes her head, "first things first"
  155. [23:17]<SpiritOfFate> "Oh f-" The grenade blasts the griffons away.
  156. [23:18]<SpiritOfFate> The group hidden under the trees can hear the explosions and notices movement from the griffin on the wall]
  157. [23:19]? Royal_Lace turns her head excitedly, "Ok, primary defenses are down! There is something ells here I wasnt seeing before that I dont have a hold of yet but once I do I should be able to start getting things back up and running for us!"
  158. [23:19]? Royal_Lace deactivates Turrets, Griffin bots, and Sprite Bots
  159. [23:20]<SpiritOfFate> The group sees the spritebots falling and the turrets withdrawing into pods.
  160. [23:20]? Hawkeye chuckles, forgetting for the moment that her face and chest are soaked in the cyber griffon's blood, and goes back to carving the cybernetic eye out. "If y'all can get them on our side, this becomes one hay of a lot easier," the sniper notes.
  161. [23:21]? Royal_Lace sticks her tongue out slightly as she works on the machines, "on it!"
  162. [23:22]<Hawkeye> Leaving Lace and I locked in the control bunker, ready to teleport out and blow it if something goes wrong. Now the others can charge in and kick ass!
  163. [23:23]<SpiritOfFate> "They did it!" Tamara laughs. "Time to open a hole on this wall!" She starts her auto-axe. "Cover me."
  164. [23:24]? Sotho nods as he gets up and starts to moves, his inner warrior screaming out. "FOR FREEDOM!" He yealls loudly, chargning out
  165. [23:25]? Wintergreen follows in the back, not yet drawing her weapon. For now, she watches over her friends, making sure none of them get hurt. And if they do, she's ready to patch them up!
  166. [23:28]? Ignis whistles and follows in a casual manner. "Y'all ponies are batshit crazy, might as well hang a sign on your necks saying RAID or something..." He smirks slyly.
  167. [23:30]? FireFly slides the mask down on her face, putting the hood up. She looks at the clouds and then back at the compound. Go after the griffins directly, or zap them...
  168. [23:30]<Hawkeye> You have stormclouds, but you're dangerous too... a dilemma
  169. [23:35]? Sotho decides to cover Tamara with his body, ready to soak up damage
  170. [23:36]? FireFly darts up through the forest canopy and into the clouds, preparing a bucked bolt to the first thing that tries to attack her friends.
  171. [23:37]? Royal_Lace starts looking for access to that last unkown bot type
  172. [23:41]<SpiritOfFate> Royal Lace just finds another griffbot. Unarmed, underarmored and 15 feet tall, charging inside the factory.
  173. [23:41]? Royal_Lace blinks, "Better try and turn that one off"
  174. [23:44]<SpiritOfFate> The giant griffbot is deactivated
  175. [23:50]? Ignis raises his revolvers to provide covering was time for offensive, so...he wastes little time on introducing himself to the nearest griffin at the tower, so be it.
  176. [00:00]<SpiritOfFate> The griffon staggers, pointing his gun at the trees. Same as the other one. They fire at the group at the same time Tamara leads the charge to the wall.
  177. [00:00]<SpiritOfFate> (behind Sotho)
  178. [00:07]<FireFly> As the griffin points his gun toward the trees, a bolt of lightning descends from the clouds and strikes into him. Storm's coming...
  179. [00:07]<SpiritOfFate> Sotho meets the eye of one of the griffin pointing directly at him, but a lightning from FireFly zaps him out of the tower. The salve from another griffon manages to hit one of the mudponies in the crowd
  180. [00:10]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara hacks an opening into the scrap metal wall
  181. [00:14]? Sotho mutters some things as he summons Revolt, hoping the spirit will aid them in this sure to be bloody battle
  182. [00:15]<SpiritOfFate> The fire spirit raises from the ground, facing Sotho
  183. [00:17]? Sotho smiles at him. "This battle will be filled with rage and blood, something I'm sure you'll accept as an offering if you aid us."
  184. [00:18]<SpiritOfFate> Revolt grins.
  185. [00:20]<Hawkeye> As Royal_Lace works on the computer, Hawkeye shores up their position with locks, benches, other objects handy to block the doors with. Barring high explosives, nopony or griffon is getting in here without giving the two ponies plenty of warning to evacuate.
  186. [00:21]? Royal_Lace keeps working on the systems, "There whole defensive grid is now offline, time to start bringing it around to our side. Should heat things up outside if I can manage it"
  187. [00:22]<Hawkeye> "More firepower on our side sounds like a right good idea," Hawkeye grunts, shoving the bench in front of the last door before sitting down and looking at the griffon'
  188. [00:22]? Royal_Lace "They wont see this coming"
  189. [00:23]<Hawkeye> 's bloodied corpse
  190. [00:26]? Wintergreen turns towards the crowd of mudponies, dashing through it to find the one that was shot. Eyes darting in the crowd, she finally finds an injured pony. Wintergreen is quick to bring out a healing potion, looking over his wounds...
  191. [00:29]<SpiritOfFate> The wounds are bleeding badly, but you arrive in time to help
  192. [00:30]? Wintergreen nudges the stallion, bidding him to tilt up his head. As he does, she follows through with gently pooring the potion, allowing it to ease into his system.
  193. [00:33]<SpiritOfFate> The stallion's wounds regenerate and he looks grateful to Wintergreen.
  194. [00:36]? Sotho moves to Tamara. "Move for one moment." He says, stopping her auto axe and attempting to punch the half made hole with fire HOOVES
  195. [00:38]<SpiritOfFate> The wall bends inwards enough that ponies can squeeze through
  196. [00:47]<SpiritOfFate> The griffon on the tower is struck by Firefly's lightning and a deep gash opens on his now limp talon
  197. [00:48]<FireFly> Another bolt of lightning comes crashing down into the next griffin in the tower and then, Batmare covered in Lightning descends and strikes twice with her wingblades against the griffin's left arm. "Leave this place, and never return!" And then, the Batmare vanishes.
  198. [00:50]<SpiritOfFate> Royal_Lace reactivates the turrets, turning them against the griffin.
  199. [00:54]? Ignis dashes forward! "TO ARRRRMMMMMSSSS!!!" He roars, crashing into the compound and gaining ground inside the ol' familiar slaver structure, this is it.
  200. [01:06]? Ignis sprints forward towards the nearest structure, the gunfire roaring across the compound, the regiggered turreds indicating that the siege was time for payback.
  201. [01:16]<SpiritOfFate> The door withstands Ignis charge, keeping him exposed on the outside
  202. [01:21]<SpiritOfFate> A griffon flies by and drops a grenade on the group, but is caught in a salve of gunfire and arrows, getting his wings mangled. He lands with a crash, followed by a blast in the crowd.
  203. [01:23]? Sotho cries out in pain from the grenade blast but he seems alright
  204. [01:24]? Wintergreen yelps, shrapnel flying into her metal-cast armor. She winces, but stands firm, most of the blast absorbed.
  205. [01:25]<SpiritOfFate> "No!" Knick Knack yells, galloping out of the woods.
  206. [01:27]<SpiritOfFate> Jamal flies with his LMG along with his companions, supporting with suppression fire over the walls.
  207. [01:30]? Hawkeye finishes carving the cybernetic eye from the griffon's head and stands up, wiping her grisly hooves on the grif's shredded clothes. "Say, can y'all turn one of those griffbots back on and put it under muh control?" she asks Royal Lace. "Ah feel kinda stupid sittin' in here and not bein' able to provide cover fire...
  208. [01:39]? Wintergreen moves to the next-closest injured, another potion being moved from her saddlebags to her hooves. Once she reaches the mudpony, she begins her initial inspection, checking whether the potion should be ingested, or applied to a specific region...
  209. [01:43]<SpiritOfFate> The mudpony suffered from excessive shrapnel to the flank and a broken leg.
  210. [01:46]? Wintergreen grimaces. She nods to the stallion, pulling out bandages to at least stem off the bleeding. "Fall back... I'm not going to be able to remove that shrapnel here, and healing it'll only make it worse."
  211. [01:49]<SpiritOfFate> The stallion nods, wincing, hobbling back to the trees
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