
ryan kudo x rumor

Nov 29th, 2019
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  1. [21:13] Ryan Kudo: Hey saw the ad and profile. Would love to get something going with you. Perhaps a nasty little tweet about Ryan beating people up makes him nearly lose his spot on the karate club and cost the club/team a shot at nationals while schoolboard did an investigation only to find out it was self-defense. I think Ryan would definitely have words with Hana before fitting her into a hard mating-press and pounding her senseless. Does that interest you at all?
  2. [21:20] Rumor: Absolutely! Even better if his knowledge of her identity stemmed from the fact that he was defending her and she started recording, claiming she'd be submitting it to get the other guy in trouble or something like that. Hard to think about how painfully obvious you're being when you're thinking about how many plays it'll get and all that.
  3. [21:31] Ryan Kudo: (Sorry got caught up in a video)
  5. I love it!
  6. [21:32] Ryan Kudo: The betrayal makes it all the more better
  7. [21:36] Ryan Kudo: So how do we want him to catch her? Should it be during school or after school as she is gaining material. Also fine with him catching her outside school like during a trip to the mall or while at a park. She might think he would try something so public but he easily drags her off somewhere out o line of sight. Even better if she knows she can scream but holds it back because she's enjoying the 'punishment.'
  8. [21:44] Rumor: Ooh, outside of school sounds really nice; becoming paranoid and refusing to travel for more "scoops" without a bunch of people around (but no friend group because... you know) is spot-on. Perhaps an outdoor mall where he's got plenty of little crevices and alleys to pull her into?
  9. [21:52] Ryan Kudo: That works. Should he just take her or lure her? I'm thinking he takes her camera or her phone and she goes after him for an easy lure.
  10. [21:52] Ryan Kudo: I'm also fine with him just grabbing or scooping her tiny ass up.
  11. [21:56] Rumor: Yeah, probably a little bit of both just for the sake of passerby appearances. Snatch the phone, tire her awful stamina out with a short chase, and snatch her right up when she gets disoriented and/or runs out of steam right in front of where he wants her. Anyone who saw her running would just figure they're just friends messing around.
  12. [22:01] Ryan Kudo: Alright that's cool.
  13. [22:07] Ryan Kudo: Anything else we should add in? Perhaps certain kinks. I know I definitely want cum inflation. Not only is she fucked good and hard but when he takes a picture after, I love for her to have a bloated belly of cum as it continues to ooze out of her pussy. Talk about a picture worth a thousand words.
  14. [22:17] Rumor: For sure, impregnation to go along with that (or at least a teensy bit of extra focus on the fact that she's getting knocked up) would be really nice! I'm also partial to marks being left - hickeys, bruises, scratches, anything that'll be stinging and inviting questions for a little while after. And maybe a little clothing ruination, particularly underwear/shirt ripping. A little hard to get back home with any dignity when you've gotta do it with a whole lot of warm cum dribbling between her thighs and a few tatters of cloth left behind at the scene.
  15. [22:25] Ryan Kudo: Fine withe me.
  16. [22:27] Ryan Kudo: So shall I start us off or do you want to?
  17. [22:28] Rumor: I can!
  18. [22:49] Rumor: Bzzzzt. Another push notification, another strongly-worded DM disparaging her and threatening death. Boring. Swipe left. Clear. Survey the surrounding area and check your dashboard really quickly before returning your phone to your side and waiting for ste pone. Rinse and repeat ad nauseum for hours and you've got yourself the routine of one Hana Satou, whose free-hanging greasy black hair and downturned expression made her just slightly resemble a certain horror movie antagonist. The hem of her pale gray sweater practically hung down over her knees, concealing any part of her board-flat body between the boundaries of her neck and lower thighs. Black leggings and a pair of Mary Janes covered the rest, and the collar of a deep gray dress shirt poked out over the sharp v-neck of the outer layer. Anyone looking to do her harm would have to move through two barriers: multiple thick layers of clothing, and the far more effective oppression of society's gaze.
  19. Lacking money and any interest in buying new clothes, she wasn't here to window shop for anything in the numerous outlet stores closing in, but for nice, juicy rumors... and the illusion of being part of a pack. The obnoxious tittering hens in front of her didn't know they had a sixth member, trailing behind at a secure distance and cursing them when they dipped into another store. Surely nothing could go wrong, even if she was secretly pacing behind with her phone held up in a one-handed vertical recording position, amber eyes perceiving the world before her through the lens of a cracked last-gen smartphone in hopes that something incriminating would slip, nobody would dare try anything funny. Not even the guy who'd been weighing on her conscience for the last few weeks after... well. She'd taken to calling it the only incident that could get her to take an interest in martial arts.
  20. [23:10] Ryan Kudo cocks his hand back and slams a fist into the target machine. The machine lights up and a prompt that reads. 'New High Score'. There's a cheer from his friends and they pat him on the back. Its a good moment that lets him briefly forget how much he let them last week. There's were his buddies on the Karate club. He was suppose to lead them to nationals as their ace but didn't get the chance. After an incident where he was caught fighting another student he was put on academic probation which barred club activities. He was almost thrown off the team. By the time he was allowed back, the team had lost in the quarter-finals. Worst part was he was innocent. He came to help out only to get sold out by the person he came to help. His frustration bubbles over and he gives another punch to the machine which ends registering even higher. What he would give for a chance at that brat!?
  22. Apparently the gods are on his side as he looks out the doorway in time to catch sight of the brat in question going by. "Hey guys, I'll catch up with y'all tomorrow." He says before immediately bolting out the door with his bag. Once outside its easy to see his outfit. A simple white tanktop with a green hoodie over his shoulders, its unzip and flowing off him. Light blue jeans and a pair of sneaker take long strides to catch up. It wasn't a trick of his eyes, it really was that brat. He slows down as he gets closer to not immediately get noticed until she was within arm's reach. Once she is he doesn't hold back and grabs a handfull of the back of her layers. "Come here ya little demon!" he says as he gives her a yank towards him separating her from the pack she was following. he makes sure to plant her right on her butt to before walking around to her front. He glares down at her with a menacing smile. "Remember me?"
  23. [23:21] Ryan Kudo: (Feel free to post your reply. I have to take care of load of laundry. I'll be back in a bit)
  24. [23:36] Ryan Kudo: (And back)
  25. [23:39] Rumor: Hyper-focused on a riveting conversation about a guy and capturing every delightfully corruptible word about how inconsiderate he was to one of the girls' needs, her reaction time was helplessly slow and it took her brain a moment to catch up with her swiftly-moving body. Shortly after she managed to force out a pitifully quiet yelp, she was hissing through her teeth at the impact of her bony behind with the unforgiving pavement and trying to process the situation. His inquiry only dimly got through to her reeling mind, her eyes fixated instead on that grim smile, wide and trembling in place, beginning to brim with water already. "A... ah... Ryan..." Awe and terror shone through in the hoarse whisper dragging itself out of her throat. "F-f-f-fancy seeing you here... I didn't think... isn't it..." Clearly, the weight of those couple hundred retweets and few hundred plays had come crashing down around her narrow shoulders and she had nothing to do but stare and speak in half-comprehensible fragments of what sounded like English, fingers and palms frozen to the ground beneath her and legs splayed out and bent at the knee before her. In the moment it seemed like it was worth it, right? She had only intended to get a little roughed up and pass some footage on to her followers, but a literal who paled in comparison to the, one thing led to another, and suddenly in lieu of a black eye she had a black shadow looming over her, ready to swallow her whole. How did she expect to get out of it when there were only three participants in the "battle?" She didn't know! She didn't care! And now she was being struck down for her hubris, delivering that fated beatdown she had avoided weeks earlier.
  27. Robbed of her stellar social skills and entering a state of panic, Hana picked up her phone and held it to her chest with one hand, then desperately began to scramble backwards with the other. The lack of traction on her Mary Janes made it a hell of an ordeal, but she kept going and going, holding the device without any idea if it was even still recording and hoping to get somewhere, anywhere besides where she was. Of course he'd still be pissed. Anyone would be. No amount of talking could erase what she'd done, so all she could do was run, and keep her eyes fixated on her predator, and hope and pray that something was watching over her... but it appeared that she had no such luck, as her visage resembled that of a startled rabbit when her shoulders finally hit the wall behind her and she realized that now, nobody would be able to see around the shadows. "D-don't... kill me... I jus--"
  28. [00:13] Ryan Kudo tries to focus his rage for a moment. Honestly his more baser instincts were just screaming beat her to pulp right now. It would be so easy too. Just look at her, so tiny and frail. She's like what 90 lbs soaking wet. No no, that would be too easy. At least she seems to have the common sense to be afraid of the situation. She looks ready to piss herself and start bawling her eyes out. In one way it softens his anger almost giving way to pity but in anther way it sharpens his rage at the girl. No longer feeling like a mighty warhammer ready to bludgeon her but now sharpen like a Japanese katanna for bold precise cutting. As she crawls back he could not help but chuckle. "Heheheh, here's a familiar situation Hana. A big guy ready to hurt you for some shit you probably deserve. If only someone could come running in ready to save the little girl from the big bad guy." There's a sharpness to the sarcasm in his tone as he takes steps forward. Of course the story is familiar. Before when this happen he was the one who ended up playing the white knight before she was assaulted. "Man wouldn't you feel sorry for the idiot ready to make that mistake? He wouldn't know he's actually wouldn't know he be running to the rescue of some filthy little goblin that will end up stabbing him the back." He throws his hands in the air out of frustration. "And for what?! A few damn views and retweets?! " his gaze drops back to her. "I was nearly expelled!" his voice harsh and gravelly. His arms tense and fists ready. The boiling anger is again brought down by a weak little plea.
  30. He gives a sigh as he facepalms. "Damn, the least you can is not look so damn pathetic, you little gossip goblin. You know you brought this on yourself!" The girl is helpless. She's not even running for her life. No throwing a punch or something wouldn't satisfy him. Especially she looks like she wouldn't even have wherewithal to even cover up let alone fight back. That's just too easy. He needs something more from her as well as away from all these eyes. That's when he notices she's still clutching her phone and that's when he gets an idea. He bends down toward her. "Alright since it would stain my soul to just pummel you as you are now. " He gives her a hard finger-pluck to the forehead to distract her and snatches her phone out of her hand. "I'll just take this. Your weapon so to speak. " he taunts her as he stands back up. If she gets up also he keeps the phone up high away from her reach. "By the way you know my chops and kicks are good enough to break baseball bats. I wonder how your phone will hold up?"
  31. [00:39] Rumor: The tongue-lashing shaved away at her confidence, knives stabbing into her psyche and twisting such that she began to feel something resembling guilt. He was right and she was wrong: it was such a simple fact that she'd taken to heart already, and hearing it from his lips only served to salt the wound. She was perfectly content to stay curled up in her little ball, desperately avoiding eye contact and trying to compress herself into an even smaller mass than she already had, bracing for a physical blow that never came... at least, until he swept in and pried her very livelihood from her tiny, clammy hands. This incensed her, drove her to push her heels into the pavement and surge up to her minuscule maximum height and go charging like a toy dog, no hesitation in her voice. "Give it back, jerk! I can't afford another one! And I'm not a goblin!" Jumping and scrabbling at his chiseled torso, Hana kept mouthing off throughout her entire struggle until she turned red in the face. "What do you know, anyway, Mr. "the whole team relies on me and I have tons of friends to hang out with"? I have good reasons to run that account! People like my account, and what I do, and... and... I don't have anything else... so... I really need..." Running short of steam and stamina, the runt tried one last lunge using his shoulder as leverage, but her fingertips fall just short and the sweat on her palms makes her lose her grip. Unbalanced and out of breath, she stumbled back and clutched her chest, wheezing for air and struggling to get her glasses to sit straight. Out of ideas, she pushed her bangs out of her eyes and regarded him with a disgruntled pout, all puffed-out cheeks and frustrated tears beading at the corners of her almond-shaped eyes.
  33. "Look, I'm sorry, sooooo..." The trailing-off of her voice and the childish slurred tone of her apology signaled its insincerity, and she kicked the ground, suddenly demure and awkward again as if her little episode had been caused by possession or a split personality. After a few moments, she stole a second of eye contact before looking away again and twisting her torso back and forth during the delivery of the final nail in the coffin of her validity. "...If you give it back now I won't scream loud enough for the whole plaza to hear..."
  34. [01:13] Ryan Kudo maneuvers around the small girl as she tries for her phone. This made him a bit more happier. It was no fun if she wasn't going to make a fight of it before he broke her down. He likes it when they can at least be a little feisty. Still is pretty easy to thwart her continuous efforts. Not to mention the way she runs off at the mouth for the moment. He understands a bit of where she's coming from and again it softens him a bit. She is by no means off the hook and she is still getting what's coming to her. Especially since he can say he took notice of her. She seems to not recognize the fact that despite her bullshit someone came to help her. Someone legitimately cared about her safety. He was even willing to walk her home that same night. She could have had a friend if she didn't choose to stab him in the back. If she didn't choose some immaterial thing like her status over someone who genuinely wanted to help her, the little bitch. So yeah he's may understand her better now but it doesn't change a thing in fact all it lets him know where to hurt her more.
  36. "First off you are a goblin. A little gossip goblin until you prove yourself better. That's what I'll call you." He gives her a hard poke with his finger again to her forehead. "And that's really what you're going to go with, 'woe is me I'm lonely but at least the internet likes me' Pfft" His tone comes off pretty callous before his face seems to soften a bit. "If all you needed was some attention, you should have said so. I could have helped with that. Hell I still can." There is a bit of glower before he sighs noticing how out of breath she is. "Man you are pathetic, my revenge isn't even feeling worth it now. You 're already out of breath just from jumping around." he says. It still was worth it but he doesn't have to let her know. Make it seem like she actually got some pity out of him. "Come on, I'll pretend to actual like you for a bit. Show you don't need a stupid account to be get some attention or actually be wanted." He gives her a smirk "Of course you can still scream, I'll break the damn phone anyways and toss it into the garbage before anyone can stop me. " He lets that sink in her head for a few moments before scooping her tiny ass up underarm and starts walking.
  37. [01:51] Rumor: A few pitiful scraps of dignity, or tens of gigs of evidence and generally her entire high school and middle school careers to this point compiled in one archive with a notoriously unreliable cloud backup? Decisions, decisions... decisions that Hana didn't have any trouble making, as by the time she'd collected herself enough to respond with something resembling pride her feet had already left the ground and most of the wind in her lungs went with them. Terrified of what might happen to her precious lifeline, she went limp in his grasp and settled for simply sputtering and craning her neck to look at him. "W-wh-wh-what? How am I supposed to 'show you'? If I had any social skills we wouldn't be doing this in the first place!" She didn't have much else to say, but kept her head aloft just to keep her glasses from sliding down the bridge of her reddening, sweat-slick nose. People's heads were turning, and it made her skin crawl, being--for all intents and purposes--on the receiving end of the same eyes she'd turned on her classmates for months. She occupied herself fidgeting and knotting her fingers together, trying to take her mind off the 'itch' spreading all over her lithe body. "Guh... I think I'm gonna be sick."
  38. [02:08] Rumor: (( F-Chat just booted me, which given the time usually means my router's about to go down for about 10-15 minutes. Just a heads up! I'm not going anywhere of my own accord~. ))
  39. [02:12] Rumor: (( Phew, alright, should be good now. ))
  40. [02:22] Ryan Kudo walks quite confidently with the girl taking note of how surprisingly light she is. Makes him wonder if he chose to throw her how far would she go? "Trust me, for what I got in my mind, you should do fine. Low social skill or not. I'll show you that you can be plenty special in your own way. No twitter account needed." he explains to her. There's still an edge of anger to his voice but he seems like he won't absolutely crush her now like he was going to before. He does a wave at some of the people looking their way and grins giving the appearance of a goofy high school couple. He even pets her head in front of them. before continuing on. He walks near the gaming room he was at before but makes a turn between the two stores. He figures the sounds of the mini-arcade will do well to drown out any screams she does get out. He slips her phone into his hoodie pocket. They get pretty much near the back where's there's a small open area and a high 10ft wall. He looks around thinks he's good enough from any pry eyes. Nothing mall noise and gaming sounds. He drops her down on the concrete and grins a little. "Okay Goblin its just me and you now." His voice catches a bit of sinister tone. "I think its time to show you what other way you can be special to somebody. Who knows if you do good enough I might actually think of forgiving you."
  42. "You know what you had all this time that could have gotten you plenty of attention, Goblin." he pulls her up and against him. He uses one arm to lock her arms down as he holds her from behind. He then reaches down lifting up her skirt and grabs her by the pussy. He makes sure two of his fingers are pressing on her folds through the panties. "You had this here."
  43. [02:47] Rumor: Alarm bells had begun to sound in her head the instant she noticed the walls closing in, but the increasingly small rational part of her brain willed her not to make a scene; resistance was physically futile, phone or not, and she was almost... curious. Now all that curiosity was gone, and she was back to shaking like a leaf and having every cell in her body scream to get away... but not actually move to do anything until it was too late. Her heart rattled in her chest and made it hard to breathe. Dread crept over her very being. Still, after the events of the past few minutes, the bracing for blows that never came, it came as something of a relief when he finally touched her just the way she expected him to. A high-pitched, involuntary whine exuded from between her lips at the initial contact, audibly reflecting the way her whole body tensed and fruitlessly tried to move away from the foreign sensation. Hana swallowed the lump forming in the back of her throat and fixed her eyes on the ground.
  45. "Do I look like the kind of girl that'd wh-wh-wh-whore myself out?" Thankfully, something resembling a fighting spirit still found its way through, though her breath and voice were both wracked with tremors. "Idiot... I'm not sure if I should be flattered or offended." Electronic noise echoed through the concealed space, and she reflected on her words. Wait, what the hell was she doing? Didn't she want to avoid this? Her head turned to the side best it could and she tried desperately to meet his gaze, or at least get a look at his face. "You can't really be s-serious. Are you? We can't, I won't... it's not... I don't wanna lose, uhm... it... to some meathead." Not that her brain and her body were necessarily in agreement; just the mere presence of someone else in such an intimate area had every muscle in the vicinity twitching uncontrollably, tense and lubricating by the second.
  46. [03:08] Ryan Kudo lets his fingers play with her pussy. He starts stirring his fingers right against her folds. That fact she is doing a bit more struggling now makes it sweeter. This a hell of a lot better than pummeling her. Having her writhe and squirm like this was turning him on more than he thought it would. He definite is going to turn this bitch out. "Well excuse me but I can't think of a better way for you to make things up to me. but first we have to discipline you some. " He drags her over to an old work bench left out side. and he picks her little frame up and turns her as he sits. He puts her right over his knee. He drives his elbow into her back to pin her there. After which he lifts up her skirt and yanks her panties down her thighs. "You know it may be tiny you have a decent shape ass back here. Now for your punishment." He gives her ass a hard smack with his heavy hand. He follows it with another and another and another. Just continuous smack to each cheek as she is trapped on him. He didn't care about pleas she gives or how much her eyes start to water he keeps smacking even after her cheeks go red. "now tell me your sorry again. Say how sorry you are to stab me in the back like that goblin. " he commands before smacking her butt some more.
  47. [03:31] Rumor: Being a quiet child with parents who preferred confiscation over corporal punishment, Hana didn't take well to the punishment at all, neither in body or spirit. Each cry elicited a raw scream nearly fit to shatter glass--not in an attempt to summon any kind of help, but just because of her sensitivity--and the pain itself did a serious toll on her. Half-formed shrieks begging him to stop, increasingly scarlet shades building on the initial strong flush from the first impact, the heart-sinking sound of his open palm colliding with her jiggling ass cheeks, all of it seemed to ebb further away. Was he hitting that hard? No, probably not, but for a spoiled brat who'd never been physically punished before, each slap brought a stinging sensation the likes of which she hadn't felt before, fresh tears springing to her wide-open eyes and draining down the back of her scream-raw throat. As far as she could tell he was going back on his word that he wouldn't beat her up. Still, despite the agony she (apparently) found herself in, the prideful little shit toughed it out for a decent round of spanks before finally breaking down, ceasing her sputtering and swallowing the drool in her watering mouth enough that she could stammer out a hurried apology.
  49. "I'm ss... *hic* I'm [i]shooo-rry, just--" slurring and choking on her own saliva and snot, struggling to keep her glasses on, she toughed it out even if she had to pause to yelp or whimper with each collision. "Shto[i]oooop,[/i] I'm sohrry that I... ghghh..! I backshtabbed you..." A quip about the views bubbled up in the back of her mind, but she suppressed it and dedicated that energy to a squirm of desperation that only seemed to wedge his elbow deeper into the curve of her spine, but her body had decided it'd had enough.
  50. [03:34] Ryan Kudo: (As much as I like to continue I really need to sleep. I'll happily pick this up at another time as I am really loving this rp.)
  51. [03:36] Ryan Kudo: (May I bookmark you?)
  52. [03:38] Rumor: (( Not a problem! I should probably get going too, truth be told... I'll bookmark you as well and we can pick up next time we catch each other. ))
  53. [03:38] Ryan Kudo: (cool. Good Night)
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