

Oct 29th, 2015
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  1. And now it's time For The Royal Rumble Match.
  3. The crowds popped for #1, [b]Rocky Maivia[/b]. [url=""]If Rocky is perturbed by getting the proverbial black olive, he wasn't showing it on his way to the ring.[/url]
  4. He did, however, seem to get slightly rattled when [url=""]started to play and he realized that he was going to start the Rumble against his fellow Trailblazer, [b]TAZ[/b]![/url]
  6. The bell rang, and the two Trailblazers seemed reluctant to square off. Eventually, the two shook hands and the fight was ON! Rocky got the advantage in the ensuing slugfest, backing Taz into a corner and going to work. But Taz ducked under a spit-take right, got behind Rocky and nailed him with a german TAZPLEX! Taz went for an early elimination, but Rocky kept a hold on the ropes as the clock counted down.
  8. [url=""]3...2...1... IT'S HHH-AH![/url]
  9. Rocky and Taz immediately patched things up and went after the Power Tripper. Haitch kept both at bay with alternating chops and went for a pedigree on Rocky, but he instead got hit with a HEAD AND ARMS TAZPLEX! Rocky and Taz both tried to eliminate H, but he held on and downed Taz with a back kick low blow. He then drilled Rocky with a knee to the face as the countdown began again.
  11. [url=""]3...2...1... It's Sanguina.[/url]
  12. Sanguina came in like a house on fire, unloading on HHH and drilling him with a couple of running clotheslines. Sanguina got greedy, though, and went for a third, only for the cagey HHH to take a page out of Austin's textbook and counter into a STUN GUN onto the top rope! From there it was academic for [b]HHH to MAKE SANGUINA THE FIRST ELIMINATION[/b] by dumping him to the floor!
  13. Taz was still down, so Rocky and HHH went mano-a-mano until the countdown started again.
  15. [url=""]3...2...1.... BRIAN PILLMAN comes down to even the numbers![/url]
  16. Pillman and HHH gleefully double teamed Rocky and tried to throw him out in short order, BUT TAZ RECOVERED AND HITS PILLMAN WITH A DRAGON TAZPLEX! The ring briefly became Tazplex City, and Taz was the mayor: BELLY TO BACK TAZPLEX ON HHH--NORTHERN LIGHTS TAZPLEX ON PILLMAN--EXPLODER TAZPLEX ON HHH! Unfortunately, 4 Tazplexes, in addition the punishment already inflicted, wore Taz down enough that he wasn't able to capitalize until the countdown.
  18. [url=""]3...2...1.... Maverick makes his appearance in the rumble, his first![/url]
  19. He entered the ring via the top rope, diving down for a cross body on Pillman. But Maverick didn't play favorites, climbing up to the top rope and hitting Rocky with a missile dropkick! On his third trip up top, the announce desk lamented his foolishness and, as if written in prophecy, HHH crotched him over the top rope. HHH went for the easy elimination but Taz stopped him, looking to take HHH on a ride with another Tazplex. Pillman dropkicked him from behind, however, and as Taz and HHH hit the corner, Maverick slumped over the top rope, but was able to save himself and followed up with A SPRINGBOARD RANA ON PILLMAN! Maverick stood tall as the countdown began.
  21. [url=""]3...2...1... Down the ramp with Cpt. Lou, it's the Blue Blazer![/url]
  22. Blazer stopped in his tracks before entering the ring. Maverick had lost sight of his surroundings, and stared down his fellow masked wrestler. This wordless exchange lasted long enough for PILLMAN TO COME FROM BEHIND AND TOSS MAVERICK, BUT MAVERICK, IN A SHOW OF EXTREME AGILITY, LANDED ON HIS HANDS! He was able to make his way back to the apron with this stunning display of balance, but before he could orient himself, [b]BLAZER THREW HIM OFF THE APRON FOR THE ELIMINATION[/b]! Blazer cackled, throwing his arms wide as his fallen foe walked back to gorilla, before formally entering the match. Inside the ring, he tried to duplicate the feats of his masked rival, immediately going up for a moonsault. [b]UNFORTUNATELY FOR THE BLAZER, PILLMAN IMMEDIATELY PUSHED HIM OFF THE TOP ROPE FOR THE ELIMINATION[/b]!
  24. [url=""]3...2...1... The crowd could practically hear the Trailblazers salivating as Diamonds And Wood began to play, and STEVIE RAY sauntered to the ring.[/url]
  25. Rocky took point, daring Stevie Ray to come into the ring. Ray was all too quick to oblige, sliding in and quickly trying to blindside Rocky with a a jumping side kick, but Rocky ducked and Stevie landed right in the arms of Taz, who delivered a MONSTER T-BONE TAZ-PLEX! Stevie staggered up INTO A URANAGE! After that, [b]THE TRAILBLAZERS WASTED NO TIME DUMPING STEVIE RAY TO THE FLOOR![/b] Pillman and HHH chose to capitalize on the Trailblazer distraction, blindsiding Taz and Rocky. Their advantage was short lived as Taz and Rocky came back, beating down the Power Trip until the crowd started counting down.
  27. [url=""]3...2...1... SCOTTYMANIA WAS RUNNIN' WILD, BROTHER![/url]
  28. Scotty immediately went after Rocky, trying to bodyslam him. Rocky, despite his somewhat typical size, was too much for the Scottsterm and Rocky gingerly threw him to the outside of the ring, right under the 2nd rope. As the announce crew reminded us that Scotty wasn't eliminated, Scotty fumed on the arena floor before offering a handshake to Rocky. Rocky, having seen this before, slapped his hand away, laughing his little trick off. This caused Scotty to Scott up, shaking furiously as he rolled back into the ring. He stood up, staring down Rocky, and POINTED THE FINGER AT HIM!
  30. "YOOOOOU!"
  32. Rocky responded by pointing at himself, mouthing the word 'me?", before shaking his head and pointing a finger back while mouthing 'no, YOU!' [b]ROCKY THEN CASUALLY TOSSED SCOTTY OVER THE TOP ROPE, THIS TIME ENSURING HIS ELIMINATION![/b] Unfortunately, The Power Trip again capitalized on the distraction and were trying to eliminate Taz. Rocky interceded, but was driven to the mat with a flying neckbreaker from Pillman for his efforts. Taz just barely fought off his would-be eliminators as the countdown started up again.
  34. [url=""]3...2...1... Immortal wasn't out of this yet! DAVID FLEIHR's MUSIC STARTED TO PLAY[/url] as he booked it to the ring and made a beeline for HHH. Fleihr had far more luck with Hunter than Scotty did with Rocky, going toe to toe with HHH(much to the astonishment of the announce table) and fighting off both Pillman AND HHH. Around this point, Vic Venom pushed himself into the commentary team and started screaming about Fleihr's accomplishments in his minute spent in the Rumble, like he won the Super Bowl: "YA SEE DAT MEAN GENE! YA SEE DAT, GOOD OL' J'AH! MAH BOY FLEIHR IS CLEANIN' SOME FUCKING HOUSE OUT DERE! FUCK DA POWA TRIP, IMMORTAL IS WHERE IT'S AT!" A three way brawl between Fleihr, The Power Trip and The Trailblazers went on, with all competitors on the verge of eliminating each other until the countdown.
  36. [url=""]3...2...1... The DoA made their presence felt when Hakushi stalked his way to the ring, accompanied by Metsfan, who was screaming about snowflakes or whatever.[/url] Fliehr immediately moved in to intercept the Disciple, only to get floored by a dropkick. Rocky went for the Uranage, but Hakushi REVERSED INTO A KIND OF WEIRD 270 DEGREE REVERSE STO! While the Power Trip played 2 on 1 with Fleihr, Taz tried to help Rocky, but got drilled with a side kick in the abdomen for his trouble. A brawl erupted between Hakushi and Taz, ending abruptly when [b]TAZ HIT THE BROOKLYN BOOT ON HAKUSHI, KNOCKING HIM TO THE FLOOR![/b] Metsfan looked devastated that his brilliant(?) plan didn't work, as started screaming about the Walking Apocalypse, and more weird shit about snow. Meanwhile, much to the continued shock of the announce table, David Fleihr LAID OUT HHH with a spinebuster! Fleihr tried to capitalize and eliminate HHH, only for Pillman to make the save with a spin kick as the countdown began.
  38. [url=""]3...2...1... AHMED JOHNSON comes down the ramp, and it's obvious he wants to avenge his CPA partner.[/url]
  40. Before entering the match, he yanked Taz out under the ropes and drove him into the corner post, followed by rolling in and DRILLING ROCKY MAIVIA WITH A SPINEBUSTER! As Ahmed stood tall, HHH and Fleihr tried to eliminate each other in the corner. HHH just barely escaped by knocking Fliehr back with an elbow, and Pillman followed up with Air Pillman, attempting to knock the Natural down. However, Fliehr saw it coming, and grabbed Pillman out of midair, [b]lifting him into a military press and DUMPING HIM TO THE FLOOR[/b]! HHH tried to help Pillman, but he was held back by Vic Venom, who was still lurking outside the ring. As an irate Pillman was being escorted out of the ring, HHH slid under the ropes and DRILLED Venom with a brutal right hand! With Venom out like a light, HHH rolled back in the ring and stared down Fleihr as the countdown began.
  42. [url=""]3...2...1... HHH started to wish he had just stayed outside because unlucky #13 in the rumble is KEN SHAMROCK![/url]
  44. Shamrock went after the worn HHH like a shark goes after a wounded minnow, hoisting him to the sky in a BELLY TO BELLY! Without Pillman to save him, HHH was a sitting duck and got twisted into knots by Shamrock's ground and pound style. Meanwhile. Ahmed had been taking advantage of the worn Trailblazers, and set up Rocky for the PEARL RIVER PLUNGE! Taz came from behind, and tried to throw Ahmed over the top, but Ahmed was able to overpower the fatigued human suplex machine and WITH A KICK TO THE GUT, AHMED JOHNSON PEARL RIVER PLUNGED TAZ OVER THE TOP ROPE! Ahmed, invigorated by his elimination of the hated Trailblazer, screamed at the top of his lungs and began a victory lap around the ring, prompting all 4 men in the ring to turn their attention to eliminating him! Ahmed was, for all of his raving, incapable of fighting off 4 men. [b]SHAMROCK, ROCKY, FLEIHR AND HHH ELIMINATE AHMED![/b] Shamrock wasted no time continuing his beatdown of HHH as Fleihr went after Rocky.
  46. [url=""]3...2...1... Money rained from the ceiling as KAZUCHIKA OKADA sauntered down to ringside alongside Ted Dibiase.[/url] He handed the Title of Excellence to Dibiase and made his way into the ring. At first, he kept his distance, not joining the action quite yet. Fliehr pulled Shamrock off HHH, and Shamrock responded to the interruption by laying into the big man with a flurry of rights. With Fleihr staggered against the ropes, Shamrock tried the belly to belly. BUT FLEIHR SHOVED HIM OFF INTO THE CORNER! [b]FLEIHR FOLLOWED IT UP WITH A BOOT TO THE MIDSECTION AND A MASSIVE FLEIHRBOMB OVER THE TOP![/b] HHH staggered to his feet and, apparently knocked completely loopy, patted Fleihr on the back for his assist. HHH ate a jarring right for his gratitude, which knocked him right back down. As Fleihr tried to lift up the almost dead-weight HHH for a Fliehr Bomb, Okada had set his sights on Rocky, immediately hooking the Rock in for the RAAAAAAAINMAKER! BUT IT WAS TOO SOON! ROCKY REVERSED INTO A BACKDROP OVER THE TOP, BUT OKADA HELD ON, CATCHING THE ROPES! He knocked Rocky to the mat and climbed back in just in time for the countdown.
  48. [url=""]3...2...1... Special Guest Veteran alert! 1980's WWF mainstay GREG THE HAMMER VALENTINE made his way to the ring![/url] Fleihr was able to get HHH up for an academic throw over the top, BUT HHH MANAGED TO HOLD ON, CATCHING THE ROPES AND WRIGGLING OUT OF THE POWERBOMB POSITION! [b]FLEIHR WASN'T SO LUCKY WHEN HE TURNED AROUND ONLY TO GET HIT BY A BEAUTIFUL OKADA DROPKICK THAT PROPELLED HIM OVER AND OUT![/b] Valentine started by going after Rocky, slowly working him over in the corner as Okada tried to finish off HHH.
  50. [url=""]3...2...1... Metsfan returned, this time with THE WALKING APOCALYPSE MARK HENRY in tow![/url]
  51. Henry started off strong, knocking Valentine loopy with a headbutt. Valentine wavered for a moment, glassy-eyed, before crashing to the mat face-first as Henry knocked Okada to the mat with a flying shoulderblock. Rocky got back up and tried to chop down the big man, only to get trapped in a bear hug for his troubles. Valentine and Okada recovered and decided to team up on Henry, causing him to drop Rocky so he can hit Okada and Valentine with a double noggin knocker. With all 3 collapsed, Henry gloated over his carnage as Metfan ranted on the outside. Eventually Metsfan started screaming "GAME OVER! GAME OVER!" and Henry lumbered his way toward HHH. He went to grab him, but HHH hit him with a thumb to the eye, leaving him vulnerable to a clothesline from Rocky. Rocky went for another, but got dropped with an elbow smash.
  53. [url=""]3...2...1... The entrance was bathed in red light and KANE made his way to the ring.[/url] Immediately Metsfan started screaming, "THE FIRE THAT BURNS MELTS THE SNOW THAT FALLS! BE THE BLIZZARD! EXTINGUISH THE FLAME!" Henry immediately attacked Kane, and the two got into an old-fashioned hoss-off, throwing massive strikes at each other and bellowing as they shrugged these hard shots off. Meanwhile, Valentine and Okada's alliance had broken down and Valentine was stomping Okada in the corner. Valentine picked up his quarry and appeared to utter something, but even though he was close to the hard mic for whatever reason what he said was censored. Whatever it was, it couldn't have been good, as it lit a fire under Okada, who responded by laying into Valentine, absolutely murdering him with strikes before dropping him with a flying roundhouse. Okada then set up Valentine for the RAAAAINMAKER, absolutely drilling him with it. Valentine was pretty much out, but Okada wasn't done. [b]Whatever Valentine said was worth a second RAAAAAAINMAKER before casually discarding the veteran to the floor[/b]. Meanwhile, Henry had gotten the upper hand on Kane and was attempting to throw him out, as HHH and Rocky caught a breather on the mat until the counter began again.
  55. [url=""]3...2...1... The Ministry's backup arrived as TAJIRI ran down to the ring. Tajiri immediately went for Mark Henry, drilling him in the back with 2...3...and a 4th kick put Henry on the mat as Metsfan screamed, "BITE THE TEETH! BE THE GIRDER, NOT THE TREE!" Kane and Tajiri began double-teaming Mark Henry, Kane holding down Henry as Tajiri wound up for the Blade Kick. But before Tajiri could strike, Okada caught him from behind in the Million Dollar Dream! Tajiri pushed him off and swung with a massive Blade Kick, but Okada ducked and knocked Tajiri off-balance. Okada capitalized, hitting him with a MASSIVE WHEELBARROW SUPLEX! Tajiri staggered back up, AND [b]OKADA DROPKICKED THE JAPANESE BUZZSAW OUT OF THE RING![/b] Rocky, seeing an opening, got back in the action, knocking down Okada with a clothesline. Unfortunately for Rocky, HHH also got back in on the action, meeting Rocky with a kick to the gut and an attempt at the pedigree, which was countered into a HUGE back body drop. Rocky tried to throw Hunter out, but got BULLDOZED by Henry who in turn ALMOST GOT CLOTHESLINED OVER THE TOP BY KANE! Henry kept a hold on the ropes as Kane picked up Rocky for the Chokeslam! Rocky knocked Kane off-balance with a few hard elbows and got him into position for the Uranage! Kane pushed Rocky toward the ropes, and Okada went for a low bridge, but Rocky held on!
  57. [url=""]3...2...1... IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN! The crowd went wild as OWEN HART made his way to the ring, coming in like a house of fire! OKADA ATE A DROPKICK! HENRY ATE AN ENZUIGRI! HURRANCANRANA ON HHH! The crowd exploded at Owen's furious onslaught until Kane goozled him with a choke. He went for the slam but Rocky made the save! URANAGE BY ROCKY ON KANE! Mark Henry takes advantage of the prone Kane to hit a huge splash. Henry attempted a pin, but pulled Kane up when Metsfan screamed "THERE IS NO COUNTDOWN! THERE IS NO COUNT UP! THERE IS ONLY ONE NUMBER!" Henry, distracted by his mentor's words, got caught in the goozle by Kane, who got to his feet and HIT HENRY WITH THE CHOKESLAM! While the two brutes focused on each other, a two vs. two contest emerged between HHH/Okada and Rocky/Owen, and was still going on as the countdown rang.
  59. [url=""]3...2...1... HHH lit up as JOANNA made her way to the ring.[/url]
  60. HHH left Okada to be double-teamed, and rolled to the outside to meet her for a pre-entry impromptu strategy session. Rocky and Owen double teamed Okada as the refs tried to force HHH and Joanna back into the ring. HHH loudly threatened them, "YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! I'M YOUR BOSS! I TELL YOU WHAT TO DO, GOT IT?" The refs backed off, but continued to try to reason with him. Inside the ring, Kane attempted to throw Henry over the top as Owen Hart whipped Okada into a SPINEBUSTER BY ROCKY, but as Rocky got Okada up, the Rainmaker reversed into a DDT! With Owen alone, HHH and Joanna finally struck, jumping in the ring and engaging in a 2 on 1 beatdown. Okada got back to his feet, and immediately confronted HHH and Joanna. An argument between Okada, HHH and Joanna ensued until the next entrant came in.
  62. [url=""]3...2...1... Okada looked pleased as punch as TERRY FUNK'S music played.[/url]
  63. Funk comes in like a 53 year old house of fire. Punches to Henry, punches to Kane, a solid shot knocking down HHH, another one for Joanna. Funk stomped around the ring as Okada applauded in approval, but you don't get to be a 53 year old professional wrestler without being a little crazy, so Terry responded by punching Okada right in the face! Funk proceeded to work over Okada as Dibiase flipped out on commentary. For reasons known only to him, Funk then tried to eliminate his only hypothethical ally in the match by charging at Okada with a clothesline, but Okada easily ducked and [b]BACKDROPPED TERRY FUNK OUT OF THE MATCH![/b] Okada and Funk gpt into a screaming match after Funk is eliminated, GIVING HHH AND JOANNA THE CHANCE TO SNEAK BEHIND OKADA AND THROW HIM OVER THE TOP, but Okada was able to catch the rope and fall to the apron. As the refs escorted Funk away, he pushed Okada back under the bottom while yelling "YOU'RE WELCOME!" and storming to the back. As Funk left the count began.
  65. [url=""]3...2...1... "TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT THAT WE GOT THE TRUCK! WE'RE GOIN' DOWNTOWN GONNA BEAT UP DRUNKS!" THE BIG BOSSMAN comes down to the ring, billy club in tow.[/url] Bossman didn't hesitate to use the stick, first on Henry, then on Kane. At that, every legal competitor bailed under the bottom rope as HHH grabbed the mic. "First of all, kill that fucking music. I don't give a shit if it plays when you're beating the shit out of some nobody but that ISN'T going to fly in the goddamn Rumble!" The audio truck got the message and killed the song. "Secondly, Bossman. You don't see me bringing a goddamn sledgehammer to this match. I don't get a weapon, neither do you. You may have the powder blues, but in the WWF I'M THE FUCKING LAW, GOT IT? Now either give that stick to the ring attendant or be the first guy in WWF history to get disqualified from the Royal Rumble!" The Bossman capitulated without issue, giving the billy club to the ring attendant as instructed. Then, slowly, cautiously, the rest of the field made their way back into the ring. By the time the action got started again the countdown began anew.
  67. [url=""]3...2...1... Accept no substitutions, Even Flow played as CHRIS JERICHO made his way to the ring. Jericho stopped to play to the crowd, pumping them back up after that odd Bossman interlude, but as soon as he entered the ring he took Okada out with a forearm, and a falling knee to the face knocked the Bossman down. HHH charged in, but met a double-leg takedown. Jericho went for the Liontamer, but Joanna charged in for the save, eating a backdrop for her troubles. Jericho's offense was halted with another shoulder tackle from Henry as Metsfan bellowed "YOU ARE THE ARMY OF ONE! YOU ARE THE ARMY OF GOD!" Henry pounded on Jericho until Rocky went for the save, only to be batted away like a fly. Owen tried his luck, but to no avail. Henry stood tall as the countdown started again.
  69. [url=""]3...2...1... The lights grew dim and Henry's eyes widened as the one, the only, THE UNDERTAKER MADE HIS RETURN. Undertaker very uncharacteristically charged down to the ring, completely out of sync with his music. He went for Henry like a battering ram, devastating him with soupbones as the rest of the field recovered. With Henry on the ropes, the Undertaker charged AND [b]HIT A MASSIVE FLYING CLOTHESLINE, KNOCKING BOTH MEN OUT OF THE RUMBLE[/b]! Their brawl continued unabated outside, with Taker dragging Henry to the Spanish announce table. He started clearing it off before the refs were able to hold him back, but Henry then barreled through the refs to retaliate. If anything was happening in the ring, nobody's noticing as all eyes are on the brawl outside. A semblance of order is finally restored as the countdown began.
  71. [url=""]3...2...1... The real life tokusatsu appears! Jushin Liger arrived to represent the Hart Foundation![/url] Okada immediately went after him, but Liger quickly turned the tide. A Liger 'rana set up for a ROLLING KOPPU KICK. Liger quickly picked him back up and hit a CRASH THUNDER BUSTER. Liger motioned for the SHOTEI PALM THRUST, but OKADA DUCKED AND REVERSED INTO A HEAVY RAIN NECKBREAKER! Owen tried to intercede, but Okada takes him out with a dropkick! [b]OKADA THEN ELIMINATED LIGER WITH A SECOND PICTURE-PERFECT DROPKICK[/b]! Jericho tried to follow suit and dropkick Okada, but Okada dodged, and KICKED THE FALLEN JERICHO IN THE HEAD! Joanna looked to go after Okada, but HHH held her back, and the two instead went after Jericho. Kane went after Owen, trying to throw him over, until Rocky made the save. Okada then went to Bossman and began to instruct him. Bossman went after Jericho with Okada and are set to throw him out until--
  73. [url=""]3...2...1... Just when it didn't seem like things could go any better for Okada, GOLDUST came out at #26. But much to the crowd's surprise, Okada didn't seem to want Goldust out there. He could be heard through the hard mic yelling, "Get out of here! You're a SCREWUP! You're A LOSER! You're BARELY WORTHY OF CARRYING MY BAGS! NOW THROW YOURSELF OUT AND WAIT FOR ME BACKSTAGE!"
  75. A look of consternation appeared on Goldust's face. He was obviously torn and the crowd was going nuts for him. But sheepishly he climbs over the top rope and climbs walks down the steel steps. Okada, satisfied that his will had been done, resumed his attempt to eliminate Jericho. Unfortunately for him, he should have made sure Goldust didn't stop on the bottom step. The crowd erupted as Goldust climbed back up the steps and walked back into the ring. As Okada and Bossman were trying to get Jericho over the top Goldust grabbed Okada by the head as the crowd exploded, before [b]TOSSING HIM RIGHT TO THE FLOOR OVER THE TOP ROPE![/b] Okada was incensed, and began screaming at Goldust from the arena floor. Goldust didn't take his eyes off of Okada, which was a problem because Kane took the opportunity TO [b]CHOKESLAM GOLDUST OUT OF THE ROYAL RUMBLE[/b]! Okada berated the fallen Goldust on the floor. As Goldust tried to get to his feet, Ted Dibiase left the announcer's desk and PUT THE MILLION DOLLAR DREAM ON HIM! With Goldust out and the refs swarming, Okada and Dibiase dragged Goldust backstage, Okada screaming in Japanese the whole way. Meanwhile, Kane began working over Owen, and Bossman and Jericho started exchanging blows, leaving Rocky alone against HHH and Joanna. HHH held Joanna back, before starting to brawl with Rocky, with Rocky eventually getting the upper hand. Rocky irish whipped HHH and HIT HIM ON THE REBOUND WITH A SPINEBUSTER! Rocky pulled him up and attempted a Uranage, only to get blocked by Joanna, WHO GOT HIT WITH THE URANAGE INSTEAD! Rocky grabbed HHH by the head and threw him over...but HHH grabbed the ropes, saving himself. Rocky tried to finish off Hunter with a running clothesline, [b]BUT HHH PULLED THE ROPES DOWN, DUMPING ROCKY TO THE OUTSIDE![/b]
  77. [url=""]3...2...1...Every underdog has his day. and for SKUNKROCKER that day is at 27![/url] Skunk's day looked to be quickly squashed, as Kane began battering him down before he even entered the ring. Once in, Skunk ate a big boot followed by a side suplex, and finally A CHOKESLAM, which seemed to put Skunk down for good. Kane draped Skunk over the ropes, but Skunk wasn't dead yet. He grabbed the ropes, and as Kane struggled to get Skunk over, Skunk wrapped his legs around Kane's head [b]AND ROLLED FORWARD, THE FLYING HEADSCISSORS THROWING KANE TO THE OUTSIDE![/b] SKUNKROCKER HAS ELIMINATED KANE! Amazingly, despite being in rough shape, Skunk was able to skin the cat back into the ring before collapsing into a heap.
  79. HHH and Joanna tried to eliminate Owen, but Owen fought them both off as Jericho came back against the Bossman, with a Flying bulldog setting up Bossman for a LIONSAULT! With Bossman waylaid, Jericho came to Owen's rescue, and wheel kicked HHH over the top rope. Joanna was able to make the save, pulling Hunter back in from the apron, and Jericho responded by grabbing a handful of her hair and trying to throw her out the opposite side. Joanna was able to save herself and set him up for a running knee lift from HHH!
  81. [url=""]3...2...1... Veteran Alert! For one night only, the Twin Towers reunited as AKEEM made his way to the ring. Bossman looked happy as a pig in shit, giving his fellow twin tower a double high 5 before the two started to work over Skunkrocker. HHH and Joanna attempted to dump Jericho, but Owen came in with the save! Dropkick to Joanna, reverse atomic drop to HHH, followed by a double-leg takedown and SHARPSHOOTER ON HHH. Joanna tried to save her man, only to be pulled free by Jericho, who DOUBLE-LEGGED HER INTO A LIONTAMER! Jericho and Owen left the lovebirds of the Power Trip and went to save Skunk from the Twin Towers. A double dropkick staggered Akeem, but Bossman drilled Jericho with a running clothesline. Akeem and Bossman then Irish whipped Owen and FLATTENED HIM WITH A MASSIVE DOUBLE PANCAKE! A PAIR OF BIG SPLASHES TO JERICHO AND THE TWIN TOWERS STOOD TALL AS THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS!
  83. [url=""]3...2...1... Vince McMahon had to be at least a little happy, because his personal enforcer TITAN came out at #29.[/url]
  84. The Twin Towers saw a threat to their domination, so they immediately went after Titan. Titan responded by shoving both of them almost clear across the ring to the opposite side ropes and--
  88. JR was apoplectic on commentary, and HHH and Joanna were shaken. So great was their desperation that they tried rousing Skunk, Owen and Jericho to try fighting the threat together. Unfortunately, the three were either too worn out to answer or were just ignoring them, but regardless, HHH and Joanna both wound up facing down Titan. Both of them tried to beg off [b]BUT TITAN WASN'T LISTENING. HE GRABBED BOTH JOANNA AND HHH BY THEIR NECKS AND SHOVED THEM OVER THE TOP! TITAN HAS 4 ELIMINATIONS INSIDE OF A MINUTE![/b]
  90. Titan then decided to kill time, knowing who #30 is. He slapped around a prone Skunkrocker a little bit, then gave the same treatment to Jericho and Owen. Finally the last countdown begins.
  92. 3...2...1... They think he's hot, they know he's sexy, he's got #30. It's Shawn Michaels!
  93. Shawn and Titan immediately worked together, splitting up the tasks. Michaels went for Jericho as Titan went after Owen. Skunkrocker was dismissed as a non-issue. Shawn picked up Jericho and draped him over the ropes, and a brief tuning up the band turned into a SUPERKICK! But Jericho ducked and Shawn was crotched on the rope!
  95. Titan picked up Owen by his neck and tried to CHOKESLAM HIM TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE RING, BUT OWEN REVERSED THE GOOZLE INTO A CROSS-ARMBREAKER! Jericho rocked the ropes as Owen clung to Titan's arm for dear life. Titan tried to shake him off over the ring apron like a loose booger, but Owen held fast. Titan tried to coldcock Owen with his free arm, but lost his balance whenever he let go of the top rope, so he tried to pull Owen back into the ring with one arm, BUT SKUNKROCKER SUPERKICKED HIM BETWEEN THE SHOULDER BLADES! Titan crumbled and [b]OWEN USED TITAN'S OWN SIZE AGAINST HIM AS THE 7-FOOTER COLLAPSED OVER THE TOP TO THE FLOOR![/b] Owen rolled back under the bottom rope as the other 3 men in the ring stared down.
  97. [b]Final Four: Skunkrocker, HBK, Owen, Jericho[/b]
  99. Shawn stumbled to his feet. Seeing that he was obviously outnumbered 3-1 and his big buddy was gone he flipped out.
  103. Jericho, Skunk and Owen decided they had enough and [b]TRIPLE SUPERKICKED SHAWN MICHAELS OUT OF THE ROYAL RUMBLE![/b]
  105. After the elimination, Skunk was quickest on the draw; running into the ropes and dropping both Owen and Jericho with a running clothesline. Skunk was on fire! ROCKER DROPPER TO JERICHO! SUPERKICK TO OWEN! Skunk was so overwhelmed by the moment that he freezed mid-flurry to stare at the WM 14 banner. He shook it off and tried to eliminate Jericho. SKUNK THREW JERICHO OVER THE TOP, but Jericho held on. Skunk began wailing on Jericho in a frenzy, completely oblivious to Owen charging behind him! [b]OWEN NAILED THE UNAWARE SKUNKROCKER WITH A CLOTHESLINE WHILE JERICHO HELD THE ROPES DOWN! SKUNKROCKER IS ELIMINATED![/b]
  107. Jericho slid back in under the bottom rope and we have our final two.
  109. Jericho went for a clothesline, Owen tried to duck but it was a feint. Jericho jumped on Owen's back and tried the Yoshi Tonic, but Owen blocked and repositioned Jericho's legs, setting up for an Alabama Slam. Jericho wrapped his arms tight around Owen's waist and leaned to the side, reversing balance and setting up Owen for a Piledriver! Jericho executed the piledriver, but Owen kept his head from hitting the mat by pulling off a stunning handstand! Owen got back to his feet and nailed the still-surprised Jericho with a dropkick! Owen set up the Sharpshooter but Jericho was able to push him off, so Owen bounced off the ropes and HIT A SICK SHINING WIZARD ON JERICHO!
  111. Owen picked up Jericho and set him up for the K-DRILLER, as the announce team brought up that even though you have to throw your opponent over the top, it's hard for an unconscious person to not get thrown over the top. But Jericho was able to grab a nearby rope and pull himself up, reversing the K-Driller formation into a headscissors over the ropes! Owen and Jericho were both on the apron, but Jericho had his wits about him, knocking Owen loopy with a spinning chop before leaping to the adjacent ropes and hitting the SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK ON OWEN! Owen somehow, somehow hooked the bottom rope with his foot, keeping himself in the match. As Jericho righted himself in the ring, Owen tried to pull himself back up. Shawn Michaels, still ringside despite the refs' pleading, made his way over to Owen, who had almost gotten himself upright, and [b]NAILED HIM WITH A SUPERKICK, CAUSING HIM TO FALL TO THE FLOOR![/b]
  113. [b]CHRIS JERICHO HAS WON THE 1998 ROYAL RUMBLE![/b] Though he didn't look happy. As his music played, he helped Owen to his feet before upbraiding Shawn for his interference. Shawn simply flipped the both of them off and walked away.
  115. Jericho and Owen shook hands before Owen stalked off after Shawn and Jericho celebrated his bittersweet victory in the ring.
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