

Oct 17th, 2017
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  1. [color=transparent]##### QQBot[/color]
  2. [X] 7 Alice:: (shadowdice, KnightEstoc, Heaven Canceler, Megaolix, Nekotsuki, shanagan, Snakers)
  3. -[X] 1 Don’t stop hitting until it stops moving. Your weapon is just a staff, so you probably will need more than one hit.: (KnightEstoc)
  4. -[X] 7 Double tap, er, bash, the chest, just to make sure.: (Imabot, shadowdice, KnightEstoc, Heaven Canceler, Megaolix, Nekotsuki, Snakers)
  5. --[X] 1 Double tap, er, bash, the chest, just to make sure.: (Guile)
  6. [X] 7 Eugeo:: (shadowdice, KnightEstoc, Heaven Canceler, Megaolix, Nekotsuki, shanagan, Snakers)
  7. [X] 1 Full frontal assault! It ought to surprise the thing. You have a farmer’s strength, and a ribcage can’t be that much harder than packed dirt! - Fight fair as the commandments say you should, and the gods of battle will pave the path to victory!: (KnightEstoc)
  8. [X] 12 Full frontal assault! This is the battle you’ve always wanted, you’ll not shy from it! You have the training, it’s just a matter of using it well! - Fight it fair and square, and trust your companions to watch your back and bring you to victory, with the blessing of the gods of bravery!: (Imabot, shadowdice, Xicree, KnightEstoc, Heaven Canceler, Megaolix, Nekotsuki, shanagan, Guile, wasprider, OSRfanatic1, Snakers)
  9. [X] 6 Kirito:: (shadowdice, KnightEstoc, Megaolix, Nekotsuki, shanagan, Snakers)
  10. [X] 4 Sneak around, break it’s back! - You can afford to play fair when it doesn’t involve your friends lives! That thing doesn’t deserve compassion!: (Xicree, shanagan, wasprider, OSRfanatic1)
  11. [X] 8 Sneak around, split its head open! - Fight smarter, not harder! Nothing is true, everything is permitted. Fighting fair doesn’t mean your enemy will!: (Imabot, shadowdice, KnightEstoc, Heaven Canceler, Megaolix, Nekotsuki, Guile, Snakers)
  12. [X] 4 Use a light spell on its eyes, should blind it for a few moment. - Knowledge is just another facet of power. Control the battlefield, plan ahead, and have the enemy dancing to your tune as you defeat it!: (Xicree, shanagan, wasprider, OSRfanatic1)
  13. [X] 2 Use a water spell on the fire pit, should help make things fairer too your side! - Being smart is not about making yourself stronger, but neutralizing the opponent’s strength!: (shadowdice, Guile)
  14. [X] 5 Use a water spell on the fire pit, should help make things fairer too your side! - Being smart is not about making yourself stronger, butneutralizing the opponent’s strength!: (Imabot, Heaven Canceler, Megaolix, Nekotsuki, Snakers)
  15. -[X] 8 You should probably keep it up until it’s dead. You are the only one armed here. Plus, you wanna be a knight, and knights shouldn’t be afraid of monsters!: (Imabot, shadowdice, KnightEstoc, Heaven Canceler, Megaolix, Nekotsuki, shanagan, Snakers)
  16. --[X] 1 You should probably keep it up until it’s dead. You are the only one armed here. Plus, you wanna be a knight, and knights shouldn’t be afraid of monsters!: (Xicree)
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