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Oct 18th, 2019
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  1. __text:0000000000036CFA ; char __cdecl -[KeyboardBrightnessClient isKeyboardBuiltIn:](KeyboardBrightnessClient *self, SEL, unsigned __int64)
  2. __text:0000000000036CFA __KeyboardBrightnessClient_isKeyboardBuiltIn__ proc near
  3. __text:0000000000036CFA ; DATA XREF: __objc_const:0000000000080BE8↓o
  4. __text:0000000000036CFA push rbp
  5. __text:0000000000036CFB mov rbp, rsp
  6. __text:0000000000036CFE push r14
  7. __text:0000000000036D00 push rbx
  8. __text:0000000000036D01 mov rcx, rdx
  9. __text:0000000000036D04 mov rbx, rdi
  10. __text:0000000000036D07 mov rdi, [rdi+8] ; void *
  11. __text:0000000000036D0B mov rsi, cs:selRef_copyPropertyForKey_keyboardID_ ; char *
  12. __text:0000000000036D12 lea rdx, cfstr_Keyboardbackli_8 ; "KeyboardBacklightBuiltIn"
  13. __text:0000000000036D19 call cs:_objc_msgSend_ptr
  14. __text:0000000000036D1F mov r14, rax
  15. __text:0000000000036D22 mov rbx, [rbx+10h]
  16. __text:0000000000036D26 test rbx, rbx
  17. __text:0000000000036D29 jnz short loc_36D42
  18. __text:0000000000036D2B lea rax, __COREBRIGHTNESS_LOG_DEFAULT
  19. __text:0000000000036D32 mov rbx, [rax]
  20. __text:0000000000036D35 test rbx, rbx
  21. __text:0000000000036D38 jnz short loc_36D42
  22. __text:0000000000036D3A call _init_default_corebrightness_log
  23. __text:0000000000036D3F mov rbx, rax
  24. __text:0000000000036D42
  25. __text:0000000000036D42 loc_36D42: ; CODE XREF: -[KeyboardBrightnessClient isKeyboardBuiltIn:]+2F↑j
  26. __text:0000000000036D42 ; -[KeyboardBrightnessClient isKeyboardBuiltIn:]+3E↑j
  27. __text:0000000000036D42 mov rdi, rbx
  28. __text:0000000000036D45 mov esi, 2
  29. __text:0000000000036D4A call _os_log_type_enabled
  30. __text:0000000000036D4F test al, al
  31. __text:0000000000036D51 jnz short loc_36DA7
  32. __text:0000000000036D53
  33. __text:0000000000036D53 loc_36D53: ; CODE XREF: -[KeyboardBrightnessClient isKeyboardBuiltIn:]+B8↓j
  34. __text:0000000000036D53 mov rdi, cs:classRef_NSNumber ; void *
  35. __text:0000000000036D5A mov rsi, cs:selRef_class ; char *
  36. __text:0000000000036D61 mov rbx, cs:_objc_msgSend_ptr
  37. __text:0000000000036D68 call rbx ; _objc_msgSend
  38. __text:0000000000036D6A mov rsi, cs:selRef_isKindOfClass_ ; char *
  39. __text:0000000000036D71 mov rdi, r14 ; void *
  40. __text:0000000000036D74 mov rdx, rax
  41. __text:0000000000036D77 call rbx ; _objc_msgSend
  42. __text:0000000000036D79 test al, al
  43. __text:0000000000036D7B jz short loc_36D94
  44. __text:0000000000036D7D mov rsi, cs:selRef_boolValue ; char *
  45. __text:0000000000036D84 mov rdi, r14 ; void *
  46. __text:0000000000036D87 call cs:_objc_msgSend_ptr
  47. __text:0000000000036D8D test al, al
  48. __text:0000000000036D8F setnz bl
  49. __text:0000000000036D92 jmp short loc_36D96
  50. __text:0000000000036D94 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. __text:0000000000036D94
  52. __text:0000000000036D94 loc_36D94: ; CODE XREF: -[KeyboardBrightnessClient isKeyboardBuiltIn:]+81↑j
  53. __text:0000000000036D94 xor ebx, ebx
  54. __text:0000000000036D96
  55. __text:0000000000036D96 loc_36D96: ; CODE XREF: -[KeyboardBrightnessClient isKeyboardBuiltIn:]+98↑j
  56. __text:0000000000036D96 mov rdi, r14
  57. __text:0000000000036D99 call cs:_objc_release_ptr
  58. __text:0000000000036D9F movzx eax, bl
  59. __text:0000000000036DA2 pop rbx
  60. __text:0000000000036DA3 pop r14
  61. __text:0000000000036DA5 pop rbp
  62. __text:0000000000036DA6 retn
  63. __text:0000000000036DA7 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. __text:0000000000036DA7
  65. __text:0000000000036DA7 loc_36DA7: ; CODE XREF: -[KeyboardBrightnessClient isKeyboardBuiltIn:]+57↑j
  66. __text:0000000000036DA7 mov rdi, r14
  67. __text:0000000000036DAA mov rsi, rbx
  68. __text:0000000000036DAD call __KeyboardBrightnessClient_isKeyboardBuiltIn___cold_1 ; -[KeyboardBrightnessClient isKeyboardBuiltIn:].cold.1
  69. __text:0000000000036DB2 jmp short loc_36D53
  70. __text:0000000000036DB2 __KeyboardBrightnessClient_isKeyboardBuiltIn__ endp
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