
he not like the banana ANGERY

Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. (OOC) your mom gay: dude
  2. Ferdinand suicided!
  3. (OOC) your mom gay: check the anti cheat
  4. (OOC) Thatsouris: ikr
  5. Stormlane suicided!
  6. (OOC) your mom gay: some script kiddie
  8. Ferdinand suicided!
  9. Thatsouris suicided!
  10. Swordsmen Hidden In the Sand suicided!
  11. [HTML] [MediaLib] playerLoaded; running 0 pending commands
  12. [HTML] Uncaught TypeError: Object [object DOMWindow] has no method 'requestAnimationFrame'
  13. (OOC) Dude: should we have a server estart?
  14. Ferdinand killed The Tryhard Thrower using csgo_bayonet_marblefade
  15. (OOC) 8sr: We are fixing it
  16. (OOC) Dude: restart
  17. Dude suicided!
  18. (Someone) brought Nolanda
  19. Ferdinand suicided!
  20. [HTML] [MediaLib] playerLoaded; running 3 pending commands
  21. [HTML] Uncaught TypeError: Object [object DOMWindow] has no method 'requestAnimationFrame'
  22. Swordsmen Hidden In the Sand suicided!
  23. :offline: Player BananaMan (STEAM_0:1:61847371) has left the server: Disconnect by user.
  24. Stormlane suicided!
  25. (OOC) Dude: for fuck sake
  26. Dude suicided!
  27. Thatsouris suicided!
  28. Swordsmen Hidden In the Sand suicided!
  29. (OOC) Back: we don't know
  30. [DarkRP] Ferdinand has been made a Rapist!
  31. (Someone) returned Echo to their original position
  32. [Advert] Ferdinand: GEMME DAT ASS(Rape)
  33. [DarkRP] JayXtreme has been made a Body Guard!
  34. Stormlane suicided!
  35. (Someone) returned Nolanda to their original position
  36. (OOC) Dude: ok what the fuck
  37. ] loki_men
  38. Stormlane suicided!
  39. [DarkRP] You received no salary because you are unemployed!
  40. Snoopy012 killed djk9171 using m9k_m16a4_acog
  41. (OOC) Dude: seriously is there any explanation for thsi?
  42. Dude suicided!
  43. Ferdinand suicided!
  44. Dude killed The Tryhard Thrower using csgo_bayonet_marblefade
  45. :offline: Player The Nipples (STEAM_0:1:82993112) has left the server: Kicked by 8sr(STEAM_0:1:86245719) - Piss Off
  46. Stormlane suicided!
  47. (Someone) kicked The Nipples (Piss Off)
  48. Dude killed Thatsouris using csgo_bayonet_marblefade
  49. ] loki_men
  50. :offline: Player Un__Perro (STEAM_0:1:63818216) has left the server: Kicked by 8sr(STEAM_0:1:86245719) - No
  51. Dude suicided!
  52. (Someone) kicked Un__Perro (No)
  53. (OOC) Krym: aw yiis
  54. [Loki] Stopping strip club
  55. (OOC) Swordsmen Hidden In the Sand: I wonder why is staff not being stripped?
  56. [DarkRP] Nolanda has been made a Medic!
  57. [DarkRP] JayXtreme has been made a Citizen!
  58. 8sr suicided!
  59. (OOC) Krym: might be immune to it
  60. (OOC) JayXtreme: You guys need better anticheat
  61. (OOC) Thatsouris: Fixed?
  62. Do /casino To Lose All Your Money!
  63. :online: Player Un__Perro (STEAM_0:1:63818216) has joined the game.
  64. Failed to load sound "noo.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
  65. Stormlane suicided!
  66. (OOC) 8sr: Possibly
  67. (OOC) Dude: yeah i think so
  68. (OOC) Back: we don't know what's happening
  69. (OOC) Thatsouris: oooohhh
  70. (OOC) Thatsouris: ac
  71. ] loki_men
  72. JayXtreme killed ExabisGaming using m9k_vikhr
  73. Dude killed The Tryhard Thrower using csgo_bayonet_marblefade
  74. [Loki] Starting strip club
  75. (OOC) Thatsouris: cac*
  76. [DarkRP] Ferdinand has been made a Freddy Krueger!
  77. (OOC) 8sr: DK We are fixing it
  78. (OOC) Thatsouris: NOP
  79. [Advert] Krym: sorry about the gun issues we are workign to fix it
  80. (OOC) Dude: noope not fixed
  81. (OOC) JayXtreme: CAC is shit
  82. Ferdinand suicided!
  83. (Someone) brought djk9171
  84. The Tryhard Thrower suicided!
  85. Dude suicided!
  86. [DarkRP] Ferdinand has been made a Rapist!
  87. (OOC) Thatsouris: no known hackers on the server
  88. (OOC) Snoopy012: Channel 1 Is chill and channel 4 is hardcour
  89. [DarkRP] Ferdinand has been made a Medic!
  90. (OOC) Thatsouris: someone must be bypassing
  91. (OOC) JayXtreme: Still stripped, so that's wrong
  92. Thatsouris suicided!
  93. Stormlane suicided!
  94. [DarkRP] Ferdinand has been made a Rapist!
  95. (OOC) 8sr: Fuck if I know
  96. Join Our Discord -
  97. (OOC) Dude: ok do a server restart
  98. (OOC) JayXtreme: CAC is easily bypassable
  99. Stormlane suicided!
  100. (OOC) 8sr: yea
  101. (OOC) JayXtreme: And I'm sure most of these addons are bought
  102. Dude killed Stormlane using csgo_bayonet_marblefade
  103. Dude suicided!
  104. (OOC) 8sr: They are
  105. (OOC) JayXtreme: Lua scripts aren
  106. (OOC) your mom gay: Not really
  107. Dude suicided!
  108. (OOC) JayXtreme: Hard to mask
  109. The Tryhard Thrower suicided!
  110. Thatsouris suicided!
  111. 8sr suicided!
  112. (Someone) returned djk9171 to their original position
  113. Dude killed Stormlane using csgo_karambit_fade
  114. (Someone) jailed Dude
  115. (OOC) your mom gay: if there was a backdoor dont you think something would have happend by now?
  116. Thatsouris suicided!
  117. :online: Player MD 20/20 (STEAM_0:0:69863472) has joined the game.
  118. (OOC) Krym: it is
  119. Thatsouris suicided!
  120. (OOC) Maus: you mean like literally everyone being stripped?
  121. (OOC) JayXtreme: The server is being stripped through ULX dummy dumb fuck
  122. Stormlane suicided!
  123. (OOC) your mom gay: Its fucking public lua script
  124. Thatsouris suicided!
  125. (OOC) JayXtreme: And a backdoor doesn't have to be intentional
  126. Thatsouris suicided!
  127. (Someone) unjailed Dude
  128. (OOC) Krym: if you dont like the server dont play
  129. Dude suicided!
  130. [DarkRP] You received no salary because you are unemployed!
  131. Stormlane suicided!
  132. (OOC) Echo: ^
  133. ^
  134. (OOC) Dude: if you dont like the server then RESTART IT
  135. Dude suicided!
  136. Stormlane suicided!
  137. Thatsouris suicided!
  138. Dude suicided!
  139. (Someone) brought Arklover
  140. (OOC) your mom gay: jay your stupid
  141. (OOC) Un__Perro: I came on to play and I'm instantly kicked... Doesn't really bring in players
  142. [DarkRP] Nolanda has not been made Hobo Leader!
  143. (OOC) Maus: *you're
  144. (OOC) Dude: for fuck sake
  145. (OOC) 8sr: Please be paitent until we fix this
  146. (OOC) your mom gay: its a public client side script
  147. (Someone) jailed Ferdinand
  148. (OOC) Dude: ok
  149. (OOC) JayXtreme: Kys, do you know what client side is?
  150. (Someone) unjailed Ferdinand
  151. (OOC) your mom gay: yes
  152. Ferdinand suicided!
  153. (OOC) your mom gay: its in the name
  154. Stormlane suicided!
  155. (OOC) Dude: ill just sit around and masturbate
  156. (OOC) JayXtreme: Explain that in terms of GLua
  157. Dude suicided!
  158. (Someone) brought Krym
  159. (OOC) your mom gay: you?
  160. Dude suicided!
  161. [DarkRP] Thatsouris has been made a Hooker!
  162. (OOC) 8sr: I told purple
  163. The Tryhard Thrower suicided!
  164. :offline: Player Un__Perro (STEAM_0:1:63818216) has left the server: Disconnect by user.
  165. (OOC) 8sr: But the negro is playing Warframe
  166. [HTML] [MediaLib] playerLoaded; running 0 pending commands
  167. [DarkRP] Nolanda changed their RPName to: purplesbitch
  168. (OOC) JayXtreme: And?
  169. [HTML] Uncaught TypeError: Object [object DOMWindow] has no method 'requestAnimationFrame'
  170. (OOC) JayXtreme: That doesn't mean it's client side
  171. (OOC) your mom gay: its is
  172. (OOC) JayXtreme: If it can be executed on the server side
  173. (OOC) your mom gay: read it
  174. (OOC) JayXtreme: You dumb cunt
  175. (OOC) Dude: im CALLING PURPLE
  176. (OOC) your mom gay: read it
  177. (OOC) JayXtreme: You dumb cunt
  178. (OOC) Dude: im CALLING PURPLE
  179. (OOC) your mom gay: read it
  180. (OOC) 8sr: I dont run the server
  181. (OOC) your mom gay: you will se
  182. (OOC) JayXtreme: Someone who just pasted the script on GMod cheats obviously doesn't know
  183. (OOC) JayXtreme: MPGH and GMod cheats is full of skiddies
  184. (OOC) your mom gay: i didnt paste it
  185. (OOC) JayXtreme: None of those guys make their own shit
  186. [DarkRP] Nolanda changed their RPName to: farquad
  187. (OOC) your mom gay: im not the one using it
  188. (OOC) JayXtreme: They just paste
  189. (OOC) Thatsouris: waht if we get the hole server to get hooker and rape everone and have a big 26some
  190. (OOC) 8sr: I know I use to be one of them
  191. (Someone) returned Arklover to their original position
  192. Stormlane suicided!
  193. (OOC) your mom gay: just pointing out its public
  194. (OOC) your mom gay: nn
  195. Thatsouris suicided!
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