

Aug 1st, 2014
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  1. Pokemon Showdown Online (Part 1)
  2. A Shaman x Pezmango fanfic
  3. By Cataquack64
  6. One day Shaman was on his computer, looking at pictures of his crush, Pezmango, when Cataquack64 came crashing in.
  7. "Dude!" Yelled Cata.
  8. "What is it?" Asked Shaman.
  9. "A virtual reality gaming system known as the 'Smo Gear' is finally released to the public alongside the world's first virtual reality game called 'Pokemon Showdown Online'!"
  10. "That's cool!"
  11. "I know! I created us accounts already!"
  12. "Nice"
  13. "Thanks"
  14. "Oh, btw can you make one for Pez?"
  15. "Sure, I dont see WYNUAT."
  16. "Okay, puns tho"
  17. "Kk"
  18. "See you tomorrow"
  19. "See you later, Feraligatr"
  20. "In a while, Krookodile"
  21. Tomorrow, PSO was released, everybody was at the virtualization chambers. Shaman was starting to wonder where Cata and Pez was. Then Cata came with Pez, holding her hand.
  22. "Um.. Cata" said Shaman, slightly jealous at the sight of his freind holding his crushes hand.
  23. "Yes?"
  24. "Why are you holding Pez's hand?"
  25. "She wanted me to hold her hand, why ask? Are you JEALOUS?"
  26. "...aren't you going out with Luxuuray?"
  27. "Oh"
  28. Cata lets go of Pez's hand, and gets ready to log in.
  29. "Ready Pez and Shaman?" said Cata
  30. "READY!" says Pez and Shaman.
  31. "Ok, lets go!"
  32. Pez, Shaman, and Cata logs-in to the Aincrad Region, the world of PSO. It was a beautiful region, with simulated towns, Pokemon, and trainers. Shaman whistled at the sight of the Region.
  33. "Wow," he said, "This place is beuatiful!"
  34. "OMG!!!" Said an excited Cataquack, "I see a Shiny Yanma! I call Dibs!"
  35. As he ran off to go catch it, Shaman and Pez looked at each other, and decided to have fun. After a few hours of playing around, they try to log-out, but discover that they cannot. Then Zarel, the game's creator, announces to the players something
  36. "Hello guys," said Zarel "I have intentionally removed the log-out option."
  37. "Aw crap." said Pez "Now what can I do?"
  38. "Also," Zarel added, "the only way to escape is to beat and clear all 100 floors of Aincrad. If you die in the game, your real body will perish as well."
  39. "What?!," Yelled Cata "I just caught this Yanma!"
  40. "Cata," said Shaman "calm down."
  41. "Calm down?! CALM DOWN?!?!?!! IM GONNA FUCKING DIE!!!"
  42. Cata's yelling scared off the poor Yamna, and it flew off.
  43. "Wait!" Said Cata, beckoning his Pokemon "come back!"
  44. As Cata ran off too get Yanma, Shaman and Pez looked at each other.
  45. "Well," says Shaman "looks like we got QUITE an adventure"
  46. "Yep," says Pez "and with Cata around, the fun won't end! "
  47. Pez and Shaman laughed, knowing they will have one of the longest adventures ever
  48. (Continued in pt.2)
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