

May 10th, 2016
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  1. ??? aeonicOracle [?AO] ??:?? FROM ???? responded to memo.
  2. ?AO: Would you like to begin the game?
  3. ?GG: >eh
  4. ?AO: Loading game file...
  5. ?AO: Loading...
  6. ?AO: A B Y S S A L 8 O D D I T Y
  8. CAC: >Play
  9. ?AO: Is this your last saved game:
  10. CAC: >y
  11. ?AO: Loading game. Please do not fuck off into the darkness of memospace.
  12. ?AO: Loading...
  13. ?AO: Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.
  14. ?GG: ı'll do what I want
  15. CUC: Still here.
  16. CUC: Hmm, let me recall the recent past quick.
  17. ?AO: Oh, yes. Apologies.
  19. CUC: >Assault. Cyan: Plasma beam straight through a leg. Azure: Hit their arms with a blast of mercury-water.
  20. CUC: That key might be important.
  21. ?AO: The plasma beam burns a neat hole straight through the leg. The creature stands, mostly unaffected. The mercurial water itself just descends into the flesh of the being, and is lost.
  22. CUC: Crap.
  23. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  24. CUC: Did we completely lose our mercury water?
  25. ?AO: You did.
  26. CUC: Well, shit.
  27. CUC: Sniper rifle time.
  28. ?AO: The Graveguard slowly takes a single shuffling step forward.
  29. CAC: Is the courtyard open to the sky.
  30. ?AO: (Yes.)
  31. ?AO: Then, the being emits an inhuman scream, and leaps from the top of the stairs to an area directly between the two of you, fifty feet down.
  32. CAC: We should try to retrieve the mercury, if possible.
  33. ?AO: With a quick, sweeping slice, the harvest blade passes through both of your chests painfully.
  34. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  36. CTG ceased responding to memo.
  37. CAC: Idea.
  38. CAC: Call Topaz for air support?
  39. ?AO: That seems valid to me.
  40. CUC: Oooh my.
  41. CUC: Yessssss.
  42. ?AO: Shall you do it?
  43. CUC: Fse, your decision.
  44. CAC: What if she can't aim and accidentely kills us.
  45. CAC: Whatever.
  46. CAC: >Do it
  47. ?AO: Hah.
  48. CUC: I'm planning out Chaos things.
  49. ?AO: Topaz says she'll try the best she can. You can hear the sound of your ship starting faintly, from all the wall at the bottom of the mountain face. It is still your turn.
  50. CAC: >Observe
  51. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  52. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  53. ?AO: Eldritch Graveguard: ████ HP. NOTES: The emaciated husk of a possibly undead cloaked being, a heavy-looking harvest blade firmly grasped within their hands. A soundless bell dangles from a chain around their neck, along with a key. Celestial attendants hide all manner of rituals, certain to reveal nothing, for true enlightenment need not be shared.
  54. CAC: Eh?
  55. ?AO: A gray square is equivalent to twenty-five red squares.
  56. CCP: one more to go-
  57. CCP: never mind
  58. CUC: Shit! Wow.
  59. CAC: A thought for the future.
  60. CAC: We should tank for Cyan.
  61. ?AO: It compacts things up, I'd say.
  62. CAC: We have more health, and generally deal less damage.
  63. CAC: So how much damage did we do to it
  64. ?AO: Three.
  65. CUC: Three red squares, or three grey?
  66. ?AO: Red.
  67. CAC: Hmm, how much health did it start at
  68. CUC: Damn, wow.
  69. ?AO: Twenty-eight.
  70. CUC: Presumably 28.
  71. CAC: How exact.
  72. CCP: it was a miniboss digused as a scrub
  73. CCP: not really but still
  74. CAC: >Azure: Try to retrieve mercury water
  75. ?AO: As for Cyan?
  76. CUC: >Cyan: Another plasma shot: try to cut its leg off this time. Same leg as before.
  77. ?AO: Very well.
  78. CAC: >Make a plasma shied
  79. CAC: No, Cyan can't take another hit
  80. CUC: Ok, Cyan: Defend.
  81. ?AO: Sounds good.
  82. ?AO: Cyan pulls up a plasma shield, panting heavily, presumably from the substantial blood loss of having a scythe stabbed through your chest.
  83. ?AO: Tails. You try, and fail, to retrieve the mercurial water.
  84. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  85. ?AO: The Graveguard remains absolutely still, not appearing to visibly move even a muscle. The bell around its neck shines in the clouded light of the simulated sun.
  86. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  88. CUC: Ooh, might that bell be important?
  89. CAC: >Both: Use a medkit
  90. ?AO: You both use medkits.
  91. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  92. ?AO: The GSS Exsanguinator appears up above the courtyard.
  93. ?AO: The thing casts a shadow over the entire combat itself.
  94. CAC: big is it
  95. ?AO: Standard starship size. About, you know, the size of some sort of suburban house, in length.
  96. CTT ceased responding to memo.
  97. ?AO: The massive plasma cannon Cyan installed begins to glow with heat.
  98. CUC: >Cyan and Azure: SHIELD! QUICK! (If we can order them right now.)
  99. ?AO: You can pull up shields, yes. By which I mean you do. Cyan already had one.
  100. ?AO: A bolt of plasma easily four meters in diameter crashes down on the Graveguard. The thing swings its blade upwards slightly before it is obscured in the light.
  101. ?AO: Suddenly, you can hear the ringing of a bell nearby. That which was once silent.
  102. ?AO: The image of the rune Thkhu-ustmiagl is forced into your brain over and over.
  103. ?AO: Almost painful to bear, even.
  104. ?AO: You collapse to the ground, your shield, broken.
  105. ?AO: Cyan drags you under hers, and the plasmic energies fade. The Graveguard is on fire, but otherwise mostly intact.
  106. CUC: Arcane Lake.
  107. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  109. CUC: >Observe,
  110. CUC: *.
  111. ?AO: Eldritch Graveguard: ████ HP. On fire. NOTES: The emaciated husk of a possibly undead cloaked being, a heavy-looking harvest blade firmly grasped within their hands. A soundless bell dangles from a chain around their neck, along with a key. Celestial attendants hide all manner of rituals, certain to reveal nothing, for true enlightenment need not be shared.
  112. CAU: Gonna move to G10 and heal Mistri and Kirika, considering they are sandwiched between a giant and a haxor at the moment.
  113. CAU: Anyone oppose this motion?
  114. CUC: I do not oppose.
  115. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP. Recollecting.
  116. CAC: ...maybe you should have health units of 5 first?
  117. ?AO: That's absurd. One, then twenty-five.
  118. ?AO: If you must know, that's currently 19/28.
  119. CAC: Recollecting?
  120. ?AO: Recollecting.
  121. CAC: Can she act, or no
  122. ?AO: There's only one way to find out.
  123. CUC: >Cyan: Fire at the Graveguard's bell. Can Azure act?
  124. CUC: >Azure: Once again attempt to retrieve your mercurial water.
  125. ?AO: You attempt to retrieve the mercurial water. As you are doing so, your concentration is broken by the burning image of the occult sigil once more. Tails.
  126. ?AO: Cyan shoots at the bell. It shatters. The Graveguard chuckles slightly, dry and ragged.
  127. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  128. ?AO: The Graveguard doesn't bother attacking Cyan. The shield will kind of prevent that. Instead, it swings the harvest blade through the earth, and stabs you in the kneecap. You grimace severely, but manage to keep from reacting too drastically.
  129. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  131. CUC: >Observe.
  132. CAC: Hmm, how often does the ship act?
  133. ?AO: When you tell it to.
  134. CAC: ...oh
  135. ?AO: Eldritch Graveguard: ████ HP. On fire. NOTES: The emaciated husk of a possibly undead cloaked being, a heavy-looking harvest blade firmly grasped within their hands. A soundless bell dangles from a chain around their neck, along with a key. Celestial attendants hide all manner of rituals, certain to reveal nothing, for true enlightenment need not be shared.
  137. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP. Recollecting.
  138. CUC: Shadow Extrapolation...
  139. CAC: That's the health.
  140. ?AO: ^
  141. CUC: Ah.
  142. CURRENT caledfwlchUnleashed [CCU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  143. CCU: AMBUSH!!!
  144. ?AO: Please note that when you command the ship, you can determine which weapon to fire.
  145. CCU: BLUH.
  146. CAU: I feel ya Tazz.
  147. CCU: No update today, busy buys buys.
  148. ?GG: man, snıpıng ıs fun
  149. CCU: busy
  150. CAU: By the way I still need to respawn don't I?
  151. CCU: uh.
  152. CAC: >List weapons
  153. CCU: you haven't died?
  154. CAU: I thought OF counted in some way, haha.
  155. ?GG: flowey
  156. ?AO: The two railguns, the ion cannon, and the plasma cannon.
  157. CCU: only the players with vulnerability died like that.
  158. ?GG: pretty sure you got others ınvolved
  159. CAU: Oooh. That makes sense then.
  160. ?GG: lıke twın
  161. CUC: I thought so!
  162. CUC: Also, afk for nourishment.
  163. CAC: Hmm.
  164. CAC: >Ship: Fire plasma cannon
  165. CCU: Uh.
  166. CCU: | didn't?
  167. CAC: >Azure: Back away and snipe
  168. CCU: bluh.
  169. CCU: Can't remember shite.
  170. ?AO: And Cyan?
  171. CAU: fire plasma hands? 
  172. ?AO: Sadly, Cyan lacks plasma hands.
  173. CAC: >Cyan: Use electricity on the thing's weapon arm
  174. ?AO: Very well.
  175. CCC made TG an OP.
  176. CURRENT transcribedGuardian [CTG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  177. CTG: hey
  178. CTG: idk why I left ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  179. ?AO: The ship prepares its plasma cannon. The Graveguard begins to raise its harvest blade, but is stopped with limb twitchings caused by electrical interference with neurons mess with its weapon arm.
  180. ?AO: The harvest blade drops to the ground, and the ship fires, accompanied by a sniper shot straight to the face.
  181. CAU: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  182. ?AO: Within seconds of nigh-endless flame and plasma, the field is cleared. The Graveguard still yet persists, seemingly inches from death.
  183. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  184. CAC: Why don't things ever die.
  185. ?AO: Because death is fake and all your bodies are illusions.
  186. ?AO: Which is actually true, in the case of you and Cyan.
  187. ?AO: As well as Topaz.
  188. ?AO: Anyhow, the Graveguard looks to the burnt remnants of the harvest blade. The blade itself has persisted, whilst the handle was melted into a puddle of steel.
  189. ?AO: With a quick movement, the thing grabs the blade, and slices it deep into the ground, carving a gash into the earth, far deeper than should be possible. Magma roils beneath.
  190. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  192. CAC: >Observe
  193. ?AO: Eldritch Graveguard: ████ HP. On fire. NOTES: The emaciated husk of a possibly undead cloaked being, a heavy-looking harvest blade firmly grasped within their hands. A soundless bell dangles from a chain around their neck, along with a key. Celestial attendants hide all manner of rituals, certain to reveal nothing, for true enlightenment need not be shared.
  195. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP. Recollecting.
  196. CAC: Hrm.
  197. CAC: >Azure: Try one last time to retrieve mercury water, while backing up
  198. CAC: >Cyan: Back up as well while sending electricity at the graveguard
  199. CAC: >Ship: Fire railguns?
  200. ?AO: You attempt once more to retrieve the mercurial water.
  201. ?AO: Heads. With a sickening squelch, the liquid tears a gaping hole in the chest of the Graveguard, and returns to its master. The force of the pulling actually kills it.
  202. ?AO: The Graveguard drops to its knees, and reaches with one hand to the cosmos, before collapsing to the ground, and evaporating into blue smoke.
  203. CCU: git gud, Graveguard.
  205. ?AO: Please enter command.
  206. CAC: >Loot?
  207. ?AO: Nothing was left behind. It all evaporated.
  208. CAC: >Is magma still... roiling
  209. ?AO: It has cooled.
  210. CAC: Hmm
  211. CAC: >Thank Topaz
  212. CAC: >Forwards
  213. ?AO: She says no prob, bob. You confusedly inform her of that fact that it's Azure.
  214. ?AO: Onwards.
  215. ?AO: The two of you head up the stairs to the sleek iron entrance to the citadel, from whence the celestial attendant came.
  216. ?AO: There is a symbol burned into the center of the doors.
  217. CAC: >Examine
  218. ?AO: Chtmu'dahgai.
  219. CAC: Hmm
  220. CAC: >Open the door?
  221. ?AO: It will not budge. Blue smoke occasionally curls off of the symbol.
  222. CAC: >Touch symbol
  223. ?AO: You touch it. Nothing happens.
  224. CAC: Hrm.
  225. CAC: Hmm.
  226. CAC: >Check holoscroll?
  227. ?AO: The Vardiveig Holoscroll remains inert. For the moment, at least.
  228. CAC: >Consider breaking door open
  229. ?AO: Given the fact that the symbol appears to be magic, that doesn't sound like a particularly intelligent idea.
  230. CAC: Uh
  231. ?AO: The only thing of note is that the symbol is of remarkably similar craftsmanship to the Arcane Lake rune in the Nu Sector.
  232. CUC: /back.
  233. CUC: Translation away!
  234. ?AO: By no means the same symbol, but the same craftsperson, perchance.
  235. CUC: 'Great Clarity', in the most rough translation.
  236. CAC: brb
  237. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  238. ?AO: The thing clicks, and an arcane voice tells the purple man that it's his fault for saying that nouns didn't have to switch verbs over to gerunds. The door slides open.
  239. ?AO: You do not need your eyes to see. That which is within can reveal much of the truth to those who can both see it, and choose to do so.
  240. CUC: Oh, would that be 'Enlightenment'?
  241. ?AO: ((Perchance. 'Great Clarity' sounded better, though.))
  242. CUC: ((Ah.))
  243. ?AO: Please enter command.
  244. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  245. CAC: >Enter
  246. ?AO: You finally enter the Lambda Manufactory proper.
  247. ?AO: The first thing you notice is a key lying in a stone-lined flowerbed before you.
  248. ?GG: >take
  249. ?AO: Manufactory Key: A skeleton key wrought of chilled iron. One could say keys are but paddles in the sea of discovery.
  250. ?AO: The citadel itself seems to have one main room.
  251. ?AO: You are currently standing at the absolute bottom of one massive chamber, with staircases and ladders all leading to some large platform many meters above, embedded in the wall.
  252. CUC: Ahhhh. So this whole thing is ocean-themed because of the Arcane Lake.
  253. ?AO: The platform itself bears a metallic rectangular altar of some sort upon it.
  254. CAC: >Ascend
  255. ?AO: You climb the many staircases up to the platform. You note hundreds of massive mechanical limbs are connected to the base of the platform, bearing a variety of tools. All appear to be controlled at this platform station.
  256. CAC: Hmm
  257. ?AO: You reach the platform.
  258. CAC: >Examine altar
  259. ?AO: The thing is about three meters in length, and one and a half in width. On the front of the thing is a slot in the top of the device, containing inert quartz receptor caps on either end.
  260. CAC: Eh?
  261. CAC: >Examine holoscroll
  262. ?AO: Vardiveig Holoscroll: A tube of pure glass, with inert quartz caps. Contains four small cylinders of inert peridot. Making contact with eldritch wisdom is a blessing, for even if it drives one mad, it allows one to serve a grander purpose, for posterity.
  263. CAC: >Place?
  264. ?AO: You stick the thing inside.
  265. CUC: I'd just like to say, I love all the gem and crystal tech in this.
  266. ?AO: Immediately, the glass melts, and drips into the base of the altar slot. The peridot cylinders float in the air, before rising before you, and forming a vaguely squarelike shape.
  267. ?AO: ((Many thanks.))
  268. ?AO: An octagonal holographic screen is projected within the confines of the peridot cylinders.
  270. ?AO: Hah.
  271. ?AO: Yep.
  272. CUC: ((YASSS.))
  273. ?AO: Please enter command.
  274. CUC: >Examine screen.
  275. ?AO: The thing appears to display a system diagnosis in one corner, revealing the absurd amount of mechanical and chemical crafting devices all hooked up to this thing.
  276. ?AO: The main screen itself displays a few words in Rodarbi text, underneath the category of 'DESIGNATED POSSIBLE FROM BODILY SCANS'.
  277. CAC: Hrm
  278. CAC: >Read
  279. ?AO: It appears to state, in order, Psiosword, Salt Water, Loch Plate, and Limb Destabilizer Cannon.
  280. CUC: Oooooh. This thing is a bodily upgrading station.
  281. ?AO: Is it?
  282. CCP: inb4 its a body explodinator
  283. CUC: At least, that's what I see...
  284. CUC: Wait.
  285. CAC: Eh, leave it alone.
  286. CUC: It could also be reacting to our gem.
  287. ?AO: Majority vote required.
  288. CUC: In which case it would be verrrry dangerous.
  289. CUC: Hmm.
  290. CAC: "Have Cyan try it"
  291. CUC: >Examine further.
  292. CUC: >Don't select ANYTHING yet.
  293. CAC:
  294. ?AO: The wall across from both you and the altar appears to hold naught, save for a wooden plate attached to a metal keyhole.
  295. ?AO: That is literally the only other thing of note.
  296. CAC: >Put in key
  297. CUC: ^
  298. CUC: Hmm.
  299. CUC: This machine might also just be a regular crafting station.
  300. ?AO: You stick the key in the slot.
  301. ?AO: ERROR: item not selected.
  302. CUC: Ahhhhh.
  303. CUC: I see.
  304. CUC: Remove key.
  305. ?AO: You do so.
  306. ?AO: ((Hey, guess what? You get to think about this for fifteen minutes. Hooray. /AFK.))
  307. CUC: Bye!
  308. CAC: I say Loch Plate?
  309. CAC: It sounds like it has the least potential to go wrong maybe.
  310. ?GG: haha holy shıt
  311. CUC: I think we can select items, see what they do, and then if we want them we put the key in the slot.
  312. CAC: ... Ah
  313. CTT ceased responding to memo.
  314. CTG: /afk
  315. CAU: /unafk
  316. ?AO: ((/UNAFK.))
  317. ?AO: Please enter command.
  318. CAC: >Select Loch Plate
  319. ?AO: All in favor?
  320. CUC: Ye.
  321. CUC: Waaaait.
  322. CUC: Hm.
  323. CUC: Is this irreversible, I wonder.
  324. ?AO: What shall it be.
  325. CUC: Hmmmmm.
  326. CUC: Plate is likely HP, Sword is melee, Water is water upgrade, and Limb Destabilizer is some sort of arm cannon.
  327. ?AO: Indecision 2016 should be saved for the delegates, if you will.
  328. CUC: Hah.
  329. CUC: >Plate.
  330. CAU: salt water might let us synergize with cyan perhaps?
  331. ?AO: You tap the words reading Loch Plate.
  332. CUC: Oooooh -- dammit!
  333. CUC: Oh well.
  334. CAU: it has an ionic compound dissolved in it, so it should conduct water better. ah well
  335. ?AO: Another screen pops up, revealing that this process requires one hunk of meteoric iron, and half of a Lapis Stone Shard.
  336. CUC: Oh!
  337. CUC: I see.
  338. CUC: Upgrades.
  339. CUC: >Check inventory.
  340. CAC: Should've bought that small shard.
  341. ?AO: AZURE INV: Medkit x7, Water Vial, Mercurial Water Vial, Undulating Water Vial, Welding Equipment, Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse x4, Gem Fragment x3, Ylahrthuian Salt x6, Amalgam Interface, Flipside Elixir, Gluon Destabilizer, Potion of the Nine, Bottle of Water, Draught of Tears x2, Incense Jar x2, Duopen, Sniper Rifle, Ink Cartridge x2, Gluon Destabilizer x2, Ink Canister x2, Vardiveig Holoscroll, Month's Supply of Food and Water x2, Eye of Nyar'yothul, Will of Ohthmog x3, Manufactory Key.
  342. CUC: >Tap Salt Water.
  343. ?AO: CYAN INV: δ-ψ-φ-Bioschema, Deactivated Vitae Canister, Medkit, Laser Pointer, Plasma Rifle, Month's Supply of Food and Water x2, Medkit x7, Gluon Destabilizer x4.
  344. ?AO: GSS EXSANGUINATOR INV: Hunk of Refined Infused Arcanium x5, Hunk of Vesperium x2, Pile of Metal Plates, Pile of Wiring, Pile of Core Mechanics, Psioglass Tube x8, Cyanic Mechanovitae Tube, Sonic Repulsor Engine, Psionic Filter (12/14), Psiofiber x10, Sheet of Corotite x1, Crystal Core Chassis, Sensor x3, Lapis Stone Shard x4, Cloth Wrappings x3, Witch-Doctor Disguise x2, Murder Cylinder x4, Hunk of Meteoric Iron x4, Irhvium Plate x3.
  345. ?AO: Salt Water appears to simply require some water.
  346. CUC: Check the Psiosword.
  347. ?AO: The Psisword requires a hunk of meteoric iron, two cloth wrappings, and a psionic filter of any status.
  348. CCP: So, a psionic Coffee Filter?
  349. CUC: Lastly, check the Limb Destabilizer Cannon.
  350. CUC: Nah, it filters things.
  351. CUC: Like weapon discharges.
  352. ?AO: The Limb Destabilizer Cannon requires four hunks of meteoric iron, and three Lapis Stone Shards.
  353. CAC: ... Huh
  354. CUC: Ah. So, uh, that isn't possible right now.
  355. CUC: Have Cyan check the screen.
  356. ?AO: It is.
  357. ?AO: You have four shards, and four hunks of iron.
  358. CUC: Huh.
  359. ?AO: Anyhow, it remains the same entirely when Cyan examines it.
  360. CUC: Must've missed three of them.
  361. CUC: Ah.
  362. CUC: I vote we make a Loch Plate to see what it does.
  363. ?AO: All in favor?
  364. ?GG: suure
  365. ?AO: Sounds good.
  366. CAU: >ye
  367. CAC: Use the smallest shard
  368. ?AO: You double select the Loch Plate. A flashing Rodarbi instruction commands you to place the required items on the altar.
  369. CUC: >Place items.
  370. CAC: Use the smallest shard
  371. ?AO: You do so.
  372. ?GG: dıd we ever fıx topaz's crack
  373. ?AO: No, and nothing happens.
  374. ?GG: okay
  375. ?AO: You seem to have forgotten one key thing.
  376. CUC: >Turn the key.
  377. CAC: >Put the key in?
  378. CUC: Well, place key in.
  379. ?AO: The instant you place the key in, it turns. A bubble of opaque light covers the altar, and what you placed upon it.
  380. ?AO: The mechanical limbs around the Manufactory all spring to life, descending, and entering said bubble.
  381. ?AO: Soon enough, the bubble fades, and the arms retract.
  382. ?AO: The items on the table have been replaced with something entirely new.
  383. ?AO: Similarly, a new 'deconstruct' option appears on the screen of the altar.
  384. ?AO: As well as several new items.
  385. CUC: >Examine plate.
  386. ?AO: Loch Plate: An ornate armor plate with a decorative meteoric frame, and a thin yet curved azurite pane. Often, the barriers that are the most difficult to shatter are those of the mind.
  387. CUC: ((Oh my god, this is a one-stop crafting shop.))
  388. ?GG: uh
  389. CUC: >Examine new items on the screen.
  390. CUC: /afk
  391. ?AO: The Limb Destabilizer Cannon has vanished, first of all. Next, Venuz's Cry and something called a Microcluster appear on the screen in its place.
  392. CURRENT taintedChampion [CTC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  393. CTC: Sup Nerds
  394. CTC: Will I ever learn?
  395. CTC: Probably not
  396. CCP: just a text game.
  397. ?GG: >select venuz's game
  398. ?AO: Please enter command.
  399. ?GG: *cry
  400. ?AO: You tap Venuz's Cry.
  401. ?AO: It appears to cost two Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curses.
  402. CAC: Hrm.
  403. CAC: >Tap the microcluster
  404. CTC ceased responding to memo.
  405. ?AO: That one costs the contents of your Murder Cylinders, as well as the three additional gem fragments.
  406. CTG: /back
  407. CAC: Well then...
  408. CAC: >Tap salt water
  409. CAC: >Do the process
  410. ?AO: You pour some water into the altar, select Salt Water, and turn the key.
  411. ?AO: The bubble appears and retracts within five seconds.
  412. CURRENT taintedChampion [CTC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  413. CTC: Oh
  414. CTC: I died and this is happening
  415. CTC: Groovy
  416. ?AO: Please enter command.
  417. CAC: >Examine?
  418. CTC: Fuck, I'm rather busy but
  419. ?AO: Salt Water: Pure water, mixed thoroughly with the salt of the sea. Though the tides may be unpredictable and ceaseless, their basis is but the unit of control.
  420. CAC: Please change your colour
  421. CTC: ... I'll check this outs
  422. CTC ceased responding to memo.
  423. ?AO: ((Me?))
  424. CAC: >Check for changes in screen thing
  425. CAC: No, him
  426. CAC: Well, no real preference, but you actually use this colour.
  427. ?AO: You can now produce some Brinewater, Cursewater, Tenebrous Substance, and Bristewater.
  428. CCU: Got the Red Tail, woot.
  429. CAC: >Tap all of them, if we can
  430. CCU: That'll be all for FTL, though, enough fooling.
  431. ?AO: They all cost salt water, along with an additional item. The Brinewater, the Eye of Nyar'yothul. Cursewater, a Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse. Tenebrous Substance, a Will of Ohthmog. Bristewater, Ylahrthuian Salt.
  432. CAC: Hmm
  433. ?AO: Fuck. Would you like to save your game?
  434. CAC: Eh, leave it for now, we might need it.
  435. CAC: Yea
  436. ?AO: Saving...
  437. ?AO: Saving...
  438. ?AO: Game saved successfully. Would you like to quit?
  439. CCU: yes.
  440. ?AO: Game quit. Have a nice day.
  441. CCU: NOW...
  442. CCU: Uh.
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