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May 28th, 2012
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  1. Kourin: Ah, Reimu, I've been waiting for you.
  2. Reimu: You must have been expecting me to come here, right?...
  3. Kourin: What do you mean?
  4. Reimu: Never mind... it's not important.
  5. Kourin: Hmm?... Well, whatever.
  6. Kourin: Anyway, I tried to look something up.
  7. Kourin: Turns out I had a lot of related material at home!
  8. Reimu: It's amazing you have something like this... so?
  9. Kourin: Now, hold on... are you sure there isn't anything else you'd like to discuss?
  10. Kourin: And since you are at Kourindo...
  11. Kourin: You probably need supplies for this incident, why don't you see what I have for sale?
  12. Kourin: We can discuss everything after you're done.
  13. Reimu: ...I see, that was a skillful trick.
  14. Reimu: You've basically forced me into your store and now I have to do some shopping...
  15. Reimu: ...In exchange for information.
  16. Reimu: But, I can actually guess what you're going to tell me anyway...
  17. Reimu: And I think I can solve this incident without listening to you...
  18. Reimu: So I don't have to buy anything from you!
  19. Kourin: W, wait, please!!!
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