zurael_sTz |DB| zuraelstz

Jul 3rd, 2016
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  1. Hacker zurael sTz
  4. 2/2
  6. DB
  12. available databases [3]:
  13. [*] information_schema
  14. [*] pg_catalog
  15. [*] public
  18. Database: pg_catalog
  19. [33 tables]
  20. +----------------------------+
  21. | pg_aggregate |
  22. | pg_am |
  23. | pg_amop |
  24. | pg_amproc |
  25. | pg_attrdef |
  26. | pg_attribute |
  27. | pg_auth_members |
  28. | pg_authid |
  29. | pg_autovacuum |
  30. | pg_cast |
  31. | pg_class |
  32. | pg_constraint |
  33. | pg_conversion |
  34. | pg_database |
  35. | pg_depend |
  36. | pg_description |
  37. | pg_index |
  38. | pg_inherits |
  39. | pg_language |
  40. | pg_largeobject |
  41. | pg_listener |
  42. | pg_namespace |
  43. | pg_opclass |
  44. | pg_operator |
  45. | pg_pltemplate |
  46. | pg_proc |
  47. | pg_rewrite |
  48. | pg_shdepend |
  49. | pg_shdescription |
  50. | pg_statistic |
  51. | pg_tablespace |
  52. | pg_trigger |
  53. | pg_type |
  54. +----------------------------+
  56. Database: public
  57. [112 tables]
  58. +----------------------------+
  59. | abo_abonne |
  60. | abo_abonnement |
  61. | abo_appeldoffre |
  62. | abo_historique |
  63. | abo_pays |
  64. | ach_kit_paiement |
  65. | ach_public |
  66. | ach_public_agent |
  67. | ach_type |
  68. | ap_agrement |
  69. | ap_appeldoffre |
  70. | ap_complement_info |
  71. | ap_etat |
  72. | ap_historique |
  73. | ap_lieu_execution |
  74. | ap_lot |
  75. | ap_mode_financement |
  76. | ap_soumissionnaire |
  77. | ap_type |
  78. | ap_type_procedure |
  79. | ap_villes |
  80. | ban_article_zone_banniere |
  81. | ban_banniere |
  82. | ban_stats |
  83. | ban_type |
  84. | ban_zone |
  85. | cnt_actualite |
  86. | cnt_article |
  87. | cnt_articlerole |
  88. | cnt_articleusers |
  89. | cnt_cat_doc_role |
  90. | cnt_cat_doc_users |
  91. | cnt_doc_categorie |
  92. | cnt_doc_correspondance |
  93. | cnt_doc_type_activite |
  94. | cnt_document |
  95. | cnt_faq |
  96. | cnt_faq_origine |
  97. | cnt_faq_reference |
  98. | cnt_faq_theme |
  99. | cnt_faq_type |
  100. | ctc_infocontact |
  101. | ctc_nationalite |
  102. | ctc_statut |
  103. | ctc_type |
  104. | dec_article |
  105. | dec_article_mots_cles |
  106. | dec_mots_cles |
  107. | ent_categorie |
  108. | ent_categorie_niveau |
  109. | ent_classification |
  110. | ent_entreprise |
  111. | ent_entreprise_agrement |
  112. | ent_niveau |
  113. | ent_specialite |
  114. | ent_type |
  115. | ent_ville |
  116. | form_apprenant |
  117. | form_apprenant_session |
  118. | form_demande |
  119. | form_demande_apprenants |
  120. | form_documents |
  121. | form_documents_module |
  122. | form_module |
  123. | form_modules_session |
  124. | form_session |
  125. | kit_paiement |
  126. | langue |
  127. | lut_categorie |
  128. | lut_lienutile |
  129. | msg_etat |
  130. | msg_message |
  131. | mydata |
  132. | pg_ts_cfg |
  133. | pg_ts_cfgmap |
  134. | pg_ts_dict |
  135. | pg_ts_parser |
  136. | prg_details_programme |
  137. | prg_programmeannuel |
  138. | sect_abonne |
  139. | sect_ach_public |
  140. | sect_categorie |
  141. | sect_entreprise |
  142. | sect_entreprise_categorie |
  143. | sect_secteur |
  144. | sui_devise |
  145. | sui_fiche_affectation |
  146. | sui_fiche_annulation |
  147. | sui_fiche_suivi |
  148. | sui_fiche_suivi_pe |
  149. | sui_fiche_suspendue |
  150. | sui_fiche_suspendue_detail |
  151. | sui_formule_prix |
  152. | sui_nature_prix |
  153. | sui_recap_pe |
  154. | sui_recap_pre_detail |
  155. | sys_action_message |
  156. | sys_audience |
  157. | sys_champs_formulaire |
  158. | sys_fonctions |
  159. | sys_fonctions_role |
  160. | sys_formulaire |
  161. | sys_formulaire_ach_public |
  162. | sys_log_acces |
  163. | sys_log_action |
  164. | sys_role |
  165. | sys_tableparam |
  166. | sys_template |
  167. | sys_utilisateurs |
  168. | transaction_paiement |
  169. | ts_test |
  170. | typeactivite |
  171. +----------------------------+
  175. Database: public
  176. Table: form_demande
  177. [16 columns]
  178. +--------------------+---------+
  179. | Column | Type |
  180. +--------------------+---------+
  181. | adresse_mail | varchar |
  182. | autre_module | text |
  183. | date_debut | date |
  184. | date_demande | date |
  185. | date_fin | date |
  186. | est_traitee | int4 |
  187. | fonction_demandeur | varchar |
  188. | id | int4 |
  189. | message | text |
  190. | nbre_participants | int4 |
  191. | nom_demandeur | varchar |
  192. | ref_ach_public | int4 |
  193. | ref_langue | varchar |
  194. | ref_module | int4 |
  195. | ref_session | int4 |
  196. | ref_type_demande | int4 |
  197. +--------------------+---------+
  201. Database: public
  202. Table: ent_entreprise
  203. [33 columns]
  204. +--------------------+----------+
  205. | Column | Type |
  206. +--------------------+----------+
  207. | a_verifier | int4 |
  208. | adresse_ar | varchar |
  209. | adresse_en | varchar |
  210. | adresse_fr | varchar |
  211. | code_fiscal | varchar |
  212. | code_fiscalite | varchar |
  213. | description_ar | text |
  214. | description_ar_idx | tsvector |
  215. | description_en | text |
  216. | description_en_idx | tsvector |
  217. | description_fr | text |
  218. | description_fr_idx | tsvector |
  219. | email | varchar |
  220. | est_actif | int4 |
  221. | est_agree | int4 |
  222. | est_pme | int4 |
  223. | fax | varchar |
  224. | id | int4 |
  225. | nom_ar | varchar |
  226. | nom_ar_idx | tsvector |
  227. | nom_en | varchar |
  228. | nom_en_idx | tsvector |
  229. | nom_fr | varchar |
  230. | nom_fr_idx | tsvector |
  231. | nom_responsable_ar | varchar |
  232. | nom_responsable_en | varchar |
  233. | nom_responsable_fr | varchar |
  234. | photo | varchar |
  235. | ref_classification | int4 |
  236. | ref_type | int4 |
  237. | ref_ville | int4 |
  238. | site_web | varchar |
  239. | telephone | varchar |
  240. +--------------------+----------+
  243. Database: public
  244. Table: sui_fiche_suspendue
  245. [6 columns]
  246. +-----------------+---------+
  247. | Column | Type |
  248. +-----------------+---------+
  249. | email | varchar |
  250. | fax | varchar |
  251. | id | int4 |
  252. | nom_responsable | varchar |
  253. | ref_ach_public | int4 |
  254. | telephone | varchar |
  255. +-----------------+---------
  258. Database: public
  259. Table: ap_soumissionnaire
  260. [22 columns]
  261. +-----------------+---------+
  262. | Column | Type |
  263. +-----------------+---------+
  264. | adresse | text |
  265. | code_fiscal | varchar |
  266. | code_postal | int4 |
  267. | date_achat | date |
  268. | derniere_visite | date |
  269. | email | varchar |
  270. | etat | int4 |
  271. | fax | varchar |
  272. | fonction | varchar |
  273. | id | int4 |
  274. | id_transaction | varchar |
  275. | nom | varchar |
  276. | prenom | varchar |
  277. | pswd | varchar |
  278. | raison_sociale | varchar |
  279. | ref_abonnement | int4 |
  280. | ref_appel_offre | int4 |
  281. | ref_nationalite | int4 |
  282. | ref_pays | int4 |
  283. | ref_statut | int4 |
  284. | telephone | varchar |
  285. | ville | varchar |
  286. +-----------------+---------+
  289. Database: public
  290. Table: ap_complement_info
  291. [11 columns]
  292. +-----------------+---------+
  293. | Column | Type |
  294. +-----------------+---------+
  295. | adresse | varchar |
  296. | date_demande | date |
  297. | email | varchar |
  298. | fax | varchar |
  299. | id | int4 |
  300. | nom | varchar |
  301. | prenom | varchar |
  302. | question | text |
  303. | ref_appeldoffre | int4 |
  304. | societe | varchar |
  305. | telephone | varchar |
  306. +-----------------+---------+
  309. Database: public
  310. Table: abo_abonne
  311. [25 columns]
  312. +--------------------+---------+
  313. | Column | Type |
  314. +--------------------+---------+
  315. | adresse | text |
  316. | code_fiscal | varchar |
  317. | code_postal | int4 |
  318. | date_abonnement | date |
  319. | date_desabonnement | date |
  320. | derniere_visite | date |
  321. | email | varchar |
  322. | est_actif | int4 |
  323. | est_internaute | int4 |
  324. | fax | varchar |
  325. | fonction | varchar |
  326. | id | int4 |
  327. | id_transaction | varchar |
  328. | mot_de_passe | varchar |
  329. | nationalite | varchar |
  330. | nom | varchar |
  331. | nom_utilisateur | varchar |
  332. | prenom | varchar |
  333. | raison_sociale | varchar |
  334. | ref_abonnement | int4 |
  335. | ref_langue | varchar |
  336. | ref_pays | int4 |
  337. | ref_statut | int4 |
  338. | telephone | varchar |
  339. | ville | varchar |
  340. +--------------------+---------+
  343. Database: public
  344. Table: sui_fiche_annulation
  345. [22 columns]
  346. +------------------------------+---------+
  347. | Column | Type |
  348. +------------------------------+---------+
  349. | adresse_caution_saisie | text |
  350. | caution_finale | float4 |
  351. | date_annulation | date |
  352. | date_conclusion | date |
  353. | date_debut_execution | date |
  354. | delais_execution | int4 |
  355. | email | varchar |
  356. | fax | varchar |
  357. | id | int4 |
  358. | methode_continuation_marches | text |
  359. | nom_prenom_acquereur | int4 |
  360. | nom_responsable | varchar |
  361. | objet | varchar |
  362. | pourc_avance_execution | int4 |
  363. | prix | float4 |
  364. | prix_service_non_paye | float4 |
  365. | prix_service_paye | float4 |
  366. | raison_annulation | text |
  367. | ref_ach_public | int4 |
  368. | ref_mode_financement | int4 |
  369. | ref_procedure_passation | int4 |
  370. | telephone | varchar |
  371. +------------------------------+---------+
  374. Database: public
  375. Table: sui_recap_pe
  376. [19 columns]
  377. +-----------------------------------+---------+
  378. | Column | Type |
  379. +-----------------------------------+---------+
  380. | annee | int4 |
  381. | date_creation | date |
  382. | date_maj | date |
  383. | email | varchar |
  384. | fax | varchar |
  385. | id | int4 |
  386. | nom_responsable | varchar |
  387. | ref_ach_public | int4 |
  388. | tel | varchar |
  389. | total_approximatif_nombre_pe | float4 |
  390. | total_approximatif_nombre_total | float4 |
  391. | total_approximatif_pourcentage_pe | float4 |
  392. | total_approximatif_valeur_pe | float4 |
  393. | total_approximatif_valeur_totale | float4 |
  394. | total_reel_nombre_pe | float4 |
  395. | total_reel_nombre_total | float4 |
  396. | total_reel_pourcentage_pe | float4 |
  397. | total_reel_valeur_pe | float4 |
  398. | total_reel_valeur_totale | float4 |
  399. +-----------------------------------+---------+
  402. Database: public
  403. Table: ach_public
  404. [25 columns]
  405. +-------------------+---------+
  406. | Column | Type |
  407. +-------------------+---------+
  408. | abreviation_ar | varchar |
  409. | abreviation_en | varchar |
  410. | abreviation_fr | varchar |
  411. | alias | varchar |
  412. | code_marchand | varchar |
  413. | description_ar | text |
  414. | description_en | text |
  415. | description_fr | text |
  416. | email | varchar |
  417. | est_actif | int4 |
  418. | fax | varchar |
  419. | id | int4 |
  420. | ip | varchar |
  421. | ipreel | varchar |
  422. | logicalparentpath | varchar |
  423. | login | varchar |
  424. | motdepasse | varchar |
  425. | nom_ar | varchar |
  426. | nom_en | varchar |
  427. | nom_fr | varchar |
  428. | ref_ach_parent | int4 |
  429. | rib | varchar |
  430. | telephone | varchar |
  431. | treedepth | int4 |
  432. | type_ach | int4 |
  433. +-------------------+---------+
  435. Database: public
  436. Table: sui_fiche_suivi_pe
  437. [13 columns]
  438. +-------------------------+---------+
  439. | Column | Type |
  440. +-------------------------+---------+
  441. | annee | int4 |
  442. | date_concurrence | date |
  443. | date_creation | date |
  444. | date_debut | date |
  445. | email | varchar |
  446. | fax | varchar |
  447. | id | int4 |
  448. | nom_responsable | varchar |
  449. | ref_ach_public | int4 |
  450. | ref_cat_secteur | int4 |
  451. | ref_procedure_passation | int4 |
  452. | sujet | text |
  453. | tel | varchar |
  454. +-------------------------+---------+
  456. Database: public
  457. Table: sys_utilisateurs
  458. [14 columns]
  459. +-----------+---------+
  460. | Column | Type |
  461. +-----------+---------+
  462. | email | varchar |
  463. | est_actif | int4 |
  464. | est_admin | int4 |
  465. | fax | varchar |
  466. | gsm | varchar |
  467. | id | int4 |
  468. | ip | varchar |
  469. | login | varchar |
  470. | nom | varchar |
  471. | pass | varchar |
  472. | prenom | varchar |
  473. | ref_role | int4 |
  474. | tel | varchar |
  475. | ville | varchar |
  476. +-----------+---------+
  479. Database: public
  480. Table: form_apprenant
  481. [8 columns]
  482. +----------------+---------+
  483. | Column | Type |
  484. +----------------+---------+
  485. | email | varchar |
  486. | est_actif | int4 |
  487. | id | int4 |
  488. | login | varchar |
  489. | nom | varchar |
  490. | password | varchar |
  491. | prenom | varchar |
  492. | ref_ach_public | int4 |
  493. +----------------+---------+
  497. Database: public
  498. Table: ach_public_agent
  499. [13 columns]
  500. +-----------------+---------+
  501. | Column | Type |
  502. +-----------------+---------+
  503. | appel_offre | int4 |
  504. | creation_compte | int4 |
  505. | email | varchar |
  506. | formation | int4 |
  507. | id | int4 |
  508. | login | varchar |
  509. | nom | varchar |
  510. | nom_ar | varchar |
  511. | password | varchar |
  512. | password_prive | varchar |
  513. | prenom | varchar |
  514. | prenom_ar | varchar |
  515. | ref_achpublic | int4 |
  516. +-----------------+---------+
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