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a guest
Feb 11th, 2013
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  1. Failed to compile pixel shader!
  2. This usually happens when trying to use Dolphin with an outdated GPU or integrated GPU like the Intel GMA series.
  4. If you're sure this is Dolphin's error anyway, post the contents of /home/raidzero/.dolphin-emu/Dump/bad_ps_0000.txt along with this error message at the forums.
  6. Debug info (7000):
  7. (0) : warning C6502: Profile option 'NumInstructionSlots' value (-1) too small; clamped to 0
  8. (0) : warning C6502: Profile option 'NumTexInstructionSlots' value (-1) too small; clamped to 0
  9. (0) : warning C6502: Profile option 'NumMathInstructionSlots' value (-1) too small; clamped to 0
  10. (0) : warning C6502: Profile option 'MaxTexIndirections' value (-1) too small; clamped to 1
  11. (0) : warning C6503: Profile option 'MaxDrawBuffers' value (8) too large; clamped to 4
  12. (0) : warning C6502: Profile option 'NumInstructionSlots' value (-1) too small; clamped to 0
  13. (0) : warning C6502: Profile option 'NumTexInstructionSlots' value (-1) too small; clamped to 0
  14. (0) : warning C6502: Profile option 'NumMathInstructionSlots' value (-1) too small; clamped to 0
  15. (0) : warning C6502: Profile option 'MaxTexIndirections' value (-1) too small; clamped to 1
  16. (0) : warning C6503: Profile option 'MaxDrawBuffers' value (8) too large; clamped to 4
  17. (0) : error C6002: Instruction limit of 0 exceeded; 10 instructions needed to compile program
  19. ***************
  21. cat /home/raidzero/.dolphin-emu/Dump/bad_ps_0000.txt:
  22. uniform samplerRECT samp0 : register(s0);
  23. void main(
  24. out float4 ocol0 : COLOR0,
  25. in float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0)
  26. {
  27. float2 uv1 = float2(uv0.x + 1.0f, uv0.y);
  28. float3 c0 = texRECT(samp0, uv0).rgb;
  29. float3 c1 = texRECT(samp0, uv1).rgb;
  30. float3 y_const = float3(0.257f,0.504f,0.098f);
  31. float3 u_const = float3(-0.148f,-0.291f,0.439f);
  32. float3 v_const = float3(0.439f,-0.368f,-0.071f);
  33. float4 const3 = float4(0.0625f,0.5f,0.0625f,0.5f);
  34. float3 c01 = (c0 + c1) * 0.5f;
  35. ocol0 = float4(dot(c1,y_const),dot(c01,u_const),dot(c0,y_const),dot(c01, v_const)) + const3;
  36. }
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