

Apr 20th, 2018
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  1. Real Name and Talent (if applicable): N/A
  2. Biological Gender: Male
  3. Full Personality: He's a liar who operates by the logic of "fake it 'til you make it." He pretends he doesn't care about anyone, but a small yet growing part of him is genuinely apathetic towards others, despite how bad he is at pretending. Despite how hard he tries to hide it, he can be extremely emotional. He's almost constantly on the verge of breaking down, and it's not a rare sight for him to suddenly start crying as a result of something that seems almost comically small. Despite how easy it is to make him cry, he hates crying. Whenever he cries in front of someone else, it makes him feel so pathetic that he wants to die right then and there. He has PTSD, and spends a lot of time dissociating, not to mention he has insomnia. As a result, he's almost constantly exhausted and detached from reality and says some... Strange things, to say the least. Shiro can get angry fairly easily, and people who allow him to bully them, and maybe even become afraid of him, tend to irritate him sometimes to the point of violence. He seems to really enjoy bothering people who get mad at him, though. He's also extremely, ridiculously loyal to people he considers his friends or more than that. As a result, he'd be very easy for someone to manipulate if they tried hard enough at first, especially if the one trying to manipulate him happened to be a guy, or at least masc aligned. Also! Shiro has BPD and is autistic. I like him.
  4. Full Backstory: I'll try to keep this short as possible. Shiro's mother was a very good parent, although his father was the complete opposite. For the first years of his life, his dad was extremely abusive to his mom almost constantly. On top of that, he never really had many friends, either, probably resulting in the fact he's almost constantly craving attention. Around the time he was 8 or 9, his mom ended up developing a neurological disorder which put her in a coma for several months, eventually killing her when she was 9. Shiro had visited her at the hospital many times during this, and hospitals tend to remind him of that now. He doesn't like being in hospitals because of this. His dad's abuse ended up sort of... Switching from Shiro's mom to Shiro himself around this time, which coupled with his mom's death, more or less destroyed his mental health. He also started studying neuropsychology, in the hope that he could someday become a neuropsychologist and cure the disorder that killed his mom. It ended up consuming his life and becoming his one reason for living, and he very often skipped eating or sleeping in favor of studying. Eventually, he ended up curing a couple less rare, but less deadly disorders, as almost "side" projects. Aaand as a result, he ended up being invited to Hope's Peak as the SHSL Neuropsychologist. He obviously accepted immediately, both because Hope's Peak is far away from his dad, and for that sexy fucking Neuroscience Institute. All of the shit he's been through in his existence has made him somewhat convinced that he's destined to die before he's 18, so he doesn't see him having any future and doesn't factor that into his reason for wanting to be in Hope's Peak. He thinks he's running out of time to achieve his life's goal. Sad
  5. Important Secrets: He keeps his entire fucking backstory a secret. I guess one thing is that he's usually lying when he insults people or says he doesn't care about them.
  6. Important People in their life: His mother. Of course, she's been dead for a while, but he still loves her regardless.
  7. Likes: Soda and attention
  8. Dislikes: Spiders and boring people
  9. 5 (or more) Monocoin machine items: Ramune, Ubiquitous Notebook, Shwip-on Bracelets, Jabber the Frog, Cola-Cola, Kitty Hairpin
  10. Skills that will be useful in a Killing Game: He's a smart boy. He might be able to figure out murders quicker than usual, although he probably won't outright tell everyone the killer, because he's annoying.
  11. Strengths: He's smart enough to figure out murders on his own. Also he probably wouldn't want to leave the science facility, so he might not end up killing.
  12. Weaknesses: Depending on how long he survives the killing game, he may end up having a huge and somewhat sudden breakdown over it. That's probably a weakness... Otherwise, most of his personality is a weakness I guess?
  13. Investigation Behavior: For some fucking reason, he treats the murder like way less of a big deal than it actually is. He might mess with the corpse, casually step over it to go to one place to another, etc etc. He does try to solve the murder, though, even if it's not immediately obvious to everyone else. He doesn't really point out the evidence he finds until the trial. Also, he's probably going to claim to be the killer when he isn't.
  14. Trial Behavior: He will often go completely off topic, or make a very obviously incorrect statement on purpose. He'll also hint towards evidence and maybe the killer, if he knows who they are, however, but it might be hard to tell when he's telling the truth and when he isn't. If everyone just goes with it when he derails the topic for too long, he might get bored and try to get everyone back on topic. He may continue to claim to be the killer when he isn't.
  15. Likeliness to be a victim (1-10) and why: 5. He wants to die so much that he wouldn't stop anyone from trying to kill him. He doesn't strike me as an early game victim, though. More of a chapter 5 victim, and if he had the opportunity to, he'd probably make up a lot of evidence to make his own murder difficult to solve for the fun of it.
  16. Likeliness to be a culprit (1-10) and why: It depends! Again, if he was a killer it probably wouldn't be particularly early. Assuming this goes by the usual rules of "kill and get away with it and you can leave", Shiro probably wouldn't have too much motivation to leave. They're at a science facility. Shiro likes those, not to mention this one is away from his dad.
  17. Could they be the traitor and why?: He could be! Shiro is ridiculously easy to manipulate, especially if the one manipulating him is a boy, which the mastermind just might be. Shiro would be 100% up for helping someone start a killing game if the one starting it at least pretended convincingly enough to like him. He could be a useful traitor, and could help with getting people to kill eachother, and be able to do it without seeming too much like an obvious traitor due to his personality being like that.
  18. Could they be the mastermind and why?: He sure could! With how he's steadily growing more and more apathetic towards other people, it's entirely likely he could have reached a point where he genuinely doesn't care if people live or die. That, coupled with his obsession with his talent, could lead him to starting a mutual killing game simply to see what happens and study the mental states of the participants. The science facility setting could help with this, given that his killing game would be kind of like a research project of sorts. The only downside is that he's sort of an Ouma/Komaeda type character. It might not be too hard to figure out he's the mastermind, unless no one expects him because of it being kind of obvious? Who knows. The situation of him being the mastermind might be interesting enough that that could be ignored. Or he could just be the traitor with similar motives on top of the ones mentioned above.
  19. Answer these last three out of character
  20. Level of activity (1-10): 10 do you think i have a life
  21. Time zone: CST
  22. Triggers: Animal abuse, specifically about cats
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