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Jul 20th, 2017
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  1. --agitatedPsychologist[AP] began pestering tentacleTherapist[TT] at 05:31--
  2. TT:Yes?
  3. AP:Oh dear lord! Oh shit, oh shit!
  4. AP:What the fuck is going on!
  5. TT:Well this is certainly interesting.
  6. TT:I assume you are not on Earth?
  9. AP:Where else would our species live on?
  10. TT:It's been deserted for quite the while now.
  11. AP:Wha-?
  12. AP:That's impossible!
  13. TT:Or perhaps you're a time traveler?
  14. AP:Time?
  15. AP:Rose, have you been messing with dark magic again?
  16. AP:Maybe too much has addled your brain.
  17. TT:How do you know about that
  18. AP:You are into that sort of stuff! You sit next to me in school!
  19. AP:You are the one whom always bemoans how her mother always spites her, are you not?
  20. AP:Oh shi-
  21. TT:Regardless, I suggest you read the walkthrough on Gamefaqs
  22. AP:One just landed in my back yard!
  23. TT:I suggest you become occupied with it as well
  24. AP:Oh dear
  25. TT:You have both the server and player discs, yes?
  26. AP:Ok, one of my friends just got on!
  27. AP:I don't know how a game can sa-
  28. AP:OH FUCK
  29. AP:Half of my house is gone!
  30. AP:Better run over to my father's mansion then.
  31. AP:Ok, I loaded the disk. What do I do?
  32. TT:I highly suggest bringing up the walkthrough at this point.
  33. TT:You loaded the player disc, correct?
  34. AP:Yes.
  35. TT:Your server player should know what to do.
  36. TT:Deploy the alchemiter and other tools.
  37. AP:I have both of them running now. I just linked to a third friend now.
  38. TT:You seem to be getting this done rather quickly.
  39. AP:Woooooah.
  40. AP:I do have a good computer. And my internet is intact somehow.
  41. AP:OK, I managed to get someone to join up with the missing li- wha?
  42. AP:You have dealt with this?
  43. TT:Yes, obviously I have.
  44. TT:If I didn't, I would not have time to talk.
  45. AP:No, your tone of *text* suggested you were almost somehow responsible for this.
  46. this game responsible for this?
  47. TT:Somewhat.
  48. TT:It's not that if you never loaded the game it wouldn't have happened.
  49. TT:It could not be stopped.
  50. TT:However, I am sure you'll learn the true nature of the game soon enough.
  51. AP:So this, er, situation, was caused by a chain reaction then? Someone loaded the disk earlier?
  52. AP:Like a figurative Pandora's box?
  53. AP:Ok, my father's mansion is shaking now. It sounds like something heavy was placed above me.
  54. TT:No,no amount of disc loading would cause or stop the event.
  55. AP:I managed to gehialjnasoj
  56. TT:Your server player probably isn't that great at this.
  57. AP:Dammit, another thud
  58. AP:No, he destroyed half my walls. And he managed to pull up all three of my commodes.
  59. AP:Ok now I am seeing something creepy
  60. TT:What precisely are you seeing?
  61. AP:It is an eerie green glow in the horizon. Is the game responsible for that as well?
  62. AP:Ok, I got this wierd thing called a punch card and I managed to put this in a carving lathe device.
  63. AP:Now onto the alchimathingy.
  64. TT:Yes, proceed.
  65. TT:Also, begin thinking about what you will prototype.
  66. AP:I got...a red yoyo?
  67. TT:Oh, I see you have already prototyped.
  68. AP:Prototype? Does it have to do with the portable rave party floating near my head?
  69. TT:That was most likely a bad decision but okay.
  70. AP:I stuck something in that already.
  71. TT:The yoyo must be your cruxite item.
  72. AP:It's now a floating Game Console
  73. TT:Do something with the yoyo.
  74. AP:Uh.
  75. AP:The rave party sphere seems really agitated about that green glow.
  76. TT:Do you have any idea of what this glow might be?
  77. AP:Ok I am walking the dog. Around the world. Cradle. Nothing.
  78. TT:Perhaps take the string off the yoyo?
  79. AP:It will not...umph...come off!
  80. TT:The cruxite dowel usually represents an advance of maturity.
  81. AP:Ow, shit.
  82. AP:The string sna-
  83. AP:What the hell?
  84. TT:I assume you have already proceeded into the medium?
  85. AP:I guess.
  86. AP:I landed in this weird place filled with giant orbs that resemble miniature planets.
  87. TT:You probably have a bit of free time.
  88. AP:Looks like one of my chums got in too.
  89. TT:Yes, that is certainly the medium.
  90. AP:If I have to give this place a name, I would call it...
  91. AP:Planet land filled with strings.
  92. TT:A fitting name.
  93. AP:No, that seems off.
  94. AP:The Land of Planetoids and Thread.
  95. TT:That works as well.
  96. AP:Looks like my phone battery is dying out.
  97. AP:I might not have much more time.
  98. AP:What the heck!?
  99. AP:This place is filled with so many wierd biting thingys
  100. TT:I suggest you alchemize some new equipment.
  101. TT:Yes, those are your enemies.
  102. TT:Do you have a weapon of choice?
  103. AP:I don't have this gaming abstract called grist. Not enough of it, anyway.
  104. AP:Yeah, I set my strife specibus to Yo-yo Kind
  105. TT:Fitting.
  106. AP:Indeed
  107. TT:You can always alchemize a new phone or computer if the battery runs out.
  108. AP:Ok, I managed to retrieve these Grist thingys/
  109. AP:They remind me of a certain confection.
  110. TT:Is your server player still active?
  111. AP:Ok now my two other players joined in.
  112. TT:You have a team of three?
  113. AP:Yeah. One keeps babbling about the same thing you were talking about.
  114. AP:No, one joined me in this medium as well
  115. AP:almost at the same time.
  116. TT:You'll want to have your server player build your house up.
  117. TT:That was fairly quick.
  118. TT:It usually takes a bit longer for players to reach the second gate.
  119. AP:To that glowing spirograph?
  120. AP:It looks dangerous and creepy.
  121. TT:Yes.
  122. TT:It is very necessary that you build towards it.
  123. AP:It doesn't seem to stay in the same place when I look at it.
  124. AP:Ok, now my DogConsoleSprite is babbling about that too.
  125. AP:Eerie.
  126. TT:You prototyped it with a dog?
  127. AP:Er, yeah. My dad had my pet dog from when I was young stuffed and made into a table. Creeped me a fair bit out.
  128. AP:It was accidental.
  129. TT:That is certainly disturbing.
  130. TT:Make sure to talk with your sprite, and keep building up.
  131. AP:I wanted to prototype it with my Midnight Crew, but the sprite, kinda, uh, ran away from me.
  132. TT:Hopefully your session is a bit more successful than ours.
  133. TT:That was probably for the best.
  134. AP:You have a session with whom?
  135. AP:John and two others?
  136. TT:A few other friends, yes.
  137. TT:I hope you don't mind horribly, but I must be off.
  138. TT:I have a very important plan to attend to.
  139. AP:Oh, one of them wouldn't happen to be gardenGnostic?
  140. TT:Yes.
  141. AP:She helped me with my plant problem.
  142. AP:I am surprised you made friends with such a cheery girl. I did not know you fraternized with such people.
  143. AP:Wait. One more question.
  144. TT:Yes?
  145. AP:One of my players (he's actually a quite good friend of mine) says he came from another universe.
  146. AP:Is that possible through the game?
  147. TT:I haven't seen it happen.
  148. TT:But I suppose it is possible.
  149. AP:It sure creeps me out because it seems like he is telling the truth.
  150. TT:He might have gone insane.
  151. AP:What also creeps me out is that we are fighting together right now, and right now he is bleeding black blood.
  152. TT:The apocalypse can do that occasionally.
  153. TT:That, however, is not normal.
  154. AP:Oh dear.
  155. TT:Regardless, I have matters of high urgency to take care of.
  156. AP:see you off!
  157. TT:Good luck with your session.
  159. --tentacleTherapist[TT] ceased pestering agitatedPsychologist[AP] at 6:03--
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