
Cave Story 3D: Kill Ballros; Blade + Machine Gun Route

Dec 18th, 2019
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  1. -Originally routed by Amber-
  2. Spur Route, super missiles
  4. Start
  5. Get Polar Star
  6. Save in Start Point
  7. Item Quit in Shack
  8. Activate Balrog Cutscene, >NO
  9. Exit, go to Cemetery + Arthur's Key
  10. collect Map System
  11. Save in Arthur's House, Item Quit
  13. Booster 2.0
  14. Inventory Teleport to anywhere
  15. Leave through Teleporter [Sand Zone]
  16. Go to Curly's House, Item Quit
  17. Inventory Teleport to Bushlands, Enter Santa's Door to Curly's Side Room
  18. Save, return to house, item quit
  19. exit door, item quit in sand zone
  20. collect health at panties chest as needed, save
  21. exit door, exit arthur's house, item quit in mimiga village
  22. collect Panties Chest (WEAPONS OF DEATH)
  23. save in arthur's house, item quit in mimiga village, talk to anyone, equip booster 2.0, save, reload
  25. Spur
  26. go to hermit gunsmith's house, item quit
  27. inventory teleport to bushlands, collect missile chest (SPUR), save at far right save point, reset
  28. collect real missiles, enter bushlands save point, save
  29. exit to bushlands, item quit, exit save point to arthur's house
  31. Super Missiles
  32. save in arthur's house, teleporter to labyrinth I
  33. right door to boulder room, item quit
  34. collect supers from computer, save, reload
  36. Super Missile Capacity
  37. item quit in mimiga village save point, inventory teleport to bushlands, breakdown to plantation
  38. enter hideout, leave storeroom, enter passage, item quit
  39. load file (2), exit start point to hell 4, item quit
  40. load file (1), collect missiles from life capsule, save, exit door, enter statue room, item quit
  42. Ballos
  43. inventory teleport to bushlands, enter santa's house
  44. kill ballos
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