
Predator camoflouge speed

Mar 13th, 2024
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  1. Then with an easy leap the alien dropped to a lower branch fifteen feet from the ground, just above the soldiers’ heads. They watched in frozen horror. Meanwhile, some kind of instinct took over Anna as soon as she saw Ramirez fall, and she ran down the hill to his aid. The alien’s physical presence had shocked her back to reality, and the reality she was struck by told her the commandos were her only hope. The more of the team that remained alive, the better all their odds would be.
  3. The stunned commandos gaped at the creature, momentarily paralyzed as they confronted it for the first time, naked and in its humanoid form, close enough to touch. Its lizard skin was pulsating deep vermilion now, in high contrast to the lush green of the surroundings. It clung to the side of the tree like a terrible hellish gargoyle, snarling and hissing like a siren, full of enormous hate.
  5. Dillon, more dumbfounded than the rest because he’d been so stubbornly resistant to the signs, was the first to speak. “What in God’s name . . .” he whispered.
  7. As the black man spoke, the alien let loose with a loud penetrating trill, its wide red mouth agape, revealing sawtooth fangs. A moment later its color modulated and swirled with blues and greens until the creature seemed to bleed into the leaves, invisible again. Mac opened fire on the disappearing form, shredding the limb and leaves it clutched. But it was already too late. The alien was gone. Fevered and wild, Mac raved madly into the jungle after it.
  9. The Predator (1987 novelization), chapter 14
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