

Jan 5th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. <color=#C50000>CBSL Discord Server</color>
  2. <link="">Click Here</link>
  5. <color=#C50000>General Rules</color>:
  6. <color=#00B7EB>1. Don't be Toxic</color>
  7. <color=#00B7EB>2. No bullying / discrimination. This includes any form of racism and homophobia.</color>
  8. <color=#00B7EB>3. Mic Spam is allowed however it is not to be played in SCP chat, spectator chat or radio chat</color>
  9. <color=#00B7EB>4. No Exploiting / hacking. This includes hiding in spots that SCPs cannot reach e.g on top of the security camera in</color><color=#00B7EB>106's chamber</color>
  10. <color=#00B7EB>5. Don't purposely delay the round. This will get you slain.</color>
  11. <color=#00B7EB>6. Please be respectful towards our staff. Keep in mind that they are only human and are only volunteers.</color>
  12. <color=#00B7EB>7. Do not team outside the parameters stated below</color>
  13. <color=#00B7EB>8. Do not team kill other players</color>
  15. <color=red>Game Changing Info</color>:
  17. <color=#00B7EB>- Serpents Hand is enabled, their goal is to kill all other human players and work with the SCPs,</color>
  18. <color=#00B7EB>- UIU Squad is enabled, giving the MTF a small elite team late in the round.</color>
  19. <color=#00B7EB>- 049 can speak</color>
  20. <color=#00B7EB>- Supply Drops will spawn every now and then on the surface</color>
  21. <color=#00B7EB>- D-class have a chance to spawn with items</color>
  22. <color=#00B7EB>- Auto Nuke will go off 20 minutes into the game</color>
  23. <color=#00B7EB>- You will spawn in a cool lobby</color>
  24. <color=#00B7EB>- Zombies have a chance to turn hit humans into another zombie</color>
  25. <color=#00B7EB>- Dog has been reworked to do more damage the more AHP he has, encouraging more dynamic gameplay</color>
  26. <color=#00B7EB>-Conversion has been enabled, meaning that if you escape while disarmed you will convert to the other side.</color>
  28. <color=#C50000>Teaming Rules</color>:
  30. <color=#00B7EB>- SCP's Can Only team with Serpents Hand.</color>
  31. <color=#00B7EB>--SCPs cannot team with other classes but can choose to ignore Humans as long as it doesn't delay the round</color>
  32. <color=#00B7EB>--- Chaos may not team with Serpents Hand but may choose to be neutral to the SCPs.</color>
  34. <color=#00B7EB>- D-Class and Scientists can team with each other but cannot assist in the killing of their own kind</color>
  36. <color=#00B7EB>- UIU/MTF/Guards may work with D-Class granted they are either escorting them to 106's chamber or are disarmed.</color>
  37. <color=#00B7EB>--Same applies to Chaos and their interactions with scientist.</color>
  38. <color=#00B7EB>---While it is encouraged to escort players out it is only optional and you may just kill them.</color>
  40. <color=#00B7EB>- UIU/MTF/Guards can never team with Chaos or Serpents Hand under any circumstances</color>
  42. <color=#C50000>Info</color>:
  43. Sometimes we do events on the server, join the discord if you want to find out more!
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