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Aug 14th, 2018
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  1. lang.en={rolesHelp={a="The Fighter's attack is stronger than the others, also it causes more damage.",p="When a cannon touches the Protector, his team will lose only the half of the damage, and he also can put a shield by pressing E button.",h="The Healer can heal his team's HP by increasing it 15% once per 3 rounds by pressing H button."},welcome="Welcome to <b><J>#MyHero</J></b>, join one of the <b><J>two teams</J></b> and choose your <b><J>role</J></b>, and <b><J>FIGHT</J></b>, type <b><J>!help</J></b> or click at <b><J>K</J></b> to get more information about the minigame.",helped="<BL>All those people helped somehow to develop this module\nSome codes, Ideas, Translations, Testing the module, etc.\n",lgs="The available languages are",help={"<p align='center'><font size='30' face='Soopafresh'><J>#MyHero</J></font>\n\n<p align='left'><font size='12'>Welcome to <b><J>#MyHero</J></b>, in this game your aim is to fight the opposite team, you have to <b><J>hold clicking</J></b> at <b><J>Space Button</J></b> to charge up your <b><J>attack</J></b> and <b><J>release</J></b> it to <b><J>attack</J></b>, use the buttons <b><J>C</J></b>,<b><J>V</J></b> to <b><J>change your attack's angle</J></b>, if the cannon hits you, your team will lose <b><J>HP</J></b>, if your team's HP is <b><J>0%</J></b>, all the team's members will die, and the opposite team will win","<p align='center'><font size='30' face='Soopafresh'><J>Commands</J></font>\n\n<p align='left'><font size='12'>\n<b><J>!help</J></b> or <b><J>K</J></b> - Displays info about the game.\n<b><J>!shop</J></b> or <b><J>O</J></b> - Displays the shop.\n<b><J>!profile </J></b>[<b>Name#0000</b>] or <b><J>P</J></b> - Displays your or someone's profile.\n<b><J>!list</J></b> or <b><J>L</J></b> - Displays the current characters' list.\n<b><J>!Character's name</J></b> - Transforms you to a certain character.\n<b><J>!random</J></b> - Transforms you into a random character.\n<b><J>!mouse</J></b> - Transforms you into a mouse.","<p align='center'><font size='30' face='Soopafresh'><J>Commands</J></font>\n<p align='left'><font size='12'>\n<b><J>!x</J></b> - Changes your attack's angle <font size='10'>-30 : 30</font>\n<b><J>!off</J></b> [x] [y] - Changes your x,y offset.\n<b><J>!team members</J></b> - Displays your team's members\n<b><J>!team change</J></b> - Changes your team.\n<b><J>!c</J></b> [Message] - Sends a message to your team's members\n<b><J>!icons</J></b> - Displays/Hides the players' icons.\n<b><J>!lang</J></b> [<BV><a href='event:lgs'>xx</a></BV>] - Changes the current language.","<p align='center'><font size='30' face='Soopafresh'><J>Credits</J></font>\n<p align='left'><font size='12'>\nThis game was made by <BV><b>Bodykudo</b></BV><V><font size='10'>#0000</font></V> <font size='10'>(Developer)</font> and <BV><b>Liiliiith</b></BV><V><font size='10'>#0000</font></V> <font size='10'>(Artist)</font>\n\n<p align='center'>All those people helped somehow to develop this module\n\nSome codes, Ideas, Translations, Testing the module, etc.\n<BV><b>Bolodefchoco</b></BV><V><font size='10'>#0000</font></V>, <BV><b>Heniyengui</b></BV><V><font size='10'>#0000</font></V>, <BV><b>Turkitutu</b></BV><V><font size='10'>#0000</font></V>, <BV><b>Unlocker001</b></BV><V><font size='10'>#0000</font></V>\n\nType <b><J>!credits</J></b> to see the whole credits menu."},changed="<VP>Your cannons' shooting position has been changed to (<FC>X: <N>%s <FC>Y: <N>%s<VP>)",toSave="There should be at least 2 Heros and 2 Villains to save the data.",wins={"Wins:","Wins as Fighter:","Wins as Protector:","Wins as Healer:","Wins in the Mouse mode:"},damage="Total damage",wrongangle="You can only use angles between -30 and 30.",wrong="You must choose a team to be able to use this future.",mouse="You have to wait until the next round to become a mouse.",enough="You don't have enough money :(",tm="Your team's members are",disabled="Disabled",eq="Equip",close="Close",next="Next",pre="Previous",icons={on="Icons will appear in the next round.",off="Icons will disappear in the next round."},quests={winMouse="Win <FC>%s</FC> / <FC>%s</FC> rounds in the mouse mode.",def="Start playing in <FC>#MyHero</FC> .",help="Help to complete this minigame\nHelp with code - translation - arts .. etc.",map="Create one map for <FC>#MyHero</FC> .",win="Win <FC>%s</FC> / <FC>%s</FC> rounds.",winrole="Win <FC>%s</FC> / <FC>300</FC> rounds while you're <FC>%s</FC>.",points="Do totally <FC>%s</FC> / <FC>%s</FC> damage on the other team."},super={h="Now, you're the leader of the heros, click Ctrl+Click on the screen to attack.",v="Now, you're the leader of the villains, click Ctrl+Click on the screen to put a portal."},h="Hero",v="Villain",roles={he="Healer",a="Fighter",p="Protector"},yes="Yes",no="No",portal="Sorry, you're putting the portal in the wrong place!",full="This team is full of players!",change="Are you sure that you want to change your <J>team<N>/<J>role<N>?\nIt will cost you <VP>%s $<N>\n(You currently have <VP>%s $)"}
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