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a guest
Sep 25th, 2017
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  2. !ap [amt] - Gives you [amt] AP
  3. !buffmap - Gives the whole map a series of buffs.
  4. !buffme - Buffs you a series of buffs.
  5. !dc [player] - Disconnects [player] from the server.
  6. !drop [itemid] [amt] - Drops [amt] number of [itemid].
  7. !exprate [amt] - Changes exp rate to [amt].
  8. !giftnx [player] [amt] - Gives [player] [amt] of NX. Leave [player] blank to give yourself.
  9. !hide - hides/unhudes you.
  10. !heal - Restore you HP/MP to your maxHP/maxMP
  11. !healmap - Heals all player on your map
  12. !healperson [player] - Heals [player]
  13. !item [itemid] [amt] - Gives you [amt] [itemid].
  14. !job [jobid] - Changes your job to [jobid].
  15. !kill [player] - Kills [player].
  16. !killall - Kills all mobs in your map.
  17. !level [amt] - Changes your level to [amt].
  18. !levelperson [player] [amt]- Changes [player]'s level to [amt]
  19. !maxstat - Maxes all your stats.
  20. !mesoperson [person] [amt] - Gives [player] [amt] mesos.
  21. !mesorate [amt] - Changes meso rate to [amt].
  22. !meso [amt] - Gives you [amt] mesos.
  23. !notice [notice] - Sends a notice [notice] to all players.
  24. !online - Displays a list of all online characters
  25. !pvpall - Turns the PVP mode of everyone on your map on.
  26. !unpvpall - Turns the PVP mode of everyone on your map off.
  27. !pvp [player] - Toggles [player]'s PVP mode on/off.
  28. !recharge - Recharges all Throwing Stars, Bullets and Arrows in your inventory.
  29. !search [category] [name] - Searches the id of [name] under [category. E.g: !search npc snail
  30. !servermessage [msg] - Sets the banner on top to [ms]
  31. !maxeqstat - Maxes all stats of all equipements in your inventory.
  32. !spawn [mobid] [amt] - Spawns [amt] number of mob [mobid]
  33. share [increase/decrease/status]
  34. !saveall - Saves the whole server.
  35. !setall [amt] - Sets all your stats to [amt].
  36. !sp [amt] - Gives you [amt] SP
  37. !shutdown [time] - Shuts down the server after [time] seconds.
  38. !shutdownnow - Immediately shuts down the server
  39. !ban [player] [reason] - Bans [player] from the game. [reason] is optional.
  40. !unban [player] - Unbans [player].
  41. !warpmap [mapid] - Warps everyone in your map to [mapid].
  42. !warpallhere - Warps everyone in the channel to your location.
  43. !warphere [player] - Warps [player] to your location.
  44. !warp [mapid] - Warps you to [mapid].
  45. !whereami - Shows the mapid of the map you are on
  46. !opennpc [npcid] - Opens NPC whose id is [npcid]
  47. !gmmap - Warps you to the GM map (ID = 180000000)
  49. !commands for Gm commands and @help for player commands.
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