
RevoX Chapter #4884

Jul 9th, 2015
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  1. [World]Skrilim:like vasto lorde or evolver
  2. [World]Gelmeister:I would have been Top 30 if I didn't quit
  3. [World]Skrilim:luvfaithop also quit
  4. [World]Gelmeister:LuvFaithop quit a long time ago
  5. [World]Gelmeister:Like 2013
  6. [World]Gelmeister:I think you quit when I was instructor haha
  7. [World]Skrilim:people r so op now everything changed
  8. [World]Gelmeister:Yeah dude
  9. [World]Skrilim:how do u apply for instructor?
  10. [World]Gelmeister:Well it was in the forums
  11. [World]Gelmeister:Someone would post it
  12. [World]Skrilim:do u get any benefits if ur an instructor?
  13. [World]Gelmeister:Destiny would post it, the lead Instructor
  14. [World]Gelmeister:But I think Destiny quit too
  15. [World]Skrilim:lol this game is so broken
  16. [World]Gelmeister:Yeah hahaa
  17. [World]Gelmeister:People spent like 30k dollars in this game
  18. [World]Gelmeister:15k dollars something like that haha
  19. [World]Skrilim:butaw lol he sspends money
  20. [World]Gelmeister:I know Butaw I don't think he spends anymore
  21. [World]Skrilim:hes probably the only person thats keeping the game going
  22. [World]KingMe:lol so true
  23. [World]Gelmeister:He doesn't spend anymore
  24. [World]Skrilim:can u msg butaw i would give him my acc to get me good
  25. [World]Gelmeister:Nah there's still others from other games
  26. [World]KingMe:butaw + gades have bought the game company lol
  27. [World]Skrilim:everything is new i dont understand
  28. [World]Gelmeister:Gades? Where?
  29. [World]KingMe:i think s.41
  30. [World]Gelmeister:Damn I missed this game
  31. [World]KingMe:he was name syrenia
  32. [World]Gelmeister:Too bad game321 manged it
  33. [World]KingMe:now he has a different name
  34. [World]KingMe:dont remember it
  35. [World]Gelmeister:if it was another account this game would have been fcking f
  36. [World]Gelmeister:fun
  37. [World]Gelmeister:company* not account lol
  38. [World]KingMe:so true
  39. [World]KingMe:but the game is ruined now :*
  40. [World]Skrilim:true
  41. [World]Gelmeister:Yeah
  42. [World]Gelmeister:Is the chinese version updated?
  43. [World]Skrilim:i dont know
  44. [World]RolandRock:Gel?
  45. [World]RolandRock:Wtf man its been ages.
  46. [World]Gelmeister:YO ROLAND
  47. [World]Gelmeister:YOU'RE STRONGER THAN ME MAN LOL
  48. [World]Skrilim:yep roland its gel
  49. [World]RolandRock:OMFG BRO where the heck were you?
  50. [World]Gelmeister:School and stuff man plus I got tired of this game bro
  51. [World]Gelmeister:Dafuq youstill doing here man
  52. [World]RolandRock:D; Start playing again
  53. [World]RolandRock:and LOL I have too many friends here, can't quit
  54. [World]Gelmeister:When?
  55. [World]Gelmeister:and friends?
  56. [World]Gelmeister:Dafuq all my frends quiet
  57. [World]RolandRock:Well actually I quit in january ._.
  58. [World]Gelmeister:Is CrewPH still active?
  59. [World]RolandRock:came back april
  60. [World]Joachim17:did anyone notice killer in the new chapter
  61. [World]Gelmeister:Lol dude I quit like a year and a half ago
  62. [World]RolandRock:Not as active as before no.
  63. [World]RolandRock:We got a new captain and stuff.
  64. [World]Joachim17:he was eating pasta thru his holes
  65. [World]Gelmeister:Do I still know anyone here who's active?
  66. [World]Gelmeister:Who the fck is the Rank 1 in arena
  67. [World]RolandRock:I bet you know Rooffy.
  68. [World]Skrilim:butaw trolls most of the time
  69. [World]RolandRock:._. Some guy named SinBaD. no idea who he is.
  70. [World]Gelmeister:Dunno hm man
  71. [World]Skrilim:so he dont need rank 1
  72. [World]Gelmeister:I see
  73. [World]RolandRock:Gel. Please start playing again buddy? :c
  74. [World]Gelmeister:Dafuq I just checked out our level 140 players
  75. [World]Gelmeister:In CrewPH no one's been that active
  76. [World]RolandRock:Oh yeah Kennard is candruz
  77. [World]Gelmeister:I don't know about playing again man I'm sorry
  78. [World]RolandRock:BatmanGoku is ballinhard=Law_
  79. [World]RolandRock:Cmon Gel.. please man?
  80. [World]Gelmeister:Lol people that I easily beat before hahaha
  81. [World]RolandRock:._. Yeah he's in top 30 now
  82. [World]Gelmeister:Too busy with school bro
  83. [World]RolandRock:Needles is DanaFresh
  84. [World]Gelmeister:Do you still get in touch with other people?
  85. [World]RolandRock:Ahh its okay I understand.
  86. [World]Gelmeister:Like HeoZit and anyone else
  87. [World]Gelmeister:Of fck DanaFresh yeah
  88. [World]RolandRock:.*. Not really...
  89. [World]RolandRock:LOL omfg Heo quit man
  90. [World]RolandRock:He left his 2 man on.
  91. [World]Gelmeister:Yeah hahahaha
  92. [World]RolandRock:layla quit. :c sadly
  93. [World]Gelmeister:When?
  94. [World]RolandRock:Think earlier this year.
  95. [World]Gelmeister:Damn I was just looking at her character now
  96. [World]RolandRock:GV came on some day ago and made a 1 man team.
  97. [World]RolandRock:layla is a him. xD
  98. [World]RolandRock:a guy named Beike Zhang
  99. [World]Gelmeister:Yeah but because it's layla I always refer to him as a girl
  100. [World]Gelmeister:Hahahaha
  101. [World]RolandRock:Dark_RR was BaZerko. but its my alt now. he gave it to me.
  102. [World]Gelmeister:Lol GV with his one man crew
  103. [World]RolandRock:Rofl
  104. [World]RolandRock:And welp... I guess that's basically it.
  105. [World]RolandRock:I think LZ pilots Taw now and then.
  106. [World]Gelmeister:Seriously?
  107. [World]Gelmeister:Then who's all this 140 players
  108. [World]RolandRock:Butaw*
  109. [World]Gelmeister:Dafuq
  110. [World]Gelmeister:LuffyZoro pilots Taw?
  111. [World]RolandRock:Ahh.. we merged with alot of servers Gel.
  112. [World]RolandRock:and Yeah I think so.
  113. [World]Gelmeister:What servers?
  114. [World]Gelmeister:When I was active it was only server 2
  115. [World]Skrilim:we think Arrow is the real Butaw
  116. [World]RolandRock:Almost all of the good people quit.
  117. [World]RolandRock:Yeah Arrow is the real Butaw. xD
  118. [World]RolandRock:I know this for a fact.
  119. [World]Gelmeister:LZ and Butaw ain't close dafuq just happened
  120. [World]RolandRock:._. Gel, we merged with almost 19 different servers.
  121. [World]Gelmeister:Where's Arrow
  122. [World]Gelmeister:Arrow is level 32
  123. [World]Gelmeister:WTF MAN
  124. [World]RolandRock:._. Arrow is on s56 i think
  125. [World]Skrilim:its not just arrow
  126. [World]RolandRock:Ah, Ms.kate still plays xD
  127. [World]Gelmeister:Arrow what server?
  128. [World]Rooffy:arrow is not butaw
  129. [World]Gelmeister:How can I add him
  130. [World]Rooffy:guy who piloted arrow pilots butaw now
  131. [World]RolandRock:Its Arrow with the tm sign.. dunno how to put it.
  132. [World]Skrilim:Arrow then the TM sign
  133. [World]Gelmeister:Rooffy who were you again
  134. [World]RolandRock:Ohhh Captain Rooffy xD
  135. [World]Skrilim:captain roofy hi can i join ur legion?
  136. [World]Rooffy:always been rooffy
  137. [World]Rooffy:130+ skrilim
  138. [World]Gelmeister:Where did you come from
  139. [World]RolandRock:Skrilim when you get stronger you can join my legion.
  140. [World]Skrilim:ahhh maan :(
  141. [World]Gelmeister:I can't add Arrow
  142. [World]RolandRock:But ensure to work on GL ship.
  143. [World]Gelmeister:Arrowβ„’
  144. [World]Gelmeister:This game still has lag wtf
  145. [World]RolandRock:Gel, you can't add him because he's not on our server.
  146. [World]Rooffy:im from s14 gel
  147. [World]Gelmeister:Ohh I thought s.56 got merged too
  148. [World]Gelmeister:Rooffy do you know me?
  149. [World]RolandRock:Nah it didn't.
  150. [World]Gelmeister:Whew I missed this game lol
  151. [World]Rooffy:seen u on forum
  152. [World]RolandRock:Wait captain Rooffy.. then how the heck did you become leade
  153. [World]RolandRock:if you're not in our legion from start? xD
  154. [World]Rooffy:i asSasSinated ex leader
  155. [World]Gelmeister:Pek is still playing
  156. [World]Gelmeister:Ms.Kate was online a month ago man
  157. [World]RolandRock:YOu aSsasSinated captain SuCka? :cccc
  158. [World]RolandRock:He was the best leader there is.
  159. [World]Gelmeister:****a was online a month ago too
  160. [World]Gelmeister:****a quit too?
  161. [World]Gelmeister:Wish I could still contact the others
  162. [World]RolandRock:yeah he quit.. sadly I think
  163. [World]Gelmeister:Play a new game that's not handled by game321
  164. [World]RolandRock:Hey you can. Just go on our legion page on facebook
  165. [World]Rooffy:not the best since i keeled him obviously
  166. [World]Gelmeister:Too bad, PP got loads of potential
  167. [World]RolandRock:Shut up Captain Rooffy. :c You're mean. D;
  168. [World]Gelmeister:I think someone kicked me Roland
  169. [World]Gelmeister:or I quit when I quit PP
  170. [World]Gelmeister:What's the link?
  171. [World]RolandRock:.*. huh? How?
  172. [World]*groups*CrewPH
  173. [World]Vithril:roffy
  174. [World]Gelmeister:???
  175. [World]RolandRock:I can't send the link xD i deactivated fb
  176. [World]Vithril:is it true ur vip 0 and able to top 10 arena?
  177. [World]Gelmeister:Dammit
  178. [World]RolandRock:Its on the legion info tab in Legion.
  179. [World]RolandRock:Check it.
  180. [World]Gelmeister:Lol Hieu is still in the group
  181. [World]Gelmeister:What's the last update
  182. [World]Gelmeister:It's been 1 fcking year and no new crew
  183. [World]Gelmeister:Dafuq
  184. [World]RolandRock:our promised update was rayleigh and other stuff
  185. [World]RolandRock:but they trolled us.
  186. [World]Gelmeister:When was that?
  187. [World]RolandRock:Can someone kick me down in arena, at rank 50. :c
  188. [World]Gelmeister:Did you guyssee an update from CN server?
  189. [World]RolandRock:A while back Gel.
  190. [World]Romero.s005:go on strike :D
  191. [World]Gelmeister:People post CN server updates in the forums right
  192. [World]RolandRock:I think CN server was closed.
  193. [World]Gelmeister:Freaking idiots putting Garp and Luffy available
  194. [World]RolandRock:Not sure, Ask captain rooffy
  195. [World]Gelmeister:Lol that's why there's no update
  196. [World]Gelmeister:They just base this game on that server
  197. [World]RolandRock:Gel, you can get everyone for free now.
  198. [World]Gelmeister:How?
  199. [World]RolandRock:Shanks, Garp, Luffy, 3 admirals.
  200. [World]RolandRock:Compose them.
  201. [World]RolandRock:See that little purple icon under the activities thingy?
  202. [World]RolandRock:Click it.
  203. [World]Gelmeister:Lol but it takes time too right?
  204. [World]Skrilim:on the Cn Server?
  205. [World]RolandRock:Alot of time.
  206. [World]Romero.s005:yeah, you know, the one you should be curious enough to
  207. [World]RolandRock:Yeah Skrilim... They closed CN server I think.
  208. [World]Gelmeister:There's no even new SSS lol
  209. [World]RolandRock:Maybe that's why we haven't had ICSW in a while.
  210. [World]Romero.s005:check when you come back at a game
  211. [World]Gelmeister:Yeah I know that composing crew
  212. [World]Romero.s005:^^'
  213. [World]Gelmeister:If I didnt quit I would've gotten Garp and Luffy already
  214. [World]Rooffy:yes vithril
  215. [World]Gelmeister:Romero what?
  216. [World]Vithril:woah
  217. [World]Vithril:how u do it?
  218. [World]RolandRock:Captain Rooffy is a very smart player.
  219. [World]Rooffy:lots of shells
  220. [World]RolandRock:That's why he's our leader.
  221. [World]Gelmeister:What does Shank do
  222. [World]RolandRock:Defury+Stun
  223. [World]Gelmeister:Can I get them just by silver?
  224. [World]RolandRock:Physical damage. + gains 10 fury every time he is attacked.
  225. [World]RolandRock:With Potential Crystal.
  226. [World]Gelmeister:Potential Crystal?
  227. [World]Gelmeister:They haven't even given the 11 supernovas
  228. [World]RolandRock:Captain Rooffy uses him I think xD
  229. [World]Rooffy:compose only gel
  230. [World]Gelmeister:I mean I'll get the crews using silver
  231. [World]Gelmeister:Lots of silver
  232. [World]Gelmeister:Bonney isn't even in here yet
  233. [World]Rooffy:dont waste silver
  234. [World]RolandRock:possible.
  235. [World]RolandRock:but you can use fame.
  236. [World]Rooffy:fame is for crew
  237. [World]Gelmeister:What's the other One Piece game?
  238. [World]Gelmeister:In All Blue?
  239. [World]RolandRock:No in bar recruit
  240. [World]RolandRock:Go talk to the lady and see how bar has changed.
  241. [World]Gelmeister:God damn man
  242. [World]Skrilim:now u only get 100 per day
  243. [World]Skrilim:we used to get unlimited
  244. [World]Gelmeister:100 fame?
  245. [World]RolandRock:Shocked huh Gel?
  246. [World]Romero.s005:no, silver convene
  247. [World]Gelmeister:Yeah lol
  248. [World]RolandRock:You can get more hp via warship enhance.
  249. [World]Romero.s005:but what he omitted to say is that probs to get a crew
  250. [World]Gelmeister:I lost a lot of time man lol
  251. [World]Romero.s005:increased, in compensation
  252. [World]Romero.s005:usually you get at least 1 purple
  253. [World]Romero.s005:its far easier to get crew now than before
  254. [World]Skrilim:u guys know Ell he quit too
  255. [World]Gelmeister:Yeah I was still playing when Ell quit
  256. [World]Gelmeister:Does the bot still works lol
  257. [World]Skrilim:Ell was a good instructor
  258. [World]RolandRock:Gel Shhhh
  259. [World]RolandRock:That's illegal man.
  260. [World]Skrilim:develop bot no
  261. [World]RolandRock:Yeah skrilim that's illegal too actually xD
  262. [World]Gelmeister:Really? They still ban people? Hahaha
  263. [World]RolandRock:Well they haven't banned anyone in a long while
  264. [World]Skrilim:i never botted in my life lol
  265. [World]RolandRock:No instructors have been seen ever since.
  266. [World]ZerkzJiro:they don't ban anyone as far as i remember
  267. [World]RolandRock:ahh well if it ain't Zerkz.
  268. [World]Gelmeister:Roland the you know the QQ gorup
  269. [World]RolandRock:QQ?
  270. [World]RolandRock:Nope But Captain Rooffy might..
  271. [World]Gelmeister:Yeah
  272. [World]Gelmeister:I don't think he knows that
  273. [World]RolandRock:Whats it about? pm me if its a secret.
  274. [World]Gelmeister:Nah it's not a secret
  275. [World]Gelmeister:It's just a chat program
  276. [World]Gelmeister:We were all there, Butaw, Ell, Heo, everone haha
  277. [World]RolandRock:Oh yeah I remember now.
  278. [World]RolandRock:What ever happened to it?
  279. [World]Gelmeister:I don't know ifpeople are still active on there
  280. [World]Gelmeister:But last February I talked to Butaw here
  281. [World]RolandRock:I doubt it.
  282. [World]Gelmeister:Saidpeople were still on there
  283. [World]Gelmeister:Not so sure now
  284. [World]RolandRock:Ah...
  285. [World]RolandRock:Gel Weren't you an instructor once?
  286. [World]Gelmeister:Yeah I was haha
  287. [World]RolandRock:.*. is there anyway you can communicate with Game321?
  288. [World]Gelmeister:Nah I don't think they care about me anymore lol
  289. [World]RolandRock:Gah dammit...
  290. [World]RolandRock:if you could, you might have saved this game.
  291. [World]Gelmeister:Why?
  292. [World]Gelmeister:Is Destiny not playing anymore?
  293. [World]Gelmeister:Don't bet on it man
  294. [World]RolandRock:Not sure...
  295. [World]Gelmeister:Wait PM
  296. [World]RolandRock:okay
  297. [Notice]SatuPiece has won 10 consecutive battles in the arena. Who can stop him?!
  298. [World]NachΓΆs:*[B] Pirate's Cloak*
  299. [World]Skrilim:*Chopper*
  300. [World]So:*Franky*
  301. [World]luckey:what are the badges and where can i get them from?
  302. [World]Macaki:*Macaki*
  303. [World]Joachim17:diamond shop and honor shop
  304. [World]Joachim17:luckey^
  305. [World]Macaki:..........
  306. [World]Joachim17:......................
  307. [World]luckey:honor shop?
  308. [World]luckey:i havent played in a year
  309. [World]luckey:saving for shanks and garp and ill need badges for them
  310. [World]Joachim17:i just got back last month too
  311. [World]Joachim17:but the badges are worth it
  312. [World]luckey:wheres the honor shop
  313. [World]Joachim17:go to the ladder battle
  314. [World]luckey:wheres the honor shop guys
  315. [World]RolandRock:ladder battle in events
  316. [World]Joachim17:lol i just said it
  317. [World]luckey:im only missing kizru for garp
  318. [World]Skrilim:tomorrow im getting my badge
  319. [World]luckey:should i go for shanks next or just get marco
  320. [World]luckey:and sss robin and stuff?
  321. [World]Skrilim:luckey u cant use marco right now
  322. [World]Joachim17:how are you gonna get shanks
  323. [World]luckey:syn and why not?
  324. [World]Joachim17:compose crew?
  325. [World]luckey:yes
  326. [World]luckey:after garp im thinking of composing shanks
  327. [World]luckey:or marco and other good crew
  328. [World]Skrilim:marco needs at least 250k hp
  329. [World]luckey:to be good?
  330. [World]luckey:i can make a sea god set with full stars
  331. [World]luckey:just waiting to get marco
  332. [World]luckey:everything is saved up for me
  333. [World]Skrilim:to be good nope to do enough damage yes
  334. [World]Skrilim:u need 400k hp on marco to be good
  335. [World]luckey:well i need marco for shanks, do u think i should just get m
  336. [World]luckey:marco and robin sss and brook
  337. [World]luckey:instead of wasting them on shanks?
  338. [World]Skrilim:i suggest u get garp or shanks
  339. [World]Joachim17:marco is op i didnt know he resurrects
  340. [World]Skrilim:he needs df to do that
  341. [World]Joachim17:i know but still
  342. [World]RolandRock:Skrilim, how much gold did you get with shira blessing?
  343. [World]RolandRock:in 7 days?
  344. [World]Skrilim:im actually getting marco soon
  345. [World]Skrilim:i didnt get any gold from shira blessing
  346. [World]Skrilim:i spent gold on it
  347. [World]RolandRock:I meant... while using shira blessing
  348. [World]RolandRock:Gold ac***ulated from dungeons
  349. [World]Joachim17:you dont get gold from shira
  350. [World]RolandRock:JOachim xD From Dungeons man
  351. [World]Skrilim:around 150 per day
  352. [World]RolandRock:150 per day huh... not bad.
  353. [World]Skrilim:if im lucky 200
  354. [World]Joachim17:oh lol
  355. [World]RolandRock:That's with GL Loops or not?
  356. [World]Joachim17:same here
  357. [World]Skrilim:that includes daily reward
  358. [World]Skrilim:not gl loops
  359. [World]Joachim17:what lvl is your cooking for GL
  360. [World]RolandRock:That's really good tho.
  361. [World]RolandRock:I'll have enough to buy advanced warlord stone+ shira blessi
  362. [World]Skrilim:i know
  363. [World]Skrilim:i got my warlords stone for tomorrow
  364. [World]RolandRock:Cooking level 37
  365. [World]RolandRock:trade level 54 almost 55
  366. [World]Joachim17:damn your close to 50
  367. [World]Skrilim:when i get marco il have 5 crews then later il add 6 crews
  368. [World]RolandRock:not really haha. I hardly cook.
  369. [World]Joachim17:travaling in GL is alot of silver which is a waste
  370. [World]Joachim17:trying to cook
  371. [World]RolandRock:Yeah its not a waste.. its worth it in LB
  372. [World]Skrilim:roland if i get marco do u think hell do decent damage?
  373. [World]Joachim17:im still trying to get SS shadows
  374. [World]Joachim17:it's annoying
  375. [World]RolandRock:Not yet Skrilim.
  376. [World]RolandRock:Keep enhancing ship and get BM set ready.
  377. [World]RolandRock:fully enhanced and upgraded bm set.
  378. [World]Joachim17:did anyone read the new chapter today?
  379. [World]BlueKitty:*[B] Pirate's Armor*
  380. [World]Skrilim:i only get 10 million silver daily
  381. [World]BlueKitty:damn my mouses
  382. [World]BlueKitty:mouse''
  383. [World]RolandRock:A new chapter came out? xD I forgot to read manga
  384. [World]Luke:yes it did
  385. [World]Joachim17:what's your bounty skrilim?
  386. [World]Skrilim:1.5 million bounty
  387. [World]Joachim17:when you read the chapter look at killers mask
  388. [World]Joachim17:that's low
  389. [World]luckey:what is warship puzzle, it wont open for me
  390. [World]Joachim17:it never does
  391. [World]luckey:so its nothing?
  392. [World]Joachim17:yup
  393. [World]RolandRock:Skrilim, do your quests.
  394. [World]RolandRock:Your bounty will raise
  395. [World]Skrilim:well imma go sleep guys bye il see u when day resets
  396. [World]Joachim17:roland how high is your vitality?
  397. [World]KiLABOT:road to 115 and i will conquer WB
  398. [World]RolandRock:only got 7 out of 130.
  399. [World]RolandRock:my bounty is 5,851,700
  400. [World]So:3425*100
  401. [World]Joachim17:i never use it i have 5910 vitality
  402. [World]Joachim17:my bounty is 4.9mil
  403. [World]RolandRock:I use all on dungeon. for more gold.
  404. [World]Joachim17:that's what im gonna do now
  405. [World]RolandRock:Buy shiraHoshi blessing.
  406. [World]RolandRock:Joachim you don't have t1?
  407. [World]Joachim17:i wish the auto play was better for dungeon
  408. [World]Joachim17:t1?
  409. [World]RolandRock:Yes t1.
  410. [World]RolandRock:1 level 7 fury shell and 5 level 6 fury shells
  411. [World]Joachim17:im using shira right now
  412. [World]RolandRock:It makes you use fury skill on first turn.
  413. [World]KiLABOT:i hope 3x warship event *.*
  414. [World]Joachim17:i've been trying to get that for years now
  415. [World]Joachim17:i have 1 lvl 7 2 lvl6 and 3 lvl5's
  416. [World]Joachim17:i never get any fury
  417. [World]RolandRock:synthesis those level 5's into another 6
  418. [World]RolandRock:and then put them all on franky
  419. [World]Joachim17:ok
  420. [World]Joachim17:ill take them off my protag
  421. [World]RolandRock:Do you have robin?
  422. [World]Joachim17:no
  423. [World]RolandRock:Ahh well.
  424. [World]RolandRock:Its okay.
  425. [Notice]Congrats to Pekelemebe for successfully defending 20 times in tournament, but ATK, DEF, SPEED decreased by 20%!
  426. [World]Sunstriker:sup rr
  427. [World]RolandRock:Sun.
  428. [World]RolandRock::*
  429. [World]RolandRock:Buying shira blessing at reset hopefully if I get enough gol
  430. [World]RolandRock:got 21 gold cards and 180 gold.
  431. [World]JuanriD.:hw many gold you want roland?
  432. [World]RolandRock:Just enough to buy Shirahoshi Blessing.
  433. [World]RolandRock:Then I'll use the gold I get from shira blessing to buy AWS
  434. [World]RolandRock:and shira blessing again.
  435. [World]Sunstriker:buy me shira 22
  436. [World]RolandRock:Wtf 1PunchMan won Vert with Wb team in OPB
  437. [World]RolandRock:Nah Sun xD you got like thousands of gold
  438. [World]Sunstriker:greedy rr
  439. [World]Sunstriker:wats yor arena rank now?
  440. [World]RolandRock:Rofl I ain't greedy I'm a noob.
  441. [World]Sunstriker:u greedy nub
  442. [World]RolandRock::cccc I ain't greedy
  443. [World]Dark_RR:I'm at rank 50 in RR.
  444. [World]Dark_RR:Rank 47 in this one
  445. [World]Sunstriker:u so good in arena
  446. [World]Sunstriker:no one for me 2 buddy off now
  447. [World]Dark_RR:just lucky i guess
  448. [World]Sunstriker:are....u... doing wat i'm thinking u doing?
  449. [World]Dark_RR:Which is?
  450. [World]Sunstriker:watch out for .... the accuser o.0
  451. [World]Dark_RR:._. If its botting then no.
  452. [World]Dark_RR:I'm not about that life.
  453. [World]Dark_RR:What level fury shells does it take to get to 135?
  454. [World]Sunstriker:accuser doesnt think that way
  455. [World]Dark_RR:lolol
  456. [World]Sunstriker:he cant understand your success.. he accuse
  457. [Notice]Congrats to aekara21 for getting Advanced crew member Shirahoshi!
  458. [Notice]Treasure hunters have appeared on the sea, kill them to obtain their treasure maps!
  459. [World]RolandRock:crap I'm late for ladder.
  460. [World]RolandRock:6 more battles.
  461. [World]RolandRock:Ladder battle everyone, 3v3.
  462. [World]RolandRock:oh well... guess I can't get that 6 battles.
  463. [World]RolandRock:was on a winning streak too.
  464. [World]RolandRock:The heck... I beat weakling xD
  465. [World]RolandRock:Yayy thanks Kratos and Blod
  466. [World]RolandRock:Blood*
  467. [World]BloodSwoRd:?
  468. [World]BloodSwoRd:wasnt us. rr op
  469. [World]RolandRock:??
  470. [World]RolandRock:LOL hush, I got robin and chopper xD
  471. [World]RolandRock:Don't see how I can kill a marco.
  472. [World]RolandRock:5 more battles
  473. [World]RolandRock:dammit... v_v
  474. [World]RolandRock:got 2k creds.
  475. [World]RolandRock:no Ws.
  476. [World]Romero.s005:got 0
  477. [World]Romero.s005:no fights :D
  478. [World]RolandRock:Sigh...
  479. [World]RolandRock:I'm on 5
  480. [Notice]Congrats to xCal for getting Advanced crew member Jinbe!
  481. [World]Spud:*Han*****
  482. [Notice]Congrats to Fabian.u10 for getting Advanced crew member Lafitte!
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