
A /k/osmonauts Tale

Jan 22nd, 2019
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  1. >be me
  2. >Be /k/ommandonaut
  3. >Be piloting transport to the Lunar colony
  4. >Carrying a cargo of High Elf slaves
  5. >Ship is made of old rocket parts
  6. >The bridge is a soyuz command pod, large pressurized cargo lander docked to the front
  7. >A small rotating section provides some artificial gravity, can't afford magnetic boots or magical gravity drugs
  8. >Propelled by a spacex Raptor engine
  9. >Have 2 other crewmates
  10. >Alan and Joseph
  11. >Joseph is the ward for the armory, armory consisting of PlasMagic Nagants, EMP grenades, MAHD's (Magical Ability Halting Darts) and other
  12. >Alan is the cargo speciallist and lander pilot
  13. >All of us are equipped with old Soviet spacesuits, the Orlan-M, which have the outer layer woven with Mithril thread
  14. >We reach the moon after a few days and go into a parking orbit
  15. >Take the lander with the slaves down to landing pad 4
  16. >Get paid in cash and stay to re-supply
  17. >Get a contract to receive a shipment of weapons from the /K/lusterfuck on earth
  19. 1/????
  21. /k/ommandonauts part 2
  22. >Before we left we were given an industrial golem for salvaging
  23. >2 meter tall hunk of titanium painted orange with yellow and black stripes
  24. >our ship is also given a larger airlock this takes about a month to install
  25. >Airlock is equipped with the finest dwarven force field projector
  26. >Ffwd a month
  27. >We set out into Earth-Sol Lagrange point 2 where a derelict spacecraft from the old days was waiting
  28. >Cherry red, beat up as hell and...
  29. >Is that a fucking car?
  30. >/K/ube bless our sorry ship
  31. >It's Elon's Tesla
  32. >Look at list, it's on there
  33. >Use the new airlock to surround the wreck in an air bubble
  34. >Golem and Alan get to work
  35. >First they remove the battery and the computer, there's also a strange /k/ube
  36. >After securing the scrap to the side of the ship and strapping the Tesla to the front we head back to Luna
  37. >Ffwd another month
  38. >We get back and present the small /k/ube to the Colony Overseer
  39. >It's encoded with data, he says
  40. >We plug it into the holoscreen
  41. >What...
  44. >be /k/ommando in year of 2019
  45. >Massive portal opens
  46. >Ffwd 500 years
  47. >Be /k/ommando in year of 2519
  48. >Have elf wife
  49. >2 children
  50. >Live in a nice town in a forest
  51. >wood elves stop by occasionally
  52. >Then they stop coming
  53. >A day later whole forest around us is burned to a crisp
  54. >Some kind of hot blue shit everywhere
  55. >Elves innavillage identify it as plasma residue from Magical weaponry
  56. >whatthefuck.gif
  57. >who could possibly have that nowadays
  58. >Be /k/ommandonaut
  59. >Be on raiding party
  60. >Discover village of 200 wood elves
  61. >jackpot.webm
  62. >quickly get to firing plasma nugget at everything
  63. >Leave with around 120 elf slaves the rest are dead
  64. >Mfw I'm basically a space Viking
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