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a guest
Aug 1st, 2018
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  1. #!groovy
  2. def image = ''
  3. def date = new Date()
  4. node {
  5. stage('Create Version') {
  6. step([$class: 'UCDeployPublisher',
  7. siteName: 'TMS-UCD',
  8. component: [
  9. $class: 'com.urbancode.jenkins.plugins.ucdeploy.VersionHelper$VersionBlock',
  10. componentName: 'Build Site',
  11. createComponent: [
  12. $class: 'com.urbancode.jenkins.plugins.ucdeploy.ComponentHelper$CreateComponentBlock'
  13. ],
  14. delivery: [
  15. $class: 'com.urbancode.jenkins.plugins.ucdeploy.DeliveryHelper$Push',
  16. pushVersion: '${BUILD_NUMBER}',
  17. baseDir: '.',
  18. fileIncludePatterns: '*.md',
  19. fileExcludePatterns: '',
  20. pushProperties: '',
  21. pushDescription: 'Pushed from Jenkins',
  22. pushIncremental: false
  23. ],
  24. ],
  25. deploy: [
  26. $class: 'com.urbancode.jenkins.plugins.ucdeploy.DeployHelper$DeployBlock',
  27. deployApp: 'BrassRing-Pipeline',
  28. deployEnv: 'QA',
  29. deployProc: 'Deploy Build Site',
  30. createProcess: [
  31. $class: 'com.urbancode.jenkins.plugins.ucdeploy.ProcessHelper$CreateProcessBlock',
  32. processComponent: 'Deploy RestAPI'
  33. ],
  34. deployVersions: 'BrassRing-Pipeline:24',
  35. deployOnlyChanged: false
  36. ]
  37. ])
  38. }
  39. }
  41. ERROR: An error occurred while checking the UCD server for the application process : A JSONObject text must begin with '{' at character 1 of <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Authentication Proxy Login Page</TITLE><script language="JavaScript">
  42. <!-- Begin
  43. var pxypromptwindow1;
  44. var pxysubmitted = false;
  45. function doreload() {
  46. if(pxypromptwindow1.closed) {window.location.reload(true);
  47. } else {reloadtimeout=setTimeout("doreload()", 500);}
  48. }
  50. function submitreload() {
  51. if(pxysubmitted == false) {
  52.'', 'pxywindow1','resizable=no,width=300,height=300,scrollbars=yes');
  53. reloadtimeout=setTimeout("doreload()", 1000);
  54. pxysubmitted = true;return true;
  55. } else {
  56. alert("This page can not be submitted twice.");return false;
  57. }
  58. }// -->
  59. </script>
  60. </HEAD>
  61. <BODY onLoad="document.AuthenForm.uname.focus()" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#ffcc00" ALINK="#ffffff" VLINK="#ffcc00" ><H1>Login Required: Please login with your intranet email address <BR><BR> HTTPS Authentication<BR><BR><p><FORM name="AuthenForm" method=post action="" target="pxywindow1"><input type=hidden name=au_pxytimetag value="366088120">Username: <input type=text name=uname><BR><BR>Password: <input type=password name=pwd><BR><BR><input type=submit name=ok value=OK onClick="return submitreload()"></H1></FORM></script></BODY></HTML>
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