
I'll sort these eventually maybe

Apr 20th, 2015
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  1. <blockquote>
  2. <p><b>ADDITIONAL FAQ:</b></p>
  3. </blockquote>
  4. <ul>
  5. <li>&nbsp; &nbsp;<i>When considering activity, what constitutes as an IC post?</i></li>
  6. </ul>
  7. <p>IC minis, threads, and in-character meme answers count for activity. Reblogging pictures, meme prompts, or posting OOC will <i>not</i> count as IC or activity posts.</p>
  8. <p>As mods, we’ve decided that memes that are answered IC will count towards in character activity; however, please be cognizant that these posts should in some way contribute to your character’s development or be of value to your character (such as headcanons, or anything informational). As such, we trust you all enough to not only make all of your activity posts Meme Sunday posts!</p>
  9. <ul>
  10. <li>&nbsp; &nbsp;<i>Can we reserve Celebrities/Real life people?</i></li>
  11. </ul>
  12. <p>We do not allow the applications for any celebrities and/or real life individuals.&nbsp;</p>
  13. <ul>
  14. <li>&nbsp; &nbsp;<i>How we do apply for jobs?</i></li>
  15. </ul>
  16. <p>You can start by looking at the <a href="">job list</a> and look for any jobs that catch your interest!&nbsp;</p>
  17. <ul>
  18. <li>&nbsp; &nbsp;<i>What is a canon point?</i></li>
  19. </ul>
  20. <p>A canon point is a certain timeframe in which the character you’re portraying hails from.</p>
  21. <ul>
  22. <li>&nbsp; &nbsp;<i>Will stolen cellphones/weapons work for the user?</i></li>
  23. </ul>
  24. <p>A stolen cell phone for a nobody would be useless until a nobody has ranked up. It’s not that the cell phone has a coded recognition for one user; it’s just that nobodies have no access to the grid (this entails GPS navigation, cell phone usage, the internet, most databases in the city as well as premium cable channels, etc.) until they reach citizen rank. The city has protocols in place to recognize whether or not a subject has reached the required rank to access the grid. If they have not, they will be locked out of the system.</p>
  25. <p>Weapons require no great technological expense to use. Characters can steal impersonalized, mundane implements from another character or even a shop and get them to work. They require no real amount of skill or special permission to use, as long as you write and detail how the character acquired such an item. However, for weapons with extended magazines or personalized weapons for other characters, stealing them is possible, but using them would be difficult based on the character’s skill level. A character could not steal a zanpakuto and expect to use it correctly, nor could they steal a kamui from a Kill la Kill character and expect to be able to sync with it without proper consequences. A character may steal a gun, but they’d still have to consequently continue to steal bullets and rounds for that gun to continue to use it.</p>
  26. <p>Stolen weapons will not have their supplies replenished, and certain weapons will not immediately grant a user new power, just as stolen technological devices cannot access the grid until the character has reached citizen rank. The entire city is computerized, and the citizens know that very well. It is how the scientists are able to alter anything from the laws of physics to a character’s memories at the press of a button, and it is also how they enforce such strict rules.</p>
  27. <ul>
  28. <li>&nbsp; &nbsp;<i>Do mini-events count for Saviour rank/equivalent?</i></li>
  29. </ul>
  30. <p>Yes indeed! All events, whether they are mini-events or not, count. The only exception where events do not count are are mini-events that are member run.&nbsp;</p>
  31. <ul>
  32. <li>&nbsp; &nbsp;<i>Can we return to Hive City with all the previous gains that one has earned on their last stay in the city?</i></li>
  33. </ul>
  34. <p>Yes indeed!&nbsp;</p>
  35. <ul>
  36. <li>&nbsp; &nbsp;<i>Do citizens have a method of mass contacting aside from texting?</i></li>
  37. </ul>
  38. <p>As noted in the room descriptions, each apartment is outfitted with a computer! Naturally, they’d be able to download things like chat and video call software (though you don’t have internet access until you’re at least a Citizen). It’s the digital age, after all!</p>
  39. <ul>
  40. <li>&nbsp; &nbsp;<i>When we rank up, how can we show you we fulfilled the requirements for noble rank/equivalent?</i></li>
  41. </ul>
  42. <p>It makes our jobs easier if you can compile a small list of your interactions and/or qualifications on a page on your blog rather than having to skim through your entire blog to pinpoint various interactions.</p>
  43. <ul>
  44. <li><i>&nbsp; &nbsp;Does time move faster in Citta than it does somewhere else?</i></li>
  45. </ul>
  46. <p>Time in the Hive moves at a normal speed, though if a character is dropped and returned to their world, their experiences in the city will be wiped clean. You could say they could be reinserted back to the series’ current timeline instead of the canon point you removed them from, but the point is that the city would have no affect on their lives in canon once they leave, they could reenter at any time, but they would still be the same character they were at that point in their canon.</p>
  47. <p>Essentially, it doesn’t matter if there is a difference in the passage of time between your character’s homeworld and the Hive, as it is all proved to be irrelevant once the character is released from the system.</p>
  48. <ul>
  49. <li>&nbsp; &nbsp;<i>Are we allowed to make promo-posts for our muses?</i></li>
  50. </ul>
  51. <p>Promo posts aren’t really needed within our group. An ooc message can always be left in the member-created ooc tags noting the fact that you may want new followers, or that your new blog was just accepted, though! To promote yourself for new threads, <a href="">Santa-mun</a>&nbsp;coined the #ca rp ad tag, as well!</p>
  52. <p>We are aware of the growing trend in the indie community to create promotion posts to advertise new blogs, and new muses, though in a community like ours, especially with its size, the introduction of a culture of promotion posts and such would likely really clutter the dash! Our masterlist as a whole makes networking easier compared to an indie scene, as a list of your cast and all of your fellow members is readily available, they’re only an ask or a reblog away. While promotion posts aren’t unneeded and they aren’t an entire nuisance, for now, we’ve just decided that they’ll take up more space on the roleplay dash than they’re worth, and we’re sorry about that.</p>
  53. <ul>
  54. <li>&nbsp; &nbsp;<i>What is the difference between Minis and Opens?</i></li>
  55. </ul>
  56. <p>A mini is considered to be a small post that is less than 2 paragraphs, and thus, that is what the CA MINI tag is for. The CA OPEN tag is used for posts that are longer then a paragraph or two.&nbsp;</p>
  57. <ul>
  58. <li>&nbsp; &nbsp;<i>Can we pass off our houses/mansion to another member if we plan to drop?</i></li>
  59. </ul>
  60. <p>Handing off your house or mansion to another resident is completely okay if you plan on dropping your character!&nbsp;However, it isn’t quite like passing power upgrades. You can’t give your right to a house to a character that hasn’t met the qualifications to apply for one.</p>
  61. <ul>
  62. <li>&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>&nbsp;When completing challenges with a time interval, does the countdown start at the moment we receive the challenge or the moment we post the challenge?</i></li>
  63. </ul>
  64. <p>The countdown starts the moment you post the challenge! This is so that the members can do them at their own leisure, it wouldn’t be fair for us to issue a challenge when they don’t have the time to complete it!</p>
  65. <ul>
  66. <li>&nbsp; &nbsp;<i>Is it possible to put a character on extended hiatus for 2 or more months if we won’t have access to a computer for that certain amount of time, but know we will want to come back afterwards?</i></li>
  67. </ul>
  68. <p>For these instances, it is a <b>case by case basis</b>, and&nbsp;we require the member to come <b>off anon</b> and message us privately about the situation they are facing. After all, extended hiatuses for more than a month should be considered for emergencies.</p>
  69. <ul>
  70. <li><i>Does the Veteran status reset when you rank up? Like if you're a veteran citizen, and then you rank up do you lose the ability increase from Veteran?</i></li>
  71. </ul>
  72. <p>When you rank up, you will<b> lose the veteran title</b>, but you will <b>retain the perk</b>. So say you went from a Veteran Noble to Guardian and you’d taken the limiter off your starting power - you are not considered a "Veteran" Guardian (you have not had the rank for 3+ months), but you’d still have that limiter removed. However, upon reaching Veteran in the next rank, <b>you are not entitled to an additional power or weapon related perk again</b>.</p>
  73. <ul>
  74. <li><i>Upon reaching veteran, you can uncap the limit of your starter ability or raise its strength. As far as raising the ability's strength is concerned, to what degree will the strength be raised? Will it go back to full power, or is it just a slight increase?</i></li>
  75. </ul>
  76. <p>The strength increase would likely be <b>increased by a certain increment</b>. It would probably be safe to say you can double it if the ability’s strength is below half of its full power!</p>
  77. <p>For instance, a superhuman strength ability at a third of its original potency would be upped to two thirds, one at a fifth would be upped to two fifths, et cetera. &nbsp;</p>
  78. <p>If the ability is at a <b>half of its original potency or more</b>, you can increase it by a half of that increment. So regenerative abilities at half their original potency could be increased by a fourth, effectively raising them to three quarters of their original effectiveness.</p>
  79. <ul>
  80. <li><i>It seems that people in Hive City revive after death, albeit much weaker as a result. But what if a character were to possess an ability that allowed them to revive after death? Would they suffer the consequences of dying in Hive City, or would their ability nullify that loss? And what if the ability allowed them to revive stronger than they were before death? Would that have an effect as well?</i></li>
  81. </ul>
  82. <p>It depends on the ability, honestly, as we’ve had examples of this happen in the past. The extent of Kumagawa Misogi’s minus abilities allowed him to deny the reality his own death in the city after ranking up a few times, so he’d be able to come back as if nothing had ever happened. Time travelers may be able to erase the consequences to some degree, as well. If a character has an ability unlocked that allows them to revive themselves and negate death, they’ll be able to effectively break the system for themselves and themselves only through their given limits for the day or the week — and if a character has abilities that allow them to come back stronger after they’ve died once or twice, those would be allowed too.</p>
  83. <p>Though, abilities like this are pretty big and would probably be allowed in really small doses at either a high rank or as a top tier event reward, so you’ve got to keep that in mind as well!</p>
  84. <ul>
  85. <li><i>I'm thinking of apping a character (or maybe even twins) who's only seen for literally 2 seconds in a movie. They were never even mentioned, and they have no canon names or histories, but they have a fandom with hundreds of different takes on the characters. If I were to fill the app, should it be under an OC form to shed my entire perspective on it, but since their existence is canon it would still be under the movie?</i></li>
  86. </ul>
  87. <p>We’ve had characters that were played off a lot of fanon before, heck, we’ve had NightVale characters and FanPro characters and some really niche Yume Nikki mod characters that had nothing but fanon going for them, so characters from a movie that didn’t really have any speaking lines going for them are alright to app, we just ask that if you’re drawing off of that fanon, to keep your interpretations down one vein — with that much headcanon out to influence a person, sometimes it can be incorperated in ways that don’t make sense.</p>
  88. <p>The character is not an original character, and apping them that way would have classed them as a fandom OC, anyway. So you’ll be free to app them when you solve your computer issues, and we’ll decide from there if it’s enough information to rp a character off of. This is one of those case by case basis things that I really can’t just say yes or no to on a vague example.</p>
  89. <ul>
  90. <li><i>on fandom-based OCs: if i have an original character that is of a certain race that only exists within a certain media, am i not allowed to play them at all? say, i wanted to play an argonian from skyrim, but not be the dragonborn and not be one of the npcs, would that be against the rules?</i></li>
  91. </ul>
  92. <p>The answer to this is rather long, so please check it out over <a href="">here</a>!</p>
  93. <ul>
  94. <li><i>I checked the rules and it said "certain events" will give a character their powers back, but I was under the impression it was determined by rank...?</i></li>
  95. </ul>
  96. <p>Sometimes, when we do in character events, we’ll give rewards out at the end, either in a ‘flat tier’ which means that all characters get a fixed reward, by random drawing among the participants, or after reading all the entries and picking those we feel best deserve it. These rewards can be anything from a method of transportation, a weapon, in character money, or recent technology (we’ve given out tablet computers as rewards before). Though, rarely, we also give out power rewards as well, and those will also be handled through the scientists’ blog, but these power or weapon rewards would achieve the same effect as rank up rewards.</p>
  97. <ul>
  98. <li><i>If a character has wings with which to fly, is that considered an ability or is it something passive they can keep due to it being an aspect of their physiology?</i></li>
  99. </ul>
  100. <p>Considering that it is a point of physiology, at most, we will hinder the durability by weakening the character’s strength (in regards to flying). For the most part, though, we do allow those kinds of characters to keep their ability in full.</p>
  101. <ul>
  102. <li><i>What would happen if a character had a certain object that was linked to their abilities and they needed it to use them, and it ended up being destroyed in the city? Would it respawn, should they ask the scientists for a new one, or do they have to deal with the loss of one of their powers until they rank up again?</i></li>
  103. </ul>
  105. <p>Items like this would respawn after the reset of the time that they can use their abilities. There has always been a running joke among the scientists that they would respawn joke weapons for characters that tried to get rid of them, so the same would apply to important objects necessary to cast magic or that existed for a character to use their abilities!</p>
  106. <p>The joke weapons are always fun to continue to force on a character’s hands, though. We had a Kimblee that we would not let throw away the orbeez we gave him instead of a philosopher’s stone. It was a lot of fun!</p>
  107. <ul>
  108. <li><i>What does the night sky look like in Hive City? Can you see the moon or any stars in certain areas where the city lights aren't as bright? Are the constellations the same as say, Earth's sky?</i></li>
  109. </ul>
  110. <p>The night sky looks mundane, to our standards, filled with light pollution as is the case with many cities of its type. Though, if the lights were to go out, or if one were to get far enough away in the city, they would certainly see a singular moon if it is out. Sometimes the reflections of other planets are seen, and so are infrequent meteor showers or shooting stars, though as far as sights of galaxies go, the night sky is programmed as a conglomerate of the constellations and night skies that the citizens remember.&nbsp;</p>
  111. <p>Essentially, Earth’s constellations can be included, if you want to! Though constellations from your character’s or another character’s home world could possibly be visible as well, if only as a comfort of home. There are many unidentified constellations, as well! Take the freedom of it as something akin to the constellation spotting in Animal Crossing — if you point it out, it appears. The shapes stars form are all relative and a product of our perception, after all! If your character perceives the shapes of their gods or of the Earth astrological constellations, either would be acceptable.</p>
  112. <p>Just note that it would, in most of the inner city’s districts, be very hard to see a clear and unpolluted sky at night!</p>
  113. <ul>
  114. <li><i>What would happen if a character were to be able to fly and they tried to fly waaay above the city, like in a spaceship or something? Is there a dome around the sectors that prevent people from getting in or out?</i></li>
  115. </ul>
  116. <p>I’d say there’s something like this, yes! Especially around the newer skybound regions. Characters can fly about as high as the top of the highest skyscrapers in the main hexagonal districts, and not any higher without certain limit breaking circumstances. Characters wishing to travel to the skybound districts will have to take certain transportation with awarded tickets to get there. Space is definitely ruled out as an option right now, but who knows about the future?</p>
  117. <p>As for the barrier around the city, I guess the best way to describe that would be to remind you of the one that surrounds the arena in the hunger games? We can’t have characters going off the grid (though they may wander the outlands, to a certain extent), so there’d be an electrified sort of tangible force field wall over the current outer boundaries of the city, if that makes sense.</p>
  118. <ul>
  119. <li><i>Can a character actually build their own transportation device if they have the intelligence to do so, and are not at the rank to get a car/motorcycle/whatever by the scientists? Or is there a way to keep that from happening, or just not having those parts available in the city at all?</i></li>
  120. </ul>
  121. <p>I’d say the rules that apply to this are the same ones that apply to characters building their own weapons, so the answer to this is pretty simple! If the character has the means and the money to build their own vehicle, it would be best to write out how it was obtained! And by this, I don’t mean the materials per se, but building a car in some cases is a lot harder and takes a lot more time than building a gun or jimmying some knives from the nearest department store! People put a lot of blood sweat and tears into building vehicles that they call their babies, so that must be noted!</p>
  122. <p>It also tends to take some of the novelty out of the reward. Though, let’s say this is a case by case basis, and it’d depend entirely on the character and what they’re trying to build, so come to us individually here to get ooc approval, and if you’d like to barter for materials with the scientists, you know where to go!</p>
  123. <ul>
  124. <li><i>If someone hasn't been active since the beginning of a month &amp; then puts themselves into hiatus at the end of that month while still not having posted as the character for nearly a month, when would they be considered inactive? Basically the character's hiatus is listed as just having begun but their last post was nearly a month ago meaning that at the end of their hiatus it'd be nearly 2 months of inactivity</i></li>
  125. </ul>
  126. <p>A hiatus is a means of immunity, a sort of last resort means to be put up when circumstances get too stressful and take up too much of your time or muse to fully commit yourself to your blog. When a character is on a hiatus (<b>note, that semi-hiatuses do not count as immunity on checks anymore, just as a note for other muns of your strained level of activity</b>) they are, until it expires, immune from being taken down from checks. That means that the character you’ve been wanting, if they’re on hiatus, is not available at that time! Things you can do if you’re entirely dead set on that character are politely approaching the character’s mun (<b>we mean&nbsp;<i>politely</i>&nbsp;this is not an open invitation to harass others out of their</b><b>&nbsp;characters</b>) to inquire if they may consider passing the baton of their plate gets too full or their muse is lost — or you may simply wait it out. We’ve had a lot of muns that have had to wait it out. I’ve had to wait it out, mod oo8 has had to wait it out, and off the top of my head, I can think of many muns who — though they are now active — had to wait a good amount of time to reserve or apply for the character they wanted in the past!&nbsp;</p>
  127. <p>Please remember that we all have our circumstances for inactivity and setting our hiatuses, and thinking first of our own want for a character and not of the mun behind the character and the problems keeping them from their blog may, at times, get one a bit ahead of themselves. We as a mod team applaud you for waiting so patiently for the character you’ve wanted, and do know that good things come to those who wait!&nbsp;</p>
  128. <p>However, as a tl;dr — to answer the question in shorter terms — that character would not be considered inactive, because their hiatus, from start date to expiration, will protect them from being considered as such! I’m very sorry about that!</p>
  129. <ul>
  130. <li><i>hey, does citta have any kind of health care system? it doesn't appear to have any government and i know it doesn't have any strict police force but not providing any medical service seems kinda iffy. i'm thinking in the sense of people who might need to go to the er in a hurry, people with disabilities (mental or physical) who might need special treatment or medication to function comfortably, people with severe illnesses that need intensive care, that kind of thing.</i></li>
  131. </ul>
  132. <p>The answer to this is very long and can be found <a href="">here</a>!</p>
  133. <ul>
  134. <li><i>Hey does Citta have any schools? They are the largest centers for adolescent social interactions after all.</i></li>
  135. </ul>
  136. <p>When it comes to general facilities (like there was a crew on twitter a little while asking about a city pool), we generally say if a normal city would have it, and we have not listed it yet, it’s within your own imagination whether it exists or not! Some characters have started academies and schools as their own businesses, and other characters can be enrolled there. Others have simply mentioned it as a setting. However, we have not gone into great detail describing any schools as mod-created settings. It’s pretty safe to assume one would exist, so if members notice the absence of facilities and would like to use them for settings, the general rule of thumb is think what a normal metropolis would have, and from there you can run with it!&nbsp;</p>
  137. <p>The only setting we have notably said we have&nbsp;<i>not</i>&nbsp;included yet is a beach area, though that’s more of an extra tidbit to help prove the point and nothing more.</p>
  138. <ul>
  139. <li><i>I have a question about jobs. There was an ask about freelance jobs which is similar to this, but I'm still not sure. I want my character to get a job, but I'm honestly not interested in any of the jobs in the tag. Am I still allowed to give them a job if we make up the place, like a generic restaurant or something?</i></li>
  140. </ul>
  141. <p>Yes, this is totally fine. Jobs aren’t limited to those in the tag, to be honest, this was just a feature we implemented to make the experience for members here a bit more unique and fun! If you want to say your character is just a member of wait staff or a chef of some sort, that’s entirely fine. It’s just as easy to make up a business as is it to type an open post as well, so keep that in mind if you have a fun idea you’d like to share but find yourself a little intimidated by the tag.</p>
  142. <ul>
  143. <li><i>Since you recently said that with whatever intention in mind, the technology of Citta is either going to translate the other language or leaves it untranslated for teaching purposes, is it possible for a character with good control over such thoughts to trick out of the system? So that they can say something, but the other won't be able to understand it, because the system thinks that they said this for teaching purposes? Or is the program too clever for that?</i></li>
  144. </ul>
  145. <p>In the case, I’m sure the program would read the intentions, but to be honest, if you wanted to pepper your character’s speech with words of their own language, with the intention of them staying those words (such as words that cannot be translated, for instance; or curses when they’re angry), the program would likely have parameters in mind to let such language through. Say your character wished to insult someone in their native tongue, they’d definitely be able to do so! The rules for the translations aren’t set in stone, we’re just trying to work with language barriers in ways that are easiest for characters to interact.</p>
  146. <p>So, if your character wishes to go on a rampage in their own language, or teach a friend some words from home, either is fine! Just know that on the base level, all characters that&nbsp;<i>can</i>&nbsp;communicate verbally, through a language of some sort, will be able to understand each other!</p>
  147. <p>If we've forgotten some powers/abilities on our character's apps, and they've already been sent in and approved, can we add said forgotten powers/abilites on afterward? Or is that a no-go?</p>
  148. <ul>
  149. <li><i>If we've forgotten some powers/abilities on our character's apps, and they've already been sent in and approved, can we add said forgotten powers/abilites on afterward? Or is that a no-go?</i></li>
  150. </ul>
  151. <p>You most certainly can add powers and abilities to your app if you’ve forgotten them, or if they update along with your canon point. You’ll be able to redeem them as you rank up, or, if you really like, you can appeal to have those abilities limited as your starting ability in the place of what we gave you. There’s no need to let us know that you’ve updated your application, though! We just ask that you keep it detailed for when we need to limit your abilities for later ranks.</p>
  152. <ul>
  153. <li><i>If our character carries money or check, it remains or it's taken from him and he needs to gain money again in citta? Is there a currency used only in the city? Thanks!</i></li>
  154. </ul>
  155. <p>We actually answered an ask earlier that we still really are not sure what to call our currency in the city, but it does exist!</p>
  156. <p>However, we can’t really do anything to recover stolen objects or money. Once you lose a weapon you’ll have to fight to get it back, or if you get mugged, you’ll have to deal with law enforcement characters or just make the money on your own time. So basically, yes, if your money gets stolen, you need to gain it back on your own!</p>
  157. <ul>
  158. <li><i>So, Hive City automatically translates different languages, right? What would happen if a character wanted to teach another character a different language?</i></li>
  159. </ul>
  160. <p>Yes, the city does have a program that automatically translates languages for characters so a universal standard of communication can be achieved, however, for the purpose that you’re inquiring about, the scientists have likely included a level of meta hax on their part to allow characters to toggle that feature on and off based on the intent they have for the word before they say it, if that makes sense! Like, if just before they say a phrase, their mind fires signals that it will merely be for daily communication, the program will work as intended, however, if the brain and body mean to articulate a word or a phrase as that word or phrase, say, to show the difference between languages or teach others the words that they speak, it will be vocalized as it should be.</p>
  161. <p>This works for written languages, as well!</p>
  164. <ul>
  165. <li><i>I've always wondered this because people are actually reaching savior ranking (which is exciting!), but can you actually destroy the city? I'm sure the answer is no but... what are the limitations? How far can one go?</i></li>
  166. </ul>
  168. <p>Honestly, this depends on the scope of a character’s powers. If they can demolish a skyscraper at full power, well, they can demolish a skyscraper, but it stands to note that whatever damage they do can be repaired rather promptly by the scientists. Though, I doubt they’d appreciate all that grunt work. The setting can be respawned just as the characters can be, but please keep your razing to reasonable limits! The city needs to be used by others as well, and going on a tyrant’s spree like that just might send actual saviors after your head.</p>
  169. <p>I’m going to go ahead and say that destroying buildings, huge buildings, even multiple huge buildings is okay, but for actually leveling the entire city, well, let’s save that for the head honchos or future events, yeah?</p>
  170. <p>It should be noted that the scientists also have the ability to nullify your powers for a time if you choose to get&nbsp;<i>too rowdy</i>&nbsp;and give them too much repair work. They’re just as capable of smiting a character that gets too big of an ego and starts to act out at that level, so you may misbehave all you like, but do beware.</p>
  171. <ul>
  172. <li><i>I have a question about animals in the city. Are there stray animals (kind of like NPCs) that wander about the city? Would we be able to find insects? Birds?</i></li>
  173. </ul><p>
  174. Short answer is yes, if you can dream it, you can do it. Any animal that you can think of seeing in a city setting would be here if you write it here. There’s a zoo in the fifth sector as well, if I remember correctly. There was an aquarium too, but the storm last may kind of destroyed it. I’m sure it’s been rebuilt by now! The new areas we just opened up may have new types of wildlife as well, as we don’t really set parameters for places or non-playable people you can interact with, as long as it’s reasonable, you can definitely find stray animals and urban wildlife within the main city.
  177. </p><ul>
  178. <li><i>Can our characters have freelance jobs, like art or such, or do they have to work with one of the establishments already in Hive City?</i></li>
  179. </ul><p>
  180. They do&nbsp;</p><p><i>not</i></p><p>&nbsp;have to be affiliated with establishments if they choose not to. If your character chooses to work independently, they may do so! We see nothing wrong with it.
  183. </p><ul>
  184. <li><i>i was just wondering, what kind of channels are available on the televisions? is it a wide range or relatively small? like, are there TV series (that we made up, of course) that they could watch or is it all related to hive city?</i></li>
  185. </ul><p>
  187. Yes, the televisions do - indeed - play programming. However, as you stated, they do not play programming that are in any way affiliated with the characters that are currently a part of the city. Instead, the channels seem to vary and mirror our modern world. You may change the channel and watch a syndicated program or a reality show, etc. It is left up to interpretation as to what you would like to do with it. The only irrefutable channel that is definitive, currently, is&nbsp;</p><p><b>Cittavision</b></p><p>.
  191. </p><ul>
  192. <li>&nbsp;<i>do characters have to be pulled from the same canon point? like (for example) if i wanted to app a kuroko no basuke character, would i need to take from the manga arc, or could i take a character from a point during the anime?</i></li>
  193. </ul><p>
  194. You’re allowed to take your character from whatever canon point that you please. It does not have to match your castmates. You could also take a route that allows you to set your canon point to whatever current canon comes out. We’ve got a lot of characters in ongoing series that do this, and they’ll update the information their character knows and the experiences they’ve had as the series itself updates.
  197. </p><ul>
  198. <li><i>How many characters of just one fandom is one person allowed to take up?</i></li>
  199. </ul><p>
  200. As many as they can handle, really!
  201. </p><p>The only limitation would really be reason — it wouldn’t be fun to hoard an entire fandom’s main characters to yourself, for example, because then you’d have no cast mates to roleplay with — or whatever you feel you can handle.</p>
  202. <p>But there’s no outright rule against people&nbsp;<i>only</i>&nbsp;having characters/mostly having characters from one fandom, so if that fandom is all you muse, we really can’t stop you and don’t mind at all!</p>
  203. <ul>
  204. <li><i>okay this is a silly question but i went to submit an application and it says to only use it for emergencies. i've never been part of this group before, so, i was wondering, do we make the blog and send you the link with the application, or do we submit it? i looked through the faq tag but i didn't see anything addressing this question.</i></li>
  205. </ul><p>
  206. Yes, that’s absolutely right! You make the blog and come into the askbox on that account and just say that (CHARACTER NAME) is here and their application can be found, say, on the sidebar or at whatever page URL you put it under!
  207. </p><p>It’s a lot neater and easier to organize this way, and we prefer you do that to submitting the application through the submit itself!</p>
  208. <ul>
  209. <li><i>The description in the rules page is... kind of vague. When someone is killed in the city, does their body just... vanish on the spot? Do they leave a corpse at all? If so, does their dead body disappear when they revive? Is it teleported to their house? Or is it simply buried or otherwise discarded and forgotten? (Are there set rules for this? Can we wing it at all?) Also, when NPC citizens die, do they revive or stay dead?</i></li>
  210. </ul><p>
  211. Please note that these kinds of things are largely left up to interpretation! If you need to go into detail, you may (within reason) do whatever makes things most interesting for you. However, a longer and more detailed answer may be found </p><p><a href="">here</a></p><p>.
  214. </p><ul>
  215. <li><i>What sort of rules do you have for animal characters? For example, a Pokémon, a lusus or consort from Homestuck, perhaps an animal from an anime or animated film. Are these characters allowed or would they be too out of place? What about language barriers? And perhaps things in the city (like items) that could be difficult to use for someone with an animal body type?</i></li>
  216. </ul>
  217. <p>We decided that, generally, the rule of thumb for animal characters is that if they display higher intelligence and a means of communicating with other citizens, they can be roleplayed in their animal form. This would mean that characters like Mystery Dungeon Pokemon or Team Rocket’s Meowth would be okay to roleplay, but random wild Lucario might be a bit harder to work with in our environment. That being said, we’ve had robots, ponies, happy tree friends characters, and even Olaf the snowman come through our gates, and they’ve done just fine with the limitations of their body types.</p>
  218. <p>Likewise, the rule is kind of flipflopped if you wanted to app a gijinka original character. While we allow sentient animalesque or robot characters to gain a gjinka form (note, these would be canon characters like GLaDOS or, say, Twilight Sparkle) when it comes to gijinka OC’s, we generally do not like having characters related to any specific canon character in a series. Meaning, you could create a Sylveon gijinka, or a Kudamon gijinka, or a Zinogre gijinka, but you couldn’t gijinka Tai’s Agumon or Ash’s Pikachu, if that makes sense!</p>
  219. <p>There are many ways to roleplay non anthromorphic characters in our city, but when it comes down to it, I’d say it still all runs on a case by case basis!</p>
  220. <ul>
  221. <li><i>Is there a time limit for how long it can be for you to re-app a character who had been dropped due to inactivity?</i></li>
  222. </ul><p>
  223. Once a character has either been dropped/removed from inactivity, another person can reserve/app them. There is no time limit for how long you can re-app a character who has been dropped due to inactivity. If you want to app as a character who was dropped two months ago, you can re-app them anytime you want. I hope this answers your questions!
  226. </p><ul>
  227. <li><i>&nbsp;If our character was housed in an apartment like D-4, do you read it as House D Sector 4, or..?</i></li>
  228. </ul>
  229. <p>You would read it as so: ‘apartment D, sector 4’. Or simply ‘apartment D-4’. No real need to state the sector unless you find it absolutely necessary.</p>
  230. <p>So if your character does, indeed, live in ‘D-4’ - they are located in the 4th Sector. Complexes are the overall housing, so you could also state that you’re in the 4th complex as well.</p>
  231. <p>The D would represent most accurately which floor you’re on! &nbsp;So apartment D-4 is located on the 5th floor (the lobby + A through D) of the apartment complex located in sector 4.</p>
  232. <ul>
  233. <li><i>Do characters with built in endurance like Superman or the dragons retain their ability to take more damage?</i></li>
  234. </ul>
  235. <p>No, unless it was stated in your acceptance!</p>
  236. <p>Endurance, etc, will be limited alongside other things unless we’ve chosen to return it back to you! As an example I can think off the top of my head, Hollow Ichigo from Bleach would have, canonically, enhanced durability — however, as he was not granted this, he had to gain it back from events/ranking up!</p>
  237. <p>Basically, unless stated otherwise, you can assume that characters all have the same endurance/durability/etc!</p>
  238. <ul>
  239. <li><i>How sophisticated are the cellphones given to Citizens? For example, are they smartphones? Can they access the internet too? And how big the internet in Hive City actually is? Do we have access to normal websites (like Youtube, social networks in general, maybe some manga website just in case, yknow)?</i></li>
  240. </ul>
  241. <p>Yes, absolutely! In such a wonderful city as Hive City, do you really think we’d be giving you, oh, I don’t know, Nokia phones? Tsk, tsk… that’s absolutely&nbsp;<i>appalling</i>! Of course we’re giving you state of the art smartphones, the newest and best of their sort! Of course they can access the internet — do you think we’re&nbsp;<i>monsters</i>? Come on. I mean, really now.</p>
  242. <p>As for how big the internet is — as big as you can imagine! The Hive City internet is the best of its type, as well — while we may not have exact versions of sites from Earth such as YouTube, you can guarantee we have similar, if not better, versions just for you lovely citizens! We even have — would you believe — Hivr and Hivebook!*</p>
  243. <p><i>*The scientists do not guarantee the real existence of such sites as Hivr and Hivebook. This has been shown to be, quite potentially, an outright fabrication.</i></p>
  244. <p>You can essentially access anything on the internet that isn’t&nbsp;<b>too</b>&nbsp;fourth wall breaky — so keep that in mind! You can assume manga is available, but not anything that would make you blatantly know about another character, so let’s say that the manga here is unique to Hive City and encompasses all sorts of genres!</p>
  245. <ul>
  246. <li><i>For those who are able to use abilities for a certain amount of time, do they have to use up all their time in one go, or could they use up a certain amount of time and use the rest later?</i></li>
  247. </ul>
  248. <p>Characters who are given a time limit are able to spread that time out however they choose!</p>
  249. <p>For example, say a character is allotted a 30 minute use of Power X. They may use Power X in three ten minute increments, or one ten and one twenty, or one seven and one twenty-three.</p>
  250. <ul>
  251. <li><i>What kind of currency runs in this city? Dollars, yen...?</i></li>
  252. </ul>
  253. <p>You know, we still actually have not come up with a specific name for Hive City’s currency, though I can tell you its current exchange rate would probably be something similar to the American or Canadian dollar, as that is the currency that the mods run off of, and that we’re most familiar with. You can really call it anything you like, until we come up with a distinct name for it. Dollars are just fine, bucks, bytes, I really don’t know what to suggest!</p>
  254. <p>Though, it should be noted, that any currency your character may have had in their pockets at the time they were spirited away from their own world will be accepted in most shops. Apparently the npcs have an extensive knowledge of the exchange rate of currencies. How cool is that?</p>
  255. <ul>
  256. <li><i>I was wondering to further on the question of materials for building or upgrading items/weapons. I was wondering if events are the only way to obtain these items and whether or not specific items are required for certain things.</i></li>
  257. </ul>
  258. <p>I think I touched on this briefly last night. Materials for basic weapons, and heck, even basic weapons themselves, are readily available in shops, or npcs that your character could pilfer them off of. However, incredibly powerful technology or character specific weapons would require a mod approval or greater effort to get the materials to build (still, addressing us would be the best option).</p>
  259. <p>For weapons listed on a character’s application, rank ups and event prizes are usually the only way to get them, yes! Unless someone else decides to delegate their prize to you, the Scientists want to make their subjects work for it (or rather, suffer for them, it’s the Scientists, let’s be honest here).</p>
  260. <p>I’m not sure what you’re addressing when you state ‘whether or not specific items are required for certain things.’ Do you mean materials for crafting? If your character is gonna try to craft a mech or a plasma cannon or something, yeah, they’d definitely have to win the materials for that back, or gain them through a scientist challenge that actually tells the character to build the thing, though less effective versions of the weapon (ex: the Portal Gun GLaDOS was asked to build out of an assortment of household junk) can be made with available materials, if proper reasoning is given!</p>
  261. <ul>
  262. <li><i>I noticed that occasionally the askbox is closed for a matter of days. Do these days still count against your week-long reserve time? Because it'd suck really bad if your reserve ran out and was snagged by someone else because the askbox was closed and you couldn't submit in time...</i></li>
  263. </ul>
  264. <p>We’ve talked about this, and decided, if the askbox is closed and your reserve is running low, but you’ve either got an app or a renewal that you need to send in, you can just send us a quick notification over submit! Note, this doesn’t mean the application itself, we will accept that when reopen the askbox, but something like a simple ‘The askbox is closed, the reserve for [Character Name] that I placed on [date] with [blog url] is about to expire, but [I have an application done/would like to extend that reserve]!’ Would work just fine, if that makes sense! We’ll try not to keep the askbox closed for that long, to prevent this from happening, but we decided what you mentioned can count as a small emergency, so small notes over the submit would work best!</p>
  265. <p>(Note that I say submit because it is easier to respond to, thank you!)</p>
  266. <ul>
  267. <li><i>there's been some talk floating around about having to roleplay out the creation of weapons, step by step, from the gathering of materials onwards. but i know that in the past, characters have given weapons to other characters (which they have presumably made or obtained previously), yet never necessarily drabbled or roleplayed out the crafting of said weapon. do you think you could shed some light on this issue?</i></li>
  268. </ul>
  269. <p>I think I know what you’re talking about. The people who had deliberately said you needed to roleplay out every single step of a weapon crafting process were stating a member’s opinion, not a mod’s! From the first instance of our group, we’ve stated that characters are able to obtain mundane weapons through mundane means, like buying knives or saws from a hardware store, or making a small drabble about modding a base gun to get something better. In the case of characters with heavy crafting abilities, I’d say it’s pretty safe to assume that if you roleplay or drabble out crafting the weapon once (like GLaDOS did with her Portal Guns for her Guardian Challenge drabble), you definitely wouldn’t have to keep doing it again! Though, it should be noted that we expect members to exercise restraint. While we give characters the ability to obtain and craft weapons, that doesn’t mean we want to see crafted Iron Man suits or Omni Tools being circulated en masse around the city. Things like guns and knives and swords are readily available in the city through different sources, and so are the materials to make them, so getting an upgrade from the basic wooden weapon isn’t that hard, and heck, writing to obtain them doesn’t even have to be that long. We just don’t want to see characters suddenly have a huge arsenal of weapons without actually having an explanation of how they got them.</p>
  270. <p>Hey, it’d probably even be safe to say you could flesh it out through something on sunday, too? As long as there is proof! So no, you don’t have to labor over a hot keyboard for every step of every weapon, and that’s the final word from the mod team.</p>
  271. <ul>
  272. <li><i>Say if a character in the list is an a rising artist, and if say they have sung something, is it possible at all for the song to be played on the TVs in Hive City? Just wondering! And oh, if there are any entertainment company in Hive City, too.</i></li>
  273. </ul>
  274. <p>Absolutely!</p>
  275. <p>The citizens are able to make hospitals, science facilities, radio stations, run newspapers — things such as seeing them on television or hearing them on the radio would totally be doable!</p>
  276. <p>As for entertainment companies, there’s certainly&nbsp;<a href="">Cecil’s radio station</a>, for one, but you can assume there are others run by NPCs, or even open up more of your own!</p>
  277. <p>We hope to see you all topping the charts soon, cuties!</p>
  278. <ul>
  279. <li><i>I have a bit of a lengthy question regarding noble rank. If your character participated in a multiple person thread (3way or 4way threads?) then how would that go towards the rank? Would you count each person as an interaction, or would the thread itself only count for one thread count towards the over all numbers?</i></li>
  280. </ul>
  281. <p>This is a good question.</p>
  282. <p>If you are having a three-way thread, both interactions do—indeed—count towards your ranking. This applies to the four-way threads on up as well.</p>
  283. <p>The same goes for the thread length as well, it counts in full, which is more beneficial for each in the long-run—if you plan on upgrading to another ranking.</p>
  284. <p>To make a long story short, yes. Any interaction—whether combined or otherwise—does count towards ranking.&nbsp;Make sure you mark each interaction separately, however! That way we know them to count them as separate threads!</p>
  287. <ul>
  288. <li><i>Do I need to contact the mods first or can I just do it by my own?</i></li>
  289. </ul><p>
  290. If you have any event ideas that you’d like to run as a member event, or you’d like us to consider as masterlist events, please send in your ideas for approval or our consideration, first.
  293. </p><ul>
  294. <li><i>What's the rule on having personal possessions that aren't weapons?</i></li>
  295. </ul><p>
  296. For medicines and such we usually treat them as weapons in their own right, as they are items that can be used to heal instead of to hurt. Items that are close to the user, items that are useless but hold sentimental value, are considered things a character can keep without being limited.
  297. &nbsp;
  299. </p><ul>
  300. <li><i>I saw an ask yesterday about being able to build things if your character is capable and has the materials. I wanted to ask, in that case, is it possible for characters like me to build / upgrade weapons for other people as well as myself? Of course, with justification and the correct resources - or are we just limited to building for ourselves?</i></li>
  301. </ul>
  304. <p>So long as you’re able to find the materials, we can’t stop you from making things that you’re able to create from experience or know-how. Some people need to make a living, you know!</p>
  305. <p>The only limit is really making sure that not&nbsp;<i>everyone</i>&nbsp;winds up running around with whatever it is and that everything’s shared and passed out sparingly.</p>
  306. <ul>
  307. <li><i>&nbsp;If you are undertaking a Guardian challenge and you decide to do a thread, does the entire thread have to be finished within the time limit specified? Also, what happens if we don't complete the challenge within the time limit?</i></li>
  308. </ul>
  309. <p>A filled thread challenge counts as the starting post for the thread. Once it is made, you can ask for your reward and call it filled, however, we still expect you to finish the thread. If the challenge is, per say, a fight thread, however, the ability and weapon you’d win back at guardian rank do not count within that thread.</p>
  310. <p>The rewards you get from a guardian challenge count in any other thread after the challenge thread.</p>
  311. <p>If you don’t complete the challenge within the time limit, you can ask for an extension!</p>
  312. <ul>
  313. <li><i>If we send a request to the scientists for a Guardian challenge, but the challenge they issue doesn't feel appropriate for the character to do, can we request another? Or can we have them fail it and try again?</i></li>
  314. </ul>
  315. <p>Yes, if you don’t find your challenge satisfactory, just simply message the same blog asking for a different challenge. If you fail your challenge, in some cases, it still counts as a challenge fill, because we wouldn’t make you write a thread or a drabble that long only to write&nbsp;<i>another</i>&nbsp;one if you fail. The mods aren’t that cruel.</p>
  316. <p>The scientists are, but that’s why the challenges exist.</p>
  317. <ul>
  318. <li><i>So, I know you can transfer upgrade rewards etc. To other people, but can you transfer rewards to your own other characters?</i></li>
  319. </ul>
  320. <p>Yes, you can transfer abilities to your own other characters. To do that, we ask you to message the scientists’ blog from the character that won the award, tell us which account you’d like to transfer to, where your participation for that event is (like, say, in a tag), and what reward you’d like (if it’s an ability, please describe it or tell us where to find the description). From there we’ll message you back with a limit for the award, or the award itself.</p>
  321. <p>However, in the case of events, you can’t transfer upgrades to accounts who also participated in that event, because rewards for a single event don’t stack!&nbsp;</p>
  322. <ul>
  323. <li><i>I know some characters are assigned gag weapons at the start, but if someone knows how to make machines and all that good stuff, could they maybe build some contraptions for self-defense? not death rays or anything but just other things?</i></li>
  324. </ul><p>
  325. Yes, if your character can find the supplies in the hive, and has the know how to throw together (or steal) a weapon, they’ll be allowed to do that! Just be sure to write a drabble or a post about how they acquired it!</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>
  326. <ul>
  327. <li><i>A friend and I have been wondering about the event prize distribution. If someone's character has their weapon and a minor, or a major, ability already granted back to them, can they opt to give it (the prize) to someone who maybe didn't have the time or muse to partake?</i></li>
  328. </ul>
  329. <p>Yes, event prizes, as well as rank up prizes, are transferable. though, you’ll still need to send in the request to us (the scientists’ blog), telling us who you’d like to give the ability or weapon to, then the person you’re transferring it to will have to message us telling us who sent them and what ability or weapon they’d like! We’ll get back to them about the limit.</p>
  330. <p>Upgrades can’t be given away if you’ve already redeemed, though. If you plan to drop a character with upgrades, you can’t go and give those upgrades away, because they’ve already been used.</p>
  331. <ul>
  332. <li><i>if our characters get a home, does it have to be in the sector they are placed in? as well as, do you remove them off of the housing list once they have a home, or will you have a list like the districts in that sector titled 'homes' with our characters in it?</i></li>
  333. </ul><p>
  334. The good news is that you may request housing in any sector you’d like. It’s only fair!
  335. </p><p>As far as housing on our master list, you are correct. We have created a section specifically dedicated to those who have had their housing requests approved, found <a href="">here</a>.</p>
  336. <ul>
  337. <li><i>does reblogging ask memes count toward activity? just the reblogging alone, not answering any asks.</i></li>
  338. </ul>
  339. <p>It does not. Only in-character actions constitute towards activity.</p>
  340. <ul>
  341. <li><i>If some of us players wanted to set up a radio thing, would we be allowed, and how would we do that? Do we have to request it? Or is it like setting up a job?</i></li>
  342. </ul><p>
  343. Of course it would be allowed, though there sort of is already one drifting around!
  344. </p><p><a href="">DJ Alveare</a>, at your service!</p>
  345. <p>But in all seriousness, it could be set up just like a regular job and you could do whatever you wanted! Podcasts, talk shows, music — any sort of radioesque job is completely allowed and, as I mentioned earlier, you would be able to set it up just like a regular job, yes!</p>
  346. <p>Just don’t forget everybody’s favourite DJ for when you want the sickest beats, yo!&nbsp;♪(┌・。・)┌ (I tease, I tease.)</p>
  347. <ul>
  348. <li><i>Are we allowed to continue event threads after the event, or is everything considered 'finished' once the event is? Or is it just that new event things cannot happen after the event?</i></li>
  349. </ul>
  350. <p>You may continue event threads after the event is over, so long as you do not start any new ones once the event has ended.&nbsp;For example - there are still people continuing event threads from our prior event (the biological warfare event).</p>
  351. <ul>
  352. <li><i>What do you suggest for users who are having conflicts with other users?</i></li>
  353. </ul>
  354. <p>If you have conflicts with other users within the group, our best suggestion is to simply&nbsp;<b>avoid them</b>.</p>
  355. <p>Do all you can to keep peace and harmony within the group. If you all have conflict, keep it strictly between you and that user.</p>
  356. <p>However, if things continue to escalate and if there is any form of harassment, moderators may be liable to step in. The selected user(s) could be subjected to a warning or worse -&nbsp;<i>disciplinary action</i>.</p>
  357. <p>You may also file a claim.&nbsp;<b>Note</b>: this only applies to in-group interaction. Simply inform us of the situation at hand (provide details and evidence) and we’ll take it from there.&nbsp;</p>
  358. <p>We definitely don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable.</p>
  359. <ul>
  360. <li><i>So, I am comparing the Big Map to the Housing Map. Is each complex the shape of a hexagon? Or is the complex a simple 'rectangular' building? if it is Hexagon shape, wouldn't that mean that all of the 'muses' live in one specific part of the building (seems odd) and the rest are filled by npcs? If it is rectangular shaped and the rest are different sectors, why are there stairs where the core is?</i></li>
  361. </ul>
  362. <p>Each apartment complex is the shape of a hexagon, yes! The muses are only given a certain area because we’re sharing the city with its regular inhabitants; normal NPCs who go about their day to day lives, and probably wouldn’t be appreciative of being&nbsp;<i>completely</i>&nbsp;booted out of their living complexes!</p>
  363. <p>The stairs aren’t the core, of course, since it’s just the way up and down complex floors, as the hexagon shape is the complex, as stated!</p>
  364. <p>It’s&nbsp;<i>Hive</i>&nbsp;City, after all, not&nbsp;”chocolate bar city” or something, well, that isn’t a hexagon!</p>
  365. <ul>
  366. <li><i>Is there any way for a character without a weapon to gain one during their time in the city? Like, buy one in a store, steal it from someone else or something like that?</i></li>
  367. </ul>
  368. <p>Money accumulated through time can reward assorted weaponry through the market in sector 5.&nbsp;Theft is plausible as well, so long as it makes sense! One member stole a&nbsp;<i>car</i>&nbsp;from a policeman. I don’t know a bigger theft than that.</p><p>
  369. An official shop can also be found </p><p><a href="">here</a></p><p>.</p><p><i>W</i></p>
  371. <ul>
  372. <li><i>What kind of stuff is on the cell phones, aside from calls and texting?</i></li>
  373. </ul>
  374. <p>Cell phones - aside from calls and texts - can be used to access the internet as well.</p>
  375. <p>You may use search engines akin to Google (and co.), though any information on your character - including their series - will be blacklisted as well as the scientists, or specific information about Hive City. The only information that is given are the details listed on specific sectors. No history is given for public knowledge.</p>
  376. <p>Also, since they are all ‘smart phones’ by default, they have such functions and features. Applications with<b>video-chatting</b>&nbsp;capabilities or&nbsp;<b>instant messengers</b>&nbsp;are of use. All residents who have phones are available for contact, so you may message strangers at random if you’d like (just don’t, you know, send any naked pictures to the wrong person or it’ll circulate throughout the city like wildfire!).</p>
  377. <p>Some of the available standard video games include&nbsp;<b>Centipede</b>,&nbsp;<b>Space Invaders</b>,&nbsp;<b>Pac-Man</b>,&nbsp;<b>Tetris</b>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<b>Dig-Dug</b>. The scientists are retro junkies, we apologize.</p>
  378. <ul>
  379. <li><i>What about pets? Can a muse own one when they first join or...?</i></li>
  380. </ul>
  381. <p>In mostly all instances, pets are allowed if the character had one prior. The only time a ‘pet’ isn’t allowed instantly is if it is of gargantuan stature, such as a&nbsp;<b>dragon</b>, a&nbsp;<b>dinosaur</b>, some other&nbsp;<b>large</b>&nbsp;<b>mythical beast</b>.</p>
  382. <p>Smaller pets with powers are allowed from the start, though they are not granted their powers to use immediately. The only ones who have been able to do so are&nbsp;<b>Pokémon</b>, mostly due to the trainers having no special abilities themselves.</p>
  383. <ul>
  384. <li><i>How does one acquire a job?</i></li>
  385. </ul><p>
  386. Characters can get a job either by checking the&nbsp;</p><p><a href="">ca jobs</a></p><p>&nbsp;tag and applying for one of the jobs that other subjects offer, creating new employment opportunities themselves, or simply making a post about finding a job with NPCs in the city! &nbsp;It’s largely up to mun choice how much involvement they would like to take in getting/keeping character’s job!</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>
  388. <ul>
  389. <li><i>Is stealing items that a character needs a thing?</i></li>
  390. </ul>
  391. <p>Stealing is against the law, why would you wish to break the law?</p>
  392. <p>That being said, other than the usual threat of police and what not, the scientists don’t really care if you break the law in any way; that includes stealing.</p>
  393. <ul>
  394. <li><i>The elevator with access to Sector Six is stated to only be one way; is there no way back down into Zeta once a character goes up?</i></li>
  395. </ul><p>
  396. Oh, no not at all, the elevator goes both up to the surface and back down to District Zeta! &nbsp;Sorry about that, we realize now that the wording of that was highly confusing. &nbsp;The mod who wrote it only meant that the elevator wouldn’t go anywhere other than District Zeta and the surface of Sector oo6. &nbsp;Thank you for asking for clarification on that!
  398. </p><ul>
  399. <li><i>What are the abandoned dormitories of the scientists like? Are they laid out like the apartments or?</i></li>
  400. </ul>
  401. <p>The dormitories are set up much like the huts of the other districts! &nbsp;That is:</p>
  402. <p>relatively small in size, since you have it all to yourself, but they consist of one larger room (or maybe two smaller rooms) with a small couch, bed, television, computer, ect, along with a kitchen and bathroom.</p>
  403. <p>So essentially, yes! They’re basically laid out like apartments, only smaller!</p>
  404. <ul>
  405. <li><i>Given that the generator is for the lights, is there no other electricity for the dormitories? Or am I just being stupid at this point?</i></li>
  406. </ul><p>
  407. This might have been a point of confusion as well, but yes, the generator runs all of the electricity for the apartments, not just the lights!
  409. </p><ul>
  410. <li><i>The plants are given light in Zeta. How do they obtain water? I’m assuming through a sprinkler system, but correct me if I am wrong. Are there spigots and hoses?</i></li>
  411. </ul><p>
  412. The plants obtain water through a sprinkler system, but there are no spigots or hoses in the district!
  414. </p><ul>
  415. <li><i>In the districts,&nbsp;what is their housing like? An apartment, a house, old buildings, a tiny shed? Something else entirely?</i></li>
  416. </ul>
  417. <p>For most of the districts (unless stated otherwise in the description of the district)&nbsp;<b>Huts</b>&nbsp;have been arranged for occupants to live in.</p>
  418. <p>These huts are relatively small in size, since you have it all to yourself, but they consist of one larger room (or maybe two smaller rooms) with a small couch, bed, television, computer, ect, along with a kitchen and bathroom.</p>
  419. <p>Basically, for all of the districts, all the amenities found in apartments are still provided for you, but due to the perks of being able to live alone, they’ve been significantly downsized and downgraded. For instance, your computers may be 10 years old and your window air conditioning might sporadically break, your couch may be lumpy and your sink might drip. &nbsp;Of course, these things can all be replaced or fixed if you save up money, plus it’s much better than living in a box!</p>
  420. <ul>
  421. <li><i>Is there any place we can submit possible ideas for events or mini-events or is that something that just sort of happens?</i></li>
  422. </ul><p>
  423. A lot of people submit their ideas to the masterlist, actually. Regardless to whether we reply or not, we take all of them into consideration. Your events may be featured in the near future - and if you submit them via your own accounts, you will be credited for your ideas! We love to hear from our members, especially their own ideas of what they’d like to see happen within the group.
  426. </p><ul>
  427. <li><i>Out of curiosity, how would abnormally large characters be handled? Would they be shrunk down, or would they be given an appropriate living space?</i></li>
  428. </ul>
  429. <p>They’re shrunken down, of course!</p>
  430. <p>We can’t go dishing out 60 feet of space to every giant who shows up in our city; we have other, more important things to store in those areas, of course!</p>
  431. <p>Oh, no, no, we just shrink them down without a hitch so that there’s no property damage and they can experience, errmmm, a more…&nbsp;<i>normal</i>&nbsp;life style.</p>
  432. <p>It’s win-win, don’t you think?</p>
  433. <ul>
  434. <li><i>When coming to Hive City, would we be placed with new clothes like jeans, t-shirts, etc? Or would each character have their own clothing from their series?</i></li>
  435. </ul>
  436. <p>It’s stated on the&nbsp;<a href="">housing</a>&nbsp;page that each citizen is given a pair of “normal” clothes to help them blend in! Each character does originally show up in their own clothing (whatever they were wearing when they came here), but there is certainly spare clothing provided if you choose to wear it!</p>
  437. <p>Of course, anything else must be bought by your character. We can’t just go handing out&nbsp;<i>good</i>&nbsp;clothes to&nbsp;<i>all</i>&nbsp;of you.</p>
  438. <ul>
  439. <li><i>What happens if the character needs medicine? Not like medicine for a cold or something, but medicine that they have to take in canon or they'll die or something. Will it be provided?</i></li>
  440. </ul><p>
  441. Anything that a character requires to live is assumed to be automatically provided for them (if there are exceptions, it would be listed when your character is accepted!). We can’t have test subjects dropping dead for no reason now, can we?</p><p><br></p>
  444. <ul>
  445. <li><i>How does one begin their own business in this city?</i></li>
  446. </ul>
  447. <p>If a character wishes to buy a plot of land or an empty building to start their business, first and foremost, it’s encouraged that the character&nbsp;<a href="">asks the scientists</a>&nbsp;about their idea, or at least states their request in some way. If the idea is considered&nbsp;beneficial&nbsp;to the city or our social experiment as a whole, it’s likely they will be granted the resources needed to strike out some sort of entrepreneurship in the city.</p>
  448. <p>If, however, you wish to bypass that step, and start a business/offer jobs yourself, be sure to follow what the other users are doing in the&nbsp;<a href="">ca jobs</a>&nbsp;tag! Some of these members have bypassed the scientist step, others have not, however they all have drafted a post, usually with some sort of logo or infographic, to present their idea and advertise for jobs. From there you can begin to hire other members to work for you. You can ask for them to submit applications or simply request they send you an ask. What you do from that step is up to you, after all! Basically, if you have an idea, write something up, post it in the ca jobs tag, and see what happens from there. The sky is the limit!</p>
  449. <ul>
  450. <li><i>I was just wondering: do you guys have any rules or something for when a character developement goes a bit too ooc?</i></li>
  451. </ul>
  452. <p>Well… that’s sort of how development goes! When you’re placed in a circumstance outside of what we see in series, a lot of the time we can’t honestly tell what’s OOC or not! If a situation isn’t seen specifically in series, it’s really hard to know how a character would react!</p>
  453. <p>In quite a few series that are roleplayed here we don’t see the characters go through too many circumstances. Do they fall in love? Do they get kidnapped somehow? Do they meet someone similar to someone they’ve met at Città? You just can’t tell, so it’s all up to the mun, that’s why it’s development!</p>
  454. <p>If you feel that something’s too OOC, all I can suggest is that you bring it up&nbsp;<i>politely</i>&nbsp;and off Anon with the mun so that you can talk it out privately with the mun of the character(s) in question, to see if perhaps they can explain or if something can be worked out!</p>
  455. <ul>
  456. <li><i>may i ask what the weather is like in citta? do we get to chose how to weather is in our threads or does each place have a different weather?</i></li>
  457. </ul><p>
  458. Unless explicitly stated, you all have freedom with the weather within your threads so long as it isn’t anything seasonal (snow, for instance) or absurd (tornadoes, hurricanes). Rainfall, sunshine, night time, whatever else is all on the player’s end.
  461. </p><ul>
  462. <li><i>A small question about ability nerfing. Are minor abilities also stripped from people upon arriving? Like, abilities that normally pose little use or danger. Like being able to sense energy(?) or being able to see ghosts.</i></li>
  463. </ul>
  464. <p>Not at all! The nerfing process is mostly limited to strictly strength or external abilities such as magic, etc.</p>
  465. <p>But as for minor innate abilities, those get a pass. We don’t want to take away the most interesting aspects of your characters, even if you all won’t be hindered forever. :)</p>
  466. <ul>
  467. <li><i>are new residences given anything by way of an allowance of money or do they have to find their own means of coming into moolah right from the word 'go'??</i></li>
  468. </ul><p>
  469. Yes! They are given a monthly allowance for food, but it’s not enough for them to spend on pleasure or entertainment in the city! For extra spending money, they will have to get a job! Note that jobs are not actually required in this run of the group, however, and are just a means to an end to get more roleplay in and also to explain how that character may have been able to afford that night out at the club or that fancy date to the movies!</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>
  471. <ul>
  472. <li><i>While there may be plenty of characters being played that are obviously non-human and all, I was wondering if any of the NPCs were as well? Like vampires, werewolves, ghosts, the whole nine yards and all. Or are they all 'human'?</i></li>
  473. </ul>
  474. <p>nothing seems to be out of place with the npcs or the like! though, if you pay close attention you might hear a few tales from them— after all, they’re not&nbsp;<i>completely</i>&nbsp;mindless where you can’t pick up a few good things to entertain yourself with.</p>
  475. <p>some say there is some peculiar activity over at sector four around the time evening rolls around and that it is safer to remain inside once that sun sets! and all those strange howls that some proclaim sound a lot like… wolves? certainly it’s better to stay clear if the moon is big and bright, y’know what i mean?</p>
  476. <p>next time pay attention when you’re in a group of npcs, you never know what tales you might hear!</p>
  477. <ul>
  478. <li><i>Would the actual apartment rooms have nametags denoting whose room it is or is the information only on the board outside of the room the characters wake up in?</i></li>
  479. </ul><p>
  480. yup, they would have your names on it to easier find them!</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>
  482. <ul>
  483. <li><i>What would one find in terms of the shopping district?</i></li>
  484. </ul><p>
  485. Honestly, anything you can imagine up, you’ll find. Be it Cittamart or some hole in the wall black magic shop, as long as you don’t aim to buy goods that could potentially override the nerf we’ve placed on your character, just about anything will fly. That being said, there are some incredibly colorful individuals lurking around that district. You might want to be careful or you just might end up getting sold yourself! I hear the market for kidneys is especially high these days.
  487. </p>
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