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Aug 16th, 2017
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  1. Fillez40: teemo lost lane vs partly melee char
  2. Stevenke: much to learn this teemo
  3. Fillez40: so pro
  4. Zooum joined the room.
  5. Copywrite: to bad i didnt lose the lane =/
  6. Copywrite: u was pushed at tower whole day long
  7. Fillez40: oh
  8. Copywrite: untill they fed steven
  9. Fillez40: so getting killed is winning the lane?
  10. Copywrite: who is so bad he gotta play with lvl 10s
  11. Tonny006: untill you gotz pwnd?
  12. Stevenke: so bad
  13. Tonny006: this teemo, so full of himself
  14. Stevenke: QQ
  15. Fillez40: killed you 1v1
  16. Copywrite: tonny ur good srsly
  17. Fillez40: no help
  18. Fillez40: still cocky
  19. Copywrite: missing a arrow on someone thats infront of u
  20. Fillez40: much to learn
  21. Tonny006: fail luring into shrooms etc
  22. Copywrite: is really hard
  23. Fillez40: even in real life
  24. Tonny006: if he uses his ult to flash away it is pretty hard yes
  25. Copywrite: i didnt try to lure anyone to anyshrooms
  26. Fillez40: much to learn
  27. Copywrite: at the end i was tv pushing
  28. Fillez40: oh i saw that
  29. Fillez40: lol
  30. Fillez40: liar
  31. Tonny006: hitting an arrow from across the map however is so easy
  32. Fillez40: yeah like twice on you
  33. Copywrite: ye so hard to hit a lane when i stand autoattack the turret
  34. Copywrite: real pro
  35. Copywrite: real pro man
  36. Fillez40: TWICE
  37. Copywrite: srsly its pretty hard to hitsome one when i stand still
  38. Copywrite: skilled menz
  39. Copywrite: u da beast
  40. Copywrite: ur mom 2
  41. Tonny006: you got trapped in it twice so imo is that your fail mate
  42. Copywrite: english
  43. Fillez40: yeah bigfail
  44. Copywrite: u cant even write english xD
  45. Copywrite: that ur fail mate
  46. Copywrite: beaner
  47. Copywrite: mexican
  48. Fillez40: lol
  49. Fillez40: this teemo
  50. Copywrite: nah srsly
  51. Stevenke: these koreans
  52. Fillez40: so full of himself
  53. Stevenke: real
  54. Copywrite: im full of myself
  55. Fillez40: prolly crying because he lost lane
  56. Copywrite: how is that even possible not to be full of ur self
  57. Tonny006: you're so angry, let me guess 18 yr old fat kid who never touched a girl?
  58. Copywrite: no sir i got a gf
  59. Fillez40: fat?
  60. Zooum: pls report teemo
  61. Copywrite: and im not fat
  62. Zooum: :P
  63. Fillez40: ur gf is?
  64. Tonny006: wow that one i've never seen before, pretending to have a gf on the internet
  65. Copywrite: i go to gym 3 times a weak
  66. Tonny006: real new
  67. Copywrite: week
  68. Fillez40: ur the BAWS
  69. Copywrite: yes sir i pretend
  70. Tonny006: so pro
  71. Copywrite: rly
  72. Copywrite: like u think ur good
  73. Tonny006: i suppose you're tanned as hell
  74. Tonny006: real nice brown body etc
  75. Fillez40: orange?
  76. Copywrite: i didnt ask u to suppose did i
  77. Tonny006: you can't ask to suppose
  78. Tonny006: when you ask to suppose, you're not supposing anymore
  79. Copywrite: i ask about wtf i want
  80. Tonny006: think about that when it's childrens bed time
  81. Fillez40: nice engrish
  82. Copywrite: yes tony cant speak english so sad
  83. Fillez40: can't*
  84. Copywrite: sure
  85. Copywrite: ;)
  86. Copywrite: just cuz ur bad
  87. Fillez40: 0-6
  88. Copywrite: n cant even speak/write
  89. Fillez40: vs 7-1
  90. Copywrite: no srsly man
  91. Fillez40: i'm so bad
  92. Copywrite: its not ur fault
  93. Tonny006: i'm not perfect in my english and i don't try to be since it's not my native language
  94. Copywrite: dud
  95. Copywrite: watch my other teemo game
  96. Copywrite: i had retards there to
  97. Copywrite: but i wasnt tv pushing
  98. Copywrite: n blitz didnt get fed
  99. Fillez40: watch my other 27 kat games
  100. Tonny006: obviously
  101. Copywrite: no ty ?
  102. Copywrite: u guys are good at trolling
  103. Fillez40: not talking to you
  104. Copywrite: cool story bro
  105. Tonny006: what's trolling?
  106. Fillez40: trolling and winning at the same time
  107. Fillez40: now that's pro trolling
  108. Fillez40: DUDE
  109. Copywrite: ...
  110. Copywrite: u dont know what trolling
  111. Fillez40: sad kid
  112. Copywrite: is do u
  113. Tonny006: what is it?
  115. Copywrite: HAHAH
  116. Tonny006: is it part of the game?
  117. Copywrite: think trolling is lossing a game
  118. Fillez40: didn't you give me an example this game?
  119. Fillez40: oh like you did
  120. Copywrite: no srsly
  121. Tonny006: i think you just got trolled bigtime mate. ME GUSTA
  122. Fillez40: you're THE troll
  123. Copywrite: i wanna be a troll
  124. Copywrite: idc
  125. Fillez40: you already are
  126. Copywrite: ty
  127. Copywrite: thats my job
  128. Fillez40: ur gud at ur job
  129. Copywrite: Thanks.
  130. Tonny006: unsuccesful troll is unsuccesfull
  131. Copywrite: taking quotes of the nett is lame
  132. Fillez40: shame you don't get payed for being a troll
  133. Copywrite: srsly
  134. Copywrite: google
  135. Copywrite: i sux dick
  136. Copywrite: ur mom comes up
  137. Copywrite: 3-4 times
  138. Copywrite: like real
  139. Fillez40: real?
  140. Tonny006: i know you do, don't have to acknowledge it
  141. Copywrite: ye real
  142. Fillez40: watch some more hsgg
  143. Copywrite: its sick
  144. Copywrite: acknowledge
  145. Copywrite: ye sure pro
  146. Tonny006: thanks mate
  147. Copywrite: whos hsgg xD ?
  148. Fillez40: ur mom
  149. Copywrite: im pretty sure thats not my mom
  150. Copywrite: ...
  151. Copywrite: no but keep on
  152. Copywrite: u da shit
  153. Tonny006: i love you so much
  154. Fillez40: i know
  155. Tonny006: oh my gawd
  156. Copywrite: atleast this ashe xD
  157. Tonny006: you are making my day
  158. Fillez40: da shit that killed you like a boss
  159. Copywrite: cant even hit a arrow when someone is acctly moving
  160. Copywrite: xD
  161. Tonny006: bitch please
  162. Copywrite: srsly pro ashe is pro
  163. Copywrite: ur mom is here ?
  164. Tonny006: nowp
  165. Fillez40: urs is
  166. Copywrite: actly shes here
  167. Copywrite: OHH BURN
  168. Copywrite: URS IS
  169. Fillez40: want me to tell something to her?
  170. Copywrite: THAT BURN
  171. Tonny006: actly?
  172. Copywrite: i cant sleep
  173. Tonny006: don't know that
  174. Copywrite: laters guys u are so mad xD
  175. Copywrite: think i care x)
  176. Fillez40: baddie
  177. Copywrite: i just love trolling
  178. Tonny006: you're talking like an african american person, i don't like that
  179. Copywrite: fegs
  180. Copywrite: like u
  181. Copywrite: sure bro sure
  182. Copywrite: racist
  183. Fillez40: sad kid
  184. Tonny006: i'm racist, yes
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