
Won't see these guys in Rush Hour 4

Jul 15th, 2012
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  1. [19:08:04] <~castfromhp> Early in the morning on the eve of Hong Kong's return to China! After a brief chat with Arae and Rini, Caleb wandered out into the city somewhere and hasn't been seen since. You've all seen the odd signs, from the masked walls to the strange symbols that greeted your awakening. Something is off about today.
  2. [19:11:29] <~castfromhp> (anyone need a quick refresher on the scene we ended off on or is everyone good to go?)
  3. [19:12:09] <Siyao> (ah, nope. I think I missed the mini after that, though, so I'll read up while we go)
  4. [19:12:29] <Addy> "I'm waaaaaalkin' on sunshine, whooooooaaoooooh!" Addy happily chirps out some GOOD MORNING MUSIC for everybody. Everybody.
  5. [19:12:42] <Arae> Someone flipped the sense switch. The switch has been flipped to the off position. In between her vision, that axe, the conversation Rini and Caleb had...this day, man. And we left off on a certain line, actually. What kind of question IS 'when was the last time you watched movies' anyway, Rini? "...A long time ago. Why?"
  6. [19:13:40] <~castfromhp> (the mini was just a conversation between Arae, Rini and Caleb - didn't set anything new as far as descriptors of the scene. Uh, I don't think it got logged. I could do that real quick though)
  7. [19:13:43] <Rini> "Oh, just curious!" Rini notices Addy in the nick of time and gives her a morning wave, clearly feeling a LITTLE better.
  8. [19:15:04] <Arae> "Well, it's hard watching movies when you can't get in a theater without people going 'ah, a ghost', so definitely before then!" Shrug--oh, Addy! "Hi Addy~"
  9. [19:15:53] <Addy> "Hiya Airy!" Addy grins proudly in Rini's direction. Adelaide Augustine, M.D.
  10. [19:16:38] <Siyao> Siyao finishes her morning prayers and joins them, nursing a tall glass of orange juice and blinking in the light. "Good morning, everyone," she says, rubbing her temple with one hand.
  11. [19:17:25] <~castfromhp> (for Oxford:
  12. [19:17:32] <Rini> "Hmm, yeah, was just wondering if you watched a lot of action flicks back then." Rini tries to keep a smile up even though it hurts, physically AND emotionally. "Oh, hey, Siyao," she cuts her thought process off. "Sorry 'bout everything last night."
  13. [19:18:18] <Addy> "Good mornin', Miss Seeya." Addy, for one, doesn't seem to be feeling the hangover nearly as bad as poor Siyao. HEY WHERE'S SIR KITTYFISH?
  14. [19:19:00] <~castfromhp> Curled up and hungover in a nearby bucket.
  15. [19:19:25] <Arae> "...You guys see anything weird when you woke up?" Might as well talk some business! Also, the answer is 'yes'.
  16. [19:19:58] <Siyao> Siyao looks at the catfish enviously and nods. "Yes. Things appeared quiet...vivid."
  17. [19:20:26] <Rini> "EVERYTHING's weird. Apparently my stuff all stopped working right too, about... Er, anyone know what time it is?"
  18. [19:21:32] <Rini> Stop that descriptive text-only thing Shookie, IF SHE SAYS YES SHE SAYS YES
  19. [19:22:20] <Siyao> Siyao pushes up one sleeve, only to remember she doesn't wear a watch. "Early," she opines helpfully.
  20. [19:23:09] <Arae> I refuse. ...Is there a clock around here?
  21. [19:23:42] <~castfromhp> There is! About half past six it says.
  22. [19:23:44] <Rini> No really it's important, did aerie like nod or something?
  23. [19:24:14] <~castfromhp> The bucket rolls around on the floor. "Ohhhhhh, someone gimme some bitters and seltzer. Or a prairie oyster."
  24. [19:26:15] <Siyao> (high-five, space cowboy) Siyao has neither, but crouches down to pour a bit of her OJ into the fish's mouth.
  25. [19:26:19] * Bother ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  26. [19:26:38] <Rini> "... Huh. If I'm reading this right, I'd guess everything went crazy barely even half an hour ago. Couuuuld be wrong, but..."
  27. [19:26:57] <~castfromhp> It's a bit eerie how the orange juice just disappears once it's down the fish's gullet, considering its body is translucent.
  28. [19:27:40] <Arae> ...Oooohhhh. Why are you reading things weird? That was the answer to ARAE'S question, not Rini's. It's confirmed everyone saw weird things, so it was in descriptive text. Arae doesn't see the importance in answering further, as it just seemed like an awkward way to start a conversation, but now people are speaking straight, so weh.
  30. [19:29:08] <Arae> CAUSE.
  31. [19:29:55] <Rini> Acceptable!
  32. [19:30:05] <Siyao> The unspoken conversation between her comrades passes entirely over Siyao's head. She finishes her drink and takes a deep breath. "Okay, so what's the plan for today?"
  33. [19:31:31] <Rini> "I still don't feel all that hot, but that's not gonna stop me. I'm me after all. Our resident berserker... Went out for a walk, he'll be back," she winks at her ghost friend.
  34. [19:32:53] <Arae> In any case, I counter with 'no one answered Arae's question right either'. So, eh. "Yep~" It is completely true! Probably!
  35. [19:33:14] <~castfromhp> The door to the make-shift medical facility flies open and the Triad nurse stomps out, giving nervous glances at the oddities of the scence, before approaching Rini with a rather cross expression. "<Should you be up this early with that injury?>" Clearly a rhetorical question.
  36. [19:35:58] <Rini> "<I'm fine, ma'am,>" she says with a healthy-looking grin. "<Sorry about all the trouble last night, anyway.>"
  37. [19:37:45] <Rini> "<I'll try to be careful, but there's something we need to do today. Thanks for all your help; I'll be paying it all back here soon, don't worry.>"
  38. [19:39:00] <~castfromhp> She shakes her head and sighs. "<You kids are all leaving already? Your mother's still sleeping. Do you want me to wake her for a goodbye?>"
  39. [19:39:14] <Rini> (handling my dinner, gonna be slow)
  40. [19:39:54] <Rini> "<... Thanks, but no thanks. She knows I'll be back.>"
  41. [19:40:03] <Arae> "We don't have much time, so we've gotta work fast." Nod nod.
  42. [19:40:10] <Addy> Addy continues to hum walkin' on sunshine, but at least she's not singing.
  43. [19:41:10] <~castfromhp> "<It makes us all nervous, the way we have to put our future into the hands of others.>"
  44. [19:41:51] <~castfromhp> "<I at least think someone set this up to be all about these bunch of kids, all born on the same day. Or maybe fate works in that funny way.>"
  45. [19:42:08] <Siyao> "Alright," says Siyao, nodding. "So, five Meridians to get?" The so-called 'planning session' last night probably did more harm than good in terms of clarifying her role in today's tasks.
  46. [19:43:54] * Bother is now known as Caleb
  47. [19:44:04] <Rini> "<Yeah, but she married my dad, so she knows where I got my attitude from. So I hope she can trust me. Could you tell her that I'll be back in time for my birthday when she gets up, though? After all, she IS my birthday present,>" Rini gives the nurse a BIG GRIN and turns to the others.
  48. [19:44:10] <Addy> "Them ghosties're gonna help give us a real big distraction t'get one of 'em!"
  49. [19:44:32] <Rini> "... Huh? Hold it, Addy, what's that about?"
  50. [19:46:40] <~castfromhp> "<You're as reckless as Laoshu and Xiaohua.>" She shakes her head. "<Magic doesn't make you invincible. You should know that best.>" And she retreats to the medical ward, giving a last worried glance at your wound.
  51. [19:47:15] <Addy> "Y'know how I came in actin' a little funny last night? Well, y'might notta noticed, but I was awful drunk 'cause I had ta win this here drinkin' competition for the cookin' competition tiebreaker and the prize of the whole thing's a Merry-Ridi-Yam. So's they're gonna help us, y'see?"
  52. [19:48:56] <Rini> "Huuuuuh," she starts to smile a wicked smile. "Any specifics on which one? I wanted to talk about Fire first, and that could make it a lot less of a headache... Maybe."
  53. [19:49:31] * Rini looks up and muses. "Unless... Any of you guys interested in meeting celebs?"
  54. [19:49:57] <Addy> "Nope. I can call 'em right up wherever y'need!"
  55. [19:51:30] <Siyao> "Alright, so which ones do we have already?"
  56. [19:51:35] <Rini> "Awesome. We can use that if we're in trouble, then! Thanks a ton in advance."
  57. [19:52:25] <Rini> "Wellllll.... I screwed the PRC out of Earth- I told you guys that, right? But that doesn't mean I CLAIMED it. It just means nobody has it anymore."
  58. [19:53:55] <Siyao> "O-kay. A bunch of the children from the orphanage seemed to be making a claim on Wood; they said they would give it to Arae if we asked nicely." Siyao folds her hands thoughtfully.
  59. [19:56:22] <Rini> "Oh!" Rini beams. "Is that where you left that Jingwei kid? Or was that somewhere else? As long as she's there they could get Wood no problem."
  60. [19:57:17] <~castfromhp> Sir Kittyfish floats up to Addy, still looking hungover. Well, as hungover as a fish can look. His hat is askew at least. He seems to be more aware of his surroundings now. "Oh man you kids had a party and still woke up where you started? Laaame. Oh god my head." He floats off to his bucket.
  61. [19:57:27] <~castfromhp> (er, the kids were claiming metal)
  62. [19:58:13] <Siyao> (ohhhhhhh)
  63. [19:58:49] <Rini> (Loopyao)
  64. [19:59:05] <~castfromhp> (I think that wasn't made ENTIRELY clear i nthe mini though because lolkids)
  65. [19:59:31] <Addy> Awww, ain'tcha happy at least? We coulda ended up stranded in China or some place."
  66. [20:00:09] <Siyao> (yeah, I guessed Wood based on 'expansive/exterior' directionality)
  67. [20:00:10] <Rini> "...." Headshake.
  68. [20:00:14] <~castfromhp> "That's how you're SUPPOSED t- we ARE in China. Hong Kong's parta China, right?"
  69. [20:00:36] <Addy> "So we did it right."
  70. [20:01:38] <Arae> "'s out of the PRC's grip, we have a ghost army to help us get one, and we pretty much have another. Could be worse, but we still need to actually get Earth and the rest." Silly Addy gets a chuckle out of her!
  71. [20:03:32] <Siyao> Siyao nods. "I think the resistence said they could get Water other? They seemed reasonable; perhaps I should go talk to them?"
  72. [20:05:10] <Rini> "We can call Zhang up if we need help with that one I bet, but I figure he's wrapped up in some tight shit right about now." She pauses. "Y'know what, I'll cut right to it: show of hands, who here knows who Jackie Chan is?"
  73. [20:05:40] <Addy> Addy's hand, surprisingly, rises. Everyone knows Jackie Chan.
  74. [20:05:56] <Siyao> Siyao raises her hand as well. She works with too many kids not to know.
  75. [20:06:14] <Addy> "I saw a buncha guys who look jus' like him 'round town!"
  76. [20:06:19] <Arae> She had a past. Raised hand!
  77. [20:07:41] <Rini> "Eee... That's scary. Well, who here knows about his... Uhh... I don't even know how to start this. Okay, he has an illegitimate daughter, who wants to guess what her birthday is? Anybody?"
  78. [20:08:06] * Rini just slumps down.
  79. [20:08:53] <Siyao> Siyao smiles, but decides to let one of her classmates- er, comrades answer instead.
  80. [20:08:54] <Addy> "Is it tomorrow? I ain't got a present ready! Are we goin' shoppin?"
  81. [20:11:41] <Rini> "Ehh, being able to walk is enough of a present for mine before you even try thinking about is, Adds. But YEP- I kinda worry that a certain somebody may want no trabble around the Fire chakra. Could just be me being paranoid, but... Well I'd kinda be okay for an autograph."
  82. [20:12:12] <~castfromhp> (you sure you guys want trabble? :>)
  83. [20:15:07] <Arae> ...Oh boy. Really? Against...really? "So that's...oh boy. Hopefully he'll understand why we need it! ...and an autograph would be pretty cool, too..."
  84. [20:15:50] <Siyao> Siyao definitely isn't a fan of trabble. She nods to Rini. "Okay, so you'll go get Fire. If Jingwei claims Metal and the resistence has Water, those shouldn't be hard. Earth is up for grabs; what about Wood?"
  85. [20:15:53] <Addy> "Am I missin somethin?"
  86. [20:17:27] <Rini> "Well, I don't have PROOF that he's actually here, I just stole data from the government about who Fire belongs to. At least it's a human and no some hellmonster or something so we MIGHT be able to talk it out."
  87. [20:21:36] * Rini pauses. "Waitwait, metal? Didn't you say... Huh. I know some stuff about metal, but it involves a kid I never heard of."
  88. [20:23:04] <Siyao> "Oh? What was his name?" Siyao has her suspicions already.
  89. [20:25:23] <Rini> "His?" Rini gets suspicious too, cocking her head to the side. "If you guessed that much do you know him? It's... Wu Mengyao I think, if that rings any bells."
  90. [20:26:54] <Siyao> Siyao shakes her head. "Nevermind, then. That'd probably be too much of a coincidence, after all."
  91. [20:27:21] <~castfromhp> (check your pms oxfordddddddd)
  92. [20:28:02] <Rini> "Hehe, what were you thinkin'?" Rini ignores her pain and grins again. "Well... The PRC's info made him sound like a real weirdo."
  93. [20:28:13] <Arae> "...Jackie Chan is guarding a chakra. Jackie Chan. I don't think anything would be too much of a coincidence at this point."
  94. [20:28:49] <Addy> "Whoa, is he f'real?!"
  95. [20:29:53] <Siyao> Siyao shrugs. "I might know OF him... he's related to the Metal chakra somehow?"
  96. [20:30:55] <Rini> "Yeah, the same way I'm Earth and Zhang's Water. He was born to represent it."
  97. [20:31:48] <Rini> "Sooo he's the same age as me, if that matters."
  98. [20:32:01] <Siyao> "Ahh..." Siyao nods thoughtfully. "So that makes them especially able to capture that meridian? Do we know who the others are?"
  99. [20:32:16] <Addy> "Wow, y'look awful young to be the same age as Jackie Chan." Now she's just teasing.
  100. [20:34:32] <Rini> "That's what I've been going over! Okay, I'll dump 'em all at once: Jackie Chan's kid what'sherface, Fire. Jingwei, Wood. Mengyao, Metal. Zhang Laoshu, Water. And yours truly, Earth~"
  101. [20:37:06] <Arae> "So, we've gotta find all of the people we haven't, and claim the chakras with their help. Right?"
  102. [20:37:26] <Siyao> "Auhrm..." says Siyao. "That almost makes it easy, right? We've got three, if that's the case. Do you want to talk to Miss Chan, and I'll look into finding Wu Mengyao? That'd put all the people in our grasp."
  103. [20:39:26] * Rini pauses and ponders. "Well... I can't track you guys if you need help anymore, so splitting might be scary. And I'm probably not much use in a fight, but as long as I don't bring babies and ladders with me I bet I could talk it out with them. After all, her daddy won't have much of a career of there's no world. But what about Jingwei? You still in contact with her?"
  104. [20:40:40] <~castfromhp> (I'll say you have at the least a phone number for her, as with most of the kids, along with whatever else you can come up with that's reasonable for communicating with the orphanage kids)
  105. [20:40:47] <~castfromhp> (for Siyao I mean)
  106. [20:41:15] <Siyao> Siyao nods. "She's in a safe place, yes. I could call her if you want...?"
  107. [20:42:14] <Rini> "If 'safe place' isn't 'chakra place,' that could be nice. She didn't claim wood yet, right?"
  108. [20:43:34] <Siyao> "Not yet, no. What exactly is involved in 'claiming', anyway? Will we have to sneak her back into the mall?"
  109. [20:44:02] <Rini> "Let me tell you how I see this happening: we're not part of any group and are just rogue magic users and stuff, yeah? So if we claim a chakra, we claim it for the rogues. It's all symbolic and stuff, so I'm pretty sure if someone who could claim it was a rogue too, it'd belong to the rogues, right? That way as long as we trusted each other we could all use it."
  110. [20:44:39] <Addy> "Huh?"
  111. [20:44:50] <Rini> "That," uh... Rini leans back and drags cast into PM to ask if Matryoshka had anything to say about claiming methods, since the player forgot.
  112. [20:45:06] <Siyao> "Er, I more meant...what does she have to DO to claim the chakra?"
  113. [20:45:09] <~castfromhp> (Sorry guys if I'm mostly watching - I don't really want to interrupt if you guys are planning your next moves since admittedly there is a lot to think about here for your next step)
  114. [20:45:31] <~castfromhp> (The closest you get is the idea you have to do something that symbolically resonates with what the chakra in particular represents)
  115. [20:46:05] <Rini> (okay, was just reconfirming how specific it was)
  116. [20:46:18] <~castfromhp> (hence - Earth/technology - claimed by forging a supercomputer composed of the souls of dozens with an artificial intelligence surpassing all known non-magical technologies. Not only very technology-y, but cyberpunk as fuck, which is the particular aesthetic of technology HK embodies)
  117. [20:46:32] <~castfromhp> (-souls +minds)
  118. [20:46:46] <~castfromhp> (what are souls? souls are not cyberpunk that is ridiculous)
  119. [20:47:21] <~castfromhp> (I will say though, don't presume the plans of others will pan out exactly as they'd like~)
  120. [20:47:45] <Rini> "Symbols. Everything is symbols and every chakra means something related to both Hong Kong and... Well in general I guess. Ever looked up feng shui and the Wu Xing? That's pretty much how it works."
  121. [20:48:18] <Rini> "Last I talked to Zhang, he was pretty clear on the meaning of each one."
  122. [20:49:43] <Siyao> "That...isn't really helpful." Siyao frowns. "Actually, I think you'd have to put in real effort to be any more vague. Wood is all about economic growth and globalism, so...?"
  123. [20:50:58] <Rini> "So she'd have to buy some stocks. Get the kid a laptop and have her start trading while sitting at the chakra spot."
  124. [20:51:42] <Rini> "Earth, a SUPERCOMPUTER claimed it so I bet I could get by with 'being a genius' if I asked nicely enough."
  125. [20:52:18] <Siyao> Siyao nods quickly. "See, that's what I wanted! I'll make some calls," she says cheerfully, taking a step back to flip out her cell phone.
  126. [20:54:13] * Rini wears a guilty :S face, not entirely sure if Siyao caught her sarcasm or not. It quickly subsides in favor of a smile though!
  127. [20:54:31] <~castfromhp> (calling Jingwei?)
  128. [20:55:11] <Siyao> (Yeah, but only to give the information discussed. Totally off-screenable unless PLOT)
  129. [20:55:45] <~castfromhp> "<H-hi.>" She picks up. "<Um...A-auntie?>"
  130. [20:56:07] <Rini> (calling it, she got kidnapped)
  131. [20:57:24] <Siyao> "<Hey-o, Jingwei! Still safe-and-sound?>"
  132. [20:59:53] <~castfromhp> "<I...I think so. W-we're...what's happening to the city? Oh go->" She gulps. "<I-I mean oh geez. All the churches are in the same place here now outside, and one's around when we took a look around and and...>" She sounds panicked.
  133. [21:00:57] <Rini> Is she on speakerphone?
  134. [21:02:18] <~castfromhp> (Honestly I'd have expected you guys to go outside and look by now. Sorry if things are slow and chatty today guys)
  135. [21:02:55] <Siyao> Speakphone is rude in crowded environments! "<Don't worry about that, dearie. We're going to need your help claiming Wood soon, so sit tight and I'll come get you in an hour or so, alright?>"
  136. [21:02:58] <Rini> (I, playing on a cell phone, am very okay with that)
  137. [21:03:31] <Rini> (oh yeah btw ford my new router comes in Tuesday so I'm gonna WWB on phone too, sorry in advance)
  138. [21:04:08] <~castfromhp> "<O-okay auntie.>"
  139. [21:05:06] <Siyao> (ahhghkay...)
  140. [21:07:15] <Siyao> She considers saying more, but decides against it. "<Just stay inside and don't open the door for strangers,>" she adds, and concluding with her usual farewell hangs up.
  141. [21:08:58] <Rini> "So? How's she doin'?"
  142. [21:09:26] <~castfromhp> (Addy, Arae, still here? I hope this isn't going too slow for you or something...?)
  143. [21:09:33] <Addy> (I'm alive!)
  144. [21:10:08] * Addy just doesn't really have anything to contribute and idle chatter would just slow things further!
  145. [21:10:23] <Arae> (>too slow)
  146. [21:10:26] <Arae> (>Shuku)
  147. [21:10:30] <~castfromhp> (:V)
  148. [21:10:46] <Arae> (But basically what Addy said, that and I'm hungry as fuck)
  149. [21:11:03] <Addy> (Sorry Shuku's too hungry to play but enjoy your game)
  150. [21:11:22] <Arae> (I'll eat you)
  151. [21:11:29] <Siyao> "She's fine," says Siyao brightly, as if there was never any doubt. "I told her we'd pick her up in an hour or so." Thinking a moment, she adds, "If her and I can lock down Wood this morning, we'll have plenty of time to do Metal in the afternoon, right?"
  152. [21:13:28] <Rini> "Yeah, and... Waitasec." Rini looks puzzled. "Phones work fine, but my stuff doesn't...? That is REALLY freaky."
  153. [21:14:51] <Rini> "Well, we're in contact anyway! Aerie's gonna come with me again I guess? I mean, our first meeting was all about me realizing it's a bad idea to kick ghosts, so..."
  154. [21:16:04] <Siyao> Siyao nods. "If the military is still surrounding the mall, it might be tough to get in. Caleb, would you mind accompanying me?"
  155. [21:16:04] * Addy ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  156. [21:17:14] * Anise ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  157. [21:17:14] * Arae ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  158. [21:17:14] * Anise ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  159. [21:17:50] <Caleb> (Caleb's not there, Oxford.)
  160. [21:17:50] * Celeste ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  161. [21:17:50] * Rini looks around frantically. Holy shit is he actually in here?
  162. [21:18:07] * Botherer ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  163. [21:18:07] <Siyao> (wait...hrm...)
  164. [21:26:24] <~castfromhp> Last I saw was [21:17:50] * Rini looks around frantically. Holy shit is he actually in here?
  165. [21:26:24] <~castfromhp> [21:18:07] * Botherer ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  166. [21:26:24] <~castfromhp> [21:18:07] <Siyao> (wait...hrm...)
  167. [21:26:55] <Arae> Last I saw was [21:14] <Rini> "Well, we're in contact anyway! Aerie's gonna come with me again I guess? I mean, our first meeting was all about me realizing it's a bad idea to kick ghosts, so..."
  168. [21:26:55] <Arae> [21:20] <Arae> "Yeah, I'll head with Rini." Nod nod. After all, she's the one that found her!
  169. [21:28:00] <Addy> "So, where'm I s'posed to go help?"
  170. [21:31:12] <Siyao> "Well, you were with Jingwei and me last time, and you have a ghost army in case things get sticky, so you'd definitely be a big help...but who you go with is up to you," says Siyao quickly, trying to sound neutral.
  171. [21:32:51] <Rini> "We're all gonna meet up anyway, yeah? 'Whoever can carry me piggyback' works for me too, otherwise we might end up going KINDA slow. And... Caleb hasn't actually come back yet, so I dunno."
  172. [21:33:06] <Arae> "...We should probably let someone here know where we've gone, so Caleb knows where to go when he gets back, in case we don't run into him." Thinking!
  173. [21:33:16] <Addy> "I can give ya a hand, Miss Seeya."
  174. [21:33:44] <Rini> "Sure do wish he had a phone. Maybe we'll run into him on the way out or something?"
  175. [21:36:18] <Siyao> "Yay- er, thank you for your assistance," Siyao says formally, stopping mid-cheer. "We should set a meet-up for around noon, then. Mainland side of the train station?"
  176. [21:36:24] <Arae> "Hope so!" That'd make things loads easier, and that'd be nice! "...And I'll carry you, Rini~"
  177. [21:37:38] <Rini> "You sure? I mean, it's not like I weigh a lot or anything but..." She lifts a crutch and pokes the ghost with it, testing her tangibility.
  178. [21:41:17] <~castfromhp> There's some sort of commotion at the front of the shop now. You can hear the sound of argument.
  179. [21:41:23] <Arae> Being a poltergeist is pretty nice. Since she's being poked, she's solid! Enough to be poked, anyway.
  180. [21:42:03] * Rini nods at Siyao's idea and the gets distracted. "Er, should we check that out?"
  181. [21:42:52] <Siyao> "Probably," says Siyao, heading toward the front of the shop to investigate.
  182. [21:43:48] <Addy> Addy skips along to look at whatever mess there is, too!
  183. [21:44:34] <Rini> Of course Rini hobbles over, not riding in the ghostcar just yet.
  184. [21:44:42] <~castfromhp> The Triad members are all crowded at the entrance, worried looks everywhere and nervous mutterings and arguing. The door to the modest noodle shop is open, and through the doorway you see a jumbled mess of sidewalks and streets, arranged over a dark void. All around in place of the buildings that previously surrounded the shop, you see large curtained structures.
  185. [21:44:49] <Rini> Shit, can Arae turn into a car?
  186. [21:45:01] <Arae> Aw. Still checking that out! And...oh god what. And no.
  187. [21:45:03] <Arae> ...Maybe.
  188. [21:45:08] <Arae> ...Declare it.
  189. [21:45:18] <~castfromhp> The shop itself has a large curtain draped over it, pulled to the side to allow vision of the outside.
  190. [21:45:35] <Rini> I have 6 fate points saved solely for the purpose of acquiring a ghostcar.
  191. [21:46:32] <~castfromhp> The sun is fixed right over the horizon, brighter than it should be for a rising sun, and certainly not meant to be locked into this position given it's been at least an hour or so since sunrise.
  192. [21:47:02] <~castfromhp> The roads and sidewalks that lead off into the darkness seem to stop at discrete points, fading into whatever the shadowy black is.
  193. [21:47:32] <Rini> "... Oh godfuckingdamnit, THAT's why the HUD's locked at 5:59 AM!"
  194. [21:47:42] <~castfromhp> Every curtained structure appears...small to you somehow. not physically so, but an air of intangibility surrounds them, and their appearance inspires a dull feeling of insignificance.
  195. [21:47:57] <Arae> ( + , make it happen )
  196. [21:48:04] <~castfromhp> And for those wondering, Caleb is nowhere in sight.
  197. [21:48:20] <~castfromhp> Nor is anyone else for that matter.
  198. [21:48:29] <~castfromhp> Just you and the members of your little noodle shop.
  199. [21:48:33] <Addy> "Welp. Ain't that somethin?"
  200. [21:49:07] <Rini> "... I.... Yeah, I'll say."
  201. [21:49:21] <Siyao> "Everything's weird," Siyao remarks inanely.
  202. [21:49:50] <Arae> ...maybe they'll have more time. That's like, the best part of what Arae is seeing right now. "...Yeeep, everything's weird. ...Does this mean we'll have more time?"
  203. [21:50:26] <Addy> "Oh, y'know what, today ain't Groundhog's Day izzit?"
  204. [21:50:59] <Rini> "Something cut us off from the rest of the world, I bet. That's magic for you." Rini groans and heads outside, careful to avoid the 'darkness' though. "Maybe, maybe not. We're just gonna hafta find out, huh?"
  205. [21:52:00] <~castfromhp> Pretty easy to avoid if you just stick to the streets, though there's a sense of solidness to the darkness at the end of the paths.
  206. [21:52:06] <Siyao> Siyao nervously follows.
  207. [21:53:16] <Rini> "<Are you fucking with us?>" She flips her goggles down and calls out. Clearly if anybody is fucking with them, it's not somebody who speaks English. Probably.
  208. [21:53:40] <~castfromhp> "<Be careful.>" One of the Triad members says. He then turns and starts barking orders - to make phone calls, check on supplies, that sort of thing. Two of the members follow you out, heading out toward another direction though, down the sidewalks and roads.
  209. [21:53:45] <Addy> Addy follows along, too. "Y'know, I could try some kinda gate thingy, but I can't say it'll work. Need ta have some sorta target and Airy an' Sir Kittyfish're right here, rite?" She looks, where is Sir Kittyfish?
  210. [21:53:48] * Rini does use the crutches though, and pokes at the solid darkness with them.
  211. [21:54:33] <~castfromhp> hopping along in his bucket, still very much hungover. "WHOA hey hey, this IS different. I guess we partied so hard we moved the entire building! Not that I 'member mucha last night though."
  212. [21:55:15] <Addy> "Y'ever seen somethin' like this?"
  213. [21:56:03] <~castfromhp> You poke a hole in the darkness through which you see a mishmash of images of Hong Kong, though each is twisted in a way. A view of a submerged city for example, a pair of buildings twisted into a helix, etc. The darkness closes over the gap quickly.
  214. [21:56:49] <~castfromhp> "Not at all! Why'd ya cover the place with a curtain though? Looks funny. I wouldn't go to a noodle shop like that. That's what this is, right lady? Noodles?"
  215. [21:57:17] <Rini> "Huh...." She makes a weird, twisted face. "I have an idea what this means, but I don't like it AT ALL."
  216. [21:58:08] * Rini taps her goggles, once ahead of the others. "Vocal interface testing, one-two, one-two... Can you hear me? Still cutting out?"
  217. [21:58:13] <Addy> "Iunno, but... I'm thinkin' someone's gone an' tried trappin' us here!"
  218. [21:58:15] <Arae> "Well, it wouldn't hurt to hear it, right?" That and for what she knows, it could be right. What she knows is 'bad things like to happen'.
  219. [21:58:26] <Rini> "Some help would be PRETTY nice right about now!"
  220. [22:00:21] <~castfromhp> You hear a cry out as the two Triad members you saw go off are sucked into a larger hodgepodge of the weird imagery, all of it flickering through like a rapid-fire slideshow. It seems like they had pulled up a portion of the darkness and kinda walked through.
  221. [22:01:26] <Rini> "Ugh, godDAMNIT," she watches in disgust. "Guys, stay close, okay? Don't do anything stupid."
  222. [22:02:07] * Rini hobbles along, tapping her goggles again every 30 seconds on the dot.
  223. [22:03:00] <Siyao> Siyao continues following her.
  224. [22:03:21] <Addy> Addy falls in line with the others, keeping Sir Kittyfish close by.
  225. [22:03:42] <Rini> It's a few minutes of this before her face gets sour. "Damniiiiit, it's the same signal all around."
  226. [22:04:46] <~castfromhp> A minute or so later a few more Triad members walk out and do the same thing. One of them, the original 'customer' in the noodle shop, walks up to you. "<It seems safe to exit this way, but no two people we've sent through have ended up in the same place. Each place stranger than the last too. One of them swears every bar in the city's been made into a tower of infinite height.>"
  227. [22:06:01] <~castfromhp> "Hey why don't we all get drunk again? If we get smashed enough we may just move everything somewhere else!" Sir Kittyfish offers up helpfully.
  228. [22:06:14] <Rini> "<... I see. Alright, thanks. But is there a way to get back? It looks like we... Might not be on land anymore, if we're even in the same dimension.>"
  229. [22:06:36] <Addy> "There's an idea..."
  230. [22:07:45] <Rini> "... Oh, hey," she turns around and smiles. "Not bad, Kitty! You might be able to actually make a Paradigm Shift with that... A small one, but a symbol's a symbol."
  231. [22:08:02] <~castfromhp> The man raises a finger and taps at his ear, where you now see there's a flesh-colored bluetooth earpiece. "<You're in the same place as Huang? It's all underwater, but you can breathe...Alright, well tell me exactly what you did...>" He gets up and walks away, chattering.
  232. [22:08:17] <Rini> "I'm still just starting to get the hang of how it works, but... Hrrmmm."
  233. [22:08:26] <Arae> What is...eee, this is all pretty scary. She can make it, though! ...Probably. The ghost is still bewildered!
  234. [22:09:23] <Rini> "... Addy, Siyao, you have Aerie's number too, right? Try whatever plan you want, I think I know what we're gonna do."
  235. [22:09:59] * Rini wears a goofy grin and attempts to MOUNT THE GHOST, which mostly consists of understanding nods at each other.
  236. [22:10:05] <Siyao> "Ah, okay. But," the nun adds worriedly, "how do we control where we end up?"
  237. [22:10:16] * Caleb_ (Bothered@32B357B6.6F6868CA.DECCA0BD.IP) Quit (Quit: Caleb_)
  238. [22:10:19] <Rini> "If we're together, we might end up at the same place."
  239. [22:10:54] <Rini> "How 'bout I call you if it works? Then you two can leave... Holding hands or something?"
  240. [22:11:28] <Addy> "Well, I'm guessin' we'll jus' see how this goes. Y'think it's like a rollercoaster?"
  241. [22:11:36] <Siyao> "..." Siyao isn't sure whether Rini knows how insufficiently that answered the question. Oh, Rini...
  242. [22:12:43] <Arae> Every time someone rides someone, a fanfiction is born. Arae does surprisingly well holding Rini up, given the nods led to LIFTING and such.
  243. [22:12:58] <Rini> "I bet everything's only all funky IN HERE, so my maps and stuff would work out there. Probably."
  244. [22:14:05] * Rini leaves her goggles down and still holds only ONE crutch, wielding it like a weapon. "Thanks, Aerie. I'll just lift it and we can go through whenever you're ready, 'Kay?"
  245. [22:15:01] <Siyao> Siyao sighs. "Call me when you're through, then." Honestly.
  246. [22:15:37] <Arae> "It's no problem, and OK! ...I'm ready to go whenever~" Together, they ride!
  247. [22:15:52] <~castfromhp> As you lift the darkness you feel an emptiness surge through you, and then the sensation of a thousand unseen eyes watching you, assessing, judging. The emptiness only grows more vast within you. You slowly feel something tugging the two of you apart.
  248. [22:16:19] * Rini clings TIGHT AS FUCK.
  249. [22:16:20] <Rini> So
  250. [22:16:38] <Rini> So tight she can probably feel the wound worse, but NO THEY MUST NOT PART
  251. [22:17:09] <Arae> ONWARDS! The faster they get this done the better, and they are STICKING TOGETHER too.
  252. [22:17:54] <~castfromhp> The force is irresistable, seeming not to tug at you physically but rather at you in other ways, through your senses and perception and thoughts and feelings. As you peer into the jumbled mess of images, the soft sound of the scenes flood into your perception as well.
  253. [22:18:17] <Rini> "Whatever you are, you're NOT gonna tear us apart like that!". CLING as she screams at the darkness.
  254. [22:18:28] <Rini> Not that she thinks it's actually listening.
  255. [22:19:03] <Arae> Well, she'll work against the tugging in every way she can manage! Even if it's not enough, she'll try her best anyway!
  256. [22:19:04] <~castfromhp> For Rini, it's a view of vast subway tunnels stretching ever which way, and for Arae, a view of...a ghost banquet? Behind you, the rest of the group is still in view. There's still time to turn back, but you don't feel that you can resist what's tugging you apart now.
  257. [22:20:10] <Rini> "Nnnnrg... Hold it, stop. I don't think it's gonna work."
  258. [22:20:57] <Arae> ...Hmmmmmmm. "This mean stop, or go back?" She's going back anyway. MAY RINI CORRECT HER IF SHE'S WRONG.
  259. [22:21:50] <~castfromhp> As you head back, the sense of emptiness recedes, the sense of being watched intensifying as the emptiness fades. You almost feel like something is feeling within you, grasping for something or searching.
  260. [22:21:52] <Rini> She's right. "Yeah, let's not leave yet. Phones still work... I think it might be easier if I try to set something up and find out how it works from inside."
  261. [22:21:54] <Rini> "
  262. [22:22:30] <Rini> Oh. Ghost rape? Ew.
  263. [22:23:19] <~castfromhp> A distance away from you, a trio of Triad members seems to have taken Sir Kittyfish's suggestion to heart, the three of them clinking together bottles of Tsingtao beer and chugging before stepping through an opened veil.
  264. [22:23:27] <Rini> "Sorry 'bout that.". If they get back safely, Rini flips open her laptop to see if the thing even still works.
  265. [22:23:44] <~castfromhp> A few seconds later, another Triad member takes a phone call and flashes a thumbs up at those waiting in the restaurant.
  266. [22:24:22] * Rini totally watches this.
  267. [22:25:07] <Arae> What do you mean 'ghost rape'? Those are upstanding ghost individuals. The ghost car shudders a bit after getting out of there. But she's just fine after that! "Still no problem!"
  268. [22:25:26] <Siyao> " didn't go as planned?"
  269. [22:26:32] <~castfromhp> "<Is that all it takes?>" "<They're in the tower of bars now apparently.>" "<Figures. Any luck on figuring out why Huang's in some sort of massive aquariium now?>" "<Dunno, Huang and Xia are as different as you can get. They're both Buddhists I guess...>"
  270. [22:26:37] <Rini> "Didn't feel right. Those guys seemed like they had fun though!"
  271. [22:28:20] <Rini> Does the laptop still work at all or did Matty totally fuck it?
  272. [22:28:34] <Siyao> Siyao nods and takes a step over toward the Triad. "Sir? Could it be that people are being transported based on their intentions or characteristics?"
  273. [22:28:53] <~castfromhp> The laptop doesn't boot up, unfortunately.
  274. [22:29:45] <~castfromhp> "<That could be it. We're not quite sure. Every place they end up is off though, even for magic. Like someone with severe OCD rearranged the city.>"
  275. [22:30:19] <Rini> "... Damnit, you just had to pick NOW to fry on me?" Rini scoffs and closes it. She got to interface with her cute little sister sure, but for what price?
  276. [22:31:17] <Addy> "Y'know, I ain't scared. Don't got me a phone or nothin but I don' mind goin' in there."
  277. [22:32:16] <Rini> "<That's odd though, Siyao,>" she speaks so even the triads can hear, "<Arae and I wanted to be together but we still felt pulled apart. So it can't be 'intention.'>"
  278. [22:32:41] <Siyao> "<Those men who drank beer were transported to a bar, right? What other results have you seen?>"
  279. [22:34:04] <~castfromhp> "<We had two men swipe their octopus cards as they went through, and it sent them to the MTR. The call cut out though after some horrifying screech...>"
  280. [22:34:20] <Rini> "... Wait a friggin' second. Aerie, you still have your guide? I think it might've been trying to take me to a chakra..."
  281. [22:34:24] <Addy> And that's how the triad learned to love their station.
  282. [22:35:00] <Arae> Arae ponders--and then pulls out the guide, and checks it. Since Rini's riding, she can see it too!
  283. [22:35:54] <Siyao> "So something related to orphanages might take us to the orphanage?" Siyao thinks out loud in English, for Addy's benefit. "Can you think of anything orphan-like to do?"
  284. [22:36:07] <Rini> Well she climbed off, but she might as well be back on by now. She's close either way! All she remembers is a chakra marker being at an MTR station on the map st one point.
  285. [22:36:49] <Addy> "Tomorrrrroooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwww is only a daaaaaay awaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"
  286. [22:36:58] <~castfromhp> The same map as before, with the same markers. A text box is underneath. "Less than 24 hours before the game ends! We're so happy you've stuck with us so far. Are you awesome enough to claim the chakras and beat the final boss? Detailed endgame strategies are available in our DLC store. Simply name your price!"
  287. [22:37:06] <Rini> "... Holy shit," she gets a lightbulb. "Are there any... Ladders around here?"
  288. [22:37:38] <Rini> "or anything... Baby-like?"
  289. [22:38:07] <~castfromhp> You remember seeing some ladders back in the restaurant, fold-ups to reach higher shelves.
  290. [22:38:18] <~castfromhp> No babies though.
  291. [22:38:45] <Rini> That's two out of three. The desire for no trabble resides within.
  292. [22:39:30] <Siyao> Siyao grits her teeth. "Maybe I'll go there automatically, dressed as I am?" Still, Addy's idea is better than none. She locks arms with Addy and says, "On three, okay? One, two..."
  293. [22:39:45] <Rini> The guide was just to make sure the earth chakra was at the MTR, btw. It is, right?
  294. [22:40:11] <Arae> "There was some ladders in the restaurant...don't think they have anything for babies though." Ho hum.
  295. [22:40:11] <~castfromhp> There's a marker there.
  296. [22:41:11] <Addy> Addy continues to swing TOOOMORROOOOWWWWWWWW as she hooks her arm with Siyao's.
  297. [22:41:41] <Rini> "Well, you used to watch his movies, right? .. Actually whatever happened to that figure you used my stolen money to buy? If we just had stuff like that we could probably warp to the fire chakra? Maybe?"
  298. [22:42:02] <~castfromhp> Siyao and Addy, both stepping through?
  299. [22:42:04] * Rini nods at the guide, thanking it.
  300. [22:42:21] <Siyao> "Three!" Off they go, Siyao singing along.
  301. [22:43:13] <Addy> Yes. The nun and the voodoo girl are stepping into the darkness with arms interlocked while singing a song from Annie.
  302. [22:43:17] * Rini waves to them. Socute.
  303. [22:43:51] <Arae> It's small enough to have in a pocket, so it should still be there! She pulls it out.
  304. [22:44:30] <Arae> "Yep, still there! No bear suit though, but that's OK."
  305. [22:44:52] <~castfromhp> As you step through Siyao and Addy, there is a great feeling of emptiness, soon filled by a rush of sensations. You feel like you are Annie Addy, and everything that comes to symbolize the life of an orphan rushes into the two of you, from the emotions of distraught loneliness to the sense of belonging of an orphanage.
  306. [22:45:09] <Addy> ;_;
  307. [22:45:20] <~castfromhp> #hkorphanage to continue this
  308. [22:45:28] <~castfromhp> Siyao and Addy disappear into the mess of images.
  309. [22:47:01] <Rini> "Sure then. Let's bring that, a ladder, and if we want no trabble it'll get what we're getting at, right? ... Unless there's something else we should do first?"
  310. [22:48:00] <Rini> "it's probably better to ACTUALLY do something related to action films and Martial Arts, but that's tough. Just gotta hope for the best."
  311. [22:48:31] <Arae> "Could talk about a movie he was in, too, I guess? Or...hmmmmmm...."
  312. [22:49:06] <Rini> "..."
  313. [22:49:21] <Rini> "You've seen Rush Hour, right?"
  314. [22:49:47] * Rini makes sure they get the figure first. Ladder is optional.
  315. [22:50:16] <Arae> "...Could Tatsumaki through--I think so, but I can't remember it all that well..."
  316. [22:51:06] <Rini> "No, I got this." Jackie Chan isn't even a tourneyfag! Anyway Rini whispers some instructions.
  317. [22:52:21] * Rini pulls back and nods. "Guess I'm ready when you are."
  318. [22:54:18] <Arae> "Hehe. Ready, set, go!" Onwards, and then...
  319. [22:54:24] <Arae> "Wipe yourself off, you're bleeding."
  320. [22:55:00] * Rini wears a familiar grin. "Wipe YOURself off. You're dead!"
  321. [22:57:11] <~castfromhp> (oh u guys)
  322. [22:58:08] <Rini> (OH US)
  323. [22:58:13] <~castfromhp> And stepping through?
  324. [22:58:36] <Rini> That was the 'onwards,' yes. They have the action figure too.
  325. [23:01:10] <~castfromhp> As you step through, the feeling of emptiness seeps in again, followed by the sensation of being watched. Though quickly, the void is filled by the feeling that your actions are being guided, even scripted maybe, the feeling of quietly settling into a role. And then the urge to do utterly stupid stunts. Probably not unfamiliar to Rini.
  326. [23:01:20] * Botherer is now known as Caleb
  327. [23:01:24] <Rini> ~~~~~~
  328. [23:01:54] <Arae> Well, might as go out with a bang! Whatever direction out is.
  329. [23:02:07] * Siyao ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
  330. [23:02:11] <~castfromhp> Lights, camera, action! Well, the first two anyway. It's as if you've been transported to every action movie set in Hong Kong ever, on one side a load of constructed cityscapes with cushions to catch actors' falls. On another various indoor settings with carefully placed fragile-looking windows.
  331. [23:03:13] <~castfromhp> Everything nearby still has that ephermeral feeling, like it's small in a metaphysical sense perhaps? But there is a feeling of hugeness emanating from one direction in particular...
  332. [23:03:39] <Rini> "Fuck yeah! We did it! Now we just need to look for... Uhh what was her name again..."
  333. [23:06:10] <Arae> "Yay~ And...huh, I dunno it..." Ho hum.
  334. [23:06:33] <~castfromhp> (Cheuk Lam)
  335. [23:07:18] <Rini> (I was reading my looooooooogs)
  336. [23:08:28] <Rini> "Oh right, my bad! Cheuk Lam, said Matty... And, well, the Internet. Mostly Matty since stuff about celebs is always hidden or fake."
  337. [23:09:29] * Rini points ahead, ordering her mount to go FULL SPEED AHEAD! "Autographs are secondary, we've gotta get our chakra first thing."
  338. [23:10:06] <Rini> ".. Oh yeah, I said I'd call. Hope a text's okay." She does just that, telling Siyao they made it.
  339. [23:10:16] <Arae> "Got it!" TOWARDS THAT DIRECTION, she goes!
  340. [23:10:17] <~castfromhp> The streets are utterly empty, cleared movie set after movie set. Cameras and lightsets litter the place, but nothing living.
  341. [23:10:42] <~castfromhp> As you get closer to the feeling though you approach a warehouse, which absolutely radiates with a sense of reverent majesty.
  342. [23:11:04] <Rini> "Maaan, I wish I could've been in a place like this WITHOUT a hurt leg of all things. Oh well!"
  343. [23:11:55] <~castfromhp> ( you guys are really doing this? Only the two of you, with Rini injured and Caleb not present?)
  344. [23:12:01] * Rini marvels at all the sights even if they AREN'T as exciting. Even on the ghostcar, she steels herself in preparation for he warehouse.
  345. [23:12:31] <Rini> (we ARE planning on not fighting you know)
  346. [23:12:34] <~castfromhp> Entering warehouse or no?
  347. [23:12:40] <~castfromhp> (you may plan on that...)
  348. [23:12:51] <Arae> I'M AT FULL POWER. And Caleb isn't around, and everything will BE OK too. And trying not to fight would be nice...though...
  349. [23:13:04] <Rini> "... Take it slow. Remember, we're here to just ask for it."
  350. [23:13:21] <Arae> "...this looks like an action set...I'm not sure if it'll be that simple..."
  351. [23:14:09] <Rini> "Eh, it's magic. Let's just say hi, maybe get an autograph..."
  352. [23:14:38] <Rini> Also her goggles have been on, HUD still fucked up?
  353. [23:14:48] <Arae> She still goes onwards, though a bit slower on request. Pray. Pray. Pray. "...Alright!"
  354. [23:14:54] <~castfromhp> The entranceway of the warehouse seems to be a long narrow hallway, gilded red carpet along the floor leading deeper to a set of majestic double-doors. Wooden, with dragons as handles. From the ceiling hand several chandeliers along the way.
  355. [23:15:04] <~castfromhp> Still.
  356. [23:18:08] * Rini taps her goggles and whispers. "Careful, something's up."
  357. [23:18:58] <Arae> Nod. Arae pays attention to her surroundings!
  358. [23:20:17] * Celeste ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  359. [23:20:22] <Rini> "... Leylines." She still speaks in a whisper. "That's what we're looking for. Not sure what they look like, but keep an eye out."
  360. [23:20:42] * Rini does indeed look as they walk in.
  361. [23:22:04] <~castfromhp> A vast empty room, no windows. Flat concrete floor. And in the center of it all, sitting cross-legged, one familiar Hong Kong action star, his eyes closed. It's utterly silent save for the sound flies buzzing. You can see them swirl around his head before SNAP a pair of chopsticks snatches them all from the air. He opens his eys.
  362. [23:22:08] <~castfromhp> *eyes
  363. [23:22:11] * Addy ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  364. [23:22:11] <~castfromhp> "I Jackie Chan."
  365. [23:22:57] * Rini notes her eyes becoming <3s as she taps the ghost to ask to be let down, taking deep breath.
  366. [23:23:55] <Rini> Eeeeeeee~ "'Scuse us. We're here to ask for help."
  367. [23:23:56] <Arae> Arae lets Rini down. Oh boy.
  368. [23:24:02] <~castfromhp> "Why are you here? Dangerous time in city for little girls. You don't want no trabble."
  369. [23:24:27] <~castfromhp> "Others, they come here for trabble. I give them trabble."
  370. [23:24:51] <Arae> ...Unlike Lecia, Arae doesn't instantly fangirl. She's still impressed, though!
  371. [23:25:10] <Rini> Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee. "Y-Yeah. We're gonna save the city. We definitely don't want trabble." She signals to the action figure.
  372. [23:25:19] <Rini> It, too, doesn't want trouble.
  373. [23:26:01] <Rini> "We..." GULP. "We need... Uh... We need Cheuk Lam's help."
  374. [23:26:12] <~castfromhp> "Then go, before it is dangerous. This place only for trabblemaker."
  375. [23:26:34] <~castfromhp> "No no no, busy busy day. You give her trabble."
  376. [23:27:06] <Rini> "And there..." eeeeeeee. "There isn't much time though! We need the fire chakra or the whole city's screwed! The whole WORLD is!"
  377. [23:27:10] <~castfromhp> "Or are you looking for the burning spirit of the Hong Kong action movie?" Jackie snaps the chopsticks again. "Then, you want trabble." He grins.
  378. [23:28:00] * Rini starts to instinctively get into a stance but notices her leg and winces. Oooooooh this isn't good.
  379. [23:28:35] <~castfromhp> "Fire Chakra...very important for future of China."
  380. [23:28:39] <Rini> "Couldn't we just get to say hi for a second? ... Maybe an autograph?" she wears a sweet smile.
  381. [23:29:06] <~castfromhp> "I can give you autograph. But you don't want no trabble, right?" He tilts his head at you and gives you a look. Do you? Do you want trabble?
  382. [23:29:53] <Rini> Headshake Headshake. "Er... Yeah, that's right. If we can't get control of the chakras there won't BE any more China." No, no trabble.
  383. [23:29:54] <~castfromhp> "Fire Chakra...very special. Hong Kong is known for action movie. Everyone watches Hong Kong action movie. Fire Chakra is burning spirit" Jackie clenches his fist. "of the Hong Kong Action Movie."
  384. [23:30:28] <~castfromhp> "To take the Chakra, you must fight like in Hong Kong action movie. So naturally, Chakra goes to me."
  385. [23:30:33] <Rini> "... Burning spirit, huh?" She shows a grin, with fan included. Oh no.
  386. [23:30:36] <Rini> Fang.
  387. [23:30:40] <Rini> Not fan.
  388. [23:31:34] <Rini> "... I think I get it. So um, M-Mr. Chan, what do you think burning spirit really means, in your opinion?"
  389. [23:31:39] <~castfromhp> "No other way. Even if I want to give, can't give."
  390. [23:31:59] <~castfromhp> "Has to be fight. No one in Hong Kong action movie just give away treasure."
  391. [23:32:08] <Arae> Arae fears the Chanman. ...Rather, she fears for Rini for the Chanman. ...Never mind, she's in fear of Rini breaking her OWN leg, not anyone else doing it. Oh boy.
  392. [23:32:47] <Rini> "It means persevering no matter how things look? Enduring anything to reach your goals?"
  393. [23:32:47] <Rini> "Am I close?"
  394. [23:32:47] <~castfromhp> "It mean for me, doing all my own stunts. No matter the danger. Lights, camera, action, hospital!"
  395. [23:33:30] * Rini looks down to her leg. "I've been pretty unlucky.. But hell, that's never taken out MY burning spirit."
  396. [23:34:33] * Rini tosses the only crutch she brought along to the side. "It hurts, but I'm not gonna just leave and let the friggin' world blow up!" Her scarf FLUTTERS.
  397. [23:35:35] <Arae> Yyyyy. "H-hey! ...J-Jackie Chan, please don't kill her, OK?" Whyyyyy.
  398. [23:35:38] <~castfromhp> "World won't blow up. China, we are great people. We have plan. There is no trabble."
  399. [23:36:15] <~castfromhp> "Are you goon? Only goon and villains die in Hong Kong action movie."
  400. [23:36:27] <Rini> "I always did all my own stunts too..." She mouths a silent 'GO FIND THE LEYLINES' to Arae, "and I always had fun doing it. I knew nobody could catch me, nobody could beat me.. I got stabbed with a frickin' sword but my spirit's still there."
  401. [23:37:19] <Rini> "So it's not just China. EVERYONE are great people! So that's why we gotta work together to save the world." Still fluttering.
  402. [23:37:54] <Arae> Nod nod. Let's leave the hotbloodedness to the hotblooded. Better not be a goon, Rini. Arae bows out, to find...leylines, yes.
  403. [23:38:04] <Rini> "My name's Rini, Mr. Chan. Even with an injury I don't need a stunt double- you can see my burning spirit if you REALLY wanna know how bad we need this."
  404. [23:38:21] <~castfromhp> Jackie shrugs. "You speak big words. But I cannot give you Fire Chakra. Simply not possible."
  405. [23:38:27] * Rini shifts into stance. Ooooooh it hurts.
  406. [23:38:30] <~castfromhp> "It is the nature of Fire."
  407. [23:38:49] <~castfromhp> "Has to be won in Hong Kong action movie fight scene."
  408. [23:39:54] <Rini> She nods. "Fire leaves behind ash, which becomes part of the Earth... That's how it works, right? Well that's me: Earth." Still in stance, gulping.
  409. [23:40:09] <~castfromhp> The room is empty Arae, what are you looking for? All you really have is an intense sense of great magical power concentrated here.
  410. [23:40:21] <Rini> "And that's why I can't lose here. I-I'm ready."
  411. [23:40:25] <~castfromhp> "So, are you here for trabble then?"
  412. [23:40:40] <~castfromhp> Jackie stands up slowly, dropping his chopsticks to the ground.
  413. [23:41:02] * Rini grins. "Well to tell you the truth..."
  414. [23:41:10] <Rini> "I don't want no trabble."
  415. [23:41:27] <~castfromhp> "I don't want no trabble either. If you want no trabble, go."
  416. [23:41:33] <Rini> That's said in the 'prelude to fight scenes' wAy though.
  417. [23:41:44] <~castfromhp> (oh dear, you really doing this? wellll okay)
  418. [23:41:52] <Rini> ".. Ohh, isn't that how it's supposed to go in movies?"
  419. [23:42:15] <Rini> "I just gave the whole speech I wrote and everything!"
  420. [23:42:17] <~castfromhp> "That MY line." He grins and shifts into a fighting stance. One last chance.
  421. [23:43:21] <Arae> ...good question. It's a room, it's empty, and that power is what they're trying to GET. Arae starts feeling clueless! "H-hey! Rini! Think about this for a second! You can't get anything if you're dead, you know! ...And Jackie Chan is like, always the hero, and being on the other side makes you the villain, doesn't it?"
  422. [23:44:01] * Rini winces at the injury again. "Perseverance... ... Oh hey you're right. HAVE you ever played a villain, Mr. Chan?"
  423. [23:44:23] <~castfromhp> "I action HERO."
  424. [23:44:56] <Arae> "The spirit can take a lot, but it doesn't matter if your body is broken into 20 pieces, you know!" Panic panic, worry worry.
  425. [23:44:58] <Rini> "Huhhh, yeah, good point. Wow, that's kinda weird, 'cause uh, I'm pretty sure I'm the protagonist."
  426. [23:45:11] <~castfromhp> And an action hero has the power of a Hero's Declaration of course! The room swirls and shifts!
  427. [23:45:11] <~castfromhp> Scene Aspects: Ladders, Babies, Gratuitous Furniture, Conveniently Placed Glass Windows, More Ladders, Chris Tucker, Giant Jugs of Chinese Booze, Precariously Placed Warehouse Equipment, Everything You'd Find at Walmart, Movie Set Equipment, Hong Kong Action Movie Soundtrack
  428. [23:45:26] <~castfromhp> BGM:
  429. [23:45:34] <Rini> "Does it really make sense if two heroes fight each other?"
  430. [23:45:56] * Rini flips her goggles up and gets back in stance anyway.
  431. [23:46:44] <Rini> "Whatever. No matter WHAT my body's like, Aerie, my spirit's always burning! C'mon!"
  432. [23:47:26] <~castfromhp> Jackie Chan (Mythic Speed goes first~) > Arae > Rini
  433. [23:47:33] <Arae> "...W-well...I don't have a clue about leylines, and I'm not gonna leave you here! If you're that persistant, then I'm helping you with not dying!"
  434. [23:49:38] <Rini> "Psst, Aerie," she half-whispers, "they don't kill each other in movies, it's about STUNTS. Even if Iose I'll do it stylishly, with spirit!"
  435. [23:49:42] <~castfromhp> Jackie Chan starts off with a spinning jump kick at Rini!
  436. [23:49:44] <~castfromhp> 4d3
  437. [23:49:46] <DiceMaid-9001> castfromhp, 4d3: 7 [4d3=1,3,2,1]
  438. [23:50:01] <Rini> 4d3-3 oh my
  439. [23:50:02] <DiceMaid-9001> Rini, oh my: 8 [4d3=3,3,2,3]
  440. [23:50:07] <Celeste> owned
  441. [23:50:12] <Rini> BURNING SPIIIIRIIIIIIIT
  442. [23:50:33] <Arae> "Well, if you're in a full body cast, it's practically the same thing!"
  444. [23:52:00] <~castfromhp> As he misses he grabs a ladder in one hand, scoops up a baby with the end of it and tosses it to his hand and Chris Tucker yells out "Whoo, you KNOW she dead!"
  445. [23:52:01] <~castfromhp> +6
  446. [23:52:17] <Rini> Oh dear fuck
  447. [23:52:24] <~castfromhp> (those are all free tags for him btw)
  448. [23:52:28] <~castfromhp> (since he declared them all at once)
  450. [23:53:02] <Rini> (are ALL tags here free?)
  451. [23:53:13] <~castfromhp> (no, those are free for him. He made them as declarations)
  452. [23:54:02] <Rini> (ahaha oh fuck, that's a lot of turn 1 fp)
  453. [23:54:18] <Arae> (He's JACKIE CHAN.)
  454. [23:54:19] <~castfromhp> (though I'm kinda wondering - how is Rini dodging at ALL given her leg?)
  455. [23:54:31] <Arae> (Burning spirit, of course)
  456. [23:54:45] <Rini> (it hurts like fuck but her BURNING- ^)
  457. [23:54:51] <Rini> (Shookie gets it)
  458. [23:55:09] * Addy ( has joined #FATEandLiteromancingInHK
  459. [23:55:12] <Arae> (Lecia gets it more)
  460. [23:55:27] <Rini> (Anyway let's see here- no rini's still manliest)
  461. [23:56:19] <Arae> (Yeah, but Lecia UNDERSTANDS the burning spirit more than I do, I'm using her vision for this)
  462. [23:56:50] <Rini> First off, Rini pauses the screen and emerges from the side of the fourth wall, pointing out how the TINIEST TROUBLEMAKER is just an inch too short to be in range of the spinning jump kick to begin with.
  463. [23:57:50] * Celeste ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  464. [23:58:18] <Rini> Following the assault, she does that thing Vash did in that one episode of trigun where he got injured and focused on the pain in order to see what'sherface moving, leaning on the injured me to let her lean to he side, or in other words to KEEP ON TRUCKIN'.
  465. [23:58:30] <Rini> It's frame-by-frame.
  466. Session Time: Sun Jul 15 00:00:01 2012
  467. [00:01:10] <Rini> And in the FINAL FRAME god Rini's player is stupid for wasting these there's a five-minute flashback scene to her and Aerie in the room immediately prior, telling each other that "courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality" even though they didn't actually happen. And then it's ALL GONNA BE OKAY as evident by the music that plays in the background until it goes back to the scene.
  468. [00:02:09] <Rini> ... That's when a backflip happens by the way. OW LEG though.
  469. [00:02:37] <~castfromhp> The kick barely misses, and Jackie Chan lightly sets the baby down in a stroller nearby.
  470. [00:03:11] <~castfromhp> Arae, taking action? Do you want trabble?
  471. [00:06:14] <Rini> (Psst Shookie, the way to win is to just cheat using your emotion shit and make his burning spirit weaker than Rini's; then the stronger spirit prevails)
  472. [00:06:43] <~castfromhp> (does Arae want to make trabble like that?)
  473. [00:06:57] <Arae> God damn, does she not want trabble. She also doesn't really into Hong Kong action flicks, but...would take a guess that only the cheesiest ones would use actual MAGIC. If she does that, will this fight have had a purpose? WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO BE COMPLICATED?
  474. [00:07:30] <Rini> No no no hold on here.
  475. [00:07:31] <~castfromhp> (the question is simple really. Does. She. Want. Trabble?)
  476. [00:07:40] <Rini> Why does it have to be magic?
  477. [00:07:53] <Arae> Cause that's emotion shit.
  478. [00:07:54] <Rini> Why is she not just standing at the side BEING CUTE?
  479. [00:07:58] <Rini> SHE IS THE HEROINE.
  481. [00:08:37] <Rini> If the heroine is on the side that isn't Jackie Chan's, then he isn't the action hero!
  482. [00:08:47] <Rini> If he isn't the hero, he can't win!
  483. [00:08:55] <Rini> Logical fallacies!
  484. [00:10:14] <Arae> ...Oh. Oh! IS THIS WHAT THEY CALL LESBIAN TELEPATHY? I'M WITH IT! Arae has no choice but to NOT WANT TRABBLE. I mean, she totally doesn't, after all. She can only watch helplessly, doing all she can to stop JACKIE CHAN from beating up her only hope! And you know, wedge out his spot as hero by force. As well as she can, anyway.
  485. [00:10:43] <Rini> Heroines~
  486. [00:11:00] <Arae> 4d3-8+5 and biggs (fear)
  487. [00:11:00] <DiceMaid-9001> Arae, and biggs (fear): 7 [4d3=2,3,3,2]
  488. [00:11:31] <~castfromhp> 4d3-2
  489. [00:11:33] <DiceMaid-9001> castfromhp, 4d3-2: 7 [4d3=3,2,1,3]
  490. [00:11:47] <~castfromhp> The cameras shine a spotlight on him! He is the HERO and will not be cowed. +2
  491. [00:12:59] <Arae> His is a burning spirit that calm cannot counter. FEAR IS THE ONLY OPTION, and considering she's feeling it right now, all the better. Sadly, it's NO GOOD. She's got like two FP. Trading on a one for one basis just isn't going to help anything.
  492. [00:15:05] <Rini> ... So how many declarations can be made at once, again?
  493. [00:16:59] <~castfromhp> For you guys? One.
  494. [00:17:02] <~castfromhp> Per turn.
  495. [00:17:32] <Rini> That is SO boring.
  496. [00:18:02] <~castfromhp> That's how it's been the entire game.
  497. [00:18:06] <Rini> 4d3-5 welllll might as well have SOMETHING
  498. [00:18:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Rini, welllll might as well have SOMETHING: 2 [4d3=3,1,1,2]
  499. [00:18:20] <Rini> Orrrrrrr notttttttttt
  500. [00:18:30] <~castfromhp> What exactly are you trying to do?
  501. [00:19:17] <Rini> Clearly the scene isn't only for ONE type of action hero. That was declaring some other kind of prop like...
  502. [00:19:24] <Rini> Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike...
  503. [00:19:29] <Rini> ...
  504. [00:20:02] <Rini> ..... So there aren't any telephone poles, right?
  505. [00:20:35] <~castfromhp> Nope.
  506. [00:23:49] <Rini> Oh, right, no its actually not that complicated. Would that be enough to declare the presence of Leylines?
  507. [00:25:31] <~castfromhp> Nope. That's really...not something that's gonna be declared. You can declare minor action movie props that fit within a warehouse though.
  508. [00:25:40] <~castfromhp> That'd be almost akin to "I declare a chakra here"
  509. [00:26:23] <Rini> Yeah that's true, the initial intent was to try to FIND it with investigation instead of declaring but I declared declaring already, mmmm
  510. [00:28:13] <~castfromhp> Jackie Chan turns to Arae and gives her The Look. "You want trabble? You want fight?" He seems poised.
  511. [00:28:39] <Rini> THAT
  512. [00:28:44] <Rini> THAT IS THE DECLARATION
  513. [00:28:56] <~castfromhp> What?
  514. [00:29:08] <Rini> Arae herself is the DISTRACTING HEROINE.
  515. [00:29:14] <Rini> Her pouty, worried face
  516. [00:29:24] <~castfromhp> ...Do you really want to do that to Arae?
  517. [00:29:34] <Rini> What kind of a hero would cause such a tragedy?
  518. [00:29:39] <Rini> Yes.
  519. [00:29:41] <Rini> YES.
  520. [00:30:03] <Rini> She's getting declared as because she's Rini's cheerleader!
  521. [00:30:37] <~castfromhp> (shookie are you here though?)
  522. [00:31:09] <Rini> (go get it, go post it, it's that time again)
  523. [00:31:13] <Arae> Why. She'll still act as she wishes, though! "I...I don't, but I can't just let you hurt Rini, even if she's charging in like this...sorry..." Definitely scared, possibly distracting!
  524. [00:31:40] <Rini> "Hey, I said I didn't eithowowow"
  525. [00:32:01] * Rini realizes being perched against a wall with a hurt leg really hurts.
  526. [00:32:29] <~castfromhp> Jackie Chan nods. "Trabble." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small talisman. It glows red, the pattern of a dragon on its front. He holds it up, aimed vaguely in the direction of the two of you.
  527. [00:32:32] <~castfromhp> 4d3
  528. [00:32:32] <DiceMaid-9001> castfromhp, 4d3: 10 [4d3=1,3,3,3]
  529. [00:32:40] <~castfromhp> And a huge gout of flame bursts forth
  530. [00:33:30] <Rini> 4d3-3 why can't he - oh that's ranged, +1 - get BAD rolls?
  531. [00:33:31] <DiceMaid-9001> Rini, why can't he - oh that's ranged, +1 - get BAD rolls?: 2 [4d3=1,2,1,1]
  532. [00:33:58] <Rini> Like... Yeah, bad like that, thank you for the example
  533. [00:33:59] <Arae> 4d3-8+2 Athletics? And why can't you get good ones ;_;
  534. [00:34:00] <DiceMaid-9001> Arae, Athletics? And why can't you get good ones: 3 [4d3=2,3,3,1]
  535. [00:34:29] <Rini> ... Is it okay to concede yet?
  536. [00:34:39] <~castfromhp> You may concede now if you wish.
  537. [00:35:43] * Rini leaps off the wall and SPLATS onto the floor, arms in an X shape. "Whoa, whoa, hey, cut!"
  538. [00:36:14] <Rini> "That's not even fair, I brought a heroine and everything!"
  539. [00:36:23] <~castfromhp> The flames stop just inches from your face.
  540. [00:36:34] <Rini> Eeeeee.
  541. [00:36:56] <~castfromhp> "What? Do you know how much trabble I take to find 12 talisman? 'One more thing'." He thwacks himself in the forehead. "Everyday!"
  542. [00:37:44] <Rini> "Is this sexism? Do I have to bring a LOVE INTEREST to be my cheerleader? He was busy, and I thought Aerie was cute enough to be a heroine!"
  543. [00:38:03] * Rini walks over and pinches Arae's cheeks. "See?"
  544. [00:38:12] <~castfromhp> "Very cute. But I Jackie Chan."
  545. [00:38:49] <Rini> "... What're you planning to do with the chakra?"
  546. [00:39:01] <Arae> Damned straight you should concede. FIRE. Said heroine was certainly trying to make sure it didn't reach Rini by getting in the way herself, though being on the sidelines didn't help. Still sticking close. And getting her cheeks pinched. She's pretty teary eyed at this point, too. "Y-yeah. You might be great, but...well, he's Jackie Chan."
  547. [00:39:50] * Rini leans on the ghost. "Yeah, sorry. Trying to fight with an injury was pretty stupid... Ow ow ow."
  548. [00:41:44] <~castfromhp> "You can go Chris." Jackie Chan waves and Chris Tucker exits the room with a wave. "See you in Rush Hour 4."
  549. [00:41:56] <Rini> (lost it)
  550. [00:42:51] <~castfromhp> "You don't want no trabble, then you go. I give chakra to Chinese people."
  551. [00:43:23] <Rini> "Sorry if we wasted your time, Mr. Chan." The little girl heaves a defeated sigh. "But I can't even DREAM of a rematch until my leg works and the world only has a day left, y'know?"
  552. [00:43:41] <Rini> "... And I was born here, doesn't that count?"
  553. [00:43:53] * Rini pinches her OWN cheeks.
  554. [00:44:14] <~castfromhp> "I do all my own stunts, even after breaking my bones. Because I Jackie Chan."
  555. [00:45:32] <Rini> "... Mmm. Yeah, guess so. Think you'll still be here in a few hours? I'm pretty confident that nobody ELSE is gonna be able to beat you. So Fire's safe from the PRC and all."
  556. [00:46:08] <Rini> "I'll be ready to break all my bones and want all the trabble I can handle then."
  557. [00:46:28] <Rini> "Buuuut I kinda need my bones for the other four right now."
  558. [00:47:11] <~castfromhp> "No no, you not understand. Chakra is for PRC. PRC is China. But, up to me what to do with it."
  559. [00:48:37] <~castfromhp> "They ask me to take this Chakra, I say okay no one else is as fitting for action movie magic, but I still have final say." He sits back down, cross-legged, and the action movie props all disappear.
  560. [00:49:49] <Rini> "... Oh. Right yeah, didn't think of it that way. But if anybody but us has the chakra... Aw well, we'll deal with it later." Wearing a relieved grin, she waves. "I think I'll dress more for a movie and all that fun stuff later."
  561. [00:50:27] <Rini> "Tell your daughter that Earth totally wants to meet her though, 'Kay? We'll be back, count on it."
  562. [00:50:32] <Arae> "...just...know that whatever they're doing isn't gonna work, alright? If they go on about using it, they're wrong. Got it?" Sad face is still sad.
  563. [00:50:40] <~castfromhp> "Watch out for trabble."
  564. [00:51:01] <Rini> "If trabble comes for us we'll give 'em hell."
  565. [00:51:21] * Rini WINKS and turns to exit the warehouse.
  566. [00:52:37] <Arae> Arae fixes Rini's little walking issue and GHOST CARS her out instead.
  567. [00:52:59] <~castfromhp> (normally a concession means you have to take at least a moderate consequence, but I'll waive it this time)
  568. [00:53:18] <~castfromhp> (unless you WANT to upgrade Rini's injury to severe or something because jesus fuck how do you do acrobatics on that?)
  569. [00:53:26] <Rini> "Oh god Aerie I strained it it feels like it's trying to rip the whole limb off, aaaagh," once they're out. "Mind if we just handle Earth real quick instead?"
  570. [00:55:15] <Arae> "That's what you get." Pout pout. ", I don't mind. It won't get you hurt like Fire, so..."
  571. [00:55:37] <Rini> (I'm actually thinking that makes sense by I'm trying to balance masochism and... "this is impossible to not die with")
  572. [00:56:37] <Rini> "Hehe... Yeaaaaah my bad. I didn't WANT to fight but BURNING SPIRIT is my weakness."
  573. [00:57:06] <Rini> "The spirit is willing but the flesh etc etc."
  574. [00:58:41] <Arae> "Even if your flesh was OK, he's still Jackie Chan. It's gonna take more than me and you. All the good guys against the...villain or anti-hero! Whichever works better."
  575. [00:59:46] * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as RichterBelmont
  576. [01:01:33] <~castfromhp> And back outside in the endless stream of movie sets. Off in the far distance, you can see other bits of the city. The tower of bars is visible, as well as what looks like every museum and cultural icon of the city all in one place. Also not too far is what looks like a giant block of water covering a part of the city.
  577. [01:01:41] <Rini> "Oh, pff, with preparation I COULD'VE beat him! I AM a supergenius after all! It's just, female leads in action movies are pretty under appreciated, and normally - compared to male protagonists - they tend to not get love interests at ALL during the story most of the time. Media's pretty biased. So my split-second decision to have a heroine was uh... Oh hell, it's a Paradigm Shift, okay? A symbolic... Audience. Right."
  578. [01:02:17] <Rini> "And that audience just REALLY didn't like it."
  579. [01:02:28] <Rini> "Sucks, I think you're a cute heroine."
  580. [01:02:51] <Addy> JUST FUCK ALREADY
  581. [01:02:57] <~castfromhp> ^
  582. [01:03:38] <Rini> "Anyway, where was that marker again? Let's go there."
  583. [01:04:19] <~castfromhp> As a clarification, the strategy guide has the map with markers, but it's not like it's doing any good placing your location on the map either. You just know where in a map of physical locations of Hong Kong where it was leading you.
  584. [01:04:38] <Arae> "...well, you could just get Siyao and Addy if you think that. But...well, Caleb would be a terrible hero anyway. He's like, half villain, half jerk. ...Alright." The marker pointed out that WASN'T fire, over there!
  585. [01:05:30] <Arae> "...and thanks, I guess~" Heroines are usually helpless. She doesn't exactly want to feel helpless, but being cute is nice!
  586. [01:06:01] <Rini> "Antihero. I figure he's an antihero, he's moody enough. Aaanyway... Lessee if we can get back the way we came, mm?"
  587. [01:08:56] <Rini> "Oh yeah," goggletap, "Didn't see any Leylines in there. What were you even talking about, 'stel? Were they like, behind him you think?"
  588. [01:09:12] <Arae> "...well, you'll always be the real hero to me! He's just...some out of control muscle." :( "...alright, let's try that." Any weird darkness round here? Or something?
  589. [01:10:20] <Rini> "Ehehe. Yeah, well don't worry, I'll beat him next time and the rest'll be cake."
  590. [01:10:26] <~castfromhp> Nope. There was...a particular reason for that in the location you were in before.
  591. [01:11:09] <~castfromhp> (It's funny because that spot was where every place in the city was that someone specifically wanted to make hidden. So you were all literally feet away from tons of juicy seekrits and stuff)
  592. [01:11:18] <Rini> "... Crap. Maybe we can think about the place and warp there again?"
  593. [01:13:02] <Arae> "...Could give it a shot! Don't think it will work, but..." THINKING!
  594. [01:14:07] <~castfromhp> ...nothing.
  595. [01:14:17] * Rini does the same but while shoving her goggles back down, looking for consistent mappery. And Leylines.
  596. [01:14:29] <~castfromhp> Looks like you're gonna have to hoof it. at least you can SEE some of the areas the Triad had been mentioning before.
  597. [01:15:51] <Rini> "... Communications center. Television, radio... See anything like that?"
  598. [01:16:44] * Rini looks up after talking to the ghostcar. "You're breaking up REALLY BAD, you know."
  599. [01:18:13] <Arae> The confusion of what's being directed to her and what's being directed to her buddy escalates further. DOES she see anything like that?
  600. [01:18:17] <Rini> "Yeah, I know. HUD's cluttered too, we're just gonna have to deal. As long as I'm coming through clear that's something, right?"
  601. [01:18:37] * Rini acts like a jerk on a cellphone. Poor aerie.
  602. [01:20:45] <Rini> "Sorry," she talks to the ride again 4real. "Comm failure, magic's going CRAZY."
  603. [01:22:08] <Rini> Also it's worth noting that while riding Rini is looking out for anything that could POSSIBLY be a Leyline.
  604. [01:22:11] <~castfromhp> (and can we wrap up about here as far as things that require GMing? Decide on what kind of location you want to pursue and let me know. Minis in the week to handle things since we're split party again)
  605. [01:22:34] <Rini> (zzzzz okay, after Tuesday I'll be fine for it)
  606. [01:23:21] <Arae> It probably isn't even physical. "I guess it's because of those drains...all the more reason to hurry!" The second best ride ever goes forth!
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