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a guest
Sep 24th, 2018
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text 1.13 KB | None | 0 0
  1. documentclass{beamer}
  2. setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
  3. usepackage{tikz}
  4. begin{document}
  5. begin{frame}[t]
  6. frametitle{cube}
  7. begin{minipage}{textwidth}
  8. newsavebox{hh}
  9. savebox{hh}{
  10. newcommand{Depth}{1}
  11. newcommand{Height}{1}
  12. newcommand{Width}{1}
  13. begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.9, transform shape]
  14. coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);
  15. coordinate (A) at (0,Width,0);
  16. coordinate (B) at (0,Width,Height);
  17. coordinate (C) at (0,0,Height);
  18. coordinate (D) at (Depth,0,0);
  19. coordinate (E) at (Depth,Width,0);
  20. coordinate (F) at (Depth,Width,Height);
  21. coordinate (G) at (Depth,0,Height);
  22. draw[blue,fill=yellow!80] (O) -- (C) -- (G) -- (D) -- cycle;
  23. draw[blue,fill=blue!30] (O) -- (A) -- (E) -- (D) -- cycle;
  24. draw[blue,fill=red!10] (O) -- (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;
  25. draw[blue,fill=red!20,opacity=0.8] (D) -- (E) -- (F) -- (G) -- cycle;
  26. draw[blue,fill=red!20,opacity=0.6] (C) -- (B) -- (F) -- (G) -- cycle;
  27. draw[blue,fill=red!20,opacity=0.8] (A) -- (B) -- (F) -- (E) -- cycle;
  28. end{tikzpicture}}
  29. foreach x in {0,...,3} {usebox{hh}}
  30. foreach x in {0,...,3} {usebox{hh}}
  31. foreach x in {0,...,3} {usebox{hh}}
  32. foreach x in {0,...,3} {usebox{hh}}
  33. end{minipage}
  34. end{frame}
  35. end{document}
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