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a guest
Jul 15th, 2018
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  1. #Mystery Box (Caixa Misteriosa)
  2. #Versao: 1.0 - Alpha
  3. #Criador: _DaviPatrick
  5. command /caixamisteriosa [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  6. permission: nao.nao.nao
  7. permission message: &cteste.
  8. trigger:
  9. if arg 1 is not set:
  10. open chest with 4 rows named "&bCaixa Misteriosa" to player
  11. wait 1 ticks
  12. if {caixa.%player%.jausada} is not set:
  13. format slot 11 of player with ender chest named "&a&lCAIXA MISTERIOSA" with lore "&8Basica||||&eVocê pode ganhar:||&fKits no minigames||&fCosméticos||&fCoins nos minigames||&fKits, coins e permissões temporarias." to close then run [make player execute command "/caixamisteriosa abrir"]
  15. if arg 1 is "a":
  16. delete {caixa.%player%.jausada}
  17. if arg 1 is "abrir":
  18. if {caixa.%player%.jausada} is not set:
  19. chance of 16.71%:
  20. send "&bCaixa misteriosa &f- &6Itens sorteados"
  21. send "&fKit Rusher no SkyWars"
  22. send "&f500 Coins no KitPvP"
  23. chance of 16.71%:
  24. send "&bCaixa misteriosa &f- &6Itens sorteados"
  25. send "&fKit Ninja no SkyWars"
  26. send "&f700 Coins no SkyWars"
  27. send "&fCosmético Teleportador."
  28. send "&fCosmético Foguete."
  29. chance of 16.71%:
  30. send "&bCaixa misteriosa &f- &6Itens sorteados"
  31. send "&fKit Viking no SkyWars &7(Tempo limitado &e15 minutos&7.)"
  32. send "&f50 Coins nos minigames: &eSkywars, KitPvP"
  33. send "&fCosmético --."
  34. send "&fCosmético --."
  35. chance of 16.71%:
  36. send "&bCaixa misteriosa &f- &6Itens sorteados"
  37. send "&faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
  38. send "&f500 Coins no KitPvP"
  39. chance of 16.71%:
  40. send "&bCaixa misteriosa &f- &6Itens sorteados"
  41. send "&fbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
  42. send "&f700 Coins no SkyWars"
  43. send "&fCosmético Teleportador."
  44. send "&fCosmético Foguete."
  45. chance of 16.71%:
  46. send "&bCaixa misteriosa &f- &6Itens sorteados"
  47. send "&f50 Coins nos minigames: &eSkywars, KitPvP"
  48. send "&fcccccccccccccccccccccc"
  49. send "&fCosmético --."
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