

Nov 17th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Heya, I saw your guild on wowprogress and was looking to put in an application! I'd be looking to join as a tank, however i can be flexible as DPS or Healer as those i do have significantly more experience on. Quick tldr, i raided CE in legion on a MW Monk. Guild disbanded in BFA and i've kinda guild hopped for a bit. Played almost exlusively mythic+ prot warr in 8.2, did do some HC raid tanking, before taking a break. I picked up a hunter towards the very back of 8.3 and achieved 11/12 mythic with a community guild. I can send you a link to my various logs if you'd like to take a look? I've shifted my main warrior to horde as that where my M+ group is going next expac, but i have a friend who raided with me CE during legion, who is looking to get back into wow for SL, he plays hunter to a very strong level and wants to remain alliance!
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