
Honest Mistake Chapter 1 (Unfinished)

Feb 12th, 2014
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  1. Honest Mistake
  3. The alarm clock began to ring without warning, causing the satyr to hiss an audible “Fuck.” Unable to roll back over and fall asleep again, she crawled out of the covers only to be greeted by the cold, morning air.
  5. Looking at her nightstand, she eyed the loud, silvery contraption that interrupted her sleep. With a simple thought, she could have ripped it apart and resumed her slumber. But today was Monday, and Monday meant school.
  7. After what felt like an eternity of listening to the accursed contraption, the satyr finally silenced its ringing by flipping the small switch on the top of it.
  9. With a grunt, she threw off the covers and got out of bed, taking a moment to stretch her limbs out from their period of disuse.
  11. She took this moment to look around her room; a dark space with a couple of shelves filled with pictures and other small mementos, a dresser, a small vanity, a drawing table, her nightstand, and her bed. Satisfied with the knowledge that nothing changed over the course of the night, she opened the door and stumbled into the light of the hallway towards the bathroom.
  13. She flipped on the light switch and was greeted with the light brown wall panel of the bathroom. Once she shut the door, she clumsily got out of her pajamas and threw them carelessly into the floor.
  15. She stepped into the shower, turned on the water, and braced herself. The cold water washed over her and made her body tense up, but she let a sigh of relief once the water became warmer. She turned around and let the water wash down her wings and her back, flexing them several times to make sure she got the undersides wet enough to wash. Taking a brush and some soap, she proceeded to clean her wings with motions that have been perfected through habit to require little to no coherent thought. She continued her usual bathing routine: back, front, arms, legs, hooves, face, hair, and tail.
  17. Once out of the shower, the bathroom contained a dense fog from the warm water. Taking a towel, the Satyr wiped off the mirror above the sink, revealing the image of a lanky female with pale skin, dark green hair that grew to the small of her back, a small gnarled horn, and a pair of green eyes that flickered like dim candles.
  19. This Satyr was unique, even among her kind. While they typically have one parent that is a Pony and one that is Human, she was unfortunate enough to have a mother that was something… else.
  21. Her name was Mistake, and she was half Changeling.
  23. Ever since the failed attack on Canterlot around two decades ago, Changelings have been a source of paranoia not only throughout Equestria, but the entire world as well. Able to shape shift into any form they wish, this fear is understandable. Though they have kept a low profile since that day, there are still a few unsolved disappearances every year, one of them being Mistake’s own father: taken by the Changelings as a curiosity.
  24. <Skip, some back story on Mistake’s father with the Changelings, and how Mistake ended up where she is now>
  26. Mistake finished her business in the bathroom and staggered back out into the hallway towards her room to change, a practice she had done ever since she stayed with her father. She never quite understood why Humans constantly ran around with clothes on, and every time she asked she got a rather vague answer. It helped in the winter, but just made things worse in the summer. But seeing as how the other Satyrs did it, she might as well, no need in drawing unwanted attention to one’s self. Her wardrobe mostly contained T-shirts and jeans, nothing too overly extravagant to warrant a second glance. She grabbed the first shirt she got her hands on, a plain grey one, and was putting it on as she left her room towards the kitchen.
  28. The scent of cooking meat hit her first, followed by the sound of grease sizzling in a frying pan. Ever since Humans ended up in Equestria, the meat trade has increased the amount of business it gets due to their omnivorous diets, as opposed to the mostly herbivore diets of its natural inhabitants.
  30. “Morning Missy,” chirped her father, a tall human with short yellow hair. Of course, all humans were tall in equestrian, relatively speaking. Plus how he seemed so cheerful in the morning was beyond any magic Mistake could understand.
  32. “Mornhng,” she replied, taking a seat and hunching over the table as she waited for breakfast.
  34. Without taking his eyes off the frying pan, her father answered “Half a word I see. Off to a good start already.”
  36. Mistake made a face and continued her moping.
  38. “Don’t think I didn’t see that young lady,” said her father over his shoulder.
  40. Mistake rolled her eyes at her father’s empty threat.
  42. Not a moment later, Mistake’s father turned around carrying two plates of food. “Soup’s on,” he said as he put one down in front of her.
  44. She sat up and looked at her food, some eggs, three slices of thick cut bacon, and some orange juice. She grabbed her fork in one hand, her glass in the other, and began to wolf down the food without as much as a word.
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