

May 3rd, 2020
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  1. The ice cladod­i­fi­ca­tion of melt­ing makes pale mist, in an in­stant dis­si­pates.
  2. Huo Poyun turns around rapidly, sees Mu Feixue, in her ice pupil is re­flect­ing ice mist that clears, does not have his form.
  3. „Fairy Feixue......” the hand stag­na­tion of Huo Poyun in the midair, for­got putting down for a while.
  4. The Mu Feixue form in a flash, ar­rived at Huo Poyun the front, her jade-like fin­ger is cold, the cold qi re­lease, ice con­cen­trates, is only above, does not have her again by the mark that the snowy hand pure-heart carves.
  5. „Sorry,” Huo Poyun in the eyes flashes through the in­stant flurry: „Looks at ice flower to be lost in thought a mo­ment ago, for a while loses the strength......”
  6. A breath...... two breaths...... short cold and still, Mu Feixue turns around, the snowy face ice pupil has no anger and dif­fer­ence, only has piece of ice cold, the Huo Poyun most fa­mil­iar faint­ness: „Flame God Realm King vis­its Ice Phoenix Palace, does not know that does.”
  7. „this King...... my it's just...” Huo Poyun puts down the hand hastily: „Has the mat­ter to visit Bingyun (Frozen Cloud) Realm King, comes on the way a view.”
  8. As Flame God Realm King, he has achieved with any other High-Rank Realm King rel­a­tive does not lose the im­pos­ing man­ner. Only in front of Mu Feixue, his aura and heart­beat will al­ways lose con­trol in­ex­plic­a­bly.
  9. „Sect Mas­ter is clos­ing up, is un­suit­able to re­ceive guests, Flame God Realm King please re­turn.” Mu Feixue said.
  10. The Huo Poyun con­geal­ing air/Qi, de­presses in the heart in se­cret rapidly the con­fu­sion, in the mind passes hand­writ­ing that in that ice carves newly, in the hearts slightly grad­u­ally trans­fers had never be­fore had the firm­ness ran­domly, he looks at the eye of Mu Feixue, sud­denly said: „Ac­tu­ally, I come to see spe­cially your. Also spe­cially......”
  11. „Has looked, then please re­turn.” The reply of Mu Feixue, light as al­ways, the ex­tremely beau­ti­ful ap­pear­ance, ice crys­tal beau­ti­ful eyes, ac­tu­ally seeks less than a sen­ti­men­tal trace: „The Flame God Realm King sta­tus is hon­ored, con­de­scends sees Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm dis­ci­ple alone, fears loses to the sta­tus.”
  12. voice/sound falls, her form passed over gen­tly and swiftly di­rectly Huo Poyun, goes to the palace grad­u­ally.
  13. „Feixue!” Huo Poyun fierce turn­ing around, shouted their name: „You...... never for­get to Yun Che!”
  14. „......” Ice pupil rip­ples lightly, but her foot­steps have not stopped, does not have the re­sponse.
  15. „But he has not cared about you!” Huo Poyun voice/sound high sev­eral points, the words ex­ported, he steels one's heart to throw in the heart fi­nally all hes­i­ta­tions: „You may know, he had told me in the past per­son­ally, Realm King Xu­anyin once granted him to be the dual cul­ti­va­tion com­pan­ion you, but he cat­e­gor­i­cally re­jects...... this is he tells me per­son­ally!”
  16. „......” Foot­steps stop fi­nally, but above her snowy face can­not see any­thing to change coun­te­nance as be­fore, but said gen­tly: „In my heart has him, with his heart in whether has me, there is what re­la­tions.”
  17. These words, are to a Huo Poyun ad­mon­ish­ment.
  18. But, the quiet­ness of ice, with fierce of fire, is even­tu­ally dif­fer­ent.
  19. „But he is Devil! Devil! Devil!” Huo Poyun low­ers roars three times: „Writes in your Ice Phoenix Sect gauge, Devil that see­ing must ex­e­cute!”
  20. His form in a flash, blocked be­fore the Mu Feixue body, stared at her eye say­ing: „More­over, he in North­ern God Ter­ri­tory, but also was pre­sented as dark Devil Lord! Pre­sent Yun Che, is not only Devil, is most peak, most wicked that Devil! The three God Ter­ri­to­ries all gods im­pe­r­ial cap­i­tal re­gards as the big trou­ble him, ex­cept for gloomy North­ern God Ter­ri­tory, in the world has not ac­com­mo­dated his place again, you why...... as be­fore be­sot­ted.”
  21. „Dark Devil Lord......” Mu Feixue read lowly, beau­ti­ful eyes that the ice crys­tal con­gealed floated off one light blue blurred bril­liance: „Worthily is he, even if were thrust dark abyss by the world, can still be so daz­zling as be­fore.”
  22. Even close, even be­fore her line of sight, Huo Poyun is ac­tu­ally not able to see own half a point form from her ice pupil as be­fore.
  23. Hear­ing Yun Che be­comes dark Devil Lord, in her pupil ap­pears is not alarmed and afraid, in­stead is one type...... he has not seen, for­ever im­pos­si­ble for ad­mi­ra­tion that he re­veals and crazy how­ever. The pupil of Huo Poyun silent en­larged a point, in the heart is sim­i­lar some in­nu­mer­able manic flame in the chaotic com­bus­tion. He is un­able to un­der­stand why one­self has stood so the al­ti­tude, the pre­sent fe­male is not will­ing to look at his one eyes as be­fore.
  24. But once re­sisted to aban­don her, never hangs among her in the heart, now has be­come Devil Yun Che, makes her read crazily hence.
  25. „You may know, he has many out­side woman!” Dur­ing Huo Poyun is men­tally con­fused, is some care­less words: „It is said that he in Lower Realm, has known how things stand room/house the wife and con­cu­bines, as if also chil­dren! He and Glazed Light Realm Shui Meiyin had set the en­gage­ment pre­vi­ously, Moon God Em­peror was his wife, Heav­enly Slaugh­ter Star God and he was once hard to solve.”
  26. „even/in­clud­ing your Hon­ored Mas­ter, the out­side world is pass­ing on among them to have furin......”
  27. Sud­denly thinks and the re­spect of Mu Feixue to Mu Xu­anyin, Huo Poyun even heals.
  28. No re­sponse, Mu Feixue by­passes him again, grad­u­ally how­ever goes.
  29. Huo Poyun turns around, looks at the back that Mu Feixue goes far away, as High-Rank Realm King, he of Flame God his­tory most Oot­suki light, in this mo­ment heart un­ex­pect­edly being in­ca­pable like that and con­strains: „Why! I am not clear! You why to him so!”
  30. Why......
  31. The Mu Feixue under foot strolls in the snow silent, in the pupil Fog Light like the dream, be­tween lips talked to one­self, re­sem­bles pours out: „Be­cause...... he is Yun Che.”
  32. Huo Poyun de­cides there, van­ishes until Mu Feixue in his line of sight and sen­sa­tion, has he still moved.
  33. Until, chilly voice/sound passes on to slowly: „The Ice Phoenix fe­male is ex­tremely dif­fi­cult to ex­cite the emo­tions, once the heart melts, until death will be then faith­ful.”
  34. But Mu Bingyun grad­u­ally, said to Huo Poyun: „Flame God Realm King, re­leases your ob­ses­sion to Feixue, how to de­mand again, will not have the re­sult. By your pre­sent po­si­tion, the world has the happy fe­male, no mat­ter what you se­lect, why must also to de­mand is doomed fruit­less read­ing.”
  35. The Huo Poyun dou­ble pupil gets back one's com­po­sure, he smiles to Mu Bingyun some­what stiff nod­ding the head: „Made Bingyun (Frozen Cloud) Realm King look at the joke, said good­bye.”
  36. Then, his di­rect fly up, de­parts fast.
  37. „Flame God Realm King, I pre­vi­ously chaotic of South Ter­ri­tory pro­found beast, but do you make a move to sub­side?” Mu Bingyun makes noise to ask.
  38. In the Huo Poyun heart is hot-tem­pered chaot­i­cally, goes far away in a flash, not re­sponded.
  39. ————
  40. The time cir­cu­la­tion, one year passes.
  41. This is quite tran­quil one year.
  42. In East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, Brahma Em­peror God Realm dies from three Brahma God of the hand of Jie Yuan, after Brahma Em­peror God­dess first aban­dons, es­capes, then has been rest­ing and build­ing up strength, then has no big sound, be­fore Qianye Fant­ian did not come to the per­son, again.
  43. How­ever hid­den has rumor, Brahma Em­peror Di­vine Power that three Brahma God re­ceive, has sought the new suc­ces­sor.
  44. Only dur­ing six Star God, have not sought Xing Juekong Star God Realm is at has been dor­mant. In the world in the eyes, Star God Realm under Evil In­fant Cat­a­stro­phe on the wane hence, wants to re­store the peak at least to need sev­eral gen­er­a­tions.
  45. But six Star God were clear...... the mat­ter of Star God Em­peror miss­ing was still small, if Star God Wheel Disc is un­able to re­trieve, Star God Realm sim­ply does not have the next gen­er­a­tion.
  46. Moon God Realm usual is tran­quil, rumor Moon God Em­peror this pe­riod of time has been clos­ing up, re­sists to see any vis­it­ing.
  47. But after Eter­nal Sky God Realm was at a loss Eter­nal Sky Crown Prince, through­out be at the realm clos­ing con­di­tion.
  48. How­ever, a news spread re­cently: Eter­nal Sky God Realm is ar­rang­ing Xinli Crown Prince grand cer­e­mony, but will not in­vite the guest.
  49. Al­though Eter­nal Sky God Realm sets up the new Crown Prince speed to be above every­one to ex­pect, but does not make peo­ple ex­tremely strange. 2-3 years ago, East­ern God Ter­ri­tory then has rumor of mean­ing of Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror ger­mi­na­tion re­ces­sion, such quick Xinli Crown Prince, since to de­sali­nate sooner loses the pain of child, seems like rumor be­fore ver­i­fi­ca­tion.
  50. But, an­other rumor ac­tu­ally spreads from some Low-Rank Star Realm and Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm qui­etly.
  51. „I heard that dur­ing Eter­nal Sky God Realm these months dis­patch the per­son to go to the North­ern God Ter­ri­tory bor­der re­peat­edly. This ab­solutely not runs off at the mouth. The news seems like from East­ern God Ter­ri­tory and West­ern God Ter­ri­tory the bound­ary, that sev­eral most ap­proach North­ern God Ter­ri­tory Star Realm to spread si­mul­ta­ne­ously, likely real.”
  52. „I heard prob­a­bly, Eter­nal Sky God Realm such quick Xinli Crown Prince, is storm North­ern God Ter­ri­tory that be­cause Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror wants to take un­di­vided at­ten­tion, con­ducts large-scale bury­ing to kill to Devil.”
  53. „Ah? why!”
  54. „Still re­mem­bers for a year ago that rumor? Also trans­mits from the north­ern bound­ary: Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror once brought Zhou Qingchen to step into North­ern God Ter­ri­tory qui­etly, that rumor added that Zhou Qingchen ac­tu­ally dies in North­ern God Ter­ri­tory at that time.”
  55. „A year ago that rumor this no one be­lieves that but with the news com­pat­i­bil­ity words of pre­sent...... Ss!”
  56. „Not real?”
  57. „could it be that, does Zhou Qingchen re­ally die in North­ern God Ter­ri­tory? Eter­nal Sky God Realm realm clos­ing has been quiet, is ar­rang­ing to take re­venge?”
  58. „Zhou Qingchen is the Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror only son of first wife, re­gard­ing like the life. If were re­ally harmed by Devil, Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror fu­ri­ously will not be strange.”
  59. „On the other hand, Devil ugly species that al­though should ex­ter­mi­nate early, but if has shrunk in North­ern God Ter­ri­tory this ‚dog cage’, wants the storm is also very dif­fi­cult mat­ter, oth­er­wise three God Ter­ri­to­ries has jointly given the ex­tinc­tion North­ern God Ter­ri­tory.”
  60. „There­fore these should be only at sixes and sev­ens ab­surd bi­ogra­phies, lis­tens well.”
  61. „Said again Eter­nal Sky God Realm that plane/level mat­ter, I and oth­ers can guess can it be that.”
  62. Also does not know why „rumor that” spreads from the north­ern bound­ary, sim­i­larly un­hap­pi­ness of dis­sem­i­na­tion, also dis­sem­i­nated the rel­a­tive big range.
  63. Al­though as be­fore is not that cred­i­ble, was ba­si­cally only treated as the novel sub­ject. But this time rumor, mak­ing one as­so­ci­ated one year ago that this not have many peo­ple to be­lieve, soon for­got­ten rumor...... be­tween both, as if has some sub­tle com­pat­i­bil­ity.
  64. ————
  65. North­ern God Ter­ri­tory, Eter­nal Dark­ness Bone Sea.
  66. The dark world, Pri­mor­dial Yin en­ergy sweeps across like the hur­ri­cane un­ceas­ingly.
  67. After con­tin­u­ing sev­eral dou­ble-hour, fi­nally, in a par­tic­u­larly de­pressed rum­bled sound, Eter­nal Dark­ness Bone Sea be­longs to qui­etly.
  68. Also, the man who a wear shat­tered black robe, the body en­tan­gles the dark ma­lig­nant in­flu­ences goes out from Eter­nal Dark­ness Bone Sea grad­u­ally.
  69. Rum­ble!
  70. He is sit­u­ated in that mo­ment under day­light, the Yama Realm above dark cloud is tur­bu­lent, trem­bling surges.
  71. That fear­ful Devil God that be­cause, Heaven's Way fears, be­comes pow­er­ful.
  72. De­fends sees Yun Che in Eter­nal Dark­ness Bone Sea exit|to speak Yama Three An­ces­tors, wor­ships on bended knees rapidly, ex­claimed lowly: „Con­grat­u­lates Mas­ter to break through!”
  73. Be­hind, in all Yama per­son re­spect­ful does obei­sance in the place, the shout is shock­ing: „Con­grat­u­lates Devil Lord to break through!”
  74. The Yun Che lift­ing hand slowly, in the pupil, in the palms, is be­comes pro­founder, darker dark glow.
  75. The cor­ners of the mouth, are one let en­tire Yama Em­peror Ter­ri­tory for it dense Devil grin hideously.
  76. A year, with the aid of Eter­nal Dark­ness Bone Sea Pri­mor­dial Yin en­ergy, he was com­pleted from the Eighth Level Di­vine Sov­er­eign fast break­through to Ninth Level Di­vine Sov­er­eign...... today, suc­cess­fully vis­ited Di­vine Sov­er­eign high­est Realm.
  77. Tenth Level Di­vine Sov­er­eign.
  78. He and Chi Wuyao agree­ment, the day of Tenth Level Di­vine Sov­er­eign achieve­ment......
  79. Then when is re­venge cur­tains of war pulls open!
  80. Four years, are very short.
  81. But to him, is ex­tremely long.
  82. He is im­pa­tient!
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