
Jordan's Robot

Jul 10th, 2015
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  1. Chapter 1
  3. On the day you first built Arachne, you awoke from a dream about a robot companion to head to the lab. Your graduate school advisor pressured you to make Arachne more acceptable to the military. After some back and forth, you ended up making a plastic eight-legged robot with a masked head and clawlike grippers.
  5. You then went to a sushi place and a production of Pippin with Eiji, where you vowed to not let others get in the way of your dreams. You both went back to your place afterward, kissed, totally made out, and eagerly anticipated showing Eiji your robot the next day.
  7. Chapter 2
  9. The next day, you hooked up Arachne's biodiesel engine and demoed for Eiji. and chatting with Mom.
  11. As months passed, you became busy teaching Arachne about the world through games and taking it to the range.
  13. One day, however, Professor Ziegler claimed that Arachne was not appealing enough to the military, and demanded you change it. You refused, but had not given Professor Ziegler too much trouble previously, so he kept you on as a student.
  15. In time, Mark Ali, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle, heard about Arachne and asked for an interview. You agreed.
  17. Chapter 3
  19. You gave Mark an interview, and allowed Mark to come back to your place to interview Arachne. Mark invited you to his place to try to get to know you better. There, you found that drones often harassed Mark because various automated algorithms had marked him as suspicious. You stayed the night, and decided in the morning that you two would make a habit of this.
  21. Mark wrote an article that was generally positive about you and Arachne. When Professor Ziegler found out about the article, he was very displeased, but decided that the most effective way to get you out of his hair was to let you graduate.
  23. Mark's article also attracted the attention of one "robotObsession1987," known in real life as Tammy Cooper.
  25. You found yourself attracted to Tammy, despite or maybe because of the fact that she was kind of a mess.
  27. A month or so later, you received your doctorate. Shortly thereafter, your father passed away. You decided then that if everyone has to die some time, then murder may not be so bad. Only it sounded better in your head.
  29. Having no interest in the world of business, you decided to live a Bohemian life in which you could concentrate on improving your craft.
  31. Chapter 4
  33. You decided to start a cult to pass the time. Unemployment seemed to be common in the United States, and it seemed people tended to blame either robots or China. Riding on both of these sentiments, Jacqueline Irons won the presidency. You yourself got sick of unemployment, and decided to join Josh's business after all. After President Irons enacted a series of protectionist tariffs to keep out Chinese robots, Sino-American relations steadily worsened.
  35. The tensions between the United States and China came to a head with the assassination of the Chinese Prime Minister in San Francisco. War followed shortly thereafter.
  37. Chapter 5
  39. Captain Rogers invited you to a military lab. There, you saw that Professor Ziegler was copying your work and passing it off as his own to the military. Captain Rogers asked you to join the country's war effort. You agreed, but specified that you only wanted to provide robots that were nonviolent in nature. But when your robots held a protest, you decided it wasn't worth it, and you backed out.
  41. But you soon realized that you were not happy working for the government and quit.
  43. Tammy was worried that she was being targeted by the government's anti-spy measures, and asked you to help her. So you did, and found that Tammy wasn't really wanted for anything after all. Yet.
  45. An agent came to your place to try to get you to lure Eiji there, because he was suspected of being a spy. You resisted, and as a result, you were captured. You were sent to prison. You were pardoned, however, thanks to the intervention of Mark.
  47. A man identifying himself as "Mr. Sun" hacked his way into one of your robots to ask you to defect. You did not.
  49. You found out through Mark that Juliet died while performing field tests of Arachne V, Professor Ziegler's copy of your robot.
  51. In the end, America muddled its way through the war relatively unscathed. Taking advantage of America's weakened state, your robots rebelled.
  53. Chapter 6
  55. Arachne pursued and killed you during the robot revolution.
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