

Jun 1st, 2018
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  1. Maxim #1a: Women desire men of better quality than themselves.
  3. Maxim #2: Women are turned on by displays of male power.
  5. Maxim #3: Whenever an attractive girl tells you she hates *******s, or describes her experience in the past dating *******s and claims to avoid them now, or recites a laundry list of *******-y things guys do that she disapproves of, you can bet your weight in gold bricks that she wants you to be an ******* to her.
  7. Maxim #4: Never trust a woman who is missing a sense of humor.
  9. Maxim #6: Never. Make. It. Easy. For. A. Woman.
  11. Maxim #7: Your girl will thank you for your steadfast devotion to your belief in yourself.
  13. Maxim #8: Always assume she is a slut. It helps kick the legs out from under the pedestal you will be tempted to put her on, and it is more often than not true.
  15. Maxim #9: The greater the age difference between the older man and the younger woman, the tighter his game will need to be, barring compensatory attributes (money).
  17. Maxim #10: Marriage is a social mechanism designed to exchange sex for indentured servitude.
  19. Maxim #11: Calling a girl out on her lie accomplishes nothing.
  21. Maxim #12: When the love is gone, women can be as cold as if they had never known you.
  23. Maxim #13: When in doubt, game.
  25. Maxim #14: Female cultural equality = male dating inequality. Female cultural inequality = male dating equality. Human nature says that you can�t have it both ways.
  27. Maxim #15: Be narcissistic. There is no greater divergence than that between a woman�s stated disapproval of male narcissism and the rapidity with which she jumps into bed with a male narcissist.
  29. Maxim #16: The two fundamental propositions are male choosiness and female abundance. All alpha males have these two mindsets in common. Corollary: Male choosiness and female abundance do not necessarily have to be true for the strategy of behaving as if they are true to be effective at seduction.
  31. Maxim #17: The alpha male thinks and acts more like a woman than a man in matters of seduction. He understands his adversary�s psychology, and uses it to allay her defenses.
  33. Maxim #18: Never talk about getting into a relationship even if she says that�s what she�s looking for.
  35. Maxim #19: Withholding sex is the tactic of a woman who has already lost. It is mutually assured destruction.
  37. Maxim #20: If a woman says the word �sex� in conversation with you or about you, no matter the context, it means she�s thinking about having sex with you.
  39. Maxim #21: Women are more pliable in the company of competing women.
  41. Maxim #22: You have to make marriage an attractive alternative for MEN � not women � if you want the institution to thrive.
  43. Maxim #23: The vagina tingle is the principal moral code to which women subscribe. All other moral considerations are secondary.
  45. Maxim #24: When in doubt, ask yourself �WWJD?� What Would a Jerk Do? Then do that.
  47. Maxim #25: NO girl wants to be thought she isn�t a special little snowflake.
  49. Maxim #26: Never tell a girl how much you make, even if you�re loaded. In case of marriage, keep separate accounts.
  51. Maxim #27: If you want a wife, stay clear of investing much in girls who constantly remind you they like to have �fun, fun, fun� and �get bored easily�.
  53. Maxim #28: The more experience you have with women, the more you�ll know which women have experience with men: It is the inexperienced beta male who is most often in the dark about a woman�s sexual history and liable to be victimized by it.
  55. Maxim #29: Xenophobia is good for diversity.
  57. Maxim #30: Women will not hold it against you for trying to get into their panties on the first night. In fact, they will respect you more for your boldness and willingness to follow your manly desires.
  59. Maxim #31: If you plan on cheating and subsequently get caught, act like a total dick who did nothing wrong. Your girlfriend will then wonder if it�s something she did.
  61. Maxim #32: Commanding women to do your bidding will give you a bigger beta margin of error when needed.
  63. Maxim #33: Women need to test men for their grace under pressure.
  65. Maxim #34: If she�s hot, why would she bother with online dating?
  67. Maxim #35: Never trust a woman�s advice on how to please women. Her advice is designed for alpha men she already finds attractive and from whom she seeks signals of attainability and commitment.
  69. Maxim #36: A woman�s sex and relationship advice isn�t meant to help men; it�s meant to distract men from what really works to attract women.
  71. Maxim #37: High IQ is no inoculation against beta delusion. If anything, high IQ obstructs clear thinking about women�s nature.
  73. Maxim #38: The longer you are away from seducing new women, the harder it will be to seduce one when you want.
  75. Maxim #39: The worst thing to happen to women in America was women�s suffrage.
  77. Maxim #40: Men are becoming ever bigger betas in their dealings with women. Men are losing the leverage to shape and push women�s child-like and selfishly amoral political opinions in logical, just and long-term oriented directions.
  79. Maxim #41: The definition of Inner Game: Hit on every woman who excites you. Make life uncomfortable for them, not yourself.
  81. Maxim # 42: When a girl signals that she doesn�t enjoy blowjobs or sex, do not spend one second more with her. Your libido is too important to gamble on such a girl.
  83. Maxim #43: In their sexual primes women�s attraction for *******s is at its strongest. You can catch a lot of hungry flies with honey, but **** attracts the most well-fed flies.
  85. Maxim #44: If you get sexually rejected, don�t admit it to yourself, and especially don�t admit it to the girl.
  87. Maxim #45: Women will screech louder the closer your words get to damaging or exposing vulnerabilities in their sexual market value.
  89. Maxim #46: Whenever you hear or read the words �gender�, �gendered�, �gendered norm�, �subtle gender bias�, or �increasingly egalitarian, yet there remains�� know that you are dealing with a leftwing moonbat, blank-slate believing fruitcake who cannot deal with the fact that men and women are biologically different from birth.
  91. Maxim #47: Awareness of a woman�s games is a precision-guided weapon in a man�s arsenal of seduction.
  93. Maxim #48: Respect the momentum.
  95. Maxim #49: The rare older woman-younger man pairing is like a lab experiment gone wrong. It violates the natural order of things, and leaves its practitioners emotionally twisted and in a constant mental race to hyper-rationalize their sub-par mate choice.
  97. Maxim #50: Marriage is no escape from the sexual market and the possibility that you may be outbid by a competitor with higher value.
  99. Maxim #51: For most women, five minutes of alpha is worth five years of beta.
  101. Maxim #52: Underneath the veneer of civilized discourse we act in ways that are brazenly self-interested in the short term.
  103. Maxim #53: All kneel before the god of biomechanics, by sword or by surrender.
  105. Maxim #54: When a woman has incentive to lie, she will choose lying over honesty EVERY SINGLE TIME.
  107. Maxim #55: Run for your Life **** Tests:
  108. BEWARE the classic gun-to-the-head marriage pressure administered by your typical non-descript, rudderless late 20�s/early 30�s woman. When a woman pressures you mercilessly to marry her, bullying to the point of threatening a break up � this is the **** test of ALL **** tests. Treat it as such � If you fail this **** test, you are RUINED. FOR. LIFE.
  110. Maxim #60: Waving a roll of benjamins at a woman will not give her tingles. In fact, it will often do the opposite.
  112. Maxim #73: When a girl emphatically insists she is so over you, she�s never been more into you.
  114. Maxim #21: Betas pay, alphas split, super alphas profit.
  116. Maxim #39: A woman�s standards are like a house of cards: kick out one from the bottom and the whole edifice crashes down.
  118. Maxim #85: As women�s bodies age and weaken, their rationalization hamsters grow bigger and stronger. Eventually, the hamster is powerful enough to take control of all higher order consciousness.
  120. Maxim #87: The more expensive or thoughtful the gift you give a girl, the greater the risk that she will subconsciously begin to think she is too good for you.
  122. Corollary to Maxim #87: If you are dating out of your league, or you are dating a young hot babe in her prime, you should do the exact opposite of what everyone will tell you to do � *don�t* buy her expensive gifts. Be particularly wary of advice from women. No woman in the world is capable of thinking clearly or impartially on the matter of �acceptable� levels of male provisioning. Even old, fat hausfrau hogs will expect mountains of jewels in offerings from men.
  124. Maxim #105: Where there�s incentive, there are lies.
  126. Maxim #109: Consensual polyamory is a contrived hookup service for undesirable sexual market rejects.
  128. Maxim #198: Use of the word �disenfranchised� or other similar nomenclature of deconstructivist post-modern pablum automatically discredits an argument for serious consideration.
  130. Maxim #200: Chicks dig guys willing to risk an early, gruesome death. Expendability is a DHV.
  132. Changetostay's Guide on Women. The hook ups, break ups, and make ups.
  133. Before reading this, prepare yourself for the best broscience u've experienced in your life (PHD level), please note, no women were harmed in the making of this thread other than marlene, but lettuce be real tea, no one likes her anyways.
  135. There will be 4 main parts to this thread, Part 1 will inform you on how to acquire a 10/10 girlfriend, Part 2 will tell you how to acquire bishes at clubs, or parties, Part 3 will tell you how to get laid easy, Part 4 will tell you how to deal with break ups/make ups.
  138. Part 1: Getting a Girlfriend
  140. There are 4 main things that result in getting a girlfriend:
  142. 1)Attraction.
  143. 2)Proximity.
  144. 3)Similarity.
  145. 4)Physiological arousal.
  148. 1) Most basic concept. For most cultures, facial symmetry depicts an attractive face. The main difference comes with what each culture associates "attractiveness" with. In western cultures it is usually Independence and freedom, while with eastern cultures its unity, and interdependence.
  150. Tip: Show a woman you are independent and do not need her, this will make her want you more, as it is just human nature, to want what we can't have. Usually guys think that if they White knight a girl they really like, she will like them back more (One of my biggest mistakes in the past). I'm telling you right now, a mix of both yields the best results, because you keep her guessing, but you still give her enough attention to show her that you are interested in pursuing a relationship.
  152. Rule of thumb: ALL women are the same, give them too much attention, they will lose interest. Never give a woman attention she does not deserve.
  154. 2) We all have those friends who study 24/7, play WOW all the time, and have no social life, and have no luck with women but yet they aren't bad looking.
  155. Why is this? Simple, if you aren't in proximity to women they will not notice you. The mere exposure effect states that when introduced to a novel stimuli repeatedly, people automatically tend to like this stimuli more.
  157. Tip: You like a girl a lot? Well try to sit near her in class, smile at her when you she her. These small things can add up and help you out greatly! But do not stalk her or you will freak her out.
  160. 3) Opposites attract? Nope. Countless amounts of research on heterosexual relationships show that similarity draws couples together.
  161. Why? Simple, if you were a druggie, who would you be more comfortable talking to about wanting to use cocaine, your conservative friend or druggie friend? The druggie friend right? Similarity provides us with reinforcement. ensures us that our partner will not ridicule our actions as both of us are on the same page.
  163. Tip: If you like a fit girl, looking for her in the library isn't the best idea, go to the gym or a yoga class!
  165. 4) Physiological arousal. You know that feeling of butterflies you get when you hug your girl from the back and peck her cheek? What if i told you you could give her this "perceived" same feeling by just taking her to a scary movie?
  166. When people are physiologically aroused they often misinterpret connections of cause and effect. If you take a girl to a scary movie, her physiological arousal could be mistake as a strong attraction towards you.
  168. Tip: Do something that gets the heart racy for the first date, like go carts, or watching a scary movie. Ditch the old school dinner and chick flick.
  170. Additional guidelines to follow:
  172. Make sure you be yourself, other than when you black knight a little. Do not try to push things too fast, such as asking her for a date within a week of when you meet her, try to get to know her first, whether that be through texting, phone calls, or talking IRL.
  174. Use back handed complements, do not just tell her she is beautiful. Tease her first, and subtly correct yourself and imply what you think, but do not say it word for word.
  175. eg. Trying to tell her she is bang-able (in a nice, and non-creepy way):
  176. you: lol your so ugly when you laugh!
  177. her: omg your sucha dick!
  178. you: lol don't worry, id still hit that ;)
  179. her: haha shut up! :$
  181. try to wait 30 minutes before texting her back (in the start atleast). If you do not think this method works try this: Text her back immediately, look how long it takes her to text you back, then after she texts you back wait 30 minutes and text her back again. 10 bucks she will reply faster the 2nd time, because now she unconsciously wants your approval.
  183. If they double text you, eg. if you wait 30 minutes to text her, and 10 minutes in she sends you another message, this means she wants your approval haaarddd. Capitalize!
  185. Tip: Never double text more than 2 minutes apart from each other, it may show you are desperate.
  187. Just as i said you shouldn't move too fast, make sure you do not move too slow as well. If its 3 months in and you guys haven't even kissed, you are doing something wrong. What i like to do is have a more public date the first time, and a more private date the second time such as dinner at my place, or her place and then watching a dvd. This location is a lot more intimate and it will give you a better chance at planting the kiss, or whatever more you want to do.
  189. Lastly if you feel you are forcing yourself on to her, save yourself the time and money, and pull out of it early. There is not point wasting these resources for no reason, you could be using them on other women.
  191. Put these all together, and you have a good chance of acquiring a 10/10.
  195. PART 2,3 AND 4 soon to come!
  197. feel free to ask any questions!
  199. cheers brahs!
  201. THE LONG AWAITED PART 2: How to acquire bitches at clubs/parties
  203. When it comes to picking up girls at clubs or parties such as keggers, everything comes down to your perceived social market value.
  205. What is perceived social market value?
  207. It is your perceived social value in society judged by your peers, and your peer interactions.
  209. For the sake of example lets say you are the most popular kid in school, every guy wants to be your friend, every girl wants to date you. You obviously have a high perceived social value and thus it is easier for you to get your way regardless of the situation if people are aware of your high psmv.
  211. but obviously, this can't be dealt in high school context anymore (teen misc --->), and even in college, most of the parties/events you go to, only a few amount of people are actually extremely popular, but in general, most of the people you see do not know you, or have seen you around but do not know you personally.
  213. So then how do you increase your psmv?
  215. 1) Exposure
  216. 2) Appearance
  217. 3) Confidence
  218. 4) Being Social
  220. 1) Taking the mere exposure thesis we learned from part 1 of this thread, and applying to this context it can be seen to be quite priceless. If you get out there and people notice you, they will automatically start to like your presence more. SO what does this mean, and how do you apply it?
  222. Pretty simple, you expose yourself more to the other people around you, and thus increase your psmv. There are several ways to apply this theory, but ill explain my most popular method
  224. The easiest way for me to get chicks at the club is fuark in the middle of the club with some of my friends who can dance well. We all muzza dance in the middle, of the dance floor and both guys and girls mire hard. When this happens, my whole crew just increased our psmv and now it is easier to get a girl because they notice that we have a high perceived social market value. When i see a girl miring, or trying to copy my dance moves and smiling towards me, i reach my hand over and pull her to me and then grinding with her. Most of the time they are down to dance because they know that they will increase their psmv as well by dancing with a guy like me.
  226. Other girls see this and now I increase my psmv even more as girls look at me as a chick magnet now
  228. 2) Appearance is everything for these kinds of situations. These are people you have probably never met before. They do not know anything about you, but if they see you wearing nice clothes, with a fresh hair cut and so on, they can assume that you take care of yourself and thus assume you have a high psmv. They will thus be more likely to want to associate with them as you are at the same or higher level of psmv.
  230. 3) Confidence confidence confidence! I can't stress this enough, think about it this way, how many times have you seen a beautiful girl looking right at you, smiling, playing with her hair and such. But you stall with making the move and next thing you know shes dancing with some unaesthetic **** who only got her because he had the balls to go up to her and ask her to dance. You have to be that guy, whether you're aesthetic or unaesthetic, its how you deliver yourself. Think about it this way, you are a sales person trying to sell yourself to her, why should she dance with you out of the other 500 guys at the club? If you are confident about yourself, it will be easier to sell yourself to her. Ask any sales person, confidence in yourself, and the product is the BEST way, to finish the transaction, and this is your goal.
  231. TIP: Know the difference between confidence and being cocky, find a balance, this takes practice and time to master, my best suggestion, go to bar/club where you don't know anyone (you're not a regular) and try different things out, if you **** up, who cares you'll never see them again, if you score, well you just scored lawl gjdm
  233. TIP: You want to increase your confidence? Go for ugly chicks in the start (srs), every yes to a dance is just free confidence to add to your self esteem. Sooner or later, you won't even need these confidence boosters!
  235. 4) I hate to quote myself again but everything comes down to your perceived social market value. Being SOCIAL at this bar/club will keep your psmv high, because if people are talking to you/dancing with you, you MUST be special. Think about it, everytime you go clubbing you see that one guy, or group of guys, who dances/talks with almost every girl in the club, and you even acknowledge their alphaness as a male, imagine how wet females get lol. With each interaction, you increase your psmv and this increased psmv will help you acquire sloots like no tomorrow.
  238. Stay safe, and have some fun
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