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Brief history of the human civilization. Volume III

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Dec 19th, 2017
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  1. 1939. The German invasion of Poland begins. starting, the Second World War.
  3. 1941. The Sino-Japanese, and the European wars merge. creating the Axis Powers, and Allied Forces.
  5. 1942. Heavy losses incur on both sides and the death tolls keep rising. Trying to wrestle control, The Axis Powers and the Allied Forces start to heavily invest in advancing military technologies, resulting in an arms race during the Second World War.
  6. Several breakthroughs are made in many scientific fields.
  8. 1943. The Axis Powers make a breakthrough in rocket and atomic technologies. successfully creating the world's first Atom Bomb, the V-3.
  9. The Axis Powers proceed to threaten the Allied Forces to admit defeat or face their destruction.
  10. The Allied Forces keep a very tight censure on this threat to keep the citizens from descending into panic and chaos.
  11. Deciding to take action, they assemble an elite black ops team, from deep undercover spies and high ranking dissident officers of the Axis Powers as a last resort, to sabotage the V-3.
  12. Operation Broken Blade begins near the end of the year, and succeeds in December 19th, causing the V-3 to explode in it's secret bunker, creating the Eastern European Deadzone (referred to as EED), and destroying the superweapon in possession of the Axis Powers.
  14. 1944. The war reignites as the Axis Powers lose the V-3, and the Allied Forces go on an offensive.
  15. After more and more losses, the Allied Forces manage to completely push back the Axis Powers and start the invasion of their home countries.
  16. The highest Echelons of the Third Reich decide to remove their leader, Adolf Hitler.
  17. After staging a fake suicide and take control Adolf Hitler is taken into Brazil. Meanwhile, a loyal and genius scientist, Johan Von Reine successfully theorizes a space propulsion technology faster than any convectional travel.
  18. This knowledge, however, never sees any use in the war.
  20. 1945. The Axis Powers are decimated, losing the Second World War.
  21. A treaty is signed by the winners, declaring the usage of V-3 class weapons as forbidden.
  22. Usable assets are divided between the Allied Forces. The USSR takes possession of Johan Von Reine among other scientists.
  23. The Allied Forces, having been in knowledge of Johan's work, fight a brutal, bureaucratic, political war between themselves which the USSR wins by seceding the Easter European Deadzone (EED) to gain ownership of Johan Von Reine.
  24. In a politically charged decision not to start a cold war, the USA decides to take this offer. The sterilization of Eastern European Deadzone (EED) by the USA begins.
  26. 1948. While the USA is cleaning the Eastern European Deadzone, they discover ores, that seem to be metal infused with living matter, forming a 3 dimensional deposit of Graphene.
  27. After much biological and mineral research, it is determined that it's a mutation birth defect in a specific reptilian species due to the radiation in the EED .
  28. Further tests prove that this new material is 200 times better than the strongest steel.
  29. Meanwhile in the USSR massive breakthroughs regarding space propulsion and travel are taking place, with Johan Von Reine inventing the Reine Drive.
  30. An engine using nuclear fission, theoretically capable to travel at 250 km/s in vacuum and travel 1 AU in a week.
  32. 1955. As the USA begins artificial production of 3 dimensional Graphene, and finances scientists to discover it's usage in military and other industries, the 34th president of the United States of America, Thomas Bronson, approves of a certain secret black manufacturing project.
  33. A cooperation between the USA military and Lockheed Martin to create a stealth military aircraft from Graphene, capable of hypersonic travel, possessing highly destructive armaments.
  34. The aircraft, titled "A 10 Thunderbolt" enters production in a select few factories. The most notable ones including Area 51, and the deep underwater bases located in the Bermuda triangle.
  35. The USSR proceeds to publicly launch it's first sattelite into space to orbit earth. The true goal however was to launch a probe into deeper space to test the Reine Drive.
  36. The first test show success and plans to create a space station for future use begin to take root in the USSR .
  38. 1967. The Western European Commerce and Trade Agreement, WECTA is signed by all of the surviving European countries of the Second World War, forming the Western European Union WEU.
  39. Meanwhile in the east, Japan, China, and Korea sign a non aggression pact, and shortly, a unification treaty, simply referred to as, "the Senkaku treaty". This treaty creates the Unified Countries of East Asia, UCEA.
  40. A war, later referenced to as the Second Holocaust breaks out between Saudi Arabia and Israel. The war starts due to the rapid expansion and resource demand of Israel.
  41. Both the USSR and the USA join the war. Offering support for the opposing sides, creating a proxy war.
  42. The "A 10 Thunderbolt" sees it's first deployment into combat on the side of Saudi Arabia, putting a quick end to the Second Holocaust.
  43. With Israel devastated the USSR realizes that they are much further behind in military technologies. To retaliate, they begin secret manufacturing of a modified V-3 rocket with the Reine Drive and start the preparation of an orbital space station.
  45. 1975. The USSR finishes developement of the modified V-3, but information leaks of it's production.
  46. The USA, WEU, and UCEA start a coordinated assault into USSR territory for violating the Versailles treaty.
  47. As the one sided war wages on, the russian leader, Ivanov Gagarin, commands the Russian military complex to fire the modified V-3 towards Washington DC in a final strike.
  48. Without any means to stop or defend against such a quick rocket, the modfied V-3 strikes Washington DC eradicating most of the current government of the USA, causing chaos and anarchy to ensume among the population, making the knowledge of producing graphene and the Reine Drive disappear.
  50. 1984. After the devastation of both superpowers, the WEU and UCEA try to colonize the USA and the USSR respectively, but run into heavy and organized resistance.
  51. The lack of an overseeing government caused corporations to build and own city states and private armies i nthe two shell countires.
  52. As the great cauldron of corporations wage a physical and informational war, some corporations start to contact and trade with the WEU and UCEA and manage to make the two new superpowers to acknowledge them officially as countries.
  53. The WEU and UCEA commit to trading and communication, but does not interject in the dealings of these corporations.
  54. Unmoral and unethical weapons, actions, and scientific tests are rampart in the two devastated countries.
  55. Mentionable corporations in the former USA include: FedEx, a carrier service used universally by almost all corporate cities.
  56. Vaub Heavy Industries, Manufacturer of most heavy machinery, including armored military crafts.
  57. Berimbau Agricultures, supplying most of the edible food in the USA, and Johan Sciences Inc, named after the creator of the Reine Drive. They incorporate countless scientists working on new technologies every day.
  59. 1986. The WEU completely exhausts their remaining Graphene reserves, causing a shift in it's economy towards reusing, and repossessing Graphene.
  60. The main leader in this effort, is Kavics Geik GmbH.
  61. John Polton is admitted into the University of Johan Sciences.
  62. There he starts his thesis about trying to recreate three dimensional Graphene.
  63. Meanwhile in the former USSR, Yuri Kapuy is finishing his major in Space Reclamation in the corp city of Sevastopolskaja Technologies.
  65. 1993. John Polton, and Yuri Kapuy meet in a scientific expo hosted by the WEU's biggest scientific corporation, the Albert Zrt.
  66. The pair decides to work together in an effort to improve the Reine Drive.
  67. Using Graphene for a frame and inner components the duo manages to improve it's theoretical efficiency by 74 times, causing the engine to reach 75 AU, per week traveled, however further testing is required.
  68. Other than that at the expo, the Actium War-Rig exo suit with it's own internal power source is announced and showcased by Vaub Heavy Industries.
  69. It's civilian and industrial variant are also present at the expo and orderable.
  71. 1996. As John Polton and Yuri Kapuy reveal their findings to the world, a corporate race begins to manufacture spaceships capable to fit the new space propulsion technology now named Polton-Kapuy Drive.
  73. 2001. Traveling in space is deemed reliable by the Hegemony of Earth Mega Corporations (HEMC) during the space trip of the Ark I, the first ever spaceship to work with a Polton-Kapuy Drive.
  74. The Ark I successfully slingshots past earth, visiting Mars, the ring of Saturn, and finally Pluto, before returning to earth.
  75. The HEMC begins financing missions to prepare to colonize the system beginning with our moon.
  77. 2007. The first moon base is officially established. The Selene, with a populace of 273681, sets up mining extensions and starts digging into the core of Earth's moon.
  78. An extensive trading route is established between the Selene and various other corporate cities.
  79. With the technological advances in multiple fields, commercial space ship pilot becomes an accessible career to the public.
  80. Projects to built space lifts to ease launch costs and interplanetary travel and trading are being handed in across HEMC boards.
  82. 2012. The colony "Gorgon II", discover the ruins of an Ancient civilization predating humans on Mars while digging. Excavation and further on-site research begins.
  84. 2013. Loss of contact with colony "Gorgon II". Several unsuccessful attempts at re-establishing communications by nearby colonies.
  85. The HEMC officially marks "Gorgon II" as a Code Red Black-site on Mars. Some colonies report increased tectonic activity on the moon.
  86. The Republic of Moon Houses (RMH) holds a referendum about declaring independence from the HEMC, Which passes with the citizens of RMH voting 9/10 in favor for independence.
  87. This marks the beginning of the First Interplanetary Wars.
  89. 2016. As the First Interplanetary War rages on between HEMC and RMH, a terrorist attack by Europa colonists is carried out in the world capital of Earth, New Hope.
  90. The terrorists manage to blow up a V-4 category hydrogen bomb, destroying half of the city and killing one third of it's population. This turns the tables on HEMC's winning streak against RMH .
  91. As a retaliation, the HEMC demands the Mars colonies take action against the newly formed Moons Alliance (MA), and by extension, Moon and Europa colonies.
  92. The Mars colonies, deploy a never seen before weapon, the "Xynthal". A precision laser based technology left behind by ancient civilizations outfitted onto orbital turrets.
  93. These turrets deliver a crippling blow to moon colonies.
  95. 2019. The First Interplanetary War ends, with MA colonies gaining independence from the HEMC, but are required, by a peace treaty, to keep up manufacturing and mining with the same credit rates as before the war, for 50 years.
  96. After an exhausting war is over, scientists refocus into other fields. Among many, a brand new discovery is made by Adam Herstal regarding biological aging.
  97. With genetic treatment, human lifespan is successfully expanded to 200 years.
  98. Only available to rich circles at first, Genetic clinics began to spread throughout the Sol system.
  99. Semi Sentient AI is officially revealed by Imre Kovács, and his team of programmers and scientists. Capable to perform a very wide variety of work, production of working and personal robots begin.
  101. 2035. The Sol system is fully colonized and in peace. Shared work begins on a Drive that can possibly leap to other star systems.
  102. Lead scientists include John Polton and Yuri Kapuy.
  103. A massive cult on Mars makes off with an unknown ancient artifact.
  104. Calling themselves Uruk's children, they manage to wrestle control over the docking spaceship "39HU72 - Baboon" and shoot themselves off into deep space.
  105. Later that year, both John Polton and Yuri Kapuy is assassinated in a mysterious fashion.
  106. Both the HEMC, and MA, governments launch a heavy and deep investigation, but find nothing of substance and end their investigations.
  108. 2077. While slowed down extensively because of the lack of the 2 genius minds of John Polton and Yuri Kapuy, a new drive is successfully developed by lead scientist, Ida Suichi.
  109. Ida names the new Drive the "Micro-verse Bubble" Drive (MB Drive for short). This Drive operates on Fusion energy instead of nuclear fission.
  110. With a successful jump to and back from the Alpha Centauri, plans for a bigger range MB drive and colonization attempts begin in the Alpha Centauri.
  112. 2102. Nearby star systems are getting colonized by humanity. Trading routes are being established between star systems. MB drives become purchaseable to the public. A brand new frontier opens up for human exploration.
  114. 2245. First contact with an intelligent alien species. Named "Thidians", their society is industrial, but after the initial contact, the Thidians capture and execute the human ambassadors, including Annah Waldreich.
  115. The Sol System Navy (SSN) "O34PR9 - SSN Ishimura" retaliates, and wipes out the whole planet, in an event known as the Waldreich Massacre.
  116. The Ishimura's captain, Thompson Waldreich, is dishonorably discharged from the SSN.
  118. 2298. With piracy becoming more and more rampart, the SSN sets up patrol locations in star system space, creating the United Systems Policing Units (USPU) bots.
  119. During a raid on a hauler ship, pirate Molly Winchester infects it's system with a virus to disabling it's movements.
  120. The aforementioned hauler ship was a disguised USPU ship, sent by the SSN into nearby star systems to investigate privacy.
  121. As the virus eats itself into the comm center, it quickly spreads to nearby ships and planets, essentially crippling and freezing Humanity in place for 28 weeks.
  122. This event is later refered to as "the Great Blackout". A gigantic bounty for Molly Winchester surfaces from the SSN and USPU.
  123. Numerous freelancers take this job up, giving a new birth to bounty hunting.
  125. 2466. Humanity has expanded far beyond it's previous reaches. A contact with an Equal Level (EL) alien race, calling themselves the Quip'toahs, is made.
  126. After the initial settling, trade starts flourishing between the two civilizations. Citizens of both turn to tourism.
  128. 2719. Humanity settles in their respective space and continues to expand in directions that aren't leading towards other civilization's territories.
  129. Humanity discovers it's first space anomaly, now named as the "Genesis Point". During it's investiagtion it's found out, that this anomaly is moving in space and time, while remaining in the same physical location due to it's gravitational anomaly, bending spacetime in an erratic way.
  130. During it's research, a frigate class scientific ship in possession of the Johan Sciences inc, the "66IG23T - Einstein Theta" suffers an accident.
  131. Being too close to the Anomaly when it phased out of existence lead to a quarter of the frigate being taken with the anomaly.
  132. Abdul Kabbah starts his research into a possible new technology, the quantum state.
  134. 2744. Abdul Kabbah succesfully manages to produce changes in a matter's quantum state. This discovery gives way to a brand new level of usability in products.
  135. A new Drive by Haumm Toland is successfully produced and tested. The Toland Drive, based on quantum technology gives way to a much further expansion, as it's capable to overjump neighbouring civilizations.
  136. Rumors about a shadow government vying for control in the system "298754 - Suda Lambda" surface. After investigation of the SSN, the claim is dismissed.
  137. The "39HU72 - Baboon" starship is found floating in deep space. Neither the crew or the artifact is found after boarding.
  139. 2869. A Probe, bearing the flag and language of the USSR is found. Initial scans show that it's been repurposed and well maintained. An investigation into suspicious activity begins.
  140. Shortly, the Core Systems Triumvirate (CST) incorporating the core systems and lead by the 3 largest out of billions accuses the Offworld Colonies Establishment (OCE) of trying to recreate the USSR.
  141. This leads to "the Fracture". The CST, and the OCE, part ways, essentially breaking humanity into two.
  143. 2872. FedEx establishes trading bases in the "267741 - Omega Epsilon" system connecting it to the FedEx courier services.
  144. Abdul Kallah dies of a natural cause.
  145. A new space anomaly is found in OCE territory, leading to a "Second Anomaly Rush". The CST starts to become desperate to access the anomaly for further study.
  147. 2873. Our Story Begins.
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