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WinMetdata Diff 9879 - 9901

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Dec 14th, 2014
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  2. MetaDiff v0.1
  4. new file: new\Windows.ApplicationModel.winmd
  5. old file: old\Windows.ApplicationModel.winmd
  7. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  9. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Package {
  10. + public DateTime InstallDate { get; }
  11. + public string GetThumbnailToken();
  12. + public void Launch( string parameters );
  13. | }
  15. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.PackageId {
  16. + public string Author { get; }
  17. + public string ProductId { get; }
  18. | }
  20. + public struct Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.ActivatedEventsContract {
  21. + }
  23. | public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.ActivationKind {
  24. + VoiceCommand = 16,
  25. + PickerReturned = 1000,
  26. + WalletAction = 1001,
  27. + WebAuthenticationBrokerContinuation = 1005,
  28. + ProtocolWithResultsContinuation = 1009,
  29. + ProtocolForResults = 1010,
  30. | }
  32. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.AppointmentsProviderShowAppointmentDetailsActivatedEventArgs {
  33. + public ActivationKind Kind { get; }
  34. + public ApplicationExecutionState PreviousExecutionState { get; }
  35. + public SplashScreen SplashScreen { get; }
  36. + public string Verb { get; }
  37. + public IReference<DateTime> InstanceStartDate { get; }
  38. + public string LocalId { get; }
  39. + public string RoamingId { get; }
  40. + }
  42. + public interface Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.IAppointmentsProviderShowAppointmentDetailsActivatedEventArgs {
  43. + public IReference<DateTime> InstanceStartDate { get; }
  44. + public string LocalId { get; }
  45. + public string RoamingId { get; }
  46. + }
  48. + public interface Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.IFolderActivatedEventArgs {
  49. + public IStorageFolder Folder { get; }
  50. + public IVectorView<IStorageItem> SelectedItems { get; }
  51. + }
  53. + public interface Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.IPickerReturnedActivatedEventArgs {
  54. + public string PickerOperationId { get; }
  55. + }
  57. + public interface Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.IProtocolActivatedEventArgsWithCallerPackageFamilyNameAndData {
  58. + public string CallerPackageFamilyName { get; }
  59. + public ValueSet Data { get; }
  60. + }
  62. * public interface Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.ISplashScreen;
  64. + public interface Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.IVoiceCommandActivatedEventArgs {
  65. + public SpeechRecognitionResult Result { get; }
  66. + }
  68. + public interface Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.IWalletActionActivatedEventArgs {
  69. + public string ActionId { get; }
  70. + public WalletActionKind ActionKind { get; }
  71. + public string ItemId { get; }
  72. + }
  74. + public interface Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.IWebAuthenticationBrokerContinuationEventArgs {
  75. + public WebAuthenticationResult WebAuthenticationResult { get; }
  76. + }
  78. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.PickerReturnedActivatedEventArgs {
  79. + public ActivationKind Kind { get; }
  80. + public ApplicationExecutionState PreviousExecutionState { get; }
  81. + public SplashScreen SplashScreen { get; }
  82. + public string PickerOperationId { get; }
  83. + }
  85. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.ProtocolForResultsActivatedEventArgs {
  86. + public ActivationKind Kind { get; }
  87. + public ApplicationExecutionState PreviousExecutionState { get; }
  88. + public SplashScreen SplashScreen { get; }
  89. + public int CurrentlyShownApplicationViewId { get; }
  90. + public Uri Uri { get; }
  91. + public string CallerPackageFamilyName { get; }
  92. + public ValueSet Data { get; }
  93. + public ProtocolForResultsOperation ProtocolForResultsOperation { get; }
  94. + }
  96. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.ProtocolWithResultsContinuationActivatedEventArgs {
  97. + public ActivationKind Kind { get; }
  98. + public ApplicationExecutionState PreviousExecutionState { get; }
  99. + public SplashScreen SplashScreen { get; }
  100. + public ValueSet ContinuationData { get; }
  101. + public ValueSet Result { get; }
  102. + }
  104. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.VoiceCommandActivatedEventArgs {
  105. + public ActivationKind Kind { get; }
  106. + public ApplicationExecutionState PreviousExecutionState { get; }
  107. + public SplashScreen SplashScreen { get; }
  108. + public SpeechRecognitionResult Result { get; }
  109. + }
  111. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.WalletActionActivatedEventArgs {
  112. + public ActivationKind Kind { get; }
  113. + public ApplicationExecutionState PreviousExecutionState { get; }
  114. + public SplashScreen SplashScreen { get; }
  115. + public string ActionId { get; }
  116. + public WalletActionKind ActionKind { get; }
  117. + public string ItemId { get; }
  118. + }
  120. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.WebAuthenticationBrokerContinuationEventArgs {
  121. + public ActivationKind Kind { get; }
  122. + public ApplicationExecutionState PreviousExecutionState { get; }
  123. + public SplashScreen SplashScreen { get; }
  124. + public ValueSet ContinuationData { get; }
  125. + public WebAuthenticationResult WebAuthenticationResult { get; }
  126. + }
  128. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.Appointment {
  129. + public ulong ServerChangeNumber { get; set; }
  130. | }
  132. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentCalendarSyncAdapter {
  133. + public AppointmentCalendarSyncState CurrentState { get; }
  134. + public DateTime LastAttemptedSyncTime { get; }
  135. + public DateTime LastSuccessfulSyncTime { get; }
  136. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> SyncAsync();
  137. + TypedEventHandler<AppointmentCalendar, AppointmentCalendarSyncStatusChangedEventArgs> SyncStatusChanged;
  138. + }
  140. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentCalendarSyncState {
  141. + Unknown = 0,
  142. + Idle = 1,
  143. + Syncing = 2,
  144. + Disconnected = 3,
  145. + Throttled = 4,
  146. + UserAttentionRequired = 5,
  147. + }
  149. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentCalendarSyncStatusChangedEventArgs {
  150. + public AppointmentCalendarSyncState CurrentState { get; }
  151. + public DateTime LastAttemptedSyncTime { get; }
  152. + public DateTime LastSuccessfulSyncTime { get; }
  153. + }
  155. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentProperties {
  156. + public string ServerChangeNumber { get; }
  157. | }
  159. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentStoreNotificationTriggerDetails {
  160. + }
  162. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentsProvider.AppointmentsProviderLaunchActionVerbs {
  163. + public string ShowAppointmentDetails { get; }
  164. | }
  166. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.AppointmentStoreNotificationTrigger {
  167. + public AppointmentStoreNotificationTrigger();
  168. + }
  170. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.CachedFileUpdaterTrigger {
  171. + public CachedFileUpdaterTrigger();
  172. + }
  174. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.CachedFileUpdaterTriggerDetails {
  175. + public bool CanRequestUserInput { get; }
  176. + public FileUpdateRequest UpdateRequest { get; }
  177. + public CachedFileTarget UpdateTarget { get; }
  178. + }
  180. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.ContactStoreNotificationTrigger {
  181. + public ContactStoreNotificationTrigger();
  182. + }
  184. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.DeviceManufacturerNotificationTrigger {
  185. + public bool OneShot { get; }
  186. + public string TriggerQualifier { get; }
  187. + public DeviceManufacturerNotificationTrigger( string triggerQualifier, bool oneShot );
  188. + }
  190. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.EmailStoreNotificationTrigger {
  191. + public EmailStoreNotificationTrigger();
  192. + }
  194. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.PhoneTrigger {
  195. + public bool OneShot { get; }
  196. + public PhoneTriggerType TriggerType { get; }
  197. + public PhoneTrigger( PhoneTriggerType type, bool oneShot );
  198. + }
  200. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.SensorDataThresholdTrigger {
  201. + public SensorDataThresholdTrigger( ISensorDataThreshold threshold );
  202. + }
  204. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.SmartCardTrigger {
  205. + public SmartCardTriggerType TriggerType { get; }
  206. + public SmartCardTrigger( SmartCardTriggerType triggerType );
  207. + }
  209. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.ToastNotificationHistoryChangedTrigger {
  210. + public ToastNotificationHistoryChangedTrigger( string applicationId );
  211. + public ToastNotificationHistoryChangedTrigger();
  212. + }
  214. + public struct Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.LockScreenCallContract {
  215. + }
  217. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogEntry {
  218. + public bool IsEmergency { get; set; }
  219. + public bool IsCallerIdBlocked { get; set; }
  220. + public bool IsSeen { get; set; }
  221. + public IReference<TimeSpan> Duration { get; set; }
  222. + public PhoneCallLogEntryDirection Direction { get; set; }
  223. + public PhoneCallLogEntryAddress Address { get; set; }
  224. + public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
  225. + public string RemoteId { get; set; }
  226. + public PhoneCallLogEntryKind Kind { get; set; }
  227. + public bool IsVoicemail { get; set; }
  228. + public bool IsSuppressed { get; set; }
  229. + public string Id { get; }
  230. + public string ProviderId { get; }
  231. + public PhoneCallLogEntry();
  232. + }
  234. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogEntryAddress {
  235. + public string RawAddress { get; set; }
  236. + public string DisplayName { get; set; }
  237. + public PhoneCallLogEntryAddress();
  238. + }
  240. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogEntryDirection {
  241. + Outgoing = 0,
  242. + IncomingAnswered = 1,
  243. + IncomingMissed = 2,
  244. + IncomingRinging = 3,
  245. + }
  247. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogEntryKind {
  248. + CellularAudio = 0,
  249. + CellularVideo = 1,
  250. + VoipAudio = 2,
  251. + VoipVideo = 3,
  252. + VoipPstn = 4,
  253. + }
  255. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogEntryMatchReason {
  256. + public PhoneCallLogEntryMatchReasonField MatchedField { get; }
  257. + public IVectorView<TextSegment> MatchedSegments { get; }
  258. + public string MatchedText { get; }
  259. + }
  261. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogEntryMatchReasonField {
  262. + DisplayName = 0,
  263. + RawAddress = 1,
  264. + }
  266. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogEntryQuery {
  267. + public string SearchText { get; set; }
  268. + public PhoneCallLogEntryQueryKinds Kinds { get; set; }
  269. + public PhoneCallLogEntryQueryDirections Directions { get; set; }
  270. + public IVector<string> PhoneCallLogEntryProviderIds { get; }
  271. + public PhoneCallLogEntryQuery();
  272. + }
  274. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogEntryQueryDirections {
  275. + None = 0,
  276. + Outgoing = 1,
  277. + IncomingAnswered = 2,
  278. + IncomingMissed = 4,
  279. + IncomingRinging = 8,
  280. + All = 4294967295,
  281. + }
  283. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogEntryQueryKinds {
  284. + None = 0,
  285. + CellularAudio = 1,
  286. + CellularVideo = 2,
  287. + VoipAudio = 4,
  288. + VoipVideo = 8,
  289. + VoipPstn = 16,
  290. + All = 4294967295,
  291. + }
  293. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogEntryReader {
  294. + public IVectorView<PhoneCallLogEntryMatchReason> GetMatchingPropertiesWithMatchReason( PhoneCallLogEntry result );
  295. + public IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<PhoneCallLogEntry>> ReadBatchAsync();
  296. + }
  298. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogManager {
  299. + public static IAsyncOperation<PhoneCallLogStore> RequestCallLogStoreAsync( PhoneCallLogStoreAccessType result );
  300. + }
  302. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogProvider {
  303. + public PhoneCallLogProviderOtherAppWriteAccess OtherAppWriteAccess { get; set; }
  304. + public PhoneCallLogProviderOtherAppReadAccess OtherAppReadAccess { get; set; }
  305. + public string DisplayName { get; set; }
  306. + public string Id { get; }
  307. + public string SourceDisplayName { get; }
  308. + public IAsyncAction SaveAsync();
  309. + public IAsyncAction DeleteAsync();
  310. + }
  312. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogProviderOtherAppReadAccess {
  313. + SystemOnly = 0,
  314. + Full = 1,
  315. + }
  317. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogProviderOtherAppWriteAccess {
  318. + None = 0,
  319. + Limited = 1,
  320. + }
  322. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogStore {
  323. + public IAsyncOperation<PhoneCallLogEntry> GetPhoneCallLogEntryAsync( string result );
  324. + public PhoneCallLogEntryReader GetCallLogEntryReader();
  325. + public PhoneCallLogEntryReader GetCallLogEntryReader( PhoneCallLogEntryQuery result );
  326. + public IAsyncAction SavePhoneCallLogEntryAsync( PhoneCallLogEntry result );
  327. + public IAsyncAction MarkPhoneCallLogEntriesAsSeenAsync( IVector<PhoneCallLogEntry> result );
  328. + public IAsyncAction MarkPhoneCallLogEntryAsSeenAsync( PhoneCallLogEntry result );
  329. + public IAsyncAction DeletePhoneCallLogEntriesAsync( IVector<PhoneCallLogEntry> result );
  330. + public IAsyncAction DeletePhoneCallLogEntryAsync( PhoneCallLogEntry result );
  331. + public IAsyncOperation<PhoneCallLogProvider> CreatePhoneCallLogProviderAsync( string result );
  332. + public IAsyncOperation<PhoneCallLogProvider> GetPhoneCallLogProviderAsync();
  333. + public IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<PhoneCallLogProvider>> GetPhoneCallLogProvidersAsync();
  334. + public IAsyncOperation<uint> GetPhoneCallLogProvidersUnseenCountAsync( IVectorView<PhoneCallLogProvider> result );
  335. + public IAsyncOperation<uint> GetPhoneCallLogProvidersUnseenCountAsync();
  336. + public IAsyncAction MarkPhoneCallLogProvidersAsSeenAsync( IVectorView<PhoneCallLogProvider> result );
  337. + public IAsyncAction MarkPhoneCallLogProvidersAsSeenAsync();
  338. + }
  340. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallLogStoreAccessType {
  341. + AppProvidersReadWrite = 0,
  342. + AllProvidersReadOnly = 1,
  343. + AllProvidersReadWrite = 2,
  344. + }
  346. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallStore {
  347. + public PhoneLineWatcher RequestLineWatcher();
  348. | }
  350. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLine {
  351. + public bool SupportsTile { get; }
  352. | }
  354. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLineWatcher {
  355. + public PhoneLineWatcherStatus Status { get; }
  356. + public void Start();
  357. + public void Stop();
  358. + TypedEventHandler<PhoneLineWatcher, object> EnumerationCompleted;
  359. + TypedEventHandler<PhoneLineWatcher, PhoneLineWatcherEventArgs> LineAdded;
  360. + TypedEventHandler<PhoneLineWatcher, PhoneLineWatcherEventArgs> LineRemoved;
  361. + TypedEventHandler<PhoneLineWatcher, PhoneLineWatcherEventArgs> LineUpdated;
  362. + TypedEventHandler<PhoneLineWatcher, object> Stopped;
  363. + }
  365. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLineWatcherEventArgs {
  366. + public Guid LineId { get; }
  367. + }
  369. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLineWatcherStatus {
  370. + Created = 0,
  371. + Started = 1,
  372. + EnumerationCompleted = 2,
  373. + Stopped = 3,
  374. + Aborted = 4,
  375. + }
  377. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneVoicemail {
  378. - public void ShowVisualVoicemailUI();
  379. | }
  381. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Background.PhoneCallStateChangedTriggerDetails {
  382. + public uint ActiveCallCount { get; }
  383. + public uint EndedCallCount { get; }
  384. + public uint IncomingCallCount { get; }
  385. + }
  387. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Background.PhoneLineChangeType {
  388. + Added = 0,
  389. + Removed = 1,
  390. + Changed = 2,
  391. + }
  393. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Background.PhoneLineChangedTriggerDetails {
  394. + public PhoneLineChangeType ChangeType { get; }
  395. + public Guid LineId { get; }
  396. + public bool HasLinePropertyChanged( PhoneLineProperties pResult );
  397. + }
  399. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Background.PhoneLineProperties {
  400. + None = 0,
  401. + BrandingOptions = 1,
  402. + CanDial = 2,
  403. + CellularDetails = 4,
  404. + DisplayColor = 8,
  405. + Name = 16,
  406. + NetworkName = 32,
  407. + NetworkState = 64,
  408. + Transport = 128,
  409. + Voicemail = 256,
  410. + }
  412. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Background.PhoneTriggerType {
  413. + CallStateChanged = 0,
  414. + NewVoicemailMessage = 1,
  415. + CallHistoryChanged = 2,
  416. + LineChanged = 3,
  417. + AirplaneModeDisabledForEmergencyCall = 4,
  418. + }
  420. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Background.PhoneVoicemailCountChangedTriggerDetails {
  421. + public Guid LineId { get; }
  422. + public uint VoicemailCount { get; }
  423. + public string VoicemailMessage { get; }
  424. + }
  426. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.ContactsTemp.Contact {
  427. + public bool IsDisplayPictureManuallySet { get; }
  428. - public bool IsDisplayPictureIsManuallySet { get; }
  429. | }
  431. | public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.ContactsTemp.ContactBatchStatus {
  432. + ServerSearchPartnershipError = 1,
  433. - UserActionableError = 1,
  434. - InactionableError = 2,
  435. | }
  437. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.ContactsTemp.ContactList {
  438. + public bool SupportsServerSearch { get; }
  439. + public ContactListSyncAdapter SyncAdapter { get; }
  440. | }
  442. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.ContactsTemp.ContactListSyncAdapter {
  443. + public ContactListSyncState CurrentState { get; }
  444. + public DateTime LastAttemptedSyncTime { get; }
  445. + public DateTime LastSuccessfulSyncTime { get; }
  446. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> SyncAsync();
  447. + TypedEventHandler<ContactList, ContactListSyncStatusChangedEventArgs> SyncStatusChanged;
  448. + }
  450. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.ContactsTemp.ContactListSyncState {
  451. + Unknown = 0,
  452. + Idle = 1,
  453. + Syncing = 2,
  454. + Disconnected = 3,
  455. + Throttled = 4,
  456. + UserAttentionRequired = 5,
  457. + }
  459. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.ContactsTemp.ContactListSyncStatusChangedEventArgs {
  460. + public ContactListSyncState CurrentState { get; }
  461. + public DateTime LastAttemptedSyncTime { get; }
  462. + public DateTime LastSuccessfulSyncTime { get; }
  463. + }
  465. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.ContactsTemp.ContactStoreNotificationTriggerDetails {
  466. + }
  468. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.CrossSystem.PeerSystem {
  469. + public string Name { get; }
  470. + public ValueSet Properties { get; }
  471. + }
  473. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.CrossSystem.PeerSystemQuery {
  474. + public IIterable<string> UriSchemes { get; }
  475. + public IAsyncOperation<IIterable<PeerSystem>> FindAsync();
  476. + }
  478. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.SharedStorageAccessManager {
  479. + public static string AddFile( IStorageFile outToken );
  480. + public static IAsyncOperation<StorageFile> RedeemTokenForFileAsync( string operation );
  481. + public static void RemoveFile( string token );
  482. + }
  484. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.DragDrop.DragUIOptions {
  485. + None = 0,
  486. + SuppressAdornments = 1,
  487. + }
  489. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.DragDrop.Core.CoreDragOperation {
  490. - public IVector<uint> PointerIds { get; }
  491. + public void SetPointerId( uint pointerId );
  492. + public void SetDragUIContent( object dragContent, Size contentSize );
  493. + public void SetDragUIContent( object dragContent, Size contentSize, Point anchorPoint );
  494. - public void SetDragUI( object dragContent, Size contentSize, Point anchorPoint );
  495. | }
  497. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.DragDrop.Core.CoreDragUI {
  498. * public DragUIOptions Options { get; set; }
  499. + public void SetDragUIContentOverride( object dragContent, Size contentSize );
  500. + public void SetDragUIContentOverride( object dragContent, Size contentSize, Point anchorPoint );
  501. + public void ClearDragUIContentOverride();
  502. - public void SetContent( object dragContent, IReference<Size> contentSize );
  503. | }
  505. - public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.DragDrop.Core.CoreDragUIOptions;
  507. - public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailCreateResponseType;
  509. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailbox {
  510. + public bool MustEncryptSmimeMessages { get; }
  511. + public bool MustEncryptUnderLockscreen { get; }
  512. + public bool MustSignSmimeMessages { get; }
  513. + public bool AllowSmimeSoftCerts { get; }
  514. + public bool AllowSmimeEncryptionAlgorithmNegotiation { get; }
  515. + public SmimeEncryptionAlgorithm RequiredSmimeEncryptionAlgorithm { get; }
  516. + public SmimeSigningAlgorithm RequiredSmimeSigningAlgorithm { get; }
  517. + public EmailMailboxSyncAdapter SyncAdapter { get; }
  518. + public IAsyncOperation<EmailMessage> CreateResponseMessageAsync( string result, EmailMessageResponseType messageId, string responseType, EmailMessageBodyType subject, string responseHeaderType );
  519. + public IAsyncAction RespondToMeetingAsync( EmailMessage result, EmailMeetingResponseType meeting, string response, string subject, bool comment );
  520. + public IAsyncAction RespondToMeetingAppointmentAsync( Appointment result, EmailMeetingResponseType meeting, string response, string subject, bool comment );
  521. + public IAsyncAction ForwardMeetingAsync( EmailMessage result, IVector<EmailRecipient> meeting, string recipients, EmailMessageBodyType subject, string forwardHeaderType, string forwardHeader );
  522. + public IAsyncAction ForwardMeetingAppointmentAsync( Appointment result, IVector<EmailRecipient> meeting, string recipients, EmailMessageBodyType subject, string forwardHeaderType, string forwardHeader );
  523. + public IAsyncAction ProposeNewTimeForMeetingAsync( EmailMessage result, DateTime meeting, TimeSpan newStartTime, string newDuration, string subject );
  524. + public IAsyncAction ProposeNewTimeForMeetingAppointmentAsync( Appointment result, DateTime meeting, TimeSpan newStartTime, string newDuration, string subject );
  525. + public IAsyncAction CreateMeetingAsync( AppointmentCalendar result, Appointment calendar );
  526. + public IAsyncAction UpdateMeetingAsync( Appointment result );
  527. - public IAsyncAction RemoveMeetingFromCalendarAsync( string result );
  528. | }
  530. | public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxActionType {
  531. + SendMessage = 5,
  532. + CreateReplyMessage = 6,
  533. + CreateReplyAllMessage = 7,
  534. + CreateForwardMessage = 8,
  535. * MoveFolder = 9,
  536. | }
  538. | public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxCapabilities {
  539. + CanCreateMeetings = 512,
  540. + CanForwardMeetings = 1024,
  541. + CanRespondToMeetings = 2048,
  542. + CanSendNewTimeProposals = 4096,
  543. | }
  545. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxSyncAdapter {
  546. + public EmailMailboxSyncState CurrentState { get; }
  547. + public DateTime LastAttemptedSyncTime { get; }
  548. + public DateTime LastSuccessfulSyncTime { get; }
  549. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> SyncAsync();
  550. + TypedEventHandler<EmailMailbox, EmailMailboxSyncStatusChangedEventArgs> SyncStatusChanged;
  551. + }
  553. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxSyncState {
  554. + Unknown = 0,
  555. + Idle = 1,
  556. + Syncing = 2,
  557. + Disconnected = 3,
  558. + Throttled = 4,
  559. + UserAttentionRequired = 5,
  560. + }
  562. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxSyncStatusChangedEventArgs {
  563. + public EmailMailboxSyncState CurrentState { get; }
  564. + public DateTime LastAttemptedSyncTime { get; }
  565. + public DateTime LastSuccessfulSyncTime { get; }
  566. + }
  568. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMeetingInfo {
  569. + public string Location { get; set; }
  570. + public bool IsResponseRequested { get; set; }
  571. + public bool IsAllDay { get; set; }
  572. + public TimeSpan Duration { get; set; }
  573. + public string AppointmentRoamingId { get; set; }
  574. + public bool AllowNewTimeProposal { get; set; }
  575. + public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
  576. + public ulong ServerChangeNumber { get; set; }
  577. + public IReference<DateTime> RecurrenceStartTime { get; set; }
  578. + public AppointmentRecurrence Recurrence { get; set; }
  579. + public IReference<DateTime> ProposedStartTime { get; set; }
  580. + public IReference<TimeSpan> ProposedDuration { get; set; }
  581. - public IRandomAccessStreamReference ICalendarData { get; set; }
  582. - public string AppointmentLocalId { get; set; }
  583. | }
  585. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMeetingResponseType {
  586. + Accept = 0,
  587. + Decline = 1,
  588. + Tentative = 2,
  589. + Cancel = 3,
  590. + }
  592. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMessage {
  593. - public bool IsSendSmart { get; set; }
  594. - public uint NewTextSize { get; set; }
  595. - public uint OriginalHeaderSize { get; set; }
  596. - public uint BaseBodyCodePage { get; }
  597. | }
  599. | public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMessageBodyType {
  600. + Html = 0,
  601. + PlainText = 1,
  602. - HtmlWide = 0,
  603. - HtmlNarrow = 1,
  604. - PlainTextWide = 2,
  605. - PlainTextNarrow = 3,
  606. - BaseHtmlWide = 4,
  607. - BaseHtmlNarrow = 5,
  608. - BasePlainTextWide = 6,
  609. - BasePlainTextNarrow = 7,
  610. | }
  612. | public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailSearchFields {
  613. + None = 0,
  614. | }
  616. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailStoreNotificationTriggerDetails {
  617. + }
  619. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.SmimeEncryptionAlgorithm {
  620. + Any = 0,
  621. + TripleDES = 1,
  622. + DES = 2,
  623. + RC2128bit = 3,
  624. + RC264bit = 4,
  625. + RC240bit = 5,
  626. + }
  628. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.SmimeSigningAlgorithm {
  629. + Any = 0,
  630. + SHA1 = 1,
  631. + MD5 = 2,
  632. + }
  634. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core.ResourceCandidate {
  635. + public IAsyncOperation<IRandomAccessStream> GetValueAsStreamAsync();
  636. | }
  638. + public struct Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core.ResourceLayoutInfo {
  639. + public uint MajorVersion;
  640. + public uint MinorVersion;
  641. + public uint ResourceSubtreeCount;
  642. + public uint NamedResourceCount;
  643. + public int Checksum;
  644. + }
  646. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core.ResourceManager {
  647. + public IVectorView<NamedResource> GetAllNamedResourcesForPackage( string table, ResourceLayoutInfo packageName );
  648. + public IVectorView<ResourceMap> GetAllSubtreesForPackage( string table, ResourceLayoutInfo packageName );
  649. | }
  651. + public struct Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Management.ResourceIndexerContract {
  652. + }
  654. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.CurrentApp {
  655. + public static IAsyncOperation<ListingInformation> LoadListingInformationByProductIdsAsync( IIterable<string> loadListingOperation );
  656. + public static IAsyncOperation<ListingInformation> LoadListingInformationByKeywordsAsync( IIterable<string> loadListingOperation );
  657. + public static void ReportProductFulfillment( string productId );
  658. | }
  660. | public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.ProductLicense {
  661. + public bool IsConsumable { get; }
  662. | }
  664. + public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Sync.MailContactsCalendarSyncUI {
  665. + public static IAsyncAction ShowAddAsync( IIterable<SyncContentType> showAddAction );
  666. + public static IAsyncAction ShowSettingsAsync( string showSettingsAction );
  667. + public static IAsyncAction ShowErrorsAsync( string showErrorsAction );
  668. + }
  670. - public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Sync.PimDataGrouping;
  672. - public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Sync.SyncContent;
  674. - public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Sync.SyncContentStatus;
  676. | public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Sync.SyncContentType {
  677. + Mail = 0,
  678. * Contacts = 1,
  679. * Calendar = 2,
  680. - Email = 0,
  681. - Tasks = 3,
  682. | }
  684. - public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Sync.SyncPartnership;
  686. - public class Windows.ApplicationModel.Sync.SyncPartnershipChangeEventArgs;
  688. - public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Sync.SyncPartnershipChangeKind;
  690. - public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Sync.SyncPartnershipStatus;
  692. + public enum Windows.ApplicationModel.Wallet.WalletActionKind {
  693. + OpenItem = 0,
  694. + Transaction = 1,
  695. + MoreTransactions = 2,
  696. + Message = 3,
  697. + Verb = 4,
  698. + }
  700. + public struct Windows.ApplicationModel.Wallet.WalletContract {
  701. + }
  704. MetaDiff v0.1
  706. new file: new\Windows.Data.winmd
  707. old file: old\Windows.Data.winmd
  709. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  711. + public class Windows.Data.Text.TextConversionGenerator {
  712. + public string ResolvedLanguage { get; }
  713. + public TextConversionGenerator( string languageTag );
  714. + public IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<string>> GetCandidatesAsync( string result );
  715. + public IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<string>> GetCandidatesAsync( string result, uint input );
  716. + }
  718. + public class Windows.Data.Text.TextPredictionGenerator {
  719. + public string ResolvedLanguage { get; }
  720. + public TextPredictionGenerator( string languageTag );
  721. + public IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<string>> GetCandidatesAsync( string result );
  722. + public IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<string>> GetCandidatesAsync( string result, uint input );
  723. + }
  725. + public class Windows.Data.Text.TextReverseConversionGenerator {
  726. + public string ResolvedLanguage { get; }
  727. + public TextReverseConversionGenerator( string languageTag );
  728. + public IAsyncOperation<string> ConvertBackAsync( string result );
  729. + }
  732. MetaDiff v0.1
  734. new file: new\Windows.Devices.winmd
  735. old file: old\Windows.Devices.winmd
  737. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  739. | public class Windows.Devices.AllJoyn.AllJoynAboutData {
  740. * public IMap<string, string> AppNames { get; }
  741. * public IMap<string, string> Descriptions { get; }
  742. * public IMap<string, string> Manufacturers { get; }
  743. | }
  745. | public class Windows.Devices.AllJoyn.AllJoynAboutDataView {
  746. + public static IAsyncOperation<AllJoynAboutDataView> GetDataBySessionPortAsync( string operation, AllJoynBusAttachment uniqueName, ushort busAttachment );
  747. + public static IAsyncOperation<AllJoynAboutDataView> GetDataBySessionPortAsync( string operation, AllJoynBusAttachment uniqueName, ushort busAttachment, Language sessionPort );
  748. - public static IAsyncOperation<AllJoynAboutDataView> GetDataAsync( string operation );
  749. - public static IAsyncOperation<AllJoynAboutDataView> GetDataAsync( string operation, Language uniqueName );
  750. | }
  752. | public class Windows.Devices.AllJoyn.AllJoynServiceInfo {
  753. + public string ObjectPath { get; }
  754. + public ushort SessionPort { get; }
  755. + public AllJoynServiceInfo( string uniqueName, string objectPath, ushort sessionPort );
  756. | }
  758. | public enum Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.BluetoothError {
  759. + DeviceNotConnected = 3,
  760. | }
  762. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.AppLaunchCastingSource;
  764. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.CastingDevice;
  766. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.CastingDeviceConnection;
  768. - public enum Windows.Devices.Casting.CastingDeviceConnectionError;
  770. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.CastingDeviceConnectionErrorEventArgs;
  772. - public enum Windows.Devices.Casting.CastingDeviceConnectionState;
  774. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.CastingDeviceConnectionStateChangedEventArgs;
  776. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.CastingDeviceProperties;
  778. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.CastingDeviceSelectedEventArgs;
  780. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.CastingDeviceSelectorRequest;
  782. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.CastingDeviceSelectorRequestDeferral;
  784. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.CastingDeviceSelectorRequestedEventArgs;
  786. - public enum Windows.Devices.Casting.CastingSourceType;
  788. - public enum Windows.Devices.Casting.CastingTypes;
  790. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.CastingUI;
  792. - public interface Windows.Devices.Casting.ICastingDevice;
  794. - public interface Windows.Devices.Casting.ICastingDeviceStatics;
  796. - public interface Windows.Devices.Casting.ICastingSource;
  798. - public interface Windows.Devices.Casting.ICastingUIStatics;
  800. - public interface Windows.Devices.Casting.IMediaCastingSource;
  802. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.ImageCastingSource;
  804. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.MediaElementCastingSource;
  806. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.MshtmlCastingSource;
  808. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.StreamCastingSource;
  810. - public class Windows.Devices.Casting.UriCastingSource;
  812. + public struct Windows.Devices.Custom.CustomDeviceContract {
  813. + }
  815. | public class Windows.Devices.Geolocation.Geocoordinate {
  816. + public IReference<DateTime> PositionSourceTimestamp { get; }
  817. | }
  819. + public enum Windows.Devices.Geolocation.GeolocationAccessStatus {
  820. + Unspecified = 0,
  821. + Allowed = 1,
  822. + Denied = 2,
  823. + }
  825. | public class Windows.Devices.Geolocation.Geolocator {
  826. + public static IAsyncOperation<GeolocationAccessStatus> RequestAccessAsync();
  827. + public static IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<Geoposition>> GetGeopositionHistoryAsync( DateTime result );
  828. + public static IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<Geoposition>> GetGeopositionHistoryAsync( DateTime result, TimeSpan startTime );
  829. | }
  831. + public class Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioController {
  832. + public IMapView<uint, GpioPinInfo> Pins { get; }
  833. + public static string GetDeviceSelector();
  834. + public static string GetDeviceSelector( string value );
  835. + public static IAsyncOperation<GpioController> FromIdAsync( string operation );
  836. + }
  838. + public enum Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioInputDriveMode {
  839. + HighImpedance = 0,
  840. + PullUp = 1,
  841. + PullDown = 2,
  842. + }
  844. + public class Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioInputPin {
  845. + public GpioInputDriveMode InputDriveMode { get; }
  846. + public GpioPinValue Value { get; }
  847. + public void Close();
  848. + }
  850. + public class Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioInterruptEventArgs {
  851. + public bool FallingEdge { get; }
  852. + public bool RisingEdge { get; }
  853. + public DateTime Timestamp { get; }
  854. + }
  856. + public class Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioInterruptPin {
  857. + public bool Enabled { get; set; }
  858. + public GpioInputDriveMode InputDriveMode { get; }
  859. + public GpioInterruptType InterruptType { get; }
  860. + public GpioPinValue Value { get; }
  861. + public void Close();
  862. + TypedEventHandler<GpioInterruptPin, GpioInterruptEventArgs> InterruptRaised;
  863. + }
  865. + public enum Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioInterruptType {
  866. + FallingEdge = 0,
  867. + RisingEdge = 1,
  868. + ActiveLow = 2,
  869. + ActiveHigh = 3,
  870. + ActiveBoth = 4,
  871. + }
  873. + public enum Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioOpenStatus {
  874. + Success = 0,
  875. + SharingViolation = 1,
  876. + UnknownError = 2,
  877. + }
  879. + public class Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioOutputPin {
  880. + public GpioPinValue Value { get; set; }
  881. + public void Close();
  882. + }
  884. + public class Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioPinCapabilities {
  885. + public bool IsInputSupported { get; }
  886. + public bool IsInterruptSupported { get; }
  887. + public bool IsOutputSupported { get; }
  888. + }
  890. + public class Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioPinInfo {
  891. + public GpioPinCapabilities Capabilities { get; }
  892. + public GpioOpenStatus TryOpenInput( GpioSharingMode status, GpioInputDriveMode sharingMode, ref GpioInputPin driveMode );
  893. + public GpioOpenStatus TryOpenOutput( GpioPinValue status, GpioSharingMode initialValue, ref GpioOutputPin sharingMode );
  894. + public GpioOpenStatus TryOpenInterrupt( GpioInterruptType status, GpioSharingMode type, GpioInputDriveMode sharingMode, ref GpioInterruptPin driveMode );
  895. + }
  897. + public enum Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioPinValue {
  898. + Low = 0,
  899. + High = 1,
  900. + }
  902. + public enum Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioSharingMode {
  903. + Shared = 0,
  904. + Exclusive = 1,
  905. + }
  907. + public enum Windows.Devices.I2C.I2CAddressingMode {
  908. + SevenBit = 0,
  909. + TenBit = 1,
  910. + }
  912. + public enum Windows.Devices.I2C.I2CBusSpeed {
  913. + StandardMode = 0,
  914. + FastMode = 1,
  915. + }
  917. + public class Windows.Devices.I2C.I2CConnectionSettings {
  918. + public I2CBusSpeed BusSpeed { get; set; }
  919. + public I2CAddressingMode AddressingMode { get; set; }
  920. + public uint SlaveAddress { get; }
  921. + public I2CConnectionSettings( uint slaveAddress );
  922. + public I2CConnectionSettings( uint slaveAddress, I2CBusSpeed busSpeed );
  923. + public I2CConnectionSettings( uint slaveAddress, I2CBusSpeed busSpeed, I2CAddressingMode addressingMode );
  924. + }
  926. + public class Windows.Devices.I2C.I2CDevice {
  927. + public I2CConnectionSettings ConnectionSettings { get; }
  928. + public I2CTransferStatus TryWrite( byte[] status );
  929. + public I2CTransferStatus TryWrite( byte[] status, ref uint data );
  930. + public I2CTransferStatus TryRead( byte[] status );
  931. + public I2CTransferStatus TryRead( byte[] status, ref uint data );
  932. + public I2CTransferStatus TryWriteRead( byte[] status, byte[] writeBuffer );
  933. + public I2CTransferStatus TryWriteRead( byte[] status, byte[] writeBuffer, ref uint readBuffer );
  934. + public void Close();
  935. + public static string GetDeviceSelector();
  936. + public static string GetDeviceSelector( string value );
  937. + public static IAsyncOperation<I2CDevice> CreateDeviceAsync( string operation, I2CConnectionSettings deviceId );
  938. + }
  940. + public enum Windows.Devices.I2C.I2CTransferStatus {
  941. + Success = 0,
  942. + UnknownError = 1,
  943. + PartialTransfer = 2,
  944. + SlaveAddressNotAcknowledged = 3,
  945. + }
  947. | public class Windows.Devices.Input.PointerDevice {
  948. + public uint MaxPointersWithZDistance { get; }
  949. | }
  951. | public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.CashDrawer {
  952. + public bool IsDrawerOpen { get; }
  953. + public CashDrawerStatus Status { get; }
  954. + public IAsyncOperation<ClaimedCashDrawer> ClaimDrawerAsync();
  955. + public IAsyncOperation<string> GetStatisticsAsync( IIterable<string> operation );
  956. + public CashDrawerEventSource GetDrawerEventSource();
  957. - public IAsyncOperation<ClaimedCashDrawer> ClaimCashDrawerAsync();
  958. - public IAsyncOperation<IBuffer> RetrieveStatisticsAsync( IIterable<string> operation );
  959. | }
  961. | public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.CashDrawerCapabilities {
  962. + public bool IsDrawerOpenSensorAvailable { get; }
  963. | }
  965. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.CashDrawerCloseAlarm {
  966. + public uint BeepFrequency { get; set; }
  967. + public TimeSpan BeepDuration { get; set; }
  968. + public TimeSpan BeepDelay { get; set; }
  969. + public TimeSpan AlarmTimeout { get; set; }
  970. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> StartAsync();
  971. + TypedEventHandler<CashDrawerCloseAlarm, object> AlarmTimeoutExpired;
  972. + }
  974. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.CashDrawerClosedEventArgs {
  975. + public CashDrawer CashDrawer { get; }
  976. + }
  978. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.CashDrawerEventSource {
  979. + TypedEventHandler<CashDrawerEventSource, CashDrawerClosedEventArgs> DrawerClosed;
  980. + TypedEventHandler<CashDrawerEventSource, CashDrawerOpenedEventArgs> DrawerOpened;
  981. + }
  983. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.CashDrawerOpenedEventArgs {
  984. + public CashDrawer CashDrawer { get; }
  985. + }
  987. | public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.CashDrawerStatus {
  988. - Online = 0;
  989. - Off = 1;
  990. - Offline = 2;
  991. - OffOrOffline = 3;
  992. - DrawerClosed = 4;
  993. - DrawerOpened = 5;
  994. - Extended = 6;
  995. + public uint ExtendedStatus { get; }
  996. + public CashDrawerStatusKind StatusKind { get; }
  997. | }
  999. + public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.CashDrawerStatusKind {
  1000. + Online = 0,
  1001. + Off = 1,
  1002. + Offline = 2,
  1003. + OffOrOffline = 3,
  1004. + Extended = 4,
  1005. + }
  1007. | public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.CashDrawerStatusUpdatedEventArgs {
  1008. - public uint ExtendedStatus { get; }
  1009. | }
  1011. | public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.ClaimedCashDrawer {
  1012. + public bool IsDrawerOpen { get; }
  1013. - public bool DrawerOpened { get; }
  1014. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> OpenDrawerAsync();
  1015. + public CashDrawerCloseAlarm CreateDrawerCloseAlarm();
  1016. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> EnableAsync();
  1017. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> DisableAsync();
  1018. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> RetainDeviceAsync();
  1019. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> ResetStatisticsAsync( IIterable<string> result );
  1020. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> UpdateStatisticsAsync( IIterable<IKeyValuePair<string, string>> result );
  1021. - public IAsyncAction WaitForDrawerCloseAsync( uint result, uint beepTimeout, uint beepFrequency, uint beepDuration );
  1022. - public void RetainDevice();
  1023. | }
  1025. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.ClaimedJournalPrinter {
  1026. + public bool IsLetterQuality { get; set; }
  1027. + public PosPrinterColorCartridge ColorCartridge { get; set; }
  1028. + public uint CharactersPerLine { get; set; }
  1029. + public uint LineSpacing { get; set; }
  1030. + public uint LineHeight { get; set; }
  1031. + public bool IsCartridgeEmpty { get; }
  1032. + public bool IsCartridgeRemoved { get; }
  1033. + public bool IsCoverOpen { get; }
  1034. + public bool IsHeadCleaning { get; }
  1035. + public bool IsPaperEmpty { get; }
  1036. + public bool IsPaperNearEnd { get; }
  1037. + public bool IsReadyToPrint { get; }
  1038. + public uint LineWidth { get; }
  1039. + public JournalPrintJob CreateJob();
  1040. + public bool ValidateData( string result );
  1041. + }
  1043. - public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.ClaimedPointOfServicePrinter;
  1045. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.ClaimedPosPrinter {
  1046. + public PosPrinterMapMode MapMode { get; set; }
  1047. + public bool IsCharacterSetMappingEnabled { get; set; }
  1048. + public uint CharacterSet { get; set; }
  1049. + public string DeviceId { get; }
  1050. + public bool IsCoverOpen { get; }
  1051. + public bool IsEnabled { get; }
  1052. + public ClaimedJournalPrinter Journal { get; }
  1053. + public ClaimedReceiptPrinter Receipt { get; }
  1054. + public ClaimedSlipPrinter Slip { get; }
  1055. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> EnableAsync();
  1056. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> DisableAsync();
  1057. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> RetainDeviceAsync();
  1058. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> ResetStatisticsAsync( IIterable<string> result );
  1059. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> UpdateStatisticsAsync( IIterable<IKeyValuePair<string, string>> result );
  1060. + public void Close();
  1061. + TypedEventHandler<ClaimedPosPrinter, PosPrinterReleaseDeviceRequestedEventArgs> ReleaseDeviceRequested;
  1062. + }
  1064. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.ClaimedReceiptPrinter {
  1065. + public uint LinesToPaperCut { get; }
  1066. + public Size PageSize { get; }
  1067. + public Rect PrintArea { get; }
  1068. + public uint SidewaysMaxChars { get; }
  1069. + public uint SidewaysMaxLines { get; }
  1070. + public uint LineSpacing { get; set; }
  1071. + public uint LineHeight { get; set; }
  1072. + public bool IsLetterQuality { get; set; }
  1073. + public PosPrinterColorCartridge ColorCartridge { get; set; }
  1074. + public uint CharactersPerLine { get; set; }
  1075. + public bool IsHeadCleaning { get; }
  1076. + public bool IsCoverOpen { get; }
  1077. + public bool IsPaperEmpty { get; }
  1078. + public bool IsPaperNearEnd { get; }
  1079. + public bool IsCartridgeRemoved { get; }
  1080. + public bool IsReadyToPrint { get; }
  1081. + public bool IsCartridgeEmpty { get; }
  1082. + public uint LineWidth { get; }
  1083. + public ReceiptPrintJob CreateJob();
  1084. + public bool ValidateData( string result );
  1085. + }
  1087. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.ClaimedSlipPrinter {
  1088. + public uint LinesNearEndToEnd { get; }
  1089. + public uint MaxLines { get; }
  1090. + public Size PageSize { get; }
  1091. + public Rect PrintArea { get; }
  1092. + public PosPrinterPrintSide PrintSide { get; }
  1093. + public uint SidewaysMaxChars { get; }
  1094. + public uint SidewaysMaxLines { get; }
  1095. + public uint LineSpacing { get; set; }
  1096. + public uint LineHeight { get; set; }
  1097. + public bool IsLetterQuality { get; set; }
  1098. + public PosPrinterColorCartridge ColorCartridge { get; set; }
  1099. + public uint CharactersPerLine { get; set; }
  1100. + public bool IsHeadCleaning { get; }
  1101. + public bool IsCartridgeEmpty { get; }
  1102. + public bool IsPaperEmpty { get; }
  1103. + public bool IsCartridgeRemoved { get; }
  1104. + public bool IsReadyToPrint { get; }
  1105. + public bool IsPaperNearEnd { get; }
  1106. + public bool IsCoverOpen { get; }
  1107. + public uint LineWidth { get; }
  1108. + public void OpenJaws();
  1109. + public void CloseJaws();
  1110. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> InsertSlipAsync( TimeSpan result );
  1111. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> RemoveSlipAsync( TimeSpan result );
  1112. + public void ChangePrintSide( PosPrinterPrintSide printSide );
  1113. + public SlipPrintJob CreateJob();
  1114. + public bool ValidateData( string result );
  1115. + }
  1117. + public interface Windows.Devices.PointOfService.ICashDrawerEventSourceEventArgs {
  1118. + public CashDrawer CashDrawer { get; }
  1119. + }
  1121. + public interface Windows.Devices.PointOfService.ICommonClaimedPosPrinterStation {
  1122. + public uint CharactersPerLine { get; set; }
  1123. + public PosPrinterColorCartridge ColorCartridge { get; set; }
  1124. + public bool IsCartridgeEmpty { get; }
  1125. + public bool IsCartridgeRemoved { get; }
  1126. + public bool IsCoverOpen { get; }
  1127. + public bool IsHeadCleaning { get; }
  1128. + public bool IsLetterQuality { get; set; }
  1129. + public bool IsPaperEmpty { get; }
  1130. + public bool IsPaperNearEnd { get; }
  1131. + public bool IsReadyToPrint { get; }
  1132. + public uint LineHeight { get; set; }
  1133. + public uint LineSpacing { get; set; }
  1134. + public uint LineWidth { get; }
  1135. + public bool ValidateData( string result );
  1136. + }
  1138. + public interface Windows.Devices.PointOfService.ICommonPosPrintStationCapabilities {
  1139. + public PosPrinterCartridgeSensors CartridgeSensors { get; }
  1140. + public PosPrinterColorCapabilities ColorCartridgeCapabilities { get; }
  1141. + public bool IsBoldSupported { get; }
  1142. + public bool IsDoubleHighDoubleWidePrintSupported { get; }
  1143. + public bool IsDoubleHighPrintSupported { get; }
  1144. + public bool IsDoubleWidePrintSupported { get; }
  1145. + public bool IsDualColorSupported { get; }
  1146. + public bool IsItalicSupported { get; }
  1147. + public bool IsPaperEmptySensorSupported { get; }
  1148. + public bool IsPaperNearEndSensorSupported { get; }
  1149. + public bool IsPrinterPresent { get; }
  1150. + public bool IsUnderlineSupported { get; }
  1151. + public IVectorView<uint> SupportedCharactersPerLine { get; }
  1152. + }
  1154. + public interface Windows.Devices.PointOfService.ICommonReceiptSlipCapabilities {
  1155. + public bool Is180RotationSupported { get; }
  1156. + public bool IsBarcodeSupported { get; }
  1157. + public bool IsBitmapSupported { get; }
  1158. + public bool IsLeft90RotationSupported { get; }
  1159. + public bool IsPrintAreaSupported { get; }
  1160. + public bool IsRight90RotationSupported { get; }
  1161. + public PosPrinterRuledLineCapabilities RuledLineCapabilities { get; }
  1162. + public IVectorView<PosPrinterRotation> SupportedBarcodeRotations { get; }
  1163. + public IVectorView<PosPrinterRotation> SupportedBitmapRotations { get; }
  1164. + }
  1166. + public interface Windows.Devices.PointOfService.IPosPrinterJob {
  1167. + public void Print( string data );
  1168. + public void PrintLine( string data );
  1169. + public void PrintLine();
  1170. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> ExecuteAsync();
  1171. + }
  1173. + public interface Windows.Devices.PointOfService.IReceiptOrSlipJob {
  1174. + public void SetBarcodeRotation( PosPrinterRotation value );
  1175. + public void SetPrintRotation( PosPrinterRotation value, bool includeBitmaps );
  1176. + public void SetPrintArea( Rect value );
  1177. + public void SetBitmap( uint bitmapNumber, BitmapFrame bitmap, PosPrinterAlignment alignment );
  1178. + public void SetBitmap( uint bitmapNumber, BitmapFrame bitmap, PosPrinterAlignment alignment, uint width );
  1179. + public void SetCustomAlignedBitmap( uint bitmapNumber, BitmapFrame bitmap, uint alignmentDistance );
  1180. + public void SetCustomAlignedBitmap( uint bitmapNumber, BitmapFrame bitmap, uint alignmentDistance, uint width );
  1181. + public void PrintSavedBitmap( uint bitmapNumber );
  1182. + public void DrawRuledLine( string positionList, PosPrinterLineDirection lineDirection, uint lineWidth, PosPrinterLineStyle lineStyle, uint lineColor );
  1183. + public void PrintBarcode( string data, uint symbology, uint height, uint width, PosPrinterBarcodeTextPosition textPosition, PosPrinterAlignment alignment );
  1184. + public void PrintBarcodeCustomAlign( string data, uint symbology, uint height, uint width, PosPrinterBarcodeTextPosition textPosition, uint alignmentDistance );
  1185. + public void PrintBitmap( BitmapFrame bitmap, PosPrinterAlignment alignment );
  1186. + public void PrintBitmap( BitmapFrame bitmap, PosPrinterAlignment alignment, uint width );
  1187. + public void PrintCustomAlignedBitmap( BitmapFrame bitmap, uint alignmentDistance );
  1188. + public void PrintCustomAlignedBitmap( BitmapFrame bitmap, uint alignmentDistance, uint width );
  1189. + }
  1191. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.JournalPrintJob {
  1192. + public void Print( string data );
  1193. + public void PrintLine( string data );
  1194. + public void PrintLine();
  1195. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> ExecuteAsync();
  1196. + }
  1198. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.JournalPrinterCapabilities {
  1199. + public PosPrinterCartridgeSensors CartridgeSensors { get; }
  1200. + public PosPrinterColorCapabilities ColorCartridgeCapabilities { get; }
  1201. + public bool IsBoldSupported { get; }
  1202. + public bool IsDoubleHighDoubleWidePrintSupported { get; }
  1203. + public bool IsDoubleHighPrintSupported { get; }
  1204. + public bool IsDoubleWidePrintSupported { get; }
  1205. + public bool IsDualColorSupported { get; }
  1206. + public bool IsItalicSupported { get; }
  1207. + public bool IsPaperEmptySensorSupported { get; }
  1208. + public bool IsPaperNearEndSensorSupported { get; }
  1209. + public bool IsPrinterPresent { get; }
  1210. + public bool IsUnderlineSupported { get; }
  1211. + public IVectorView<uint> SupportedCharactersPerLine { get; }
  1212. + }
  1214. - public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinter;
  1216. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterBarcodeTextPosition;
  1218. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterBitmapWidthType;
  1220. - public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterCapabilities;
  1222. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterCartridgeSensorCapabilities;
  1224. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterCartridgeStateType;
  1226. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterCharacterSet;
  1228. - public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterCharacterSetId;
  1230. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterColorCapabilities;
  1232. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterErrorLevel;
  1234. - public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterErrorOccurredEventArgs;
  1236. - public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterErrorTypes;
  1238. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterLineDirection;
  1240. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterLineStyle;
  1242. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterLogoLocation;
  1244. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterMapModeType;
  1246. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterMarkFeedType;
  1248. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterMarkSensedPaperFeedHandlingCapabilities;
  1250. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterObjectAlignment;
  1252. - public struct Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterPageModeAreaSize;
  1254. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterPageModeDirectionTypes;
  1256. - public struct Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterPageModePrintArea;
  1258. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterPageModePrintType;
  1260. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterPageModeTypes;
  1262. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterPrintSide;
  1264. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterRotation;
  1266. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterRuledLineCapabilities;
  1268. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterStation;
  1270. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterStatus;
  1272. - public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterStatusUpdatedEventArgs;
  1274. - public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PointOfServicePrinterTransactionMode;
  1276. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinter {
  1277. + public PosPrinterCapabilities Capabilities { get; }
  1278. + public string DeviceId { get; }
  1279. + public PosPrinterStatus Status { get; }
  1280. + public IVectorView<uint> SupportedCharacterSets { get; }
  1281. + public IVectorView<string> SupportedTypeFaces { get; }
  1282. + public IAsyncOperation<ClaimedPosPrinter> ClaimPrinterAsync();
  1283. + public IAsyncOperation<string> CheckHealthAsync( UnifiedPosHealthCheckLevel operation );
  1284. + public IAsyncOperation<string> GetStatisticsAsync( IIterable<string> operation );
  1285. + TypedEventHandler<PosPrinter, PosPrinterStatusUpdatedEventArgs> StatusUpdated;
  1286. + }
  1288. + public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterAlignment {
  1289. + Left = 0,
  1290. + Center = 1,
  1291. + Right = 2,
  1292. + }
  1294. + public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterBarcodeTextPosition {
  1295. + None = 0,
  1296. + Above = 1,
  1297. + Below = 2,
  1298. + }
  1300. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterCapabilities {
  1301. + public bool CanMapCharacterSet { get; }
  1302. + public uint DefaultCharacterSet { get; }
  1303. + public bool HasCoverSensor { get; }
  1304. + public bool IsStatisticsReportingSupported { get; }
  1305. + public bool IsStatisticsUpdatingSupported { get; }
  1306. + public bool IsTransactionSupported { get; }
  1307. + public JournalPrinterCapabilities Journal { get; }
  1308. + public UnifiedPosPowerReportingType PowerReportingType { get; }
  1309. + public ReceiptPrinterCapabilities Receipt { get; }
  1310. + public SlipPrinterCapabilities Slip { get; }
  1311. + }
  1313. + public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterCartridgeSensors {
  1314. + None = 0,
  1315. + Removed = 1,
  1316. + Empty = 2,
  1317. + HeadCleaning = 4,
  1318. + NearEnd = 8,
  1319. + }
  1321. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterCharacterSetIds {
  1322. + public uint Ansi { get; }
  1323. + public uint Ascii { get; }
  1324. + public uint Utf16LE { get; }
  1325. + }
  1327. + public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterColorCapabilities {
  1328. + None = 0,
  1329. + Primary = 1,
  1330. + Custom1 = 2,
  1331. + Custom2 = 4,
  1332. + Custom3 = 8,
  1333. + Custom4 = 16,
  1334. + Custom5 = 32,
  1335. + Custom6 = 64,
  1336. + Cyan = 128,
  1337. + Magenta = 256,
  1338. + Yellow = 512,
  1339. + Full = 1024,
  1340. + }
  1342. + public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterColorCartridge {
  1343. + Unknown = 0,
  1344. + Primary = 1,
  1345. + Custom1 = 2,
  1346. + Custom2 = 3,
  1347. + Custom3 = 4,
  1348. + Custom4 = 5,
  1349. + Custom5 = 6,
  1350. + Custom6 = 7,
  1351. + Cyan = 8,
  1352. + Magenta = 9,
  1353. + Yellow = 10,
  1354. + }
  1356. + public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterLineDirection {
  1357. + Horizontal = 0,
  1358. + Vertical = 1,
  1359. + }
  1361. + public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterLineStyle {
  1362. + SingleSolid = 0,
  1363. + DoubleSolid = 1,
  1364. + Broken = 2,
  1365. + Chain = 3,
  1366. + }
  1368. + public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterMapMode {
  1369. + Dots = 0,
  1370. + Twips = 1,
  1371. + English = 2,
  1372. + Metric = 3,
  1373. + }
  1375. + public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterMarkFeedCapabilities {
  1376. + None = 0,
  1377. + ToTakeUp = 1,
  1378. + ToCutter = 2,
  1379. + ToCurrentTopOfForm = 4,
  1380. + ToNextTopOfForm = 8,
  1381. + }
  1383. + public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterMarkFeedKind {
  1384. + ToTakeUp = 0,
  1385. + ToCutter = 1,
  1386. + ToCurrentTopOfForm = 2,
  1387. + ToNextTopOfForm = 3,
  1388. + }
  1390. + public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterPrintSide {
  1391. + Unknown = 0,
  1392. + Side1 = 1,
  1393. + Side2 = 2,
  1394. + }
  1396. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterReleaseDeviceRequestedEventArgs {
  1397. + }
  1399. + public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterRotation {
  1400. + Normal = 0,
  1401. + Right90 = 1,
  1402. + Left90 = 2,
  1403. + Rotate180 = 3,
  1404. + }
  1406. + public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterRuledLineCapabilities {
  1407. + None = 0,
  1408. + Horizontal = 1,
  1409. + Vertical = 2,
  1410. + }
  1412. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterStatus {
  1413. + public uint ExtendedStatus { get; }
  1414. + public PosPrinterStatusKind StatusKind { get; }
  1415. + }
  1417. + public enum Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterStatusKind {
  1418. + Online = 0,
  1419. + Off = 1,
  1420. + Offline = 2,
  1421. + OffOrOffline = 3,
  1422. + Extended = 4,
  1423. + }
  1425. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterStatusUpdatedEventArgs {
  1426. + public PosPrinterStatus Status { get; }
  1427. + }
  1429. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.ReceiptPrintJob {
  1430. + public void MarkFeed( PosPrinterMarkFeedKind kind );
  1431. + public void CutPaper( double percentage );
  1432. + public void CutPaper();
  1433. + public void SetBarcodeRotation( PosPrinterRotation value );
  1434. + public void SetPrintRotation( PosPrinterRotation value, bool includeBitmaps );
  1435. + public void SetPrintArea( Rect value );
  1436. + public void SetBitmap( uint bitmapNumber, BitmapFrame bitmap, PosPrinterAlignment alignment );
  1437. + public void SetBitmap( uint bitmapNumber, BitmapFrame bitmap, PosPrinterAlignment alignment, uint width );
  1438. + public void SetCustomAlignedBitmap( uint bitmapNumber, BitmapFrame bitmap, uint alignmentDistance );
  1439. + public void SetCustomAlignedBitmap( uint bitmapNumber, BitmapFrame bitmap, uint alignmentDistance, uint width );
  1440. + public void PrintSavedBitmap( uint bitmapNumber );
  1441. + public void DrawRuledLine( string positionList, PosPrinterLineDirection lineDirection, uint lineWidth, PosPrinterLineStyle lineStyle, uint lineColor );
  1442. + public void PrintBarcode( string data, uint symbology, uint height, uint width, PosPrinterBarcodeTextPosition textPosition, PosPrinterAlignment alignment );
  1443. + public void PrintBarcodeCustomAlign( string data, uint symbology, uint height, uint width, PosPrinterBarcodeTextPosition textPosition, uint alignmentDistance );
  1444. + public void PrintBitmap( BitmapFrame bitmap, PosPrinterAlignment alignment );
  1445. + public void PrintBitmap( BitmapFrame bitmap, PosPrinterAlignment alignment, uint width );
  1446. + public void PrintCustomAlignedBitmap( BitmapFrame bitmap, uint alignmentDistance );
  1447. + public void PrintCustomAlignedBitmap( BitmapFrame bitmap, uint alignmentDistance, uint width );
  1448. + public void Print( string data );
  1449. + public void PrintLine( string data );
  1450. + public void PrintLine();
  1451. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> ExecuteAsync();
  1452. + }
  1454. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.ReceiptPrinterCapabilities {
  1455. + public PosPrinterColorCapabilities ColorCartridgeCapabilities { get; }
  1456. + public bool IsBoldSupported { get; }
  1457. + public bool IsDoubleHighDoubleWidePrintSupported { get; }
  1458. + public bool IsDoubleHighPrintSupported { get; }
  1459. + public bool IsDoubleWidePrintSupported { get; }
  1460. + public bool IsDualColorSupported { get; }
  1461. + public bool IsItalicSupported { get; }
  1462. + public bool IsPaperEmptySensorSupported { get; }
  1463. + public bool IsPaperNearEndSensorSupported { get; }
  1464. + public bool IsPrinterPresent { get; }
  1465. + public bool IsUnderlineSupported { get; }
  1466. + public IVectorView<uint> SupportedCharactersPerLine { get; }
  1467. + public PosPrinterCartridgeSensors CartridgeSensors { get; }
  1468. + public bool Is180RotationSupported { get; }
  1469. + public IVectorView<PosPrinterRotation> SupportedBarcodeRotations { get; }
  1470. + public IVectorView<PosPrinterRotation> SupportedBitmapRotations { get; }
  1471. + public bool IsLeft90RotationSupported { get; }
  1472. + public bool IsBarcodeSupported { get; }
  1473. + public bool IsBitmapSupported { get; }
  1474. + public bool IsPrintAreaSupported { get; }
  1475. + public bool IsRight90RotationSupported { get; }
  1476. + public PosPrinterRuledLineCapabilities RuledLineCapabilities { get; }
  1477. + public bool IsStampSupported { get; }
  1478. + public PosPrinterMarkFeedCapabilities MarkFeedCapabilities { get; }
  1479. + public bool CanCutPaper { get; }
  1480. + }
  1482. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.SlipPrintJob {
  1483. + public void SetBarcodeRotation( PosPrinterRotation value );
  1484. + public void SetPrintRotation( PosPrinterRotation value, bool includeBitmaps );
  1485. + public void SetPrintArea( Rect value );
  1486. + public void SetBitmap( uint bitmapNumber, BitmapFrame bitmap, PosPrinterAlignment alignment );
  1487. + public void SetBitmap( uint bitmapNumber, BitmapFrame bitmap, PosPrinterAlignment alignment, uint width );
  1488. + public void SetCustomAlignedBitmap( uint bitmapNumber, BitmapFrame bitmap, uint alignmentDistance );
  1489. + public void SetCustomAlignedBitmap( uint bitmapNumber, BitmapFrame bitmap, uint alignmentDistance, uint width );
  1490. + public void PrintSavedBitmap( uint bitmapNumber );
  1491. + public void DrawRuledLine( string positionList, PosPrinterLineDirection lineDirection, uint lineWidth, PosPrinterLineStyle lineStyle, uint lineColor );
  1492. + public void PrintBarcode( string data, uint symbology, uint height, uint width, PosPrinterBarcodeTextPosition textPosition, PosPrinterAlignment alignment );
  1493. + public void PrintBarcodeCustomAlign( string data, uint symbology, uint height, uint width, PosPrinterBarcodeTextPosition textPosition, uint alignmentDistance );
  1494. + public void PrintBitmap( BitmapFrame bitmap, PosPrinterAlignment alignment );
  1495. + public void PrintBitmap( BitmapFrame bitmap, PosPrinterAlignment alignment, uint width );
  1496. + public void PrintCustomAlignedBitmap( BitmapFrame bitmap, uint alignmentDistance );
  1497. + public void PrintCustomAlignedBitmap( BitmapFrame bitmap, uint alignmentDistance, uint width );
  1498. + public void Print( string data );
  1499. + public void PrintLine( string data );
  1500. + public void PrintLine();
  1501. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> ExecuteAsync();
  1502. + }
  1504. + public class Windows.Devices.PointOfService.SlipPrinterCapabilities {
  1505. + public bool IsBoldSupported { get; }
  1506. + public bool IsDoubleHighDoubleWidePrintSupported { get; }
  1507. + public bool IsDoubleWidePrintSupported { get; }
  1508. + public bool IsDoubleHighPrintSupported { get; }
  1509. + public bool IsDualColorSupported { get; }
  1510. + public bool IsItalicSupported { get; }
  1511. + public bool IsPaperEmptySensorSupported { get; }
  1512. + public bool IsPaperNearEndSensorSupported { get; }
  1513. + public bool IsPrinterPresent { get; }
  1514. + public bool IsUnderlineSupported { get; }
  1515. + public PosPrinterColorCapabilities ColorCartridgeCapabilities { get; }
  1516. + public IVectorView<uint> SupportedCharactersPerLine { get; }
  1517. + public PosPrinterCartridgeSensors CartridgeSensors { get; }
  1518. + public bool IsBarcodeSupported { get; }
  1519. + public IVectorView<PosPrinterRotation> SupportedBitmapRotations { get; }
  1520. + public bool IsPrintAreaSupported { get; }
  1521. + public IVectorView<PosPrinterRotation> SupportedBarcodeRotations { get; }
  1522. + public bool Is180RotationSupported { get; }
  1523. + public bool IsBitmapSupported { get; }
  1524. + public bool IsLeft90RotationSupported { get; }
  1525. + public bool IsRight90RotationSupported { get; }
  1526. + public PosPrinterRuledLineCapabilities RuledLineCapabilities { get; }
  1527. + public bool IsFullLengthSupported { get; }
  1528. + public bool IsBothSidesPrintingSupported { get; }
  1529. + }
  1531. + public struct Windows.Devices.Portable.PotableDeviceContract {
  1532. + }
  1534. + public struct Windows.Devices.Scanners.ScannerDeviceContract {
  1535. + }
  1537. + public class Windows.Devices.Sensors.Altimeter {
  1538. + public uint ReportInterval { get; set; }
  1539. + public string DeviceId { get; }
  1540. + public uint MinimumReportInterval { get; }
  1541. + public AltimeterReading GetCurrentReading();
  1542. + TypedEventHandler<Altimeter, AltimeterReadingChangedEventArgs> ReadingChanged;
  1543. + }
  1545. + public class Windows.Devices.Sensors.AltimeterReading {
  1546. + public double AltitudeChangeInMeters { get; }
  1547. + public DateTime Timestamp { get; }
  1548. + }
  1550. + public class Windows.Devices.Sensors.AltimeterReadingChangedEventArgs {
  1551. + public AltimeterReading Reading { get; }
  1552. + }
  1554. + public interface Windows.Devices.Sensors.ISensorDataThreshold {
  1555. + }
  1557. + public class Windows.Devices.Sensors.Pedometer {
  1558. + public uint ReportInterval { get; set; }
  1559. + public string DeviceId { get; }
  1560. + public uint MinimumReportInterval { get; }
  1561. + public float PowerInMilliwatts { get; }
  1562. + public PedometerStatus Status { get; }
  1563. + public IVectorView<PedometerReading> GetReadingsFromTriggerDetails( SensorDataThresholdTriggerDetails result );
  1564. + TypedEventHandler<Pedometer, PedometerReadingChangedEventArgs> ReadingChanged;
  1565. + TypedEventHandler<Pedometer, PedometerStatusChangedEventArgs> StatusChanged;
  1566. + }
  1568. + public class Windows.Devices.Sensors.PedometerDataThreshold {
  1569. + public PedometerDataThreshold( Pedometer sensor, int stepGoal );
  1570. + }
  1572. + public class Windows.Devices.Sensors.PedometerReading {
  1573. + public int CumulativeSteps { get; }
  1574. + public PedometerStepKind StepKind { get; }
  1575. + public DateTime Timestamp { get; }
  1576. + }
  1578. + public class Windows.Devices.Sensors.PedometerReadingChangedEventArgs {
  1579. + public PedometerReading Reading { get; }
  1580. + }
  1582. + public enum Windows.Devices.Sensors.PedometerStatus {
  1583. + Disabled = 0,
  1584. + Idle = 1,
  1585. + Active = 2,
  1586. + Error = 3,
  1587. + }
  1589. + public class Windows.Devices.Sensors.PedometerStatusChangedEventArgs {
  1590. + public PedometerStatus Status { get; }
  1591. + }
  1593. + public enum Windows.Devices.Sensors.PedometerStepKind {
  1594. + Unknown = 0,
  1595. + Walking = 1,
  1596. + Running = 2,
  1597. + }
  1599. + public class Windows.Devices.Sensors.SensorDataThresholdTriggerDetails {
  1600. + public string DeviceId { get; }
  1601. + public SensorType SensorType { get; }
  1602. + }
  1604. + public enum Windows.Devices.Sensors.SensorType {
  1605. + Accelerometer = 0,
  1606. + ActivitySensor = 1,
  1607. + Barometer = 2,
  1608. + Compass = 3,
  1609. + CustomSensor = 4,
  1610. + Gyroscope = 5,
  1611. + ProximitySensor = 6,
  1612. + Inclinometer = 7,
  1613. + LightSensor = 8,
  1614. + OrientationSensor = 9,
  1615. + Pedometer = 10,
  1616. + RelativeInclinometer = 11,
  1617. + RelativeOrientationSensor = 12,
  1618. + SimpleOrientationSensor = 13,
  1619. + }
  1621. - public class Windows.Devices.Serial.DataReceivedEventArgs;
  1623. - public class Windows.Devices.Serial.ErrorReceivedEventArgs;
  1625. - public class Windows.Devices.Serial.PinChangedEventArgs;
  1627. - public enum Windows.Devices.Serial.SerialDataEventType;
  1629. - public class Windows.Devices.Serial.SerialDevice;
  1631. - public enum Windows.Devices.Serial.SerialErrorEventType;
  1633. - public enum Windows.Devices.Serial.SerialHandshake;
  1635. - public enum Windows.Devices.Serial.SerialParity;
  1637. - public enum Windows.Devices.Serial.SerialPinChangeEventType;
  1639. - public enum Windows.Devices.Serial.SerialStopBits;
  1641. + public class Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.ErrorReceivedEventArgs {
  1642. + public SerialError Error { get; }
  1643. + }
  1645. + public class Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.PinChangedEventArgs {
  1646. + public SerialPinChange PinChange { get; }
  1647. + }
  1649. + public class Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.SerialDevice {
  1650. + public bool IsDataTerminalReadyEnabled { get; set; }
  1651. + public ushort DataBits { get; set; }
  1652. + public SerialHandshake Handshake { get; set; }
  1653. + public bool BreakSignalState { get; set; }
  1654. + public uint BaudRate { get; set; }
  1655. + public TimeSpan WriteTimeout { get; set; }
  1656. + public SerialStopBitCount StopBits { get; set; }
  1657. + public TimeSpan ReadTimeout { get; set; }
  1658. + public SerialParity Parity { get; set; }
  1659. + public bool IsRequestToSendEnabled { get; set; }
  1660. + public uint BytesReceived { get; }
  1661. + public bool CarrierDetectState { get; }
  1662. + public bool ClearToSendState { get; }
  1663. + public bool DataSetReadyState { get; }
  1664. + public IInputStream InputStream { get; }
  1665. + public IOutputStream OutputStream { get; }
  1666. + public string PortName { get; }
  1667. + public ushort UsbProductId { get; }
  1668. + public ushort UsbVendorId { get; }
  1669. + public void Close();
  1670. + public static string GetDeviceSelector( string result );
  1671. + public static string GetDeviceSelectorFromUsbVidPid( ushort result, ushort vendorId );
  1672. + public static IAsyncOperation<SerialDevice> FromIdAsync( string result );
  1673. + TypedEventHandler<SerialDevice, ErrorReceivedEventArgs> ErrorReceived;
  1674. + TypedEventHandler<SerialDevice, PinChangedEventArgs> PinChanged;
  1675. + }
  1677. + public enum Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.SerialError {
  1678. + Frame = 0,
  1679. + BufferOverrun = 1,
  1680. + ReceiveFull = 2,
  1681. + ReceiveParity = 3,
  1682. + TransmitFull = 4,
  1683. + }
  1685. + public enum Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.SerialHandshake {
  1686. + None = 0,
  1687. + RequestToSend = 1,
  1688. + XOnXOff = 2,
  1689. + RequestToSendXOnXOff = 3,
  1690. + }
  1692. + public enum Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.SerialParity {
  1693. + None = 0,
  1694. + Even = 1,
  1695. + Odd = 2,
  1696. + Mark = 3,
  1697. + Space = 4,
  1698. + }
  1700. + public enum Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.SerialPinChange {
  1701. + BreakSignal = 0,
  1702. + CarrierDetect = 1,
  1703. + ClearToSend = 2,
  1704. + DataSetReady = 3,
  1705. + RingIndicator = 4,
  1706. + }
  1708. + public enum Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.SerialStopBitCount {
  1709. + None = 0,
  1710. + One = 1,
  1711. + OnePointFive = 2,
  1712. + Two = 3,
  1713. + }
  1715. + public enum Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardActivationPolicyChangeResult {
  1716. + Denied = 0,
  1717. + Allowed = 1,
  1718. + }
  1720. + public class Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardAppletIdGroup {
  1721. + public SmartCardEmulationType SmartCardEmulationType { get; set; }
  1722. + public SmartCardEmulationCategory SmartCardEmulationCategory { get; set; }
  1723. + public string DisplayName { get; set; }
  1724. + public IVector<IBuffer> AppletIds { get; }
  1725. + public SmartCardAppletIdGroup( string displayName, IVector<IBuffer> appletIds, SmartCardEmulationCategory emulationCategory, SmartCardEmulationType emulationType );
  1726. + }
  1728. + public enum Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardAppletIdGroupActivationPolicy {
  1729. + Disabled = 0,
  1730. + ForegroundOverride = 1,
  1731. + Enabled = 2,
  1732. + }
  1734. + public class Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardAppletIdGroupRegistration {
  1735. + public SmartCardAppletIdGroupActivationPolicy ActivationPolicy { get; }
  1736. + public SmartCardAppletIdGroup AppletIdGroup { get; }
  1737. + public IAsyncOperation<SmartCardActivationPolicyChangeResult> RequestActivationPolicyChangeAsync( SmartCardAppletIdGroupActivationPolicy result );
  1738. + }
  1740. + public struct Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardDeviceContract {
  1741. + }
  1743. + public enum Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardEmulationCategory {
  1744. + Other = 0,
  1745. + Payment = 1,
  1746. + }
  1748. + public enum Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardEmulationType {
  1749. + Host = 0,
  1750. + Uicc = 1,
  1751. + }
  1753. + public class Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardEmulator {
  1754. + public SmartCardEmulatorEnablementPolicy EnablementPolicy { get; }
  1755. + public static IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<SmartCardAppletIdGroupRegistration>> GetAppletIdGroupRegistrationsAsync();
  1756. + public static IAsyncOperation<SmartCardAppletIdGroupRegistration> RegisterAppletIdGroupAsync( SmartCardAppletIdGroup result );
  1757. + public static IAsyncAction UnregisterAppletIdGroupAsync( SmartCardAppletIdGroupRegistration result );
  1758. + public static IAsyncOperation<SmartCardEmulator> GetDefaultAsync();
  1759. + }
  1761. + public class Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardEmulatorApduReceivedEventArgs {
  1762. + public IBuffer CommandApdu { get; }
  1763. + public SmartCardEmulatorConnectionProperties ConnectionProperties { get; }
  1764. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> TryRespondAsync( IBuffer result );
  1765. + }
  1767. + public class Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardEmulatorConnectionDeactivatedEventArgs {
  1768. + public SmartCardEmulatorConnectionProperties ConnectionProperties { get; }
  1769. + public SmartCardEmulatorConnectionDeactivatedReason Reason { get; }
  1770. + }
  1772. + public enum Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardEmulatorConnectionDeactivatedReason {
  1773. + ConnectionLost = 0,
  1774. + ConnectionRedirected = 1,
  1775. + }
  1777. + public class Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardEmulatorConnectionProperties {
  1778. + public Guid Id { get; }
  1779. + public SmartCardEmulatorConnectionSource Source { get; }
  1780. + }
  1782. + public enum Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardEmulatorConnectionSource {
  1783. + Unknown = 0,
  1784. + NfcReader = 1,
  1785. + }
  1787. + public enum Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardEmulatorEnablementPolicy {
  1788. + Never = 0,
  1789. + Always = 1,
  1790. + ScreenOn = 2,
  1791. + ScreenUnlocked = 3,
  1792. + }
  1794. + public class Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardTriggerDetails {
  1795. + public IBuffer SourceAppletId { get; }
  1796. + public IBuffer TriggerData { get; }
  1797. + public SmartCardTriggerType TriggerType { get; }
  1798. + }
  1800. + public enum Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardTriggerType {
  1801. + EmulatorTransaction = 0,
  1802. + EmulatorNearFieldEntry = 1,
  1803. + EmulatorNearFieldExit = 2,
  1804. + }
  1806. - public interface Windows.Devices.Sms.ISmsMessage2;
  1808. + public interface Windows.Devices.Sms.ISmsMessageBase {
  1809. + public CellularClass CellularClass { get; }
  1810. + public string DeviceId { get; }
  1811. + public SmsMessageClass MessageClass { get; }
  1812. + public SmsMessageType MessageType { get; }
  1813. + }
  1815. | public class Windows.Devices.Sms.SmsDevice2 {
  1816. + public string AccountPhoneNumber { get; }
  1817. + public CellularClass CellularClass { get; }
  1818. + public SmsDeviceStatus DeviceStatus { get; }
  1819. + public IAsyncOperation<SmsSendMessageResult> SendMessageAndGetResultAsync( ISmsMessageBase asyncInfo );
  1820. | }
  1823. MetaDiff v0.1
  1825. new file: new\Windows.Foundation.winmd
  1826. old file: old\Windows.Foundation.winmd
  1828. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  1830. + public struct Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract {
  1831. + }
  1833. + public struct Windows.Foundation.RemoveFromThisBadContract {
  1834. + }
  1836. + public struct Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract {
  1837. + }
  1839. * internal interface Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.ILoggingActivity;
  1841. * internal interface Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.ILoggingActivity2;
  1843. | public interface Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.ILoggingTarget {
  1844. + public LoggingActivity StartActivity( string result );
  1845. + public LoggingActivity StartActivity( string result, LoggingFields startEventName );
  1846. + public LoggingActivity StartActivity( string result, LoggingFields startEventName, LoggingLevel fields );
  1847. + public LoggingActivity StartActivity( string result, LoggingFields startEventName, LoggingLevel fields, LoggingOptions level );
  1848. | }
  1850. | public class Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.LoggingActivity {
  1851. + public LoggingActivity StartActivity( string result );
  1852. + public LoggingActivity StartActivity( string result, LoggingFields startEventName );
  1853. + public LoggingActivity StartActivity( string result, LoggingFields startEventName, LoggingLevel fields );
  1854. + public LoggingActivity StartActivity( string result, LoggingFields startEventName, LoggingLevel fields, LoggingOptions level );
  1855. | }
  1857. | public class Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.LoggingChannel {
  1858. + public LoggingActivity StartActivity( string result );
  1859. + public LoggingActivity StartActivity( string result, LoggingFields startEventName );
  1860. + public LoggingActivity StartActivity( string result, LoggingFields startEventName, LoggingLevel fields );
  1861. + public LoggingActivity StartActivity( string result, LoggingFields startEventName, LoggingLevel fields, LoggingOptions level );
  1862. | }
  1864. + public struct Windows.Foundation.Geometry.AlignedBoundingBox {
  1865. + public Vector3 Center;
  1866. + public Vector3 Extents;
  1867. + }
  1869. + public struct Windows.Foundation.Geometry.Frustum {
  1870. + public Plane Top;
  1871. + public Plane Bottom;
  1872. + public Plane Left;
  1873. + public Plane Right;
  1874. + public Plane Near;
  1875. + public Plane Far;
  1876. + }
  1878. + public struct Windows.Foundation.Geometry.OrientedBoundingBox {
  1879. + public AlignedBoundingBox Box;
  1880. + public Quaternion Rotation;
  1881. + }
  1883. + public struct Windows.Foundation.Geometry.Ray {
  1884. + public Vector3 Start;
  1885. + public Vector3 End;
  1886. + }
  1888. + public class Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiContractAttribute : System.Attribute {
  1889. + public ApiContractAttribute();
  1890. + }
  1892. + public class Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersionAttribute : System.Attribute {
  1893. + public ContractVersionAttribute( uint version );
  1894. + public ContractVersionAttribute( Type contract, uint version );
  1895. + }
  1897. + public class Windows.Foundation.Metadata.PreviousContractVersionAttribute : System.Attribute {
  1898. + public PreviousContractVersionAttribute( Type contract, uint versionLow, uint versionHigh, Type newContract );
  1899. + public PreviousContractVersionAttribute( Type contract, uint versionLow, uint versionHigh );
  1900. + }
  1903. MetaDiff v0.1
  1905. new file: new\Windows.Globalization.winmd
  1906. old file: old\Windows.Globalization.winmd
  1908. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  1910. | public class Windows.Globalization.CalendarIdentifiers {
  1911. + public string Persian { get; }
  1912. | }
  1915. MetaDiff v0.1
  1917. new file: new\Windows.Graphics.winmd
  1918. old file: old\Windows.Graphics.winmd
  1920. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  1922. | public enum Windows.Graphics.DirectX.DirectXPixelFormat {
  1923. + Astc4x4Typeless = 133,
  1924. + Astc4x4Normalized = 134,
  1925. + Astc4x4NormalizedSrgb = 135,
  1926. + Astc5x4Typeless = 137,
  1927. + Astc5x4Normalized = 138,
  1928. + Astc5x4NormalizedSrgb = 139,
  1929. + Astc5x5Typeless = 141,
  1930. + Astc5x5Normalized = 142,
  1931. + Astc5x5NormalizedSrgb = 143,
  1932. + Astc6x5Typeless = 145,
  1933. + Astc6x5Normalized = 146,
  1934. + Astc6x5NormalizedSrgb = 147,
  1935. + Astc6x6Typeless = 149,
  1936. + Astc6x6Normalized = 150,
  1937. + Astc6x6NormalizedSrgb = 151,
  1938. + Astc8x5Typeless = 153,
  1939. + Astc8x5Normalized = 154,
  1940. + Astc8x5NormalizedSrgb = 155,
  1941. + Astc8x6Typeless = 157,
  1942. + Astc8x6Normalized = 158,
  1943. + Astc8x6NormalizedSrgb = 159,
  1944. + Astc8x8Typeless = 161,
  1945. + Astc8x8Normalized = 162,
  1946. + Astc8x8NormalizedSrgb = 163,
  1947. + Astc10x5Typeless = 165,
  1948. + Astc10x5Normalized = 166,
  1949. + Astc10x5NormalizedSrgb = 167,
  1950. + Astc10x6Typeless = 169,
  1951. + Astc10x6Normalized = 170,
  1952. + Astc10x6NormalizedSrgb = 171,
  1953. + Astc10x8Typeless = 173,
  1954. + Astc10x8Normalized = 174,
  1955. + Astc10x8NormalizedSrgb = 175,
  1956. + Astc10x10Typeless = 177,
  1957. + Astc10x10Normalized = 178,
  1958. + Astc10x10NormalizedSrgb = 179,
  1959. + Astc12x10Typeless = 181,
  1960. + Astc12x10Normalized = 182,
  1961. + Astc12x10NormalizedSrgb = 183,
  1962. + Astc12x12Typeless = 185,
  1963. + Astc12x12Normalized = 186,
  1964. + Astc12x12NormalizedSrgb = 187,
  1965. | }
  1967. | public class Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayInformation {
  1968. + public double RawPixelsPerViewPixel { get; }
  1969. | }
  1971. + public class Windows.Graphics.Display.StereoHeadMountedDisplay {
  1972. + public double NearPlaneDistance { get; set; }
  1973. + public double FarPlaneDistance { get; set; }
  1974. + public Person User { get; }
  1975. + public PositionalLocatorState State { get; }
  1976. + public StereoHeadMountedDisplay();
  1977. + public Frustum GetViewFrustum( Pose value );
  1978. + public StereoViewProjection GetStereoViewProjection( Pose value );
  1979. + public void ResetSwapChain();
  1980. + public void RequestActivation();
  1981. + TypedEventHandler<StereoHeadMountedDisplay, object> SwapChainResized;
  1982. + TypedEventHandler<StereoHeadMountedDisplay, object> SwapChainResizing;
  1983. + TypedEventHandler<IPositionalLocator, object> StateChanged;
  1984. + }
  1986. + public struct Windows.Graphics.Display.StereoViewProjection {
  1987. + public ViewProjection Left;
  1988. + public ViewProjection Right;
  1989. + }
  1991. + public struct Windows.Graphics.Display.ViewProjection {
  1992. + public Matrix4x4 View;
  1993. + public Matrix4x4 Projection;
  1994. + }
  1996. + public class Windows.Graphics.Face.DetectedFace {
  1997. + public BitmapBounds FaceBox { get; }
  1998. + public DetectedFace();
  1999. + }
  2001. + public class Windows.Graphics.Face.FaceDetector {
  2002. + public FaceSize MinimumDetectableFaceSize { get; set; }
  2003. + public FaceSize MaximumDetectableFaceSize { get; set; }
  2004. + public FaceDetector();
  2005. + public IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<DetectedFace>> DetectFacesAsync( SoftwareBitmap returnValue );
  2006. + public IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<DetectedFace>> DetectFacesWithSearchAreaAsync( SoftwareBitmap returnValue, BitmapBounds image );
  2007. + }
  2009. + public enum Windows.Graphics.Face.FaceFeature {
  2010. + LeftEye = 0,
  2011. + RightEye = 1,
  2012. + Nose = 2,
  2013. + MouthLeftCorner = 3,
  2014. + MouthRightCorner = 4,
  2015. + LeftEyebrowTopLeft = 5,
  2016. + LeftEyebrowTopRight = 6,
  2017. + LeftEyeOuterCorner = 7,
  2018. + TopLeftEyelidMiddle = 8,
  2019. + BottomLeftEyelidMiddle = 9,
  2020. + LeftEyeInnerCorner = 10,
  2021. + RightEyebrowTopLeft = 11,
  2022. + RightEyebrowTopRight = 12,
  2023. + RightEyeInnerCorner = 13,
  2024. + TopRightEyelidMiddle = 14,
  2025. + BottomRightEyelidMiddle = 15,
  2026. + RightEyeOuterCorner = 16,
  2027. + NoseLeftBridge = 17,
  2028. + NoseRightBridge = 18,
  2029. + NoseLeftWingTop = 19,
  2030. + NoseRightWingTop = 20,
  2031. + NoseLeftWingSideTop = 21,
  2032. + NoseRightWingSideTop = 22,
  2033. + UpperLipBottomVDip = 23,
  2034. + UpperLipBottomMiddle = 24,
  2035. + LowerLipTopMiddle = 25,
  2036. + LowerLipBottom = 26,
  2037. + }
  2039. + public class Windows.Graphics.Face.FacePoints {
  2040. + public FacePoints();
  2041. + public BitmapBounds ComputeFaceBox();
  2042. + public IAsyncOperation<FacePoints> TrackAsync( SoftwareBitmap returnValue );
  2043. + }
  2045. + public struct Windows.Graphics.Face.FaceSize {
  2046. + public uint Width;
  2047. + public uint Height;
  2048. + }
  2050. + public class Windows.Graphics.Face.FaceTracker {
  2051. + public FaceSize MinimumDetectableFaceSize { get; set; }
  2052. + public FaceSize MaximumDetectableFaceSize { get; set; }
  2053. + public FaceTracker();
  2054. + public IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<DetectedFace>> ProcessNextFrameAsync( VideoFrame returnValue );
  2055. + }
  2058. MetaDiff v0.1
  2060. new file: new\Windows.Human.winmd
  2061. old file: old\Windows.Human.winmd (NOT EXISTS!)
  2063. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  2065. + public class Windows.Human.Person {
  2066. + public Pose GetPredictedPoseForCurrentFrame();
  2067. + public void ReorientToHead( Pose pose, ref Pose reoriented );
  2068. + public IAsyncOperation<Pose> LocateAsync();
  2069. + TypedEventHandler<Person, FingerPressedEventArgs> FingerPressed;
  2070. + TypedEventHandler<Person, FingerReleasedEventArgs> FingerReleased;
  2071. + TypedEventHandler<Person, HandDetectedEventArgs> HandDetected;
  2072. + TypedEventHandler<Person, HandLostEventArgs> HandLost;
  2073. + TypedEventHandler<Person, HandMovedEventArgs> HandMoved;
  2074. + TypedEventHandler<Person, SelectDetectedEventArgs> SelectDetected;
  2075. + }
  2077. + public class Windows.Human.Pose {
  2078. + public Matrix4x4 CameraToPoseTransform { get; }
  2079. + public Ray GazeDirection { get; }
  2080. + public IVectorView<Hand> Hands { get; }
  2081. + public Matrix4x4 HeadToPoseTransform { get; }
  2082. + public Matrix4x4 LeftEarToPoseTransform { get; }
  2083. + public Matrix4x4 RightEarToPoseTransform { get; }
  2084. + public Locatability Locatability { get; }
  2085. + public Pose GetUpdatedPrediction();
  2086. + public Pose GetInterpolation( TimeSpan value );
  2087. + public Locatability TryGetRelativeTransformTo( ILocatable locatability, ref Matrix4x4 pTarget );
  2088. + public static TimeSpan GetTimeSpanBetweenPoses( Pose timeSpan, Pose from );
  2089. + }
  2091. + public class Windows.Human.Gestures.GestureRecognizer {
  2092. + public NuiGestureSettings GestureSettings { get; set; }
  2093. + public bool IsActive { get; }
  2094. + public GestureRecognizer();
  2095. + public void ProcessFingerPressedEvent( FingerPressedEventArgs value );
  2096. + public void ProcessFingerReleasedEvent( FingerReleasedEventArgs value );
  2097. + public void ProcessHandMovedEvent( HandMovedEventArgs value );
  2098. + public void ProcessHandDetectedEvent( HandDetectedEventArgs value );
  2099. + public void ProcessHandLostEvent( HandLostEventArgs value );
  2100. + public void CompleteGesture();
  2101. + TypedEventHandler<GestureRecognizer, ScrollCanceledEventArgs> ScrollCanceled;
  2102. + TypedEventHandler<GestureRecognizer, ScrollCompletedEventArgs> ScrollCompleted;
  2103. + TypedEventHandler<GestureRecognizer, ScrollStartedEventArgs> ScrollStarted;
  2104. + TypedEventHandler<GestureRecognizer, ScrollUpdatedEventArgs> ScrollUpdated;
  2105. + TypedEventHandler<GestureRecognizer, SelectDetectedEventArgs> SelectDetected;
  2106. + TypedEventHandler<GestureRecognizer, ZoomCanceledEventArgs> ZoomCanceled;
  2107. + TypedEventHandler<GestureRecognizer, ZoomCompletedEventArgs> ZoomCompleted;
  2108. + TypedEventHandler<GestureRecognizer, ZoomStartedEventArgs> ZoomStarted;
  2109. + TypedEventHandler<GestureRecognizer, ZoomUpdatedEventArgs> ZoomUpdated;
  2110. + }
  2112. + public enum Windows.Human.Gestures.GestureSource {
  2113. + None = 0,
  2114. + Hand = 1,
  2115. + Speech = 2,
  2116. + }
  2118. + public interface Windows.Human.Gestures.IGestureEventArgs {
  2119. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2120. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2121. + public GestureSource Source { get; }
  2122. + }
  2124. + public interface Windows.Human.Gestures.IScrollEventArgs {
  2125. + public Vector2 NormalizedVelocity { get; }
  2126. + }
  2128. + public interface Windows.Human.Gestures.IZoomEventArgs {
  2129. + public float NormalizedVelocity { get; }
  2130. + }
  2132. + public enum Windows.Human.Gestures.NuiGestureSettings {
  2133. + None = 0,
  2134. + Select = 1,
  2135. + ScrollX = 2,
  2136. + ScrollY = 4,
  2137. + ScrollRailsX = 8,
  2138. + ScrollRailsY = 16,
  2139. + Zoom = 32,
  2140. + ZoomRails = 64,
  2141. + }
  2143. + public class Windows.Human.Gestures.ScrollCanceledEventArgs {
  2144. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2145. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2146. + public GestureSource Source { get; }
  2147. + public Vector2 NormalizedVelocity { get; }
  2148. + }
  2150. + public class Windows.Human.Gestures.ScrollCompletedEventArgs {
  2151. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2152. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2153. + public GestureSource Source { get; }
  2154. + public Vector2 NormalizedVelocity { get; }
  2155. + }
  2157. + public class Windows.Human.Gestures.ScrollStartedEventArgs {
  2158. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2159. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2160. + public GestureSource Source { get; }
  2161. + public Vector2 NormalizedVelocity { get; }
  2162. + }
  2164. + public class Windows.Human.Gestures.ScrollUpdatedEventArgs {
  2165. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2166. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2167. + public GestureSource Source { get; }
  2168. + public Vector2 NormalizedVelocity { get; }
  2169. + }
  2171. + public class Windows.Human.Gestures.SelectDetectedEventArgs {
  2172. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2173. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2174. + public GestureSource Source { get; }
  2175. + }
  2177. + public class Windows.Human.Gestures.ZoomCanceledEventArgs {
  2178. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2179. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2180. + public GestureSource Source { get; }
  2181. + public float NormalizedVelocity { get; }
  2182. + }
  2184. + public class Windows.Human.Gestures.ZoomCompletedEventArgs {
  2185. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2186. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2187. + public GestureSource Source { get; }
  2188. + public float NormalizedVelocity { get; }
  2189. + }
  2191. + public class Windows.Human.Gestures.ZoomStartedEventArgs {
  2192. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2193. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2194. + public GestureSource Source { get; }
  2195. + public float NormalizedVelocity { get; }
  2196. + }
  2198. + public class Windows.Human.Gestures.ZoomUpdatedEventArgs {
  2199. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2200. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2201. + public GestureSource Source { get; }
  2202. + public float NormalizedVelocity { get; }
  2203. + }
  2205. + public class Windows.Human.Hands.FingerPressedEventArgs {
  2206. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2207. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2208. + }
  2210. + public class Windows.Human.Hands.FingerReleasedEventArgs {
  2211. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2212. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2213. + }
  2215. + public class Windows.Human.Hands.Hand {
  2216. + public Vector3 GuidanceDirection { get; }
  2217. + public float GuidanceScore { get; }
  2218. + public uint Id { get; }
  2219. + public Vector3 Position { get; }
  2220. + public HandState State { get; }
  2221. + }
  2223. + public class Windows.Human.Hands.HandDetectedEventArgs {
  2224. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2225. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2226. + }
  2228. + public class Windows.Human.Hands.HandLostEventArgs {
  2229. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2230. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2231. + }
  2233. + public class Windows.Human.Hands.HandMovedEventArgs {
  2234. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2235. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2236. + }
  2238. + public enum Windows.Human.Hands.HandState {
  2239. + Released = 0,
  2240. + Holding = 1,
  2241. + }
  2243. + public interface Windows.Human.Hands.IHandEventArgs {
  2244. + public Hand Hand { get; }
  2245. + public Pose Pose { get; }
  2246. + }
  2249. MetaDiff v0.1
  2251. new file: new\Windows.Management.winmd
  2252. old file: old\Windows.Management.winmd
  2254. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  2256. + public class Windows.Management.Orchestration.Core.OrchestrationResult {
  2257. + public uint ExtendedErrorCode { get; }
  2258. + public OrchestrationStatus Status { get; }
  2259. + }
  2261. + public class Windows.Management.Orchestration.Core.OrchestrationSession {
  2262. + public bool InSession { get; }
  2263. + public static OrchestrationResult Start();
  2264. + public static IAsyncAction StopAsync();
  2265. + public static IAsyncOperation<OrchestrationResult> LaunchExeAsync( string result, string exeFullPath );
  2266. + public static IAsyncOperation<OrchestrationResult> SetAllowedAppsAsync( IIterable<string> result );
  2267. + public static IAsyncOperation<OrchestrationResult> SetAllowedExesAsync( IIterable<string> result );
  2268. + public static IAsyncOperation<UriRestrictionResult> SetAllowedUrisAsync( IIterable<Uri> result );
  2269. + public static IAsyncOperation<OrchestrationResult> AllowAllAppsAsync();
  2270. + public static IAsyncOperation<OrchestrationResult> AllowAllExesAsync();
  2271. + public static IAsyncOperation<OrchestrationResult> AllowAllUrisAsync();
  2272. + }
  2274. + public enum Windows.Management.Orchestration.Core.OrchestrationStatus {
  2275. + Success = 0,
  2276. + ExtendedError = 1,
  2277. + ErrorAccessDeniedByPolicy = 2,
  2278. + ErrorSessionAlreadyStarted = 3,
  2279. + ErrorSessionStopped = 4,
  2280. + }
  2282. + public class Windows.Management.Orchestration.Core.UriRestrictionResult {
  2283. + public uint ExtendedErrorCode { get; }
  2284. + public Uri FailedUri { get; }
  2285. + public OrchestrationStatus Status { get; }
  2286. + }
  2288. + public struct Windows.Management.Workplace.WorkplaceSettingsContract {
  2289. + }
  2292. MetaDiff v0.1
  2294. new file: new\Windows.Media.winmd
  2295. old file: old\Windows.Media.winmd
  2297. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  2299. + public struct Windows.Media.MediaControlContract {
  2300. + }
  2302. | public class Windows.Media.Audio.AudioFileOutputNode {
  2303. + public MediaEncodingProfile FileEncodingProfile { get; }
  2304. - public AudioEncodingProperties FileFormat { get; }
  2305. | }
  2307. | public class Windows.Media.Audio.AudioGraph {
  2308. + public IAsyncOperation<CreateAudioFileOutputNodeResult> CreateFileOutputNodeAsync( IStorageFile result, MediaEncodingProfile file );
  2309. + public static IAsyncOperation<CreateAudioGraphResult> CreateAsync();
  2310. + public static IAsyncOperation<CreateAudioGraphResult> CreateAsync( AudioGraphSettings result );
  2311. - public AudioGraph( int samplesPerQuantum, AudioEncodingProperties encodingProperties );
  2312. | }
  2314. + public enum Windows.Media.Audio.AudioGraphCreationStatus {
  2315. + Success = 0,
  2316. + DeviceNotAvailable = 1,
  2317. + FormatNotSupported = 2,
  2318. + UnknownFailure = 3,
  2319. + }
  2321. + public class Windows.Media.Audio.AudioGraphSettings {
  2322. + public QuantumSizeSelectionMode QuantumSizeSelectionMode { get; set; }
  2323. + public DeviceInformation MasterDevice { get; set; }
  2324. + public AudioEncodingProperties Format { get; set; }
  2325. + public int DesiredSamplesPerQuantum { get; set; }
  2326. + }
  2328. + public enum Windows.Media.Audio.AudioGraphUnrecoverableError {
  2329. + None = 0,
  2330. + AudioDeviceLost = 1,
  2331. + AudioSessionDisconnected = 2,
  2332. + UnknownFailure = 3,
  2333. + }
  2335. + public class Windows.Media.Audio.AudioGraphUnrecoverableErrorOccurredEventArgs {
  2336. + public AudioGraphUnrecoverableError Error { get; }
  2337. + }
  2339. + public class Windows.Media.Audio.CreateAudioGraphResult {
  2340. + public AudioGraph Graph { get; }
  2341. + public AudioGraphCreationStatus Status { get; }
  2342. + }
  2344. + public enum Windows.Media.Audio.QuantumSizeSelectionMode {
  2345. + SystemDefault = 0,
  2346. + LowLatency = 1,
  2347. + ClosestToDesired = 2,
  2348. + }
  2350. + public struct Windows.Media.Capture.CameraCaptureUIContract {
  2351. + }
  2353. | public enum Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCategory {
  2354. + Media = 2,
  2355. + GameChat = 3,
  2356. + Speech = 4,
  2357. | }
  2359. + public class Windows.Media.Casting.CastingConnection {
  2360. + public CastingSource Source { get; set; }
  2361. + public CastingDevice Device { get; }
  2362. + public CastingConnectionState State { get; }
  2363. + public IAsyncOperation<CastingConnectionErrorStatus> DisconnectAsync();
  2364. + public void Close();
  2365. + TypedEventHandler<CastingConnection, CastingConnectionErrorOccurredEventArgs> ErrorOccurred;
  2366. + TypedEventHandler<CastingConnection, object> StateChanged;
  2367. + }
  2369. + public class Windows.Media.Casting.CastingConnectionErrorOccurredEventArgs {
  2370. + public CastingConnectionErrorStatus ErrorStatus { get; }
  2371. + public string Message { get; }
  2372. + }
  2374. + public enum Windows.Media.Casting.CastingConnectionErrorStatus {
  2375. + Succeeded = 0,
  2376. + DeviceDidNotRespond = 1,
  2377. + DeviceError = 2,
  2378. + DeviceLocked = 3,
  2379. + ProtectedPlaybackFailed = 4,
  2380. + InvalidCastingSource = 5,
  2381. + Unknown = 6,
  2382. + }
  2384. + public enum Windows.Media.Casting.CastingConnectionState {
  2385. + Disconnected = 0,
  2386. + Connected = 1,
  2387. + Rendering = 2,
  2388. + Disconnecting = 3,
  2389. + Connecting = 4,
  2390. + }
  2392. + public class Windows.Media.Casting.CastingDevice {
  2393. + public string FriendlyName { get; }
  2394. + public IRandomAccessStreamWithContentType Icon { get; }
  2395. + public string Id { get; }
  2396. + public CastingPlaybackTypes SupportedCastingPlaybackTypes { get; }
  2397. + public IAsyncOperation<StartCastingResult> RequestStartCastingAsync( CastingSource operation );
  2398. + }
  2400. + public enum Windows.Media.Casting.CastingPlaybackTypes {
  2401. + None = 0,
  2402. + Audio = 1,
  2403. + Video = 2,
  2404. + Picture = 4,
  2405. + }
  2407. + public class Windows.Media.Casting.CastingSource {
  2408. + public Uri PreferredSourceUri { get; set; }
  2409. + }
  2411. + public interface Windows.Media.Casting.ICastingConnection {
  2412. + public CastingDevice Device { get; }
  2413. + public CastingSource Source { get; set; }
  2414. + public CastingConnectionState State { get; }
  2415. + public IAsyncOperation<CastingConnectionErrorStatus> DisconnectAsync();
  2416. + TypedEventHandler<CastingConnection, CastingConnectionErrorOccurredEventArgs> ErrorOccurred;
  2417. + TypedEventHandler<CastingConnection, object> StateChanged;
  2418. + }
  2420. + public class Windows.Media.Casting.StartCastingResult {
  2421. + public CastingConnection Connection { get; }
  2422. + public CastingConnectionErrorStatus Status { get; }
  2423. + }
  2425. + public enum Windows.Media.ClosedCaptioning.ClosedCaptionColor {
  2426. + Default = 0,
  2427. + White = 1,
  2428. + Black = 2,
  2429. + Red = 3,
  2430. + Green = 4,
  2431. + Blue = 5,
  2432. + Yellow = 6,
  2433. + Magenta = 7,
  2434. + Cyan = 8,
  2435. + }
  2437. + public enum Windows.Media.ClosedCaptioning.ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect {
  2438. + Default = 0,
  2439. + None = 1,
  2440. + Raised = 2,
  2441. + Depressed = 3,
  2442. + Uniform = 4,
  2443. + DropShadow = 5,
  2444. + }
  2446. + public enum Windows.Media.ClosedCaptioning.ClosedCaptionOpacity {
  2447. + Default = 0,
  2448. + OneHundredPercent = 1,
  2449. + SeventyFivePercent = 2,
  2450. + TwentyFivePercent = 3,
  2451. + ZeroPercent = 4,
  2452. + }
  2454. + public class Windows.Media.ClosedCaptioning.ClosedCaptionProperties {
  2455. + public ClosedCaptionColor BackgroundColor { get; }
  2456. + public ClosedCaptionOpacity BackgroundOpacity { get; }
  2457. + public Color ComputedBackgroundColor { get; }
  2458. + public Color ComputedFontColor { get; }
  2459. + public Color ComputedRegionColor { get; }
  2460. + public ClosedCaptionColor FontColor { get; }
  2461. + public ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect FontEffect { get; }
  2462. + public ClosedCaptionOpacity FontOpacity { get; }
  2463. + public ClosedCaptionSize FontSize { get; }
  2464. + public ClosedCaptionStyle FontStyle { get; }
  2465. + public ClosedCaptionColor RegionColor { get; }
  2466. + public ClosedCaptionOpacity RegionOpacity { get; }
  2467. + }
  2469. + public enum Windows.Media.ClosedCaptioning.ClosedCaptionSize {
  2470. + Default = 0,
  2471. + FiftyPercent = 1,
  2472. + OneHundredPercent = 2,
  2473. + OneHundredFiftyPercent = 3,
  2474. + TwoHundredPercent = 4,
  2475. + }
  2477. + public enum Windows.Media.ClosedCaptioning.ClosedCaptionStyle {
  2478. + Default = 0,
  2479. + MonospacedWithSerifs = 1,
  2480. + ProportionalWithSerifs = 2,
  2481. + MonospacedWithoutSerifs = 3,
  2482. + ProportionalWithoutSerifs = 4,
  2483. + Casual = 5,
  2484. + Cursive = 6,
  2485. + SmallCapitals = 7,
  2486. + }
  2488. - public enum Windows.Media.ClosedCaptions.ClosedCaptionColor;
  2490. - public enum Windows.Media.ClosedCaptions.ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect;
  2492. - public enum Windows.Media.ClosedCaptions.ClosedCaptionOpacity;
  2494. - public class Windows.Media.ClosedCaptions.ClosedCaptionProperties;
  2496. - public enum Windows.Media.ClosedCaptions.ClosedCaptionSize;
  2498. - public enum Windows.Media.ClosedCaptions.ClosedCaptionStyle;
  2500. - public void delegate Windows.Media.Core.AssetResolvedEventHandler( MediaAsset sender );
  2502. - public class Windows.Media.Core.MediaAsset;
  2504. + public class Windows.Media.Core.MediaSource {
  2505. + public ValueSet CustomProperties { get; }
  2506. + public IReference<TimeSpan> Duration { get; }
  2507. + public bool IsResolved { get; }
  2508. + public static MediaSource CreateFromAdaptiveMediaSource( AdaptiveMediaSource value );
  2509. + public static MediaSource CreateFromMediaStreamSource( MediaStreamSource value );
  2510. + public static MediaSource CreateFromMseStreamSource( MseStreamSource value );
  2511. + public static MediaSource CreateFromInterface( IMediaSource value );
  2512. + public static MediaSource CreateFromStorageFile( IStorageFile value );
  2513. + public static MediaSource CreateFromStream( IRandomAccessStream value, string stream );
  2514. + public static MediaSource CreateFromStreamReference( IRandomAccessStreamReference value, string stream );
  2515. + public static MediaSource CreateFromUri( Uri value );
  2516. + Windows.Media.Core.MediaSourceResolvedEventHandler SourceResolved;
  2517. + }
  2519. + public void delegate Windows.Media.Core.MediaSourceResolvedEventHandler( MediaSource sender );
  2521. + public struct Windows.Media.Devices.CallControlContract {
  2522. + }
  2524. + public enum Windows.Media.Devices.MediaCaptureOptimization {
  2525. + Default = 0,
  2526. + Quality = 1,
  2527. + Latency = 2,
  2528. + Power = 3,
  2529. + LatencyThenQuality = 4,
  2530. + LatencyThenPower = 5,
  2531. + PowerAndQuality = 6,
  2532. + }
  2534. - public enum Windows.Media.Devices.MediaCaptureOptimizations;
  2536. | public class Windows.Media.Devices.VideoDeviceController {
  2537. + public MediaCaptureOptimization DesiredOptimization { get; set; }
  2538. - public MediaCaptureOptimizations DesiredOptimizations { get; set; }
  2539. | }
  2541. + public class Windows.Media.DialProtocol.DialApp {
  2542. + public string AppName { get; }
  2543. + public IAsyncOperation<DialAppLaunchResult> RequestLaunchAsync( string value );
  2544. + public IAsyncOperation<DialAppStopResult> StopAsync();
  2545. + public IAsyncOperation<DialAppStateDetails> GetAppStateAsync();
  2546. + }
  2548. + public enum Windows.Media.DialProtocol.DialAppLaunchResult {
  2549. + Launched = 0,
  2550. + FailedToLaunch = 1,
  2551. + NotFound = 2,
  2552. + NetworkFailure = 3,
  2553. + }
  2555. + public enum Windows.Media.DialProtocol.DialAppState {
  2556. + Unknown = 0,
  2557. + Stopped = 1,
  2558. + Running = 2,
  2559. + NetworkFailure = 3,
  2560. + }
  2562. + public class Windows.Media.DialProtocol.DialAppStateDetails {
  2563. + public string FullXml { get; }
  2564. + public DialAppState State { get; }
  2565. + }
  2567. + public enum Windows.Media.DialProtocol.DialAppStopResult {
  2568. + Stopped = 0,
  2569. + StopFailed = 1,
  2570. + OperationNotSupported = 2,
  2571. + NetworkFailure = 3,
  2572. + }
  2574. + public class Windows.Media.DialProtocol.DialDevice {
  2575. + public string Id { get; }
  2576. + public DialApp GetDialApp( string value );
  2577. + }
  2579. + public interface Windows.Media.DialProtocol.IDialDeviceStatics {
  2580. + public string GetDeviceSelector( string selector );
  2581. + public IAsyncOperation<DialDevice> FromIdAsync( string operation );
  2582. + public IAsyncOperation<bool> DeviceInfoSupportsDialAsync( DeviceInformation operation );
  2583. + }
  2585. | public class Windows.Media.Editing.MediaOverlay {
  2586. + public bool AudioEnabled { get; set; }
  2587. | }
  2589. + public struct Windows.Media.PlayTo.DlnaContract {
  2590. + }
  2592. + public struct Windows.Media.PlayTo.PlayToContract {
  2593. + }
  2595. + public class Windows.Media.Playback.CurrentMediaPlaybackItemChangedEventArgs {
  2596. + public MediaPlaybackItem NewItem { get; }
  2597. + public MediaPlaybackItem OldItem { get; }
  2598. + }
  2600. | public enum Windows.Media.Playback.FailedMediaStreamKind {
  2601. * Audio = 1,
  2602. * Video = 2,
  2603. | }
  2605. + public interface Windows.Media.Playback.IMediaPlaybackSource {
  2606. + }
  2608. + public class Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlaybackItem {
  2609. + public MediaSource Source { get; }
  2610. + public MediaPlaybackItem( MediaSource source );
  2611. + }
  2613. + public class Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlaybackItemError {
  2614. + public MediaPlaybackItemErrorCode ErrorCode { get; }
  2615. + public void Propagate();
  2616. + }
  2618. + public enum Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlaybackItemErrorCode {
  2619. + None = 0,
  2620. + Aborted = 1,
  2621. + NetworkError = 2,
  2622. + DecodeError = 3,
  2623. + SourceNotSupportedError = 4,
  2624. + EncryptionError = 5,
  2625. + }
  2627. + public class Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlaybackItemFailedEventArgs {
  2628. + public MediaPlaybackItemError Error { get; }
  2629. + public MediaPlaybackItem Item { get; }
  2630. + }
  2632. + public class Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlaybackItemResolvedEventArgs {
  2633. + public MediaPlaybackItem Item { get; }
  2634. + }
  2636. + public class Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlaybackList {
  2637. + public bool IsShuffled { get; set; }
  2638. + public bool IsLooping { get; set; }
  2639. + public MediaPlaybackItem CurrentItem { get; }
  2640. + public IObservableVector<MediaPlaybackItem> Items { get; }
  2641. + public MediaPlaybackList( Playlist playlist );
  2642. + public MediaPlaybackList();
  2643. + public MediaPlaybackItem SwitchToNextItem();
  2644. + public MediaPlaybackItem SwitchToPreviousItem();
  2645. + public MediaPlaybackItem SwitchToItemAtIndex( uint item );
  2646. + TypedEventHandler<MediaPlaybackList, CurrentMediaPlaybackItemChangedEventArgs> CurrentItemChanged;
  2647. + TypedEventHandler<MediaPlaybackList, MediaPlaybackItemFailedEventArgs> ItemErrorOccurred;
  2648. + TypedEventHandler<MediaPlaybackList, MediaPlaybackItemResolvedEventArgs> ItemResolved;
  2649. + }
  2651. - public class Windows.Media.Playback.PlayableMediaClip;
  2653. - public class Windows.Media.Playback.PlayableMediaClipError;
  2655. - public enum Windows.Media.Playback.PlayableMediaClipErrorCode;
  2657. | public class Windows.Media.Playback.PlaybackMediaMarker {
  2658. + public PlaybackMediaMarker( TimeSpan value );
  2659. + public PlaybackMediaMarker( TimeSpan value, string mediaMarketType, string text );
  2660. | }
  2662. - public class Windows.Media.Playlists.ClipFailedEventArgs;
  2664. - public class Windows.Media.Playlists.ClipResolvedEventArgs;
  2666. - public class Windows.Media.Playlists.CurrentClipChangedEventArgs;
  2668. - public class Windows.Media.Playlists.PlaylistMediaSource;
  2670. | public class Windows.Media.Protection.MediaProtectionPMPServer {
  2671. + public MediaProtectionPMPServer( IPropertySet pProperties );
  2672. - public static MediaProtectionPMPServer CreatePMPServer( IPropertySet ppObject );
  2673. | }
  2675. | public enum Windows.Media.Render.AudioRenderCategory {
  2676. + Movie = 1,
  2677. + Media = 2,
  2678. + GameChat = 8,
  2679. + Speech = 9,
  2680. | }
  2682. + public class Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.VoiceCommandManager {
  2683. + public IMapView<string, VoiceCommandSet> InstalledCommandSets { get; }
  2684. + public static IAsyncAction InstallCommandSetsFromStorageFileAsync( StorageFile installAction );
  2685. + }
  2687. + public class Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.VoiceCommandSet {
  2688. + public string Language { get; }
  2689. + public string Name { get; }
  2690. + public IAsyncAction SetPhraseListAsync( string updateAction, IIterable<string> phraseListName );
  2691. + }
  2694. MetaDiff v0.1
  2696. new file: new\Windows.Networking.winmd
  2697. old file: old\Windows.Networking.winmd
  2699. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  2701. + public class Windows.Networking.Connectivity.AttributedNetworkUsage {
  2702. + public string AttributionId { get; }
  2703. + public string AttributionName { get; }
  2704. + public IRandomAccessStreamReference AttributionThumbnail { get; }
  2705. + public ulong BytesReceived { get; }
  2706. + public ulong BytesSent { get; }
  2707. + }
  2709. | public class Windows.Networking.Connectivity.ConnectionProfile {
  2710. + public IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<AttributedNetworkUsage>> GetAttributedNetworkUsageAsync( DateTime value, DateTime startTime, NetworkUsageStates endTime );
  2711. | }
  2713. + public struct Windows.Networking.Connectivity.WwanContract {
  2714. + }
  2716. + public struct Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.NetworkOperatorsTetheringContract {
  2717. + }
  2719. | public class Windows.Networking.Proximity.PeerInformation {
  2720. + public HostName HostName { get; }
  2721. + public string ServiceName { get; }
  2722. | }
  2724. | public class Windows.Networking.Sockets.DatagramSocketControl {
  2725. + public bool MulticastOnly { get; set; }
  2726. | }
  2728. | public class Windows.Networking.Sockets.SocketActivityContext {
  2729. + public SocketActivityContext();
  2730. | }
  2732. | public class Windows.Networking.Vpn.VpnManagementAgent {
  2733. + public IAsyncOperation<VpnManagementErrorStatus> AddProfileFromObjectAsync( IVpnProfile operation );
  2734. + public IAsyncOperation<VpnManagementErrorStatus> UpdateProfileFromObjectAsync( IVpnProfile operation );
  2735. + public IAsyncOperation<VpnManagementErrorStatus> DeleteProfileAsync( IVpnProfile operation );
  2736. + public IAsyncOperation<VpnManagementErrorStatus> ConnectProfileAsync( IVpnProfile operation );
  2737. + public IAsyncOperation<VpnManagementErrorStatus> ConnectProfileWithPasswordCredentialAsync( IVpnProfile operation, PasswordCredential profile );
  2738. + public IAsyncOperation<VpnManagementErrorStatus> DisconnectProfileAsync( IVpnProfile operation );
  2739. | }
  2742. MetaDiff v0.1
  2744. new file: new\Windows.Phone.winmd
  2745. old file: old\Windows.Phone.winmd (NOT EXISTS!)
  2747. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  2749. + public interface Windows.Phone.ApplicationModel.IPackageIdWithMetadata {
  2750. + public string Author { get; }
  2751. + public string ProductId { get; }
  2752. + }
  2754. + public interface Windows.Phone.ApplicationModel.IPackageWithMetadata {
  2755. + public DateTime InstallDate { get; }
  2756. + public string GetThumbnailToken();
  2757. + public void Launch( string parameters );
  2758. + }
  2760. + public enum Windows.Phone.UI.Core.CoreInputScope {
  2761. + Default = 0,
  2762. + Url = 1,
  2763. + EmailSmtpAddress = 5,
  2764. + Number = 29,
  2765. + TelephoneNumber = 32,
  2766. + Text = 49,
  2767. + Search = 51,
  2768. + }
  2770. + public class Windows.Phone.UI.Core.CoreSelectionChangedEventArgs {
  2771. + public uint Length { get; }
  2772. + public uint Start { get; }
  2773. + }
  2775. + public class Windows.Phone.UI.Core.CoreTextChangedEventArgs {
  2776. + public string NewText { get; }
  2777. + public uint OldLength { get; }
  2778. + public uint Start { get; }
  2779. + }
  2781. + public interface Windows.Phone.UI.Core.ICoreWindowKeyboardInput {
  2782. + public bool IsKeyboardInputEnabled { get; set; }
  2783. + public KeyboardInputBuffer KeyboardInputBuffer { get; set; }
  2784. + }
  2786. + public class Windows.Phone.UI.Core.KeyboardInputBuffer {
  2787. + public string Text { get; set; }
  2788. + public CoreInputScope InputScope { get; set; }
  2789. + public uint SelectionLength { get; }
  2790. + public uint SelectionStart { get; }
  2791. + public KeyboardInputBuffer();
  2792. + public void Select( uint start, uint length );
  2793. + public void SelectFromTap( uint characterIndex );
  2794. + TypedEventHandler<KeyboardInputBuffer, CoreSelectionChangedEventArgs> SelectionChanged;
  2795. + TypedEventHandler<KeyboardInputBuffer, CoreTextChangedEventArgs> TextChanged;
  2796. + }
  2799. MetaDiff v0.1
  2801. new file: new\Windows.Security.winmd
  2802. old file: old\Windows.Security.winmd
  2804. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  2806. | public class Windows.Security.Authentication.OnlineId.OnlineIdAuthenticator {
  2807. + public string AccountId { get; set; }
  2808. | }
  2810. | public class Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.WebAuthenticationBroker {
  2811. + public static void AuthenticateAndContinue( Uri requestUri );
  2812. + public static void AuthenticateAndContinue( Uri requestUri, Uri callbackUri );
  2813. + public static void AuthenticateAndContinue( Uri requestUri, Uri callbackUri, ValueSet continuationData, WebAuthenticationOptions options );
  2814. + public static IAsyncOperation<WebAuthenticationResult> AuthenticateSilentlyAsync( Uri asyncInfo );
  2815. + public static IAsyncOperation<WebAuthenticationResult> AuthenticateSilentlyAsync( Uri asyncInfo, WebAuthenticationOptions requestUri );
  2816. | }
  2818. - public class Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core.WebAccountChangedEventArgs;
  2820. - public class Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core.WebAccountDeletedEventArgs;
  2822. | public class Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core.WebAuthenticationCoreManager {
  2823. + public static IAsyncOperation<WebTokenRequestResult> RequestTokenAsync( WebTokenRequest asyncInfo );
  2824. + public static IAsyncOperation<WebTokenRequestResult> RequestTokenAsync( WebTokenRequest asyncInfo, WebAccount request );
  2825. + public static IAsyncOperation<WebTokenRequestResult> RequestTokenWithHintsAsync( WebTokenRequest asyncInfo, IVectorView<WebAccount> request );
  2826. + public static IAsyncOperation<WebAccount> FindAccountAsync( WebAccountProvider asyncInfo, string provider );
  2827. + public static IAsyncOperation<WebAccountProvider> FindAccountProviderAsync( string asyncInfo );
  2828. + public static IAsyncOperation<WebAccountProvider> FindAccountProviderWithAuthorityAsync( string asyncInfo, string webAccountProviderId );
  2829. - public static IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<WebAccount>> FindAllAccountsAsync();
  2830. - public static IAsyncAction ForgetAccountAsync( WebAccount asyncInfo );
  2831. | }
  2833. + public class Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core.WebProviderError {
  2834. + public uint ErrorCode { get; }
  2835. + public string ErrorMessage { get; }
  2836. + public WebProviderError( uint errorCode, string errorMessage );
  2837. + }
  2839. - public class Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core.WebTokenError;
  2841. | public class Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core.WebTokenRequest {
  2842. + public WebAccountProvider WebAccountProvider { get; }
  2843. - public string WebAccountProviderId { get; }
  2844. + public WebTokenRequest( WebAccountProvider provider, string scope, string clientId );
  2845. + public WebTokenRequest( WebAccountProvider provider, string scope, string clientId, WebTokenRequestPromptType promptType );
  2846. | }
  2848. | public class Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core.WebTokenRequestResult {
  2849. * public WebProviderError ResponseError { get; }
  2850. | }
  2852. | public class Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core.WebTokenResponse {
  2853. * public WebProviderError ProviderError { get; }
  2854. + public WebTokenResponse( string token, WebAccount webAccount, WebProviderError error );
  2855. | }
  2857. | public interface Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Provider.IWebAccountProviderBaseReportOperation {
  2858. + public void ReportError( WebProviderError value );
  2859. | }
  2861. + public class Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Provider.WebAccountProviderDeleteAccountOperation {
  2862. + public WebAccount WebAccount { get; }
  2863. + public WebAccountProviderOperationKind Kind { get; }
  2864. + public void ReportCompleted();
  2865. + public void ReportError( WebProviderError value );
  2866. + }
  2868. | public class Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Provider.WebAccountProviderGetTokenSilentOperation {
  2869. + public void ReportError( WebProviderError value );
  2870. | }
  2872. | public enum Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Provider.WebAccountProviderOperationKind {
  2873. + DeleteAccount = 4,
  2874. * RetrieveCookies = 5,
  2875. | }
  2877. | public class Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Provider.WebAccountProviderRequestTokenOperation {
  2878. + public void ReportError( WebProviderError value );
  2879. | }
  2881. | public class Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Provider.WebAccountProviderRetrieveCookiesOperation {
  2882. + public void ReportError( WebProviderError value );
  2883. | }
  2885. + public enum Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Provider.WebAccountSelectionOptions {
  2886. + Default = 0,
  2887. + AddNew = 1,
  2888. + }
  2890. | public class Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Provider.WebProviderTokenRequest {
  2891. + public WebAccountSelectionOptions WebAccountSelectionOptions { get; }
  2892. | }
  2894. + public class Windows.Security.Credentials.KeyCredential {
  2895. + public string Id { get; }
  2896. + public CryptographicKey Key { get; }
  2897. + }
  2899. + public class Windows.Security.Credentials.KeyCredentialManager {
  2900. + public static IAsyncOperation<KeyCredentialRequestResult> RequestCreateAsync( string operation, bool id );
  2901. + public static IAsyncOperation<KeyCredentialRequestResult> OpenAsync( string operation );
  2902. + public static IAsyncAction DeleteAsync( string value );
  2903. + }
  2905. + public class Windows.Security.Credentials.KeyCredentialRequestResult {
  2906. + public KeyCredential KeyCredential { get; }
  2907. + public KeyCredentialStatus Status { get; }
  2908. + }
  2910. + public enum Windows.Security.Credentials.KeyCredentialStatus {
  2911. + Success = 0,
  2912. + UnknownError = 1,
  2913. + NotFound = 2,
  2914. + UserCanceled = 3,
  2915. + CredentialExists = 4,
  2916. + SecurityDeviceLocked = 5,
  2917. + AccountNotConnected = 6,
  2918. + }
  2920. | public class Windows.Security.Credentials.WebAccountProvider {
  2921. + public string Authority { get; }
  2922. | }
  2924. | public enum Windows.Security.EnterpriseData.FileProtectionStatus {
  2925. - Undetermined = 0,
  2926. - Unknown = 0,
  2927. - ProtectedByOtherUser = 4,
  2928. - ProtectedToOtherEnterprise = 5,
  2929. - ProtectedToOtherIdentity = 7,
  2930. | }
  2932. + public struct Windows.Security.EnterpriseData.FileRevocationContract {
  2933. + }
  2935. | public class Windows.Security.EnterpriseData.FileRevocationManager {
  2936. + public static IAsyncOperation<FileProtectionStatus> ProtectAsync( IStorageItem result, string storageItem );
  2937. + public static IAsyncOperation<bool> CopyProtectionAsync( IStorageItem result, IStorageItem sourceStorageItem );
  2938. + public static IAsyncOperation<FileProtectionStatus> GetStatusAsync( IStorageItem result );
  2939. | }
  2941. | public class Windows.Security.EnterpriseData.ProtectionPolicyManager {
  2942. + public static ThreadNetworkContext CreateCurrentThreadNetworkContext( string result );
  2943. + public static IAsyncOperation<string> GetPrimaryManagedIdentityForNetworkEndpointAsync( HostName result );
  2944. - public static bool TrySetCurrentThreadNetworkContext( string result );
  2945. - public static void ClearCurrentThreadNetworkContext();
  2946. - public static string GetPrimaryManagedIdentityForNetworkEndpoint( HostName primaryManagedIdentity );
  2947. | }
  2949. + public class Windows.Security.EnterpriseData.ThreadNetworkContext {
  2950. + public void Close();
  2951. + }
  2953. + public struct Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning.EasContract {
  2954. + }
  2956. - public class Windows.Security.NextGenerationCredential.UserIdKeyProvider;
  2959. MetaDiff v0.1
  2961. new file: new\Windows.Services.winmd
  2962. old file: old\Windows.Services.winmd
  2964. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  2966. found no differences.
  2968. MetaDiff v0.1
  2970. new file: new\Windows.Storage.winmd
  2971. old file: old\Windows.Storage.winmd
  2973. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  2975. | public class Windows.Storage.ApplicationData {
  2976. + public StorageFolder GetPublisherCacheFolder( string value );
  2977. + public IAsyncAction ClearPublisherCacheFolderAsync( string clearOperation );
  2978. - public StorageFolder GetPublisherFolderFolder( string value );
  2979. - public IAsyncAction ClearPublisherFolderAsync( string clearOperation );
  2980. | }
  2982. | public enum Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode {
  2983. - ReadWriteNoDelete = 2,
  2984. | }
  2986. + public interface Windows.Storage.IStorageFile2 {
  2987. + public IAsyncOperation<IRandomAccessStream> OpenAsync( FileAccessMode operation, StorageOpenOptions accessMode );
  2988. + public IAsyncOperation<StorageStreamTransaction> OpenTransactedWriteAsync( StorageOpenOptions operation );
  2989. + }
  2991. | public class Windows.Storage.StorageFile {
  2992. + public IAsyncOperation<IRandomAccessStream> OpenAsync( FileAccessMode operation, StorageOpenOptions accessMode );
  2993. + public IAsyncOperation<StorageStreamTransaction> OpenTransactedWriteAsync( StorageOpenOptions operation );
  2994. | }
  2996. + public enum Windows.Storage.StorageOpenOptions {
  2997. + None = 0,
  2998. + AllowOnlyReaders = 1,
  2999. + }
  3001. + public struct Windows.Storage.BulkAccess.BulkAccessContract {
  3002. + }
  3004. | public class Windows.Storage.BulkAccess.FileInformation {
  3005. + public IAsyncOperation<IRandomAccessStream> OpenAsync( FileAccessMode operation, StorageOpenOptions accessMode );
  3006. + public IAsyncOperation<StorageStreamTransaction> OpenTransactedWriteAsync( StorageOpenOptions operation );
  3007. | }
  3009. + public class Windows.Storage.FileProperties.GeotagHelper {
  3010. + public static IAsyncOperation<Geopoint> GetGeotagAsync( IStorageFile operation );
  3011. + public static IAsyncAction SetGeotagFromGeolocatorAsync( IStorageFile operation, Geolocator file );
  3012. + public static IAsyncAction SetGeotagAsync( IStorageFile operation, Geopoint file );
  3013. + }
  3015. | public class Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileOpenPicker {
  3016. + public ValueSet ContinuationData { get; }
  3017. + public IAsyncOperation<StorageFile> PickSingleFileAsync( string pickSingleFileOperation );
  3018. + public void PickSingleFileAndContinue();
  3019. + public void PickMultipleFilesAndContinue();
  3020. + public static IAsyncOperation<StorageFile> ResumePickSingleFileAsync();
  3021. | }
  3023. | public class Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileSavePicker {
  3024. + public ValueSet ContinuationData { get; }
  3025. + public void PickSaveFileAndContinue();
  3026. | }
  3028. | public class Windows.Storage.Pickers.FolderPicker {
  3029. + public ValueSet ContinuationData { get; }
  3030. + public void PickFolderAndContinue();
  3031. | }
  3033. | public class Windows.Storage.Provider.CachedFileUpdaterUI {
  3034. + public FileUpdateRequest UpdateRequest { get; }
  3035. + public FileUpdateRequestDeferral GetDeferral();
  3036. | }
  3038. | public class Windows.Storage.Provider.FileUpdateRequest {
  3039. + public string UserInputNeededMessage { get; set; }
  3040. | }
  3043. MetaDiff v0.1
  3045. new file: new\Windows.System.winmd
  3046. old file: old\Windows.System.winmd
  3048. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  3050. + public enum Windows.System.AppMemoryUsageLevel {
  3051. + Low = 0,
  3052. + Medium = 1,
  3053. + High = 2,
  3054. + }
  3056. + public class Windows.System.AppMemoryUsageLimitChangingEventArgs {
  3057. + public ulong NewLimit { get; }
  3058. + public ulong OldLimit { get; }
  3059. + }
  3061. + public class Windows.System.FolderLauncherOptions {
  3062. + public IVector<IStorageItem> ItemsToSelect { get; }
  3063. + public ViewSizePreference DesiredRemainingView { get; set; }
  3064. + }
  3066. * public interface Windows.System.ILauncherViewOptions;
  3068. + public interface Windows.System.IProtocolForResultsOperationPriv {
  3069. + public void ReportCompletedPriv( IBuffer data );
  3070. + }
  3072. + public interface Windows.System.IValueSetProvider {
  3073. + public IBuffer Buffer { get; }
  3074. + public ValueSet ValueSet { get; }
  3075. + }
  3077. + public enum Windows.System.LaunchUriStatus {
  3078. + Success = 0,
  3079. + AppUnavailable = 1,
  3080. + ProtocolUnavailable = 2,
  3081. + Unknown = 3,
  3082. + }
  3084. + public enum Windows.System.LaunchUriType {
  3085. + LaunchUri = 0,
  3086. + LaunchUriForResults = 1,
  3087. + }
  3089. | public class Windows.System.Launcher {
  3090. + public static IAsyncOperation<bool> LaunchFolderAsync( IStorageFolder operation );
  3091. + public static IAsyncOperation<bool> LaunchFolderAsync( IStorageFolder operation, FolderLauncherOptions folder );
  3092. + public static IAsyncOperation<bool> LaunchUriForResultsAndContinueAsync( Uri operation, LauncherOptions uri, ValueSet options );
  3093. + public static IAsyncOperation<bool> LaunchUriForResultsAndContinueAsync( Uri operation, LauncherOptions uri, ValueSet options, ValueSet continuationData );
  3094. + public static IAsyncOperation<QueryUriSupportStatus> QueryUriSupportAsync( Uri operation, LaunchUriType uri );
  3095. + public static IAsyncOperation<QueryUriSupportStatus> QueryUriSupportAsync( Uri operation, LaunchUriType uri, string launchUriType );
  3096. | }
  3098. + public class Windows.System.MemoryManager {
  3099. + public ulong AppMemoryUsage { get; }
  3100. + public AppMemoryUsageLevel AppMemoryUsageLevel { get; }
  3101. + public ulong AppMemoryUsageLimit { get; }
  3102. + EventHandler<object> AppMemoryUsageDecreased;
  3103. + EventHandler<object> AppMemoryUsageIncreased;
  3104. + EventHandler<AppMemoryUsageLimitChangingEventArgs> AppMemoryUsageLimitChanging;
  3105. + }
  3107. + public class Windows.System.ProtocolForResultsOperation {
  3108. + public void ReportCompleted( ValueSet data );
  3109. + }
  3111. + public enum Windows.System.QueryUriSupportStatus {
  3112. + Success = 0,
  3113. + AppNotInstalled = 1,
  3114. + AppUnavailable = 2,
  3115. + ProtocolUnavailable = 3,
  3116. + Unknown = 4,
  3117. + }
  3119. | public enum Windows.System.VirtualKey {
  3120. + NavigationA = 193,
  3121. + NavigationB = 194,
  3122. + NavigationX = 195,
  3123. + NavigationY = 196,
  3124. + NavigationUp = 197,
  3125. + NavigationDown = 198,
  3126. + NavigationLeft = 199,
  3127. + NavigationRight = 200,
  3128. + NavigationMenu = 201,
  3129. + NavigationView = 202,
  3130. + NavigationViewUp = 203,
  3131. + NavigationViewDown = 204,
  3132. + NavigationViewPrevious = 205,
  3133. + NavigationViewNext = 206,
  3134. | }
  3136. + public struct Windows.System.UserProfile.UserProfileContract {
  3137. + }
  3140. MetaDiff v0.1
  3142. new file: new\Windows.UI.winmd
  3143. old file: old\Windows.UI.winmd
  3145. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  3147. + public struct Windows.UI.ApplicationSettings.ApplicationsSettingsContract {
  3148. + }
  3150. + public class Windows.UI.Composition.AnimationExpression {
  3151. + public static AnimationExpression Parse( string expression );
  3152. + }
  3154. + public enum Windows.UI.Composition.AsynchronousOperation {
  3155. + None = 0,
  3156. + Commit = 1,
  3157. + }
  3159. + public class Windows.UI.Composition.AsynchronousOperationFailedEventArgs {
  3160. + public HResult HResult { get; }
  3161. + public AsynchronousOperation Operation { get; }
  3162. + }
  3164. | public class Windows.UI.Composition.ClipInstance : Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionObject {
  3165. + public Matrix3x2 Transform { get; set; }
  3166. | }
  3168. + public class Windows.UI.Composition.CommittedEventArgs {
  3169. + public uint BatchId { get; }
  3170. + }
  3172. + public class Windows.UI.Composition.CommittingEventArgs {
  3173. + public uint BatchId { get; }
  3174. + }
  3176. + public class Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionDeferral {
  3177. + public void Complete();
  3178. + public void Close();
  3179. + }
  3181. | public class Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionDevice {
  3182. + public ClipInstance CreateClipGroup( IVector<ClipInstance> value );
  3183. + public CompositionPropertyBag CreatePropertyBag( CompositionPropertyBagType value );
  3184. + public CompositionDeferral GetCommitDeferral();
  3185. - public CompositionTarget CreateTarget( Interop_Hwnd value );
  3186. - public void BeginDeferCommit();
  3187. - public void EndDeferCommit();
  3188. | }
  3190. + public class Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionObject {
  3191. + public CompositionDevice Device { get; }
  3192. + public void Close();
  3193. + }
  3195. + public class Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionPropertyBag {
  3196. + public uint GetPropertyIdFromName( string propertyId );
  3197. + public void SetFloat( string propertyName, float value );
  3198. + public void SetVector2( string propertyName, Vector2 value );
  3199. + public void SetVector3( string propertyName, Vector3 value );
  3200. + public void SetVector4( string propertyName, Vector4 value );
  3201. + public void SetMatrix4x4( string propertyName, Matrix4x4 value );
  3202. + public float GetFloat( string value );
  3203. + public Vector2 GetVector2( string value );
  3204. + public Vector3 GetVector3( string value );
  3205. + public Vector4 GetVector4( string value );
  3206. + public Matrix4x4 GetMatrix4x4( string value );
  3207. + public void BindExpression( int propertyId, AnimationExpression expression );
  3208. + public void UnbindExpression( int propertyId );
  3209. + }
  3211. + public enum Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionPropertyBagType {
  3212. + Undefined = 0,
  3213. + Float = 1,
  3214. + Vector2 = 2,
  3215. + Vector3 = 3,
  3216. + Vector4 = 4,
  3217. + Matrix4x4 = 16,
  3218. + }
  3220. | public class Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionSurface : Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionObject {
  3221. - public void Close();
  3222. | }
  3224. - public class Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionTarget;
  3226. + public interface Windows.UI.Composition.IAnimatableObject {
  3227. + public void BindExpression( int propertyId, AnimationExpression expression );
  3228. + public void UnbindExpression( int propertyId );
  3229. + }
  3231. + public class Windows.UI.Composition.Interaction {
  3232. + public CoreIndependentInputSource InputTarget { get; set; }
  3233. + public void AddSupportedInteractions( InteractionConfiguration configuration );
  3234. + public void RemoveSupportedInteractions( InteractionConfiguration configuration );
  3235. + public void RemoveAllSupportedInteractions();
  3236. + public void CapturePointer( uint pointerId );
  3237. + }
  3239. + public class Windows.UI.Composition.InteractionConfiguration {
  3240. + }
  3242. + public class Windows.UI.Composition.InteractionMouseConfiguration : Windows.UI.Composition.InteractionConfiguration {
  3243. + }
  3245. + public enum Windows.UI.Composition.InteractionMouseTypes {
  3246. + None = 0,
  3247. + All = 4294967295,
  3248. + }
  3250. + public class Windows.UI.Composition.InteractionPenConfiguration : Windows.UI.Composition.InteractionConfiguration {
  3251. + }
  3253. + public enum Windows.UI.Composition.InteractionPenTypes {
  3254. + None = 0,
  3255. + All = 4294967295,
  3256. + }
  3258. + public class Windows.UI.Composition.InteractionTouchConfiguration : Windows.UI.Composition.InteractionConfiguration {
  3259. + }
  3261. + public enum Windows.UI.Composition.InteractionTouchTypes {
  3262. + None = 0,
  3263. + PanXIncreasing = 1,
  3264. + PanXDecreasing = 2,
  3265. + PanYIncreasing = 4,
  3266. + PanYDecreasing = 8,
  3267. + ZoomIncreasing = 16,
  3268. + ZoomDecreasing = 32,
  3269. + Tap = 64,
  3270. + Hold = 128,
  3271. + PanX = 3,
  3272. + PanY = 12,
  3273. + Zoom = 48,
  3274. + All = 4294967295,
  3275. + }
  3277. + public class Windows.UI.Composition.InteractionTouchpadConfiguration : Windows.UI.Composition.InteractionConfiguration {
  3278. + }
  3280. + public enum Windows.UI.Composition.InteractionTouchpadTypes {
  3281. + None = 0,
  3282. + All = 4294967295,
  3283. + }
  3285. - public struct Windows.UI.Composition.Interop_Hwnd;
  3287. + public enum Windows.UI.Composition.VisualAnimatableProperties {
  3288. + Size = 0,
  3289. + Offset = 1,
  3290. + Opacity = 2,
  3291. + }
  3293. * public class Windows.UI.Composition.VisualCollection : Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionObject;
  3295. | public class Windows.UI.Composition.VisualInstance : Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionObject {
  3296. + public Interaction Interaction { get; }
  3297. + public void HACK_GetSize( ref float xValue, ref float yValue );
  3298. + public void HACK_SetSize( float xValue, float yValue );
  3299. + public void HACK_GetOffset( ref float xValue, ref float yValue );
  3300. + public void HACK_SetOffset( float xValue, float yValue );
  3301. + public void BindExpression( int propertyId, AnimationExpression expression );
  3302. + public void UnbindExpression( int propertyId );
  3303. - public void Close();
  3304. | }
  3306. + public class Windows.UI.Composition.Core.CompositionRoot {
  3307. + public static VisualInstance GetForCurrentView();
  3308. + public static void SetForCurrentView( VisualInstance value );
  3309. + }
  3311. + public class Windows.UI.Core.BackRequestedEventArgs {
  3312. + public bool Handled { get; set; }
  3313. + }
  3315. | public class Windows.UI.Core.CoreIndependentInputSource {
  3316. - public CoreIndependentInputSource( CoreInputDeviceTypes deviceTypes );
  3317. - public CoreIndependentInputSource();
  3318. | }
  3320. + public class Windows.UI.Core.CoreInput {
  3321. + public bool IsInputEnabled { get; set; }
  3322. + public CoreDispatcher Dispatcher { get; }
  3323. + public CoreCursor PointerCursor { get; set; }
  3324. + public bool HasCapture { get; }
  3325. + public Point PointerPosition { get; }
  3326. + public CoreInput();
  3327. + public void ReleasePointerCapture();
  3328. + public void SetPointerCapture();
  3329. + TypedEventHandler<object, InputEnabledEventArgs> InputEnabled;
  3330. + TypedEventHandler<object, PointerEventArgs> PointerCaptureLost;
  3331. + TypedEventHandler<object, PointerEventArgs> PointerEntered;
  3332. + TypedEventHandler<object, PointerEventArgs> PointerExited;
  3333. + TypedEventHandler<object, PointerEventArgs> PointerMoved;
  3334. + TypedEventHandler<object, PointerEventArgs> PointerPressed;
  3335. + TypedEventHandler<object, PointerEventArgs> PointerReleased;
  3336. + TypedEventHandler<object, PointerEventArgs> PointerWheelChanged;
  3337. + }
  3339. | public class Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow {
  3340. + public KeyboardInputBuffer KeyboardInputBuffer { get; set; }
  3341. + public bool IsKeyboardInputEnabled { get; set; }
  3342. | }
  3344. + public interface Windows.UI.Core.ICorePointerRedirector {
  3345. + TypedEventHandler<ICorePointerRedirector, PointerEventArgs> PointerAcquired;
  3346. + TypedEventHandler<ICorePointerRedirector, PointerEventArgs> PointerEnded;
  3347. + TypedEventHandler<ICorePointerRedirector, PointerEventArgs> PointerSuspended;
  3348. + }
  3350. + public class Windows.UI.Core.SystemNavigationManager {
  3351. + public static SystemNavigationManager GetForCurrentView();
  3352. + EventHandler<BackRequestedEventArgs> BackRequested;
  3353. + }
  3355. + public struct Windows.UI.Core.AnimationMetrics.AnimationMetricsContract {
  3356. + }
  3358. | public class Windows.UI.Core.Text.CoreTextCompositionCompletedEventArgs {
  3359. + public IVectorView<CoreTextCompositionSegment> CompositionSegments { get; }
  3360. | }
  3362. + public class Windows.UI.Core.Text.CoreTextCompositionSegment {
  3363. + public CoreTextRange Range { get; set; }
  3364. + public string PreconversionString { get; set; }
  3365. + }
  3367. + public class Windows.UI.Core.Text.CoreTextCurrentInputLanguageChangedEventArgs {
  3368. + public Language InputLanguage { get; }
  3369. + }
  3371. | public class Windows.UI.Core.Text.CoreTextEditContext {
  3372. + public CoreTextInputPaneDisplayPolicy InputPaneDisplayPolicy { get; set; }
  3373. | }
  3375. + public enum Windows.UI.Core.Text.CoreTextInputPaneDisplayPolicy {
  3376. + Automatic = 0,
  3377. + Manual = 1,
  3378. + }
  3380. + public class Windows.UI.Core.Text.CoreTextInputServiceContext {
  3381. + public Language CurrentInputLanguage { get; }
  3382. + TypedEventHandler<CoreTextInputServiceContext, CoreTextCurrentInputLanguageChangedEventArgs> CurrentInputLanguageChanged;
  3383. + }
  3385. | public class Windows.UI.Core.Text.CoreTextServicesManager {
  3386. + public CoreTextInputServiceContext InputServiceContext { get; }
  3387. | }
  3389. | public class Windows.UI.Input.PointerPointProperties {
  3390. + public IReference<float> ZDistance { get; }
  3391. | }
  3393. | public class Windows.UI.Input.Inking.DirectInk {
  3394. + public InkSynchronizer EnableCustomDry();
  3395. | }
  3397. - public void delegate Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkHandler( DirectInk sender, InkEventArgs args );
  3399. + public class Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkRenderer {
  3400. + public InkRenderer();
  3401. + public void Draw( IIterable<InkStroke> inkStrokes );
  3402. + }
  3404. + public class Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkSynchronizer {
  3405. + public IVectorView<InkStroke> BeginDry();
  3406. + public void EndDry();
  3407. + }
  3409. - public void delegate Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InputHandler( DirectInk sender, PointerEventArgs args );
  3411. | public class Windows.UI.Notifications.ScheduledToastNotification {
  3412. + public string Tag { get; set; }
  3413. + public bool SuppressPopup { get; set; }
  3414. + public string Group { get; set; }
  3415. | }
  3417. + public class Windows.UI.Notifications.TileFlyoutNotification {
  3418. + public IReference<DateTime> ExpirationTime { get; set; }
  3419. + public XmlDocument Content { get; }
  3420. + public TileFlyoutNotification( XmlDocument content );
  3421. + }
  3423. + public enum Windows.UI.Notifications.TileFlyoutTemplateType {
  3424. + TileFlyoutTemplate01 = 0,
  3425. + }
  3427. + public class Windows.UI.Notifications.TileFlyoutUpdateManager {
  3428. + public static TileFlyoutUpdater CreateTileFlyoutUpdaterForApplication();
  3429. + public static TileFlyoutUpdater CreateTileFlyoutUpdaterForApplication( string updater );
  3430. + public static TileFlyoutUpdater CreateTileFlyoutUpdaterForSecondaryTile( string updater );
  3431. + public static XmlDocument GetTemplateContent( TileFlyoutTemplateType content );
  3432. + }
  3434. + public class Windows.UI.Notifications.TileFlyoutUpdater {
  3435. + public NotificationSetting Setting { get; }
  3436. + public void Update( TileFlyoutNotification notification );
  3437. + public void Clear();
  3438. + public void StartPeriodicUpdate( Uri tileFlyoutContent, PeriodicUpdateRecurrence requestedInterval );
  3439. + public void StartPeriodicUpdate( Uri tileFlyoutContent, DateTime startTime, PeriodicUpdateRecurrence requestedInterval );
  3440. + public void StopPeriodicUpdate();
  3441. + }
  3443. + public enum Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastHistoryChangedType {
  3444. + Cleared = 0,
  3445. + Removed = 1,
  3446. + Expired = 2,
  3447. + Added = 3,
  3448. + }
  3450. | public class Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotification {
  3451. + public string Tag { get; set; }
  3452. + public bool SuppressPopup { get; set; }
  3453. + public string Group { get; set; }
  3454. | }
  3456. + public class Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationHistory {
  3457. + public void RemoveGroup( string group );
  3458. + public void RemoveGroup( string group, string applicationId );
  3459. + public void Remove( string tag, string group, string applicationId );
  3460. + public void Remove( string tag, string group );
  3461. + public void Remove( string tag );
  3462. + public void Clear();
  3463. + public void Clear( string applicationId );
  3464. + public IVectorView<ToastNotification> GetHistory();
  3465. + public IVectorView<ToastNotification> GetHistory( string toasts );
  3466. + }
  3468. + public class Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationHistoryChangedTriggerDetail {
  3469. + public ToastHistoryChangedType ChangeType { get; }
  3470. + }
  3472. | public class Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationManager {
  3473. + public ToastNotificationHistory History { get; }
  3474. | }
  3476. | public class Windows.UI.StartScreen.SecondaryTileVisualElements {
  3477. + public Uri Square71x71Logo { get; set; }
  3478. | }
  3480. | public class Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView {
  3481. + public bool SuppressSystemOverlays { get; set; }
  3482. + public ApplicationViewBoundsMode DesiredBoundsMode { get; }
  3483. + public Rect VisibleBounds { get; }
  3484. + public FullScreenSystemOverlayMode FullScreenSystemOverlayMode { get; set; }
  3485. + public bool IsFullScreenMode { get; }
  3486. + public bool SetDesiredBoundsMode( ApplicationViewBoundsMode success );
  3487. + public bool TryEnterFullScreenMode();
  3488. + public void ExitFullScreenMode();
  3489. + public void ShowStandardSystemOverlays();
  3490. | }
  3492. + public enum Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewBoundsMode {
  3493. + UseVisible = 0,
  3494. + UseCoreWindow = 1,
  3495. + }
  3497. | public class Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewTitleBar {
  3498. + public bool ExtendViewIntoTitleBar { get; set; }
  3499. + public double Height { get; }
  3500. + public bool IsVisible { get; }
  3501. + public double SystemOverlayLeftInset { get; }
  3502. + public double SystemOverlayRightInset { get; }
  3503. | }
  3505. + public enum Windows.UI.ViewManagement.FullScreenSystemOverlayMode {
  3506. + Standard = 0,
  3507. + Minimal = 1,
  3508. + }
  3510. | public class Windows.UI.ViewManagement.InputPane {
  3511. + public bool TryShow();
  3512. + public bool TryHide();
  3513. | }
  3515. + public class Windows.UI.WebUI.WebUIAppointmentsProviderShowAppointmentDetailsActivatedEventArgs {
  3516. + public ActivationKind Kind { get; }
  3517. + public ApplicationExecutionState PreviousExecutionState { get; }
  3518. + public SplashScreen SplashScreen { get; }
  3519. + public string Verb { get; }
  3520. + public IReference<DateTime> InstanceStartDate { get; }
  3521. + public string LocalId { get; }
  3522. + public string RoamingId { get; }
  3523. + public ActivatedOperation ActivatedOperation { get; }
  3524. + }
  3526. + public class Windows.UI.WebUI.WebUIFileOpenPickerContinuationEventArgs {
  3527. + public ActivationKind Kind { get; }
  3528. + public ApplicationExecutionState PreviousExecutionState { get; }
  3529. + public SplashScreen SplashScreen { get; }
  3530. + public ValueSet ContinuationData { get; }
  3531. + public IVectorView<StorageFile> Files { get; }
  3532. + public ActivatedOperation ActivatedOperation { get; }
  3533. + }
  3535. + public class Windows.UI.WebUI.WebUIFileSavePickerContinuationEventArgs {
  3536. + public ActivationKind Kind { get; }
  3537. + public ApplicationExecutionState PreviousExecutionState { get; }
  3538. + public SplashScreen SplashScreen { get; }
  3539. + public ValueSet ContinuationData { get; }
  3540. + public StorageFile File { get; }
  3541. + public ActivatedOperation ActivatedOperation { get; }
  3542. + }
  3544. + public class Windows.UI.WebUI.WebUIFolderPickerContinuationEventArgs {
  3545. + public ActivationKind Kind { get; }
  3546. + public ApplicationExecutionState PreviousExecutionState { get; }
  3547. + public SplashScreen SplashScreen { get; }
  3548. + public ValueSet ContinuationData { get; }
  3549. + public StorageFolder Folder { get; }
  3550. + public ActivatedOperation ActivatedOperation { get; }
  3551. + }
  3553. + public class Windows.UI.WebUI.WebUIWalletActionActivatedEventArgs {
  3554. + public ActivationKind Kind { get; }
  3555. + public ApplicationExecutionState PreviousExecutionState { get; }
  3556. + public SplashScreen SplashScreen { get; }
  3557. + public string ActionId { get; }
  3558. + public WalletActionKind ActionKind { get; }
  3559. + public string ItemId { get; }
  3560. + public ActivatedOperation ActivatedOperation { get; }
  3561. + }
  3563. + public class Windows.UI.WebUI.WebUIWebAuthenticationBrokerContinuationEventArgs {
  3564. + public ActivationKind Kind { get; }
  3565. + public ApplicationExecutionState PreviousExecutionState { get; }
  3566. + public SplashScreen SplashScreen { get; }
  3567. + public ValueSet ContinuationData { get; }
  3568. + public WebAuthenticationResult WebAuthenticationResult { get; }
  3569. + public ActivatedOperation ActivatedOperation { get; }
  3570. + }
  3573. MetaDiff v0.1
  3575. new file: new\Windows.UI.Xaml.winmd
  3576. old file: old\Windows.UI.Xaml.winmd
  3578. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  3580. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.AdaptiveTrigger : Windows.UI.Xaml.StateTrigger {
  3581. + public double MinWindowWidth { get; set; }
  3582. + public double MinWindowHeight { get; set; }
  3583. + public DependencyProperty MinWindowHeightProperty { get; }
  3584. + public DependencyProperty MinWindowWidthProperty { get; }
  3585. + public AdaptiveTrigger();
  3586. + }
  3588. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.DataTemplate : Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkTemplate {
  3589. + public TypeName TargetType { get; set; }
  3590. + public DependencyProperty ExtensionInstanceProperty { get; }
  3591. + public static IDataTemplateExtension GetExtensionInstance( FrameworkElement value );
  3592. + public static void SetExtensionInstance( FrameworkElement element, IDataTemplateExtension value );
  3593. | }
  3595. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.DragEventArgs : Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs {
  3596. + public DragVisual DragVisual { get; set; }
  3597. + public DragUIOptions DragUIOptions { get; set; }
  3598. - public CoreDragUI Visual { get; }
  3599. | }
  3601. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.DragStartingEventArgs : Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs {
  3602. + public Point DragVisualOffset { get; set; }
  3603. + public DragVisualKind DragVisualKind { get; set; }
  3604. - public DragVisualOptions DragVisualOptions { get; set; }
  3605. | }
  3607. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.DragVisual {
  3608. + public static DragVisual CreateFromBitmap( BitmapImage returnValue );
  3609. - public DragVisual();
  3610. | }
  3612. + public enum Windows.UI.Xaml.DragVisualKind {
  3613. + Automatic = 0,
  3614. + DraggedUIElement = 1,
  3615. + CustomDragVisual = 2,
  3616. + DataFormat = 3,
  3617. + }
  3619. - public enum Windows.UI.Xaml.DragVisualOptions;
  3621. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.DropCompletedEventArgs : Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs {
  3622. + public DataPackageOperation DropResult { get; }
  3623. - public DataPackageOperation DropStatus { get; }
  3624. | }
  3626. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement : Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement {
  3627. | }
  3629. + public interface Windows.UI.Xaml.IDataTemplateExtension {
  3630. + public void ResetTemplate();
  3631. + public bool ProcessBinding( uint returnValue );
  3632. + }
  3634. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Setter : Windows.UI.Xaml.SetterBase {
  3635. + public TargetPropertyPath Target { get; set; }
  3636. | }
  3638. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.StateTrigger : Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject {
  3639. + protected StateTrigger();
  3640. + }
  3642. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.TargetPropertyPath {
  3643. + public object Target { get; set; }
  3644. + public PropertyPath Path { get; set; }
  3645. + public TargetPropertyPath();
  3646. + }
  3648. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement : Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject {
  3649. + public bool CanDrag { get; set; }
  3650. + public DependencyProperty CanDragProperty { get; }
  3651. - public bool IsDraggable { get; set; }
  3652. - public DependencyProperty IsDraggableProperty { get; }
  3653. | }
  3655. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.VisualState : Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject {
  3656. + public SetterBaseCollection Setters { get; }
  3657. + public IVector<StateTrigger> StateTriggers { get; }
  3658. | }
  3660. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer : Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject {
  3661. + public static RawElementProviderRuntimeId GenerateRawElementProviderRuntimeId();
  3662. - public static UiaRuntimeId GenerateUiaRuntimeId();
  3663. | }
  3665. + public struct Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers.RawElementProviderRuntimeId {
  3666. + public uint Part1;
  3667. + public uint Part2;
  3668. + }
  3670. - public struct Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers.UiaRuntimeId;
  3672. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarPicker : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control {
  3673. + public bool IsCalendarOpen { get; set; }
  3674. + public DayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeek { get; set; }
  3675. + public bool IsOutOfScopeEnabled { get; set; }
  3676. + public CalendarViewDisplayMode DisplayMode { get; set; }
  3677. + public string DayOfWeekFormat { get; set; }
  3678. + public string CalendarIdentifier { get; set; }
  3679. + public string DateFormat { get; set; }
  3680. + public DateTime Date { get; set; }
  3681. + public DateTime MinDate { get; set; }
  3682. + public Style CalendarViewStyle { get; set; }
  3683. + public string PlaceholderText { get; set; }
  3684. + public DateTime MaxDate { get; set; }
  3685. + public IIterable<string> Languages { get; set; }
  3686. + public bool IsTodayHighlighted { get; set; }
  3687. + public bool IsLabelVisible { get; set; }
  3688. + public DependencyProperty CalendarIdentifierProperty { get; }
  3689. + public DependencyProperty CalendarViewStyleProperty { get; }
  3690. + public DependencyProperty DateFormatProperty { get; }
  3691. + public DependencyProperty DateProperty { get; }
  3692. + public DependencyProperty DayOfWeekFormatProperty { get; }
  3693. + public DependencyProperty DisplayModeProperty { get; }
  3694. + public DependencyProperty FirstDayOfWeekProperty { get; }
  3695. + public DependencyProperty IsCalendarOpenProperty { get; }
  3696. + public DependencyProperty IsLabelVisibleProperty { get; }
  3697. + public DependencyProperty IsOutOfScopeEnabledProperty { get; }
  3698. + public DependencyProperty IsTodayHighlightedProperty { get; }
  3699. + public DependencyProperty LanguagesProperty { get; }
  3700. + public DependencyProperty MaxDateProperty { get; }
  3701. + public DependencyProperty MinDateProperty { get; }
  3702. + public DependencyProperty PlaceholderTextProperty { get; }
  3703. + public CalendarPicker();
  3704. + public void SetDisplayDate( DateTime date );
  3705. + public void SetYearDecadeDisplayDimensions( int columns, int rows );
  3706. + TypedEventHandler<CalendarPicker, CalendarPickerSelectedDateChangedEventArgs> CalendarPickerSelectedDateChanged;
  3707. + TypedEventHandler<CalendarPicker, CalendarPickerSelectedDateErrorEventArgs> CalendarPickerSelectedDateError;
  3708. + Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarViewDayItemChangingEventHandler CalendarViewDayItemChanging;
  3709. + EventHandler<object> Closed;
  3710. + EventHandler<object> Opened;
  3711. + }
  3713. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarPickerSelectedDateChangedEventArgs {
  3714. + public IReference<DateTime> NewDate { get; }
  3715. + public IReference<DateTime> OldDate { get; }
  3716. + }
  3718. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarPickerSelectedDateErrorEventArgs {
  3719. + public DateTime IncorrectValue { get; }
  3720. + public string Message { get; }
  3721. + }
  3723. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarView : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control {
  3724. + public Brush CalendarItemForeground { get; set; }
  3725. + public Thickness CalendarItemBorderThickness { get; set; }
  3726. + public Brush CalendarItemBackground { get; set; }
  3727. + public string CalendarIdentifier { get; set; }
  3728. + public Brush BlackoutForeground { get; set; }
  3729. + public Style CalendarViewDayItemStyle { get; set; }
  3730. + public CalendarViewDisplayMode DisplayMode { get; set; }
  3731. + public string DayOfWeekFormat { get; set; }
  3732. + public FontStyle FirstOfMonthLabelFontStyle { get; set; }
  3733. + public FontStyle DayItemFontStyle { get; set; }
  3734. + public double DayItemFontSize { get; set; }
  3735. + public FontFamily DayItemFontFamily { get; set; }
  3736. + public DayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeek { get; set; }
  3737. + public double FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontSize { get; set; }
  3738. + public FontFamily FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontFamily { get; set; }
  3739. + public FontWeight FirstOfMonthLabelFontWeight { get; set; }
  3740. + public FontWeight DayItemFontWeight { get; set; }
  3741. + public double FirstOfMonthLabelFontSize { get; set; }
  3742. + public FontFamily FirstOfMonthLabelFontFamily { get; set; }
  3743. + public Brush HoverBorderBrush { get; set; }
  3744. + public HorizontalAlignment HorizontalFirstOfMonthLabelAlignment { get; set; }
  3745. + public HorizontalAlignment HorizontalDayItemAlignment { get; set; }
  3746. + public Brush CalendarItemBorderBrush { get; set; }
  3747. + public Brush FocusBorderBrush { get; set; }
  3748. + public FontWeight FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontWeight { get; set; }
  3749. + public FontStyle FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontStyle { get; set; }
  3750. + public bool IsLabelVisible { get; set; }
  3751. + public FontFamily MonthYearItemFontFamily { get; set; }
  3752. + public DateTime MinDate { get; set; }
  3753. + public DateTime MaxDate { get; set; }
  3754. + public IIterable<string> Languages { get; set; }
  3755. + public bool IsTodayHighlighted { get; set; }
  3756. + public bool IsOutOfScopeEnabled { get; set; }
  3757. + public Brush OutOfScopeForeground { get; set; }
  3758. + public Brush OutOfScopeBackground { get; set; }
  3759. + public int NumberOfWeeksInView { get; set; }
  3760. + public FontWeight MonthYearItemFontWeight { get; set; }
  3761. + public FontStyle MonthYearItemFontStyle { get; set; }
  3762. + public double MonthYearItemFontSize { get; set; }
  3763. + public Brush SelectedHoverBorderBrush { get; set; }
  3764. + public Brush SelectedForeground { get; set; }
  3765. + public Brush SelectedPressedBorderBrush { get; set; }
  3766. + public Brush SelectedBorderBrush { get; set; }
  3767. + public Brush PressedForeground { get; set; }
  3768. + public Brush PressedBorderBrush { get; set; }
  3769. + public VerticalAlignment VerticalFirstOfMonthLabelAlignment { get; set; }
  3770. + public VerticalAlignment VerticalDayItemAlignment { get; set; }
  3771. + public Brush TodayForeground { get; set; }
  3772. + public FontWeight TodayFontWeight { get; set; }
  3773. + public CalendarViewSelectionMode SelectionMode { get; set; }
  3774. + public IVector<DateTime> SelectedDates { get; }
  3775. + public CalendarViewTemplateSettings TemplateSettings { get; }
  3776. + public DependencyProperty BlackoutForegroundProperty { get; }
  3777. + public DependencyProperty CalendarIdentifierProperty { get; }
  3778. + public DependencyProperty CalendarItemBackgroundProperty { get; }
  3779. + public DependencyProperty CalendarItemBorderBrushProperty { get; }
  3780. + public DependencyProperty CalendarItemBorderThicknessProperty { get; }
  3781. + public DependencyProperty CalendarItemForegroundProperty { get; }
  3782. + public DependencyProperty CalendarViewDayItemStyleProperty { get; }
  3783. + public DependencyProperty DayItemFontFamilyProperty { get; }
  3784. + public DependencyProperty DayItemFontSizeProperty { get; }
  3785. + public DependencyProperty DayItemFontStyleProperty { get; }
  3786. + public DependencyProperty DayItemFontWeightProperty { get; }
  3787. + public DependencyProperty DayOfWeekFormatProperty { get; }
  3788. + public DependencyProperty DisplayModeProperty { get; }
  3789. + public DependencyProperty FirstDayOfWeekProperty { get; }
  3790. + public DependencyProperty FirstOfMonthLabelFontFamilyProperty { get; }
  3791. + public DependencyProperty FirstOfMonthLabelFontSizeProperty { get; }
  3792. + public DependencyProperty FirstOfMonthLabelFontStyleProperty { get; }
  3793. + public DependencyProperty FirstOfMonthLabelFontWeightProperty { get; }
  3794. + public DependencyProperty FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontFamilyProperty { get; }
  3795. + public DependencyProperty FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontSizeProperty { get; }
  3796. + public DependencyProperty FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontStyleProperty { get; }
  3797. + public DependencyProperty FirstOfYearDecadeLabelFontWeightProperty { get; }
  3798. + public DependencyProperty FocusBorderBrushProperty { get; }
  3799. + public DependencyProperty HorizontalDayItemAlignmentProperty { get; }
  3800. + public DependencyProperty HorizontalFirstOfMonthLabelAlignmentProperty { get; }
  3801. + public DependencyProperty HoverBorderBrushProperty { get; }
  3802. + public DependencyProperty IsLabelVisibleProperty { get; }
  3803. + public DependencyProperty IsOutOfScopeEnabledProperty { get; }
  3804. + public DependencyProperty IsTodayHighlightedProperty { get; }
  3805. + public DependencyProperty LanguagesProperty { get; }
  3806. + public DependencyProperty MaxDateProperty { get; }
  3807. + public DependencyProperty MinDateProperty { get; }
  3808. + public DependencyProperty MonthYearItemFontFamilyProperty { get; }
  3809. + public DependencyProperty MonthYearItemFontSizeProperty { get; }
  3810. + public DependencyProperty MonthYearItemFontStyleProperty { get; }
  3811. + public DependencyProperty MonthYearItemFontWeightProperty { get; }
  3812. + public DependencyProperty NumberOfWeeksInViewProperty { get; }
  3813. + public DependencyProperty OutOfScopeBackgroundProperty { get; }
  3814. + public DependencyProperty OutOfScopeForegroundProperty { get; }
  3815. + public DependencyProperty PressedBorderBrushProperty { get; }
  3816. + public DependencyProperty PressedForegroundProperty { get; }
  3817. + public DependencyProperty SelectedBorderBrushProperty { get; }
  3818. + public DependencyProperty SelectedDatesProperty { get; }
  3819. + public DependencyProperty SelectedForegroundProperty { get; }
  3820. + public DependencyProperty SelectedHoverBorderBrushProperty { get; }
  3821. + public DependencyProperty SelectedPressedBorderBrushProperty { get; }
  3822. + public DependencyProperty SelectionModeProperty { get; }
  3823. + public DependencyProperty TemplateSettingsProperty { get; }
  3824. + public DependencyProperty TodayFontWeightProperty { get; }
  3825. + public DependencyProperty TodayForegroundProperty { get; }
  3826. + public DependencyProperty VerticalDayItemAlignmentProperty { get; }
  3827. + public DependencyProperty VerticalFirstOfMonthLabelAlignmentProperty { get; }
  3828. + public CalendarView();
  3829. + public void SetDisplayDate( DateTime date );
  3830. + public void SetYearDecadeDisplayDimensions( int columns, int rows );
  3831. + TypedEventHandler<CalendarView, CalendarViewDayItemChangingEventArgs> CalendarViewDayItemChanging;
  3832. + TypedEventHandler<CalendarView, SelectedDatesChangedEventArgs> SelectedDatesChanged;
  3833. + }
  3835. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarViewDayItem : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control {
  3836. + public bool IsBlackout { get; set; }
  3837. + public DateTime Date { get; }
  3838. + public DependencyProperty DateProperty { get; }
  3839. + public DependencyProperty IsBlackoutProperty { get; }
  3840. + public CalendarViewDayItem();
  3841. + public void SetDensityColors( IIterable<Color> colors );
  3842. + }
  3844. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarViewDayItemChangingEventArgs {
  3845. + public bool InRecycleQueue { get; }
  3846. + public CalendarViewDayItem Item { get; }
  3847. + public uint Phase { get; }
  3848. + public void RegisterUpdateCallback( TypedEventHandler<CalendarView, CalendarViewDayItemChangingEventArgs> callback );
  3849. + public void RegisterUpdateCallback( uint callbackPhase, TypedEventHandler<CalendarView, CalendarViewDayItemChangingEventArgs> callback );
  3850. + }
  3852. + public void delegate Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarViewDayItemChangingEventHandler( CalendarView sender, CalendarViewDayItemChangingEventArgs e );
  3854. + public enum Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarViewDisplayMode {
  3855. + Month = 0,
  3856. + Year = 1,
  3857. + Decade = 2,
  3858. + }
  3860. + public enum Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarViewSelectionMode {
  3861. + None = 0,
  3862. + Single = 1,
  3863. + Multiple = 2,
  3864. + }
  3866. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.DragItemsCompletedEventArgs {
  3867. + public DataPackageOperation DropResult { get; }
  3868. - public DataPackageOperation DropStatus { get; }
  3869. - public DragItemsCompletedEventArgs();
  3870. | }
  3872. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Image : Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement {
  3873. + public CastingSource GetAsCastingSource();
  3874. | }
  3876. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ListViewBase : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.Selector {
  3877. + public bool IsMultiSelectCheckBoxEnabled { get; set; }
  3878. + public DependencyProperty IsMultiSelectCheckBoxEnabledProperty { get; }
  3879. | }
  3881. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.MediaElement : Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement {
  3882. + public CastingSource GetAsCastingSource();
  3883. | }
  3885. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.MediaTransportControls : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control {
  3886. + public bool IsCompact { get; set; }
  3887. + public DependencyProperty IsCompactProperty { get; }
  3888. + public DependencyProperty DropoutPriorityProperty { get; }
  3889. + public static int GetDropoutPriority( UIElement value );
  3890. + public static void SetDropoutPriority( UIElement element, int value );
  3891. | }
  3893. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.RelativePanel : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Panel {
  3894. + public DependencyProperty AlignBottomWithPanelProperty { get; }
  3895. + public DependencyProperty AlignHorizontalCenterWithPanelProperty { get; }
  3896. + public DependencyProperty AlignHorizontalCenterWithProperty { get; }
  3897. + public DependencyProperty AlignLeftWithPanelProperty { get; }
  3898. + public DependencyProperty AlignRightWithPanelProperty { get; }
  3899. + public DependencyProperty AlignTopWithPanelProperty { get; }
  3900. + public DependencyProperty AlignVerticalCenterWithPanelProperty { get; }
  3901. + public DependencyProperty AlignVerticalCenterWithProperty { get; }
  3902. - public DependencyProperty AlignPanelBottomProperty { get; }
  3903. - public DependencyProperty AlignPanelLeftProperty { get; }
  3904. - public DependencyProperty AlignPanelRightProperty { get; }
  3905. - public DependencyProperty AlignPanelTopProperty { get; }
  3906. - public DependencyProperty CenterInPanelHorizontallyProperty { get; }
  3907. - public DependencyProperty CenterInPanelVerticallyProperty { get; }
  3908. + public static object GetLeftOf( UIElement value );
  3909. + public static void SetLeftOf( UIElement element, object value );
  3910. + public static object GetAbove( UIElement value );
  3911. + public static void SetAbove( UIElement element, object value );
  3912. + public static object GetRightOf( UIElement value );
  3913. + public static void SetRightOf( UIElement element, object value );
  3914. + public static object GetBelow( UIElement value );
  3915. + public static void SetBelow( UIElement element, object value );
  3916. + public static object GetAlignHorizontalCenterWith( UIElement value );
  3917. + public static void SetAlignHorizontalCenterWith( UIElement element, object value );
  3918. + public static object GetAlignVerticalCenterWith( UIElement value );
  3919. + public static void SetAlignVerticalCenterWith( UIElement element, object value );
  3920. + public static object GetAlignLeftWith( UIElement value );
  3921. + public static void SetAlignLeftWith( UIElement element, object value );
  3922. + public static object GetAlignTopWith( UIElement value );
  3923. + public static void SetAlignTopWith( UIElement element, object value );
  3924. + public static object GetAlignRightWith( UIElement value );
  3925. + public static void SetAlignRightWith( UIElement element, object value );
  3926. + public static object GetAlignBottomWith( UIElement value );
  3927. + public static void SetAlignBottomWith( UIElement element, object value );
  3928. + public static bool GetAlignLeftWithPanel( UIElement value );
  3929. + public static void SetAlignLeftWithPanel( UIElement element, bool value );
  3930. + public static bool GetAlignTopWithPanel( UIElement value );
  3931. + public static void SetAlignTopWithPanel( UIElement element, bool value );
  3932. + public static bool GetAlignRightWithPanel( UIElement value );
  3933. + public static void SetAlignRightWithPanel( UIElement element, bool value );
  3934. + public static bool GetAlignBottomWithPanel( UIElement value );
  3935. + public static void SetAlignBottomWithPanel( UIElement element, bool value );
  3936. + public static bool GetAlignHorizontalCenterWithPanel( UIElement value );
  3937. + public static void SetAlignHorizontalCenterWithPanel( UIElement element, bool value );
  3938. + public static bool GetAlignVerticalCenterWithPanel( UIElement value );
  3939. + public static void SetAlignVerticalCenterWithPanel( UIElement element, bool value );
  3940. - public static bool GetAlignPanelLeft( FrameworkElement value );
  3941. - public static void SetAlignPanelLeft( FrameworkElement element, bool value );
  3942. - public static bool GetAlignPanelTop( FrameworkElement value );
  3943. - public static void SetAlignPanelTop( FrameworkElement element, bool value );
  3944. - public static bool GetAlignPanelRight( FrameworkElement value );
  3945. - public static void SetAlignPanelRight( FrameworkElement element, bool value );
  3946. - public static bool GetAlignPanelBottom( FrameworkElement value );
  3947. - public static void SetAlignPanelBottom( FrameworkElement element, bool value );
  3948. - public static bool GetCenterInPanelHorizontally( FrameworkElement value );
  3949. - public static void SetCenterInPanelHorizontally( FrameworkElement element, bool value );
  3950. - public static bool GetCenterInPanelVertically( FrameworkElement value );
  3951. - public static void SetCenterInPanelVertically( FrameworkElement element, bool value );
  3952. | }
  3954. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.RichEditBox : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control {
  3955. | }
  3957. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ScrollViewer : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ContentControl {
  3958. | }
  3960. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.SelectedDatesChangedEventArgs {
  3961. + public IVectorView<DateTime> AddedDates { get; }
  3962. + public IVectorView<DateTime> RemovedDates { get; }
  3963. + }
  3965. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.TextBox : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control {
  3966. | }
  3968. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.TextCompositionChangedEventArgs {
  3969. + public int Length { get; }
  3970. + public int StartIndex { get; }
  3971. + }
  3973. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.TextCompositionEndedEventArgs {
  3974. + public int Length { get; }
  3975. + public int StartIndex { get; }
  3976. + }
  3978. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.TextCompositionStartedEventArgs {
  3979. + public int Length { get; }
  3980. + public int StartIndex { get; }
  3981. + }
  3983. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.WebView : Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement {
  3984. + public void AddWebAllowedObject( string name, object pObject );
  3985. - public void AddApplicationObject( string name, object pObject );
  3986. | }
  3988. - public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.CalendarView : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control;
  3990. - public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.CalendarViewDayItem : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control;
  3992. - public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.CalendarViewDayItemChangingEventArgs;
  3994. - public enum Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.CalendarViewDisplayMode;
  3996. - public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.CalendarViewSelectedDatesChangedEventArgs;
  3998. - public enum Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.CalendarViewSelectionMode;
  4000. + public struct Windows.UI.Xaml.Hosting.HostingContract {
  4001. + }
  4003. | public enum Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.InputScopeNameValue {
  4004. + NumericPin = 64,
  4005. + AlphanumericPin = 65,
  4006. | }
  4008. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Markup.XamlBindingHelper {
  4009. + public static void SuspendRendering( UIElement target );
  4010. + public static void ResumeRendering( UIElement target );
  4011. + }
  4013. + public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.PartialMediaFailureDetectedEventArgs {
  4014. + public FailedMediaStreamKind StreamKind { get; }
  4015. + public PartialMediaFailureDetectedEventArgs();
  4016. + }
  4018. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.TimedTextCue {
  4019. * public TimeSpan StartTime { get; set; }
  4020. * public TimeSpan Duration { get; set; }
  4021. + public IVector<TimedTextLine> Lines { get; }
  4022. - public int LineCount { get; set; }
  4023. - public TimedTextLine GetLine( int returnValue );
  4024. | }
  4026. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.TimedTextLine {
  4027. + public IVector<TimedTextSubformat> Subformats { get; }
  4028. - public int SubformattingCount { get; set; }
  4029. - public TimedTextSubformat GetSubformat( int returnValue );
  4030. | }
  4032. | public class Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.TimedTextRegion {
  4033. + public HorizontalAlignment HorizontalAlignment { get; set; }
  4034. + public Size Extent { get; set; }
  4035. - public double ExtentWidth { get; set; }
  4036. - public VerticalAlignment VerticalAlignment { get; set; }
  4037. - public double ExtentHeight { get; set; }
  4038. | }
  4041. MetaDiff v0.1
  4043. new file: new\Windows.Web.winmd
  4044. old file: old\Windows.Web.winmd
  4046. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  4048. | public enum Windows.Web.Http.HttpVersion {
  4049. + Http20 = 3,
  4050. | }
  4052. | public class Windows.Web.Http.Diagnostics.HttpDiagnosticProvider {
  4053. - public bool IsStarted { get; }
  4054. | }
  4056. + public class Windows.Web.Http.Diagnostics.HttpDiagnosticProviderActivityCompletedEventArgs {
  4057. + public Guid ActivityId { get; }
  4058. + public Uri RequestedUri { get; }
  4059. + public HttpDiagnosticProviderActivityTimestamps Timestamps { get; }
  4060. + }
  4062. + public class Windows.Web.Http.Diagnostics.HttpDiagnosticProviderActivityTimestamps {
  4063. + public IReference<DateTime> CacheCheckedTimestamp { get; }
  4064. + public IReference<DateTime> ConnectionCompletedTimestamp { get; }
  4065. + public IReference<DateTime> ConnectionInitiatedTimestamp { get; }
  4066. + public IReference<DateTime> NameResolvedTimestamp { get; }
  4067. + public IReference<DateTime> RequestCompletedTimestamp { get; }
  4068. + public IReference<DateTime> RequestSentTimestamp { get; }
  4069. + public IReference<DateTime> ResponseCompletedTimestamp { get; }
  4070. + public IReference<DateTime> ResponseReceivedTimestamp { get; }
  4071. + public IReference<DateTime> SslNegotiatedTimestamp { get; }
  4072. + }
  4074. | public class Windows.Web.Http.Diagnostics.HttpDiagnosticProviderRequestRedirectedEventArgs {
  4075. + public Uri RedirectUri { get; }
  4076. | }
  4078. | public class Windows.Web.Http.Diagnostics.HttpDiagnosticProviderRequestSentEventArgs {
  4079. + public HttpDiagnosticRequestInitiator Initiator { get; }
  4080. + public IVectorView<HttpDiagnosticSourceLocation> SourceLocations { get; }
  4081. | }
  4083. + public enum Windows.Web.Http.Diagnostics.HttpDiagnosticRequestInitiator {
  4084. + ParsedElement = 0,
  4085. + Script = 1,
  4086. + Image = 2,
  4087. + Link = 3,
  4088. + Style = 4,
  4089. + XmlHttpRequest = 5,
  4090. + Media = 6,
  4091. + HtmlDownload = 7,
  4092. + Prefetch = 8,
  4093. + Other = 9,
  4094. + }
  4096. | public class Windows.Web.Http.Diagnostics.HttpDiagnosticSourceLocation {
  4097. + public ulong ColumnNumber { get; }
  4098. | }
  4100. | public class Windows.Web.Http.Filters.HttpBaseProtocolFilter {
  4101. + public HttpVersion MaxVersion { get; set; }
  4102. | }
  4105. MetaDiff v0.1
  4107. new file: new\Windows.World.winmd
  4108. old file: old\Windows.World.winmd (NOT EXISTS!)
  4110. diff legends: +: added, -: removed, *: changed, |: type member changed
  4112. + public interface Windows.World.ILocatable {
  4113. + public Locatability Locatability { get; }
  4114. + public Locatability TryGetRelativeTransformTo( ILocatable locatability, ref Matrix4x4 pTarget );
  4115. + }
  4117. + public interface Windows.World.ILocationFactory {
  4118. + public Location CreateRelativeTo( ILocatable location, Vector3 pOrigin );
  4119. + }
  4121. + public interface Windows.World.ILocationStatics {
  4122. + public LocationStore SavedLocations { get; }
  4123. + public Locatability TryCreateRelativeTo( ILocatable locatability, Vector3 pOrigin, ref Location offset );
  4124. + public void TryGetRelativeTransformsTo( ILocatable[] locations, ILocatable target, Matrix4x4[] transforms, Locatability[] validities );
  4125. + }
  4127. + public interface Windows.World.IPositionalLocator {
  4128. + public PositionalLocatorState State { get; }
  4129. + public void RequestActivation();
  4130. + TypedEventHandler<IPositionalLocator, object> StateChanged;
  4131. + }
  4133. + public enum Windows.World.Locatability {
  4134. + Located = 0,
  4135. + Pending = 1,
  4136. + UnableToLocate = 2,
  4137. + }
  4139. + public class Windows.World.Location {
  4140. + public Locatability Locatability { get; }
  4141. + public LocationStore SavedLocations { get; }
  4142. + public Location( ILocatable pOrigin, Vector3 offset );
  4143. + public Locatability TryGetRelativeTransformTo( ILocatable locatability, ref Matrix4x4 pTarget );
  4144. + public static Locatability TryCreateRelativeTo( ILocatable locatability, Vector3 pOrigin, ref Location offset );
  4145. + public static void TryGetRelativeTransformsTo( ILocatable[] locations, ILocatable target, Matrix4x4[] transforms, Locatability[] validities );
  4146. + }
  4148. + public class Windows.World.LocationStore {
  4149. + public uint Size { get; }
  4150. + public Guid Add( Location token );
  4151. + public void Remove( Guid token );
  4152. + public void Clear();
  4153. + public Location Lookup( Guid returnValue );
  4154. + public bool HasKey( Guid returnValue );
  4155. + public void Split( ref IMapView<Guid, Location> first, ref IMapView<Guid, Location> second );
  4156. + public IIterator<IKeyValuePair<Guid, Location>> First();
  4157. + }
  4159. + public enum Windows.World.PositionalLocatorState {
  4160. + Unavailable = 0,
  4161. + Activating = 1,
  4162. + Active = 2,
  4163. + Deactivating = 3,
  4164. + Inactive = 4,
  4165. + Inhibited = 5,
  4166. + }
  4168. + public interface Windows.World.Lighting.Prototype.ILightCubeMapFactory {
  4169. + public LightCubeMap CreateLightCubeMap( uint lightCubeMap, float width );
  4170. + }
  4172. + public class Windows.World.Lighting.Prototype.Light {
  4173. + public Light();
  4174. + public void GetCurrentReading( ref LightSensorReadingRGB pData );
  4175. + TypedEventHandler<Light, LightEventArgs> ReadingChanged;
  4176. + }
  4178. + public class Windows.World.Lighting.Prototype.LightCubeMap {
  4179. + public LightCubeMap( uint width, float variance );
  4180. + public void GetToneMappedTexture( float saturationConstant, float intensityScale, ref IBuffer textureData );
  4181. + public void GetHighDynamicRangeTexture( ref IBuffer textureData );
  4182. + public void FillTexture( float red, float green, float blue, float alpha );
  4183. + TypedEventHandler<LightCubeMap, object> TextureUpdated;
  4184. + }
  4186. + public class Windows.World.Lighting.Prototype.LightEventArgs {
  4187. + public LightSensorReadingRGB LightSensorReadingRGB { get; }
  4188. + }
  4190. + public struct Windows.World.Lighting.Prototype.LightSensorReadingRGB {
  4191. + public float RedIlluminanceInLux;
  4192. + public float GreenIlluminanceInLux;
  4193. + public float BlueIlluminanceInLux;
  4194. + public float IlluminanceInLux;
  4195. + }
  4197. + public class Windows.World.Sensors.ActiveChangedEventArgs {
  4198. + }
  4200. + public class Windows.World.Sensors.AvailableChangedEventArgs {
  4201. + }
  4203. + public class Windows.World.Sensors.CoordinateMapper {
  4204. + public Vector3 Register( Vector3 value );
  4205. + public void Register( Vector3[] coords, Vector3[] results );
  4206. + public void RegisterDepth( ushort[] depths, Vector3[] results );
  4207. + public Vector3 Transform( Vector3 value );
  4208. + public void Transform( Vector3[] coords, Vector3[] results );
  4209. + public IReference<Matrix4x4> TryGetTransformMatrix();
  4210. + public Vector3 Project( Vector3 value );
  4211. + public void Project( Vector3[] coords, Vector3[] results );
  4212. + public Vector3 Unproject( Vector3 value );
  4213. + public void Unproject( Vector3[] coords, Vector3[] results );
  4214. + public void UnprojectDepth( ushort[] depths, Vector3[] results );
  4215. + }
  4217. + public class Windows.World.Sensors.CoordinateTransform {
  4218. + public Vector3 Project( Vector3 value );
  4219. + public void Project( Vector3[] coords, Vector3[] results );
  4220. + public Vector3 Unproject( Vector3 value );
  4221. + public void Unproject( Vector3[] coords, Vector3[] results );
  4222. + public void UnprojectDepth( ushort[] depths, Vector3[] results );
  4223. + }
  4225. + public class Windows.World.Sensors.EnumerationCompletedEventArgs {
  4226. + }
  4228. + public class Windows.World.Sensors.FrameArrivedEventArgs {
  4229. + public FrameReference FrameReference { get; }
  4230. + }
  4232. + public class Windows.World.Sensors.FrameReference {
  4233. + public TimeSpan RelativeTime { get; }
  4234. + public SensorSource SensorSource { get; }
  4235. + public IMediaFrame AcquireFrame();
  4236. + }
  4238. + public enum Windows.World.Sensors.FrameType {
  4239. + Unknown = 0,
  4240. + Video = 1,
  4241. + }
  4243. + public interface Windows.World.Sensors.ICoordinateTransform {
  4244. + public Vector3 Project( Vector3 value );
  4245. + public void Project( Vector3[] coords, Vector3[] results );
  4246. + public Vector3 Unproject( Vector3 value );
  4247. + public void Unproject( Vector3[] coords, Vector3[] results );
  4248. + public void UnprojectDepth( ushort[] depths, Vector3[] results );
  4249. + }
  4251. + public interface Windows.World.Sensors.IFrameDescription {
  4252. + }
  4254. + public interface Windows.World.Sensors.ISensorSourceProperties {
  4255. + }
  4257. + public class Windows.World.Sensors.SensorSource {
  4258. + public bool Active { get; }
  4259. + public bool Available { get; }
  4260. + public string DeviceClass { get; }
  4261. + public string DisplayName { get; }
  4262. + public IFrameDescription FrameDescription { get; }
  4263. + public FrameType FrameType { get; }
  4264. + public ISensorSourceProperties Properties { get; }
  4265. + public SourceType SourceType { get; }
  4266. + public string UniqueId { get; }
  4267. + public SensorSourceReader OpenReader();
  4268. + public IAsyncOperation<CoordinateTransform> GetCoordinateTransformAsync();
  4269. + public IAsyncOperation<CoordinateMapper> TryGetCoordinateMapperAsync( SensorSource mapper );
  4270. + public static SensorSourceWatcher CreateWatcher();
  4271. + TypedEventHandler<SensorSource, ActiveChangedEventArgs> ActiveChanged;
  4272. + TypedEventHandler<SensorSource, AvailableChangedEventArgs> AvailableChanged;
  4273. + }
  4275. + public class Windows.World.Sensors.SensorSourceReader {
  4276. + public bool Paused { get; set; }
  4277. + public SensorSource SensorSource { get; }
  4278. + public IMediaFrame AcquireLatestFrame();
  4279. + public void Close();
  4280. + TypedEventHandler<SensorSourceReader, FrameArrivedEventArgs> FrameArrived;
  4281. + }
  4283. + public class Windows.World.Sensors.SensorSourceWatcher {
  4284. + public SensorSourceWatcherStatus Status { get; }
  4285. + public void Start();
  4286. + public void Stop();
  4287. + TypedEventHandler<SensorSourceWatcher, EnumerationCompletedEventArgs> EnumerationCompleted;
  4288. + TypedEventHandler<SensorSourceWatcher, SourceAddedEventArgs> SourceAdded;
  4289. + TypedEventHandler<SensorSourceWatcher, SourceRemovedEventArgs> SourceRemoved;
  4290. + TypedEventHandler<SensorSourceWatcher, StoppedEventArgs> Stopped;
  4291. + }
  4293. + public enum Windows.World.Sensors.SensorSourceWatcherStatus {
  4294. + Created = 0,
  4295. + Started = 1,
  4296. + Aborted = 2,
  4297. + Stopped = 3,
  4298. + Stopping = 4,
  4299. + Completed = 5,
  4300. + }
  4302. + public class Windows.World.Sensors.SourceAddedEventArgs {
  4303. + public SensorSource SensorSource { get; }
  4304. + }
  4306. + public class Windows.World.Sensors.SourceRemovedEventArgs {
  4307. + public SensorSource SensorSource { get; }
  4308. + }
  4310. + public enum Windows.World.Sensors.SourceType {
  4311. + Unknown = 0,
  4312. + Infrared = 1,
  4313. + Depth = 2,
  4314. + Color = 3,
  4315. + }
  4317. + public class Windows.World.Sensors.StoppedEventArgs {
  4318. + }
  4320. + public class Windows.World.Sensors.VideoFrame {
  4321. + public IReference<TimeSpan> SystemRelativeTime { get; set; }
  4322. + public IReference<TimeSpan> RelativeTime { get; set; }
  4323. + public bool IsDiscontinuous { get; set; }
  4324. + public IReference<TimeSpan> Duration { get; set; }
  4325. + public IPropertySet ExtendedProperties { get; }
  4326. + public bool IsReadOnly { get; }
  4327. + public string Type { get; }
  4328. + public SoftwareBitmap SoftwareBitmap { get; }
  4329. + public void Close();
  4330. + }
  4332. + public class Windows.World.Sensors.VideoFrameDescription {
  4333. + public int Height { get; }
  4334. + public int Width { get; }
  4335. + }
  4337. + public struct Windows.World.Surfaces.BufferDescription {
  4338. + public DirectXPixelFormat Format;
  4339. + public uint Stride;
  4340. + }
  4342. + public class Windows.World.Surfaces.Surface {
  4343. + public OrientedBoundingBox BoundingBox { get; }
  4344. + public uint Id { get; }
  4345. + public uint IndexCount { get; }
  4346. + public ILocatable Parent { get; }
  4347. + public BufferDescription TriangleIndicesDescription { get; }
  4348. + public uint VertexCount { get; }
  4349. + public Matrix4x4 VertexNormalToSurfaceObserverTransform { get; }
  4350. + public BufferDescription VertexNormalsDescription { get; }
  4351. + public Matrix4x4 VertexPositionToSurfaceObserverTransform { get; }
  4352. + public BufferDescription VertexPositionsDescription { get; }
  4353. + public IBuffer GetVertexPositions();
  4354. + public IBuffer GetVertexNormals();
  4355. + public IBuffer GetTriangleIndices();
  4356. + }
  4358. + public struct Windows.World.Surfaces.SurfaceChange {
  4359. + public uint Id;
  4360. + public SurfaceChangeType Type;
  4361. + }
  4363. + public class Windows.World.Surfaces.SurfaceChangeBatch {
  4364. + public SurfaceObservation Surfaces { get; }
  4365. + public SurfaceChange[] GetChanges();
  4366. + }
  4368. + public enum Windows.World.Surfaces.SurfaceChangeType {
  4369. + Removed = 0,
  4370. + Added = 1,
  4371. + Updated = 2,
  4372. + }
  4374. + public class Windows.World.Surfaces.SurfaceObservation {
  4375. + public uint Size { get; }
  4376. + public Locatability Locatability { get; }
  4377. + public OrientedBoundingBox BoundingBox { get; }
  4378. + public Surface Lookup( uint returnValue );
  4379. + public bool HasKey( uint returnValue );
  4380. + public void Split( ref IMapView<uint, Surface> first, ref IMapView<uint, Surface> second );
  4381. + public IIterator<IKeyValuePair<uint, Surface>> First();
  4382. + public Locatability TryGetRelativeTransformTo( ILocatable locatability, ref Matrix4x4 pTarget );
  4383. + }
  4385. + public class Windows.World.Surfaces.SurfaceObserver {
  4386. + public Locatability Locatability { get; }
  4387. + public SurfaceObserver( ILocatable origin, OrientedBoundingBox boundingBox );
  4388. + public SurfaceObserver( ILocatable origin, OrientedBoundingBox boundingBox, double minDesiredFeatureSizeInMeters );
  4389. + public SurfaceChangeBatch GetObservedSurfaces();
  4390. + public Locatability TryGetRelativeTransformTo( ILocatable locatability, ref Matrix4x4 pTarget );
  4391. + public static Locatability TryCreateRelativeTo( ILocatable locatability, OrientedBoundingBox origin, ref SurfaceObserver boundingBox );
  4392. + public static Locatability TryCreateRelativeToWithMinFeatureSize( ILocatable locatability, OrientedBoundingBox origin, double boundingBox, ref SurfaceObserver minDesiredFeatureSizeInMeters );
  4393. + TypedEventHandler<SurfaceObserver, object> SurfacesChanged;
  4394. + }
  4396. + public class Windows.World.Surfaces.VisibleSurfaceObserver {
  4397. + public Locatability Locatability { get; }
  4398. + public Frustum CullingFrustum { get; }
  4399. + public VisibleSurfaceObserver( uint maxTriangleCount );
  4400. + public VisibleSurfaceObserver();
  4401. + public Locatability TryGetRelativeTransformTo( ILocatable locatability, ref Matrix4x4 pTarget );
  4402. + public SurfaceChangeBatch UpdateCullingFrustum( ILocatable changes, Frustum origin );
  4403. + }
  4405. + public struct Windows.World.Surfaces.Prototype.Intersection {
  4406. + public Vector3 Point;
  4407. + public Vector3 Normal;
  4408. + public double Distance;
  4409. + public uint SurfaceId;
  4410. + }
  4412. + public class Windows.World.Surfaces.Prototype.SurfaceAnalyzer {
  4413. + public SurfaceAnalyzer();
  4414. + public void UpdateAnalysis( SurfaceChangeBatch change );
  4415. + public Quaternion GetRoomOrientation();
  4416. + }
  4418. + public class Windows.World.Surfaces.Prototype.Utilities {
  4419. + public static IReference<Intersection> IntersectRay( SurfaceObservation intersection, Ray surfaces );
  4420. + }
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