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Aug 21st, 2017
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  1. less public info on military operations to not tip off "enemy" - they have a strategy but have not disclosed anything but that they have a strategy
  3. giving military full autonomy and control to "defeat the enemy". They will not answer to the bureaucrats in Washington.
  5. pushing away pakistan and warming up to India - geopolitically essentially means that Pakistan will be pushed into The Russian or Sino camp - also means that we will again be in direct conflict against China not only in the Koreas but also in the Himalyas. Eurasia just has become more polarized.
  7. However the current status quo essentially makes pakistan and india neutral to friendly to us. India with their border conflicts over the various water sources in the Himalayas will never fall into the Sino camp. However Pakistan can and probably will sell out to the Chinese. We can't be friendly to both as the history between India and Pakistan and the religious differences. So this was most likely inevitable and it just asserting what has already happened passively as a conscious choice. Pakistan has a shit ton of resources and natural minerals that China will now have access to (which they need). Also a border/air fields/nukes on India's flank and can hit at their water sources from 2 sides with China.
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