
Youngest bonds (comfy)

Sep 2nd, 2016
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  1. >"Perhaps some sodium hydroxide..." Mumbled Lisa to herself as she poured a clear liquid into a tube of water
  2. >"EURIKA!!!" She shouted, seeing the Calcium begin to gather at the bottom of the tube
  3. >"What'cha doin Lisa?" Asked Lincoln
  4. >"I'm trying to remo-" "IT'S MINE!" "NO IT'S MINE!!!"
  5. >The twins rolled into the living room, fighting over a cookie
  6. >"Uh guys" Started Lisa "Could you do that somewhe-"
  7. >"Blimey!" Shouted Luna "Looks like we need some fightin music!"
  8. >Luna grabbed her guitar and began playing as loud and fast as she could
  9. >"*Sigh* Nevermind..." Said Lisa as she put her equipment away and went up to her room
  10. >Lisa set up her equipment again on the table in her room
  11. >"Ah, Much better" Said Lisa, breathing a sigh of relief
  12. >"Now then, Let's see what happens if I add the sodium chloride"
  13. >Lisa picked up an eyedropper of sodium chloride and carefully positioned it above the test tube
  14. >"Carefully..." Muttered Lisa, concentrating on the tube
  15. >"Carefully........"
  16. >*WHUMP!!!!*
  17. >"AAAAAAGH!!!! What in Einstein's name was that?" Shouted Lisa, nearly dropping the eyedropper
  18. >Lisa put her ear to the wall
  19. >"Lemme try a German Suplex this time" Said Lynn
  20. >"uh... I don't think that's a good ide-*WHUMP* AAAAAH" Said Lincoln, interrupted by the suplex
  21. >"Hmm, Maybe a hurricanrana" *WHUMP* *WHUMP* *WHUMP*
  22. >Each impact shook the table
  23. >"I CAN'T WORK LIKE THIS!" Shouted Lisa
  25. >Lisa jumped on the bed
  26. >"Ugh" Grumbled Lisa "Can't do work in the living room, Can't do work in my own room"
  28. >Lisa shoved the pillow onto her face and let out a frustrated shout
  29. >As she lay there, she could hear someone at the door
  30. >*patapatapat* *patapatapat* *patapatapat*
  31. >"ugh, Who is it?" Asked Lisa
  32. >*patapatapat* *patapatapat*
  33. >"*Sigh* Hold on a sec" Lisa got off the bed and went to the door
  34. >"What is it?" Said Lisa as she swung the door open
  35. >Lily waddled past her
  36. >"adabablabla" Mumbled Lily
  37. >"Oh, it's just you" Said Lisa annoyedly "So, What do you want?
  38. >Lily just walked around the room mumbling in baby talk
  39. >"Nevermind...." Said Lisa, jumping back onto the bed
  40. >Lily walked over to Lisa and grabbed at the bed sheet
  41. >"Ablaba"
  42. >"What is it?" Asked Lisa
  43. >Lily put her arms up, opening and closing her hands
  44. >"you want to come up?" Asked Lisa
  45. >Lisa continued the gesture
  46. >"ok, ok, just a sec" Said Lisa as she put Lily on the bed with her
  47. >Lily sat down next to Lisa, Looking at her sister
  48. >"What?" Asked Lisa, wondering what Lily wanted
  49. >Lily just sat there, Staring at Lisa
  50. >"WHAT?!" yelled Lisa, getting more annoyed
  51. >Lily looked surprised by her sister's shout
  52. >Tears started to well up in Lily's eyes
  54. >*sniff* *sniff*
  55. >Lisa was on the verge of tears
  56. >"Hey, hey, I'm sorry" Apologized Lisa as she hugged Lily
  57. >"I'm not mad at you" Said Lisa "It's just..."
  58. >"Sometimes this house gets TOO loud" Explained Lisa
  59. >"I can't get my work done because SOMETHING is always happening"
  60. >"Either the twins are fighting, Luna is making noise, Lynn is wrestling, Lori is on the phone"
  61. >"It just gets to be too much, ya-know?"
  62. >Lily sat there Looking at her sister
  63. >"*Sigh* why did I think you would understand.... you're just a baby" Said Lisa, looking defeated
  64. >"Ablabadablabla!" Shouted Lily waving her arms around
  65. >"eh?" replied Lisa, confused by the display
  66. >Lily climbed off the bed and went over to her crib
  67. >After groping around, trying to get a hold of something, Lily pulled her blanket off the crib and brought it to Lisa
  68. >"What's that for?" asked Lisa as Lily scrambled up the side of the bed, trying to climb up
  69. >Lily sat down next to Lisa again, and put the blanket around the two of them
  70. >Lily sat there hugging her sister underneath the warm cotton blanket
  71. >Lisa hugged Lily back, Finally starting to relax
  72. >As the two sat there Relaxing, a noise came from the hallway
  74. >"Poopoo" Said Lily
  75. >"You said it" Replied Lisa
  77. END
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