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Sep 9th, 2016
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  1. [08.09.2016 18:21:21] LH~Miranda.Frost: Do it.
  2. [08.09.2016 18:21:22] LH~Roland.Marquis: He's ours
  3. [08.09.2016 18:21:25] LH~Miranda.Frost: We must stop him
  4. [08.09.2016 18:21:46] LH~Roland.Marquis: Time to cut those engines
  5. [08.09.2016 18:21:51] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: fine, we'll stop if we're far enoug haway from the station, senors
  6. [08.09.2016 18:21:56] LH~Miranda.Frost: Well, I'll be damn.
  7. [08.09.2016 18:21:57] LH~Roland.Marquis: Fair enough
  8. [08.09.2016 18:22:27] LH~Miranda.Frost: A full cargo of artifacts.
  9. [08.09.2016 18:22:35] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: as you can see... we're hauling goods to help feed a hungry people
  10. [08.09.2016 18:22:38] LH~Roland.Marquis: Indeed.
  11. [08.09.2016 18:22:47] LH~Miranda.Frost: Who's hungry in Liberty ?
  12. [08.09.2016 18:23:01] LH~Miranda.Frost: This is Liberty, not a stink hole called Gamma.
  13. [08.09.2016 18:23:05] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: no, not the people of Liberty.. *my* people
  14. [08.09.2016 18:23:08] LH~Miranda.Frost: No one's hungry in Liberty.
  15. [08.09.2016 18:23:14] LH~Miranda.Frost: Your people ?!
  16. [08.09.2016 18:23:20] LH~Miranda.Frost: Well, where are those vermins ?
  17. [08.09.2016 18:23:21] LH~Roland.Marquis: I see no food in your hold. Only artifacts.
  18. [08.09.2016 18:23:28] LH~Miranda.Frost: I will make sure they all die.
  19. [08.09.2016 18:23:33] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: well but of course we need to exchange food for *something*
  20. [08.09.2016 18:23:53] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: and since Crete only produces artifacts in its volcanic, barren soil... [sighs]
  21. [08.09.2016 18:23:54] LH~Roland.Marquis: You've certainly come to the wrong place for that.
  22. [08.09.2016 18:24:13] LH~Miranda.Frost: You've come to the wrong place for anything really, maggot.
  23. [08.09.2016 18:24:27] LH~Miranda.Frost: You will never fly away in a ship from here.
  24. [08.09.2016 18:24:31] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: ... look, senors... we wish no trouble, senors... all we're asking is that you buy my people's artifacts
  25. [08.09.2016 18:24:52] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: is that really too much to ask? [she frowns]
  26. [08.09.2016 18:25:08] LH~Miranda.Frost: The only thing we will buy, is some cardamine after we have reduced you to microscopilcal levels.
  27. [08.09.2016 18:25:09] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: we might've done piracy, but that was mainly cause we are desperate...
  28. [08.09.2016 18:25:27] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: [frowns deeper] please... we are still humans...
  29. [08.09.2016 18:25:30] Chongo: Holy... That's a lot of artifacts
  30. [08.09.2016 18:25:34] LH~Miranda.Frost: No, you are not.
  31. [08.09.2016 18:25:40] LH~Miranda.Frost: You are nothing less than subhumans.
  32. [08.09.2016 18:25:45] LH~Miranda.Frost: Inferior in anyway.
  33. [08.09.2016 18:25:47] LH~Roland.Marquis: You're petty savages that eat each other.
  34. [08.09.2016 18:25:50] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: [eyes narrow]
  35. [08.09.2016 18:25:52] LH~Roland.Marquis: Quite disgusting.
  36. [08.09.2016 18:26:15] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: and what does that make you all, if you destroy our defensless vessel, eh?!
  37. [08.09.2016 18:26:21] LH~Roland.Marquis: Well my dear Miranda.. shall we begin?
  38. [08.09.2016 18:26:23] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: we come with no guns!
  39. [08.09.2016 18:26:25] LH~Miranda.Frost: Defenselss ?!
  40. [08.09.2016 18:26:32] LH~Miranda.Frost: We don't destroy a vessel.
  41. [08.09.2016 18:26:35] LH~Miranda.Frost: We purge vermins.
  42. [08.09.2016 18:26:37] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: we come with only hope to feed desperate people
  43. [08.09.2016 18:26:39] LH~Nick.Nack.: Greetings. Do you require my asstitance? Or i can carry on with my mission?
  44. [08.09.2016 18:26:47] LH~Roland.Marquis: You can carry on.
  45. [08.09.2016 18:26:49] LH~Miranda.Frost: I say again.
  46. [08.09.2016 18:26:49] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: Have you no humanity left?!
  47. [08.09.2016 18:26:55] LH~Roland.Marquis: This Corsair is trapped and has nowhere to go
  48. [08.09.2016 18:26:56] LH~Miranda.Frost: Your "people" are not people.
  49. [08.09.2016 18:27:01] Chongo: Corsair talking about humanity, now that IS funny.
  50. [08.09.2016 18:27:02] LH~Miranda.Frost: They are slimes.
  51. [08.09.2016 18:27:07] LH~Miranda.Frost: Who rejected the orange dream
  52. [08.09.2016 18:27:12] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: we... we are not ordinary corsairs
  53. [08.09.2016 18:27:14] LH~Miranda.Frost: And who shoots at our allies, the Outcasts.
  54. [08.09.2016 18:27:17] LH~Roland.Marquis: Not only who reject it.. they fight it.
  55. [08.09.2016 18:27:18] LH~Nick.Nack.: I will not be avaible in the following days.
  56. [08.09.2016 18:27:33] LH~Nick.Nack.: Im going into Gallic space
  57. [08.09.2016 18:27:37] LH~Miranda.Frost: DO NOT SPEAK UNTILL YOU ARE ALLOWED TO, YOU FILFTHY BAFOON !
  58. [08.09.2016 18:27:40] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: oh sure... just cause these muchachos were born in Crete, we're automatically savages?!
  59. [08.09.2016 18:27:53] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: [keeps her peace... for now]
  60. [08.09.2016 18:28:01] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: [The crew, however, grow restless]
  61. [08.09.2016 18:28:13] LH~Roland.Marquis: Your dogs seem to be getting anrgy.
  62. [08.09.2016 18:28:19] Chongo: Let's hear him out? What do you think, Hackers?
  63. [08.09.2016 18:28:21] LH~Roland.Marquis: Or crew.. whatever you call them.
  64. [08.09.2016 18:28:23] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: they are not dogs... they are familia...
  65. [08.09.2016 18:28:33] Ethics.Gradient: I'll just leave you to it.
  66. [08.09.2016 18:28:48] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: something that you all wouldn't understand if you shot down our vessel.
  67. [08.09.2016 18:28:49] LH~Miranda.Frost: They are nothing more than a collective of baboons.
  68. [08.09.2016 18:29:05] LH~Roland.Marquis: Unevolved troglodytes, really.
  69. [08.09.2016 18:29:13] LH~Miranda.Frost: Even baboons have higher intellicence levels.
  70. [08.09.2016 18:29:30] Death: LNS-Excelsior was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
  71. [08.09.2016 18:29:44] LH~Miranda.Frost: She kept saying there are more somewhere.
  72. [08.09.2016 18:29:50] LH~Roland.Marquis: I suppose we can let her pay her way out?
  73. [08.09.2016 18:29:56] LH~Miranda.Frost: Where are the rest of those fleas you call humans ?
  74. [08.09.2016 18:30:25] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: they are back in Crete... working and toiling their backs to feed hungry children
  75. [08.09.2016 18:30:40] Chongo: Feed them with what?
  76. [08.09.2016 18:30:44] LH~Miranda.Frost: The fee better be high enough for me to overlook such offense.
  77. [08.09.2016 18:30:45] Chongo: Human organs?
  78. [08.09.2016 18:31:08] LH~Roland.Marquis: Well, I'll leave the amount up to you. I can just as easily ventilate that ship
  79. [08.09.2016 18:31:21] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: //ugh, I hate this internet connection...
  80. [08.09.2016 18:31:24] LH~Miranda.Frost: Yada yada yada.
  81. [08.09.2016 18:31:37] LH~Miranda.Frost: They won't die.
  82. [08.09.2016 18:31:42] LH~Miranda.Frost: They will eat themselfs.
  83. [08.09.2016 18:31:46] LH~Miranda.Frost: Like the savages they are.
  84. [08.09.2016 18:32:09] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: you know... I've heard once that the outcasts were once part of a sleeper ship know as the Hispania
  85. [08.09.2016 18:32:16] The.Hanged.Man: Kyoko: Konbanwa.
  86. [08.09.2016 18:32:37] LH~Miranda.Frost: Outcasts are not the same, no one is the same thing. You are alone in your filth.
  87. [08.09.2016 18:33:10] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: [tears start forming in her eyes] It must've been hard... when our people had been separated from each other for so long
  88. [08.09.2016 18:33:34] LH~Roland.Marquis: Oh I can't stand this anymore.
  89. [08.09.2016 18:33:52] Chongo: I don't really care about ancient history to be honest, the matter at hand is your carrying Artifacts to who knows where
  90. [08.09.2016 18:33:54] LH~Miranda.Frost: Corsairs are the "human swere". So stop those ... Whatever it is you try to do.
  91. [08.09.2016 18:33:55] LH~Roland.Marquis: Begging and pleading is just.. I can't even describe it.
  92. [08.09.2016 18:34:22] LH~Miranda.Frost: If you want us to leave you and your rats alive.
  93. [08.09.2016 18:34:25] LH~Roland.Marquis: I suggest we make this quick. We have lingered here for far too long
  94. [08.09.2016 18:34:27] LH~Miranda.Frost: You will have to pay.
  95. [08.09.2016 18:34:41] LH~Miranda.Frost: You will have to pay for the biggest offense.
  96. [08.09.2016 18:34:48] The.Hanged.Man: Kyoko: Whenever my fire support is needed, just say the word.
  97. [08.09.2016 18:34:50] LH~Miranda.Frost: The offense being your pressence.
  98. [08.09.2016 18:34:53] LH~Nick.Nack.: Be careful .
  99. [08.09.2016 18:35:04] LH~Nick.Nack.: There is a LNS in California as we speak.
  100. [08.09.2016 18:35:16] The.Hanged.Man: Kyoko: On the scanners, even.
  101. [08.09.2016 18:35:17] LH~Nick.Nack.: Also I made my way to Newcastle .
  102. [08.09.2016 18:35:18] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: [sighs] no... we are not alone...
  103. [08.09.2016 18:35:39] LH~Miranda.Frost: You will pay us 4 millions, or we will vent every single one of you in space.
  104. [08.09.2016 18:35:49] LH~Miranda.Frost: Siege cruiser.
  105. [08.09.2016 18:35:57] The.Hanged.Man: Kyoko: That is a proposition I can get behind.
  106. [08.09.2016 18:35:57] LH~Roland.Marquis: Hah! That cruiser didn't want any part of this.
  107. [08.09.2016 18:36:29] LH~Miranda.Frost: You will forward 4 million credits to myself, right now, or you will see how space feels without a EVA suit.
  108. [08.09.2016 18:36:43] LH~Miranda.Frost: We would be doing mankind a favor, really. Am I right, boys?
  109. [08.09.2016 18:37:02] LH~Roland.Marquis: A service to humanity indeed. Keep the gene pool clean
  110. [08.09.2016 18:37:08] Chongo: We'd do mankind a favor if these were left to rot in space if you ask me.
  111. [08.09.2016 18:37:28] LH~Miranda.Frost: Did she just closed her comms ?
  112. [08.09.2016 18:37:30] LH~Roland.Marquis: Perhaps a little encouragement is in order?
  113. [08.09.2016 18:37:35] The.Hanged.Man: Kyoko: The explosion itself would be a spectacle.
  114. [08.09.2016 18:37:37] LH~Miranda.Frost: Wake up.
  115. [08.09.2016 18:37:45] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: 4 Million, senors...? I'll gladly pay you *each* 4 million, so long as all of us can turn back in peace.
  116. [08.09.2016 18:37:58] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: [The crew are shocked by her words]
  117. [08.09.2016 18:38:03] The.Hanged.Man: Kyoko: Hmph. Let's see.
  118. [08.09.2016 18:38:04] LH~Roland.Marquis: Well..
  119. [08.09.2016 18:38:17] LH~Roland.Marquis: 4 million all of us it is then.
  120. [08.09.2016 18:38:19] LH~Miranda.Frost: Not each, just pay 4 millions, and you will vacate the area.
  121. [08.09.2016 18:38:21] The.Hanged.Man: If that doesn't wake "it" up,, nothing will.
  122. [08.09.2016 18:38:23] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: Andale! Muchachos! It's only fair that we live to feed our familia's another day.
  123. [08.09.2016 18:38:54] LH~Roland.Marquis: Now now Ms Frost, if this woman is so careless with her money, I'd say we let her.
  124. [08.09.2016 18:39:10] Chongo: evening
  125. [08.09.2016 18:39:17] LH~Miranda.Frost: Greetings.
  126. [08.09.2016 18:39:17] The.Hanged.Man: Kyoko: I truly admire your patience.
  127. [08.09.2016 18:39:26] LH~Miranda.Frost: I am waiting.
  128. [08.09.2016 18:39:31] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: //sorry for long replies, internet's being slow...
  129. [08.09.2016 18:39:45] Chongo: // do you keep it inRP in group chat?
  130. [08.09.2016 18:39:50] LH~Miranda.Frost: Yes.
  131. [08.09.2016 18:40:00] LH~Miranda.Frost: Good lord...
  132. [08.09.2016 18:40:11] LH~Miranda.Frost: I am loosing my patience.
  133. [08.09.2016 18:40:14] LH~Miranda.Frost: Fast.
  134. [08.09.2016 18:40:14] Chongo: I say we blast her and her so called 'crew' of cannibals into space.
  135. [08.09.2016 18:40:26] LH~Miranda.Frost: More like crew of rats.
  136. [08.09.2016 18:40:29] LH~Miranda.Frost: And maggots
  137. [08.09.2016 18:40:36] LH~Miranda.Frost: And vermins and filfthy slimes.
  138. [08.09.2016 18:40:38] Chongo: Maybe, they'll find something else to eat on space...
  139. [08.09.2016 18:40:39] The.Hanged.Man: Kyoko: Rats have a tendency to survive.
  140. [08.09.2016 18:40:41] LH~Miranda.Frost: With a baboon as captain.
  141. [08.09.2016 18:40:45] You have received 4.000.000 credits from La.Diosa.Fertilidad
  142. [08.09.2016 18:40:55] LH~Miranda.Frost: Oh, good, she finnaly payed !
  143. [08.09.2016 18:41:15] Chongo: It's not like I need the credits, but thank you.
  144. [08.09.2016 18:41:19] LH~Miranda.Frost: What took you so much ? Are you illiterate? Is fine, every corsair is from what I've heard.
  145. [08.09.2016 18:41:23] LH~Roland.Marquis: I've also been paid. I guess she is as careless as I thought.
  146. [08.09.2016 18:41:29] La.Diosa.Fertilidad: woman: there... The transfers have been done... now please leave us so-called 'bafoons' in peace...
  147. [08.09.2016 18:41:38] LH~Miranda.Frost: Indeed, corsairs are more stupid than I tough.
  148. [08.09.2016 18:41:42] LH~Roland.Marquis: Baboons, not buffoons.
  149. [08.09.2016 18:41:43] LH~Nick.Nack.: //you wont get him
  150. [08.09.2016 18:41:58] LH~Roland.Marquis: But your intelligence, or lack thereof has already been established.
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