

Nov 23rd, 2014
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  1. [General]
  2. SStartingCell =
  3. SCharGenQuest = 00102037
  4. SStartingCellY =
  5. SStartingCellX =
  6. SStartingWorld =
  7. bRunHighLevelProcess=1
  8. bRunMiddleLowLevelProcess=0
  9. iNumHWThreads=4
  10. bMultiThreadMovement=1
  11. bMTRendering=1
  12. iStoryManagerLoggingEvent=-1
  13. bEnableStoryManagerLogging=0
  14. fMasterFilePreLoadMB=500.0000
  15. bDecalMultithreaded=1
  16. STestFile10 =
  17. STestFile9 =
  18. STestFile8 =
  19. STestFile7 =
  20. STestFile6 =
  21. STestFile5 =
  22. STestFile4 =
  23. STestFile3 =
  24. STestFile2 =
  25. STestFile1 =
  26. sEssentialFileCacheList = Data\Fallout.esm|Data2\Fallout.esm, Data\Music\Special\MainTitle.mp3, Data\Fallout - Sound.bsa|Fallout - Sound.bsa, Data\Fallout - Voices1.bsa|Fallout - Voices1.bsa
  27. sUnessentialFileCacheList = Data\Fallout - Meshes.bsa|Data2\Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Data\Fallout - Textures.bsa|Data2\Fallout - Textures.bsa, Data\Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Data\Music\Dungeon\*.xma, Data\Music\Base\*.mp3, Data\Music\Battle\*.mp3, Data\Music\Explore\*.mp3, Data\Music\Public\*.mp3, Data\Music\Special\*.mp3
  28. bPreCullActors = 1
  29. bTaskletActorSceneGraphUpdates = 0
  30. bTaskletActorAnimMovementUpdates = 1
  31. bAnimationUseBlendFromPose = 1
  32. bEnableProfile = 0
  33. bDrawSpellContact = 0
  34. iHoursToSleep = 3
  35. bActorLookWithHavok = 0
  36. SMainMenuMusicTrack = special\maintitle.mp3
  37. bUseEyeEnvMapping = 1
  38. bFixFaceNormals = 0
  39. bUseFaceGenHeads = 1
  40. bFaceMipMaps = 1
  41. bFaceGenTexturing = 1
  42. bDefaultCOCPlacement = 0
  43. uGridDistantCount = 20
  44. uGridsToLoad = 5
  45. fGlobalTimeMultiplier = 1.0000
  46. bNewAnimation = 1
  47. bFixAIPackagesOnLoad = 0
  48. bForceReloadOnEssentialCharacterDeath = 1
  49. bKeepPluginWhenMerging = 0
  50. bCreate Maps Enable = 0
  51. SLocalSavePath = Saves\
  52. SLocalMasterPath = Data\
  53. bDisableDuplicateReferenceCheck = 1
  54. bTintMipMaps = 0
  55. uInteriorCellBuffer = 192
  56. uExteriorCellBuffer = 2304
  57. iIntroSequencePriority = 3
  58. bPreloadIntroSequence = 1
  59. fStaticScreenWaitTime = 3.0000
  60. SMainMenuMovieIntro =
  61. SIntroSequence =
  62. sIntroMovie = Fallout INTRO Vsk.bik
  63. iFPSClamp = 0
  64. bRunVTuneTest = 0
  65. bActivateAllQuestScripts = 0
  66. bUseThreadedBlood=1
  67. bUseThreadedMorpher=1
  68. bUseThreadedTempEffects=1
  69. bUseThreadedParticleSystem=1
  70. bUseThreadedAI=1
  71. bUseThreadedMeshes=1
  72. bUseThreadedLOD=1
  73. bUseThreadedTextures=1
  74. bBorderRegionsEnabled=1
  75. bDisableHeadTracking = 0
  76. bTrackAllDeaths = 0
  77. uiFaceGenMaxEGTDataSize = 67108864
  78. uiFaceGenMaxEGMDataSize = 67108864
  79. bPreemptivelyUnloadCells = 0
  80. iNumBitsForFullySeen = 248
  81. iPreloadSizeLimit = 16777216000
  82. bUseHardDriveCache = 0
  83. bEnableBoundingVolumeOcclusion = 1
  84. bDisplayBoundingVolumes = 0
  85. bUseThreadedTempEffects = 1
  86. bUseThreadedParticleSystem = 0
  87. bExternalLODDataFiles = 1
  88. bCheckCellOffsetsOnInit = 0
  89. uGridDistantTreeRange = 5
  90. bCreateShaderPackage = 0
  91. bWarnOnMissingFileEntry = 0
  92. bAllowScriptedAutosave = 0
  93. uGridDistantTreeRangeCity = 4
  94. uGridDistantCountCity = 4
  95. iSaveGameBackupCount = 1
  96. bDisplayMissingContentDialogue = 1
  97. SSaveGameSafeCellID = 2AEEA
  98. bChangeTimeMultSlowly = 1
  99. bCheckPurgedTextureList = 0
  100. bAnimateDoorPhysics = 0
  101. sLanguage =ENGLISH
  102. bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles = 1
  104. [Display]
  105. fDecalLifetime = 720.0000
  106. bEquippedTorchesCastShadows = 0
  107. bReportBadTangentSpace = 0
  108. bStaticMenuBackground = 1
  109. bForcePow2Textures = 0
  110. bForce1XShaders = 0
  111. bHighQuality20Lighting = 0
  112. bAllow20HairShader = 1
  113. bAllowScreenShot = 0
  114. iMultiSample =0
  115. bDoTallGrassEffect = 1
  116. bForceMultiPass = 1
  117. bDoTexturePass = 1
  118. bDoSpecularPass = 1
  119. bDoDiffusePass = 1
  120. bDoAmbientPass = 1
  121. bImageSpaceEffects = 1
  122. bDoCanopyShadowPass = 1
  123. bDrawShadows =1
  124. bUseRefractionShader = 1
  125. bUse Shaders = 1
  126. iNPatchNOrder = 0
  127. iNPatchPOrder = 0
  128. iNPatches = 0
  129. iLocation Y = 5
  130. iLocation X = 5
  131. bFull Screen =0
  132. iAdapter =0
  133. iScreenShotIndex =8
  134. SScreenShotBaseName = ScreenShot
  135. iAutoViewMinDistance = 2000
  136. iAutoViewHiFrameRate = 40
  137. iAutoViewLowFrameRate = 20
  138. bAutoViewDistance = 0
  139. fDefaultFOV=90.0000
  140. fDefaultWorldFOV=90.0000
  141. fNearDistance = 5
  142. fFarDistance = 1000.0000
  143. iDebugTextLeftRightOffset = 10
  144. iDebugTextTopBottomOffset = 20
  145. bShowMenuTextureUse = 1
  146. fLightLODDefaultStartFade = 10240.0
  147. fLightLODRange = 10240.0
  148. fLightLODMinStartFade = 10240.0
  149. fLightLODMaxStartFade = 10240.0
  150. fDecalLOD0=155000.0000
  151. fDecalLOD1=155000.0000
  152. fDecalLOD2=155000.0000
  153. fShadowLODDefaultStartFade = 200.0
  154. fShadowLODRange = 200.0
  155. fShadowLODMinStartFade = 100.0
  156. fShadowLODMaxStartFade = 1000.0
  157. fSkinnedDecalLOD0=155000.0000
  158. fSkinnedDecalLOD1=155000.0000
  159. fSkinnedDecalLOD2=155000.0000
  160. fSpecularLODDefaultStartFade = 10240.0
  161. fSpecularLODRange = 10240.0
  162. fSpecularLODMinStartFade = 10240.0
  163. fSpecularLODMaxStartFade = 10240.0
  164. fGamma =1.0000
  165. bAllow30Shaders = 1
  166. iTexMipMapMinimum =0
  167. bDoStaticAndArchShadows = 0
  168. bDoActorShadows = 1
  169. fNoLODFarDistancePct = 1.0000
  170. fNoLODFarDistanceMax = 10240.0000
  171. fNoLODFarDistanceMin = 100.0000
  172. fEyeEnvMapLOD2 = 800.0000
  173. fEyeEnvMapLOD1 = 500.0000
  174. fEnvMapLOD2 = 1800.0000
  175. fEnvMapLOD1 = 1500.0000
  176. fGammaMax = 0.6000
  177. fGammaMin = 1.4000
  178. iMaxDecalsPerFrame=20
  179. iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame=20
  180. iActorShadowCount = 4
  181. bIgnoreResolutionCheck = 0
  182. fSpecualrStartMax = 1000.0000
  183. fSpecularStartMin = 0.0000
  184. iActorShadowIntMax = 10
  185. iActorShadowIntMin = 0
  186. iActorShadowExtMax = 10
  187. iActorShadowExtMin = 0
  188. bDynamicWindowReflections = 1
  189. fShadowFadeTime = 1.0000
  190. iPresentInterval = 0
  191. bDecalsOnSkinnedGeometry = 1
  192. uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart4 = 0
  193. uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart3 = 0
  194. uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart2 = 0
  195. uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart1 = 0
  196. iShadowFilter =2
  197. bAllowPartialPrecision = 1
  198. iShadowMapResolution =1024
  199. bShadowsOnGrass = 0
  200. bActorSelfShadowing = 0
  201. iActorShadowCountInt =6
  202. iActorShadowCountExt =6
  203. fPipboy1stPersonFOV = 47.0
  204. fDefault1stPersonFOV = 75.0000
  205. bLODNoiseAniso = 1
  206. iMaxAnisotropy =0
  207. fLandLOFadeSeconds = 15.0
  208. bEnableEyefinity =0
  209. sD3DDevice ="AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series"
  210. iTexMipMapSkip =0
  211. iWaterMultisamples =1
  212. bTransparencyMultisampling =1
  213. fSpecularLODStartFade =2000.0000
  214. fShadowLODStartFade =1000.0000
  215. fLightLODStartFade =3500.0000
  216. iSize W =1920
  217. iSize H =1080
  218. fDecalLOD2 =1500.0000
  219. fDecalLOD1 =1000.0000
  220. iShadowMode =3
  221. iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame =3
  223. [Controls]
  224. bAlwaysRunByDefault = 1
  225. bBackground Mouse = 0
  226. bBackground Keyboard = 1
  227. Forward =0011FF13
  228. Back =001FFF14
  229. Slide Left =001EFF17
  230. Slide Right =0020FF16
  231. Use =00FF0011
  232. Activate =0012FF0A
  233. Block =00380110
  234. Ready Item =0013FF0C
  235. Crouch/Sneak =001DFF08
  236. Run =002AFFFF
  237. Always Run =003AFFFF
  238. Auto Move =0010FFFF
  239. Jump =0039FF0D
  240. Toggle POV =0021020F
  241. Menu Mode =000FFF0B
  242. Rest =0014FF07
  243. Vats =000DFF0E
  244. Hotkey1 =0002FFFF
  245. Ammo Swap =0003FF01
  246. Hotkey3 =0004FFFF
  247. Hotkey4 =0005FFFF
  248. Hotkey5 =0006FFFF
  249. Hotkey6 =0007FFFF
  250. Hotkey7 =0008FFFF
  251. Hotkey8 =0009FFFF
  252. QuickSave =003FFFFF
  253. QuickLoad =0043FFFF
  254. Grab =002CFF09
  255. fXenonVertLookSpeed =1200.0000
  256. fXenonHorizLookSpeed =1500.0000
  257. bGamePadRumble =1
  258. bInvertYValues =0
  259. fMouseSensitivity =0.0020
  261. [Water]
  262. bUseWaterShader = 1
  263. bUseWaterReflections =1
  264. bUseWaterRefractions =1
  265. bUseWaterDepth =1
  266. bUseWaterHiRes = 1
  267. bUseWaterDisplacements =1
  268. bUseWaterLOD = 1
  269. bReflectExplosions = 1
  270. bAutoWaterSilhouetteReflections =0
  271. bForceHighDetailReflections =1
  272. bForceLowDetailReflections = 0
  273. fTileTextureDivisor = 4.7500
  274. fSurfaceTileSize = 2048.0000
  275. fNearWaterOutdoorTolerance = 1024.0000
  276. fNearWaterIndoorTolerance = 512.0000
  277. fNearWaterUnderwaterVolume = 0.9000
  278. fNearWaterUnderwaterFreq = 0.3000
  279. uNearWaterPoints = 8
  280. uNearWaterRadius = 1000
  281. uSurfaceFPS = 12
  282. iWaterReflectWidth =1024
  283. iWaterReflectHeight =1024
  284. bUseWaterReflectionBlur =1
  285. iWaterBlurAmount =4
  287. [Audio]
  288. fASFadeInTime = 2.0
  289. fASFadeOutTime = 10.0
  290. fRegionLoopFadeInTime = 5.0
  291. fRegionLoopFadeOutTime = 5.0
  292. fAudioDebugDelay = 0.0000
  293. bEnableAudio = 1
  294. bEnableAudioCache = 1
  295. bMultiThreadAudio = 0
  296. bEnableEnviroEffectsOnPC = 0
  297. iAudioCacheSize = 2048
  298. iMaxSizeForCachedSound = 256
  299. bUseAudioDebugInformation = 1
  300. fDefaultMasterVolume =1.0000
  301. fDefaultFootVolume =0.5000
  302. fDefaultMusicVolume =0.6000
  303. fDefaultRadioVolume =0.5000
  304. fDefaultEffectsVolume =1.0000
  305. fDefaultVoiceVolume =0.6000
  306. iMaxImpactSoundCount = 32
  307. fMaxFootstepDistance = 1100.0000
  308. fPlayerFootVolume = 0.6500
  309. iCollisionSoundTimeDelta = 150
  310. iRadioUpdateInterval = 250
  311. fDialogMinDistance = 600.00
  312. fDialogMaxDistance = 2000.00
  313. fMainMenuMusicVolume = 0.6
  314. fDBVoiceAttenuationIn2D = 2.0
  315. fCollisionSoundHeavyThreshold = 60.0
  316. fDialogueFadeDecibels = 6.0
  317. fDialogueFadeSecondsIn = 2.0
  318. fDialogueFadeSecondsOut = 1.0
  319. fDialogueHeadPitchExaggeration = 2.0
  320. fDialogueHeadRollExaggeration = 2.0
  321. fDialogueHeadYawExaggeration = 2.0
  322. fHardLandingDamageThreshold = 500.0
  323. fWoodMediumMassMin = 7.0
  324. fWoodLargeMassMin = 15.0
  325. fStoneMediumMassMin = 5.0
  326. fStoneLargeMassMin = 30.0
  327. fEarthMediumMassMin = 5.0
  328. fEarthLargeMassMin = 30.0
  329. fSkinMediumMassMin = 5.0
  330. fSkinLargeMassMin = 30.0
  331. fMetalMediumMassMin = 8.0
  332. fMetalLargeMassMin = 25.0
  333. fRadioDialogMute = 0.50
  334. fFilterDistortionGain = -7.5
  335. fFilterPEQGain = -15.0
  336. fFilterdBAttenuation = 11.5
  337. bEnableTextToSpeech = 0
  338. fTextToSpeechVolume = 0.35
  339. fDialogReverbAttenuation = 0.15
  341. [Pathfinding]
  342. bDrawPathsDefault = 0
  343. bPathMovementOnly = 0
  344. bDrawSmoothFailures = 0
  345. bDebugSmoothing = 0
  346. bSmoothPaths = 1
  347. bSnapToAngle = 0
  348. bDebugAvoidance = 0
  349. bDisableAvoidance = 0
  350. bBackgroundPathing = 1
  351. bUseObstacleAvoidance = 1
  352. bBackgroundNavmeshUpdate = 1
  354. [MAIN]
  355. bEnableBorderRegion = 1
  356. fLowPerfCombatantVoiceDistance = 1000.0000
  357. iDetectionHighNumPicks = 40
  358. fQuestScriptDelayTime = 5.0000
  359. bCloneModelsInBackground = 0
  360. iLastHDRSetting = -1
  361. bSaveOnWait = 0
  362. bSaveOnTravel = 0
  363. bSaveOnRest = 0
  365. [HAVOK]
  366. bDisablePlayerCollision = 0
  367. fJumpAnimDelay = 0.7500
  368. bTreeTops = 0
  369. iSimType = 1
  370. bPreventHavokAddAll = 0
  371. bPreventHavokAddClutter = 0
  372. fMaxTime = 0.016
  373. bHavokDebug = 0
  374. fRF = 1000.0000
  375. fOD = 0.9000
  376. fSE = 0.3000
  377. fSD = 0.9800
  378. iResetCounter = 5
  379. fMoveLimitMass = 95.0000
  380. iUpdateType = 0
  381. bHavokPick = 0
  382. fCameraCasterSize = 10.0000
  383. iHavokSkipFrameCountTEST = 0
  384. iNumHavokThreads = 1
  385. fChaseDeltaMult = 0.0500
  386. bAddBipedWhenKeyframed = 1
  387. fQuadrupedPitchMult = 1.0000
  388. iEntityBatchRemoveRate = 100
  389. iMaxPicks = 40
  391. [RagdollAnim]
  392. bRagdollFeedback = 0
  393. fCameraDist = 1000.0
  394. fHierarchyGain = 0.17
  395. fVelocityDamping = 0.0
  396. fAccelerationGain = 1.0
  397. fVelocityGain = 0.6
  398. fPositionGain = 0.05
  399. fPositionMaxLinearVelocity = 14.0
  400. fPositionMaxAngularVelocity = 18.0
  401. fSnapGain = 0.1
  402. fSnapMaxLinearVelocity = 3.0
  403. fSnapMaxAngularVelocity = 0.3
  404. fSnapMaxLinearDistance = 0.3
  405. fSnapMaxAngularDistance = 1.0
  407. [FootIK]
  408. fOnOffGain = 0.5
  409. fGroundAscendingGain = 0.4
  410. fGroundDescendingGain = 0.4
  411. fFootRaisedGain = 0.9000
  412. fFootPlantedGain = 1.0000
  413. bFootPlacementOn = 1
  414. fPelvisUpDownBias = 0.75
  415. fPelvisOffsetDamping = 0.2
  416. fVertErrorGain = 0.5
  417. fOriginalGroundHeightMS = -0.11
  418. fAnkleOffset = 0.2000
  419. fRagdollFeedback = 0.7
  421. [LookIK]
  422. fLookAtTargetGain = 0.3
  423. fLookAtGain = 0.045
  425. [Interface]
  426. fKeyRepeatInterval = 50.0000
  427. fKeyRepeatTime = 500.0000
  428. fActivatePickSphereRadius = 16.0000
  429. fMenuModeAnimBlend = 0.0000
  430. iSafeZoneXWide = 15
  431. iSafeZoneYWide = 15
  432. iSafeZoneX = 15
  433. iSafeZoneY = 15
  434. bAllowConsole = 1
  435. bActivatePickUseGamebryoPick = 0
  436. bUseFuzzyPicking = 1
  437. fMenuBGBlurRadius = 2.0000
  438. fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseBlue = 0.8000
  439. fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseGreen = 0.8000
  440. fMenuPlayerLightDiffuseRed = 0.8000
  441. fMenuPlayerLightAmbientBlue = 0.2500
  442. fMenuPlayerLightAmbientGreen = 0.2500
  443. fMenuPlayerLightAmbientRed = 0.2500
  444. iMaxViewCasterPicksGamebryo = 10
  445. iMaxViewCasterPicksHavok = 10
  446. iMaxViewCasterPicksFuzzy = 5
  447. fInterfaceTintB = 0.8824
  448. fInterfaceTintG = 0.9843
  449. fInterfaceTintR = 0.6314
  450. bUseImageSpaceMenuFX = 0
  451. iSystemColorTerminalRed = 33
  452. iSystemColorTerminalGreen = 231
  453. iSystemColorTerminalBlue = 121
  454. iSystemColorSystemRed = 26
  455. iSystemColorSystemGreen = 255
  456. iSystemColorSystemBlue = 128
  457. iSystemColorMainMenuRed = 199
  458. iSystemColorMainMenuGreen = 255
  459. iSystemColorMainMenuBlue = 165
  460. iSystemColorPipboyRed = 26
  461. iSystemColorPipboyGreen = 255
  462. iSystemColorPipboyBlue = 128
  463. iSystemColorHUDAltRed = 255
  464. iSystemColorHUDAltGreen = 67
  465. iSystemColorHUDAltBlue = 42
  466. iSystemColorHUDMainRed = 26
  467. iSystemColorHUDMainGreen = 255
  468. iSystemColorHUDMainBlue = 128
  469. fRSMFaceSliderDefaultMin = -3.5
  470. fRSMFaceSliderDefaultMax = 3.5
  471. fPopUpBackgroundOpacity = 0.87
  472. fMenuBackgroundOpacity = 0.76
  473. bHideUnavailablePerks = 0
  474. bHelpEnabled =1
  475. fHudOpacity =1.0000
  476. uPipboyColor =4290134783
  477. uHUDColor =4290134783
  478. bDisable360Controller =0
  480. [Loading]
  481. sWelcomeScreen1 = loading_screen_legal
  482. sWelcomeScreen2 = loading_screen_bethsoft
  483. sWelcomeScreen3 = loading_screen_BGS
  484. sWelcomeScreen4 = loading_screen01
  485. sMainMenuBackground = main_background
  486. sTitleMusic = MainTitle
  487. sInitialSound = fx\ui\loadscreen\initial\ui_loadscreen_initial.wav
  488. iMaxScreens = 4
  489. iMaxScreens_MainMenu = 20
  490. fLoadingTextUpdateInterval = 10.0000
  491. fLoadingBkgdUpdateInterval = 10.0000
  492. fMainMenuBkgdUpdateInterval = 10.0000
  493. fLoadingInitUpdateInterval = 3.0000
  494. iNumLocationSpecificScreens = 1
  496. [Menu]
  497. fCreditsScrollSpeed = 40.0000
  498. iConsoleTextYPos = 940
  499. iConsoleTextXPos = 30
  500. iConsoleVisibleLines = 15
  501. iConsoleHistorySize = 50
  502. rDebugTextColor = 255,251,233
  503. iConsoleFont = 2
  504. iDebugTextFont = 3
  506. [GamePlay]
  507. bHealthBarShowing = 0
  508. fHealthBarFadeOutSpeed = 1.0000
  509. fHealthBarSpeed = 80.0000
  510. fHealthBarHeight = 4.0000
  511. fHealthBarWidth = 40.0000
  512. fHealthBarEmittanceFadeTime = 0.5000
  513. fHealthBarEmittanceTime = 1.5000
  514. bAllowHavokGrabTheLiving = 0
  515. bEssentialTakeNoDamage = 1
  516. iDetectionPicks = 21
  517. bShowQuestMarkers =1
  518. iDifficulty =3
  519. iKillCamera =2
  520. uiRedeemedContent =0
  521. bTrueIronSights =1
  522. bDisableDynamicCrosshair =0
  523. bSaveOnInteriorExteriorSwitch =1
  524. bSaveOnTravel =0
  525. bSaveOnWait =0
  526. bSaveOnRest =0
  527. bCrossHair =1
  528. bGeneralSubtitles =0
  529. bDialogueSubtitles =1
  531. [Fonts]
  532. sFontFile_1 = Textures\Fonts\DarN_FranKleinBold_14.fnt
  533. sFontFile_2 = Textures\Fonts\DarN_FranKleinBold_16.fnt
  534. sFontFile_3 = Textures\Fonts\Glow_Monofonto_Medium.fnt
  535. sFontFile_4 = Textures\Fonts\DarN_Sui_Generis_Otl_10.fnt
  536. sFontFile_5 = Textures\Fonts\Fixedsys_Comp_uniform_width.fnt
  537. sFontFile_6 = Textures\Fonts\DarN_Sui_Generis_Otl_13.fnt
  538. sFontFile_7 = Textures\Fonts\DarN_Libel_Suit_Otl_24.fnt
  539. sFontFile_8 = Textures\Fonts\Glow_Futura_Caps_Large.fnt
  540. sFontFile_9 = Textures\Fonts\NVFont_Test.fnt
  542. [SpeedTree]
  543. iTreeClonesAllowed = 1
  544. fCanopyShadowGrassMult = 1.0000
  545. iCanopyShadowScale = 512
  546. fTreeForceMaxBudAngle = -1.0000
  547. fTreeForceMinBudAngle = -1.0000
  548. fTreeForceLeafDimming = -1.0000
  549. fTreeForceBranchDimming = -1.0000
  550. fTreeForceCS = -1.0000
  551. fTreeForceLLA = -1.0000
  552. fTreeLODExponent = 1.0000
  553. bEnableTrees = 1
  554. bForceFullLOD = 0
  555. fLODTreeMipMapLODBias = -0.7500
  556. fLocalTreeMipMapLODBias = -0.2500
  558. [Debug]
  559. bDebugFaceGenCriticalSection = 0
  560. bDebugFaceGenMultithreading = 0
  561. bDebugSaveBuffer = 0
  563. [BackgroundLoad]
  564. bBackgroundPathing = 1
  565. bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen = 1
  566. bBackgroundCellLoads = 1
  567. iAnimaitonClonePerLoop = 5
  568. bUseMultiThreadedTrees = 1
  569. iExteriorPriority = 50
  570. iBackgroundLoadFaceMult = 200
  571. fBackgroundLoadingPerLoop = 20.0000
  572. fBackgroundLoadClonedPerLoop = 5.0000
  573. iBackgroundLoadExtraMaxFPS = 20
  574. iBackgroundLoadExtraMinFPS = 10
  575. iBackgroundLoadExtraMax = 3000
  576. iBackgroundLoadExtraMin = 5
  577. iBackgroundLoadExtraMilliseconds = 2
  578. iBackgroundLoadTreeMilliseconds = 7
  579. iBackgroundLoadMilliseconds = 1
  580. iBackgroundLoadLoading = 1
  581. bUseBackgroundFileLoader = 1
  582. bBackgroundLoadLipFiles = 1
  583. bLoadBackgroundFaceGen = 1
  584. bLoadHelmetsInBackground = 1
  585. iAnimationClonePerLoop = 5
  586. bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel = 0
  587. bCloneModelsInBackground = 1
  589. [LOD]
  590. fLODLandDropAmount = 230.0000
  591. fLodDistance = 500.0000
  592. bUseFaceGenLOD = 0
  593. iLODTextureTiling = 2
  594. iLODTextureSizePow2 = 8
  595. fLODNormalTextureBlend = 0.5000
  596. bDisplayLODLand = 1
  597. bDisplayLODBuildings = 1
  598. bLODPopTrees = 0
  599. bLODPopActors = 0
  600. bLODPopItems = 0
  601. bLODPopObjects = 0
  602. fLODFadeOutMultItems =15.0000
  603. fLODFadeOutMultObjects =15.0000
  604. fLODFadeOutMultActors =15.0000
  605. fLODMultLandscape = 1.0000
  606. fLODMultTrees = 0.5000
  607. fLODMultActors = 1.0000
  608. fLODMultItems = 1.0000
  609. fLODMultObjects = 5
  610. iFadeNodeMinNearDistance = 500
  611. fLODFadeOutPercent = 0.6000
  612. fFadeOutThreshold = 0.3000
  613. fFadeInThreshold = 0.7000
  614. fFadeInTimet = 2.0
  615. fFadeOutTime = 2.0
  616. fDistanceMultiplier = 1
  617. fLODBoundRadiusMult = 10
  618. fObjectLODMax = 15.0
  619. fObjectLODMin = 1.0
  620. fObjectLODDefault = 5
  621. fItemLODMax = 15.0
  622. fItemLODMin = 1.0
  623. fItemLODDefault = 2
  624. fActorLODMax = 15.0
  625. fActorLODMin = 2.0
  626. fActorLODDefault = 5
  627. fTreeLODMax = 2.0000
  628. fTreeLODMin = 0.0200
  629. fTreeLODDefault = 0.5000
  630. bLODUseCombinedLandNormalMaps = 1
  631. bForceHideLODLand = 0
  632. fLODLandVerticalBias = 0.0000
  633. fTalkingDistance = 1000.0000
  634. iBoneLODForce = -1
  635. fLODQuadMinLoadDistance = 65536.0000
  636. bDisplayLODTrees = 1
  637. fLODFadeOutActorMultInterior = 1.0000
  638. fLODFadeOutItemMultInterior = 1.0000
  639. fLODFadeOutObjectMultInterior = 1.0000
  640. fLODFadeOutActorMultCity = 1.0000
  641. fLODFadeOutItemMultCity = 1.0000
  642. fLODFadeOutObjectMultCity = 1.0000
  643. fLODFadeOutActorMultComplex = 1.0000
  644. fLODFadeOutItemMultComplex = 1.0000
  645. fLODFadeOutObjectMultComplex = 1.0000
  647. [Weather]
  648. fSunGlareSize = 800.0000
  649. fSunBaseSize = 750.0000
  650. bPrecipitation = 1
  651. fAlphaReduce = 1.0000
  652. SBumpFadeColor = 255,255,255,255
  653. SLerpCloseColor = 255,255,255,255
  654. SEnvReduceColor = 255,255,255,255
  656. [Voice]
  657. SFileTypeLTF = ltf
  658. SFileTypeLip = lip
  659. SFileTypeSource = wav
  660. SFileTypeGame = ogg
  662. [Grass]
  663. iMinGrassSize = 80
  664. bGrassPointLighting = 0
  665. bDrawShaderGrass = 1
  666. iGrassDensityEvalSize = 2
  667. iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure = 2
  668. fWaveOffsetRange = 1.7500
  669. fGrassWindMagnitudeMax = 125.0000
  670. fGrassWindMagnitudeMin = 5.0000
  671. fTexturePctThreshold = 0.0000
  672. fGrassMinStartFadeDistance = 0.0
  673. fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance = 7000.0
  674. fGrassDefaultStartFadeDistance = 3500.0
  675. fGrassFadeRange = 1000.0
  676. b30GrassVS =1
  677. fGrassStartFadeDistance =17000.0000
  679. [Landscape]
  680. bCurrentCellOnly = 0
  681. bPreventSafetyCheck = 0
  682. fLandTextureTilingMult = 2.0000
  683. fLandFriction = 2.5000
  684. iLandBorder2B = 0
  685. iLandBorder2G = 0
  686. iLandBorder2R = 0
  687. iLandBorder1B = 0
  688. iLandBorder1G = 255
  689. iLandBorder1R = 255
  690. SDefaultLandDiffuseTexture =
  691. SDefaultLandNormalTexture =
  693. [bLightAttenuation]
  694. fQuadraticRadiusMult = 1.0000
  695. fLinearRadiusMult = 1.0000
  696. bOutQuadInLin = 0
  697. fConstantValue = 0.0000
  698. fQuadraticValue = 16.0000
  699. fLinearValue = 3.0000
  700. uQuadraticMethod = 2
  701. uLinearMethod = 1
  702. fFlickerMovement = 8.0000
  703. bUseQuadratic = 1
  704. bUseLinear = 0
  705. bUseConstant = 0
  707. [BlurShaderHDRInterior]
  708. fTargetLUM = 1.0000
  709. fUpperLUMClamp = 1.0000
  710. fEmissiveHDRMult = 1.0000
  711. fEyeAdaptSpeed = 0.5000
  712. fBrightScale = 2.2500
  713. fBrightClamp = 0.2250
  714. fBlurRadius = 7.0000
  715. iNumBlurpasses = 1
  717. [BlurShaderHDR]
  718. fTargetLUM = 1.0000
  719. fUpperLUMClamp = 1.0000
  720. fGrassDimmer = 1.5000
  721. fTreeDimmer = 1.0000
  722. fEmissiveHDRMult = 1.0000
  723. fEyeAdaptSpeed = 0.5000
  724. fSunlightDimmer = 1.5000
  725. fSIEmmisiveMult = 1.0000
  726. fSISpecularMult = 1.0000
  727. fSkyBrightness = 0.5000
  728. fSunBrightness = 0.0000
  729. fBrightScale = 2.2500
  730. fBrightClamp = 0.2250
  731. fBlurRadius = 7.0000
  732. iNumBlurpasses = 1
  733. iBlendType = 2
  734. bDoHighDynamicRange =1
  736. [BlurShader]
  737. fSunlightDimmer = 1.0000
  738. fSIEmmisiveMult = 1.0000
  739. fSISpecularMult = 1.0000
  740. fSkyBrightness = 0.5000
  741. fSunBrightness = 0.0000
  742. fAlphaAddExterior = 0.2000
  743. fAlphaAddInterior = 0.7000
  744. iBlurTexSize = 256
  745. fBlurRadius = 0.0300
  746. iNumBlurpasses = 1
  747. iBlendType = 2
  748. bUseBlurShader =0
  750. [GethitShader]
  751. fBlurAmmount = 0.5000
  752. fBlockedTexOffset = 0.0010
  753. fHitTexOffset = 0.0050
  755. [MESSAGES]
  756. bBlockMessageBoxes = 0
  757. bSkipProgramFlows = 1
  758. bAllowYesToAll = 1
  759. bDisableWarning = 1
  760. iFileLogging = 0
  761. bSkipInitializationFlows = 1
  762. bUseWindowsMessageBox = 0
  764. [DistantLOD]
  765. bUseLODLandData = 0
  766. fFadeDistance = 12288.0000
  767. iDistantLODGroupWidth = 8
  769. [GeneralWarnings]
  770. SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning = One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.
  771. SMasterMismatchWarning = One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
  772. This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
  773. but not necessarily fix any errors.
  775. [Archive]
  776. SInvalidationFile = ArchiveInvalidation.txt
  777. iRetainFilenameOffsetTable = 1
  778. iRetainFilenameStringTable = 1
  779. iRetainDirectoryStringTable = 1
  780. bCheckRuntimeCollisions = 0
  781. bInvalidateOlderFiles = 1
  782. bUseArchives = 1
  783. SArchiveList = Fallout - Textures.bsa, Fallout - Textures2.bsa, Fallout - Meshes.bsa, Fallout - Voices1.bsa, Fallout - Sound.bsa, Fallout - Misc.bsa
  785. [CameraPath]
  786. iTake = 0
  787. SDirectoryName = TestCameraPath
  788. iFPS = 60
  789. SNif = Test\CameraPath.nif
  791. [Absorb]
  792. fAbsorbGlowColorB = 1.0000
  793. fAbsorbGlowColorG = 0.6000
  794. fAbsorbGlowColorR = 0.0000
  795. fAbsorbCoreColorB = 1.0000
  796. fAbsorbCoreColorG = 1.0000
  797. fAbsorbCoreColorR = 1.0000
  798. iAbsorbNumBolts = 1
  799. fAbsorbBoltGrowWidth = 0.0000
  800. fAbsorbBoltSmallWidth = 7.0000
  801. fAbsorbTortuosityVariance = 2.0000
  802. fAbsorbSegmentVariance = 7.0000
  803. fAbsorbBoltsRadius = 5.0000
  805. [TestAllCells]
  806. bFileShowTextures = 1
  807. bFileShowIcons = 1
  808. bFileSkipIconChecks = 0
  809. bFileTestLoad = 0
  810. bFileNeededMessage = 1
  811. bFileGoneMessage = 1
  812. bFileSkipModelChecks = 0
  813. bFileCheckModelCollision = 0
  815. [CopyProtectionStrings]
  816. SCopyProtectionMessage2 = Insert the Fallout Disc.
  817. SCopyProtectionTitle2 = Fallout Disc Not Found
  818. SCopyProtectionMessage = Unable to find a CD-ROM/DVD drive on this computer.
  819. SCopyProtectionTitle = CD-ROM Drive Not Found
  821. [Pipboy]
  822. fBlurRadiusPipboy = 3.5
  823. fBlurIntensityPipboy = 0.25
  824. fScanlineScalePipboy = 50
  825. bEnableFlickerPipboy = 1
  826. bUsePipboyMode = 1
  828. [InterfaceFX]
  829. fDefaultBurstDuration = 200
  830. fDefaultBurstIntensity = 2
  831. fMiniBurstDuration = 200
  832. fMiniBurstIntensity = 1.5
  833. fPulseBrightenIntensity = 0.25
  834. fPulseRadiusIntensity = 0.5
  835. fPulseRate = 0.0006
  836. fVertHoldChance = 0.08
  837. fShudderChance = 0.20
  838. fScanlineScaleMenus = 50.0000
  839. bEnableFlickerMenus = 1
  840. bEnableScanlinesMenus = 1
  841. bEnableScanlinesPipboy = 1
  842. fBlurRadiusMenus = 0.3000
  843. fBrightenMenus = 1.7000
  844. fBrightenPipboy = 1.3000
  845. bUseImageSpaceMenuFX = 1
  846. fBlurIntensityHUD = 1.2000
  847. fBlurRadiusHUD = 2.0000
  848. fScanlineFrequencyHUD = 0.0000
  849. fScreenLightBaseIntensity = 0.6
  850. fScreenLightRadius = 6
  852. [RenderedTerminal]
  853. bUseRenderedTerminals = 1
  854. fRenderedTerminalFOV = 0.15
  855. fRenderedTerminalZoom = 36
  856. bDoRenderedTerminalScanlines = 1
  857. fRenderedTerminalScanlineScale = 130.000000
  858. fRenderedTerminalHPos = 0.0
  859. fRenderedTerminalVPos = 0.38
  860. fScreenLightBaseIntensity = 1.2
  861. fScreenLightRadius = 80
  862. fScreenLightColorR = 0.68
  863. fScreenLightColorG = 0.74
  864. fScreenLightColorB = 0.62
  865. fRaceSexMenuHPos = 0.0
  866. fRaceSexMenuVPos = -0.6
  867. fRaceSexMenuZoom = 70.0
  868. fRaceSexMenuScale = 0.5
  870. [Decals]
  871. uMaxDecals=575
  872. uMaxDecalCount=575
  873. uMaxSkinDecals=500
  874. uMaxSkinDecalPerActor=50
  875. bProfileDecals=1
  876. bDecalOcclusionQuery=1
  877. iDismemberBloodDecalCount=25
  879. [TerrainManager]
  880. fSplitDistanceMult =1.5000
  881. fBlockMorphDistanceMult = 0.70
  882. bUseNewTerrainSystem = 1
  883. bUseDistantObjectBlocks = 1
  884. fBlockLoadDistance =125000.0000
  885. fDefaultBlockLoadDistanceLow = 50000.0
  886. fLowBlockLoadDistanceLow = 25000.0
  887. fHighBlockLoadDistanceLow = 50000.0
  888. fDefaultTreeLoadDistance = 25000.0
  889. fLowTreeLoadDistance = 10000.0
  890. fHighTreeLoadDistance = 40000.0
  891. fTreeLoadDistance =40000.0000
  892. fBlockLoadDistanceLow =50000.0000
  894. [VATS]
  895. fVATSLightLevelMin = 20.0
  896. fVATSLightLevelMax = 65.0
  897. fVATSLightAngle = 0.0
  898. fVATSLightDistance = 100.0
  899. fVATSLightElevation = 100.0
  900. fVatsLightColorR = 0.35
  901. fVatsLightColorG = 0.35
  902. fVatsLightColorB = 0.35
  904. [ScreenSplatter]
  905. bScreenSplatterEnabled = 1
  907. [Imagespace]
  908. iRadialBlurLevel =2
  909. bDoDepthOfField =1
  911. [Launcher]
  912. bEnableFileSelection = 1
  913. bShowAllResolutions = 1
  914. uLastAspectRatio = 3
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