
Sage of Seals

Mar 18th, 2016
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  1. http://orig02.deviantart.net/0514/f/2015/097/5/3/naruto_shippuden_naruto_uzumaki_1024x768_wallpaper_by_rize_uzumaki-d8ovsnq.jpg
  3. Seals.
  5. You marvel at the work before you, the finest of all, all the while watching the moaning and thrashing of your canvas as you embark upon your finest proof of genius. The work danced beneath your fingertips as you encoded tiny variables, each set with a practiced ease then surrounded them with a well-worn array to shrink their size, to align and connect them to other variables and to allow each set to interact.
  7. You smiled; your genius evident upon the back of your subject as she writhed and cried.
  9. Bah, what were tears in the face of true enlightenment? In the face of a Mastery which was pure and powerful?
  11. Soon enough you’d manage to complete the final seal of the array, a polymorphic array which transformed from the pressure of the mental energy component of Chakra, this would allow what was essentially a carefully orchestrated seal set which would subvert the will and chakra system of its host, turning their will against itself and giving your word absolute reign.
  13. The best and most brilliant thing about the array, you couldn’t help but thinking as you fiddled with the last of the array setting, was how you’d managed to tie together its functional growth (growing seals were their own special place in your heart) with that of the host, allowing the seal to infiltrate and integrate with the host’s own mental energy grow more extensive, and the hosts physical energies to strengthen its grip before allowing them to mix back together as Chakra.
  15. Ultimately this meant paradoxically, that the stronger your subject, the more skilled they managed to be or become… the better your grip upon them as a whole grew.
  17. It had taken a while to get this right, experiments discarded again and again.
  19. But here, now… this would be the final adjustment to make the system viable, you’d tested every component separately before, but this would be your prototype which would prove your technique or show you where else you had left to go before it could be complete.
  21. You’d make the old man proud.
  23. “Hold still woman, you probably won’t even die from this. Just hush a moment let me finish up.” You couldn’t help but sigh, you’d made your way through no less than seven different iterations... some of whom were even still alive, if not crippled by overflow of mental or physical energy inadequately mixed. The former would leave them drooling idiots, barely usable as puppet bodies which would obey rudimentary commands... the latter as destroyed husks, their bodies burning out in a blaze of physical glory which could someday be useful to replicate, but for now was just another hindrance to your goal.
  25. The array adjusted, the new setting set as you made a copy of the configuration specifics then set it to begin. With a ‘push’ you embedded your chakra in the target, this was made more difficult as you needed to use Medical Chakra for this part in order to ensure the proper penetration of the seals inside of the body with which you were working.
  27. Beneath you your subject moaned and complained, her body clearly feeling the effects of your experimentation.
  29. Idly you watched as the seal array began to stir and whirl, your final infusion of Chakra activating the last mechanisms as the array all moved and gather upon a single spot right in the center of her lower back. That was just the visible point on the skin, inside the arrays were etching themselves across her entire internal chakra system, integrating and naturalizing themselves until they would become part of the entire system, utterly indistinguishable to a chakra sensor... and you believed that they would be invisible to even a Hyuuga... not something you had any opportunities to yet test.
  31. You couldn’t help but grin as the final seal resolved itself into a singular tattoo, superficially similar to the Whirlpool symbol. Within it were represented multitudes of arrays within arrays, a life’s work. It moved and shifted upon her skin like the living thing it truly was, adjusting itself to her as it did what it was supposed to do.
  32. http://orig10.deviantart.net/938d/f/2011/308/2/1/tattoo_by_voozel-d4f3zwi.jpg
  34. You sighed, leaning back, watching the seal resolve as the woman gave one final cry, then slumped forward.
  36. Silent.
  38. Anticipation built within you as she continued slumped, your breath quickening as you watched to see if this would be another dud, another dead end or another path which needed you to go further upon...
  40. Then the woman shivered, her body tensing and flexing in a manner akin to one who was newly recovered, her head lifting up from the bed and turning just far enough to get your face in view. Your eyes focused upon her own.
  42. “What do you wish of me? Master?”
  44. YES! You clenched your fist, the first stage had loaded successfully, boding well for the rest.
  46. “Hold position. Tell me who are you?” You’d never named her, never given the seals a command to do so, this was a test of its true functionality, to make a servant who can understand and anticipate your commands, who can follow and more importantly, interpret your will… one who can retain all the useful features of the person whom they’d been, and still function perfectly while enslaved to your desires.
  48. “I... My name... My name is Mikiya.” Hesitation, that meant an imperfection of integration. To be expected with such a weak specimen really, but this was a triumph. “I’m just a waitress in the city.”
  50. You smiled. “Perfect. Not a waitress any longer. From now on you are not Mikiya, She’s gone. You are Shoji, my possession. You belong to me from here on out, and everything you do, directly and indirectly will be done with reference to my benefit. Do you understand?”
  52. “Yes, Master.”
  54. Life was good.
  57. [][][][][]
  60. It had been months since you’d gotten your first slave working perfectly, Shoji would prove a valuable assistant and workhorse as you continued to add to your finished products of Unique seals. It would be a tireless project as you continued to work the bugs out of your prototype, functional though it was, but alongside of that you worked on other practicalities which would allow for your work.
  62. For instance you’d been working on a much more advanced version of the storage seals; crafting smaller balls of scrolled arrays which would operate in a far more efficient manner, allowing you to store a multitude of objects within a seal bundle and then select and remove them without opening the entire scroll. The tightly packed seal set would aid you in transporting the large amounts of tools you needed to practice your art without being suspicious.
  64. You’d also managed to master the art of Human sealing, in combination with your new system you could seal a completely living being and store them away as you desired in a manner that was both rapid and easy to conceal. A struggling victim would disrupt the pattern unfortunately, so it wasn’t useful for storing prisoners... but it was perfect for keeping hold of your slaves after you’d made them perfectly obedient. A good thing, cause while you’d managed to lay low you stood out to some degree, less a threat and more as the pathetic outsider whom anyone could push around if they tried hard enough. Your thin frame not the healthiest of looks as you traversed the city.
  66. Mostly you had them do the skut work, your own personal stamina was shit tier, and while you were working on improving it though the wondrous power of Seal work, you were still terrible at anything which involved any amount of long-term exertion. Your Taijustu was comparable to that of a small child. Still while your Fuinjutsu was king, and your other skills were barely average, you were still pretty dammed good at__________
  68. [] Genjutsu: The arts of illusion and disruption.
  69. [] Ninjutsu: The arts of physical alteration.
  70. [] Injutsu: The arts of seduction and subtlety.
  72. With a sigh you took stock of this latest situation... somehow you’d managed to luck your way into what could only be described as a legendary acquisition. The ninja prone before you at the final step for your perfected Sealing process.
  74. It had taken a while to realize but Shoji’s seal had been degrading, something which you realized now came as a natural consequence of the of the very processes which ground against the seals, you’d need to deliver bursts of Chakra into your slave in order to keep the seal stable and it’s power keyed towards you.
  76. It seemed using Medical Chakra delivered via the skin was inefficient in its own right... leaving degradation states which fluctuated randomly without a timed cycle which you could record and exploit.
  78. No you’d found another solution that particular problem.
  80. You looked upon your subject, judging with a keen eye. Asexual as you were, you could none the less appreciate their merits, the power which existed within their frame. As a fellow ninja, all other ninja were beautiful in their own way. That would help at least with what you needed to make the final stabilization of your Array.
  82. The best and easiest manner was to inject a fluid rich in your own personal signature of chakra into your subject.
  84. Blood worked... but Sex was even better.
  86. Sexual contact ending with the injection of your semen into your subject’s body would allow you to almost perfectly control the revitalization process, allowing you to ensure upward to a month or two without need for another infusion.
  88. Besides, doing it this way, you discovered, was fun!
  90. ...
  92. You needed to calm, your cock twitching at the sight before you as you considered your approach, your subject was starting to wake, though that wasn’t a problem thanks to the inhibitor seals which stretched across their skin.
  94. This was dangerous, just having them... but you couldn’t afford to let go what you’d caught... a tiger by its tail.
  96. You remember with a smile your capture of this specimen, even as you began.
  100. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
  103. Your Name?
  104. [] Write in
  106. Your Appearance? (I may reject or otherwise provide pics as I come across them. Just remember that the MC is severely non-athletic in nature.)
  107. [] ???
  109. Your Legendary Captive?
  110. [] Senju Tsunade: One of the Three great Sages of Konoha, and all but royalty among the Ninja Clans, Tsunade-Hime is a legend come to life, Powerhouse and medical expert of an insane degree, if she cannot heal something then it is unlikely that anything but a true miracle could. Unfortunately you were unable to capture her protege as well.
  111. Pros: Legendary Sage and Medic. Incredible powerhouse. Tig'ole'bitties
  112. Cons: ... Konoha is likely to know you exist within at least a month or two...
  114. [] Momochi Zabuza: One of the Seven Swordsmen of Wave Zabuza is a creature of blood and battle so vicious that even the greatest and most experienced of Ninja fear his advance. An absolute expert in the arts of silent killing and Kenjutsu, he can be considered a Kage level threat for all intents and purposes when the battlefield suits him. You managed to procure his Protege when you took him... a dangerous young man by the name of Haku.
  115. Pros: Two for One Special and both are incredibly deadly practitioners of Silent Killing. The Sword Kubikiribōchō also known as Danto. A weapon Legendary in it's own right.
  116. Cons: Hunted by Hidden Wave, and wanted on the Bingo books.
  118. [] Yakushi Kabuto: A surprise, you hadn't expected that picking out this young man at random would yield you a powerful medical Shinobi with skills which if the world knew anything of would be considered almost legendary.The fight which gained you this incredible tool had ended in the death of an entire village. And with him comes experience in experimentation with Chakra and Natural Energy in ways you'd never even dreamed of. As it turned out he was the Protege of the outcast Sage Orochimaru... Some how you doubt that his master doesn't know. Even after you marched him right back into the village of Sound as your agent of access to their resources.
  119. Pros: Incredible Medical Ninja with extreme talents in body modification and access to much of the arsenal of the Village Hidden in Sound, He's an unknown in the Ninja Community, You have the Attention of Orochimaru.
  120. Cons: You have the Attention of Orochimaru.
  122. [] Nii Yugito: You hadn't expected to run across a Jinchuriki of all things... a chance to test your work under even the most rigorous of situations. A powerful shinobi in her own right, she becomes an outright specter of death as she transforms. Unfortunately it seems that you might not be able to perfectly control that... her tailed beast is not exactly being cooperative and your seal as it is cannot fully command it's might. Even without its use the presence of the beast seems to stress even your fines seal work... and then there's the fact that someone seems to be looking for her, other than her village that is.
  123. Pros: Jinchuriki, Murderous Powerhouse of direct combat prowess
  124. Cons: Her tailed Beast is Not in on the program causing you to be unable to access it's full potential and causes random degradation of the seal. Kumogakue is going to be looking for her. Someone else also seems to be hunting for her as well.
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