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- {
- "translatorID": "7cb70025-a888-4a29-a210-93ec52da40d4",
- "translatorType": 3,
- "label": "BibTeX-citep",
- "creator": "Peter O'Brien - from Simon Kornblith and Richard Karnesky",
- "target": "bib",
- "minVersion": "2.1.9",
- "maxVersion": null,
- "priority": 200,
- "inRepository": true,
- "browserSupport": "gcsv",
- "displayOptions": {
- "exportCharset": "UTF-8",
- "exportNotes": false,
- "exportFileData": false
- },
- "lastUpdated": "2012-05-31 00:43:00"
- }
- //%a = first author surname
- //%y = year
- //%t = first word of title
- var citeKeyFormat = "%a_%t_%y";
- var zotero2bibtexTypeMap = {
- "book":"book",
- "bookSection":"incollection",
- "journalArticle":"article",
- "magazineArticle":"article",
- "newspaperArticle":"article",
- "thesis":"phdthesis",
- "letter":"misc",
- "manuscript":"unpublished",
- "interview":"misc",
- "film":"misc",
- "artwork":"misc",
- "webpage":"misc",
- "conferencePaper":"inproceedings",
- "report":"techreport"
- };
- /*
- * three-letter month abbreviations. i assume these are the same ones that the
- * docs say are defined in some appendix of the LaTeX book. (i don't have the
- * LaTeX book.)
- */
- var months = ["jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun",
- "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"];
- /*
- * new mapping table based on that from Matthias Steffens,
- * then enhanced with some fields generated from the unicode table.
- */
- var alwaysMap = {
- "|":"{\\textbar}",
- "<":"{\\textless}",
- ">":"{\\textgreater}",
- "~":"{\\textasciitilde}",
- "^":"{\\textasciicircum}",
- "\\":"{\\textbackslash}"
- };
- var strings = {};
- var keyRe = /[a-zA-Z0-9\-]/;
- var keywordSplitOnSpace = true;
- var keywordDelimRe = ',\\s*';
- var keywordDelimReFlags = '';
- function setKeywordSplitOnSpace( val ) {
- keywordSplitOnSpace = val;
- }
- function mapEscape(character) {
- return alwaysMap[character];
- }
- function mapAccent(character) {
- return (mappingTable[character] ? mappingTable[character] : "?");
- }
- // a little substitution function for BibTeX keys, where we don't want LaTeX
- // escaping, but we do want to preserve the base characters
- function tidyAccents(s) {
- var r=s.toLowerCase();
- // XXX Remove conditional when we drop Zotero 2.1.x support
- // This is supported in Zotero 3.0 and higher
- if (ZU.removeDiacritics !== undefined)
- r = ZU.removeDiacritics(r, true);
- else {
- // We fall back on the replacement list we used previously
- r = r.replace(new RegExp("[ä]", 'g'),"ae");
- r = r.replace(new RegExp("[ö]", 'g'),"oe");
- r = r.replace(new RegExp("[ü]", 'g'),"ue");
- r = r.replace(new RegExp("[àáâãå]", 'g'),"a");
- r = r.replace(new RegExp("æ", 'g'),"ae");
- r = r.replace(new RegExp("ç", 'g'),"c");
- r = r.replace(new RegExp("[èéêë]", 'g'),"e");
- r = r.replace(new RegExp("[ìíîï]", 'g'),"i");
- r = r.replace(new RegExp("ñ", 'g'),"n");
- r = r.replace(new RegExp("[òóôõ]", 'g'),"o");
- r = r.replace(new RegExp("œ", 'g'),"oe");
- r = r.replace(new RegExp("[ùúû]", 'g'),"u");
- r = r.replace(new RegExp("[ýÿ]", 'g'),"y");
- }
- return r;
- };
- var numberRe = /^[0-9]+/;
- // Below is a list of words that should not appear as part of the citation key
- // in includes the indefinite articles of English, German, French and Spanish, as well as a small set of English prepositions whose
- // force is more grammatical than lexical, i.e. which are likely to strike many as 'insignificant'.
- // The assumption is that most who want a title word in their key would prefer the first word of significance.
- var citeKeyTitleBannedRe = /\b(a|an|the|some|from|on|in|to|of|do|with|der|die|das|ein|eine|einer|eines|einem|einen|un|une|la|le|l\'|el|las|los|al|uno|una|unos|unas|de|des|del|d\')(\s+|\b)/g;
- var citeKeyConversionsRe = /%([a-zA-Z])/;
- var citeKeyCleanRe = /[^a-z0-9\!\$\&\*\+\-\.\/\:\;\<\>\?\[\]\^\_\`\|]+/g;
- var citeKeyConversions = {
- "a":function (flags, item) {
- if(item.creators && item.creators[0] && item.creators[0].lastName) {
- return item.creators[0].lastName.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,"_").replace(/,/g,"");
- }
- return "";
- },
- "t":function (flags, item) {
- if (item["title"]) {
- return item["title"].toLowerCase().replace(citeKeyTitleBannedRe, "").split(/\s+/g)[0];
- }
- return "";
- },
- "y":function (flags, item) {
- if( {
- var date = Zotero.Utilities.strToDate(;
- if(date.year && numberRe.test(date.year)) {
- return date.year;
- }
- }
- return "????";
- }
- }
- function buildCiteKey (item,citekeys) {
- var basekey = "";
- var counter = 0;
- citeKeyFormatRemaining = citeKeyFormat;
- while (citeKeyConversionsRe.test(citeKeyFormatRemaining)) {
- if (counter > 100) {
- Zotero.debug("Pathological BibTeX format: " + citeKeyFormat);
- break;
- }
- var m = citeKeyFormatRemaining.match(citeKeyConversionsRe);
- if (m.index > 0) {
- //add data before the conversion match to basekey
- basekey = basekey + citeKeyFormatRemaining.substr(0, m.index);
- }
- var flags = ""; // for now
- var f = citeKeyConversions[m[1]];
- if (typeof(f) == "function") {
- var value = f(flags, item);
- Zotero.debug("Got value " + value + " for %" + m[1]);
- //add conversion to basekey
- basekey = basekey + value;
- }
- citeKeyFormatRemaining = citeKeyFormatRemaining.substr(m.index + m.length);
- counter++;
- }
- if (citeKeyFormatRemaining.length > 0) {
- basekey = basekey + citeKeyFormatRemaining;
- }
- // for now, remove any characters not explicitly known to be allowed;
- // we might want to allow UTF-8 citation keys in the future, depending
- // on implementation support.
- //
- // no matter what, we want to make sure we exclude
- // " # % ' ( ) , = { } ~ and backslash
- // however, we want to keep the base characters
- basekey = tidyAccents(basekey);
- basekey = basekey.replace(citeKeyCleanRe, "");
- var citekey = basekey;
- var i = 0;
- while(citekeys[citekey]) {
- i++;
- citekey = basekey + "-" + i;
- }
- citekeys[citekey] = true;
- return citekey;
- }
- function doExport() {
- //Zotero.write("% BibTeX export generated by Zotero "+Zotero.Utilities.getVersion());
- // to make sure the BOM gets ignored
- var first = true;
- var citekeys = new Object();
- var item;
- while(item = Zotero.nextItem()) {
- // determine type
- var type = zotero2bibtexTypeMap[item.itemType];
- if (typeof(type) == "function") { type = type(item); }
- if(!type) type = "misc";
- // create a unique citation key
- var citekey = buildCiteKey(item, citekeys);
- // write citation key
- Zotero.write((first ? "\\citep{" : ",") + citekey);
- first = false;
- }
- Zotero.write("}");
- }
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