
the truth

Apr 2nd, 2017
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  1. It might seem like I get angry about politics but I am no longer emotionally involved after the Huge disappointment of Corporatist, BanksterWhore, Identity Politics Obama.
  2. Obama did a lot of Symbolic stuff to play to the crowd, but when it came to helping the collapsing middle class, he hid out. He couldn't be found for Single Payer and ran like hell from raising the miserable minimum wage.
  3. As for idiots who buy the GOP spew about these two issues, I will correct the record for both sides, since I am now largely independent.
  4. Healthcare still causes half of all bankruptcies at a Terrible social and economic cost, so our system still sucks. It sucks because insurers spend forty percent of the healthcare dollar on "administration" (i.e., their pocket), while Medicare spends only two percent. Anyone who thinks those billions of taxpayer dollars wasted to pump up the other thirty-eight percent, are a good thing, needs to learn math.
  5. Regarding the lie-for-assholes of "govt death panels," Medicare doesn't have them or it would have been exposed by now. Heck, the CIA can't even keep secrets, so Medicare sure couldn't. Actually, the lie is even more awful, since the Real death panels are from Private Insurers. When I worked at Blue Cross a long time ago, I found an actual death panel.
  6. The day I discovered the Death Panel I was fired and my password revoked so I couldn't bring out proof. Death panels are actually computer programs. You don't think a bunch of execs sit around a table thumbs-downing million of patients, do you? In this case an IBM MVS OS JCL Selective Sort was "disappearing" the records of very old people with chronic diseases and no living relatives, who were being denied care at a 100% rate, so they'd die, saving Blue Cross money. It was right in the computer code, and incontrovertible.
  7. So much for the rotten lies about govt. healthcare costing more when it costs less, or about death panels that are private, not govt. Yes, our govt is inefficient and corrupt, but insurance companies are even worse.
  8. On to minimum wage. In every state where it has been raised, small and medium businesses that dealt with the public have done Better, to the amazement of their owners. That's only common sense. When regular people have more money in their pocket they spend it all over. When a billionaire has more money it goes into "investments," and is never seen again.
  9. Now, there are good investments which create products and services, but in the last twenty years or so, money has been chasing money. Money is used to make more money Without creating useful goods or services. The imbalance has become Huge, and is the main reason for economic collapses. This is largely supported by Banksters, who are still doing as much wrong as possible since Obama totally refused to punish even the crookedest amongst them, like totally criminal Wells Fargo, or drug-laundering HSBC.
  10. Both parties are abysmally stupid for not supporting a minimum-wage raise, which would make Everyone richer by stimulating the economy and increasing the velocity of money. The greatest velocity of money occurs when millions of average Americans spend it on tens of millions of products, vastly enriching the economy and the lives of all. When the super-rich sit on it, everyone but them gets poorer. This is Totally Clear from the economic and historical record. Why politicians are blind to this, in both parties, is beyond my understanding. Either they're retarded or evil. That's the only conclusion I can make.
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