

Nov 29th, 2019
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  1. command /rank [<text>] [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  2. permission: skript.admin
  3. permission message: &cThis command can be used by people with admin or higher privileges.
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg 1 is not set:
  6. send "&e-----------------------------"
  7. send "&b/rank set <player> <rank> &7指定した相手にランクを渡します。"
  8. send "&b/rank reset <player> &7指定した相手のランクをリセットします。"
  9. send "&e-----------------------------"
  10. if arg 1 is "set":
  11. if arg 2 is set:
  12. if arg 3 is "owner":
  13. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&c[OWNER]"
  14. send "%arg 2% &7set &cOWNER"
  15. if arg 3 is "admin":
  16. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&c[ADMIN]"
  17. send "%arg 2% &7set &cADMIN"
  18. if arg 3 is "builder":
  19. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&3[BUILDER]"
  20. send "%arg 2% &7set &3BUILDER"
  21. if arg 3 is "mvp":
  22. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&b[MVP]"
  23. send "%arg 2% &7set &bMVP"
  24. if arg 3 is "default":
  25. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&7"
  26. send "%arg 2% &7set DEFAULT"
  27. else:
  28. send "&cUsage: /rank <player> <rank>"
  29. if arg 1 is "reset":
  30. if arg 2 is set:
  31. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&7"
  32. send "&aランクをリセットしました &7DEFAULT &aランクになりました。"
  33. else:
  34. send "&cUsage: /rank reset <player> &7指定したプレイヤーのランクをデフォルトに戻します。"
  36. on chat:
  37. cancel event
  38. broadcast "%{rank.%player%}% %player%: &f%message%"
  40. on join:
  41. set join message to "&c>&9>&e>&a> &a%player% &6さんがログインしました! &a<&e<&9<&c<"
  42. set player's gamemode to adventure
  43. execute console command "/playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  45. on quit:
  46. set quit message to "&e%player% さんがログアウトしました!"
  47. execute console command "/playsound entity.villager.death master @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
  49. options:
  50. #The command that will be used to execute the kabooom
  51. launchallcommand: kaboom
  53. #The command that will be executed to launch a single player
  54. launchsinglecommand: launch
  56. #The permission needed to launch all players
  57. launchallpermission: skript.admin
  59. #The permission needed to launch a single player
  60. launchsinglepermission: skript.admin
  62. #The speed that all the players will be pushed up at
  63. speed: 5
  65. #The amount of time that fall damage will be disabled
  66. time: 8
  68. command /{@launchallcommand}:
  69. permission: {@launchallpermission}
  70. permission message: &cThis command can be used by people with admin or higher privileges
  71. trigger:
  72. loop all players in world:
  73. strike lightning effect at loop-player
  74. strike lightning effect at loop-player
  75. strike lightning effect at loop-player
  76. push loop-player up at speed {@speed}
  78. command /{@launchsinglecommand} <player>:
  79. permission: {@launchsinglepermission}
  80. permission message: &cThis command can be used by people with admin or higher privileges
  81. trigger:
  82. strike lightning effect at arg-1
  83. strike lightning effect at arg-1
  84. strike lightning effect at arg-1
  85. push arg-1 up at speed {@speed}
  87. every second:
  88. loop all players:
  89. {nodamage.launch.%loop-player%} is set
  90. set {nodamage.launch.%loop-player%} to {nodamage.launch.%loop-player%} - 1
  91. if {nodamage.launch.%loop-player%} is less than 1:
  92. delete {nodamage.launch.%loop-player%}
  94. on quit:
  95. {nodamage.launch.%player%} is set
  96. delete {nodamage.launch.%player%}
  97. on damage:
  98. {nodamage.launch.%victim%} is set
  99. cancel event
  101. command /lb <player>:
  102. permission: skript.admin
  103. permission message: &cThis command can be used by people with admin or higher privileges
  104. trigger:
  105. strike lightning effect at arg-1
  106. strike lightning effect at arg-1
  107. strike lightning effect at arg-1
  109. variables:
  110. {killstreak.%player%} = 0
  112. on death of player:
  113. set {killstreak.%victim%} to 0
  114. if {killstreak.%attacker%} = 1:
  115. broadcast "&7%victim% &ewas killed by &7%attacker%"
  116. strike lightning effect at player
  117. execute console command "/playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %attacker% ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1"
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